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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
THE -OREGON-DAILY-J0UE1IAL. PORTLAND TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE; ; 13, 1B05. GRAfiD LODGE HAS II Yery NotabU Gathering of Ma j sons WiH.Transact Businet$ Here Tomorrow. .. ' ORDER'S RAPID GROWTH IN PAST FEW YEARS Future of Temple In Heart of :: City Will. Be Decided ... T ; , ' at Meeting. Grand lode Miioni ar- assembling la fore toaay. and by evening ther will ba 100 to 400 delegate in tlia city, who, 'with tha grancTTodge official and th paat grand officers, will meet to morrow morning In . one of the moat ' ' nthualaatlo convention aver held' In ' Oregon. It will be tha nfty-flfth con- ventlon, marking something mora, than 'r half a century of grand lodge work In thta state.. There haa been rapid growth in . : th laat part- of the . aeml-centenary period,' while everything haa been moat - aubatahtlil and each annual gathering flnda permanent growth. Masona are not p'flone to forecaat . Grand Master-Thomat Cray. work,, and are hardly mora communi cative regarding what ' haa been done. ' Of th proceeding the next three days little can be learned, aav that the Trrartdlng matter la to be -dhtrowed.--YhlB )iaa been before tha grand lodge before. --' I'ha- preaent temple. In the heart of the business district, baa become far. more valuable for business purpoaea than It rai - bw for lodge meeting. wh,eren "lodge- would be equally -well aer.ved by a structure .more leolated from th " bus toe" center. Whether the 6Td home" J to b liihabrudbir HieTlougejsrTrt longer period may be definitely decided at thla convention, and' If the meeting place 'la to continue on Third and Alder atreeta the renovations and repatra "needed will probably ba decide Offloara of Dread Lodg. their) annual convention to a eloae by electing and Installing tha grand of ficer! for tha ensuing year. Th elective and appointive officers are: , '- Grand high priest. Edward , Biddla, Dallas; deputy grand high priest, Liot Ix Pea re e, Salem! grand king, F. M. Davey, l'DlQn; grand acjlna, A, H... Bielner. Salem; grand treasurer, 1. P. Maaon, Albany; grand secretary, - Jamea V. Robinson, Eugene; grand chaplain of tha hoet, Ed Kiddle. La Grande; grand chaplain,- 0- el, Yorau. Eugene;, principal sojourner,- F, J. Miller. Portland ; grand maater of th third vail, Jl C. Buchanan. Oregon City; grand maater of the aec end veil, Oacar Hayter; grand maater of the drat veil. X. M. Howe; grand aentl nel, B.- O. Pomaslnl, Portland; grand lecturer, Hendry Row. Portland. THE LOUVRE'S FINE" NEW CAFE , OPEN Tha elective officer of the "grand -lodge re:Tb.omaa Gray, grand maater; 'William H. Flanagh. deputy grand maa ter: Mr".' T. Wllllsmaon, senior grand warden; Ixt L. Pearre. Junior grand warden; Henry Re. ' grand treaaurer: Jamea 'Rohlnaon. grand secretary, and John M. Hodaon, M. 8. Woodcock and JB,- -ClelanoV-t ruete he educai 1 dree J It Now One of the Moat Delightful - flacea to Dine in the City. In the remodeled Louvre cafe, oper ated, In. connection with th Belvedere hotel, corner of Fourth and Alder atreete, Portland enjoy a thy distinction of lia vlng" the flneat restaurant anrce.f in America. No expense . has been pared or no device left out to make it th moat unique and desirable place to din for both ladles and gentlemen, and eertalnly la . a great credit to the city -of Portland. . - . Messrs. Btrobef ' Barenatecher. tha enterprising ' pro prietor, are "to be congratulated upon their achievement. People who have visited some of the moat noted- cafes of the eaat aay there are none to compare with the Louvre, and the proprietors of thla popular resort need have no feac aa to any compariaona, as' It la equal to tft finest an aiiperlorto