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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
-t-1 ' i . t " : HORSES THAT: li AYE WON BIG FOJtiiES Up toJ Last-Ytarr but., Fifteen i ... Horses Had Won Over one . "Hundred Thousand. DOMINO LED JTH EL VICTORIOUS BUNCH Coming Young Horses Will Have - an Easy .Time Accumulat- Ing Wealth for Owners. Up" to laat year but 15 horses had won $100,000 tr mm on the American turf. These horses ana ine nmoum wn by. them were: . Am't Won. . .'0l,300 Horses. iximino .. , Kingston.. tflr.' Walter Race'lahd "Hanover V . -, . . . 142.6 124.C9& ,ti.u,;i: .'.120,120 ' Kalvator JUIaa Woodford - 11,70 J'otomao , ........... ...... .-w. 118,60 titrathmeitb , . . . . t . , ...i , ' banquet . .TT. '........... ' 11T.J4A TmS4njf! , -.....-..'.:..,. ltT,4 Xlrensl . '....4....... . Mia Highness ............. 115.SJ2 'Lxjbbins . 114.J71 "Journument ,. J 09.007 , Last year another horse, still In train ing aodltable to- win mote big race. "passed over the 1100,000 line. This wua .Africander, with . total of 1101.246 umasned. fn the course of three-Tears of 'ravin. Hard after him, but not quite -. up 'tithe highly coveted mark . were Ixrlhl and Irish Lad. with Major Paln irerfield well In stunt. When Delhwon ; the Brooklyn handicap 7-ecehlIyrne also won the distinction of membership In the select (100,000 division, with a total '"r"","lf lM-n,lf' I,, having to his credit U6,416 won. Delhi is. a splendid 4-year-old, as sound aa a. bell, t in grand form, and being heavily engaged. can hardly fail to greatly increaae his wlnnlnga tn the . - course of his 4-year-old campaign, and may easily -exceed Kingston's figures. If he . should emulate Klnley Mack'a - ureat feat and carry -off the Suburban ""his wlnnlnga would only then be sur- ' passed By those At Domino -and Klrig , ston.. Even If he should fall to win the Suburban, he is engaged In ' neanyvry . eastern - stake for . 8-year-olds and' over worth winning,, and It will bo- mighty hard to. keep- him- from .capturing . his due share of-them."-'. i- As a game horse as ever . carried a 7 saddle, Irish Lad needs to win but a paltry 760 to become another member. 1 JJIe- latrainin -eacouranlngly-and It Is merely; a- tnatteeof hls standing "the " strain of a few more races, that la-necessary-to assure him -that' money arid- more. Major Unlnaerfleld's chance is not so obvious. He has won so far . I89.J20, and Is fleet en6uKh and sound enough to amass the sum requisite to pass him over the 1 100.000 line, but, un- - luckJJy, the Major does- not enjoy racing any more,' and unless' he takes. a aud- - den notion Into his roguish horse mind to do bis best when contending for aomt 1 llg stake. 1 Mkely toj-emaln close jip, -tt'iif nnt Cln.a j-nnUffYr" 'At " .lia and 1)1. last year Hermls had won IS0.710, and it did not seertr-trnrensonable t' hope .J.hjJLJie-jmlghwl62t.e-mcTNrlefbr(!i his retirement, but so unfavorable have been reports concerning him thatltla very dubious prospect now. .7 . But there Is how -In action, -or soon to appear In public, a number of splendid young horses that have already won so much 'that freedom from the mischances that send ser into obscurity is about all that Is required to give them a great chance to earn the fame of having won 6100,000. Without entering Into particu lars of -their performances. It la suf- - ftclent to call attention to the winnings of the following: Am't ..." Ilorse. "; Age. Won. Beldame 4 $76,720 Stalwartv 4 Mi Ort Walla 4 (9.873 . Broomstick .'