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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
- . - . t - -r -;. -'. .-'.. ' . , . ' , TH ' OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY' EVENING. JUNE 13. 1901. Q . . f f A and ' Mf kAI r WATCHES CLEANED - FOR 75c. AEtTWORK WARRANTED, FOR ONE ' II) F i YEAR- MAINSPRINGS. 75c. JEWELRY REPAIR DEPARTMENT Firt Floor. YV f I m7fH f II PI I 1 I ... ... . ' . .. - wrr JMMliitlii. The" Different Store " . V , , ' ".' ft .: " . , , Pap Jubilee LARGEST STOCK OF UNIQUE EXPOSITION . AND : PORTLAND, SOUVE NIRS IN THE CITY AT PRICES YOU'LL LIKE TO PAY; ; . . . THE FASHION CENTER OF ;. -THE ; STYLE WORLD. Visit the" free cake-baking school on third floor lessons ' J....;-? .a-:: V 10 TO 12 ANDX TO 4 DAILYr . : . : , . .. .. FREE'; EMBROIDERY LESSONS GIVEN - BY- EXPERT TEACHERS IN " . : NEEDLEWORK Art Shop Annex Second Floor. - : ii: ; DayFinds Store a Vast Theatre of American Productions WE HAVE VERY APPROPRIATELY SELECTED- TOMORROW FROM AMONG THE INTERNATIONAL SALES" DAYS TO FEATURE AS AMERICAN DAY.' THIS IS THE rPA nv AMERICAN INDUSTRIES AND VISITORS TO THE STORE TOMORROW WILL BE AMAZED AT THE VARIETY. THE"QUALiTYAND"THE'QUANTITY"OFTHE, mJu sasawaai eeaaaaaaae. sweeaasaaaaw aa aaaaaaw ax-vm aaaea aaaaaaw eaaaa.aaaaawasaaaaaai a . , - ' . - a. m W . .' A ahWft w H M -M ! MERCHANDISE OF AMERICAN PARENTAGE WE EXPLOIT. HERE. SUCH A DISPLAY AS WILL BE SHOWN WOULD BE lMTOMtiut iu am x uinaiy wintw i i i . " "- - - " - " xil - TTTT STORE. FOR THE 3IMI LLXk: IS GATHERED UNDER ONE ROOF A M1LL1UN-DULLAK STUCK UK-tU CAKKi' ULLVCHOSENFINELY.- MADE AMERICAN GOODS. - THE STORE-WILL BE PROFUSELY DECORATED IN FLAGS AND AMERICAN COLORS. . mm yi TT An American Sale of American Knitwear for American Women first floor, .. ;.-,v. , ' TWDIMABklim 1ID IOKMT. .... . - Womn'i t Tt, 18o. Whit. Faner Lc-Strlpd ana Blue RchellU low neck, no alMV Rerilar valua J5c; apaclal at. ach . V - ' Womaa'a fBo Valoa Sntta. 490.' WMto Cctton Union 6ultlow nack, no aleavaa, Jaca trimmed kn. rgular valua 75c; anaciai; aun . ... . t Wamn'a Bl a VmlOm Bnlta. MO. u'kii. r.iinn "Xi.rfKi." Knit TnJon' Bultarlon alaavaa. ankla length, - --half P" front, jtl trimmed. :Ktr.aUeKulavUl.J5; ?;. : apaclaU utt ' . r. . . . . . . . . ... .v.-. . . r. rrr. - or Tlia apaclal aala of Womaa'a Tina Black Oottoa Xoaa eaatUnaa thla wakTat banralaa PaH tot tfcamaiTaa.laadr - - . ; , Womaa'a BOo Hobo, 2e. Komen'a Fin Maco Cotton Hoaa. optra lenftha. fulL-flnUhad. raa. ular. valua SOc; apeclal. pair .....,...........,...;.. -29 ----- '-- - - Womaa'a $1.00 Hoaa,..' ' " .. ' xp.mM-. Vim, Plain and UrOD-StUch lioaa, opera, lencth. fin -lihMoot.-4eublrelr U-ahpo4-ar langthj-TeaTrtar air 11.00: apaclal. rt" .i t I - Xui Womaa'a SOe Boaa, 10. iri.ihiii. -Tin. Tiirb Mara. Cotton lios. alsaa IH and I only, ragu- lar value tOe; apaclal, pair.,. ...V. . . 20 r , , womaa'a Ma oae,-4o. :- . Plain Rlack I.lsla Hoae. medium weight, finished foot . Hnhla aoleT pllr1 Vfl. regular; valua tile: anacUlpatr4ae 4 Womaa'a BOo Voaa, 33a. . -. Women Splendid Wearing Black Waco Cotton Hoae. ribbed top, flnlahed foot, medium and heavy weight, regular value 0c; apeclal, valr 33 Womaal oo oa 39. Woraen'e ' Black Maco Cotton Hoae, with white Maco. aola. high epllred "heel. French toe. medium weight, . regular value 0r ; apeclal, pair ..35 ' . Womaa'a BOo Boaa, See. tVomen'a Fine Black U"le Hone. vry fine gause, apltetd heela. double aole. French toe. regular value 0c; apeclal, pair.,.. 