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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
f, THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL PORTLANDS THURSDAY EVENING. I JUNE 15, 1905. 11 Entamal at Mia . nMtnrrlca af Portlaaa. Or.. for tx.Mix tUo through lb Ball U aeeoad CUM Blatter. - foatag tor tngl roplf Par S. 1 Jt Sag pauer, 1 cent; 18 ta JO Hf u . to 4 P. cent. - ' ..v -J.MXMBOMrB' . :' .. ... Kdltnrlal , Boon.,.... DkImh Office. ...... Mela tflO ..Mala tuM V TOIIO ADVZETISDK JtZYXUn'TITZ. - Vreland-Bengmr 'SpecHT Advertising Afeacy, ..... :. 1J Kma itlMl, Hw Xorkl fcluuae Build. lag, Chicago, - UBSOlirTIOV BATZS. ' r' '. Tru Courier. Th Pally Journal, ltk Sunday, ,1 fear... 87 W Th Dally Journal, I f J j . Th Pall Journal, with Sunday, Bjooths. " Tn Dally Journal. montha I-BO Th rwi. Wn.l lik UnnJav. 1 aaoatha. 1.88 . . Tk Dally Journal' 1 months .1.30 ' . Tb Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 swath.. - . Thm flail .uw , JJImha. Hutulaf - include...V.....V....... M J Tb D.tly . pr wk. duvred, Sunday A excpt4 ................ .10 'Tarma By Hail. 7t: Tb Daily Journal, with Sunday, 1 raVr.$J.(M Tns Dally Journal, 1 raar 4 8.00 Tba Dallr JonrnaL with Bonder. 8 moats. 8.78 Tho Dallr Journal. months..,,.,,...,... I. To r 1 1. 1 t . . . . i i... . . a . i mi " I 1 .WID.I, W,l BtfHHC, Wlwi Tha Jially Journal. I months . l Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday, 1 man Ik.. .63 Tba Dallr Journal, I montk -"0 Tha Sunday Journal; t yaar. .............. 1.00 Tha Sunday Journal, a months 1.00 k.. -'-.-- Tha Baal-Waaklr Jnanaal. J ; Tha Semi-Weekly Journal, to IS sagas ' . ,.i '.; each laaue.. Illuatxated, full market ra- . ' .. port, 1 year........ .....7. ............. 81-M Remittance abonld ba made by drafts', postal aotea, store order and small mounta ar In j aud -eaal postag '"(a Mm JUUS-SlaU r. o. Bog 121. Portland. Or. ' ' WHEAI TKI . JOUBXAX UI II 701TXO, Tba Journal can Da' found v al at tba followln placaa: 1 -' '. . - BO8K,JHUhoH. Sella-" Co.l W. B. Me Intyre. CHICAGO Paatofflea Kawi tompany; ITS Daar . bora streat. . . DF.NVEK, COLO. Krndrk-k Book BUMoaary - . company, til SaTmteantb atiaat: J. Black. Siitnth and Curtta str-afa. " . Kanhab riTV Van Nor Naacompsnr. ' MINNHAPOUS hi. J. Karaoaufh. M Booth i, . Tbtrd atraat i . . J-3tW0RK.rifT-Brantinn'i, rtilnp amnra. . iil AH A Millard HiMul Nawa stasd; hii-atath '- Btattomrr company, 1!W rarnun atraat. ALT LAK CITY Ktnyon Hotal Nawa standi Barrow Broa., as West Sacond atraat. south. ST. LOUI8 Philip Roadcri BIS lacuat (Usct; B. T. Jatt. ) OIItb atrart. - . ." BAN rHA.SCISCO w; m. Ardlnc, Pilar Hotel Nawa atand, and 1008 Market atraat; Gold. smith Broa., 330 -Suttar atraat, and Kalnt . . fraocla Dotal; roster A Oraar. Parry build-J- Ing; K. Whaatlay. moraabla arwa atand, rfor nr Markat and Kaarnay atraats. BSaTTLB Ralnl-T Orand Nawa atand; W.-1 Rbanka. Hotel rleattla Nrwa stand. ' RPOKANB, WASH John W. Grahast Co. TAOOMA. WASH. -.antral Kawa company; Hotel Tacnma News stand. . . TICTOBIA, U. C. Victoria Book BUtloorr company. r- .-- ..- WXATHZX XpBT. - , Pair weather- contlnuek la tha atatea weat (tba Rocky Boantalna, wltk bnt little rbanaa In tmperaturt. Blmwrra are reportad In north era Montana, tba Dakotaa, Mloneanta, Wiscon sin and Upper Mlchhraa. whll acattertac ralna ba alao occurred In portlona of tha aoutbarn .. atatea. . ., . - - The Indication are (or fair weather la thle dlatalvt- Friday, with slowly rlslna taanpera . ture weat at tha Cascade mountains, eicept u along tha cosst. .. ... . . . . ' J:i MABMAOZ tlCgmES. - ' 'Henry Ksnfman, 2d; Sophie Kline. 18. - I.. A. Porter. 26: Uertrude McPherenh. 24. a--Waltr- L. .Gardiner 36 Kate Hcrrtn. -lS. - I - William O. Aab, 29; Maria Ellen Boater, 23.. J . Tbomaa P. Hoc. M; Mary J. Sloctira. M. .1 Robert H. Hliahca. It- Mar U. RaiUr. 21 M Xaaf ar7 ,2lf Mary- Hloca, . J8, ,1 wafldlnj Cjtrdfc-O.-BtBlth A Co.. WmH Tojton blflf., cor. Fourth and Washing torn. sis. : . , - bibths. . Wt'JJ Jnna 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. TVIIann, 2 Grand arenua, a eon. JIOIKKhl Jane II. to Mr. and Mrs. Joha C. Iloffcr. tVKI Wsldler street, a aon. TF.NdKI. F.N June 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Thlllna : Venaelen, W0 Dlrlalon atreet, a daughter;' " Blk.l.KV Jnne a. to Mr. and Mrs. V. 11 Ink - . ley, 599 Jetferaon atraat, a daughter. . . 1 . , C0BTAOI0PS DIBtABEI. . . " .'.'i rni'SB Jona 1, LouU rruaa, UI front street, meaalea. Hlt'KH June IS, lluale and Kllaahath Hicks, KVVewth and Tag gart srreeta, measles. -8l'IJKISBOKIJiine u; Frank Hpllednhoel, . Twenty-fourth and Reed atreets, diphtheria. . aWNTtiOMKIty Jnna 11. Richard Montgomery. j ljl Vaughn street, varicella. , Tt'RNER Jane 11 Annie B. Turner, aged S3 years, -fa Eaat Nineteenth atreet, N.; canaa, tuherrnhais. burial at Lone Fir cemetery. RIWEUROOK June It, KUa G. Roaebrook, aged 27 years, Pll Clinton atreet; eauae, pseudo . lenkomla. Hurlal at Oreshem, Oregon. T A V K R June IX Mary A -Tayer,-aged -1 . years. 757 Vancouver avenue; cauae. general e-nUttr. Rmial at Lone Fir cemetery. M'tHIKE Juno 11. Tatrlck McOnire. aged 77 r - rears, MO Job neon atreet ; eauae. eenlle de ( hlllty. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. . rKTTJ .VCt H June 11, William B Pettlnger, -. ared Tears. 211 Eaa Thirty-fifth afreet: . oauae Bright a dlaaaaa. , Burial at- Rlver- vlew cemetery. - SMITH June . ticretla Smith, aged 71 yeara. 