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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
'18CJ. thr ORECON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND- TUESDAY EVENIINU juwvi3. BET Td BE DECIDED PROBING CHARGES - ---- 1 IN THE YEAR 1925 TfOMON GRAFT "Chicago Crind;4yry Making -In- ; . vestigation ' of Strike - 1 Conditions. ' i- i- -.1:- . .t- 1v I , ..-4 rONE EMPLOYER TESTIFIES HE HAD JO PAY MONEY - - - - -Ever Phase of Question Is Being Taken , Up by Jn-r ." , ' vestigatprs. . v . i . .(journal Special Bervlc.) .' " Chicago, i June, 11. Robert .Campbell ' tt the Peabody Commercial company : speared as a witness before the trend jury Investigation In the alleged crim inal practices of labor leedera in oon nectlon with the teamsters' strike. It U understood thai Campbell was asked j--4trwllghL.jnJhe .alleged ... " $10000 to prevent ftTike or teamaier '-against the down town office buildings, when the Unions tried to v forte the j .' - -buildings to use coal lnetead of gas. ' Joseph BtgrpbsM, ttgo agent of a n " - "fit I-oula brewing concern, waa . ques tioned ss to the posalbimy of the team atera strike having -been called at the IJHSTanctnt-t'htcago-hrewera tohrm the Bt. lunula brewing interests. " " Joseph Uprises of the t-apham BrttK company teeiMed that before he aa ?fTsbli to secure a settlement f the atrlke . "fagalnat hra concern he Jwaj forced to ipS, the men whom he took back full J.agif6r; tJUjaUne lotw!)ile;ona . -J 8 Field of the Knickerbocker Ice jrompany testified that-to eettllug. the strike against hts company no money -" -waaueed. : ' v -"-' - MYSTERIOUS MURDERS rrStOMMlTI faUH EARS AGO ;Strange Tale Told of Alleged Crimes "Wherein Dead -XC':2, Woman Is Accused ; '--Hblal Dispatch to Th Josroal.1 v -,4iUii.Ir Francisco, June lit Tha strangu Jsle told by. Mra jaa onn-ui .- alleged murder of three - men by her 'stepmother. Mrs. Mary Merrill, ii yearn ago. -in a bouse which stood on the site tieer' that now ocoupied by the Pacific Vnlori 'club. Waa given ad emphatic da - Tibial today by fQorge Green., who lived 'in the houae In queetloa at the time the "iragediea ae aald to have taken place. Recording to Mra.'Bmlfh'a atory, Mra. Merrill, after, killing the men, threw '. T the bodlea Into "the baaement, where - 'tl burled them? . - ' -!riren--delB-tfle houae ha a base menf. and further dedarea ttiat no auch nh aa thoae described by Mra. Smith aa. being ' her-i.atepmother'a victim roomed In the houae, aa atated by Mra. SICK AND FRIENDLESS slrzi BLOWS OUT HIS BRAIWS 111 health, wth no poaalblllty of re covery, cauKed one McCandleaa, whoae . f Iraf name la unknown, to Wow out KIs grains laat night In hla room at the Jlverett lodging houae, 41 North Second . street He anotr-hlmielf twice in the Jhead. - McCandJeaa Buffered from tubercu Joala and dyapepala and frequently be- . rooaned hla fate, declaring that ha saw no chance of hla health Improving and " that In time he would probably be forced -to end hla Bufferings. He came to Portland at month ago and since then ad ang no work. rronr his cSnveraa' - tion the opinion la held that he formerly lived tn -Seattle."1" "- ratrlok Loses Again. 7i'; : (Jonraal. Special Serrlce.) Albany. June, II. The court of ap-J pea I a tnia-afternoon denied the appllov- tion made yesterday by Senator I). B. Hill to hear a motion for reargument of the caae of Albert T. Patrick. Hill will make an- application to either one of the Judge or to Oo-ernor Hlgglna .for stay pending the motion for rear gument. St)ould thla fall, the caae will ' '".'' be taken to the' Vnlted .States supreme court.. . Bhrlners' cards. Elegant emboRaed emblems An. gold and colors. Irwln-Hod- i Co.. First and Salmon, Tel. Main 112. 