344 ' Womaa'a 400 Xoaa, Ifta. - AVomen'a Black putf Llale pioa- medium weight, flniahed foot, double aole, our beat 40o value; (social, pair. ........... .,25 Flag - Day Bargains - for- American -; , ; Kings c Amarloaa Mea The "toraa" of Oraatlqa. -r ; . WK8T ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. " o Zaataad of BOa foa Kea'a Vaderweac. ' Two broken llnea of Men'a Balbrlggan I'nderwear. one 1 1 r III all 111 mini II Mill MimrTaitn' nh , are good "0o valuea. Special aale price, the . garment ..29 Itea'a BOo gmapeaderg for Ita. : : "Meh'a""Afhletic" Supndera, very almllar to .the 'Preal dent" Suaoendera In atyle and make; our regular . 50c value. Special Introductory price, the palr...l9 Mea'a BOo Toar-la-Xaaa Tlea for lc Odds and ends of three or four different llnea of Four-ln-Mand Tlea. In pretty patterns; our regular tOc value, Special at, each.. 19 Mea'a 75o V Ight Snlrta for too. A line of Men'a Night Shlrta. with plain or trimmed front; the - best value In the market at 7c. Special, aale price, each. .. .394 Hats Characteristically American, for American Women $X4. "BIJOU" SALONS 8ECOND FLOOR ANNEX." - CTBOXAX. AmaAxommrr or f.oo talttbs fob "It takes all kinds of fottt to people a world." said some old sagebrush phlloa'ophe.r. and It takes a big sort 2:6t hata to cover the Ideas -flf American women, aa great mllllnere will all tell ua. ""A favorite of Ameri v can women at all tlmea la a dressy har of black; in fact 'tis an almost Indispensable adjunct to the ward. - robe of any dreaay.oman. We've arranged a apeclal - aale-for tomorrow of the' distinctively conservative ' American hata. Hats selected from a. leading Amel cn manufacturer's line. "neat hand-made turbans, all . . . -.!. iriwimi with Katittful flawera and foliage, made over wlr framee from horaehatr aftd Jetted braids- In a variety of amart, atyltalt anapea to oecome nm iair . mtrntii' hata Vou nav 14.00 for Will" 1 . jcva vl Aui.ii"" . . . . w . n Ingly. Speclal for Wedneaday at, a choice for. ........ -92.49 Special Flag-Day Prices on Women's Pretty Fineries Furnishing Stores FIRST FLOOR. ; An American Sale of American Tailored Street Suits for Women of the Dressy World t OBAiro saxosts raoora tloo. . xakoxit Airs uaszsto APriBii. xovsa x Tn WXSTXXV - . 'STATES. Tn ximxa sxttt avsnrxsa or roBtxAaro sbovxj oxittsb KXBVS AsTD WlUit : - . - It'll not. be long before we'll have all the ready-to-dOrt apparel business, suit -and wrap selllna- In the city to do. Why. do you suppose -ny woman whpcaji buy her jilothea at our prices J going to pay -Quarter la a .wira. more riar--where after she learns' our undprprlce method of dolna business? Not: much! She ll buy wnere 'she gets the best "and most .value for her money whfT"ityle-ar"nmianatly freshanav where ahe Is sure of .being protected from running Into her -double, at evet-y corner she turns. We- buy few replleas-no hundred of-av. kind but thousanda. splendidly assorted, and bought direct from the makers at rock-bottom price. - Splendid sample of American merchandising. Special valuea for tomorrow "Flag Day.' ; Hiah-Grade Suits Reduced, HUlta III'1 Ulalll UIIJ dcrnl-UllWeJ styUs, coat, blouse and Etoa. "ro"odels.chevlots, serges." Panamas,-broadclolhs " and" fancy mixed tweedlsh effects In handsome mixed fabrics; colors embrarlng navys. black, bluea, browns, gretria end mlturs. Allth latest trimming ef fct of trappings, button "and " atltchtngs. Very " "newest " and latest of the season s reigning Styles. On special sal aa follows: 135 00 to $38.50 8uit for. 140.00 to 146.00 Suits for.. $4X50 to $55.00 Suits for., $68.50 to $S 50 Suits for., $75.00 to $85.00 Suits for.. 27.95 S3 1.65 3T.49 ..49.98 ..59.95 $4.50 Pedestrian Skirts, $2.49 Trim and trig Walking 8kirts of a neat melton, splendid for wesr on summer tramps or for shopping. In the store, factory or office: gray and brown mixtures; cu.t In : seven-gored flare., full, round lengths that sweep the Instep; seam are double stitched; best regular $4.50 values. r Special tomorrow only at 92.49 XAJTDSOICB MOZAim SMXHT WAIST STTTTS " MAIF fMCI. lAll la latest -modes and smartest 1?05 -fancies for summer, wear; dust-reslstlng mohairs, popular, and. aerylaeabla-fabrlcs In blackK, browns and navys plain-and retcning rancy mixtures ana styl ish checks; Eta mines and Veilings also embraced in the materials; the waists have Blahop aleevea. skirts fancy plaited; plain style and trimmed In fancy braids; regulsr yalues from $1X50 to $J5. Special for tomorrow only at-.-T..ik..,.aIAXir FaUCS ' i XAOZS Whit and Cream Lftcea Of Beautiful Appllqued Vnla. Bt Gall and fancy colored effecta 1 lace band, and ' appliques; . valuta to l 00. divided Into 1 Iota fol low: ..... ;-- : ' ' - Regular $5o value. Special at, yard. . . 4. ,.10) Regular COo value. Special at, yard..... ;.,.25 Regular 7e value.- 8peclal at, yerdr,..-,.. ,, . r.3H Regular $1.50 value, xpeciai at. ytra. .......... .7 or It. ... . , . 984 :a.8 .25 Rsgulae $2.00 vslue. Special . Regular $4.00 value. Hprrial. . 'Regular $$.00 value. Special. . B0 Bmbroidery too. A new line of fin white Embroidery, in white cambric and nalnaonkv t to 1 Inches wide; nlso Corwt Cover Embroidery Edges; ivslue ; to 60c. :.8pec1nl..jrard .,.".,.....,:....... i 1 . . . .254 ' Women tSe Turnover Cellars loo. .,.. - Emhroldsry Ttiro'er' t'ollurm In prettT designs; regular vslue SS6, Ppecial, wch .' ..C J'.....10 un An American Sale of American '. - . a SECOND FLOOR - r7" LOfSeiS ANNEX SALONS They Lead the World R0YAL W0ROSTERS,V $3 Corsets-rr$l.97 to Pay Royal Worcester Corset of medium high bust and long Princess hips," with Tios supporter! attached at front and sides; made of pink or blue ana wnne ngurea orocn; Wiu 1 ts Reeular or tee- 81.00: apeclal St. the pair ft.9T4 - OKHJDBXK'S TS BZDTTCXS. ",-...... Children's Set.' consisting- of drees, underskirt .and drawers each set put up In separate boxes Dresses made- in .Mother Uubbard or French effect, all nltejy trimmed in lace or embroidery, ajxes from C months to years, regular pek-ea $3.50, $1.50. $5.00, $8.00, $8.50. $8.50 set; speclHl . ; jr)cee fl.25 f 2.25 2.5Q 3.00 3.25 $4.25 :More Helps foit House-Keeps" Special far Flag' Bay" a ' FOURTH FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR. B.BO Wool Blanket S4,TS. Whltii Wool Blankets, with blue, pink and yellow bers; regular yalu $5.60.8011 at, pair f4.75 . . - SS.00 Iro Bed S3.TB. White Enameled Brsns-Trrmmed Iron Beds, three quarters and fult"ls:regulnr vslue $10 Special, esrh 3.95 Regular $14.00 values. Special, each...... $11.25 Helps for; Housekeeping The World Caters to the AmscloM atoaaewlfe. total end mestauraat Folk ars laVrested to 'ru Day" rrtoea, 7zzzfr7i ,,-tr IN THE LINEN AISLES AND ""DOMESTIC - SHOPS FIRST . . FLOOR. ' ' - .