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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL', PORTLAND. : TUESDAY"" EVENING,. JUNE 13, "190J. 1 r TC-3 E OA ECS PortIartds l.WitH cash' iVant1 A"(ls.,Tbe Journal will give tickets good for admittance to the PARK OR TO THE CHUTES, THE BUM PS, THE MAZE OR THE LAUGHING GALLERY." JOURNAL "WANT AOS": ARE BUSINESS BRINCERS-THB RATE IS- 25c- r One ticket is good with every 10c cash Wnt Ad." but 15c is the minimum, charge. If you have a two or three-line ad. you are entitled to one ticket... Ji-you hav.e-.:(our-line ad. you are entitled, to, two tickets six. linea. three tickets, and so on.?''f .' .'J .' ':' . . Here is an opportunity to take your whole" family to the greatest recreation and"amuse- 1 mntarc.mLhe..cna&tLwithmit - The tickets given with "Want Ads." are worth 10 cents each, which isjthe price of ad-; raittance to any; of '.the7, amusements.''' "'-s;-"". ":" " : ; y.;'v j. . --.v . ;; Bring your "Want Ads." to The Journal either for the Sunday or the Daily Journal and get the tickets and go to ?The Oaks."- . J 1 ' . v FOB Bill BEAT, ESTATE. S1.800: terms easr. room., new, resdv to occupy, oa Monta--Tilla carllne. tl.BOO; 1 per month. t-room modern house with 86x115 feef. 13,' 600: 00 cub, 126 month. - rooms; 125 dnws, fis north. : - . BtatUSX Phone Union 401S. - fOR SALE Elegant auburbaa boat consisting 1 sk 8 icnt highly Improved ground, t-room boos and other buildings; also 6-room eol- tege. abundance, of (rait aa4 becateet SO mlnntes' ride to city. Address or eeH oa " O. H. Schwerdtmann, care ot Star Box Co. --Pbone Mate fl,.. POR 8ALB A modern corner brick block. 8- etnrr and basement, 4 atorerooma. 40 rooma furnished) will aell aU or separate at bad , . rock prlcea; -leo, I modern l-nri reeldeoce, rloao ta Ruaa.ll at. oa WUllems in.: good r Inconio property. Inquire' of W. G. Beck, H railing cuag. . Ait'BT bo anld regaritlcea of value; new bona ot 8 room., plastered and painted, cloao 'to carllne, la Stewart's sildltlon; terms. Splendid noma la Highland I'ark addition -- to Weodtewn. on eear terma; kk tbut up, H. W. M1U.KK, lOOVj BUtb at. bouaa, bar a, aboila, rhlckcnhouae, flna wall. wiMmlll, ate- plenty or trait all klnda; artifice account party (olof aoath. Inquire 70 Alder t..cUu-4tora.. aTOR 8ALB 10 acrea choice land. 11 aatlea fro at . . Portland, eultable tor a borne; eaally ln prored, handy ta B. R. atatloo. boatlaadlna Dd good roada: find Bolt Tor particulars . addreaa X. it. rolkenberf, Holbroot. Or, . FITH new mndern booace In Holladay Park ' ' . aMrtlna:alao "t chnlcarVt; .1 1m. prored. cement walka, aewer, or will bolld nooeo to salt eaetnmera; oa eaay terma. W. a. Beck. SOT Tka FalHn bide. ' - HOI'S! and 1(4 acm. 1 acre in garden, oa .. elccUIr llnarrtJolnln elation; Juat the place fur obtckena and a email afore; price -.' el.ooa on rery easy tarma. .Addreaa If 4a, ra-JonrpaL ' FOR A LM New 4-room boo Be. not qnlta com pleted : larce lot, plenty 0 fruit. teTft laea than actual root of bnlldlng; block ' anatb of Stewart eta., Mt, Scott carllne. W. - N. Ford. - SER, for cUeip horoee In dty and eonntry, large and email farma la all porta of toe a Lata. Uobaa Taggart, J 07 Slath at WHI not bay a borne when I haeavao many flno eottagea and hoaaeo of all deocrlptlona which can be bought oa eaay tonne I Inquire N. M prague, 133 i Grand are., room is. FOR 8AI.B CHEAP 14 orea of good garden land with n Urge bar and good well oa It, , 4 hlocke weet from klann eta.. Woodstock var line. . Call at the place, Kelly