2freferred gtook Oaaned Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. APK TO SKE OUR DIRECTORT. Fair3dIeUn-Nor-9- June 14, 1905 Daughters rf American. Revolu tion day. Flag day. Aahland. Medford and Jacksonville day. The California Promotion Committee Are respectfully Invited -to- make thla store their down-town Infor mation . bureau whilst In our mldat.. Also to see the many beautiful arffrlea In gold and silver, representing the ! mri 'finest In the land. K a remembrance of Oregon 1 the Fa'r, we have a hftet of rBXTTT-AsTD OTrXQYTli to show. ' They sre 11 ' original and up to date. . - STnuv'o ' sixtxb pelt pin to sa-a waist Pins (set of $ ....(1.50 Hat Pins ...SOe and 7So Link Buttons ......... 1J pair - soutxtoi iroon, For ths Fktr.. . . . ; ; fl.SQ to C3.50 Fe regH m -w. , , . (lS to ga.00 And the Malmon... .!.? to $3.00 a. ca, c. Fcldenheimcr Corner Third and Washington, ilveramlths Jewelers... Fxpert Opticians; 1 I f,f' , . II - f-w 'S' '' v fx1- -f, ::: -i-.Thit ' photograph, of the deck the destructive fire of email guns In the tittle of the Japan eea. RINERS GET NO PAY FORtWORKON-SEWER Settlement Made, and Money Allowed Covers A Bills but Theirs. ; " - MAY SUE THE CITY FOR r" MONEY SAID TO BE DUE Wanzer Saves TaxpayersQver Three JThousand . Dojlanr! on the Conduit. , :r : ; A aottlement was made yesterday af ternoon between R. M-JUner ft Son. con tractors on the Tanner creek aewer, Hart man. Thompson at r, sentlng the United Btates Guaranty Fidelity company, , the bondsjnen. and th 'Oregon Savings bank.- which ad iwmd 4he-money wUwhhJojbuUd Ida AStmllllt It Is understood thai me ttled with the bank for the money jbprrowe4;.hy, t,he contractors ana tnen satisfied themselves or i advanced and the coats of the repairs h. theov bv taking poaaeaalon Of all the warrants from the city, amount ing to ISJ.MJ. whlchjhe property own era will pay. on assessments. It. M. Rlner Son will receive noimng ior their share In the workr neither will they loae anything excepting their time. mt r.nalneer Wanaer. under whoae aupervlalon the aewfr was rebuilt bondsmen ror Kiner a oon, iinuuni his eetlmste of th-work. Ex-City Kn glneer W. C. .Elliott's eatlmates of the cot of the drain were $32,500. but the pnunt allowed wheiB It came toaset-. tlement waa $35,893. This estimate waa accepted by th executive board, but re scinded later.--""''"" " Cltv Enainrer Wanfer went very thor- S ughly over the work when he aaeumed charge of the aewer. He has done over $10,000 worth of work on the drain, nnd hlg estimate of "the coats - fall $3,311 ahort of the1 final estimates ' of the former city engineer, and exceed by only $S2 the oriirtnnl -eatimatea. City Engineer Wanacr has made a saving to the property ownera of the affected dis trict of over $3,300.' The aettlement ts not satisfactory to the fontractora iand It la underatood ...... ... - ...I. ..-..I , II,. nllii to recover several tnouaana aouara worth of-ork done by' the .bondsmen several and to whlclLlheycaimthey-ara etu titled, and tor other extraa. The entlmnten of ex-City Engineer El liott and City- Engineer Wanier follow: Original contract with R. M. Rinar, a per ord In nee No. 1 4 0 71: . 1.150 feet, aewer plan "A," more or leaa. at $20, $23,000; T,0 feet, aewer plan "B," more or leas, at $4. $-.600; -mn holes, -each at $300, $1,200; 200 cubic yards gravel or broken stone (more or les), at $6. $1,200; 3i)0 cubic yards concrete fmore or lcBBl. at $15. $4.r,Q0; total, $32, SOP. KBtlmute allowed by W. C. Elliott but rescinded by the executive board: One thousand one hundred and seventy-five feet sewer, plan "A," at $20. , $23. BOO; (IX feet sewer, plan "B," at $4. $2V472; mmdudca. (complete), at $300. $1,800; $41.4 cubic yards concrete, at $15, $8,121 Torair$36,8i3. Final estimate allowed by present city engineer after the expenditure of $10,000 by the bondnn of R. M. Rlner: ,.t)ne thouHund. one hundred forty-six and six' tenths feet sewer, plan "A." at $20, $22. M3; 55 feet sewer, plan "H," at $4, $2,620; 4 manholes, at $300, $1,350; 84 cubic yarda concrete, at $15, $4,500; zoo cubic yards gravel or stone, at $$, $1,200. Total, $J2.5S2. GIGANTIC CONSOLIDATION OF TRUST COMPANIES rjirn 1 BpecUl New York. June 13. The consolida tion of the ' Equitable Trust company