alB" - Thia maa-nincent cafe: resplendent tth French plat mirrors and gorgeoua In 1t decorations, w: opened - to -the public yeaterday. That'll meets with th enthusiastic approval of th people WB -only to witness - th crowd who vlaited this popular resort at' Its open ing and who partook of th fine dinners aerved. Not only la the spacious dining- 4 room, which 1b entirely separate from th bar. perfect in all its appointments, bnt th entire culinary department kitchen, pantrlee.. leech est, storerooms. etc. haa bean overhauled, remodeled and equipped with every uoiiveiilenee and device -known- to modem eclenoe In cookery. Everything la new through out and Immaculate In cleanlineas. All of tha coking utensils,, dishes and silver- wire are the flneat that can oe naa. With . their long-eatablished reputation for tha exoellenc of their cafa aerrlc. Measra. Strobel tt Barenatecher In their elegant new quarter and with their perfect equipment will be able to. meet the wanta of their patrons ana in gen eral public better than ever before. Th kitchen la prealded over. by. one pf the beat che fa on th coast and aa uaual the-tables will be aupplled with every delicacy th market afforda.- Th Louvre cafa marka a new epocn in. Portland progreaslveneaa .toward, metropolitan city. It la a great credit to ttii elty and' will urely add ma terially to Portland' reputation. COLORADO DISPLAY . WILL SOON BE READY r. Colorado' building at th expoeltlon will b ready for publlo Inepectlon Very soon. Th atructura'la, In th form of an octagon and I located on Lewi and' Clark boulevard oppoalt the Palace of Manufactures, Liberal Arts and Varied Industries. . A fin mad, of . cereaJa. f rulta Jnq-mlneraia. The w nd-cina-aj-OOTeredwith blue bur lap. The. ef feotlveneaa -of thia la ac centuated by amall bits of corncob ar? ranged In unlqu escutcheons. - .Low Excursion Rajtes. - - IV Jt.-i; the Oreat Northern railway will eel! excuralort tickets to 8t. PauL Minneapolis, Duluth. Milwaukee. Cblcagor Bt. Loula,-Omaha, Kanaas City, Winnipeg, etc, at rate of on flrst-claaa far plua $10 for round trip. Tlcketa allow atopovera going and returning, good for three month. For full Information call on or-ac tional fund. The appointive offloera In tha grand lodge are; Rev. J. R. N. Bell, grand chaplain: Ed Kiddle, aenlor grand deacon; Otto 9. Hellbom. Junior grand ' deacon; 'Norrls R. Cox. grand marahal; George Wall, grand orator; Jamea K, Btltb. aenlor grand atewara; T. M. Bald win, Junior grand aleward: Henry Jones, grand ' standard-bearer, and W. J. fhurch," grand awordbeairer. -:-"C'... Boyal Arch Masons. Late yeaterday afternoon' the grand chapter. Royal Arch Maaons brought DEEPER CHANNELS J01LR1VEO0ATS Government Is Doipg Good Work fn the Willamette and Co - INSPECTORS FIND MANY IMPROVEMENTS GOING ON Navigation Will Not Be Inter, rupted Near Independence! as It Has Been. Major W. C, Langdtt nd David B. Ogden of the corps Of Cnited States englneera returned thla' morning from Independent1. wtiei ghey apent aeveral daya Inspecting the "government work nt that place. They report that th chan nel of the upper Willamette la In better ahape than ever before at thla aeaaon of th year. Aa s oonsequence navlga- JJon ia "uninterrupted. . ' - The new dipper dredge No.' X la" mak ing a flBe showing and la completing a cut 00 feet - In length .near Inde pendence, - where .r ther wa -- shoa.1 which had alwaya given more or less trouble to steamboat men. When opera tlona are concluded at that point the dredge will . drop down, to Moonshine channel. - When thst -l-don- h-.wUl be employe for th -balance of the aea aon at points that require attention In that neighborhood.' ". . , Th revetment conatructed at Inde pendence a coupla of years ago was also given thorough inspection by ttte gov ernment officials. It Is. 1.