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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
TIIB OREGON DAILY JOUKWAI; "PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, ".JUNE 13. :190J. TOWN TOPICS tobiohts AjnjiExzvrr. Z Belssee ... Lytic - Empire ... '. Hur ...... I.isnd .... Baker .... .... .."Are You Masenr" ......."The Outcasts of LuadoH'' "4 Secret 'o" ...I, ..Vaudeville ..,..., , ...Vauuevilie Vaudeville " In a letter to County Judge 'Webater, . State Treasurer Moore ask that the e tate of Henry r.-pprled pn the ground that tha present eppralee- ment. ll.J81.887, la too low. Mr. Moore aaya the true value of the property is $l',78.000, that the property la Mult nomah eounty was undervalued $271.- . 70; In Yamhill county, IJ0.70S; Jackson ."ounty. ti. 000;. Baker county, JT.OOO, -and -Waehington oountyv 3.00,. jnak. 4ng a total of t.97,778. Ha alao atatea ' that the appraisement - In Clackamas - and Clatsop counties la- great deal leaa . .I. than the true value of the property, put . Is unable to give exact figures. ' If a re ' appraisement should be made and the. . " .. valuation named by Mr. Moore be fixed, the Inheritance tax which tha: state '.',:' would receive from the estate would be ' Increased by tJ.QOO. The total amount i . of the Inheritance tax which- the estate ' will pay under , tha present appraise "went la flMlT..- ,; . .' .'. .V Ino Jamming aird crowding oirhe gasoline launches running from the foot of Morrison street, up-river end of the bridge, to the Oaks, sir grounds, the ' warships, and other Interesting points .' along tha river. Tha government regu-rmataatag-?Tniber . of ,.. paaarngera Ttvt 'craft may carry, hence . there can be no Imposition on the public aa there can . . be on streetcars. To see tha full beau- tte- of Portland tha otty must bo seen ", by electric' light : from the river. We give. 'abundant opportunity for this u-rema---ojoywirrt;' Our' launches " run everywhere and our charges are Insig nificant. ; Wi litrt launches and row L, boat or . all. doacrlptiona. ,. iauncoes ' may be chartered for prlvatepartlea at . anytime. Favorite Boating company, the people with the uniformed attaches. The annual convention of the Eplaco pal diocese of Oregon -will be eld in " Trinity chapel,-beginning Thuraday morning' and continuing until Sunday. - - Thuraday evening Bishop Morris la ex-.- pocted to give his atnnual address. In - which he- will request the appointment -ofi coadjutor, to whom, he wlll.aur- -render administrative control. Sunday - Bev.-Oeorge Griffith of - Baker City will preach at the morning service at Bt. David'a churchy Bishop Morris at Trln---- tty and Bishop Keator at Bt. Mark's. At, J o'clock Sunday school services will be held at Trinity and Bt. David' a churches, and In the evening union eerv .' ice. will be held at Trinity, St; David's, Kt.-M.rk a and the Church of tha Good ; Shepherd. .V Tomorrow the' clergy -will I unserve a day of prayer at BC. Stephen's chapel. ... : . -' ' : '. Columbia . college wttl give, diplomas to its first graduating class tomorrow - - morning at 10- o'clock. - Archbishop Chrlatia and J. F; Kavanaugh will apeak. Theee will become alumni: Claastcsl rgn5UnsK. . McXamea, Charlea K. Roe, Henry J. Schelf. Scientific . l enine-Antnonr J. ; weoer. - f Tancis Walsh and J. JkeRoy Wood. . Commercial course Ralph V. Kirk,. Joseph ,A,Mc nernv. Xorman 3. Schmltt and Frederick w Weber. . The Rev. Father M. A. Quln ' lan.