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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1905)
y . .. , .r -'--. - .-.'-J - 1 . I f- THEOREGONDAILYrjOURNALT-PORTLAND WEDNESDAY-EVENmO, - JUNE' 14, 1801 MANY TEACHERS BM1 IBS (SSHl ICTiiSl IBSHI IBffl fiHJ I1H1 1 -ITIS nATiW PnT53Tyyi TXSXSZZm 43511 liKs-TiJiflni HTTWrryi I. ARE" GUT-GFPOSITIONS : Shake-Up In the Department Such, at. Has ,Wever ;BeenJKnown . ' liithyCity Before, Causes the Dropping of Three Principals ; ; , .'"fv;:." arld Twenty-Five,, Tutors. .". - f...' ;vr: OUTSIDE EDUCATORS WILL Principals Jarvis, Pratt and Alderson Are Off the Rolls and Hop ''V kin Jenkins is Transferred From the High School " ' ' ' to Take Charge of the Holman. ;y - -- r V '' Shattuck-Avenue sehool, M. h. Pratt of . ;the Wlllltfra Avenue school, and W. C. ' "Alderson of the Holman achool were loft "'without appointment at the annual flec tion of teachers by the city board of . . achool. directors. - Principal C U Hoover of th North , Central achool wss tnrnaTerred to the .Hlgh achool, where he will be assigned work ss teacher. ' .-.JT--' :- ;- .H. N. Goods of Bslem " w elected principal of Fulton achool.' -, '- j ' n..T. Van-Tin of Centralis, la Drincll --rial of th North Central schools .. i. . tiinklk inklni mimm frmmf rred from rthw-Mlgh- si'liwl tu take the princlrt--K! khlD of the Holmair achool. T A. R. Draper waa elected principal of - the ShaUucIf Avenue achool. .. t. 8. U. Downs la at the head of the j William Avenue achool. Two new-teachera were chosen forth iHIrh achool; - They were , Mlaa Grace Balrd of thla city, who held a- poaltlon " In' the achool for verl year, andjtv. Or Mendenhall' bCIowa.; a radute or -academy... : j. '. , ha-above-I6-radeearnera were elected to fill vacant-tea cauaed by teacneM dropping cut Of till RVhuul AH' the vaoanclea but one were cauaed by the failare of the teachera to file P-.pllcaWonai-raany bv--maxrlfid; or conr , template marriage -thla year. Only one grade, teacher waa refuaed reelection ,'' There were many tranafera from" one : school to another and auch a ahaklng up haa not been given th fore In the. publta achool for yeara. It naa been atated that the change nwere for the good .of the aervtce. The three princi pal who were not' reelected are under atood to have failed to file appllcatlona for -poaltlona. . , :. AH th teach.err who were elected-received carda announcing th fact In. the . envelopes with their checka when they - went - to the city hall tday for their - pay., . They alao received coplea -of th .resolution adopted by th achool board -'Saturday to th ffect that iyr teacher - who weda thla year will conalder tier self discharged. Those who did not re- '. celv Btlcef of . reelection knew that their aer'vlcer'wr not. required for' th . next ttrm, '.' - :;r:v: i --Th -teachers, eleded awe- a foHowa: -Frank Rlgler. city superintendent; Anna, Mrs.May tQvans, assistant superlntsml - ent of drawing; Robert Krohn, superln rrjandent -of- physical -tralning;8.- E. . Hunter, superintendent of music; W. X ' , Standley, . aunerintendent of . manual training; H. -1. 