nd tneTMermrttthr-Trnst-cornpany and the Morton Trust company Is planned by Thomas F. Ryan, who negotiated the purchase of the stock tn the Equitable Life-held -by Hyde. The deposits of the proposed consolidated trust com pany Would amount to $169,000,000. Paul Morton will assume his duties ss managing director of the Equitable tomorrow. .... r T-wt - - ' CHICAGO UNIVERSITY" HASDONATIOrDAY - Uiiaraal Bcedal i.rl ) ; Chicago, June 1$. Gifts amounting tn over $no.OOO to the u niversity of Chi' cago were announced-. at the 5&th con vocation today. There Whb no large gift from Rockefeller, but It la belleve-l fhat when the president's -sddress t resd it will rontsln the announcement of. a. b)g .dnnatlqn rout, the.ot king to the university. . r ; of one of the Ruesian wtrhipg In ' the Pprt-Arthur naval battle, ahowa and gives an idea of what' Admiral Togo's gunners did to the ciar'a ships , ' "- T..'.- '" - " - ;; .-r UIRLS READY FOR . . THEIR WORK IN LIFE Commencement Exercises at St. Mary's Academy and Coljege . ' Takes Place Tonight-. : - St."Mary's "scademy 'and oollege will haxe Its closing exercises thla evening at the school on Fourth and Market Streets. The graduates are Marian Ger trude Prevoat of San Jose, California, and Margaret Mary Mar tee re of Portland In the Latin academic eourae;, t Alice Genevieve Dougherty of Portland. Mary Elydla McKinnon of Eau Claire; Wlacon aln, and Leona Antoinette Beauehene of Portland from the ,Engliah - academic course: The clans motto la "Memor et fldelts." The program to be (Hen la as follows) . .- 1 . (a) "Aubade Printanlere" (Laeombe), (b) violin quartet, ."Abaence" (Hone), c) "The Holy City" iAdama), St.. Mary's Cecilians; "Fest Polonslse" (Fr. Kucken, op. 72): piano I, Misses Eleanor No'rd hoff and Georgia Wise; piano II, Mlaaes Catherine Kern and Grace' ' Lyona; "Heavenly Love" (Cli.Ooxnod), soprano, Mlaa Kathertne Purcell; contralto.MJss Nancy Beala; harp accompaniment, Vlie-a Eleanor Nordhoff; address to the grad uaUa.. Wallflce McCamant; - "Legende" (H. . Wlenlawakfr op -ITJr-vlollrv-MIss Alice' Dougherty; piano. Miss Marian Prevoat!- a vocal quartet "8weetRnd Iw' - Bfl rnby b- vcaf trio,- -On Mualc'a Wing" (Mendelaaohn-Llebe) Treiile Triad: "Rondo Caprlocioao" (Men delssohn), piano I, Mlaa Marian Pre voat: piano II. Mies Leona Beauehene;. "La Prlmavera." (Moderatl), harp accom paniment, Minn Eleanor Nordhoff; piano accompaniment, Mlas Kaherlne Kern; soprsno sotn- Miss. Kathertne Purcell; Senior Choral club; conferring of grad uating honors; awarding of the alumnae medal; remarks. Governor George hi. Chamberlain; address, Archbishop A, Christie. .. MONTANAXELEBRATES MINERS' UNION DAY (Journal Special Bervlce.) Helens, Mont.. June 13. Miners' Union dsy waa celebrated throughout Montana today. In Helena the state. county-and city offices closed during the afternoon, -and there were addresses and athletic performances. "Mother Jones." noted labor advocate, spoke to a large crowd during the arternoon. in Butte all' the mines were closed down snd the miners, 13.000 strong, paraded the streets. In the evening Young Corbett and Maurice Thompson 'Will meet In a 11U-I UUIIU feu. . , i BEEFJTRUSTINQUIRY- BESUMED AT CHICAGO (Journal Special S'rrlct.) Chics go, J ttne-1 St T herbeef tru s t In quiry was resumed by the federal grand Jury today. Two prominent Iowa stock men testified that atnre the railroads had been compelled to obey the law re quiring livestock to be watered every 24 hours the roads had broken their former law the roada retarded ship ments at the instance of the trust in order to regulate the, market through dally receipts. Edward O. Davis, repre senting he South Water street commis sion men, presented new evidence gath ered from the frultgfdwers against the Arfhotir private-ear Jinej - - - Wythyoombe , a Candidate. ' (Kpectiil Ul.put.b to The Jonrnal.) fiil virion. Or., June 13. The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor held a picnic In the. Coolidge grove In thla city laat Saturday. . Colonel K. Vtofer of the Salem Journal apd Dr. Withycombe of theagrlcultural college at Corvallls both made speeches. One remark by Colonel Hofer wa to tne errect tint ur. vvttnycorrme b a candidate for governor on the Re publican ticket hext year. 