4Mj nnejmaia atreer: can, chronic ennncar.ii Inn Bill III I a I 1WWe r Ir cemetery. BAKE It June 42. Ueorga Bakar. aaed S4 peaea. in tvitiaawtia nrer; cause, arownlng. Bur " UI at poor farm. -r arm tiz-w cekitxbt. r Slnguj ltravaa $10. Family lota 7B ta 1.ioo. Tha only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and ceres for Iota. For . full Information apply to W. R. Meckenele. Worcester block, dty. ' W. M. Ladd, praaldanuJ m i i Crematorium on Oregon City ear Una. near ,81 1 wood; modern, acteutifle, complete., chargea : Adults, children, 2B. Vlaltora a. m. 1a 6 p. m. Portland Cramatloa aaeocUtlou. Portlaod, Oregon. -1 Tha Edward Holtnin Undertaking enmpany, funeral directors and ambalmtra. 220 Third airaek Phone 607. Z 3. P.' Plnlee at fvn, funeral directors and emhalmera. corner Third and Madison atreets. " Office of county--coroner. Telephone Mala A. Puneral"wrestha abd cot flowera a apedally i fat Roae City Greanhonee. Twente-aecond and cast Morrison, opp. cemetery. , . Clark Broa. for Bowers. 2MB Morrlaoa -atraat. BUILDWAV PEAMITii, , DFK;VI June U. Adolph Deknm, repairs to dwelllnA, Myrtle between Twenty-first and Ta-erty-aeeond atreeta; coat, M0. - C'OHNRLH'H Jnne 14, Dr. .-Cornelius,- repairs to dwelling, 71H Wagner atraat) coat, Mt. '- Hrt.MB June 14. R.- HUlme. cnttagav Urand I ever. tie between Wygant aiuVAIberta streete; ; coat, $l,r0, flTtKKB June- J4,-Wr-R.:-flrolrna' A-fw.rtWo dwelllnica, Northrup between Twenty.flrat and 1'wiitT4Hena4 reerr coat, B.9no. ' KI:U-iHJi June 14, V. 1. Kellogg, dwelling. Kaat Ninth between East Ankeny and Raat Bnrnaido. atreets; coat, $1,KW). Dl KINKON Jnne 14, Mr. IMcklnaon, cottage, , . Kaat Davta between Ea.t Twrnty-'nluth and Kaat Thirtieth atreeta: coat, 11.2"). J)t KKIIKIMKH June 14. Pnrkuelmer A Co., alore hulld'ng. Klfth between Oak and Pin ' strntiT; coat. 1 14.000. RIAl EBTATB TBABIFIBS. - . r R. M. Carver and bnehand' to M. Beck er, lot , Mock 1, hfrerdale Tract.. ! Phoenix land company to Arleta land .. . enmpany, lota M. M, Arleta Park....; Arleta lisod company ta J. W. Btlgrr, lota M, SB, SO, block B, Arleta Park No. 2 . t v ....... T. W. R.JOndVn and wife to M. A. pa 818 ' Bollinger, Iota 23, 14, block 2. Eden. ' dele t'j. US . C. Crawstwn and wife h f, W. Rdwarda. aoqlhweat H of Inmthenet i, northeaat H at aouthea.t and aotrth ' ' U nf southeast W of an-ilm 12 ' tnwnahlp 1 annth.i range B raat..,,.. J. R. -Wllann and wife to A. Kim tend. Iota SI . Ineliislve. block in. Fteelalor it. O. Wygant to N. W. Tranafcr mm. I S.XO0 .-, paht, lou 4, B, I, block 17. Conch a - ' add... ..... ....... 10,500 If. U Bolbraok lad wlfa to Tha Water TODAYS iViARKETS BERRY SEASON S FAST WINDING IIP Receipts of Strawberries - Are - Very Small and- Demand Heavy Prices Climb. " POULTRY PRICES SLIDE WITH HEAVIER RECEIPTS Young-Spring jphickens FarToQ ' Plentiful tor Demand at Former Quotations,. . froat Ktrat.-Juoa- as The prloolpal fee tore at the Portland wboleaala market today ara:r- .-, - " , ; Strawberry aeaasa la eloata.- : ' : t'herry crop la ery light. - - .' " - Pouluy Barkrt 'slides downward. : Kcg ara coming ratker freely, , fheeee la lower with Barket weaker. ' 'Oregon potatoea coma mora fraely. ;- Cabbage la plentiful and lower. Two cars oranges ;. car bananaa. ; tt Veal recclpta ara more Ubaral. ' , netr rnrnr fwmin ner Karly barlry being cut. ' ., Dullness In wheat and fjour. " Strawbarrt Saaaoa li Closing' the trawberry aeaaon haa ably-Just begun la Oregon but ncTertbelesa tha aaaaon la now about t dose.- Reports as to tha total crop of strawberries bar a been rery tuuf lining . but from conditions lu tha Portland Backet It 'la not eellewd that the' total crop of tba atata will -reach mora. than a half of tha 'normal. Tkia coimUd with tha fact that there b) a Terr beary demand ruling . for berrWa on account of tba large number 01 Tisnors aa ioe uorw u . i nu n tu.w .inwiirriM now nrai ante compelled to b np ahont mmnignt nl IhaT arowrrs when they com to towu, Along Vront street tha supplies, even during tha first days of the scaeon. were never so limited aa today. In tha wboleaala district tha few berries being received ara firmly held at 8 and Be per one-pound box. for tha beat atocka. Even tha quality of theea anuut ba compared With that of previooa yeara. ' ,- - Cherry Crap la Par Shart. - For charrlea tha. market Is a trifle quirt at tha moment. rsecetpta Juat" now -ara quite liberal but. It la not believed that, tba run of fruit to market will continue aa heavy aa now. Heporta from various aectlona all agree that tha fruit -waa considerably damaged lata In. tha wtnti-r. Quality of cherrtea ta not of the bear and hera U very wide jange U tba ruling Values. . . . ,. -' -- Paul try Jlarkat alldaa Pawhward J 1 . Recclpta of poultry - -are enormeua today. Toung aprlngs ara coming to market f eater than ever and demand la slower. Tbla . fcaa not brought about by there being a lack of In quiries, pricea "being tba only thing lu lbs way of a very active market. Poultry haa been far too high -all --through- tha present season but this wsa brought about by tba smaller receipts. Young springs are a drug em the market at.formrr'valuea aud today tha flgurea were cut considerably. - Quite a heavy, amount of -tha smaller birds waa carried, over from yesterday. - ' - v '" " " ' Tba egg market la filling fairly atrong with receipts qulta liberal today.