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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
THE : OREGON AILY JOURNAL'. - PORTLAND," TUESDAY ; EVENINQ. , JUNE ; 13. 1905. . 9 WORE FILfJYf ROCKS. -AND-GAUZY-VINGS THREE BEARS FALL BULLET ENDS LOVE NOTABLE DATE IN -T0-ELLIS RIFLE "lAfiTPAGES IN PARK ORE WJIISTORY And Little Girls at St Helen's 37Kalirt6dKedahdActed Like Fairies. f Expressman Spends Bad Night ln Small Cabin on Banks - -of Flshhawk. :- Arthur Fogerty Shot by Father Signing of Treaty Confirming Of The Journal Today wlll tell you how to ob tain free admission to THE OAKS -Rightvto-Terrrtory-Wift-Be of. Cirl vVithWhomT" He Is Talking,- v Celebrated Tomorrow. AfsilMALS PROWL ABOUT AND DRIVE AWAY SLEEP COMMENCEMENT WEEK ' AT POPULAR SCHOOL ' BRAKEMAN C. H. HOWE ' v TAKES AIM IN MOONLIGHT FORMAL DELIVERY OF .- . ' BUILDINGS TO GOVERNOR Programs for Series of Enter, taihments That Will Mark , Close of the Year. ' . When Morning Conies- He Fol lows Tracks, and Bags the: 1 17 VVhols i Family, - ' . ' -a.'g IWounded " Lad, Pupil at- Newill Riyervlew. Academy, Will ,""". . Likely Recover. Warned by a'corapanlon that Charles H How, a raUroad brakeman. living at 11J Gibba etreet. was searching for him 1 with :a,revolver. Arthur ..Fogerty ro State - Commission Will Have The Chutea, the Bumps, the Mazt, the Laughing QMny. Charge of Interesting Ex-" ercises at the Fair; ..... i hum tienuh ln-rwttHgc- rwnaw 1i waa convereing with How l-yar- . ,-old daughter lata Jat mgnt. ana awn-a to run. .- ' v - , " ' Aa he did ap How appeared and fired "itwlcd at htm. On bullet entered th "'boy' left aid and, -lodging near th .Pinal column, "inflicted a painful but - not .nceasrlly dangerous wound. . Fogerty ran (toward the Blvervtew 'academy, where h la a pupH; and Into - th anna tf Professor Newill. who- had been attracted by th report of th re- ' volver. The boy waa kept at the acad- Tim TaiT"Iifnt" and-rntii mornlig-wB taken to Bt. Vlncenfa hospital, where 'the. bullet Waa. removed by Dr. Rockey "and Dr.. TUxer. '.'.: The affair haa been mad th aubject of police Investigation,-a report of It -fhavlng -been handed. Chief Hunt thla 'morning by on of hla patrolmen. Pro t feasor Newill. It Is Understood, wtnf lie fn xrff,i.inr .Mrnt How. who la aald Rebooting th boy. It la reported that , Howe Mia He rireo me.iirsx mm louin fonrtt'i eompaiilnn i "As long aa the wound 1 not likely tto prove fatal, ' I think th occurrence will have a aalutarV effect," aald Pro cessor Jewtll. "as J "nave given atrlct orders against the toys being In th park 1 after o'clock at night. Fogerty and hla achoolmat" were mipposed to b in 'their rooms. at S:S0 o'clock, the hour for the sounding of tapa f -'-' bUt HOW is in Diame lur twiuns inv dauchter be awsy rrom noma at mgnt. -' land deserves severe punishment for going "around shooting litUa. scnoolDoys, . Me ' boasted this morning of what he had . 'don. and said Ih my bearing that he - !wap sorry -be had not Inflicted greater (Injury." . . . - ; t INTERESTING EVENTS AT THE EXPOSITION "Programs That Will Be Observed 4 ooU-y-ami-Troorrow "at the Fair, , Xodsy. program. at the Xwlg and Jirx lair; -..-- i-zr : 4p m. BaaebalL Portland -Hlgh r-achool -rva.--.-Portland - academy; " Athletlo park. ''.. .pinner ror ireraipremo- i tlon committee at American Inn. ""tTTTHTp. nj. Concert 7nnea'r"band. ., t . ' Event of tomorrow:. J-lag day, under th auspices of th ""Daughter -of the American Revolution. . . 1 :S0 p.' nt Grand flag "dTrlinn Ath letic field by tOO achool children. 77 1 p. m. The " murretous Bsums In "atrial act (free) on lak front. J: jo p." m. Patriotic "' exercises " In ,'Auditorium. . ' 2:$0 p. m. Life-saving exhibition on Guild's lake. ' 4:S0 p. m. Reception by Daughter of 'American Revolution In Oregon bulld- - fng. Administration band in attendance, T:J0 p. m. Concert by Innea band. Program: Festival Overture, "Phedre",. .Massenet ' From "Monteium".,... .... j . Stewart (a) Vals Lent ... .... . ........ , . (b) Proceasional March Scene from "Faust' (second suite) . . Gounod (Second Hungarian Rhapsody s) Prelude. "Trsvlata" ,tb) "The Cossack" (march). From "Lohengrin", .rrmni .LlKlt .Verdi . Parei .Wagner Bridal scene and Verwandlunga. (a) - "Serenade" .......... .-. .Moskowsky "Russia'' i fantasy- fur -cornet J. .evy Airs from' 1'Prlnce of Pllsen", ., . louden FRAUD ORDER ISSUED FOR CALIFORNIA FIRM .. ' " (Joorl Special ferric. Washington. June II. A fraud order was issued today by the post office de . partment against the People' Horn Pur . chasing company of Ban Francisco, Ixng Besch. San Pedro and Tasadena, Cali fornia. readlston Teachers Ohosem. ISprdal DUpatcb to Th JoarasL) Pendleton. Or June II. J. W. Huff of Iebanon has been - chosen principal nf the Pendleton High school .for the ,-cnmlng year. He Is a graduate of th Ohio I'niversity. Th other teacher chosen are Mlsa Miriam Hlckov of Ba ' lem. Miss Mary Quick of Falls City, Miss Daisy Lee of Milton and Mlsa Alma Harris. Rosy CKeeks . Bright y and tadjr Berrss ar d trd ky every womaa, and they can be thtained without artificial mean. The stomach must first be-made strong, the blood pur and functional regularity es tablished. The "most successful medl tin to. do. this .1 .. . . . Hostcttcr's .Stomach rtsri-. Women who bar triad th -Blttrs STOMACH scknowledg It to be th best for sll Ills peculiar to thalr-sex. - A fair trial win convince you that It cure Nio$ea,CnmpC Dtzzincjj, Falntlnr Spclh, Poor Appetite, ' Indigestion. -Kidney Troubles, Dyspepsia, and hciache. Th genOln has ... trap privat stajsif vr th nc. I-- At "th presidential election In 1I th Oregon boundary question waa on of the. issue upon, ' which Polk. . was elected "prfldn.ijttf smen mad fiery speeches, and-tb country seemed on.-the yerg of. another war with Oreat Brit ain.; w . :.' - : ; s. ' -"-" But -wiser counsel prevailed, and on June 15. 1st, it i convention, of the representative, of 'th two countries, th' difficulty waa settled by compromise, fixing the" forty-ninth parallel as th northern boundary of th Oregon, coun try, whiter Vancouver Island waa given to th prltlsh. Free , navigation . waa granted- both nations, ana rignta. oi actual possession of land on both aides of th. boundary. Hue were ia'T)rte snected" by both. It wu II vun no tomorrow that th treaty was ; signed . between - th United States-and Great Britain. Ac cordingly, In commemoration of 'LAhat vent. June IK. 1905. haa been selected as th date of th dedication of the Ore gon buildings at the Lewis and Clara falrr-Th-cermohtettendtnrTfoF' mal dedication, will be among th most elaborate and ' interesting features of the grest exposition. . : .. Th. r.mnnt. will hagln at ; nflnflL when Jefferson Myers, -president of. the Oregon state commission of th Lewi and Clark , fair, win turn-OVp to Oov ernor Chamberlain the property of the state and tha work of several years will hav been completieid. 7- President Myers will act a chair man at the' exercises. - Invocation will 1 pronounced by Rev,- J. R. N. Bell of Baker City. An address will then be Commlnsloner J." H. Al berts, chairman ef 4h .building com mittee, presenting th buildings to the governor. In behalf of tha commission. " - Oovrnor Chamberlain will then de liver an address, formally accepting th building In behalf of th atat of Ore gon. Mrs. Clara B. Waldo, grand' lec turer of th Oregon State Orange, "will bo -the next speaker, and will be fol lowed by B. F. Mulkey. president of the 8outbemOrl1gon Normal school. Dur ing th program - th 'Administration band will furnish music At M .o'clock, preceding th dedlca t ton, ceremonies.