8haw. S. jS". Chambers, H. F. Wenta and W. V. OreenleafleacJ Alnaworth school-vElla E. McBrlde, piincpall .Charlott E. Crawford, Mar f garet Protaman, Agnea M. Olenn, teach- rsr .Atkinson school C. M. Klgglns, prln- -clwtl; Ota Dcnlston. Sad II. Chase, Nel- 111 Fawctt. Kat E.Z.Toung, Jnrrlel . Moreland. Belle Chance, Helen A. Kier nan, Henriatts Baum, Lavella Marshall, EH XavensonTLuIu O.. Campion, Emma U Butler. Kate Padden. -Anna O. PeUn, . Isabel Baker and Opal Hall, teachera. ' Brooklyn school Aphla I Dimlck, principal; Sophia 1 Wilson. Mary Mc - Keown, Oatherln..- Lamberaon,- Lydla Smith, Edith Tltcombe, Fay lavenson, Viola, Howenstlne, Florence Bettlnger, . Helena Humason, Jessie Nicholson and Mrs. M. Weet, teachers. - i Chapman school W. F. Conover, prln; clpal; Anna L- Cory, Lelah C. Nelson. . Bessie Hoxsle, Mrs. A. B. Stone, Sarah , A. Allen, Mra. H. B. M. Rlnearaon. Ju- Mth Oualean, Edith A. Wright, Stella A. Fording, Lillian A. DeLIn, Edna Cam ""ron. Louise KT Strout,-Edn- Harrtsr L- Maud Heggl and Katherin Franklin, ..teachers. Clinton Kelly School U H. Mor . gan, principal; Mrs. E. E. H. Richard. Nina B. . Johnaon. Charlotte . Patton. Elsa - Ohle. Junla Lando, Marie V. Arnold, Ada Stanley, Laura -Thompaon. Mra. J.'Hlnes and Edith Zlpf. Couch School J. Burnham, principal; -Vtctsr-Ortsetelld, Medora U-'hltneld. Mra, J. Burnham. l-na Rlveara, Edith Water "man, Grace Brltts, Estelle Mclntyre, Mrs. Dorothy Bingham, Mrs.. E. I WII- llama. Frances Harris, lone Dunlap, . Mary Smith. Mrs. Clara Anderson, Cor nelia Lamberson, Bertha Reed and . Mra. Kate O. Lighter, teachera.- . j.iavis School Mra. A. E. Watsoni. principal; Minnie Mlchener, Gertrude . orth. Amy B. Bauer and Agnea Dlneen, tearhera. Falling School I. W. Pratt, principal; ... Fannie IV- Porter, Laura. G. Peterson, 4 May Shofner.. Helen, JS. Crane. . Julia E. -. Mark, Florence Converse, Mary Fraaler, Mary Bird. Camilla F. Allen, Madge Hill, - !-... A MATTER Absolutely Pure iwa rfi ? ii 4 UU OIHOIaC RULE LOCAL "SCHOOLS- X Aim Hi Col Bum, Winifred Chance, Etta O. Bailey. Alice HIgglne. Edltn Camp bell, Josephine ' Llnher, May Kelly . and Eva 8. Klre', ' teschers.--- 11 " Kern wood School Mary O'Connor, teacher,- -.- i - .Fulton Tark School Hugh Sherwood, principal;- Ella 'Ehmaen and Mrs, Nora d- Uurney, teacher. . . .. ," Hawthorne School J. T. Qregg, prin cipal;. Mary F. Hamilton, Anna' hi. Qray, liurtenae P. GrelToa, Harriett B. Mon roe, Hattle B. BUllngs. Wlnelir Mo Knight. Adeline Rogers, Mattle B. Train. Meta, Allen, Fern F. Stout, Lne,.li'dR way. JHarle Bruce, Bertha Hanaon, Letl- elt, Gertrude Van Winkle and Grace Kllot, ' teachers.' T . .. - - - High achool T. T. Davis, principal; Caroline Barnes, Ftancea M. Bill, Ger trude Bomgardner,' Arthur E. Breece, Mary E. Buckley, E. F. Carlton, Helen I-' PnnhA, A I i.-A W (V I Ann r.l..A. llch, Jessie Goddurd. Emma M. Griebel, F. E. TUrrlsan. 11. W. Herron. Myrtle C Hunt. Cr-L. Hoover, Lenna It. Larrabee, Mary B. Moore, Mrs, Henrietta .Mundt, Laura H. Northup, 'Joseph . H." Page, Cora'Patte,: Ruth ETTl6und,Smuet a.".", p P'pk. ftrwee Balrd and W. O. Mendenhall. teachers. - Highland school J. H. Stanley, prin cipal; Gertrude Greathouse. Leonora 'Slur row, Suia Jonea," Helen HulchlnBon, Edna Collins, . Cordelia Murphy,Belle Madden. Racfaael HalUngby. Anne T. Donovan-. - Anna -- Gately,- Flora Gibson, Parthenla Dukehart, Hasel Phillips, Charlotte Lucas. Mrs. Ogle, Nettle