. v. 4 42.860 The Picket 66.910 Tshya-. i-7VFTTTT-r70,21 6 Art fill ."t..4...:.. S ,7,806 And there are othera with' all sorts of possibilities,' auch as- Tradition, Olseau, Syaonby- and English Lad, for Instance. - . - RUNNINGRESULTS- 0N THREE TRACKS (Joaraal gpeelal Serrtce.) Seattle. June 16. Reaulta of races: -Four and half furlongs Miss Spo kane won, Smller second,, Santee third; 'time,"0:6. "" . '"L".. tlla fuilung1 iltllas thlrd' Magnet second, Lillian Ay res time, 1:14 H. Five and a half furlongs Yellowstone won, Huachucs, second. Sub Queen third; time. l:07i. , ' -l . Five-furlongs Ldy. Bimbo won, Rose Lieaf second. Wager third; time, 1:001. Mile Exapo won, I'lloa second, iCI Verracco third; time. 1:4H4.- --r;-;.- Mile Crlgll won. Eleven Bella second. Auto Hood third; time, 1:40 fc. ' At St. XWlUa. St Iul. June 16. Delmar race re- i Mile ldy 8ellers won. George T. second. Fortune Teller third; time, 1:4. , Sl furlongs Sorreltop won, Al Blsck ', second, - Gallant Cassle third; time, 1:17 1-6. - - ' . -. Six furlongs Dave Sommera 'won. aM II ,. - - . ' t ' 4 ' i, . i 7t I. VA'' j; n -v ' ii, Y. ll lTr- a Aaarea second, Lansdowne thirds time, 1:17. .Vr.-W- , .. .- . rTMUe mai sixteen Jack :Young won, Footlights favorite seconu, nuj Ton third: time. 1:60 1-6. Mile Rostor won, McDeceiver second, Nettlns- third: time. 1:4. - - Mil ana :a.yarU'-IjjJr wontlrcora ilon second, Trlstrsw "Bnanuy Hiiro, Xlme, 1:47. " ' . .-11 4 Oravaeeod.- New York, Dune Is.Thla ws-fU away day at Gravessnd. Results: About six furlongs Marjoram won. Incantation second, Hoseben, .third;, time, 1:10. ...-.' . Mile and a sixteenth Isard won, Novena . second,. fronta - thlrdf time, 1:4s I. The Myrtle stakes, mile and 70 yards Jarquln . won. Oold Tan second, St. Vslentlne third; time, 1:44 J-. Five furlongs Ambitious won, Speed wsy second, Lawaonlan third ; .--"-time, I.0J 1-6. Mile and 70 yards Mansanillo won; Don Royal seoond, Maxmillan third; time. 1:47. .'. DELHI FAVORITE IN THE SUBURBAN " " (Journal SiwcUl Burvlce.) New-York, June 15. The Suburban handicap will be' run this afternoon at Bheepshoad Bay track. . AtthouKh '. but 33, horses are scheduled to stsrt the class of the entries Is the highest, and a most Interesting. : race . ( expected. Delhi, carrying1 top. weight, and the Keene .colors. Is the favorite, and the following horses' will dispute thetdls- jfcnro for, the 120, 0V0 purgfe Starters, Jockeys, weight and betting: Delhi (Burns). 124 1 to 1 Beldame (O'Neill). 123,..:..... i to 1 Klmt Uainn ( KtMiker.r 11 , y-r T Knsllsh Lad (Nlchol), 1 1 ...... 10 to 1 Bad News td. Kelly). I16v.Vn-.10 to 1 Alan-a-Dale (Lyne, 1 12 .14 to 1 Oraxlallo' tOdoro . 1 10. ........ 16 to 1 Abdell (I... Smith), 10 to 1 Proper (W. Knapp). 100. ....... . to 1 M1"S Crawford tUalrd). 100.... 60 to 1 Ostricb (Crtmminsf, 2 ......... to 1 Jacquln J, J. Walsh). 100,...,20 to l WILLIAMS SCHOOL - ARIrlKH)FFlufHTS The "Williams boys defeated the Highland -team Tuesday; at Twenty- fourth and Vaughn streeta. by the score of 17 to 10. -Ferguson's fielding was a feature of the game. This was the last . game of the Public School league, and the Williams avenue team well deserves Its' place at the. top. The girls of the' school held a candy aale and rmaA -niifthmntiey n n. able the bbyaTo buy their jiuits, which gives them-'a fine, appca-ecmce "on the field, ,. The lineup:.. . . . W. A 8. - , - Highland. Williams...'. e .Crebs McCllntock... d. .Shutt Adamki Nirtge...... aar McDonald Ferguson.,. p ........ ..Hastings Ji:i' pu' Young ...... Hlckam tC.)..'