'postmasters Get Increase . .(Spevlsl i.spiln to The Journal.) Washington, June 13. The following tnrrenBB'-ln-salarles-'of-oregon: post- mnstera wnk announced today: Hills- boro, $1.-400 to $l.r00; Hood River, $1,700 to $1,800; Mory, 11,200 to $1,300. - Fraotioal Fallaatliropy. From the Pittsburg Poet.-- .-"1 belleve,"; remarked the oil magnate. "In helping the people to lead the simple life." , "Ho do I,"emphBtlcallyagreedtu beef magnate. "And If the courts let meaUmeior another'flve years I'll have the people leading the hinjpliest kind of a simple life." ' . Take tour Choice. . From the Baltimore American.' ' ' Now the chief of the bureau of chem istry declares that science la so adding to human life that the period of ordi nary activity wllf not be" 40, but $0 years. The general public Is 'now free to taM .either hope or chloroform,. according ,a wnicn vneory tney-iBTvr. . DECLARES ALBANY DAY-A-HOLIDAY Mayor Davis Urges All to Attend ' ""Lewis T' and Clark - - ' Fair. '-' SCHOOL OF WHALES , APPEARS ATLYAQUINA Last Social Function of School Year, Before Commence . . ment, to Be Held. ::. : (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) ' Albany, Or.. Juns,lS.-rMayor W. H. Davlg last night Issued a proclamation declaring .next Friday, Albany day at the Lewis and Clark exnos'tlon; ' egal holiday, and -urging the business men and the cltlsens generally to refrain from their vocations and attend the ex position In a body;" Bothl)anks,TToth dally newspapers and most of the large stores ha va jK-reed to. close their. pUces of-tqs1nsasrrt)"that-day-, -. The Corvallls & astern ranroaa nas decided to start Its summer Sunday ex cursions to Yaqulna Bay next Sunday. A. schoor of whales is reported to have appeared "off the harbor yeaterday afternoon, headed by a monster bull. No sea serpents have ever been seen at Newport, . Habeas Corp as Case. ; Th habeas corpus esse of Elisabeth and John Benger of Corvallls agalnat John Warren of Brownsville wss yes- terday afternoon decided by Judge C. H. Stewart In favor or the Sengers. The caaswaarouKh tforthe recovery of little Wllma Ruth .Warren, grano- daughter of both parties. The Sengers are -the- parents of -ths little girl's desd mother, while the aerenaani is we father of the child's fathsr. Ths case will- be appealed. Sheriff R. U. Whlterlast evening psia to the county treasurer $32 on account of taxes collected for the yesr 104. The amount still delinquent Is very small, payments hsvlng come In oetley in the last year than ror many yeara in Ltnn county. Junior Oratlona. At Albany college laat evening the lunlor oratlona were delivered before a ' " achool. There were six of the stuaenis who comoeted for the prise orrerea, tne Dr." JTPT'Watlsre gold medal, and t -waa awarded to Miss Oeorgie :. uawson oi this city, daughter of Councilman 8. A Dawson. . Tonight s sociable, the last function of the school year before the commence ment exercises, wlU be held st the col lege, when a mualcal and literary pro gram will be rendered and a social time enjoyed. The .commencement program will be held at the i niteo rreaoyieriaq church tomorrow forenoon. ... ' TsadlsW Killed la Tight.-r (Journal Special Berrlcsi) - - Knoxvllle, T. nn.. June 11. Three men were killed and a fourth dangerously wounded In a shooting affray at Thorn- hill, $0" miles northeast or tnis city, yesterday ss a result of a mountain feud ' The dead aTe John and Will Hol land, brothers, and Will Bundran. 