-T'ldent, leavea in week for Notre Uame,. indemt. .. where . lie . will ---fttend' a "meeting of repreaantativea of colleges of the Holy Cross. and will urge recognition of Columbia with flnan-i-ieP' lislstanai fil in i 'l 1'"f Tomorrow tite Indian war. veterans will hold Jhelrannual meeting in Mulkey hall. '8ecbnd "and" Morrlaort atreetsT . V Preparations have been completed by I Vice-Commander Mount, who baa been - here for several days. The session will ' be brief, and ,the vetersns will attend the annual meeting of the Oregon plo- neers. ' The state will be petitioned to provide mora liberally for them, and the ' .-4-averh.raent 'B to be requested to glve pension to the Indian war vet- crans equal to that paid -o c'vH war veterana. A grant of 168 acrea of land 'for all-vwho served between ! and ' 1SS0 will jilsov be favored. Members of tho First Baptist church Iiave established Baptist headquarters i In the White Temple.,and Uere Baptists "and frlenda from all parte of th-oun- try. Who are visiting Portland and the fair, will receive a cordial welcome. A parlor has been furnished, where vlsl tors may met their friends, write let ' tera or read. The headquarters will be -tn-charge of hostesa from a; m. to - t 'p. m. every day. An Informstlon bureau and telephone and rest room will " contribute much to the comfort of vis- -"norr A listof rooms. wrrtrb -maybe .,r.A In tome Ot OUT Brat HMVUl farntllesrwtlr ' be kept as a accom modation. . ; Mora than a year ago Mary Dlerach of 1J Stanton street and Annie Wlertxsch. ' who lives next door, signed an -agreement In the police court to keep the peace. Mra. Dlerach appeared In court . yeaterday, averring that Mra. Wlertxsrb ' on . May 4, 104. by the use of abu- give Ian guatis toward lier had brokiTr the agreement. Nick Wierlan waa ae- rused of asalsllng Mrs. Wlertxsch. Warranta were Issued for their arrest, i Many demands are made on the mayor to appo"lnr,apeclaW.ollcemen. Business houses amusenTerit houses and attrae ' tlons at the : exposition grounds hsve asked for-them. Deputy City Auditor XV. 8. Lolan yesterday ewnre In O. U se for Meier Frank; W. J. Conroy. J . i ti f .) mnA ll rlr ,Tnnltfmi iiiw. linn. .. . ... - - - I. M. Allen, roof garden. M8 I'jaahun . . . . f i , r i m. t" j i . street, ana n. i. uiuu, ww u bank. ; -'..' - 7"" '-,-' .'.'Tha Indictment againsTJohn Candello. charged with assault with Intent to kill "Pletro Toxslv was dismissed by Circuit Judge Seara yesterday because tha name of the prosecuting witness as .-' given In the Indictment did not agree with the name i of the man who would " offer proof of the crime. The district MORE NEW SHIR.TS "": WT A IIW tOT OF ; vancEB BHIT, IW kmt irruii Ai nnuni fatttjuti " SZTBA SLSarB unru, - $1.00 to $3.50 - Hewett, Bradley Q Co. XABtyDalBiai. '.... ' 38 Wathlngton Xfrf Xl: . HCAt lAn TUATXtV " v '. attorney, sitting" aa a grand Jury, waa Instructed to return a new Indlotment. The name of the proseoutfng witness was given aa Pletro Posai. When - he waa called to the atand ha aaid hi name was Pletro Toxxl.' . - - ' . ' Ad artlller aalut. will boom a wel come to the United Statea cruisers Bos ton and Chicago when they arrive next Friday morning to add to the Interest In -tha exposition festivities.' President Qoode has - been Informed by Rear Admiral Goodrich that there will be no delay, as the cruisers will cross tht Columbia bar at Astoria either Thurs day morning "'or evening and "come , to Portland at once. , Aa they paas -the exposition "(rounds' artillery will Are a salute.