The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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gen , ,Tr-XJ
Special Offeir
' j 7 .; ...7
t f $fl 5(D)"
a im PANTS
) Great
. : 1 m
$9.75, $12.50, $15.00
$18.00,; $20.00f-$25.00
. a..
With saying $9 tin' in $nr. nt Tn ymi
Hats, Shoes, Sox, 5hirts
r yriderwear and Neckwear
The Goods Are Right The Prices Are Right
r,. .... m-r.,, m-..,.
Great Irrigation Plans of the Gov
ernment Will Not Be Car. "
. .. :; ... .. ried Out.
When Railroad Runs Through
Central Oregon, Scheme Will i
Be Put Into Effect. ?
; . -.-i.'
" -The. -immense . irrigation project, by
which thn rnrUmn""- h" '
flllradTBtates government waa to put
. about (0,000 acres of land in Malheur
cpunty under water, has been abandoned. -owing
to the failure of the . local fac
tiona at inleresttQnnltel!ttheplan
proposed by the government agenta. The
Malheur Water ITsers" association has
" retired from the field, and nothing fur
tber-wlll. be-done. -
Rev. David Leppert, of the First Con
gregational church at Ontario," a member
of the Malheur Water Users" assocla
. tlon, and who has been active In sup-.
" port of the Irrigation plan proposed. In
discussing the matter, said:
"The officers of our association have
no further hope of aid from the govern
ment reclamation bureau, and Mal-
' -heur county gets trrtgatlon it will cum
front eome other source. The Water
' I'seni association worked hard and long
to get all the Interested .factlonato
: come" tntflr The plan, and had they done
' so water could have been put on the
loe itMlr
saira aiaaa
II. Ir
aneatng for raea tad women. Kot a dye.
WeatlriMB at 40 ay bair was ar.jr, ILL
friw4 Kiet hi. tnb keDa grar ante blni
( ola. Proailnt be bis experleaee I aaed
Hay's nalrbealta, and bare tbe same
.rk bmi that 1 bad at 21. Hold air
otltloa, tboaik foenfer saea, wboee ealr
raalt pr-T bae Wl dlralwed. I
thank r fur nr po.lttoo.-R. B. Oadortar.
larga Oe. bnttlM. Aro.(iM.'. Tike aatblag
wltbout slcnatun Pbllo liar gpee. Oo.
fflff tak to BPf f frllwtnf inggwH
w tiaimMiiB ana c. emkt
nmnwm ww& wtMaei4t both tm oor.t
r price TV. a
sent bf
i", a-. prvraiq, rnr one. see tow taw.
tr- bmi
I"l by dml.t w
sve. lot u.ltbaalta,
reodard, Clarke ft Oo Toarta
Oh. m
4f ew jfHlL. Us
Line to Choose From.
Browns and Stripes.;
Look an 4 wear like tome
stores charge 93.J50 fort
land for f SO an acre. But two elements
did not look at the jnattet inUe-aamti
lights as - did - the government and - the
association. - When ..Jhe, situation was
finally summed up it became a question
of paying 140 an acre to get Water onto
the land, and thta-flgu-ro waa-regarded
aa too high. The association officers
have written their last communications
to the government on this anhjm-t, and
will do nothing further-. - ,
"When we get a railroad through cen
tral Oregon, from Portland to Ontario,
water will be -put on Malheur county's
landa at -a much less figure - than has
been 'estimated by the government
School Teachers' Rates.
On June 14, It, It. 17 the Great
Northern railway will sell excursion
tickets to Bt Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth.
Milwaukee, Chicago, Bt. Louis, Omaha,
Kansas City, Winnipeg, etc., at rate of
one ftrst-class fare plua $10 for round
trip. Tickets allow stopovers . going
and returning, good for three months.
For full Information call on or ad
dress H. Dickson, C P. A T. A. Great
Northern Ry . No. 123 Third street.
r-'"" nrfgrt
' "From Shanlko 570 cars of sheep have
been ahlpped this spring, said R. B.
Wilson, traveling naeot-of the Burling
ton, "and from Heppner liO cars. Not
much wool has moved. - aa the aeason
waa late and shearing was delayed.
Oregon range aheep are In favor with
Wyoming and MonUnk breeders. About
ISO sheep are shipped ia a car, so that
the 440 cars carried approximately 167.