-.. '- ' 7Bo Table Damask 80a. - - Heavy Irish cream Table DAmaek. pura flax, 60 Inches wide; regu lar value 7,5c Special, yard , . .1 69t ' BOs Bbmehed TabU Damask TBa. - - Pure fla bleached" Table t mask, two-yarda wider fin quality; regular value tOc. Special, yard" '.......... 4. ....... .75 - - $a.80 Vapkto Bl.tB. ; - Full dinner else blenched Napkins, pur flax, assorted patterns; - regular value $2.60. ' Special, dosen ..................... $1.95 molls Toweling Bo. $.000 yards Barnsley All-Linen Bleached Roller Toweling. . Special av-ard . , ...... ... .. . . ... ..... . ... . r,... . . . - -. . Kuek Towola-ISO. - . ' 160 dosen "full bleached Huek Towels, large else, fancy jacquard border. Special- at, each . . . r. s. .r... .v,;,. 1 8 ' Towels for Motel and Kooming-Konaea. ' 1,000 dosen Towela, Just received from, the Factory.- Special dosen h'n . ., . $1.20 $1.40 - $l.BO-and - $1.T5 ; M Bedapraada 8o. . ' : ' ' - . '- Crochet Bedspread for three quarter beds, good quality, pretty as :orted pattern: regular value $1.25. Special, each ......984 - ', 1 Bedspr .d S3;' - - Full site Crochet Bedspreads, Marseilles patterns. Special at - each , .i. 1 . . ftflf . L ta.00 BedapretUI gl i. - .Extra large "fringed "Bedspreads, with cut corner for Iron bed. colored w-whli: regulsr value $!.00. Special, each. $1.59 Xoaeyoomb Spread. t . Full lse honeycomb Spreads; nicely assorted pattern 1-apeclal valuea at, each ... . . V- $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 mow oao 100. 500 -dosen Pillow Cases, made from heavy aheetlng, good wearing quality; no better made: special at, each 104 S1.75 Long Clotk 1.5. Fin English Long Cloth. In nice, soft, smooth finish, 11 yards tn plece;regular "value $1.75. Special, for the piece. $1.25 WHITE WASH STIFFS IN THE SALE . 6O0. Testing 4o. " Whit Silk Finish Vestlngs; regular values 60c and 60c. Special, yard . i.,...... .44 wmt riqa. Imported White Ptque for summt-r skirts, also sis cord Regulsr 60c vslue. " Speclsl at, yard ...504 , Regular 60c value. Special at, yard. 444 Regular 45c value. Special at, yard .'....38t ; Bmfroldered Italia ISo. Embroidered Mulls, Jsre striped Batistes. .Special at, yard..,.18 3Qo and 35 Kadraa SSo. White mercerized Madras Cloths, Etamlnea and fancy Jacqusrds regular valuea 30c and $5n. Special, yard .224 BUK Kalis Soft finish Silk Malls, for commencement dresses. Speclsl at. yard - - a-m4f IVf Yankee Notions, Stationery. Toilet Articles : V o Safety riaa-ae. Heavy-grsde nickel-plated Safety Plna. 1 dosen on card, - all sites; regular value 6c. Special, card ,.34? IB Shirt Buttons Be. White Pearl Shirt Buttona, 2 dosen on card, $ or 4 holes, all size; regular valua 16c. Special, card. .. .9 IB Ball Bolls lOe. . .. Hats- Rolls or Hair Rats, all colors, size 1$ Inches; regular value 16c. Special, each 10 10 Garter Blastlo 190. " Fancy Ruffled. SUk Garter Elastic, all colors, extra quality; regu- ' lar value 19c. Special, yard .-12- ISo Box Wrltlag Faper 0e.- '- 50fPU6xes WrTUng Paper, containing 24 sheetand 14 envelope!. - new squsre shape, flap envelopes, whtteruled paper; regular 77Z- vslue 26c Special, box. . . . ....... . . . ." .". ..";,... 10 5o raper JTapkias lte for 10O. - Fsncy Crepe Paper Napkins, extra quality, American make; regulsr - value 1O0 for 25c. Special. 100 for...., 124 S Kaellar. So. 2-Ounce Bottle Le Page Mucilage, with brush; regular valu Sc. . Spcial at . a. . fc. . . . . . ..r,r,, . "..-. ........... .. T Bnslaea Xavalope 4o. ' : Ftn, Smooth Finish Business Envelopes, cream colors, size 44. 75 tn package; regular value Tc. Special, package 4 , Special, boa . 