-President Myers of the commission will 'glv an Informal th ranking member of tha government board t he-r commlsaton and -of flclala of the state. - SEEK TO RECOVER A PROMISED FORTUNE Child's Care-Taker Made Its J Guardian In. Suit Brought - Against Father. (Joarnal gpdal Servica.) . New' Tork, June 11. Th supreme court haa Issued an . order appointing Mrs. Joseph In Pandrell of Wood me re, L. I., .guardian of Bessie May Culver, In an action It la propoaed to 'bring In th child'a name against Henry K. Cul ver millionaire feather manufacturer of this city, to recover $60,000. Papera filed with the order allege that Culver agreed : before- th child waa born to aettle that sum upon It Mrs. Pendrell say that at varloua tlmes-both before and after the child's birth Culver entered Into a verbal agree ment with Iren Mayer, tha mother of the child, providing that If ah nurture, cherish and educate the child, four years from-the data of her birth he would settle 150.000 on the lnrant Janu ary It. l0t. Little Bessie was five yearn n'n -T,ln" ay 1Z last, and Culver-U -la alleged, has made no such settlement. Meanwhile during th past five yeara Iran Mayer his been maintaining the child at Mrs, Pendrell's home, . paying all expense and maintenance. , CONFEDERATE VETERANS IN RAILWAY SMASHUP ' tJoaraal Bpeeiai Bemoe.) a Louisville, July It. A special eastbound passenger - train on th . Southern railway, bound from St. Louis to Louisville. was wrecked a mil west of -Golden Gate. Illlnol today. The - engineer and fireman were killed . ' and a number af passengers are 4 ' also reported killed and injured. The train, waa composed of 11 0 coaches bringing veterans to the . Confedeatt reunion. 4 PLAN TO ESTABLISH -BIG THEATRE CIRCUIT . (oaraal Kperlal Berrlca. ) '" Seattle, June- 31 The- consolidation of a chain bt theaters, - Joining nearly all the cities weat of th Mlasourl liver with the Central circuit, with a capitalisation of ll.000.900, la the purpose contemplated by th convention of theatrical managers her this afternoon. Among th man ager here are Ralph Rothschild of the Novelty circuit, San FranclscoT Edward Homan of th Bell circuit, Oakland; Henry Kahen of th Fischer circuit, San Francisco; Peckham of tha Star circuit. Spokane; John Consldlne of Seattle, of th .Pacific Coast Amusement circuit; F. T. Merrill of th Consldlne circuit, Portland. WOMAN'S CLUB OPENS T;' FAIR HEADQUARTERS Th Pojiland, Woman's jclnlr'open it headquarters for the fair today In th parlor of th Imperial hotel, where all visiting club women will be received and information glven.Tb club wojnen will hav chart of It for a week at a time, and thla week Mra. E. P.. Fraaer and Mra. Clapp ar In attandanc. A club calendar will be at th dis posal of any wtubUig to aee It, and sta tionery and 'other nvnlcncg will b fvrnlsbed. tin. RoMrnary G16s Whitney, Who Will Sing "The Sur Spangled Ban ner" atthe Flag Day Celebration at the. Fair Tomorrow. CONGRESSMEN VISIT 3 PACIFIC COAST STATES Committee on Irrigation Arrives .in -. San -1-Francisco Are yr Vyined and Dined. Jonrnartpeciaf Serrlre.) Ban Franclsro-JuneH. The con: vreaalonal committee on irrigation. BC com nan lad bv-a number of nersona In terested In rrrlgation projects, arrived In San "Francisco rrom --ine soutn mis Tnomtng anil were entertained Trr1qnch eon at the Bf. TTancia Dy th water ana Forest -asBeotatlon.ThlB" afternoon" th members will restandjhla evenlngulttay wftr tji tanrlere . unnutt bv th Com. enlnglhay - monwealtb club,, composed of prominent business men of this cTty interested In the reclamation or aria nm. - Tomorrow morning the committee will take a trip dowiu.the"Ba'n Joaquin" val i m Vinim From Fresno tt-will go to Stockton And then-to-Saerament for a two day trip mrougn me bbc ramento valley. " Next th committee will go to Reno, Nevada, to; -Inspect the great ditch un der construction near there. After their return JTrom Nevada th party goes to Portland to visit th exposition snd frnm then, thrnurlv th states of Wash ington, Idaho and.Montana. . " T.;;. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ENJOY SAN FRANCISCO (Joaraal Special Serlce.) San Francisco, June, 13. TheJChlghtS of Columbus, .who hav been in - Los Angeles -attenJlng the annual conven tion, are enjoying the hospitality of Han Francisco today. Supreme - Knight Hearn 'arrived from the south this morning and with his party were driven to ' the St. FrHnr!. wlilrh Is hewd- auartera lor the KiuguU in mis cuy. At 10 o'clock mor than 800 visitors. left the Palac In tally-ho and were taken for a drive through Golden Gate park.Anir-o'c1ock there was a, recep tion at -the park lodge. Luncheon at the Cliff house followed. ... Thla afternoon the guest ar enjoy ing the Bights and hospttallly-of th Presidio. - r " CARRIAGE FACTORY r"' . IS BURNED IN 'FRISCO (Special Dbpatch to Tbe Joaraal.) San Francisco, June 13. The constsnt dripping of oil Into a heap of sawdust gave lie to spontaneous combustion and waa th oauae of a 150.000 fire that oc curred shortly sfter midnight In an Iglit-atory building at 634-644 Howard streetrbecupied by Waterhouse & Iester as a carriage factory. But for he com bined-efforts of over a dosen nre com panies and the presence of th steel fire wall, the entire building., with many ad jacent tenements, would have been de atroyed and many, poor families- ren dered homeless. . v. ---- Judffe JUiur Stray Dl.. (Joursal Special 8ervlc. " - -Q..1 tr with . Juno 1 s Judarf ttenrv fltrnv. fnrm.n. terrltnrlnl aerreTurv. a member of sevTtral .'legislatures, once nftinff snvarnnr. ana on or inn moil prominent corporation .attorneys, of Ihlal state., died suaaeniy in isewixorg mis morning. - Attorney Commits Bnlold. . ' t Jaarual Bprrlal HerTlea. ) ' " Tucson, Aria.. June 13. Judge Thomas Satterwhlte, one of the most prominent attorneya of Arizona, ahot himself in hta office- here thla morning, expiring Immediately. -Ill health 1s assigned aa the cause. In the early nineties he was attorney-general of th territory. ' - ' " ' Major otlrtsom Di. . - - (Special llpatetr to Ta JoarnaLf ' Sn Frantlsco. JuneJJ.-MaJor JW11. 11am -Robertson, -who served with dis tinction In th Philippines, and who wat one of th most eRlclent and popular officer of . tha CaHTornla National Ouard. died this morning of Intestinal cancer. . ' r ' gson6nunIlBuIold. . (Special Dispatch to Tt JoaroaL) Iewlaton. Ida.. June 13. Mike Burke, an unmarried atonemasqn, committed stilcld by taking arssnlo last night In a lodging house. lis wn dtspondent over drluk, and rheumatism. " WANTS HEAVEN TO: 7 PUNISH ACCUSER Ceorge-4-effelU-Declares Inno cenqe of Larcenyr Denounces "Old Friend and Goes to Jail. -'I am not guilty Tbf : the crime, and I hope Ood will punish the tna caused my arrest and who prosecuted me." said George Leffell, When he stood for sentenr bef orer Judge- Georg thjs morning, .I.ef fell was Indicted for, steal Ing a gold watch., diamond, ring and moncylrom BurKe turreii, nis room mate, lie and Turrell, had com to Portland from- Denver and 1ad roomed - gtheTT here. TtirretT wok To 11 nd hla companion, his jewela and his money missing. Leffell waa arrested and the jewels were found In hla possession, but he declared' that -they had been given him by Turrell es security for. a Joan; He was found guilty of simple larceny and w sentenced o nlna months in I the county jail. , SEMINARY GIRLS"ARE . HERE FROM TENNESSEE - A. bevy of seminary girls, chaperoned by Miss Ida . Lee Duncan, principal of Centenary college at Cleveland, Tennes see, arrived- In Portland this morning ovsr the Rock Island and Southern pa cine routes. ..: The party Includes Misses Allie Raker and Faloma Green, Indian-oli-MIssIhhIppI;' Miss Emma Peacock, Winona. Mississippi; Miss .Marguerite Mnorehead, Gulf Port, Mississippi; Miss Alena-Campi- Lumberton, --- Mississippi; Miss Sophia Hunter,- Rllxnbethton, Tennessee. . They are delighted with the scenic wonders of the trip snd charmed with the beauties of th -Rose City, They will leave Friday' on th return trip via the Northern racine ana xei lowatnne narlt VISIT FAIR FOR THEIR HONEYMOON , The Trail la the objective point of tlx borwymoon of Ralph Phllbreck and Daisy Wallen, who were married laat night at the residence of Rev. Mlliam R. Pdwell. . The groom Uvea at HoquAlin, Washington, and th brlda I a native of Napa, California. They have corre sponded for many month and " their romance culminated in an -arrangement to meet last evening at tha Portland hotel. An hour after the arrival of the California girl they were wedded, and after a supper at the Portland they went to the fair grounds and reveled In tho delights of the amusement bridge. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Phllbrock will spend several days viewing the exposition before going to the home of the groom to reside. ' IRA 0. RHOADES IS THE NEW PURCHASING AGENT - K. K. Calvtn, general manager of the !-BouthernPa6lflc.liaachosen . -Ira O. Rhoades, .purchasing agent of th Ore gon Short lin at Salt Lake, to b pur chasing agsnt of th Southern Pacific, with headquarters at San Francisco. The appointment Is effective June 15. Mr. Rhondes begnn wlth.the. Union Pacific as a mcsMenger boy In the aup fly department at Omaha and haa been promoted successively receiving clerkH shipping clerk, tja and lumber Inspector, chief clerk to storekeeper, and chief clerk in the-ptirchaslng department, re reiving the laaj promotion eight year ago, Mr. Rhoades ha bought In Port land many thousands of dollars' worth of lumber, ties and other supplies for the Short Line. .. -' . . . .,. , Park Board's Bpeoial afeetlng. Mayor Williams has called a meeting of -tliej-lty park hoard, for Thursday niTi nins ni .iv u.iwn lur iiiv purpose oi taking definite action on the petition vtriAf. Penc for-a; right-ofway for h ditch through Aiacleay park. The mayor atated that the matter had bean pennrng long enough, and should be set tled, 'h. - ttor Bnrglarlscd. ' ', .' (RuecUl nianstrk t-Tli Jmrsal.r Ijitah, Wah., June 13.- Th general merchandise alor of Charles Glfford waa burglarise and then set on fir last.nlght. The fire' wss extinguished and part of th booty-found -cached on Hangman creek.. Th burglar Jiaa not been found, Th loi la Il.tOQ. Nothing could be daintier than the .operetta whicli opened commencement week at St. " Helen' a Hall yeaterday afternoon. "Woodland -. Falrlea" waa given by th Intermediate and primary depart menta and dosena of pretty llttl girls , frocked In beautiful tllmy gaus and wearing butterfly wlna looked sweet enough' to be'tru fairies.. . Miss Elisabeth K. . Matbew of the kinder garten department had trained them L.a mtmnt thrAkih their, stena and U U .J .... w n . . fM ii mht tha arraceful attitudes In ' wsy that called for delighted applause again and again. Mis r iniey or me music department waa accompanist, r :- Preceding the operettamree-otn nontkaea w.r. Irrlicht" - f Ell enbergV, Miss ' Kat Moore; recitatte'n, VIU I.l." .Rrnwnlnrt Mill Franc Conlln; 'Daffodil'- (Chrtlen),jai, Mamaa zinig. Thla aftsmnnn tha Junior mualc re cital la being given wilh th following programs, ' !!.. ."Hnatvlah TtanC"- MOskOWSkl). Misses " Flora T)a via andHelen-Hartj Mli,mha. KMir" - 4 Rleriermann ' M4sS Oladye-Curryj "Song -Without Wordavl In H flat (Mendelssonn). jaisa vtiniirfa Cld" (MassenetT. Miss Alta Rlng; Valae, B flat major (Godard). Miss Eileen Ye rx; ?'Llebeslted Hensert-Mis-lol Eramon; "Swing Song'?, (La "Fontaine), Mia Dorothy .Gilbert: "Thistledown" (Read),-Miss Georgia Leadbettr;."Der ceuse," "KlOn Dance " (Grelg), Mlsa Flora Davis; "In tbe Twilight ' (Kohde), "Shepherd's Dance" (German), Miss Helen. -Hart; Maaurka, B , flat major tChopln), Miss Genevieve Sangstacken. Thla evening' at o'clock . th -commencement concert will be given by-the advanced music pupil and th program follow:-' . Cantata.' ' "The Home ''. of Tltanla" (Tours), choral class; "Romance"-(violin; solo) (Beckers-Miss Louis Em mons i "Brier Rose" (recitation) (Boye sen), Mlaa Helen Chandler; , "Faschlng-sehwauk- aus Wlen (Schumann).' Miss Maud Carlisle; Kammenol Ostrow -No. Dusen; (a)-"To a Wild Rose." (b) 'Au tumn." (c) "Water Lily" (McDowell). Miss Gertrude Gray; "La Plleuse" (Roffl, "Ggvotle (b- major) (Godard), lss Maud Carlisle; "The Cricket and the Singer (recitation) (Browning), Mis Helen Doble; 'Loreley" (Seeling), noc turne (g major) (Chopin) polonaise (a major) .