000 head Jo Montana and Wyoming.
Prices are (2.26 for yearling ewes,
which areregarded - aa top - prices for
those classes.
"Wool has been going at figures un
precedentedly highland all, conditions
are making 1905 a red-letter, year for
Ai9 You Stmyna Ua
HlgbtB with the Dmby7
lfa It eoBM dtitrasilnr akla ffMtoot Xe
aaad at 1U Uaeu ef sappy axtk.ra a.lly aae
Harfina Coop
ta baby's beta. Kills disease parailtea.
KaVMIIr allara Irrltattoa ot scalp a ad akla.
loaorca reatfnl alMp. Keeps babf swt and
baaltbf. Far reahaa, eb.lag, aeaema. acnfala,
Itcalne. all akla aareaeaa, HABt'INA BOAP
Is tral woaderfal What It eoea far babr It
will to for Ta. It's tbe aiM aootblng aad
aatlsfjlng of toilet, batb lad Bnrwrr toapav
No anlaial fata. Medlrated. aetleeptle. TV.
eaortelaa. Bafraahiag. BaaUag, Frfraat.
-A Breall a( Plot Salsaa ta Every CUcM
Try It. TotMl beeoBTtBeea. tetga 2Re.eakes.
Boi. ( eakea. S.V. - Urncclata. Rrfaaa aohati.
to tea. N. map ( aiedlr.ted like Harflna.
MaaaftarMf K tRirk U1T tLw.At-
TlRS CO.. NEWARK. N. 3. Take aotblac
offarad wlthoot tkls slgaatara - . . T
dark blue
aad Waabiatem treats.
Mount Tabor Official Settles
Cow , Question in an After
noon and Brings Grief,
One Dollar a Head the Sentence
i Gordian Knot Finally Cut
. After Two Years'. Delay.
The' at tl1 of. of Tb Joursal to 1n
tha store of Mr. '. W. UiKlnn.r. SHO Eaat
Murrlaua iltnl. . Telephone bit 275
The lid 1 on; keepyour-edwg at
noma or pay i a nea.
and the adjoining territory Constable
l)oft-of the Mount -Tabor-:iuetee
court yegteiflay-epread thla-ramlnn
and the. two suburbs have barely re
covered from the shock. ' The Mount
Tabor Push club - had . given up tne
light against the. cow. the voters of
Mount Tabor had decided the cowa must
be shut up, but had Tailed to enforce
their - deelsteni- and t "tne- justice was
-Y.t- K.MatiaA HA rina would nukfl
,VW.tb .-w -- "
1 . , . v. Aw.mJI mm . tkl nnilnl
a compittiin- v "cniiiou . .. . . -
aaJtaUooov.r the aubject-jnacujiu-
sldea ana owners 01 nunirjr "
WmmAmA thoTTl MPh ' fnOrnlllff tOWSrd
Mount ' Tabor-lawna and felt secure.
Than In the- midst of. this fancied ae-
i-nrlta- ' the constable- arose and an
nounced inai me cowa iaui .i m
w mnjt AMii.rH hmt unriar the state
law lia -was authorised io shut them up
and that ha wag utoing to use ms au
thority. - - '
"Every cow that I And In -Mount
Tabor without soma visible- means of
support! l going olh poumU!.sald
Bowm to av crowd of cowownara Qa.a
Montavllla atreet corner yesterday. "1
am tired - of you - fellows drlvtnr your
., hiii tArii Mount Tabor
and letting them break Into flower beds.
tear - off pickets, aeairoy - garaens bhu
ruin eiaewaiKS. i nave ioriuu
lleg uf filsndiihl end the row tlist li
loose la going to ooat her owner at teui
1 m.A thm mor Ml I Mil OOTrftJ tilt
better this business Is going to be."" 7"
Montavllla thought It waa a Joke. ut
when late In - the afternoon the de
. Annitihi - mmm aAn herding
. miikara toward the justice
flVHW " - - ' - - '
court it waa decided that the reign- of
the cow- was over, ana- ibf- ram -.i.hi
th. aounit of . axe hammering
pickets into the -Montavllla commons
might be heardT . . ..
Sard Older Password Vo tonger Xeoor-
Blsed by Drink Tenders.