King ery, Winifred Hawley and -Marl Mad den, teachera. i Holladay School E. J. Hadley, prlnd nali KmmK K. Harrette. Anna Brannan. Maude' Kenworthy, Annies Knapp, Carrie Holman. Mrs. L. I). Thomas, Mrs. Kit Steeves. Mabel "Downs, Zelma "Bhaver, Edith Wilde, Frances Martin. Mrs. Jennie Bushnell, Augusta I. Andresen, Gertrude Cahaltn. Angela LeGrand, Leta Smith, Eugenia Morse. Mrs. Ada T. Beard and Grace Lamberson. teacher." ' - Holman School Hopkin Jenkins, prin cipal; Theresa Baumgart. Edith Worth In gt on, Mrs. J. M. Potter, Edith Ogden. Mabel8tout and Sarah Bate, teacher. - Ladd School D.. A. Grout, principal; Kate Klnley. Hannah-Schloth,- Estelle I Ingalls, Kate Cahalln, Grace. DeOraffJ fjemilg-Lluibwker,1 Knilly Hooker. ly Robinson. Heleiu Ntwy Nora B.i Green, Mra. C. C, JdcQulnn, Minnie C. Kapua, Bessie - Cleland, Edna. Henley, ' Ethel Powers, Edith ' Ypung, Joella Johnson, Mra. K. E. Sloan, Ella O'Connor and Margaret Dolan, teacher.', Marquam Bebiool Laura Halllnan, teacher. " :p"u" 1- . . " Midway School Almlra Blttner, prin cipal; Addle Flnnegan, teacher, - North Central School D. T. Vn Tin, principal; - Clara Demmor, Abhl A. Lewft, Elltl McCabe; earrtw HaydenrP Helen L, Matthews Eva Joseph, Bessie Ohpcmley, Frances L. Barnea. Margin Dunham. Alma Wlckander. Besat Jones, Lettl D. Holbrook, Septlma Ansley, Lutl Cake, Elvw-Dolnnd7Elyn Qrenler, teachers. ' " v'- Ockley Green School J. B. Easter, principal; Valeria Greathnuse, Winifred Packer, Margaret Champer. Mr. Anna Read and Mud Stockton, teachers. Peninsula School E. J. Steele, prlncl pal; ' Berdlne Merrill. Florenc Bollam and Georglna Bell, teacher. Portsmouth School B. E. HughiOn, principal: Carrie Mueaadorffer, Marie Ludera, Verdi Monroe, Dalay Larsen, Margaret Monk, Jessie L. Peterson and Mra. L. D. Hoye, teachera. Bellwood Bchool C. L. Strong, princi pal; Estelle A. Hell. Carrie E. Hunt. Mrir"H.R. Kerr. Margaret- Brehaut, Alice OrtnRndyT Clementina D. Bradford. Katherlne Bock. Helen D. Petsch. Madge O'Connor and Blanche Catlln, teachera. Shaver School J. L. Tousey, princi pal; Adeline Hammond, Olga Johnson. Jan L Ferguson, Liisle A. Wilson, Mrs. Nilliu llllliilJliUI, Ml. II. II. flllPu J and Margaret Rice, teachers.. Shattuck School A. R. Draper, prln HpeH Mery-Mmsrd, Mary D. Ponohoe, Louise T. PhUbrlck. Nellie M. Wash- burnf) 1 Phsb "" WtrHt. IJaal . Mlllerj Clara Haettlnger, Ethel Richmond. Sadie I. Orr, Ella M. Crawford, Emily Young, Kate M. Colbum, -Triers locum. Anna M. James. Lucy Williams. Nellie Dickin son, Loren Ackerman, Winifred Mosher.J Jessie Murch, Hasel uranam, Josie, Davis and Ruth E. Wataon. teachers.' - Stephens School R. II, Thomas, prin cipal; Laura Geertson, Mary Fryer. Ida Hlbbard, Zaldee McConaughy, Helen Bennett, L. Effl '. Wllllame.. Luells Knapp. Nellie t'llery. Anna Rngera, Mr. Theresa Jackson, Jessie Harklns,. Mr. F. Wheeler? Alice BanfleH. Charlotte Reed and Xtia G. Balrd. teachera. " Sunnyaide School E.