(Chopin),. Miss Emellne Powell; "Oralno'a - Kmbaaay," f rorti "Twelfth Night" " (Tecttationr (Shakespeare), Misses Chandler.. West and Doble; quar tet, "invitation 'to the Dance-tWebcrL. flrsf " piano. Misses Powell and Xn Duaen, second. piano, Misses Carllale and Gray. '. - .. ... . .. The i commencement - exerciaen which are the most important of the week's ceremonhs. will take plur t t o'clock tomorrow evening, and Mlshoo Morris pfJPregoqjnd Bishop Kestoe-of Olym- pia win D the speakers. The following js th order of service: . Hymn. "Ancient of Days"; the Ixjrd' prayer; veralclea and reaDonses: Psalm Ixxxlv; lesson. Proverbs xxxi:10; Mag- nincai; Apostle s creed; rverslcles and responses; collects; anthem. "Arise and Shin" (Evey); address; anthem, "How Lovely are Thy Dwellings" (Spohr); ad dress and awarding of diplomas; bless ing; hymn. "For all Thy Saints." The senior receiving diplomas are: Byra Abbott, Walla Walla; Jv Bailey, Hlllsboro; Clara Boot, Clara McEwan. Helen - Coldwell, Margaret Moanlson, Alice Collier and Catherine Emmons, Portland; Gertrude Gray, Seattle; Jessie Grimmett, Island City; Dorothy Lang, fltt, Portland; Myra Loverldge, Eugene; Alice McCormac, Marshfleld; Carrie Short, Astoria; Maud Van Dwien, As toria; Winifred Van Dusen, Astoria. MOSQUITO FLEET MUST SHOW LIGHTS . .ThePort j)fPortlnd -commission has decided, that all boats of the mosquito fleet that la now crowding the port must carry the light prescribed for the larger vessels. Large numbers of small launches hsve recently been plying In the harbor at night- and many of these have hot carried light-and th result haa. .been that collisions hav been narrowly averted on several occasions, and as the danger was growing greater each night the commission took action. Today Harbor Master Ben. Blglln notified owners of small craft that the three lights must b displayed, these lights being white light at the bow, red. light on starboard and green on the-port side. . ALBANY YOUTH TRIES - TO;0R0WN HIMSELF , (Special Dlapatck to Th Journal.) Aibany, Or., June 18. Frank Clev. Inger, a young 'man ' about town, thla morning- Junked ; lnto the - river - after divesting himself of part of his clothing. Ha sank aeveral times when a atranger jumped hi pulling the body out. A half hour' work resuscitated him. It is be lieved the man Jumped Into -th- river Wlirt auit:niai iiiiciii. jiib mvni.r cently died leaving him several' hun dred dollars. Hlnoe that time n nas set fast pace. It Is supposed the money Is' gone and h grew despondent. He refuses to mak a statement. MAYOR WEAVER HAS; -i COUNCILMAN ARRESTED V , " . . ( Journal Bpeclal Berries. ) -Philadelphia. June la. At the Instiga tion of Mayor Weaver. Frank H. Caven, aelected councilman of th thlrty-.fourth ward, was arrested today, charged wltn being Interested In city contracts in vio lation of his oath of offlc. Caven was held' In 110,000 ball for hearing Thurs-day.-Tt aecufed ball and waa release. GREEK PREMIER IS - WOUNDED BY ASSASSIN ( Journal gpeela). Rerrle. ) Athens, Jun II. pA . Premier Dal yannl'..waa aacendlng the stairway of th chamber of deputies this afternoon an unknown man rushed upon him and plunged a knlf Into bis stomach. In flirting a ttrloua wound. Tha aiaiin eacaptO. , . ...',:..- y. I I .. ... , With bear clambering on the .roof over" him and scratching and tearing1 at tne wans on an sides of his cabin, "Tot" Kills, the expressman, ' passed-an -exceedingly' uncomfortable night. By his side ley hi trusty rifle, but .h' did not car to ' encounter a ' regiment of pear In the dark. Sunday morning" h allied, forth and bagged a trio of the bla same Palis Bean Mam ma Rear, and Baby Bear. , Today hi 1 the. proudest sportsman in. town. - ' vl;. , - Ellis left town to. catch trout In th Flshhawk rlveV Saturday ' afternoon. While ther before he had seen beat tracks and concluded to tak his rifle with him on this trip... ". - Ha haard th -animals snlfflsg about hla cabin, and next morning took , hla rift) and atarted after them. - In about . half an hour tne' expressman came upon hi game two large salmon bear and a cub.. The first bullet brought down the father of the family, but two or three were required for the " female, who showed "fight, and had hla -aim not been accurate wsuld have made things uncomfortable -for htmr- It wa easy work to dispatch th cub.." 