(00 feet long and I a solid as the day It was built A crew waa set to work th other day to extend It for a dlatance of 700 feet. It la thourht that it will be completed before.-falU Nearl all the anaga were removed from the channel laat year. - Th government plant la In full nnera tion along th Columbia and Willamette and their trlbutarlea. At tha mouth of th Columbia th Jetty Ja being extended asfastasrock can be delivered from two quarries. It will be pushed out Into the ea several thousand reet before the tail atorm are-due. Work at th mouth of th Coqullle and at other points haa been atarted, and It la believed that a better showing, will be mad by th government- In- th improvement---of river and harbora thla season than . in ariy prevloua period.. morning -fa made In order that the paaaengera may have an opportunity of viewing the Columbia rive scenery. Tbe steamers will sail from Portland at I o'clock and reauh Astoria at about t In th afternoon. The change will also mean that the" vens .will i(e-Ijport alraoht' a "day "longer than la the prac tice, -affording those coming north-the privilege of attending -tb fair for two daya and returning on tbe boat-on hlcli they cam. '"' . . TO END LABOR TROUBLES. Northern Ry.. No. Portland. Oregon. P. T. A. Qreet -1JI- Third street. - Old Kaaaaa Bdttor. B. J. Bherldan. editor of the Paola Spirit, la a member of th Kanaas stat orncial and newapaper party that ar rived In Portland this rooming, and la ataylng at th Portland, being accom panied by hla wife. . Mr. Sheridan la one oT the oldest Democratic editor of Kanaas, being.' as a Republican friend expressed It, one of th very , few left. tyBgahorsBa and Bailors' 9iffraos May a Amicably Settled Boon. - - All lndlcatlona point to, an early et tlement of th difference. which have long exiated betweeaxJthe longshoremen and aallora. Charles 11. Oram, preal dent of the Oregon Stale Federation of Labor. IS ualng his bent endeavors to establish- amicable-.- relations between the unions.' Acting In line with the resolution adopted the other day at the sound convention of longshoremen, he communicated laat evening with Andrew Furuaeth of Ban Franclaco.- Interna tional secretary of the aallora organi sation, : A conversation . between the two labor leaders was held over the ona distance pnone, and the Rav city man waa underatood to aay that he waa lirf tvoror appointing 'a committee to confer with the men. who load and dis charge ships with the purpose of bring ing the. factions together. A letter Is expected from Mr. Furuaeth. In a day or twa fully explaining the attitude of the aallora concerning the proposed m f erenc. -Mr. Oram etatea that he "be lieves a settlement of the difficulty ia In sight. ; . DAYLIGHT RIVER TRIP. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Member of the .Church of -God, wh had been holding a eamp-meetlng near Sell wood-for the past week, were brought to the city yesterday afternoon on th steamers Gaaelle and Jessie Har ktna. , . Twenty preachers were In th party delegates-attended th. open-alt meetings from all over the northwest. Captain Grve,-eupertntndeat-f th Port of Portland dredge, says that th Coltimba wtir-xomptet operations at Mock' bend. Swan Island. In about 1 daya, and will then be moved to Port land harbor;- Her flrat work her will be don In the vicinity of th Star Band company' dock. ; : ..' JKeeterday afternoon the chooner J. W. Clise.