- Blx -miles below Portland the exposition officials will meet tha War veaaels In is' launch and extend a wel come. Receptions will be held whltl the)" vessels remain here. The -Marble- head will leave for. Port Tdwnsend to morrow morning. ' It'"ls!clalmed, in advices .today from" C. F, Daly; passenger trafflo - manager that,the world's record baa been broken .i ...... .... ih v Tork Central from Buffalo to Chicago. It la .... . . M aaln tna tram maae ine run. oi miles in 7 hours and 10 minuteav wlth- n.. JntMHrnt'lka lh, . pf nt thOBO aboard to -make a record-breaking trip. The aamaaeneome appuea - w i Twentieth Century Limited would "make tho run from Chicago to New York in 1 1 houra And J ( mlnu.tes.. - t : ri-wi ' m . eviii farmer of Center Station, who waa indicted-for the larceny of a horse trom ex---ouncii-man John-Macwithdiw-bla lUa of -ullla mwiA nlAxlad anllltV tO the charge In Judge Oeorge a . court thla morning.' ; Bentence waa aeierrea umu Friday mornlng-wlth th. underatandlng v. . . ui. .mIm -inmiih to bav the value of the stolen horse by that .time. If tie, aueceeda aentence . will ba ..aua. pended nd ha will be released On parol.. la tn ha arrested be- im. iimA ah Kreka tha area of a l-year.-old girt with a club while i . .... Tha wnman Uvea at 417 Al- blna avenus, next door to a family of the name of Braay. i is sia nu itr quently-she baa aouseo iw urMr d re ii. and fttl BWII tliiaalened Willi ar rest In case aha Ota not euro ner iem- Tl. na-raaat1ntia.r cadet COmS. BUIQ baring TO. reft Eureks, California, today on their long march to Portland Tha corps Is commanded by the Rev. Mr. Baker, and It . la expected r.that ! weeks will te consumer on me juunmy. On their arrival the cadets will go into mr fnr Miveral da vs. and will re turn to California by ateamer.. - The reliable " Mermaid Brand Coach-. ella Cantaloupes are arriving Dy ex press dally. No -'green goods in this pack. . "Finer than aim ana sweeter man honey." '- Purchaaera sjiquld Jook for this label and take no other. For aale by all first-clans grocers "and . market men. ,' Pearson-Page Co... Main 475, sole a gent a.. - : Charles K. Jones,, national chairman of the Prohibition party, will ' be. ten dered a reception jFrlday night by prom inent etonenta - of anti-saloorl sentl- mere in Portland. Ttdaresses win pe given by repreaentativea of the Antt galoon league, the W. C. T. U.; the Pro hibition party.- Oood Templars and other organisations. . " The large. ' double-deck - exeuralon barge Klickitat and ateamer ' Olenola maynow""be chartered'fof atl-flay and nnnnllvht Hra.. HanBilltr. dlK B00 Der- sons; night. 760 personsJGtood rtsnrlng -floor and eli'i'tmrTTgrita. For ratea and date apply Oregon Round.Iumber com panv, 181 Burnslde street. - Phone Main 1617. ::.-,'-:-.'-. Work will be commenced immediately on conatructlon of . a 'modern - office building at the corner of Second and Stark atreeta. for Thomas Scott Brooke and Dr. A. J. Gieaey. The atructure will be atx atorles. will constat entirely of offices. Including tha ground floor, and will cost 40.00. The officers of the- Portland Acad emy "Alumni association, elected last night, are: Robert H. Strong, prealdent; Miss Vlda Nichola and I T. Hasen, vice-presidents; John C. Falling, treas urer; Miss Stella . Frohman. aecretary. On Friday evening. June to. the associa tion's annual prom, will be held. ; - There Is little rest for the fleet of a doxen gasoline launches and one steamer running out - from the foot of Stark street. The fleetnesa and low charges of the river 'craft ha taken a large ahare of the trafflo up and down the beautiful harbor from -the. atreetcar lines. : - d,v .T Tt V tlell naator of the Tres- . . . .. . . 1 h. Tl-- e-l tin- m cep'ted an "Invitation from Jefferson My- ers to prTrT-tna "invocation ai-ne oeai' catory services of the Oregon building at the Lewis and Clark fair next Thura day. .. . Very low excursion ratea to. points east. Full particulars at the North ern Paoind ticket office. No. t5S Mor rison street, corner Third. If not con venient to , call drop a card to A, D. CtiBTttnn. A. o. P. ATrTniddtiTa-m-formation, will be given you. Tor Sate Tract of land bounded by Washington, Twenty-third and Cornell road, formerly known aa '.'Qambrlnua Garden." . Msx