- D. Curtia, prln- OF HEALTH r fTfnmf Fine Pianos at : Low Prices Never in the history of Port land have there been so manyfln planoa exhibited here as showing In our Urge wfe rooms, snd st our booth and sta t build ings at the Fair. Anticipating the large number , of visitor to our fair, and what It would mean to ... Aniv nmf but : in i tne "future, w sebot-4 sHowtbemj as never before wnai "ur "'"i factorte are doing h "rE piano construction. Being- tn largest, oldest and most xtenslv dealers In th northwet. we, nat urally had the cream of plamj production from which to select our stock, and that we have se lected wisely will be readily ad-r milled when you tak Into- con sideration that her- you find th - Knab. Everett. Hirdman,; Fischer, Ludwlg, Conover, Vose. Psckard and othera of like repu tation We atarted In some time ago to. dispose of 1.600 piano, by which means tne mnuni-iuifi LjolULaiaJa J"hul"S theorofit wn customers, .nuiwii mean- of from to 150 each rnstrument.' abd that thlanas been a popular move on our pari has already been abundantly at tested by the number of planoa we have sold throughout our. ter ritory. We give a cordial lnvltn tlon to all visitors to- th fair tor call snd : Inspect our - pianos. Hrnerner rney wain i uj r i ut If ynn -want-ar Tlsno- you will flnl a r.inrs Hint n c rn im I ih nlare to save money, ue are rrepared to offer most reasonable erms. ao yoii might as well have the u of a piano .while you ar naylnr for it, when it coats you no pi or. Wl alsii liae a full line of organs, ranging In prlc- Urom B0 up. Some good second and and used, pianos at one half . their real value, j'lunos also lor rent on reasonable- term. Allen cS: Qilbert Ramaker Co. Corner Sixth and Morrison etpal; May I. Rathbun. Lena M. Ayr. Mra. J. Cheney. - Abb! Wright, Elphe K.- Smith, Edith P. Darling. Lucretla Allen. Mry Loa Beck. Viol Thayer. Mabel li-WlJdn,. Lena' M. Dranga. Anna M. Sorensen and Jennie Hanson, teacher. ' Terwllllger school H. N. Oooda, principal':- Hedwlg - Bleeg - and Clara - BU, teacher " ... ' r ' Thompson- achooW-3. E.: Jam) RQnT principal: Laura Myera, Mlna Tregellas. Ritrr. Porter; Ida FoottrMjTtle Reed. Minnie FiWtt. Ella 8.. Maaon, Edna Amos. H. Beatrice. Anderson. Jessie E. Lucas,'' Matilda -Weiss. Iina - Spinney, Chrlott-L7 Steven, Eva L. .Bills. .Tll II C- Amos. I tha Cheadle, Margaret Tracey andJiaUle-Wllllam. teacherh . Winlam Avenue scTlool-8. U. Down. principal; Alice Munro. Emma Whitney, Henrietta M. Abbott. Emma, Robinson Mr. Esther Kane. Jesa B. Park. Georgia .Wey, Mabel Hurley, Agnea Brown, Mary B. Kavanaugh. Iren Johnon.-Mr. Cora Fraln May Rohertson Stella Vaa Vleet,- Hallle-Cr-Thomaa, Belle Joseph snd Jean McDonald, teachera. Wadl wa-school E. A. Mllner, prtn- clpal; Kate Protxman, Gertrude Yager, Alice Taylor, Mary J. Rogera, . Vet-Una Ambrose, Johanna Cramer. Ella Nichol son. Madge Cramer. Marls E. Wilson, Emma Kirkpatrlck, and Mary B. Beatty. teachers. - East Twenty-eighth street school II. R. winchell. prlnclpaljAfla Mercer, Delia P. Bharpless and Estelle Marias, teacher. , Unasslgned teachersMary C. Armi tage. Myrtle Shdnkwller and Frances ValU L0U1SV1LIE-WELC0MES-WEARERS OFTHE GRAY Confederate Veterans Hold .An- nual Reunion arvd" morial Services. T- TJoorr"8pertsrsrTtr.1 Loulvllle. Ky., Jun 14. Th 15th an nual reunion of the United Confederate Veteran Is being theld here, Louisville gave a hearty welcome to the JO.OOO visitors' and veterans. Every room In each hotel and boarding-house has been taken and many private families are en tertaining. The formal opening of the convention took place today. The usual Impressive memorial services ushered In the gath ering. Addresses of welcome snd re sponse snd the annual report of of ficer were features of the Initial ses sion,. ., Oeneral Stephen D. 