- Pricea range between ISVk and 10c "per doaeh, both quoU " tlona being general lodsy. v- -. --- ; - JBheeea Ta tawar With Markat Weaker. Xh? cheese market la lower today. Recelpta ire showing a eonaldcrable lncreasa " knd tdt Tha caiiry jiiAtev wtarket, aMhnuajh nn- Changed in pcU-e. Is showing addedweakneaa and soma dealers are slashing rallies. Country store butter continued ta -find a demand from tba outalda and prlcre ara firmly held, ' Bap Van Perm "a Comblna. 'Headed by. Conrad Krebs. the Salem dealer in bopa, tna bop men ot inuepeouence nria a meeting yesterday afternoon and - formed , 1 comtHiie. There was no effort Bade to sTop the poollag of Interest but Mr. Berneteln of BetaaUIn at Cohen, tna firm empioyea. to get out the recent Injunction In this city, were willing - to add their sarTcea, - Tha- meeting waa fairly -well attended but there la a disposition- among tha " growers to hold them selvea aloof from any pool, many ft them suf fering In. recent yeern, as a reaolt of going Into snch organlaationa. It Is tha purpose of Mr. Kreba to form a combination of tba hop grower- of the entlra Pacific coast In. aa effort tn hold the market to a very high point In the meantime there era ru mora of mem ber of tha former poo' in this city sliding from under, Mr. Metsler of Beavey A Mots Irr of tbla city, saying that he has purchased a number of hairs from men enppoeed to be In the late organisation. Today tha hop market waa quiet, with dealers--willing to purchase around IB and 21c. but none eared ta ge higher than th f laure. If anything, the mar ket a Irtf te weaker. -Tr.-- '. ' Vaal Receipts Mora Liberal. , Recelpta of dreseed eal -were mora liberal today along Front streat but tba market ruled quite steady from S to 7c a pound. Dreeavd bog are not arriving very faaL Tbero la a moderate demand at former values. Tnnay'a wboleaala quota tlona aa rtrlaed, ara a follow; Oral. nur and Paad. " d-aJWIBAT Hi'UilusI, HUU" IIU"lei Mweatem uofirRlo: valley, arc EARLET Feed, 823:00; rolled; t23.50Trew 'oRSr-Wbole, $26.00; cracked, $20,60627 .00. PVT - - -H'- j; BYK $1 53 per cwt OAT No. 1 white, $.10.00; gray, , PI.OCR Eastern Oregon patents. $4JI0 $4.r; strslghts, $3.75; esporta. $S.80if3.6o: valley, $4.10; graham, a. $4.00; ;na, $4.44; rye. SOa. $3.00; ha lea. $2.75. MIIXSTI'FFS Bran. $l00 per torn mid dllnga. $23.00: shorta,. country, $22.00; city, $21.00: chop, $18.00. , ! HAT IS. 00; IS.OO; 11.00; HA I 'Itmoiny, vrmameiia valley, rancy. ordinary, ata.uo; eaatern urrgoa, mlied, $12.00; clover, $11.00; grain, cheat, $11.00. Butter, Eggi and P sultry. . BUTTER FAT Sweet. 20c 1 aonr, 18. BETTER City creamery, neat, 21V4e: eeenad grade. 17HO20e; outside fancy, 20021He; orillnary, nv20ei lc. . K(M No. t fret. Oregon, oandlcd. HHej 10c. ; nncandled, IRc. CHEKHE New Full cream, twin, 12t4Q14c; Tonne; -America. - UHfi eastern,. 18tajl4c; California. lSHQ14r: Cheddsr. 14c. POVI-TRY cEl'-ken.. mlted. . J2HSISC lb; hena, J.KalAHe per lb: roosters, aid. lie lb; young, 124II3 per lb; broiler, 1TT2n. lb; fryers, 17i2iie per . lb: ducks, $4.00feB.O0 per do; geese, BflBc per lb; turkeys, 17fl per lb; dressed. tnQJle; ur lb; squibs, $3.5003.00 per do. . Hop. Wool and Hide. I noToulractT'lnOIC"-rtlc: IfjfH crop. zn'Olc lor cnoicc; iuc lor primra aad medium. WOO!. 1805 clip, valley, coarse to medium, l4Hti2Hc; fine, 2H28c; eaatern Oragoa, lV't(22He. ' MOHAIR Komlnal, SOQSIe. :...-. BHEEPBKIXS Shearing, lR'fjaV" abort wool, Jo:tOc; nedlum w&ulLaofaSUt; lnng-waoli B0c$l .00 ech. TAIXOW Prima, per lb. 4C3e; No. t and greaee. 8t2V4e. , CIUTTIM BARK All gradea. 4c lb. HIDEA Dry hides, ' No, L l lba aad an. 194J18M,e per lb; dry Hp. No. U i to IS lha. 14c; dry calf, No, 1. nndrr B lb. )Otc' dry salted hide, ateers, anund. 80 lha or over, BWO BHe; 60 tn 80 lbs, BttMtte; a Oder lh and rows, 8Q8Hc; stags and bulla, sound. 8Q7c; Front J-anf company, S tO -acr J. . . John. I). L. '.- 1 A. Harold to H. M. Rlemnn, k 4, ' block 1: also M S, block 8,' Non pareil add., subdivision lot 8,-ttteiv. r haven Psrk ' JO Port land- Trust company to H. P.. stemler. esat 80 fi-et lot IS. block 13, , Wllllsms Avenue add 800 game to I.. C. Myers hd wife, lot 1,' " block 20. Woodatock i. 858 Portland lione pir canietet to IV Hoi. ' land, lot 64, block DA, cemetery 45 P. N. Aleiander and wife to Vict.- , Ind company, lot 17, block 7.Marck- ; tnont i i. ..(;-.. , r i A. W. Bagley and wife to'M. A. Fair child, lets 17, 18, bhwk'120, falter- slty Park ..1.. TS0 Cet yonr tnsuraAca and shatrsets "t . real state from tha Title Guarantee ft Traat com pany; Cbambar of Coaaarc bulldlag, THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET . . : . ' , Jtny. gptr Liverpool ....SalVd l7d Bnrl Frnnclnco.' 'IS St. ioula. . . .8148 .HV.B KanaAa City...- .78 H '.7JH . .874.. 1 .83 H -.87 HB -$J Mlnneapolla 1.08 Milwaukee) Duluth . .7. KewTork., .87H 1.1 B JV4 Dv)embr, Br cental. 44d4dddd4 lib. IS to 80 lbs. Be: sound. IB to 14 lba, 8(1 Vc; calf, sound, under lu lbaieuc; green (unsalted), ale per lb less; culls. Jc per lb leas; horaehlriea. valteoV each. S1.2ai.7B: dry, each, 81.p0l81.oo, colt htdea. each. SB O hoc; goat skin, eommoa, each, 10O13c I Angara, with woe, on. each. 2Scl$i.00. Praia -aad Vegetable. "'--.--'--';.( . POTATOES best - Oregon.. $1.4001.80; ear Vrt, Minnesota, $I.S5Qil.4S; . Colorado, $1.23; weet. -crated, $1.75; new California, fl.&ott 1.7A; new Oregon, $1:76; gartiela. 81-80. OMONS New Callfoattla, 81-40O1. 78; Teiae Bermudaa, $2.fx); garlic. SillOc per lb. FREBH FUUITS Apple. ultra fancy. $1.60; fancy, $2.00 per' hoi;, new California,- 83.00; cheap gradea. 