Smith, Savoy restaurant, ins r iin street. Low excursion rates to all points east. For .full partlculara call at the North ern Pacific ticket office, 265 Morrtaon street, comer -Third, or write A. D. CKarlton, A. O. P. A.. Portland, Or. ' Wedding invitation, and announce ments. You wlli appreciate the beauty of onr old English. and plate script styles when you see our samples. Prices no higher thsn tha out-of-date styles. Alvln 8. Hawk Co.. 146 Third street N. C. Rlchsrda of Sumpter. one'of the most prominent cistern Oregon at torneye. la registered at the Portland thla morning. Ha will be in tha. city several days attending , tne Masonic grancMoag convention,. - An Informal social tea and short pro gram Will te given oy tha Central W. C T. IT. tomorrow afternoon at the state :omorrow aftemo irter In thaxn to 4 o'clock. Northern Paclflc' headquarter In thaQoodnough Jiulldlnf rrom z Tha Northern Paclflc offer very low rate exeuralon tlcketa to the east. Par ticulars at the office, iit Morrison street, corner Third. Wfit " A." I. Charlton. A. O. P. A Northern Psclfib railway, Portland. Ore gon, for partlculara regarding exeuralon rates to in. east. - Reliable tilaca to hc.-rnw riamv" nn diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, zs Washington at - Established IS yeara. Lowest. rate of Interest- W are atlll selling our 12.60 eye glaasea for II... Consultation free, and every pair guaranteed. . Mettger Co,, 111 Sixth. atreet ' - Ia K. 'oo4worUi 1 reported, jto Do SHATCnES SAILORS Day's Work, of Captain John S. Clark Is Rescue of Wrecked t s f ; Mariners. I " . " . HEAD OF LIFE-SAVING ' - ...SERVICE AT EXPOSITION Modes! Man Who-Has Dragged From the; Crave Many -'-.." Scores of "People. In ' charaa of -the government , Hfo- savlng station on the. penlnaula-at the llkl, CMarlr avnnaltlnn la CaDtaJn John 8. Clark. ne of the moat Intereat- Ing charactera in on. of the most in- t,ln kMnnhaa rt the tnvtriUMIlt aervlca. ' Cantain Clark has spent the greater part of hia Ufa on the. sea. - . The story of the deeas or oaring mat h, h.a rinna 'vAiilil make aa thrillina a narrative of adventurous sea-roving as Imagination eoujd picture. " But be de. A , Captain John S."Glark. cllnes to ' recount hi , deed,, for he Shuns! notoriety. .' -"Tiiere Is nothing aboufr mywork.or my life that-would make-what you tall a alory," he -said. "I waa born In Ho boken. New York, and have spent nearly all my llf on the sea. Most of my experience has been on the Paclflo: I Sntered theIlfe-sav!ng servlca a num' ber of years ago.and Whll.-tnara nitvet teeen uinTrylncldents alnca then, tnere ha been absolutely nothing in wntcn the public. would be Interested.". In tho regular service Captain Clark la keeper of the life-saving station at FocLEQ!ntJaXBn Jranrlscn, . For five yeara prevloua to hia advancement to that position he waa a aurfman at Cape Disappointment station. - Pick of the Serrloe Her. Under him at the local station are eight men. the ptck.of-the service, se lected because of their ability to per form exhibition drills with an alacrity and eagerness equal to the moat. urgent emergency case. : "They are all good men and experi enced," aaid Captain Clark, -'.'and will be able to give those who attend th. fair excellent opportunities to witness the actual operation of a -life-saving sta tion, Among the-most 'famous wreck In which Captain Clark haa assisted to rescue the perishing were -those of the Strathblane, the Potrtmpas. the -Point Loma and others. The Strathblane, a British ship, went ashore off ' Long Beach, Washington,. November 2, 18l. 8everal persons were lost, but a num ber were saved by the heroic, work of tho life-saving crew. - The Potrlmpa. a German vessel, was lot.pff Long Beach, too, as . waa th steamer