..H,,l1J . . . x., .TV. . . . . .Hill Norby. ;..'.'... "2b ...Mitchell . - . - ' - i Si ova 11 . vv.;; cf . . ; i Sandy Waller.'. . . . . . . ... rf Wiser The standing of the clubs follows: Williams . . , ..760 Ockley ,(3reen.. ...v...1". .667 Thompson . . . ....',. . .7. . . . . . ..... .600 Highland t. . . . V.-t ; .....".. . .167 " PACIFIC COAST LEACUeT" mm I! CLtBS. Tacnms "'. . ..... Haa FrsnrlsVs . Ux Anseles .. . Oakland ...... Ht-aiU ........ ut ,!..' aj-ii-jSiiiriK'T i a 12 nil 41.. 2i S 12 III! .M-H 10 4 ..1 8. Hi ii .04 4' Ti T..r7 61 n .4t'S Tf. T! T 4,.. i Ji :i .H 3jlj4i it. A X .!M 2;32;.'8i:." :w u4 T.: Tig-era Win Zaslly; . (Journal Hieelal Service.) -Seattle, Wash., June 16. Miller was hit safely 14 times yesterday and Ta coma won an eaay. victory. Keefe was Invincible; Score: : R II E Seattle .'.1 0 00 000 0 0 1 I Tacoma . 00200220 1 T 14 2 Batteries Miller and Frary; Keefe no Mosklmaa Kit Hard. -tJoania-Spretsr gerrlce.) Los Angeles, June 16. Mosklman was touched up In lively Jaahlon yesterday by the Angela and thaJioroiLlenm had no dlfflcully in winning. Score: ' R HE Los Angeles . . .1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 ' 0 Oakland . ...". II 0 0 S 0 0 0 02 7 0 Batteries Graty and Spies; Mosklman and Lohman. . , .- - Moffatt Sryke Beeord. Jack Moffatt broke" -tnr link gnlflnr rarnnl t 76- itiHkiiix the rounds In 74 yesterday. Tester- day'a acorea were:- George Smith, Oak land, 7 and SI? tot4 167; R. Johnson, San Francisco, 78 and 81. total 169; A. Bell. 175: San Francisco, 90 and 86. total"! L. Jacobs, Spokan, 90 and 89, total 179; J. Moffatt, Portland. 74. and Harvard Def sets Oolnmbla. (Journal Special SerTtee.) Csmbrldge, Mass., June 16. Harvard defeated' Columbia at baseball yester day by the score of 6 to 1. Coburn, who- pitched six Innings for Harvard, struck out 10 men and allowed only one hit. Matthews made a sa4UiU every time at bat. -Preferred Stock Oamned (roods. Allen A.Lewis' Best Brand. FID ff ff , . U Uty LU LU to Somebody The-handsornesfChina" " Cabinet and Silver Set evt!i imported to Portland. prie coupon with each : 50-cent purchase. ' .. J, ... , .... i Contest Ends July 1 I Oregon Importing Company -Phone Main 380, 195 3d St. SEALS FIND JONES " FOR SECOND CAME . . - ' Portland Unable to Connect With c Henley When Hits Meant; ' Business. . (Seeelsl PUpstcS te Ths JooraaL) Fan Kranclsco, wJ.une 16 Jonea was unable to keep hla cuiyYe away from the PohIs yesterday and, consequently the Visitors went tlowa to defeax. f Men ley was In fine UJm,ejid scattered hi hits throughout thfl matchr The fielding of both teama was brilliant "The score: t . . ban Francisco. V "r; . : An. R. n. po. A. E. Waldrou, cf ....4 Wheeler, 2b. ........ 4, Hlldebrand. If. 4 Irwin. 3b, . S 2 s a o .1 i i i t is 0-0 4 Nealon, lb. 8hea. c. ' . . . . . Ufxhnauer. 0 jewey, p. -Totals .-. .I2 4 10 IT.,H I - - rO RUTLAND. .. j a m. Ats. ss. ............. 4 0 1 1 Van Ruren, If. 1 1.00 0 s 1 61 1 2 0. .i, o oi i o 0 J1' .0 oo Householder. cf. schlafly. 2b. M.H'redle, rf. McLean. C- I Mitchell,, lb. Bunkle, 3b. Jones, p. - . . see " Catea, If. . ( .... - . . Totals .12 t 24 IS 1 SCORE BY INNINGS". - r 111471 Portlan(J..-.0 0 0 1 1 1 Hits .0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 6 San Kranclsco ...0 0 2 2 0 -4 Hits .1 3 S 111 10 " " SUMMARY. " -Stolen bases Waldron 1, Spenoor. Wheeler. Kunkle. -Two-base hit Shea. First base on errors San Francisco, 1; Pbrtland, 1. First base on called balls Off- Henley, 1; off Jones, 1. Left on bases San Fram-lsco. (; Portland, - 6. Struck out By Henley, a! by Jones, 1. Double ii ay Ats-t WitohelL Time of game ne hour and 4 minutes. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. . 28 . 27 - Lost. 14 19 1 22 : 22 25 -28-29 PC. .467 .687 .687 .611 ,4f .419 .404 .37 Cleveland . Chicago . Philadelphia Ietrolt ...... Hoston . . .. New York . Washington St. Louis .. 27 ' 23 21 18 19 17 At Wew Toxk. New York . 7 4 St. Louis ........ r.. ; ,.6 9 Batteries Powell, Hogg and Klelnow; Pelty and Sugden : . . - - At Philadelphia. - r R. H. E. Detroit i ... i . .............. 1 -1 PhllarfolnhllL . : .4 1 Hattf rle-Kljllan and DrUl; Plank ana Bcnreca. At Boston. R. H. E. ..2 2 ..1 4 1 Crlger; Boston . . Cleveland Hatterles Tannehlll Rlioades and Bern Is. - r --r- R. H E. Washington . . ........... .....J 61 Chicago r--.Tt. . v-.-s ; . ;. ; fS-4 Batteries Wole and Klttredgej Walsh siOd ilcKarland. , NATIONALTtEAGU! ' ' ' : " - - '' Won. : Newiork . 17 Philadelphia . . ...... 2 Pittsburg. .......... 29 .. Chicago . , , 4 "29 . Cincinnati v. 27 ---1 St. Iau1s r. 21 .oat." V.C 16 20 24 25 24 29 .71 .692 .647 .637 .629 .442 Boston i 627 Brooklyn . . - 1( 86 .310 t At sMttssnrf. R. H. E. Pittsburg . . ...................3 10 4 Boston -. 6 4 3 Batteries Lynch. Flaherty. Moore and Hlldebrand; Willis and Needham. Umpire O'Day. At Chicago. R. H. E. ttI- 3 Chlcaa-o New York 0 3 0 Batteries Wicker and Kllng; McGIn nlty and Bowerman, Umpire Baus- wine. At Cincinnati. R. H. E. . 10 1 .2 - 8 Cincinnati 4 Philadelphia Battai-fea Hahn unit Ph.lm Corrldon and Dooln. Umpire Johnstone. "Af IV touts; R. H.E. St. I.Ollls ; Brooklyn . t- .3 10 1 ..1 7 3 Batteries Eagan and T3rady; Eason and Bergen. Umpire Klem. " SPORTING NOTES. - Pen Hand U I Ul)t)l'a yesterday's- game through the lnabllltrt.f McCredle'a men t- bunch hits on Henley.-""--1 s s .. Unofficial averages figured to June 10 show Frank Cha nre 1m at , v . tu-avlnst hitter In th v.inn.i i and that wiliu tr..i.. h.M. .w. ... place in the American. Playera swat ting better than 29 In the National ar.- JChance 396, Bresnahan 383, MeQInnlty 371. Strang 366. Thomas (Philadelphia) 83. Wagner 333, Bhonnon 333. Beau mont 329. Smoot 323, Seymour 323, McQann 321, Titus 821, Clarke (Pitts burg) 820, Clymer 820, Browne 816, Magee tit; Donlln 801. Lewis 304, Slagle 803, Lumley 301, Tinker 800. Courtney Is now batting 286. Raymer 163. Beck ley 3S0. Mertes 246, Shar 234.-Blanken-shlp 229, Oscar Jones 219. Carlsch 114. The 300 men In the American are: Keeler 348, Crawford 844. McFarland 338, Be rn! 329. Bmlth (Chicago) 326, O'Leary 81,. Davis -(Philadelphia) 312, Le..Jole 802. Frisk Is averaging 27. Chase 262. Dougherty 236. fitovell 285, Hulsntnan 229, Klelnow 176. Rockenfleld 093. Willie Hogg, now pitching for-Griffith's New Yorkers, hss jmLjnade aiiase hit Since he went to the big league. All la not bread and cheese and kisses for American Jockeys on the other side. Jockey Gannon has returned here from Hungary. He left New York for Buda pest -to-fide fof " the "Baron Frederick de Welma on February 4,--Gannon, when aaked for a reason for hi return at the height of the European sen son, said: "I was homesick, and a Jockey over there has to start In at exercise at 6 o'clock each working day In the season." A somewhat novel experiment In rac ing la to be tried at Morris Park In October. It will be a three daya' meet, at which only cross-country events-will be run, and five of them will be carded each day. - It Is the Intention of. the new association to do away with - the regular atee,plechas course and have the races run aa nearly aa possible -over a natural hunting country,, with banks, hedges, rail fences, and open ditches s the iibaUcles. . The move has grown In popular favor, and has the Indorsement of the -cross-country 'racing contingent. Trry McOovern has ' given up the fighting game and turned his band at JEierc's a ' -Proposition . Which youghtjo ac- ' v cept. ' -' . "--'.