Montavllla haa -thebrtlcally been a
dry town for some months, but not un
til this week have the cltlxens of the
place who ' drink-made any complaint
about not being able to secure ineir ac
customed - schnapps. But now it is
u'nlversiaiymiireTTirBt nothTng" more
dangerous-' that .Shaata- water-xt. .mort
violently exciting
secured for friendship or aheKela. - ttome
time ago the district court investigated
Captain Schneider and placed him In the
position of facing a. -heavy line enoma
he again come before the court on the-
charge -of illegal tiquorcselllng.- Captain
Grimes, who . ronduota the opposition
praca in-Montavllla, was not molested,
and at tils Five-Mile -roadhouae the
blbuloua .gathered, whether to drink or
not eould only be guested.
Than that hung over Schneider's
place. ho"wver, drove trade to Grlmet'
roadhouae for soma mysterious reason,
and last week Grimes waa haled before
the circuit court on the charge of selling
liquor without a license. At present
neither place is dealing In drink at any
price, and the soft cider for beer, and
hard cider for whiskey password avall
etb not. Captain Schneider la consid
ering the advisability 'of selling hit
property and may accept a IS, 000 offer,
which has been made. lncldentatljf"tw
new., soda fountalna have been opened
In the auburb and are doing a flourish
ing business.
Graduate Entire Class. '
Thursday-evening-lhe" Mount Tabor
schools. will hold their commencement
exercises in the Presbyterian church
there and 25 students will receive di
plomas that will entitle them to enter
the city High school next autumn. Dur
ing the year 24-" atudehta have"com
pl atari Ilia gisdg 1'OUises. in the Mount
Tabor schools and those who were
graduated .In February will be present
Thursday evening aa part of the class.
The county" superintendent will address
the graduates aad.ihe graduates .will
sing vocal and instrumental music,
give reel tatlona and readings and pre
sent essays of original composition.
The.proepect Is that the eighth grade
class next year will be an large or
larger than that which graduated this
year. Not a student who enrolled for
the 'eighth grade "Work at Mount Tabor
was lost thla year and the full number
graduated, a. somewhat unusual record.
rnsli Club Xleota . pffloera.
At the annual meeting of the Mount
Tabor' Push club last night the follow
ing officers were elected for the coming
year: G. K. Baker, president; W, O.
Kerrv- Vice-president; II. VV Hodges,
secretary; J. A. Kastman, treasurer.
Committees were appointed -to confer
with Mayor-Elect Lana regarding the
appointment of a Mount-Tabor clttcen
on the executive board, and other com-
mltteea were authorised to visit the
water board and the council to tnnke ar
rangements for water and electrlo light
service. The. Status of Mount Tabor
and Just -what relation It bear a to the
city Is not settled and probably some
decision of the court may be needed
before It ta definitely determined Just
what proportion of the city taxes the
district shall bear and what It ahall re
ceive for this Increase 1n its tax levy.
Xast Waahing-toa I riUe. - "
East Washington 'atreet Is -today a
street Instead of a hoi covered with
rotting . plank The big nil haaWen
completed and from curb to curb .a
smooth-" weep-of -earth - tia -taken--the
place of the marsh that six months age
held sway. Night and day for half a
year the gravel and - dirt train have
dumped their loads Into the big hole
and one of tha best atreet of the east
side now Is ready for paving. Crushed
rock will be used Instead of plank and
unin a lew week the fire boat will
have thoroughfare directly to the
other. Improved streets. Many of the
shack on the street have been destroyed
by the embankment. undermining them
and -new buildings will be erected.
: JTo Apology JTeeded.
I- --
From th Boatoh Transcript.'
Mrs.' Puffer My daughter la to wed
a real English lord.
Mrs, Lamb-Oh. welfl don't think
yeu have-any cause t6 apologise.1 Hus
bands are not bo plentiful thete tlmea
that a girl can afford to be too particu
lar. - ' - . ,
FL McKenna -Makes'Strong
Plea for" .SweeFAtmosphere
and Clear Skies.
Suggests That Governor and Fair
Officials Warn the People
Against Forest Fires.