- moved - over " tothelnmn Poulaen mill, where aha will complete her lumber cargo for- Manila. The ad ditional ahtpmejit ' of ' 800,000 feet will probably be loaded in tlm for her to get away thla week. . . , Tom6rrbw , the ateamer Bailey Qat aert will carry 800 people, among them th California promotion commute, to th Cascade locks and return; Whll en route, to The Dalle --yetrday tli teamer broke on of her rocker, and had to return to Portland for repairs. wbteh.eraQafeampJetedraiAath Kpencer was the only ateamer .leaving for the upper Columbia thla morning ah waa crowded with paaaengera. ' In tow of the " Ocklahama," " th schooner Allen "A. will leave up from Astoria thla afternoon. . - Laden' with Jumber7ArMahtIa, th barkentln Hecla will leave down . to morrow. - . . i ''. Tomorrow morning the ateamef AID ance will arrive from Eureka and way ports ; she sailed, from Coos Bay., last night. ' V After disembarking 3 J paaaengera and, freight - at.-Aatorla, - the ateamer DeHpatch, which reached the mouth of the rlver-thla morning, wilt-proceed to Oray-'aHaVbor. where ahe will recelv a lumber cargo for a California port. 1 t'ntted States Inapectora Edwards and Fuller Inspected th steamers Cash and Lillian Bsrt hi -morning. 1 : District Forecaster Beala succeeded In completing repatra to' th government cable at tha mouth of th ilver yester day... and lt. 1 .one.. . mor . In . com mJa. aton. The steamer Homer," Under charter t the government-.ta. carry-building , ma terial to Alaska, arrived at Aaroria thla morning from San Francisco. Her cargo .will be aupplled at Astoria and Seattle. J MARINE NOTES.' NOT ENOUGH DONE F0MIIY SCHOOLS Board .of Education Feels That -; State Fair . Commission Is Niggardly. REFUSES TO PAY WAGES , , OF AN EXHIBIT KEEPER Threats to Move Portland's Dis '.: play Fail to Loosen' the Purse Strings. Relatione . ar strained between th city boaral of school directors and the atata commission of. th Lewis snd Claj:k exposition over tha letter's : re f uealta. appoint aaJtUeiidnt lcara for th Portland ' achool exhibit.. Laat night the school board threatened to re. move th exhibit of the Portland public achoola from the exposition unless an aliendant was appointed. - v V " It Waa understood that tha atat com mission would car for the exhibit after it wad installed and would pay for th expena of . Installation. A .keeper tor the eaktern Oregon exhibit and another foi th southern . Oregon . exhibit- waa appWWI rtTlrrIB fMtB ednim Is a I it, while -tUPoi-ttod-Mblr waa left without anybody to keep It 1n. proper hapCOnly half .the -coat for furnlah Inga waa paid by the commission and tha board of education had to meet all other expenses. . "The commission kaa don nothing for us except pay far half of the furniture," aald City Superintendent . of School JFrank.Rlgler. ? "-W have spent much monvjr nu . wnmra anro ia prrpart n creditable exhibit and it aeem to" m that they should car for it after w have placed tt in the building.: They hv Ann nnthlnff In.irii anpolntlnf Astoria, June II. Arrived at E a. m. Steamp r Homerf rom8ah Z Francisco. Arrived at. S:40 a. m. Steamer Aber deen, from San Francisco. . San Franclaco, June 11. Balled at 7 a. m. Steamer Roanoke, for Portland and coast ports. .'Arrived at :30 a. m. Steamer St.; Paul, from Portland, St. Helena, June 12. Passed at 1:20 a. ro. Oil schooner 'Monterey. San Francisco, Jun 11. Arrived at i p. m. Steamer Caacade, from Port land. - Sailed at 1 p. m.-Steamer Atlas, for Portland. Balled at 4 p. m. Vnlted State 'rrulsera -Boston and Chlcaao. for TForJIand. Arrived" at 4 p. m. Steamer Prspatrh. from Portland. Astoria: Remember,' the first' consideration is brilliancy, after' that ..look for color, then look at the imperfections and propor , tiong. A small gem that is properly, brilliant is worth more ; thin one of the same color that is dead, although very much -larger. . '-; '' . : ' OUR STOCK Is. by far the' largest in the city; We are always glad to ghow and explain tht'xlifference in diamonds to those that care interested.Our prices re lower-thn-IwhereOutJ: terms;' , - '''-'V . ;,' '";. ' "'-' '. -'" - ' Weeldy or Monthly PajrTOcnts . Without paying ahy more than those paying cash. ' ic Portland Loan Office Marx & Bloch, Prop U THKU) STREET: a keeper, and 1 understand that they do not intend " toda. ao.1. threatened that If they did not appoint a keeper w would remove bur exhibit." . lTht Just what we will do." re marked- Dlrector;Wl.ttenberg,VIt they K do not appoint -an. aMenilant we will tak our exhibit from the building." Th Portland school exhibit Is the largest and moat attractive In the Ore gon educational dlaplay. It coat -eeveral hundred ' dollara and months of hard work by teacher's and pupils. r-Superintendent Rlglerand . Ilrec tor W'lttenberg will hold a conference-with member of the state Commission this afternoon In anv endeavor to adjust tbe mattr. . -. - The exposition, management haa peti tioned the board for the use of the Chapman achool for commute - work during th nntlonal congrease to be held in thla.Jlty ln-Juljr and AuguaL4 but ' unleaa the dirneulty- regarding the exhibit la aatlafactorlly adjusted tt 1 very unlikely that the petition will be granted. -. . . " FLOATING ON AIR - Is the Exhilarating Effect Produced by an " , - - -Aerial Electric lOW EXCURSION FARES. - Bt, VatU and Colambla xaksly to X.eve ta . tke Morning-Ksrea ft er. Possibly on their next trips the steamers St Paul and Columbia will leave Portland for San Francisco Ip th morning ' Instead of in the evening, as ha been, th custom sine , th eatab Uahment of th line. It la alao probable that they will carry' paaaengera to As toria. If this lsst proposal 1 carried out they will com In direct competition with th ateamer Lurllne, 'operated -by tha Kimm llntf ... Th arrangement to leave here In the Via 'Baltimore & vQhio - Railroad. From Chicago t.Abury Park. N. J., and return, $21.36. Tickets good oing J.Un e',2. 0 July 1 an d t; .Valid foe, re turn until August 31 . by extrnaton, Hton-over at New York, Philadelphia. 7nw--rvviftl"n ef the I PalHnnre - f nd Waahlna-ton. Throuah bar at 1 a. m.. smooth; wlnd'northwest; weather cloudy. - A. Crawford oa th-Bpot. ' Had.ltnot been for t he prompt action of - A.-Ig- Crawford. an employ-of-the ateamer Ieona. George Hermann. 11 years old. living In Upper Alblna. would lmve beerf drowned In the Willamette river -yeeterday afternoon. While play ing, Hermann ran off th Oak atreet dock Into water about 20 feet deep. He started to swim toward the shore, and managed to reach .a piling, to which he clung until he waa reached by Mr. Crawn ford and pulled aahor. Captain Watts at Old Bom. : Captain Watta, of th firm "of Brown MoCnbe, has returned from a five weeks' visit to hla old home at Thomas ton, Maine. He saya tha country bark there, which la In the aame latitude, aa Portland, had Juat begun to thaw out when he left. - Thomaatqn waa among the leading ahlpbutldlng porti -of the Atlantic coast, but the tnduatry does not sleeping cara to Aabury Park. Baltimore and return, flS. Tlcketa good going July 3, t and 4; valid fortr turn until August SI by extension. Stop-over at Washington. The only line that -operates through trains. nd for circulars to Peter Harvey, Psclllc coast agent, San Francisco. B. ,N. Austin, O. P. A., Chicago. Conault your nearest ticket agent for detaila. Telegraph Station Moved. Th telegraph repair atatlon. oper ated at Twin... Washington, under the dlrecTronc.fthe weather bureau, will be transferred to , Pysht, Washington, on July 1. - - ,. now flourish as ltdliT However, he statea that a number of large echoonera ar built there every year for the collier trade. It waa from the little Maine port that the captain eucceeded to hla first' command of a snip. From there he visited all of the Important port In th world, and about a dogen yeara ago settled down at Portland, MACHINERY HALL Lewis and Clark Exposition jj Buy your tickets at the Exhibit .of the S Willamette Iron 5r aSteef WoFks niiiniiniinsnnaii mai Rheumatism Cured Free, t -After yeare of experimenting w have formulated a paste, which when ' applied to ""iy?1""! v ntiia?lr''curVhemnetra n,,,n",,, w"' 'm matlam. If you are a eufferer, and among the Brat to answer this an- nnuncement, we win aeno you, oy prepaid man, a box or thla wonderful oil, all. that la asked In return I the prlvlleg of referring to yon (when nill-ell In rArwinAniltn. WtfK Iv. rmliiiiiar. 