40 ' BOs- Ball Brushes 3B Imported French White .Bone Nail Brushes, 'finest quality; regular value 60c Special, each ........39 IB Tooth Brash Be. -Imported Jspsnes. Tooth Brushes, extra quality; regular value Ho. Special, each 84 Cake So Olyeetin Soap Be. Jarg Size Square Cake CrstalmClearpiycerlneTolet. Soapregu- lar value' $c. Speclal.Ti . ..5 -- Bo 10 Moth Balls . Math Balls. In largs-slse beses, protect your rugs, carpets, furs, etc; regulsr valu 10c. Special, each .64 BARGAINS .IN -JEWELRY AMD LEATHER GOODS FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX. ..T.-. . rSABI, BBA9 BBOKCBAIBS. . , , A Irft of rarl Bead Veckekalaa. .Our regulsr 1 5c value apeclal at, each ....viy.224 Our regular '65o value special at. each........... ....v49 Our regular $100 varae special at, each............. r...69 Otm regular $1.50 value special at, each. . ...luuuit,,. ..$1.10 0 " SB... Soarf Flaa BOo. A large assortment of pretty Sterling Silver Scarf Plna; value to 65c, Special, each. . A..... ...... -294 3B shirtwaist get it, W wlfl place on Sale a large aasortment of pretty stone-set, enameled. Silver and Pearl Shirtwaist Sets; value to 88a -Special, et ,...,.... .194 Women's SS.B0 Leather Bags 91-BS. . A line ef Women Leather Bags, with Inslds fittings, good quality. well made, with durable gunmetal and gilt frames, in .black, brown, tan and green; regular vau IK.".- opeeiai. See the Window Shows of White The Flag Day Sale of lijiderniuslins SETS ANOTHER PRECEDENT IN LOW PRICING! AND PRO GRESSIVE MERCHANDISTNO. . . Greater -In volume of stock and ; scope . of price benefits. Every sale we plan must create a new : precedent. .To merely duplicate" what was ones considered re- 1 markabla sal. Ii not prdgresslon. To adlFsnoe to grow is to 'bet-' ter baat Achievements, and that Is jireclsely-what we're doing In thl , great 105 June Sal. of Vnder- J " wear.""A hint of price: ; "V , Ladles' fine cambric Petticoats, -16-Inch cluster of fin tucks, B-lnch embroidery . ruffle and - dust ruffle; regular price $1.50 .Special nteach . ...... . .9T -"Ladlea' - fine eambrle- Pettlcoeta. 22-Inch . lawrt flounce, trimmed In row of lace Insertion, tuck hemstitching or deep embroidery ruffles and dust - ruffle; reautir prto $4.50.- Special at. ' ..- each .............. $2.99 unemne w-iine naiwsooWi-4nw rounor-lierirTorcnon lace insertion, beading, draw ribbon and edging, or trimmed with fine embrol- denrjesniJnjLjuac-$1.8Speclah atreacrr .9TV "ClioroTse of fine nainsook. Including skirt length.. trimmed lit" torchon. Vslenclennes laces and embroidery insertion and edging, beading and draw ribbon; regulsr $2.25 snd $2.60. Special, ach.,$)1.48 -Cambrtcr-Corsef Covers in an endless variety of atyle, in Valen ciennes and torchen lace, embroidery insertion, and edgng,lifni stitched -tucking and beartlngrrefUlaf prlr 65c Special at. each , ,.k ...w,...Uc Corsst Covers of fine rambrlo and nainsook, rows of Valenciennes lace Insertion between rows of beading and draw ribbon, lace - edging around neck and armholes; regular price $1.75 and $1.15 Special at. each ..Il.lfl Ladlea cambric Oowna, square yoke and neck. yoke. mad. of two clusters or a tucks each and rowa or 2-lnch embroidery tnser- tlon. embroidery edging at neck and sleeves; regular price $1.00. Special at. each ,...8i Ladlea' Oowns cf fins quality cambric. V-ahaped neok, B clusters of - fin tucks and 8 cluster of large tucks ' in yoke, blind em broidery edging