'Lee, commander-in-chief of the veterana, presided. He was given sn enthusiastic recognition whew h,- mad filw appearenc - on- th platform. The Bona of Confederate, Veterana be gan their annual meeting thla morning In Hopkli' theatret The meeting -waa opened-with an address by John C. Davidson, which was followed by an art dres from R. .W.-'Blngham;-Thl-af. ternoon th sons held a reception at th Gait hou.L .' . - . . 1 ' 1 .. -T A Rumour UK lunuirn- UI viiirruiiii- ment are scheduled for this evening. APPLY FOR A WRIT . UlllTO FREE,PATRICjDE " --1 tJoarnil flpedil terrtc, Olympl. Wh., Jun 14. Applica tion haa been made-. to the aupreme court to securs a writ of habeas corpus In th case of Thomas Brown, the youthful patricide, who shot- Ma father last Decerhber. The verdict declared the boy not guilty on account of Insanity and th writ Of habeas corpus calls Into question' the constitutionality of the law under which Brown is still kept In prison. - Hallway Ifea La Hesslos T (Journal Special ferric.) ""New Tork, Jun14. Th 18th n trnal convention ef th American Rail way Master Mechanic' association and the Ith annual convention of th Mas terCr Builder'. aoclatlon began to day t Manhattan beach. Maater me chanics and car builders repreaentlng "all th Important railroad systems tf th t'nited -Slttei and Canada ar In at tendanc. , - - -' , "World's Fair" Special Bargain Sale Tar - , - WE NEVER HAD -A MORE IMPORTANT SALE THAN THIS OUR "WORLD'S 41 SALE. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT YOU WILL FIND THE GREATEST VALUES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ CAREFULLY EVERY SECTION AND EVERY ITEM OF T.HI S ADVERTISEMENT EACH ONE REPRESENTS - A DECIDED BARGAIN THIS SALE COMMENCES TOMORROW-AND CONTINUES FOR BALANCE OF MONTHS "World's Fair" Waist Specials 69f SPECIAL-All of our White Lawn Waits lucked ) . .and embroidered, that were sold for $1.00. CQ r " Special ' n - - . 3s w . - . . - . . - - . .- 87 SPECIALThis line-'of- - White 'LWnsrTanrl - Llnon " Waists, lace or cmbroi'dery trimmed ; good value for $1.25. Special. , . ...... Of C ft Pl.ia SPECIAL This is a ana i-inon waisis iiiramea in iace or eiriDroiu- u i t - ery ; regular price $2.00. ' Special . ;'.;. .......... .s)! 1 u .38'SPECIAITheseafeworld-beatefcX VVIULC LilIIUIl IalWI13 SHU IIIJCIIC, III JJ14U1 lUtKS Ur IIIIIUIICU with Jace or embroidery ; a cheap waist, for., .0 Q Mr ICt $?.50. Special .7r.......;T.Tr. t jJ 1UU World's Fair" 29 SPECIAL The greatest value for the monfy ever of fered. "Gent's Laundered "Colored Bfess Shirts, a full line . of colors-and sizes; never sold less f han-75c Spe-'- fn 31 rial, aflv. 48 SPECIALThis is a hummer. The celebrate? (Mount ; Hood) Laundered Shirt, in a handsome linelrf colors and full line of sizes L'this shirt never sold -Jess than- jo U $1.25. Special, ach. . ....... . ... .... .