81.60 -per boa; oraugea, navel." 82.7603.26 per - bo;' - Talenclaa. rl.OUOAUll. . Medlterraueaa tweets. . $2.$ 00 boi; banana. 4ttJ6o lb; lemons, choice, $2.00 boa; fancy, $.1.4)0 bos; limes. Mexican. 6Ac per. 100; pineapples, $4 0OQ3.OU; crautwr !, sastsrn. BH-.tW per hbl;" strawberries.' Wlllamatth valler. .HttUc; Hixd River, ttuc per box; cherrie. California. Wcr$1.00 per box; Oregon, 84l7e per lb; aprlroU, J5mWr; peache, 1.00; plume, $1.26 . per crate; peach, 1.26; plum. $f60; blackberries, 82.00; reap, berries, $1.28 per crate of 16 boxes; eaofa loupe, $6. 03 . 00 per crate; currants, 6c per in; loganberrlea. 6160 per crata nf 24 bole. VEGETABLES Turnips, new, If 23 " per aack; carrota, $1.4oil.60 pet ..aii-k; baeta, $1.60 per sack; Oregon radlahe, 23c per doa; cabbage, Oregon. $1.25 per ' cwt;" - green pepper, 7e lb; . Chill pepper, '18 Olfe lb: oeleet.' per crate; to rn toe. ' Florida. $.1.00; . Calltornl.. ; paranlp. $1.00O1.26r .(tring bean. 8c; cauliflower. California, $1. 7602.00 crata; rhubarb, lOHvc per lh: uoraoradUb. 7t8c paa lb 1 .apaoMlai I "tetlehakaai ntl9e pas do; hothoiai lettuce, 6iU7&c; head, lettuce, 10 per do; graen onlnn 10c per do; aa parigu, 264130c doa buncbea; Walla Walla. 7&$ 83c per box; spinach, 8c per lb; green corn, 80O ioc per a:. peas, z;kuc per to; cucumbers. 76c ner do. DRIED FRUITS Annie., evaporated. 70e per lb; apricot. BHMHc per lb: aacka. Vat per lb leas peache. &2e ner lb: near. per lb; prunra. . Italian, SVt04U per lbs French. SU24U ner lb: flra. California black, 60H per lb; . California white. ner. lb; pluma, pitted, per h; date, golden B per lb; tarda. $1.60 per 15 lb box. , Oroorfa.f V uta. Eta, " BI'GAR Back nasi Cube, $8.10;' powdered. 83. W;-fruit granulated, $3.86; dry granulated, $6.85; beet granulated,. $5.76; extra. C 86.86; foldrn C. $6.23; bbls. 10c: V, bbl. 26ci box, 60e advaac eh aack baals, lean 26e pet. cwt for caah, 13 days; maple, J44.160 par lh. . HONEY liSOl3c. . .. ,- COFFER Package brand. $14.78. - BALT Finn Bale. 2. Sa, 4a. 5. .101. $1.B0; table, dairy. 60. $11.00; 100. $10.76: Im ported Liverpool. 60. $17.00: . 100a, $18.60; 224. $18.00; extr fins., bbl. 2a. Be, 10a. 84 60(86 (hi; bulk. 820 lba, $4.0036.00; jacka. 60a. 63i3ae. SALT Crae Half ground. 100a. pee ton. $7.00; 60s, par tna. $7.00; Liverpool lump rock, $14.60 par ton; 601b rock, $T.oo; 100a. 89 .75. (Above price apply - to isle of lea than ear-M. Car lota -at special price subject to fluctuation.) GRAIN BAUR Calcutta. $S.7BO6.00 per 100. -RICE Imperial Japan., ho. 1, Oof No. f. B4L NewOriJl Bi(t- V4iJLJv 4AsL Crfc ole, BUe. - . BEANS Bman whit. 8C4lc: Urea white, SHr; pink. 3c: bayou, . 4c Urn, 8e; Meiii-an re da, . -- NUTS Peanut, TltCJ Jumbo. fH per Tbl raw, BOIOc per lb! roaated. ; eocoanuta, SAASOc ner doa: walnuts. 14fi1Ae ner lb: bin Jnuts. lOttlziAe per m: birkory nuta, toe per in; rnetinui eatern, iotuinc per to; oraaii nui. 16o per lh; filbert . J50lc-per lb; fancy pecans, 140'5e per lb; almond. 18OI6 per lb. Paint. Coal Oils. Eta. a -.ROPE Par Manila, 14c; atandard, 12Hc( iaaal, 10. c; Hal brand alaal 8c. - COAL. OIL Pearl or Aatral Cases, 300 per gal; water White, iron nnia,- l par gal; wooden, 18c. per gali headlight, -dTO-deg, case, MU. m9 a,t. r- - GASOLINE Sd-deg. caiea. 82c per gal; Iron nn la. xsc per gal; stoves, cases, S4ypee-aai Iron bbl. 18c per gsL BfcMiMB aa-neg esses, 25o per gal; iron bbls, 1. lftHc per gal. TURPENTINE In ae. 80c per gal: wooden bbb, 86a per gar; Iron bbl, 83e per '"WHITE LEAD-Ton" lotaT THeeTlbT BOO-lb lots. tc per 10; leas luu,' ac per 10. - WIRE NAII.B Present base at $3.70. LINSEED OIL Par raw. In bbls, 83c per gal; cases, 08c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, cae 70 per. gal; bbl. 00c per gall ground caka, car lota. 820.00 par ton; lesa than car lot. $30.00 per ton. Meat. Pink aad Previa ions. FRE8H MEATS Froat street-Beaf, steer, Se per lb; pork, block. 74 per lb; packer. T44el per lb; ball. 4i6 per lb; cow. 4Q5c per lb; mutton. SHtt7He per lb; lamb with pelta, 8Hr0c per lb; Teal, extra. U?c; ordinary, c per lb; poor, H83t4e oer lb. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland park (local) hams, 10 to 14 lb. 18tt per lb; 14 to 10 lha, ISM per lb; 18 to 20 lb. ISc per in; cottage. Be per lb; breakfast bacon, lHIRc per lb; picnic. 8Hc per lb; regular short clear, nn- moked, BHe per lb; smoked, 10tc par lb; clear back a, unamoked. BUc per lb; smoked. lOUc per Ih; In Ion butt. 10 to 18 lha. unamoked, Sc id; amoaeo, tec per to; near net ilea, on. imoked, - lie per lb; amokad, 13 per - lb; ii-i'-.-n ci,. OCAITXaRD K.ttl le.f. 10. 10, e 9 ner Ih: 6a. 10HC per lb: 60-lb tin. -lfltc per Ih: (team rendered, 1 10. Bc per Ibf 6a. per lb: tnha. lilt ner Ibt 60. le oer- lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river Mb tall. $1.86; 2-lb telle, $2.60; fancy, l ib flat, 62.00; U-lb fafiry flat. $1.26: fancy 1-lh ovala, $2.76: Alaaka tails, pink, 86t30c; red, $1.60, nominal 2a. tall. $2.00. PISH Rock cod. T r Ibt Oonndera. Ce ner lb; halibut. 4Vc per lb; crabs, 81. 60 per dns: striped bass, 1214c per lb; cstflah. 7 per Ih; salmon, cblaook. B-4&AC lb: steelheada, Sc Ih; blurback, Sc; herring, 6c par lb; eolea Be per lb; ahrlmp, 10c per lb; perch. 6e per lb (had. Be per Ih: roe nad. &c per 16; ebad roe, Soe per b: tiTIrk rod, 7c per Ih; diver emelt, 6c per lb; lnhatera. 16c; fresh marker!, Sc per lb; crawfish. 25c per doa; flounder, 6a par V; atitrgaon. 