TolntX.oma. ' The "wreck of the latter occurred i eliruarju. ISJSSiJuid 14 persona were savd. There waa a heavy sea and those on board refuaead to be assisted by the crew- when .the vessel began to alnk. Thoy feared the lifeboat, because of the roughness of the seas,, and tha crew waa forced to send out a life raft. The mariners re- seriously 111 In Philadelphia. - !fe was a and studied law In Portland. . He waa well known In the work of the First Baptist Sunday school and the Pacillo Coast Home Supply association. W clean and press your clothes and shine ydur shoes for") 1.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 147 Washington. Main 614. . Mllaraukla Country club I now one!n. Take MTlwood or Oregon City car. Cars leave Flrat and Alder every 16 minute. Indian curios, Indian blankets, Indian pottery,- Consignment- Just "tn.-Rr," genuine. W. R. Insley'Co., J0 Stark. - Try a meal without meat at th. tartan cafe, 106 Sixth tret - mm . - Dr. Rlckenback, eye, ear. Allaky bldg. Ansley Printing Co, 160 Oak. . Consumers! ' : W have unequaled facilities for supplying HAY and FEED ' In large quantities.' By sell ing direct and eliminating the retailer's profit, we are able to aave you money at all times. watch our advertisements for full prloea on .hay and feed. Pacific Grain Co. Tbtrteeatk aad Kearney Ste. ' Telepboa. Kala 8307. .GraduatioiL Vatches Every watch lb our large as sortment - ranging from the . world' finest to th moat Inex-" pensive bear our guarantae. We offer special valuea in gradu ation watches - for -young men, suitable for engraved monogram; allver and gun .metal 1 opeu-fac. watchea, plain cases. ' ' 7 -' Graduation watchea " for slrla fashionable plain cases; silver and, gun metal watchea. -equiaita ' Chatelaln. watchea. . - . , , ' l A. N.Wright . Th iowa nwun. 296 '"'MORRISON STREET Sufficient Sum Jor Fair IF TOU BUT TOW CLOTHE8- PR 8HOE8- FROM - JOHN DELLAR take In X nil mi a.v .-- - the- fair." We- carry a atrjetly -flrat claaa atock or -mercnanaiae, nnwij .'M'' (.grade in plain figures.- Men's and Boys Butts running rrom o.v o . Mid- Panta-f rem 60c to IhJIK Shlrteand Underwear from I6e up to 11.60. Big assortment of Men's. .Ladles', Misses and Boya' Shoe and Oxford, tan, patent leather or vlcl kid. at prtcea worth In vestigating. WE RUN TWO STORES, - Oorser rinrt aad Tamblll aad Coraer : Third and Da1av-i - fused to-cllmb upon the raft r then a surf boat waa launched,; which, after taking aboard "three paasengers,-. cap sized. ... It waa rrlg"Hted.'howver,. anitVium ber of pereona aucceeded in-climbing aboard. The oars" wer gone and. "lhe boat waa permitted to drift ashore. The crew ' and - thos. on the boat when it capsized were In th. water for 40 min utes. .:. ---r--; r- r ' After it landed a Jlfa raft was again sent to the sinking ship, and the. pas sengers gladly cltmbed upon it. .'''Th saving of peraona from wrecked vessels ' is" not the Only work a life-savlng-orew- must jdo." said Captain Clark. '-"Thera ar. any number, of flah ermen who meet squally weather or ac cident, and we must save them.' Captain Clark assisted in tha first TrraVffigw6rk afTh Yaquin.-Bay station In Oregon, when he rescued a group- of. fishermen whose, boat -cap- glied, Thera are no special rule.- govern ing life-saving crewa with reference to - the distance or -territory that must be covered,-?!, aaid. 