'Monday morning Ell la- walkd Into Het-kard'alitorarthrTM-oudeat nlmrod In the city He carried two large pelta, hat did you do .wltn the cuut asked' Reckaroi -" ; ' " "No, time to fool with cubs." haugh tily answered llis."Tm only in lh big game business."- "... , tJ ,,. APPROPRIATION'S FATE - SETTLED NEXT JUNE Governor Chamberlain- haa Issued a proclamation, naming .June .4. 4906. as the time for holding the election on the referendum to' th voter of the state of tire $1,000,000 appropriation--bill for which a petition of .tlt names has been filed with th secretary of stats at Salem. Th proclamation is in accord ance with "the law governing the refer endum and' ia algneS also byi Secretary of State Dunbar. The petition held up th appropria tions for tha maintenance and improve ment of tbe asylum for th Insane, th penitentiary, the reform school, th dfjnut -and blind- acaoolav-tha-stat unlveraltyl the agricultural college, tha normal sohooLs and th current expense of the stat government. If the voters deslr they may prevent payment of !! Items which were provided for-in the bill, and pending ' the decision of the election, the' state will Issue evidence of Indebtedness to provide rorth carry ing on of the government. HARDER TEST FOR1' ; "OREGON DRUGGISTS "- "Strict enforcement 'of the' law gov erning the practice. of pharmacy will bethepollcy'of the" atat' board'Sald Georg C Blak'eley, on of the- exam lnera who ats-apulxlng the test todsy to appllcanta. The claas la th larg est ever examined. Hereafter appli cant must pass at least 74 per cent In every branch -to receive certificates entitling them to practice pharmacy In Oregon. Markings will be 'examined to morrow or Thuraday. - -: HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS : TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS 'Commencement exerclsea of the Port land High achool will be held In th Marquam Grand theatre tomorrow night, when M young men and women will re ceive diploma. The address t '. the graduatea will be delivered by Rev. J." Whltcomb. Brougher. pastor of -the White Temple." His subject will be "Th Chief Idea In Education." Mra. L.- W SI l in I Iks tlty he school directors, will present the di plomas. - J SWEDEN REFUSES T0"- flECOGNIZE SEPARATION . -- SnaeUt genles.t - --- Stockholm, June 13. The foreign min ister haa Instructed the consul or nwe a Vnrw.v that Sweden doe not recognize the provisional government of Norway, directing mom o rommu. mt exercise of functions aa Derore tn sep aration waa announced. . CHURCH STRUCK BY LIGHTNING BURNS UP -, , , t v :.. 'nrr. (Bnael.l Dl.nttcb to T Joomal.f - n i - tiih.' 11 .Viirinir in -electrical storm jtimuj aalem churcn waa sirucs, oy iisihiumh and completely destrpyed., Tha bolt struck the weather Vane on th top of the teepl and th f lamea aoon en- Y-loped the bulldihg. --Tha losa la $8,000, partly lnurd, r '--r- . visa OambUr flaad. - (Special ptapstch te Tbe JawaaLV -- Or J una 11 -Nln gam blers pleaded guilty yetrday In th circuit coun ana w ium . savn. with the exception or a. uou, who wi fined $76, it having been W second off fense. , ' Orovr Martin waa arralgnetl for- th . i -ne o '- M. Preston- and rjleaifcfl not guilty. Th case la being heard, to day,' th morning Deing vcvuyicu lctlng a Jury, , Th Toorhl Ar Back. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Voorhles .hav returned from an extended trip to Eu rope. ' They visited Great Britain," Ger many and other countries,' and had a very pleasant Journey, .- . .;.. . a. . . . u BaroB aotbsokUd Dead. - - (Jonrail peelif Bernee-.f I" Vienna, June 11. Baron Nathaniel Rothschild; a brother of the .head Of the Vienna; brokering house of Rothschild, la dead. ';" -y ' ' .i....