7c per lb. OYSTERS fihoalwatar My. per gat 12.25: per aack, $.1.75. CLAMS Hard shell, per bog. $2.00: naor Clam, $2.00 per bog. irokoPAK immf a stocks. San Franclanx June 16, Official close, morn ing session: Bid. I - r - Bid". Adam' V.;vr-...$ .07 nnhawk .12'- Montana $224 Midway 1. -1.00 .45 1.16 '.48 nfcNamara .... Belmont North Star .... Rescue - Dlile r Kendall .15 .18 .20 ".78" .17 .20 !i ..71 -.B4 .no. ".!e ... Columbia Mt. .07 .12 .78 Jumbo . . , (told Mt. ...... Jumbo F-xten , Rlack Butte . Jim Butler .... 1-rt.ut ....... .1-. .foiucn Ancut Ton. Kltcn lt. rlliHHay O Hrleu 1 - J - I . I 1. LI. 1- Nevada 1.1 loidcn Anchor .XX Ituhlr Ton .4X .44 .10 : .12 ill. Bull Fro. Diamond field Home ir t..f s t-t a . .00 . ! SAW TBAHCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Ssn Prsnctaco, Juna 16, luteal atocka rloae, morning vawio. Bid. Aak. Contra - OisMa W I"- Muring Valley Water ,; H. K. Oaa a Electric. .t...... tllant Powder .., , .... T.7 T t. 71, ..67-, .. 71V ia 1 .. it) :: l Tn'-. ..ion, 8 67 Hawaiian Sugar Ilmtokea Sugar .............. llntchlnaon Mugar ..... Onomea Sugar t. ....;... St4 10, Alaska Parkere'-i Oceanic Steamablp California Frnlt tanner .... f altforuia Wlnw -. . ....... . . . . Pacific State Telepbn COMBTOCX KIBIXO) STOCKS. San Franchico. Jnne 15. Official eloe. corn ing aennoni Rid-; -r- Bid. 4avg ,,,..,,..$ .nn Potne.-v ........ . .12 t'nlon Con. ... ..4:1 Bullion Belcher r.r ..l Con. Cat. Vo... 10 Ophir .. iMJH'VelloW Jarket.. .12 .41 I Eichetiner ...... ;4 I.m Hale A Narcroaa. j.oA .21 ' rSmrfden 11 falettonla Mexlcku Ande ,. Starling Bate. "w nrk. Inn 16. Sterling market firm; (ioW field Haodatorm Itne Star .r. Cash- Bor-m Vmand, 7.12V; BO day, A.. f REO RUSrlS NW - reported in Wheat Fears Entertained That it Will Develop Into Black Rust Newt Very Bullish. - localities harvesting : - ' Are now purchasing AH ..Option Close! One and Quarter Cents Up High " , Price ; for Next May. ': THURSDAX S WHEAT MARKET. Open t'loae Cloea : Cain Today $ -1 .- .01 i Today ' rlolay ' - W July,. Sept.. Dec... $ .Ml- I .h7U $ .tuo. .H2i s.'IW .82-Tk naHB IFiimlahed by Overbrck. Btarr A Cook Co. Chicago.. Jnne in. Logan A Bryan aay: Raln.r condition orevall over moat- f ' tha wheat belt. Thl -gave tha market a firm atart and foe tin., after the opening ht rang of price waa extremely narruw. Newa was - mostly of a bulllah . nature. Primary marketa report a .better demand for caah both from lite aouthweat and tha north weat. -The strength lu tUti rash markets of the aouthweat we followed by aometblng over la adraoce In their price. Tula caused rather free- abort covering-, and the new from the growlug trrop. fiarureiariy rmm to nortnweat, - was balptul n forcing. price. hlaber. Outside market were rather free buy era. lending color to damage re port. received from theea center. New from toe Borlbwoat was . atartllna. - The- fact that red nl haa now Infected the plant leads up to tne posaii.iniy or it aeveiopmg into ItUck mat: the variety -that was aa fatal to tha eron last year. Thee have been anting altogether- too much rain up there and If any mora of a aerlou nature ahnnl.1 occur to th. .f.p ti. skat- could taaily aaaum runaway proiwrttona. The trength in th cash market, to our mlhde la aulle stgnltlcsnt. St. Louis reports bid re ceived from Texaa polnta of 61.01 for No. t red wneat. presumably from place wnere narveeting la now lu progreaa. This suggeeta dlaappolnt meut over the yield. Th aJtuatlon eem to gather atrugth. . Tba market ralllea easily from all deyreailon. . . Corn Ten aUllied. Per a moment after the opening tha. com market heeltated, but tho. etrength dlaplayed by wheat - and retxirt of a - fair caah demand caused soai short covering nnd. Uttha hi rreaao lu th outside buying. - Th market displayed very little weakness, and -shipment now seem to ba !araa. ,tv Vork raporta -7 loads Jaktn ior. export, ' ; . . .. Oat Sharta Cevar. , -' - Oata received Its atrrne-th, wholly from aym- pathy vrlt corn. Thla Induced abort covering. The-December la .without feature. - Caah .de mand :a not over. Urgent. in provioiona me anoweo jiercer form. . Lee nreaaure waa evident . ind .abort seller were Inclined to cover Today a offtcUl nuukKta: WHEAT. Open. High. - - Low. Close. Mar 1906.8.. $..HA N July..... .wt rPt.J.Z.82Sl IMC .Cl", .7 . .-..R7V4 .824 '' .8314 ....1 )8N. v." Tu7y -.684 A -,61!A Itepi Dec. June-,.., . ,o'4 .80 tA SOt .2 a July.... Septal Oec. .. . . -808, ...... 80 .84 ...28)4 -MESS PORK. July.. Beptjj Oct... July.. Sept.. Oct... .. 1260 ,7 J2o .. 12.80 .. T22 .. T42 T.46 12 82 12 J 12 80 12. W 12-e; 12 OT " 12.06 T 11.80 ; - 12.03 LARD. 7. so 7 aa - T.BO 7.42 7.60 7.52 7.46 . 1J12 SHORT RIBS. ' 7.4T l T.4" I.4H- Julv Kept. Oct.. T.47 T.tH 7.72 7.SS 7.70 7.76 7.70 T.78 7.76 CRICAOO ORAIV CAS LOTS,' Chicago, Jon IS. Oral car lot: 1 - -.- Car, Orade. Et. What 3 - - Corn ....276 6l 26 Oat 137' '81 Ilk- Wheat car today: Minneapolis J3. Ouliith lft leer ago: Minneapolis l, uuiutn zu, Chicago 87, . - . LIVERPOOL ORAIV JtAXXXT. I tverpocl. Jnne 16 t'lnee: Wheat. July. S fi. Vid down; September. 8 7'd, i down: itecemcer, n oika. .a nown. Corn Ju.y. rkt 7T4d, Sd down; September, 4 6!d, i down. . CHICAOO CASK WHXAT. Chicago, Juna 15. Cash wheat; Rid. -Aak No. 3 red No. 2 bard.. No. S hard No. 1 northern No. 2 northern No. 8 aprirtg. 81 '-- 81-08 l.on ....SO- 1 im . R4 111 l.ns.- i.i3 ... 