. Men interested In the advancement of
Portland and Oregon urge- the people t
delay burning atumps, timber and brush
until next October, ao that 'the skies
may be clear and visitors from the eaat
nay aee the beauties of Oregon scenery,
"i, seems to me thfte in ft ry imppr.
tarrt-queattoivand ahotrfd-recetve stten'
tlon from the proper authorities or tne
atate and the Lewis and Clark lair,
said -Francis I. McKenna. "I believe it
rouM Km a varv (Odd thine if the aOV-
ernor, the president Of the Lewis and
Clark exposition, and. the president or
the Lewis and Clark commiaalon of the
state ot Oregon, would unite in a brief
statement to the people and request its
publication in every newspaper in Ore
gon. 'asking' the people not to- burn
atumpa, .brush., and the like, thla eura-
mer. .
"It would be a great thing for Ore
gon If the thousanda of visitor who
I eome here were' enabled te aee the bau-
tlful scenery about which so--much hs
been written and circulated throughout
the eastern states. ' Should we have
this summer a -repetition of the murky
sklea and amOky atmosphere . In and
about .Portland that prevailed last sum
mer. It would be lamentable In- the-
extreme; On tfiejolherjiandj should w
have clear skies,7' no one could eome
here without being charmed with the
beauties of : the country visible from
Portland." ' " - .. -
Mr. McKenna believes that If the ao
tlon auagested were taken by the au
thnrlttea of state and- fair, enough heed
would be given Id It l)J the people to ac
compiler! the desired result. 7 ----
- r V-i- 1 " " m--t m, ir i m - .
Programs Arranged by". Innes
and Administration Bands
" 7 for Tomorrow. v:
Music at the expoaltlon ground., to
morrow will be of exceptional note, at
the Innes and -Administration bands
have announced programa of a high or
der for afternoon and evening concerts.
Innes' offering will be at follow;.
Afternoon .
Sixth Hunaarian Rhapsody". . . . .Llsit
Two "Movemehla from -KusTle'
ShoBX. i.-iu ..... ..vv..Ooidmarg
. ta.)"In the 3arden?,
(b.) -"Bridal Song."
Rondo Caprlccloso" Mendelssohn
Concert waits "The Blue Danube".. . .
Overture "Hansel and Gretel";.
...... .. Humperdlncr
) "Mearta and Flower."- -
oanut Dance uuuIOMU
Leviathan" (Concert Polka)... ..Levy
Second Polonalte". ........ . .... Lltxt
Vorsplel "Der Melsterslnger". Wagner
(a.) "Bridal Song",. ...... .Ellenberg
b.) "Funeral March" ......Chopin
Overture "Hamlet' new) ... .... .Gad
This work summarises, In a descrip
tive way, the principal Incident con
tained In Shakespeare' Immortal drama.
The funeral march which brlnge tbe
overture to a conclusion, la In the best
vein of "the Justly celebrated writer.
Duet for flute and French horn. . . .Tltl
Popular fantasy- or rrtsh air, . Godfrey
Fart 11.
(8ir Arthur Sullivan Program.)
Overture-"Yeoman of the Guard"
(from "Henry-Till")- . . . . . .
(a,)"Graceful Dane' " ; "
(h.) "Intermetao.'' " -
Scenes from "The Mikado
Sacred arla "The Lost Chord" (cor
net solo)
. . . . a .
The Administration Dana, under the
IrectloiLof Slgnor DeCaprlo, ' will play
Jhe following proBfklh: , - ,.
Anernoon -
Patrol-'Mldnlght Review". . .Arnande
Overture "Poet and Peasant". .. .Suppe
The' Dance of th Goblins". . .Recker
Medley "A Night In New York", Brook
Waltses "La Barcarolle". . .Waldteufel
Selection "The Last Judgment". Spohr
"Spring Jubilee on the Airs Gungl
fiance "Ethiopia" ., '4-7. .Reeves
Evening ! '
"Tramp's Patrol".; Puerner
OverturPrlnca Methusalem" ... .
Selection "Bomnambula" ...... Bellini
Romania "Poem of Love". . . . .Batiste
Piece Fanfare "Th Emperor's Body
Guard" Friedman
- T
V : , .. . ' J.
aeLuiNd Arjcisrra
Just As scores or-Forf
Jand People Have.
Waiting doesn't pay. ' ' ' '" .
i iKa aptilna? back. '
. Urinary troublea, diabetes, aurely fol
Doan' Kidney PIU relieve backacha
cure every Ktaney ui.