at neck and aleevea; regular price $2.00. Special at, aach . ,. $1.19 Ladlea' cambric Knee Petticoats, T-lnch lawn flounce. S clusters of .tucking and t rnwspf hemstitching regular price $1.00. Special at, eacn JT0 Ladlea' cambric Drawers J clusters of fine tucks and deep ..m-. oromery ruining, or or same material, deep ruffle of lawn, clus ter or -tucks and valenclenne lac edging; regular price 76c Special at pair ,,.tt .. i ..i..... KKO Xadlea fin nainsook Drawers, fine embroidery insertion and 1 Stint-h embroidery edging, or of flfi. cambric, S clusters of fin. . tucks and 5-inch blind embroidery edging; regular price J 1.60.- Hpecial at. pair . . , , , ' fffl 2 am- fiiuillil Urawera, 5 clusters of fine tuck and broidery or torchon lac. edging . Ages . ' 1 to t yrs. 4 yrs.-- Ksguiar price,-pair ...nin.. ssc jhc 8tr Special price, pair...., IB. BO S3 Age . .f.......,l.K,1..,,. ....... t yr,J0 yrJ2 yrt.!4 yra. neiuiir pnee, pair lie... oc 43C . 4SO .-'Spectal price, pair BOo 33. 36. Mlaaaa' fine cambric Petticoats. -tnoh double flounce, cluster of S fine tucks, length 21, 20, 21 Inches; regular price 80c. Special,.! eacn . . ....5T Ladles' French hand embroidered Drawers- of fine, soft finished E.nsnan nainrnwa, awp ruine ana nemsiitcnipg; regular price $3.50. Special at, pair $2.19 each $1.9S FlagThese Shoe BargainsTomorrow Amerloaaa are the best shod people oa earth because uey vhi umni aaoae) nuuie sy amuuu saoe makan, -wh lmA the world. Speolai tomorrow aioas; .. win abbbx rtBST nooA omly $3.88 for Kam'a $840 Shoe. Plngree'. "Vogue" Shoe, sleo Baker Bros.' Shoe her. - in beat patent colt, vlct kid and valour calf all high grade, strictly nrst-clas shoe and never sold any . - wnere ror les insn ... special sale price. the pair .-.$3.65 The Vew "(tardea Tlea for WoaMa. A nw Low Shoe for women, which I Mir. to be very popular. Th perfect model on which this shoe Is made does not allow the heel to slip. Made of light kid, very stylish in appearance. Price. 1 th pair .... ..$4.00 . issae sriesoa timm. - Her. In patent colt, with spring heel and ribbon ties; stylish and pretty -and a regulsr $8.26 value Sizes 11V to 1, for misses speclsl at, the pair.. 8ises I to II. for children special at the pair. - Znfaata' 7B Shoes for 4 So. Infants' Dongola Kid Shoes, with patent tips, button or lace sis 1 to 6. our regular 76e value apeclal at, the pair 494) Mlsss aav 47hlldra1t Brewa Balf ShM. "- ' -W have juat received, another shipment of Misses and -Children' -v Fin Vlcl Kid Half Shoes msde of choir plump stock very satisfactory summer shoes, Misses' slses. 11H to $ priced at, the pair. Children . sizes, S to 11 priced at. the pair, Bjdle' suppers. Made of fine vlcl kid, with turned sole 1 strap priced at, the pair ........ .". . .. . . ;7. . . .7. . . .'.".v:. ' Old X.adleg' Slipper. M foe S Uppers Worth tl-BO. Comfortable House Slipper for old ladle; our $1.60 valu. sal. prlftt,hapalr .,..,,. .... ....$ l.ftS ........t...,$1.50 BO 25 $1.25 Speclsl ...04 Flag-Day Bargains, in the Art She? ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. 91.TB Conch Oashlea $1.33 BB aad BOa Ceater plean BT. Down Cushions, of th. best quality down. wltTTm, whit eambrle covering, sis 24 Inch snusrs; regular price $1.76. Special, each, .......-$1.23 Fine Linen Centerpiece, 18 inches squsre, or round, edg slllf embroidered - or fringed and em-; broldered. stamped In floral designs; reg'''"' pric. 5o and 0c,-Special at, each .. -3.14 ' V