1.00 - 1.1 06 f BIM Ai BHIPMIW 1 8 HMD C7.TAHAHUt.8t L Chicago, Juna 18, 1'rlmary relpttT-"""-- ronay tear Ago - - : . -.' . Buah. , - Buab. Wheat . t -241.0O0 - 814.000 Com ..L.Ttnttintimu r 468,000 478,000 Hhlptoent: Wheat i. 211.000 16 000 Corn 4t7.ono 607.0HO Clearance: Wheat and flour, S2.000 huahela; corn, 4,000 hoshela; oats, 28,000 bushels. SAW TBAHCISCO OR ACT MAKXZT. Sn "rraodrco, June IS. Official morning teaslon: . WHEAT. . " " " . Open. High. Iow. Cloea Deeembr.....l.,T8'i Sl.884 $1,884, 1.364 BARLEY. December..... .W'v .h' .. ..86H .( .884 Wsw Tork Sugar" Jxarkrt. New Tork, June 18. Refined sngsr attutdy; 4 6-10n'pr cantrlfugsl. 11-lfto for muse. COTTON TWENTY-TWO . j- TO TWENTY-FOUR UP J' (Pumlahed hv Overheck. (ttarr A Cooke Co.) New York, June 10. Cotton fllturvs closed 22 to 24 polnta higher. '- Todsy official natrket: . Open. nirh. Iiw. Cloee 7r.v.7. ... son wo hk antxvroi SUI HHO MM) tail fill 13 .......A. 872 V" S72 Wt4'hm fi .ii-. i '". . " i , . mt7ron .-- 1l - .j. sr,s .1( S.-M J.-.I4lW r.Tr.TT7i s.m Ktrr .m Ktwrivi a.. Ms 74 s-17 : nwnn .1....... KM 7 S44 S7H(til , .'Hf2 fi ' HHnYiiS.7 871 HM8 H7" Stl2 , 80.1 KH7 ' I2 MHtyg7 1 Liverpool CotUa. l.lveruool. June 16. -tvttun future closed firm.- i uoinU np. , rrign Coffee Higher. New York, finite 1. llevr coffee,- sdvsnced U. lletnhurg advanced V ' Recvluta: Rio. a.000 page. - Market qul.t with prices 26 nowa natltnw, .. u.p, n.r.ri IRacilT Iowa. Santo. 1Jcm hega, Ms tlth price Bhrnitiged. I i -' ' Hew-Yerk Csh Caffaa, v New York, June 18 Caah coffee: Rio, Tie. No- Santo, SHc . T WALL STltET OOSSIV ,, New fork. Jon 16. The WH Street Jnnr. nal says: The Americans In lndoa sr dull at Vs to H below psrlty. The bank of Eng land ratea ara neckanged. AH crop reporle are favorable. Thera. la a fal demand for storks I tHe loan crowd hut the supply la ampl. Th hanka lost to th euhtrea'anry stnee rrldsy e)4.nno. Twelve Initnatrlsl d vshced 18 per. rent; 20 kctlv Industrial ad vanced 68 par cant, - -. , - , c . J1SH .68 - .62' Uaia-.11 . . '.a. , J1 J .49 .401 , .4tt. . v." ' OATS. - -- - v--- - TannarV . . Kal rtiary , . March .... April Marx June . , . . JhiyTr.77 Angnat .. Hcpti n ber October . . November Ievinber Dealers Fight to Obtain .upplie of Straw-I berries and Prices : Climb; 1 UpEnd 'of 4hlT Season in Sight.' 1 ' . H STOCKS OPEN JID . CLOSE WITH LOSS Wall Street Dull Sales of Half .'. Day . Less -Than HMndred:; '.Thousand Shares. ' .. PRACTICALLY ALL THE -LIST CLOSES DOWNWARD No Recovery Shown in Market at Any Part of. the Session No Late News. . Wall Street, New- York. Juna 16 The stork market waa very, dull and weak today. The market opened lower and fell during tha sea Ion. - r -- , . . Today' afflelsl atork ark4tj- : T ptSC!PTIO!t- Anstxinds Mining Co. Anial. .Oupper Co..... Atchfsou. com T9V, 62 7U44 .7Mv 11 811s -8314 .... 7 Bl Am, Car A a'moidry, e. . . do' preferred Am. Sugar, com...;.,.. 11414 112 1MIA 18414 1H484 112 11144 11N14 11KS auner. ameit., com do preferred .... 1I2W, HMVk Baltimore A Ohio, com.. 10a 114 00 prerprrvd .- Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian fac., com...,. Chi, A Alton, com Chi. . A tL Keat,, com. Chi. MIC A St. Paul... CM. A N. W., com..... I'beaaneake Ohio 4!4 044. 0!l44 161 1611 160 ' i 1N 174 H 11 17414 174 - 1U1 'iiii Wt CuLJTuel 4k Iron, com. . 42 ii a 42 I.., Houlk 00 24 preferred . .. .. do let preferred Dp la are X. Hudson,.". U. K. o!7c,m " do preforrtd Erie, com , do 2d preferred ..... do 1st preferred .... Illinois Ccntrsl ...... loDlarllle It Nashvilla, Me.tronolltanHt. Ry... Manhattan Railway .. Mexican Central Ry.. Hlnn., St. P. Bte. M do preferred Missouri Pacific ...... M.f K. A T., com... do prf erred 1.. New Vork Central.,.. N'octhent Pacific : .. -- so. 1 80 IH14, 181. 1H1 2814 .2714 '4044 08 V 2714 Sit 14 41 no - 7Bi 4IIS4 884 Wtk. 7i IKOW 181 14 loiiv 1i. 14ft 14' 140 14 I4AS;I4614 12214 122)4 . . . . IIH 20 Sua 24 174 167 m 271 821 141 08 14 Z8I4 1 . . 98 14 21 14114 14114 188 14114 ISO It la 1H8 Norfolk A Weatrruf' com 8014 a.l "54 OB 61 141 61 norm , American N. V., Ont. Weararn si 6144 rennayivanta "7 , , P. U. L. at C. (a-.. U8814 1861. 101 14 134, 1.14 tot L. 1111 i? 10114 1011 101 rreaaed -Steel Car, com II i 4 KM 14 88 91 on prercrreti . r. . . . Pad no Mail B. B. Co Reading, rem do second preferred. 1 do flrat preferred.. R-P. Iron A hteel, no di prefVrred . . . , o . , Rock lalaud. com,... do preferred........ Southern Ry.,- com,,, do preferred AoHther Partd.-.-.-.. . do- prof ci red.., 8H 88 4 6 u 14 1714 .2714 1714 2714 271 62 78 81 H 8214 814 6214 SI 14 9714 11014 St. L. A d. P., 2d pfd IV 78 . 22 60 H 82 4 00 lira 1 prererreti. ,t St. L. A K. -W., com., do prefstred........ Teas , . Paclftc, I Tetnttaee Coal- At Ir II T Toledo. KZ L A W. 87 14 66 H ftered rnlnn Pacific, do nrefet red, com. 128 12814 12244 izz4 86 801 Ird 5 V. 8. Leather, Com..., do preferred". -. U. B. Rubberr--aam-fT71 " 4o j"t s rrt?t ,..''. V. 8. Steel Co., com. . do pre ttrred.... ...... Wheel. At Uke Krle. , . nV aecond preferred.., I I'M 87 874 8714 87 irwH 102T 1H2'4 27 li 27 B4 Z7 44 2714 H4 ai IMV4 1614 do first prcferredWn- "i'A twaconain 1 Mitral, com. 2.! 22 40 04Vi 81 22'4 40. tZ 114 00 prererreti W II. Telegraph....." Wabash, com,.,..,,,.,, do ' preft-rred . , , . . f . , R11I ber Oooda. . .1 .. ... . , d preferred 4W - 44 8S an Wt 8114 10114 10114 mis N'l Total rale for day, 188.200 abarea Call money, 24 per cant. B0STQ OOYPER STOCKS. " ' ' Boston, Jon 18 - Official close: Bid. Bid. Adventure A 1 lours .. I 8.t4 Old Dominion. $ 24.60 ZZ.11U l.on 18.00 - 2. 