-. fy. . .... . w 45 SPECIAL STeWT?enchL1sle-Derbj'Ribbed-Shirts - - and . Drawers, in colors, of ight; you never bought gcial, garment. -t . t. . . . weit Specia McCall's Magazine WE 30 A '"A swsll montmy of - fashion. Oct a free .copy of our - ra Jilon - Sheet for Jan. -- "World's Fair" 52 SPECIAL M isses'Wash-Dresses made irom a. good ; lity poral ni6 arooetmewt oi colors ana pai. r- terns ; regular $1 ; sizes 6 to 14 years. Special 98 SPECIAL Misses' Gineham and CTiambray-Presses, m stripesrp laids 'and plain colors,-nicely- trimmedrw-arranted- 'fast colors ; .regular price $1.50 ; sizes 6 to 14 years. QO." i special. ;. . .7. . ;. ..... ... . . yo Spe S1.16 SPECIAL Misses' .- . . . . trimmed witn emDromery, of colors ; sizes 6 to 14 years; regular price $2.00. -Special . v MB SMI rTWWfiWW nBrWteSLWl SAYS BLACKMAIL CHARGE IS BLUFF Shea Says Are Made to Discredit Some One Through News- , papers. . - - , REND THREATENS TO REPLACE UNION MEN Grand Jury Still Busy but Little ChangeIn theSitua- - - (Jeornsl 8pclsl terrlce.) Chicago, Jun 1. Edward Hlne. seer retary of Jhe Lumbermen's socltion, nd T. J. . MoMshon, business agent of th Brlrk and Til Teamster' union, to day teatifled before th grand 'Jury re garding the labor graft ohargea. Neither would discuss wbat happaaed i la the . .. 7 . handsome line of White Lawn : M Shirt -:...i.,.,r-: ...A7LI tan, pink and -blue, medium them less-than ' 75c. AZn .............. Uv GIVE TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY Dress Specials, French Gingham .Presses;" . .? i i j i: in sinpes. anu piaius, uui imc $1.16 4 mnmm mmmmmmm IM WTOSIVH UKTPOtflnrl ngmaffTr1 VKVXrtVm iiKwrtowrri pr.-nr1 HKflwiooirnri Juryroom. President Shea said today that - he does not expect any result from the Investigation, and that "the sensation about a terrific graft explosion Is a Muff, done simply to discredit some one through the newspapers. W.7 P. Rend, on of the leading employer of coal teamster, said today that th would Trtplac his union teamster with non union men within 4 hours unless ins teamsters ' would male deliveries Irr- apectlv of a boycott, y .. John C. Drlcoll, ex-secretary of th Coal Teainter,'linlon.gnd-whi. has been the Intermediary between th em ployers and th Teamsters' union for th lat four year, appeared befor th grand Jury today with documentary evi dence showing that labor union leader had accepted um of money paid by em ployer to prevent strikes. - A bank checkbooW,"- the tubs of which corre spond to the amount of money pstd labor leader, wa Ottered teMlmonyr1 The teamsters' - strike - shows i.Httle ehangy Ofnoilvannpunc thatl.tue weekly' receipt of th bnerit fund rr now 12.000 in excess of expenditure. Th expres driver have voted to re main on strlk until a tatlafactory settle ment I made. . " - -- - - . Mis Wwlir Wds a, Captain. t'earsal pl fcrrWe.h--?-. Plalnfleld. N. Jun 14. Ml Flor nc Warlrujr. dughtr - of Orvlll T. Waring, ef th Standard OH company, and Captain -Caauncey Jiumphrl, ''World's Fair" SlUrt Specials 91.35 SPECIAL--This is a aplendid camping orl-outlng i: Skirt, made from good qualify duetC in 4latri, navy or . . . . - 1 - i o Art, y . m as DiaCK, or wun- wnitc qox ia Special. . a.. -..i'.-.s.... 81.45 SPECIAL Cotton Covert Skirt, in gray, brown and IneT-also-in-white-duck y-aplendidkirt-JorJ-tf C-U-wear ; regular price $3.25.. Special. .-... . . . . tPl gt O It ' 81.65 SPECIAL Extra quality Cotton Covert; n blue, brown and gray, also Russian elastic duck in 31M 'kC " white; good value for $2.S0. Special: . . ... .....? I VO P ssssssssMgIi ii in I si sssssssg ISSIH ii affi'l I H . " . 