-J Our Robson Hat for . $3.00 or Hamngton for $4;ob The .' quaKty - and - style: . will prove a3' satisfy-, ing as' the. price. ' Take a look at our fur-'Jiiahlngf-gobds window" and see what they are : Teamig m me. way S u m m e r. Neckwear." " : Come in and see better." Robinson-CS, Go.: - Hptel. Perkins Bldg. starttng- hftraes. , He is trying his. luck at the Hamilton, Ontario, track And If he makes good wHl keep In the, game. He has done well so fafv " . v It la Said at New Haven that Yale Is trying to get KeeneFltspatrlck from the University of Michigan fo succeed Murphy, who Is going-to Pennsylvania to train the athletes.' Fitxpatriok was In Yale-In 1890 and 1891 as assistant ceach, and again-in 1896-and 1897. " The- flower of the two-year-oli dlvfs lon .shown-thus.-fareaat a nd wtit,- la BTiBgert.-Ttnd-tn-nhwiHrTjf-Tiotnrristions re tha names nf riiany ynnpgatar yet sent to the poet, but whose owners hope they will eclipse the performance of the stars already Been.. With eight starters the Triumph will have a gross value of more, than 311.000, Including the historic Pharsalia plate, first won at Natches, Mississippi, more than half a century a go. The other eta kes w hteh closed with the Triumph also filled well.1 The Seashore handicap received 48: en tries, the Sunshine stakes 8. the Under graduates stakes 84, ths Mercury handi cap 34 and the Chantllly steeplechase 47. . '." - -: . " ,- , " :- e ' e All's fielding wss the feature of yes terday's game at San Francisco. That clever shortstop accepted 11 ..chances without an error. . . . ' ' . e e . ' Preparations have been made to ac commodate on Saturday the largest crowd that ever turned out to witness the annual events of the Portland Hunt club. The complete Jlst of entries shows many of the best riders In Portland entered snd the racea should be both Interesting- and excltln :-- - KOTXOa TO AMATBUBS. 4 All notices of amateur base- e ball games, challengea and ath- 4 4J C11U sjTtjiiiai usst, w m-m tle, day - for, publicatlc letlo events must do seni 10 mis w Bi i m t Pn x. Am a- -4 teur- managers should pay at- e a tentlon to- thls TuJe, as the keep- 4 a ing of it' will Insure a proper 4 4 report of their doing. The 4 4 journal. w Salem Defeat Colombia. . -The" Salem- Ramblers "defeated the Columbia Juniors in the baseball game .l. vaatariav. . Tha aenre: Salem , 2032120 018 Columbia 80100001 0 6 ftaneriea oaitrin, inriiiinii mm . ' -kins; Columbia, Wilkinson, Barry and Jansen. ... Your Nerves Are the llf ethje-AilAlltyUiti-energyof your body. It Is the nerves that cause the heart to pulsate, the lungs to Inhale the oxy gen, the brain to direct the motion of every oran of the body, the Stomach to digest food, the liver to secrete the bile, t h kidneys tn filter the blood, and the bowels to carry off the waste. Whe"n the nerves'of the stomach be come weakened or exhausted. Indiges tion, Constipation snd Inflammation re sult, becsuae -he stomach Is Inactive. Thia Is true of all the organs of the body, and. proves that to cure disease you must strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles Nervitie" is the area snertfle for th nerves, and" In bringing them back to health never. rails -ure- all eases -df rervouness, Sleeplessness. Neuralgia, Headache, Spasms, Backache, Muscular Twitch lugs, St. Vitus' Dance, Epilepsy. Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles. "For I yeara physicians And health re sorts failed to relieve me of a complica tion of stomach, liver, kidney and heart affections. - Six bottles of lir. Miles' Nervine eured me." , O. W. ARCH HOLD, Grocer. Ieetur. Ind. i ne nrst not tie win benefit; if not, the druggist UJ return your money. BLOOD la the went disease ea rarth, yet ttm eaalrat core WHKrf XoU KNOW WHAT TO Ih). MaD kavs Dim. POISON pl, spots ea tha la. . aoraa Is tha axmth, nlcers, falllas hair, boas, .nalos. a I',.1. "t"D P0lOL. Smd'ts DR. BROWN. 9W Area st... Pbllartlphla. Pana.. tor RUOWN'S . V. a w prt bottl.; Lata bos by frssk Kas, Pertlasd Hotel rsiB. COMMENCEMENT HELD AT WHITMAN COLLEGE 'a. Changes-" Madi; by Tru8tees-i- Madals and Degrees . Awarded Graduates" (Soedal Dk)iateh te The Joorsal.) '-Whitman College. Walla Walla.' Waah., Jape 16. Whitman college board of trustees held an adjourns meeting yes terday anC elected Miss Mtrjam Lee of Boise. Idaho, Instructor Ifr-pipe organ and plana Boya ahd glrla have been eating together at Reynolda ball, the girla' dormitory for three years, but next year-the dining-room at Billings hall will be fitted up. Teacning or uo mestlo science will be Intredueed at Reynolda hall. Professor" and Mrs. A. W. Hendrlck will have charge of Bill ings hall and Mra. Gertrude Wylle will remain dean a I; Reynolds. At o'clock the irocessloittf tns- tees, faculty and alumni In caps and rowns. led by the marshal of the day. Ridgway -JL-QUlls. marched out of Memorial building end acroas the lawn to" where the decorated platform naa been erected for the graduating .exer cises. There were orations' by Llnnls Mar-Marsh. Charles D. Robinson snd n Msy. Cutting. ' The D. S. Bajler scholarship vcas given to Alfred Gard ner of the freshman class, ftuss urns Wallace won the Greek r prise offered tnr tmmt esaav.- Charles Robinson re ceived two degrees, Master of .Sclenoe and Bachelor -of ' Science, . i ns aegree 0f Mflft- "t ' ennrerrert nn William Coan. ' A. B ... Palmer college, wbV has-been- professor-ef stenogyaphy here this year. Miss Ixa Cutting .gradu ated with highest honors, with degree of Bachelor o Arts, The other, rrtem bers of the claas of 'five who received degrees are: Linole May . Marsh. Hu bert Clarke, Lyman nd. Leora. Worth Ington. - , TRUSTS' WILL BUILD FACTORIES ABROAD Harvester Combine to Erect a Plant In Germany to Escape - ., the Tariff, Journal Special gerTlce.) Berlin, June 16. On account f the uncertainty In regard. to the fats of the reciprocity-'- treaty, the Inter national Harvester company of Chicago la figuring on building works In Ger many In order.- that the rich rade-of the fatherland may not suffer frorn fhe effects of the kaiser s new- tariff This project Is .thT -first important Indication- of whatmay become aieneral policy on "the part "of American manu facturers, should, the "American senate remain obdurate to the reciprocity ques tion. The Carborundum . oompany . pf Niagara Falls, .whose trade with Ger many hsieen -slped out by the new tariff, ir als-preparing te build here. --Uhlted - States officials at -Berlin who are constantly Informing their govern ment of-the dangers threatening Ameri can commerce point out the heavy loss In wages to . American ..workingmen which -will result from a wholeaala. Imitation of - the -" arvesjee--trust'-" ample. . TRAMP IS KILLED IN. . .. BATTLE WITrTDFFICER - (Journal gpeelal Servle.) , Helena, June 16. The city marshal of Wllltston, North Dakota, today shot and killed an unidentified tramp In a gen eral revolver battle In Wllllston. The tramp had. endeavored to kill Great Northern Conduptor -J. B.