28 815. "0 17.60 Oecenle 92.00 Arcadian .... Atlantic Bingham .... Ca luroet ;'., rentenntal ... Copper Range, ltely Weet .. Elm Oranby Parrot Phoenix ...1.60 l.oo ... noon ... 1L26 ... 7.00 ... 106.00 (Qulnry Royal ....... mhannon ..... M.26 12 76 Tamarack .... frrlnlty 7 78 2S 76 28 78 44 .28 9 .26 -108.00 2.00 B.0214 22 l"0 7.76 12.26 40.75 Cnlted Copper. II. S. Mining.. Itah Winona Wolverine . ... Mlreena ' Maaa Michigan .... Mobahk ..... rew yorz corrli market. fc Srw York. June IB. ?of fee- f ul area-closed 1 15 p4nl nt higher. : ' . . Today' official enffe market: Bid. Aak.l-- - Bid. Aak Juna .... July Atiguet . . September rt 2.1'Oecemher. ... 76 t .SO :to so lanuary .H6 6 46' February 8.48 Ml! March . S.68 S.OHIADrtl ... d 78 8 MS t NJ enn 6 90 8 98 0.96 7.04 October November . . B.nS 8.70!May .... Total aalra, 49.670 bag. PORTTAaD BAVK STATIMERT. riearlrg Balance .7. .....ltn.is7.i9 .....x. 48,271.48 PLUMMER SAYS VEAL CALVES ARE FIRM Stocky arda Of ficials-Speaktv-of ConditionsGood Demand at Five Cents. Portland Vnioa- Stackyarda, Jon 15. Live- slock receipt: CHle. ( 6KI - 176- Bbea, .. 178 . 1.2dO Today '. ,. Week ago-... . so Prevtoua .week . Jltmtb ago. Aa error Wa made yeaterday when It waa announced that veal calvee were very dull and wek." aay 8ccretry lliimmrf.. "The fact of the matter la that there I a good ruling dmsnd for all vel calvee that come, with the price ruling at 6 rente. All that cotut be taken eaia of -et th ta 4 ist' a, ' ' - Th hog market I eid-l. the same fotull Hon rnllug In rattle aud sheep today. Official pricea ftar II restock: Itiara Best esstern On-gon, 86. 7618.00; blockers Slid Chins fsts, 8&OU45.26, stuckrr and feeder 84.Ki(4.2S. Cattle Heat eaatern .Orrgo ateera. 11 Wtt 8.76: light and metllnm steers, A'4.26i 10; old and light -owa.-8l.7r42.ou; 1ot'kers aud rt-edera, 1.73: null, . Sheep Heat fancy ahem, 83.00: i-e."I2.75: spring lamb: 44J.414C Calvea-Mlnod veal. 160 to 2"0- pound; 8c; rough nd hsy,.84tl4c. . -1 lABTEllf TI00I tTROKO. Chicago, Jnna 15. Llveotork receipt: . Hoga. Cattle.. Sheep. Chlcagn '..,. . t.mwi 14.Aii Kaneaa City ,14.onn '.5.(m... j.OHO Omaha . . . .n 8.000 , 1.60O Hogs opened strongs Receipts a yesr sgo were 26.000.' price today: Mixed. OS.?! 6 40; good. ' 86 n'djS.40; rough, ft. .767X5.101 light. 16.204J.V40, J sttle Stesdy,. !St. : x : Sheep Bteadt - .-..-. Ws traa.t'wucecgnfullr nil prlvt tier, voug and cnjonlo dlaeaned of man. ali f -beeee.-aHetrnaohr fcrtllvrv k'divay artJi. - throat troublaa. W; cura Blf fiili.1 -(without .marounr) to star durad for-, aver. In $0 to $0 daya. Wa remova STHICTUBE, without oparmtloo or pain. ir 16 day. s Wa stop) dralna. tha.raault' of alf- aouso. lmmexllatelr. w can reatora in t" sexual " vlaor of anw man under 60 br means of .local . traatmanl peculiar oursehvaa. ,- .j. , - We Cure 'Gonorrhoea in iC Week Th doctor of thin Inatltut ara all rgutr graduatea, hav had many Tears' axjiorlenc. hav been known 1 11 rvrtiand for Ik yeara, nav a reputation . -to maintain, and wUl undertak no caatfc-fy ' unless certain vura can u. .iiejira. - we guarauro a cura in ovary case wa nntlertaka or charge no fa. Consult. Hon fro. Lttr. co'ifldantlal. Inntruc tlva BOOK FOR MEN mailed ,fra In rtlain wranoar. . W our th worst easa of plla Ih two or hr traatmaqtav without Opara tlpn. Cure? guaranteed. ' if you catnot call ac omc. wruo To -cssaiuu - OITlc hours, f to I and T to t. Sunday and holiday, JO to It. g DR. W. NORTON DAVlS & CO. " Offlce) In Vn Nop Hotal. 68 H .Third Street. Corner Pin. Portlarlj. Or. CLAIRVOYANT "is ir r .aI J mviJTixurncnw ALWAYS CONSULT - THB BKhT. r Other com 'and 8"-'. hut Via Cortland ramilni. ja- PROr. YAM CORTLAKD. . -180314 Waahlngtoa at., corner of fifth. THB MOM K NT YOU BNTKR HIS PARLOR HB WILL TKI.L YOU YOIR Yt'LL N AMR, AOB, OCOCPATION, YOI'R- ' MOTJIK1C8 MA10RN NAMR. AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WIIX MARRY and what yon called for, without asking a aueetton;- will tell the name of your eweetheart or anything yon- waat to know. H and yon away much wiser nd happier tba,-h yo called. - - rrtr nor. tar. cortlaxs. enc C,V' Sara Tear-in fortland. --'' th OHt. 10814- Waahlngtoa t.. .. Tifth ,il wanuigua si. Painted Shingles , Advantages gained by using bur . machine. Shingles ara palnled lhrrtr wnen try, tout forcing paint Inter all th porea. - render- J in; , them tenrorrf.Thltr pF0vnB t Ji" 'wr" nail from rusting, or th ahingle from warpln, or rottlna; off under th lap. -They can be laid U to 14 Inch nearer to th weather than other ahlnglan and atlll Rlv better natlnfnction. Th paint uaad I majt tifacturetl wolely hy-ti and I eepa clally adapted to protect roof from mint and fir. It contain no creo aote or other-Ingredient Injurious to tin gutter; Our modem procea enable u to paint tem all over cheaply aa you can paint a few . lnr-rya on th roof. We invite ym to eit r vrur-rn?-tory and nee for yournelf the merit of our proce, or phone your d dren and our repreaentatlv will call and glv you full particulars. . .- Black Diamond Paint Co. Offlca and Factory, E. (th and Main, rhon Bast, 3374. Headquarters for Stockings . nnd Trusses m LAUE-DAVIS DRUQ CO. Third and Yamhill Sts. BAKER IS PREPARING TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH (Special Dispatch t" Tk Journal. ; Bnker City, Or.. June 15. Tho Fourth Of July committee on arrangement met last night and after an - enthunlaetlc meeting decided to celebrate th Fourth of July in Baker City on a large scale. Preparation for an .extensive program ar being completed.