'ine wounded man Is C"nt wilkins, a negro. . wast Cnlnsse Admitted. . - t Journal Mpscial rlc Wsshlngton. June 11. Thirty mem- brs-f the American Asiatic sssocla- tlon representing the cotton, textile and Iron and steel tradea, called upon Preal- dent Rposevelt yesterday to . protest lnai fV. enforcement 01 ne I, nines rexetUBTri'ti -law-snd entered lorm test. Why Don't you give your heart the same chance you do the other organaT Why" Hecause wnen any oiner urgu is In trouble. It r fusee to work, and you husten to repair It. The heart, the ever faithful servant, never refusea a long as It hss power to move, -bnt continues to do the beat it can, getting-weaker and. weaker, until It la oast repair, and then stops. ..It Is lust ss slrk aa the other organs,, but bees use It will work you let It." - However, - it's not- too - late-- tor - a 'change of heart,'' so remember - Dr. MUe! -Hcart Cure : will give your heart strength snd vltal- li y to overcome inxainess. rsipuaiion, Short Breath, Faint Hpella, rains In Heart snd Xlde, and all other Heart aches and difficulties. "Mv heart would-ache -and pslpitate terribly, and at timea I could hardly Vlored me to perfect heelth, and I am ver s-rMfei i MlftB KMMA 3. BARTON, - . No. 1 Hill Ht.. Watertown. N. T. The firat bottle wlU benant-UT not. tha druggist wlilreturn your money. " Andrea t Sharboro Wagers Ban quet That San Francisco Will Have Million People; P. Ci ROSSI SAYS WILL " BE CLAD IF HE LOSES Leading Italians Who Are at the Head of California's Great Vineyardv "I will bet you thst in 16 yesrs hence Ssn Francisco will hsve 1,000,000 popu lation," aald Andrea gjbarboro, -chairman of ths California, promotion-committee, to P.C. Roaal, another Influential mem ber of the committee. Both are In the city. . . -' ' ' ' -"111 take the pet." answersd Rosst wherewith an -agreement was .. sntered Into under which the loser-was -to-pay for 10 covers at a banquet, each plate to coat $19. f . " ' ', Thla waa five years ago. and It 1a said that sines 1900. whsn the wager was made. San Francisco has Increased, from 140.000 -population to between 400,000 and $00,000.- If that ratio of Increase! be maintained. about: 100.000 In five! vbstb: tha -BaT-CttT wHI have the I , 1.000.000. in3 ilt. a nd MgbarboWtertJrl.1 sit down 10 $300 sjrortn or pranaiai en joyment with hl friend Mr. Roaal and 1$ other kindred spirits, ana nossi win pay tha btlV. - - '"I hope you Win tne wager, earn sir. Rossi "for I would be .willing to pay the $200 In that event and not begrudge on dollar I wss required to pay for the dinner.", - . Mr. Rossi Is helnlng his opponent win th bat for. with all the power of an snthuslastlo promoter with nraine ana wealth, ha Is throwing himself Into the work of forwarding the Interests of San Francisco and California and apanng no effort i " ' ' " ' ' This wiser has been wade legal. ty the signing of a contract, which binds their helra . anoLSBBigns. inj tne eveni either of them should not live until HIS. "Don't worry about that, though, - eaiq Mr. SbarboTo.-'for both or ua are going to be on band to enjoy that banquet. "To be sure." replied Rossi, -our ooys will not have to attend to the details of that dinner, for we are going to be preentwhen the bet la decided in iU ; '-': ' :- ' v" "''. ' a tread v lnvitat ona have been issuea. In which the hosts say to the Invited one that they will be delighted to have his presence at a dinner to te given on the evening of soma day. in 1925. at $- p'cloek. . - Mr.-8barboro Is at the head , of the great Bwies-Itallan chlony at AstI, Cal ifornia, where are tha most extensive vineyards In America. Mr. Rossi Is as sociated with him In the enterprise, and both are recognised as developers of California's Resources. They have msde previously worthless tracts productive Ttd--herv- added enormously " to the wealth of the state. , LEAPS TO HIS DEATH WHILE'lN NIGHTMARE -if Jsjrsat: flperiat Jew Tork, June I$.Carl Clausseiu a wealthy broker, and - member or tne nroduce exchange, was killed early this morning by a fall from a window in his apartment on the fourth floor of West Seventy-sixth street, it is Denevea ne was a victim of nightmare. . ; FARMERS PREPARE TO- COMBAT BEEF TRUST (Journal Special Service.) Chicago. June 11 A