'In ordinary wea! ther we are able to see e, wreck or 8.. veflel-in dlateess at"trratHIstancea. and we must go to Its assistance." Kxhlbltlon drills by the life-saving crew are given at the fair at stated periods, snd are watched with Interest. by the crowd. . , , AT THE THEATRES. Barney Bernard Coming. For one week. - bectnnln Uonday erf nine. Jnos l.'t tb Marquam 4irand theatre, Barney Bernard, the fumone Hebrew Impersona tor, will appear with ala owa company In .rotrrell . famous blcta-elasa- eomedr. ''Tba Klntnrlor." Mr. Bernard's season oaa tieea very aarceaaful. Hia portrayal of tba Hebrew character In - thla- play Is art la tie. - He haa many opportunities in the three acta -to -play to the gallery, bnt he Ipdulgae In no"rmiirti bonae" work or a single expreeaton that mixbt prove offenalve to the moat exacting repreaenta tlT of tba race -he so truly pictures for tha entertainment of bis audience. Tbe production Itaelf waa written especially for Mr. Bernard. The advance hI-I a-ata - will opn . iwxt Thursday atornlng at lOro'clockJ! 1 Mr. Mack in "Leah Kleschna." William B. Mack, one of the principal mem ben of tbe Manhattan, company that will ba eea with Mra. Flake In "Leah Kleacbua." at tbe Empire on June 20-24, . afforde an Inter entltig illwatratlon of the rapM -adTancament on the ataae wlen. ability t jhnan. Fnnr .tear aro Mr. Macs waa nlaVin BbaaMpaaee In a on?.nlsbt atand company. A year later be bad tbe email role of Simon In Mrs. Flake's pro duct Ion oN Mary M Magdala." Tbe ' tie it aeaao when lra. Flake put on "Hedda Oabler' ahe ehoae Mr. Mack tor tbe Important part of Teaman. Thla season la "Ieah Kleschna" Mr. Mack haa made another eoeceaa In a totally different character. Heata for Mra. Flake's en' faremeot will go on ale TTanraday. A Top-Linr Bill t Grar F.Tery aet at the Grand this week la a top liner. Tbe Htar trio, with Kdrtla O'Brien. Mann and Franks, made a big bit. Neit la Importance ara Herbert Cbealey A Co; tbe Kellya have a fnnnr sketch; the Regaroa s)o wondera with tha rings and Florida 8a n ford plars on half a donea different mnalcal Inatru menta; Bert While haa a monologue and nsea eeen dlfttlnet dialects; Mr,., Bonner baa a new song sml the story Dim are as funny as ever. The first evening show begins at T:30 o'clock and tba' Second at :) e'ekjck. - Good Play at the Itmpire. '."A secret Foe," the attraction at 'the Em plra theatra this week, la a strong, solid play. Interesting, s musing, clean and wholesome It la deserving of tbe crowds It draws. Matinee every dsy at l:lfl o'clock; evening performance at 8:18. e'eloek. -', " ' - . Good Play at-Lyric. ' - 'The Onteasta of Iindon" appeals to many, aa It la one of the atroageat melodramas ever seen here, and Is drawing large crowds to the f.yrlc. Thomsa Clerk, and F.lla Wilson ara Intrusted with the leading rolea and play them Satisfactorily. ' Mstlneea dally at 1:30 O'clock; every eventng at -.a-aBd i-e'eloeli, ' .. At tht Baker.. The F.xposltlon Foer have made a bit at the Baker. Oardenee. and Beevea are clever; pretty snd winsome la Uhb:e nan; tbe Bros. Lament present a novel act. and the remainder of the bill la good. Dally matinee st J 30 o'claeh; evenings at T:S0 and Oradnatbag BeoltaX - '. (Special Dispatch t The. Joeraat) Salem, Or., Jun. 13. Th. College of Mualo of ' Willamette university gave it graduating reoltal last night In tha rirat M. B. church. Franceaco Seley, dean of the mualcal department, . pre-ented-th.-graduate. Margaret - Anna Fisher, Elisabeth There Will, Jennie Sander. Frank Earl Churchill and Chea ter James Callow, to Prealdent Coleman, who presented th. diploma. WHERE TO DINE. Th Empire I the place to go for your una nuua. . rvi and citao, HOTBLFAIRMOUNT- 150 Elegant Rooms Open for Not Too Near . Not Too Far f vi " " Vlsttnrs to -the r.ewls and Clark' -exposition will find thst the above . aptly deacrlbev-tha location of th. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY; HOTEfc Thla antandlit hlllldlnr hSS been thrown oren for th. convenience and-entertainment of peraona -visiting the fair. Within ten -minutes' walk of main . entrance: only building In the block.