-'AirT)r the Adjoin ing towns. Including Bumpter, Haln, North Powder. Pleasant Valley. Durkec and Weatherby will be Invited to take psrr1n-'ther--r'elehTntlon; One of "the pedal features looked forward to I a grand oration by United States Senator Charles W. Fulton. All of th local lodges and uniona hav been Interested In th matter and will take part In th exercises -of tho day.-- Prle will b of fered for rt h beet features tn -th parade. , TWO MINERS ARE IN PRECARIOUSCONDITION (Special Dl.patcb to Tb Jodrnsl.) Tiuker City. Or. Jun IB. Th two miners who wer victims of yesterday's explosion st the Humpter mine wer operated ou last-night and art In a precarious condition. '" ttm4tMvf on eye and the other will duubtlens bo'tost. Bourh will probably loa both ya. Th men are otherwl badly Injured and their rhanrea for life ara alight. They wer drilling In the aids of a wall and - atruclt- an- unexploded charge ; of dynamite. . " - - ..-.-j- ... .. ..: .. v ' j..rssh -1 OVERBECK, STARR ft COC'.fB CO. ' 'Mimban Chicago Board Of Trd ,.' , .- -r" -- .,; . osAiaT. rftOTxnovs, ooTrosr,- arocxa ajtb aotna. Itt Third Btrt. McKay Building. Portland. Or. I WS DO A aTaU0TI.T C Oat all 101 Bt7IJrT-S. Contlsunn Market by Prlve Wlrax Oulrk Pe-vt. P "Cyr." ' JUton. paAt. aa4 LallaJ fctawa tSaw&ai Cami ! i vt. WEEK' . - to - " - ejuaatlon blank. Horn trcatmaat OoirOatKKOZA, olxkt, mwntM, RYDROCILI,, X.OBS OA " MABTXOODt BXXTJAtATISlC, XORXXA., , ABTXACA and ICI BIBaABM. W - want every man afflicted with tba abov dtneaSe to 'honestly Inveatlgat our special system of treatment. W In- ' vita In particular 11 who hav treated ' 'elsewhere . without success.- all whoa caaea have been abandoned' by family ..... phyalctans and no-called 'VPBOXAVZr IBTB," all who trouble have been aggravated and made worse Dy tn ua . ' ' of aaitTsv ran baitxjis, tauaz. e-- TKBATaUim and so-called BnOlT- ' I0B. ,. Va will explain-to yon why snch treatment ha failed td cur you.' and' ' will. demonatratB to yqur-entlra satis i- -faction that w can cur -you safely, quickly and permanently, Our : etransel"'" will eost nothing, and we will do by you as we would- wish you to do by us If otrrrases wer reversed..'. Writ for our , ' .home treatment tf you cannot call. - - The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms and 7 Wlacatr Sons, S4 jud Bnrnald ltrtv Portland. Ox.'-. -ZstaMlshsd 1B78. c. a EE WO . -Tha Qraat Cbmesa Doctor Is calledr srraat . ' - Can bis wondarful . 7 cure are o -well known": throughout th-7Jn1ted Stat, ' and because many "".people are thankful to him for aavlna thlr lives from OPERATIONS H treatk any and ,. all- disease with powerful ChlntM . davba. roots, bud. " bark itid gbl -, J that ara entirely un-.t" 4i afanraau.i. known to medical clenc In thla coun- ' try, and through th t' of thaw harm lea remedies. Thla famous doctor knows th action of. over 600 different remedl that h ha successfully used In different -dlseasaa. H guarantee to cur catarrh. - -asthma, lung trouble, rhevmattam, ner. vounea, stomnr-h, tlr. - kldny,- f-. mat trouble and all prlvat dlaa. Hundred of testimonials. Charge moderate-. ' Call- and-nee blm. coaratrLTATToar rasa. Patient out of tha city write for blank and circular. Inclos stamp. Ad. dres - THE C. QEE WO CHINESE7 ; MEDICINE CO. 6l Alder street' Portland, Or. Stair way of 261 V Aldr atraat ladg to of flc. Mention tbl paper. taHHBaaaBaMMMMaMaBiBaBaBaBBBaHBBaai - DR. GUtUJ'S - BLOOD 1 NERVE TONIC A TABLBT TO TAKB T alBAL TTJf BL - ActJn a th Batad and Nan H raalae Bta l Vm OiM, Ovarwark ar OtipUa. .""to Oaln fifth jwAJtrgngft t ss W4-. '- ta-1tKISv Wlrnt fnm 4 eg Casta. r Croat Aerv fere, - 7e I m proof te alavaara T fo 0rr Sptllt. ft 6r Hmlthi 8eea, . To to Mlnflmf la Cava ft Mo L Iff Aetltt. -ft Curt Klilntm Ditw. ft Ktmttt Urtr gaefa. fs H okt 8kln Cttort 7 Cars Pyapeaxf - BHiott a ConttlFatit. SOLO SY DRUGGISTS. OR BY MAIL ON R EC HPT. ' Of PRICE, 78c A BOX; S BOXES St. ' DR. BOSAkTKO OO. yRILADRLPHUL. . EvorrWc.: FOR BALI BY WOOSARO, Scott's Santal-Peb CepsL'cs A POSITIVE CURS For" Tn Saieettaa or Oatarrh of tb Biad.l.r and Tlisesssd Kid. leys. 001 itnohly aad eys. OUBt f . Care I perm ermaaeotiy th worst rasa off aaa ad 3lee. a stattae of how log staaxung. Akselately harnlea. Bold by draggts. lHe M O, er'hr stall. paid, tun, a bos, la.7. TKESAXTAL-PtKJCj. Waedard. Clarke A C. SU.-aE'GUfiE FO.V PILES hi'ima Ma neoduoeaaetefr said saaa ixnlne Bt-Hi. as. a wL sa MilaoL Blssdlns oe rrotrmdio tl are ottewi o or, soianto e-tts) ataanooya w.nn iiAhin. a4 tuaodin. Abeovbsttianors. Aoe af jaraadrusstattsaveaat sy naatl. -iTttaataerraa.wniat Im aaoul twiaa. Dll.lKJ8.aSao, raiik., j tUbliahd 1IA , WMXAt AltP BTOOt BAOX1U, r atnnra , romng floctr. ' - - 4TfJAMaalaV Of OO aCJCSt C. - JVIJI! .1 - " 11 - - " "- 1 jtjs rt.MVAMi a as utiusaiau ana snout a a bow A iMrW-VlIa -.. about tha wondarful PMRwl -MARVf- TWrliiBj Spray ll' VSVSifyt'l Tb new TarkMi yrk, toj. V SC.ASJv L fewawd i-rM.. lla4 ftaf. Xk vNVTfi:w -Moat Coavavttant. N-T"'!". "f 'sais laetsauy. aakvaawaratatatlsett. Sx- Ljete-1 It be cannot supply th MkRVKI.. aocept BO r4.-''':KrffW outer, but and autran for a if.C' llliuiirated hook La. ftgrv . fJT full particulars end dtrectinn in. tt.f. M valuabl to latlica. M 4 ft tea, r. fL-ii-m - 44B.4lTk87loaiL ar - , clabxi a ec If- . Mku?' .Tar 81 hy