farmers' psck- Ing company haa been organlaed in Chi cago with a capital stock of $1,100,000. the Intention being to enter tne packing bualneaa in competition with the Chi cago packing industry; The company is AND Slleel Rwl Ws pat tt ap on payment of SI 00 ready for use la roar svosws. The Bet Star oa BTory 'olat la taa World a range that baa stood tha test of time aad is without aa equal' la interior oomstmotioa, baking quail ties, absolute reliability aad beauty of atmearaaoe. ., Ouaraateed cr IS years. We taka your old stove la allow full valve. rudgery; Is Bonbhed Whea you have aa Eclipse ftHesl Baaga tn yon kltohea. .Sinner can be prepared In leas time, less cost of - fuel aad with greater satisfaction tha wttn tha old-faah-loned BStoTe. Cooking la so longer dradg sry i aa wnilpss nngt haa made anaay a home brighter aad happier. . - Prices from $35 Up CALL AND INSPECT -THEM. TftBLITTLEAT ATlHESTOREr 173-175 First Street A new one free to the, purchaser of any Ches terfield suit, if the front of coat breaks batk or loses shape in one, year's wear, and they are better fitting ithan your.tailQjLcan -give you. A strong statement, " verified by your fitting 'on the suit .; Then there is that stylisheffect to the suit that a. ; ; good dresser .will rfadily recognixe asjuperior .to 1 the average custom tailor, clotfiesT . Exclusive ef- f fects of patterns, that every fellow will, not have a suit just, like yours. All style models, Single and double breasted sacks, English -walking frocks,.- J3E. Jrocka,JTulcdo and range from $15 to $60 a Hats, correct style for the '-JH- .269-271 part of the Nations! rsrmers". ex change. Ita officers are: President. J. 8. Lev?l,. Chicago; vice-president.-h. h. Hsnks, Nebraska City, Nebrssks; secre tary, D.- H. Orelg, Chicago; treasurer. A. O. Van Patten, Sterling, Illinois; at torneys. F. E. Andrews. . Sterling. Illi nois; Joseph Bumban, Chicago; general manager, K. WsTigh, Chicago. -.; The corporation Is composed of farmers, atnrkralsera and retail dealers in meats. It haa an option on 10 acres of land for a packtng-houso near Haw thorne racetrack. .After stock 11 sold It expects to leasa 100- acres ALFONSO IS ACCORDED TREMENDOUS)VATI0N (Journal Bpeeial Berne, f Madrid, Juneril. Klng-Alfonao ar rived today on his return visit from France and Kngland. " On h hi way to the palace he was accorded a tremendons ovatlorbyhepeopjerTrhrcRrroilowed him to the palace, where-he-appeared several times on the balcony -and ac knowledged the cheers of bm crowd. The king attended service In Buena Suceso church, where a solemn Te Deum wss rendered In recognition of his safe return and escape from death at the hands of the bomb-throwing anarchists of Paris w '. ' Fief ei red Itoek Osaned Ooods. Allen A lewls' Best Brand. ge for $1 Powm, "r" a a. - i full dress suits. -Pricea suit. Haberdashery and" suit you buy. ' , mm MORRISON NOT IN THE TRUST TOUR PRINTING done under -careful rersonal supervision, with no attempt -o hold you up. If you want -to know more about It, call Phonar Clay ll, Of at Room 12 Mulkey. building, Second' and Morrison. T. G. R0BIS0N, Job Printer PANAMA WILL COIN v . MILLION IN SILVER ; . (Joaraal 8pcUI Barrio.) r '." Panama, June 11. The governmentjL Pahamass-doelded- In mtl 1 1 ob sliver pesos itt order to relieve the de mand for silver caused by tha activity of ths canal works nand tha Increase la bustness. - . ' . Ill Eastern Excursion Rates. - On Jum lir-lf, 1 Jt- the Great Northern -railway will sell -excurSloa tickets to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Milwaukee. Chicago. St. Douls, Omshs. Kansas City. Winnipeg, etc., at rete ol one flrst-clsss fare plus $10 for round trip.- Tickets . allow stopovers going and returning, good forJhreemonths,J For full Information call on or ad dress H. Dickson. C P. T. A. Great Northern Ry.. No. 111 .Third Streets Portland, Oregon. " THE BEST &ANCE IN T THE WORLD. GEVURTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS- 219-227 . Yamhill Street V