4n . No Teadinonialg SoBdtH. No NagaM PwkllalMA. ' All that ia required la your name and address, and full particulars re garding your caee, accompanied by this -ciTer. - rAssocrATEDnmucrsTOREs: The Oregon Dally Journal. . x-ornBTixui, mrr. WHITES RUNNING AWAY ' FROM FEVER AT CANAL IJoorsat gpeelal gervle.) , New York, June IS. Th steamship Advance, from Colon, with many passen gers aboard, who are aald- to have left the lathmua becauae of . yellow fever there, haa arrived. . Oeorg A. Heath. superintendent of construction of the Panama canal, waa taken lit a few daya after the Advance sailed from Colon. He was sent-to Hoffman Island for quarantine. It la believed h has yellow fever . -'-- rThAdvrnTe pangaVggi agreed that condition In Colon ar in no way exaggerated, ."Everybody who can get ' away la not waiting upon' th order of going, aald a passenger. Another pas- " senger. declared -that th whit resident of the Isthmus who ar not victims of yellow fever sre suffering with Chagras fever, which la not so fatal, but ceue much suffering. - . Tff vt1 sTftook Allan Lewis Best Brand. rTOMOHROW Wednesday, June 14 - - - - - Rubber Goods Woodard, Clarke & Co. tQ'GbO GH- TO l O'CLOCK CANADIAN MONEY ' TAKEN AT PAR FOURTH AND WASHINGTON JTJ. High-Grade Soaps 77 ; r. -jpemt- Snciete Hyglenlque. per cake...... 4 On 30e 47 1 1 Violet Marquise, per cake.... (0e 35 Hohem' Imported Sandal, per cak tie ' 154 , . . . mAmva ami .Un. TT at.. Bottle, red rubber, cloth Inserted. (1.00 Qt.2S t-quart Water Bottle, red rubber.. 1.5 T0 S-quart Fountain Syringe,' whit-. .$ 1.10 . 83? Family . Bulb Syringe, with thre hard rubber plpea... 7Bo 58 Fur Jum Bath Cap.....,....... Wo- 29t This store not only bristles with bargains, but has bargains in bristles. . In visiting our Noonday Sale tomorrowtake-speaaljiote of, ourbristle goods as displayed m counter directly in front of the Washington street entrance. Variety of assortment and designs quality in texture and workmanship and amazingly small prices considering quality.. -These will make it well worth your while to linger, Jong at the brush counter.- ' -r Brushes "NOT fc Plea oberr that a few of th briatl bargain art good all day tomorrow., mor than on hour tomorrow, : Thy art thtuonly item ia thia sntir advertise mant that art availabl lot Reg. lte -Aw-fc-lr Hand Scrub -FlexlW Rubber-back, Hand Bruan.i fine quality 'brlirtle." t . $1.0 - -f .n Ttnna.hanille Nail -Brueh. with or without side bristle.. . .- Solid wood-back Hand Brush. bet quality bristle , Sanitary Family Tooth Brush holder, enable, each Individual to Idwntlfy own brush . Immedi ately V Antlaentlo Tooth Pow -der. In paper aackr thr"jut f" Speclat. ' Stationery; Photo Goods J So : tOc lte. 1T 09 Rg. ii 15c any f!rt-claBS powder. I Pyrajln Preaaipr Comb, -inch ... Pyralln Dralng Comb. T-lnch.. lOe 15c i Ho 25 12 Concord Writing Tablets : New Tork Linen Tablet....... W Two Linen Tablet a........ Flemish Bond Papeterte, tt aheeta paper, 14 envelopes........ JIc Scotia Linen Papeterle. 24 sheeta. -. paper, 14 envelope...,...... ... 80c' 'Cos; Focher Papeterte - 14 sheets . paper. 14 envelopes...;... c French Chiffon Papeteft. Si hets, paper, 14. envelopea....... ........ 