- Salisbury of Havre, firing at . him twice, up the line. He was kept In a boxcar and waa finally locked tn by the aid of several brake- men. Officials In Wllltston were noti fied of the disturbance and..wb.en the train arrived were on hand. When the marshal opened the car-door the prla oner Immediately opened fire Mid en deavored to escape. - The marshal also opened Are and It was not long before a bullet atopped the flight and the earthly career of the tramp. . Low Excursion Rates. On June 14. 16, 18, IT ths Great -iJorthern-rallway will sell excursion tickets to St. Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, "Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, - Kansas-Cltyr Winnipeg, etc. at rata of one flrst-clasa fare plus 10 for round trip. " Tickets sllow stopovers going and returning, good for three months. For "full information csll on or ad dress H. Dickson, C. P. A T. A. Great Northern By.. No. 121 Third atrest, Portland. Oregon. m mssi arm. (Jamil Speetal-ServtcB.1 Baltimore. June 16. Kid Sullivan of TVashtngtOn accepted the offer of the Hayes Valley Athletic club of San Francisco for a match with Jimmy Brltt on July 16. For modern dental work. World-re nowned specialists. Lowest prices consistent with flrst-olaas , wore Go to tho' NEW YORK DENTISTS - rouaTX aits mobbisost its. Open day and night, frorn I:l4s.m. until 10 ik m. - Dr. B. E. WRIGHT r - Tha) SOEBaTTXriO ' DEBTTIBT that - relieves all pain In dental s opera- " lions. 343 y WasUlngtoa 3V even th. Closing-Out Sate! ' We are retTrlns; from buslnees and will close out all of our Ladles' and Children's Fancy Dry Goods at , XJ!S TXAJI COST.. Don't miss 1U - Come nowwhUs lines ' are unbroken. . U.MINQ & BROS., 88 Sixth St. KODAK OCVCLOPtNQ NO NtAQMCNT3 OALL KIN OS . , mm p. i mmm w -'tnm eraaawaaa. SNAP Sf0r&OHEl0PO Oft DAY a V.HJARKELUCO. 121-123 ORAND AVENUE IiIin $6.00-$5.50 Dress -v :SRirts $4.35 i Stylish. New Mohair and t Cheviot Dres ' Skirts,, -In ' ' - blacks, blue and brown. ' '. - Women's Bathing" : Suits $2 to $4 7- - A good assortment of Styl ish Suits at 'very moderate ' prices. HOTELS a,VD SEBOBTt. ' i t -i. i -i. 1 a i - - - - e Portland PORTLAND. OREGON. American Pisa $3.00 a Dsy n4 npware. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOUR ISTS AND COMMERCIAL Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. A modern Turkish bath establishment In the hotel. ---..aveSOWSBB,- Maaairer. a aaaaaaafcSBiaaaiaa M SaSSBI BbT- ' IMaaaaaaBBBW. Mail n B" Holerrairmount TW118IT1 -SIXTH 1W UrSKXTB STS. Opposite Main Entrance to Lewis sad , Clark Bzposltloa. Only shsoluiely fireproof hotel sd Jolnlng grounds, equipped with electric telephonic and sperlsl telephonic com munications for patrons. Uniformed porters snd bellboys at all hours at guests' service. " . - . . 