- Olvea ftna view of exposition building, and. :' mlles of - the Willamette rlver. Btreetcars pass the door. Reser vations should be msde now. For, rrate and particular apply to -r - ' ' DR. J. W. HILL ai atanhaU St-, fortlaad. Or. Hotel Eaton " Cora sr Kerrisoa and Wast rark atreats. .new--?; Handsomaly furnlsbed. elegantly entitpped, Are proof, Ova minutes' walk from heart of shopping snd business district, all large, airy, outside rooms, steam heated, electrte lights, telephone In each apartment, ate. Large of Aces, lounging, smoking, writing, ladles' reception parlors, booms reserved by mall or isiepanne ?- Private emaihas meet trains sad Room f l.OO to 45.0O a Day Special Rates te- Commercial Mta. - - ' MKS. MAX KATOaT, s "(Formerly of Hotel Bedpsth. "potrane.l Volcanic Eruptions in Life Insurance We Do Not Write Life Insurance " " tedfw4th-ah'r--emBany. Recently We axperted. Iifm Insursnce pollcle. ' amounting to Portland, and we have lettere or ine nignesi rommenasiion irum the leading professional and business men of this city, whose poil- clea we hrfve .wperted. certifying to the financial Importance Of the .information "we convey, vitally affecting the rights. - benefits nd -welfare of both the insured and -the beneficiaries of th. pollcle -like. , "- PifrBatriTjat to protect ,your interests,-showing -you -th -exact financial end lnveetment valuea of your policy, pointing put the defecta aa written li practically every policy, and how to pro ceed to have tha wrong remedied, nd to ecur your Jut-right and equltlea. . Showing you also the "trapa," "deadfalla"- and aophlatrlea In the "System" and the policy, the subtleties of which do honor to the masterly genlua of Satan. Too. will aav. money and lota "your llf. Insnrsnc. policies, etc.. etc., and you can be "Penny wis. and pound foolish" by not doing so, especially In these .day of volcanic eruption - in, life; Insurance -circle - : " - - - At R. EXDEY Life Insursnce Specialist, The Annual Gommencemcnt OF Gillespie: School Will b. -AriorHaUrFridayveningrJunextecntr . With BIXmOT you live well; Jiving well you feel good: feel ing good Is jnhyelca! pwrfec tlon. XllXBffT is not only the art. biitthe science of good llvlngrO centa a pack age. AT ALL OROCERS For modern dental work. - World-renowned apeclalflit. Lowest price consistent with first-class ' work. ' OtTlo th. ' NEW YORK DENTISTS OTjmT AaTO MOmsUSOW STS. Open day and Mght, from 110 a. m. . until 1 p. m. . Oriaat""Alvlca Hehont " oT Osteopathy, ; , ElrkiTille, Mo. - Osteopathy:; pt.-wrtl.UM o. ixaoK. Jstennathle Thrslclsa. All CTtrenle snd - 4I AM natoa bll. "' . ealllntta InMaM "..r:- cl:-ttk.HyTr..t.4 . . Jraftias. r,r-i . avaca. TEETH . KOTTLt iXD BZSOlTt. Quests 35s Portland . - PORTLAND,' OREGON. : 'AtMrrican Plan $3.00 a Day .. i. ' aad trpward. . -HEADQUARTERS FbR J TOUR-: 18T8 .AND COMMrRCIAL. iJrlAV.JU.tU, - Special ratea made. to families and single gentlemen. - A modern Turkish bath eatabllahment in th. hoteL - . O. f OWXBS. Manager. -PAL. ACE HOTEL J u h 0 :c (0 J Whether he goes by land or a ee.. the traveler will find It a delightful trip to San Franclaco. where he ahduld atop at th. worldj-famed PafacfHotei-- and enjoy It many attra tlve features. " For fuller Information writ. to - th. palace, or ae. '.