- "T . lra teotnr. ' - Mwanla Trenulnlttatl will glv a free lectur at-Ttnlty hall, ZMH MArrtsoh' Street, Thursdsy nlghC -All Interested In th religion "for which h stands , are Invited to attend. . Prfrrd Stock Oaaa4 (too da.' "Allan ft lml.3ul 8ran. ( ROSES AND POPPIES BLEND IN HARMONY Portland Gives -Reception "In - Honor of the California Pro- " motion Committee. . NOTABLE SOCIAL EVENT.' -r OF THE BIG EXPOSITION yisitorsrCharmed With:HospitaU-j A ity Shown Them by Peo- " .':'V', - pie of Fair City.-:f -.Tlie- New 'fork, building: has been, tlia so'w. f many plfaiiant saclsl ertnta suwe .tha exposition opened, but nona -prettier or more enjoyable than that ofrlaat nlghtthe-Tccepttonr rtvetrTtjr the adnIn.lBtrat(on In honor of the Call. -fornla promotion commute. ' ' - " Throughout tha evening tho building and Its annex presented scenes of guyetyv There were about 4 Port landers a net 100 enthusiasts, from California ln(th throng. . Local society people were con ' splcumis.- ' --. f . ' .-- -;.-. -7 ' -ln th .receiving Hue were President snd Mra. ttoode, Vic-President and-Mrs. " Flelschner. Mr. and Mj-s. T. B, Wljcox,. Mr. and Mrs, Allen lwls and Dr. and " Mra.'K. A. J4 Mackensle. During the" evening, a buffet luncheon ' Waa served. The drinkables tncludetl ' champagne and claret punc... .The floor of, tha main exhibit hall -a. prepared i ror dancing and. at th-conclusion "t th -supper many availed themselves of the. opportunity. , De Caprlo'a. Admlnlstrs- - tlon orchestra furnlshel the music. Th floral decorations In -tha building were - cxceptlunally beautiful. - Th -fallfornlana began their second ' day In Portland with breakfast down town and at noon there was a' repetition - -of the luncheon at the . merican Inn, wher the enthusiastic scenes of yester, day were re-enacted.' The visitors spent -th aftemoon-nt the .fair ground and will take--dlnner-tlier Tonight they attend, a reception - at. the jConimcrc!ar club, . -. 1 - - FARMER NEAR LEBANON SUDDENLY-EXPIRES (Special Dispatch ta T JostmL) -Iebanon.'Or.. JUhelS.j; B. TVlrt' dropped dead In, hi cow corral' thla morning at his home. lOmlle east of Tbanon, while attending To TK Chores: He had been, feeling badly for several days. Wirt taught school In this county a number of years and was a prominent character. For the past two years h had been selling fruit trees for a nursery , company .of Tangcnt..H waa aged about. It. - .... - - Many Khaep X) rownad. ' r ' ' (Special Dlapatcii to Th JournaL) Clearwater. Idaho, June IS. Hundreds of aheepaivere drowned and awept away by a cloudburst ilear her Hsturday night. The herders hsd barely tlm to , climb to high points before a wall of waterJ in feet high . rushed down th gulch. Much hsy is also lost. 13 WIDELY IMITATED What ' better proof ' of its being a good thing? Be sure ' you get the genuine. . v 25 Ounces for 25 ccni3 . oowommxoxA, ouit, tfbtxxi, aTTSmOODU, TAKIOOOIII.B, LOBS Or atAirxoos,.BntracATinc, zomtA," ASTHMA and MXM DISXAgEB. V want-eveTy Wan afflicted with th. a bora dlsr-ssrs to honestly Investigate our special syatem of treatment, We In vite In particular all who have treated ' IsewherC "Wlthtjuf success, alt" whose cases I have been abandoned for family' physicians and so-called ' 1FXCIAX.- ' IVSU," all whor troubles hav been' , aggravated and made worse by -th ua nf aa&Ta, . rui imut, Tmiai. TatXATMXal TX . and mU4-mnoiT- torn. We will explain to you why euch treatment has failed to cure you, and will demonstrate to your entire sat lav . faction that w can cur you ' safely,. quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost nothing, and we will do by yon aa we would wish youto dnb.y us If our cases werere-versed. Writ for our home treatment If you cannot call. ---' The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Xoom aa T Wlaohesisr Sons, 3d ' and Xnrasid Xtrts, rortland, Or. staaUax. mV'- - Baking Ponder t'-ft" ' '-jr ,