Tortian,t Attlcvna endorse thetn. '
Mrs. Gove, of 60 Montgomery atreet;
wife, of Captain C, G. Gove, ex-aea cap
tain, wno is wen rniuwn 10 wur rowi,
v. -I tried nnaji'a Kidney PI 11a and
they did me more good than any. other
remedy ever used tor my manors, ror
two or three years, off and on, I Buf
fered from sharp pains across my back,
whlnh started with a dull aching, and
when I walked or overexerted myself
the pain became very acute. Any com
t-oaught-eKgravated It and rendered my
kidneys weak. I read about Poan'a
Kidney Pills and got a box and .used
them according to directions, with the
result that the backache left me and
my. kldneya were wonderfully ktrength
ened. I am greatly .pleaaed - with the
result obtained . from - Dean's Kidney
Pills, and I unhesitatingly recommend
thla valuable remedy ror any one eui-
lering rrom Kiuney .trouoie.- . -For
aale try all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sol
agenta for the. irnlted States. ,
Remember the nam DOAN'S and
taKa no other. . - -
I - By our newTItBeovery applied to the
gums, wa ao aentai worn witnout in
Buffering usually experienced while hav
ing aentai worg aone. The very best
dental work at the lowest possible cost
consistent with first-class work Is the
secret or our success. Examination
free, our prices ra the lowestjBuc
wprir tha hnat .siiil g mil sill rf rTTnr ten
Other dentists Mm. and ao. hut the
Boston dentists remain the gam t.
liable; vp-to-date dentltt. - -
Boston Painless Dentists
t91H Korriaoa Opp. ateto at rraAfe
. and out roanozno. ..-
HOURS 1:10 a. m. to f p. m. Sun
day, (:t a. m. to12:t0 p. m. ' i-
.. Ral Uffhtnlrit: Docs It!
A flaming discharge Tf eleo-771
trlcltyTTearlng air Into lona -...
- The ionised air being pumped -Into
the agitator of a flour mill -
ott reaches and treat every
minute .particle of flour; !'.
Thlnewprocess- ha ao im
proved the qualities -of hard"
' wheat flour that It bids fair to
revolutionise the milling of
Oregon and Waahlngtdn hard -j
wheat, - - - -
Park and Wathtajfon, Portlaad, Oregon
- "The School of Quality'
jOpea all the year. Catalogue free
Baritone solo ................ Selected
"4 -' " StgnrnrDeCaprlo. ,.
Waltte "Immortallen" Gungl
March and Cavatlna "Der Llebes
- trank" " . . ; . ! 7. . . V .T7T. .... Donlaettl
Cheap Rates East.
' Very low round trip rate to eastern
points will be placed In effect by the
Canadian Paclflo railway. Tickets will
be en sal Juner-lTr-i5.-H-nnd--lT.-and
good for atopover privileges both going
and returning.. For full particulars call
on or address F. R. Johnson, F.-aV P.- A.
Canadian Pacific railway. 141 Third
street, Portland, Oregon.
years. s . . - - . -
41r TEETH w
mtW I laJit An1&fal "" )
'Just received by express this morning a ship '
ment of the latest
- Le.aaat . ' xr mm a-u AV a 11
-Duiiuiii ot x aimciuii
,31 1 Morrison
Snl "Agent "
Xbm Hat
At the .last moment we thought
"otENKKG V. ..For' a pick-up and:
late atnight
-' ply' Just .the thing, . because it
rests easy on the stomach. 10
-cents" a" package.
S jfj aMaxxtWg
The Following Prices are
I Peacock Rock Springs 7.50 1 8.00
It Kcmrneier ... .
Other coal proportionately low. Do not pay more than 18.00'for th --
, , , bett screened coal.
f The Pacific
. . w CHAS. H.
M Waailngton . .
a. -
A new electric process is revolu
tionizing ih
wheat flour." ; - - :
The .White River Mill is the
only mill in Oregon that has it : -
--.IThe process improves the bread
making qualities of hard wheatflour.
River Hour Hakes Ughter? Whiter Bread.
thing in Panamas. -
r.. ,;v",t 1--, ..
St, opp. Postoffice.
...... . .. .
- Sol Arnt ,
Benjamin' Comet Cloth
hincheon it-is sirri'.
Retail, Delivered to Consumer
. Balk IteM
a . : 750 &00-
- Coast
CLUM, Ait -
Telephone S9S aaut 837
4 , , j