1111 " ' ' mm "B1.05PECIALTsTsTryretty . satin, iinisnca iineue, iuii pearance : cfjinen and will ' $n.T)0SpecialrrTTT7-; "World's Fair" 15 SPECIALLAdies'-FuTl'Finished'Seamless'H -colors of tan, navy and black; regular price Z0c; . Q' . -.Special, pair .. . ............ . ............. ... 1 OL SFSPECIAL Misses' - -v Hosen- tan- or'-blackr fast .-.'. 20c. , Special, pair. . . 1 S5 - SPECIAL Ladies Sea Iinisnea nose; in nice assurimcni ui cuiors, aiso . C I embroidered i regular prfce35crrSj; 19f SPECIAL The celebrated (Iron Clad) Hose, for boys . - and girls, large or small rib, warranted fast black; ": Q you know what they are; always g5c. Special,.palr...iyC 10c PIRGHASE "World's Fair" Underwear Specials 25 SPECIAL Ladies' Muslin drawers, good quality cot- . er ' r . a. - - ton npmstircneci mine: regular ince .ioc. 7h ' -Special.. : ; ...Tv.... ,iJ . 98 - SPECIAL Ladies' - White Underskirt, embroidered flounce and dusrruffle78ploidi(l-qualityfa-QO terial and well made; regular price 1.50. Spreial.. "Ow I .n a ! i i i 1 1 . i . i in i . - -I 25 SPECIAL Cambric Corset Cover, lace front, neck and arms, Normandy lace trimmed, and some trimmed with torchon lace and ribbon; regular price 40c. OZn Special sOl June Great Holiday That's .All United ' State - army, - of - Wet Point. were married ln Oraee church this, aft ternoon. It wa a military wedding and waa followed by an elaborate reception t the horn of th bride father in Psrk avenue. EXCLUSION LAW AROUSES IRE OF THE PRESIDENT - - (Josrssl Special Bervtee.t '' Washington. Jun 14. ' President Roosevelt la Indignant ovr the way-th Chines exclusion law ar being; admin istered by port official of th t'nited State. II Insists that common sens be ..used . In administering laws which were intended to exclude only th coolie and ha written BecreUry that.ffect... : ; ' Oavaaaaga tm 7tealtd. . K. Cavanaugh. Indicted for gambling, this morning pltadid guUty aod jid FAIR" SPECIAL BARGAIN encap suni iur ju.w; m- t f.'....;.H'iuu taiiuicu wh( mw- wear ; regular pf ice- (J? Q C .T77r77:.l S U Hosiery Specials and Children's. Fine - Ribbed colors t regular- priee-1 aT . ... ... . . ...... . ...... 1 Lfix - Island ;Cotton,. fast colors, full speclalrpa ir. ..... iVfJ McCall's Patterns ; Th Ukeat . and aew1 patterns for spring; and " stunmer, 10-15. Ask (or tana. ' .-' ' MeQin's Tood Is endorsed by the phy- -ician. Hundred of doctors ar using Mallin't Food In their own fame -ilies for thlr own children. If Mel. -lin'a Food is good for the doctor's baby it ought to be good for your baby. 'Let u know if you would like to try Mellin's Food end we will send you a eampi bottle free of h"arg. Hsllje'. fe4 b tfc elT lafsats Feed, wklca rslv4 th Craad Prts. lb highest award ef th Usl.lsaa Per- has Kassitla, St. Uais, 1904. Bih taas a geld smeaaL ; . MELLIN'S FOOD CO BOSTON, MASS. , i 51 9 nrfoTToWl fln of $100. K. McaelUn. Jointly In-. tot4 with him, had previously pleaded, guilty and paid a $60 fin. They wet taken at S Burnald streets, with others, and Cavanaugh ws proprietor ol tb place. y .. ; - --; j - - . ' .'. ' ?.' ;.- '., ..... lr. ',, : " . 5 - :-- - ' 1 .-, 5 : . .. .v- 6 - -t -