- . . -- -'-'- W. O. 1T1ISSX.T '-: at tba - Portland Informa tion and Booklns; Agency, Hotel Portland. ; P x, XT H- p- $20,000 for bne gentleman In of ' iC'by consulting ti about '329 Sixth St., Portland, Or. THE: of Expression Held m Dr. B. E.' WRIGHT Tb. SUIJUMTXTIO DKBTTUZ lilt relieves all . pain - In - dental - opera ttona. S43ia WaaUlBf-tos Sfc, . eox. . Seveatli. Headquarters for Elastic- 4 Stockings and , Trusses: LAUE-DAVIS wwmmtnn n CXI. LaT asAaaV sfj f sV m ':r - Third and Yamhill Sts. wBouaoica,' im in ou A. D. G. RYE O. OSmKAMta ... ... BO LB AQXHT . tit Morrison Street, - II ' aV.lM I I rrvres. X0TX1I ATO MtOlTs. nty-Slxth And X3 p 1 h u rG t r a t m NOW OPEN omnTs xcAnr av. TsVAsTOal TO LIWII as ouii uion. ; TIO. - Only absolutely tre-Branf ' total . sdjolaln. f eaaaoa, aqulppaa wlU alertrla call- ' sella sad spertal Ule pbonle comnrantraiteiis toe patrons, t'nlfornwd portara aa beltboT" at all soars " at guesta' service. fc . Rates, $1.00 a Day r and up W. H. LATTIN, Qenera! Manager HOTEL t. ; SPECIAL RATES BY THE PAY OR, WEEK ' Baubtl - Tew - tb. : Ongos Wate " JtfOWW'a ByirOO. TToUy aVtaUST-f" T ' Writ, or Thonav ' . ' 2a. B. aCABTIarXS, acaaagec , Bsrhsoada, Oregoai. HOTEL DETROIT T BBS BaralB' TAX OBOtnrBS. Cot. STUi aad Tainsaa gtraetav J. C. OHIFTIN, Proprietor. j..? -Z. 'Z Beached by aJi ear llnaa. Rates. 1 per day.-Booms With bath, IS and 4 per day. KlamatH Hot Sprinrfs ISXTTOn OOTTBTT.. OAOUTOBBL. - Elevation, J. 700 feet. Twenty milea rrom Ager. on the California Oregon route. HunMnsr. Mahlna- an4 aun.w 7. - surpassed. Hot, swimming, steam, eul- pntir annnod baths. - Open all the year.r"' Further particular upon -application, - - B9SOB UM- Broprleton. Beawlck, Siskiyou County. California. Belasco Theatre EfcVt. rrnarly Colombia ' Theatre-- (14th w: - - - -- - Waahlngtoa.) - riRST TTMK.TONI0HT ILL WEEgT MATINEES IATUHPAI AltO LSDAT. Third WsekBe1aace Stock Company. -TH rCMNIEST COMEDT" TfRITTr!. Arc You a Mason? j .THE BIO UiVQHlXQ -StrCCEHg."" Prices Iveiilng, IB to TBc; statins. 1 to Ma 7 nxx wxix. whi xvzsxthoob i WAS IX FICWB." ST A R .TH EATRB i JtXIKA trrCIll. ATTEACTI01H. ' The Da Maths, Whirlwind Daacers; Bassslt aad O'gsll, Sketch Artists) Herb Ball, Genua -Comedian; Claade raalay, ."tevelty Acrohatt Madame Leyd. Operatic Hoprsno; Hairy Walts.. " Impersnnatoe:XkBafd Surtee, The Kasllah Bart, tone; The gtaroseapa, Showing Japanese War Pictures. Admission loe: reserved front row JOc. . Vaparalleled Record! Trsmenoooa Bllll LrYR. I C -THEATRE "THI XOT78K OF TTOOIBSEI.' -: Tth anA Alaar. Xaetiag rioed. Mgra.. Week Onmmesclng Jane 11. Tb great Bngllsh drama la (oar The London Outcasts" T0LL0W THT. CBOWM."" i Admission 10c... -, RMDIDPJ THEATBI. atavaa aaw.a lath and Mirrtaaa. .MILTOH W. REAMAX. Bealdent Manager. All plays ef moatcaJ merit. Matlnaa. every! . day. at 2:1. Eventng at S:U. . - ' AOMIMI0B lO CZXTB AXWATS. Empire Btock Oampany 1 A "Tits' Great Thraat a UHaeay-irama.- "A iECklT rox.1 EMPIRE SPECIAL- rtve Nights Beginning Tuesday. Jose V MATINEE BATIBDAI. nRs. LEAH FlaSI 5CHNA eats ea sals Thsrsday. Prices 13, II. I - 1. the. 50e. O XTZXntO BHOWg, t and trW a. Sa. u MATCHLESS SUM MI P. BItl. V Star Trte Is "OUB VMOLE." BEOABO TBIO ACBOBATS. A THE KELLY'S, COMEDY SKETCH. " ' n : . BEET WHITE. M0MOL0OIST. TJ HERBERT CHELSEY CO., FLATIETa rLOBILLA SAMrOBD. COBBETUX. r JOE BOMBEB. BEW SOBO. s- ,r omABDIBCOPE, XDISOH FILM. fleneral -aflmtsstfln. - joe. Evening, Sunn'sr hnllitara Front seats, lower Boor, SOe. iMllyl matinee, inc. ' BAKER. THEATRE Third xaaaui . - - OOOP) ATTBACTIOMSl OXI.Y. KEATINI A FTeMID. Msnagera. ' EXBOimOB F0T7B. BABONEB aad BEEVES. Mat LIBBII HART. J.W. BtJBTOB. THE LAMOBT. BB0TH1BS. JXAH WILiOH. BABYOOLSOH. BIOOBAPH. BAXEB S OBCHXSTBA. , Performance. J:i. :3n an4 . a. aa, ' ASMISSI0M 1 CEBTS 10 ABY SEAT. EE THE GIRL IN BLUE At 860 Upshur St. LEWIS AND CLK 08SSVA. TORT AMD CAFE . , IfOBTLABD HXI0HTB. Tsi Portlssd Height, ear aM gat eff at Flswionrne Tarraee. one ktor (rasa ear haa. Bo ellathlnr. Sleetrte ehreamv. See a-anllfnl after I ef sayaarral aaar.hllfH fmni "I tower. Voa eaa eat a dalaty W- walla viewing the swat sinlfll a In Amertra. Upas a. a. e S p. a, a alon lu ceala. - BLABISB BS-.J. COBCERY B lit r Estacaa . -. .i --- t-t