150 Elegant Rooms - Open for Guests SATIS $1.00 A BAT AMD VV. W. K1.ATT1N. General Manager. '' HOTEIT SPECIAL RATES BY THE DAY OR WEEK. Beached by the Oregon Water Powar ft By OoTroUey 1.1ns. . Write or Phone; Z. B. MABTZsTEB, Manager. . Xstaoada, Ores-on. .. L K I -. I You WU1 Find the Behnlce - Walker Business College' up . to the times In everyway." The beat teachers only are employed; the latest methods used. The ' course we offer 1n Bookkeeping and Shorthand 'la thorough and complete.. See us for par titulars, or send for catalogue. ' . Behnke-VValker Business College Estacada lxtk sad MorrlsoB Sts PorUana, Or. TWO NOTABLE DAYS: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - THE - DAYS -7 OF - REAL r BARGAINS HERE. Specials offered throughout the Btore at much lest than regular prices - - i $L25 American Lady Corset 98c ' Three new Styles of this celebrsted corset, of . our regular 81.25 qualities at 8. - , " 20c Colored' Table Oilcloth' ISc -Khoif -t - twenty-! lv ne w,7 pretty patterna. Bedspreads Worth, 90c at 75c Large Marseille! Pattern Bedspreads, ready to" use,..;. '., . .i.-:, .v . . $L35-$L40 Muslin Skirts at 98c Lace or embroidery trimmed, stylish,, well-made garments.'" ; ."'.'" "' ' . ; :. ." WORTH $3.50 AT $2.85 St y Hah. Well-Made Patent Colt Or-, fords. Good year welt, with best Rock Oak soles, Blucber atyle. MEN'S BOX CAtf WELT BLUCHER SHOES WORTH $3.00 AT $135" One of the' newest Vand best; a per. fect-flttlng, comfortable shoe at' little price. . , r MEN'S 35c SySPENDEK-27c - Beat - lisle , webs, with strong, neat leather . end; suspenders as good as many sold at 60c, -" - k , MEN'S 25e HOSE SUPPORTERS .: .AT 17c Brighton takeof. best lisle" webs; fancy colors. V - MEN'S AND BOYS' WHITIT -UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS -29c Kxtra values at 40c; well made and full cut; ; ; ; r HOTELS AXO BESOKTS. Not -Too Near Not Too Far Visitors to the -Lewis and Clark exposition will find that the above aptly describes tha location of the . HILL MILITARY ACADEMY HOTEL Thia splendid bulldinghaa been thrown open -for the convenience and entertainment of persons vis iting the fair. Within ten min utes' walk of mala entrance; only building In the block. Gives fine view of- exposition buildings ami miles of the Willamette river. Streetcars psss the door. Reser vations should be roads now.- For "ratea and partlculara apply-to .... . 1 DR. J. VV. HI LI . . SSI Marshall St Portland, Or.' PALACE HOTEL, Hlisilisr he gSiT.y land ?r sea. the traveler will find t a delightful trip to San Francisco, where he should atop at the world-famed Palace Hotel and enjoy its many attrac tive featurea. For fuller Information write to the Palace, pr see vTo. BTBSSiT at the Portland Informa tion and Booklns; Agency, Hotel Portland. CI h 0 E QI 0 J r - 0 18 3 0 H n p. Hotel Eaton Osrasr aterrisaa as4 Wast Park Itreets. NEW Raadaomelr faralahed, elesastlf ennlrWd Arepronf. flra nlnutra' walk from heart at shopping and bnalneaa dlatrlet. all lanra, alrr, ontalde tiwmi. lit earn heated, eleetrlt llghu. tel'phone la each apartment, eta. Larsa ofOeea, loundnr. saaoktag,-wrttlsg. ladle' raeeptloo parlors. Booms reBaTTa by mall or telephone. yrivaU smalbas mts tralas aad stsamsn. -Rootnt $I.OO to 43.0O a Day ' special. Betas teConnerdal . Maa. . MM. MAI EAT0V. (fermerly ef Hotel Bedpata, Bpnkas. HOTEL DETROIT . MIST nn TATB OBOriS. ' Cor. STtli and Thnrman ftreeta. - J- C. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. .. Reached by all car lines. Rates, f 1 per dsjr. Rooms with bath. M and 14 per dsy. Klamath Hot Springs - IIXXTOU COVBTT, OAUTOBXIA. ' F.levatlon, 2.700 feet. - Twenty miles . . from Ager, on the California A Oregon " route. Hunting, fishing and scenery un- V ' surpassed. Hot, swimming, steam, aul- . phur snd mud baths. Open all the year. - . Further particulars upon- application,. ' XOSOsr BBOS- wreprteters. - Beswtck, Siskiyou County, California, r 7- 4 .;' I. A !