40o Lead Fenclla, per doa, apeclal . , . . . - Special. . 09 .-.' 09 IT . IT . 29 -4xS Dry Plate, per do... 4x1 Washing Boxen, sine. Eastman'. Toning Solution Whit 81 Ip Mounts, per dox... Wlr Photo Rack, each. M. VI. Developer., Reg. Special. . ... (On . 35 ...$1.00 4it .... 10c 22 lie 12 vfc 20 1&- is . ... lOo 05 Household Drugs 23 19 OS Leather . ... ... " Reg. Special. "Japan Souvenir Card Caae... 11:10 59 Wlcker-eovered . Pocket . Flaak. . . .nickel top1 r.$t.I$ 69 .Leather-covered Pocket Flasks, ' , ..- -.. with nickel- tr1mriflng.-;.i-T-rt-$l.S t - 79 . All Traveling Caei In assort leathers, fitted complete, special" - - $2.95 Special discount of i5 per rent on all Suit Case. . Hand Ortps, Oxford Hag and Club Bag; regular prtc from It.SO to 4 each. ' , We guarantee all eur leather for atyl and durability. . . . - : ." i , .. . . Sundries :TT - - - Reg. Special. Souvenir Pot .Card. vUw of fair .. and Portland (comic) .... 05e 01 Garden Sprinkler, hoe attachment. JSe ... 19 Garden Sprinkler, bos attachment. 50c -39 " Jeleo 'Shoulder Braces. ..... ...... 5e 33 Oem Silvered W1 Toilet Paper. ' regular. Metric, special, par do. '" 25 Paper Dustera aaaorted 7 color. better and laat ' longer than frtther lie IT. ALL.DA Y BARGAINS v IK BRISTLES - . Beside the foregoing Noonday Bargains., th following are availabl to . th noon ' hour and all day a wIIl. , . .. - Beg. Special. Four-row " Imported 'Knit Tooth Brush .......... .v. 48e 33 Adams' --.Invlnclbl 'v Hair . , Brush, solid back, long ' '.''"'' - bleached bristles ....... .51.: fl.98. Adams' Hair Brush. 11 rows, short,- unbleached bristles. II. J . OS Adams'; Invincible Harr .. , Brush, aolid back. ' extra long briatlMt ...54.19 fS.lO -FROPHT LACTIC- TOOTH BRUSH tie 23 rMcklnimn' Witch Hasel. quarts.. i Cream of Tartar, per pound....'... - Woo!- Alcohol. - pf nta,-r . Household Ammonia , Roe Water, os...... Ron Water and Glycerine 6 o.:. Bay Rum. i os. ......... Ollv Oil. os........... 'fo '.'... -tltyceTlne, Sodium Bicarbonate. 1-lb. package.. Chalk and Orris Root, for th teeth; per package............... .Bird Seed. I -lb. sack. ...... ....... Reg. Special. I0 -.25 "-,27 i- 13 ;Oi 155 13 15c . 13 J5c 13 5tf- 13 15c 13 lc 06 lo 2io -) BoufoTefCt amorted odor. per "cake ., (Oe Boiirjola et CI, "celebrated Savon Manon Lescant, per cake......... Tie Houblgant Savon Ideal. ...... ..,$1.10 . . Dairy Jdad. per . box.. . Zio Vestal, Violet or Rose, per box..; lie Lucia de Lorme, per box.,.......'. " 1 IPnglishpatMeal. rr boi,, ila tamola, per cak. ...... ; ........ .. J!c Balaam Honey, one do. In box, per do. ....................... Turkish Bath, on do. In boa, per . des,. --Ruby Glycerin, en do. In. boa, per dox, Me 14 -lb. bar Transparent Olyeerlne.; le l ib. bsr Whit Castll tic 4-lb. bar La Sublime White Ca-' - - -ttle. Imported rrr-m-rm 1 1 French Caatll, per cake. with Wash Rag ..................... lte ' 5e . .. 104 3 4S 1.69 15 15 15 -15-13 39 ';:"aro : ao os 13t - as - 05 Liquors Canadian Club Whlsltey.' Cream . Ry ' Old Crow Belmont Whiskey,; qoartg- Reg. ....... .1.2 . ..tin ....rr:. ...its One-Star. fu)J '. ..T,......... 100 Fin Old Scotch Whiskey. ........ .1 8 Cloverdal CUret ....... r.. ...... ton Officinal Brandy' ...... ...... ..11.50 : Irondequolt Port Win. 1 1.15 Angelica- Win 50n. Creeta Blanca Sautern Souvenir.;. OT 15 Special. 98 9T : S3 "st" fl.OT 19 on. 3 2T 46 Toilet Articles Newbro's Herplcld Dorln'.. Rouge d Theatre.... Vkle Ammonia Antiseptic Witch JUxel . . . . Bo rated Talcum ....... .r.... . Batchellor's Bathaeweet ......... Florida Water .................. Tetlow'a Swandewn Powder....'.. Tftlow' Oomer Powder,...,.. pompln Cream Ayefi Hair Vigor. i. Reg. .11.' . 2 So . tie 5r ,. J . 25a . 50 . 10 . J5c ,. 5c .11. 0 SpertaL 55 12. 10 10 OT 15 Z Cti II? 4 ' a c r- '