are... . HO I00 IMIWN.. U per montb. -r- buya l.000 feot of hratltlfn! groand. cktae In. Phone Eaet SS34. Addreaa 41 Bast Thirty-fourth at. -, ton BALK T-room house, lota, frnlt. gar den, rhlckeo-bouao and yard, cheap; rash or installments; Carson belghta. C, P. Werner. FOR BAIdt II room cettaee, modern, lot fenced fmlt treea. S blocks from car; caab or terma, ' r. J. Ryder, Montarllla. Phono Mala ftUO. VHT lilej bnuii, ml Imialii, fiuilll nnnielH -rottaget cnotca frutta and flowers; braatlfully situated on S ear llae. 0T Corbet t at. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. Bne, tillable land with bouaa In kllckltat county. Washing. " toa. Room , Washington bldg. 4'ArKB snd bouse, 3 blocks from school snd B minutes' walk from car. Be faro, 1325. WUry Allen Co., Lenta, Or. FOR BALI or eirbauge, 11H acrea Improved, m mllea from MonUTUla car line. Inquire Owner. 414 Belmont. 'FOR RAI.B Small bouee and lot on block , from ataiton. kit nonnfl; price (500. Ad dreaa tM 08, rare Journal. PORTLAND nelghte. nsw cottage ernctly mod era. full lot, view; all coarenleacea. Ad dreaa L 40, Journal. FOR SALE II. RAO; i nice lots and T-room ' mndern bnme on east side. Bea owner at To K. Clinton at. .. . , tl.n0 -HfTI'BE and W, Bnnnyalde: must aell . any terma; no a rents. lUooe owner after ' - p. m. East 1334. B ROOM modern icottsga cheap; owner tearing city. Inquire owner, 1031 B. 10th St., N. Phono Scott M4T. - 1 , : IOR BALE Modern, well built, bouse) . flna jrard and lawn.. Call and aea owner, . M Dleleloa at . Si. BOO New d-eoom eottsgo and t largo I . on enr. Orand are. and Hosier sL Boa owa B4 Shaver at. BM ORAND AVE.. N. Ttargaln; full lot. . room modern bouaa. fruit. Bowers, eicellent "1 neighborhood. 1 UOMRBTBAD rellnqnlahment, south Rood Rrrer village, nest lit. llood. P. 0. Bos BOS. llood . Rlerr. Or. r- , . :. I HAVE 4 gilt-edged Investments In real ratals I want to aell. Address M Front St. I'bono i Front IMS. FOR BALE tooueea and lota. 1 cow, 1 teams, hsrnees and wagons. STB Dekum Sre., Wood - lawn.. Or. FOR SALE S aero frail 1 a, bouaa en ear Una witb eta. ISdUiro xat saai - Slith at. ROOM). Mastered, painted, brick basement, tMt- Wnoillswn. Pbnno Scott MOO. FOR BALK Cheap, elebtly lota. Lower Albtaa, Call awaer. phone Main STTT. FOR EIVT ITATB.- .' FOR RENT t new modern Broom flats for 1 IWV Including water; no--children flea I red T- A3S MIU St 1 -. MODERN I", comer Dllon and Kenton.' In quire 424 I.arrabee st. Phono I'nlon BMH4. FOR BIWT BUnTMTR BEBORTfl. B-Rooif fnrnbe(t linnaa at Oearhart. Oregon, i, U Wills, (38 Mergly at. New Amusement Resort TICKETS FREE JOURNAL WANT ADS 5c Per Line One Insertion A Per - Line Scvcru Insertions rnating you a cent; other than fpr BirSIRISS 0XAV0ZB. Bl.BOO GIVEN AW.Tr We uffei mil gouaial uien bandies buslataa fas sale, with the above discount on merchan dise and property. Wo have a well eelicted Uan stock that will In voire about 110,000; alao 4 lots snd building thst we offer at a ; bargain. Inveetlgata; one eC the beat os- portunlUea In Oregon. W PMan buslneas. Inquire Journal or writs ua..- . J. W. aad M. A. HOB1.NB0.N.7 Aekwnod. Oregon. reeldenca nrooertr: alao housea and Iota on easy payments, acre tracts well Improved and -the beat list of farms to select from,, call on - Oto A ' rroctstt, 4a4 Washington. Phone Black JST1. , " BPLKNmn itn4 la flnrat location la cltr; ' cheap rent.- Jarga proAta; capital rcqnlrcd. Bakarr. complotr, tplrndrd trad, good oat m: maaK acu. naloon doln $30 par dar bualncaa. nlcdy ..locatvd. lmrrcnt; will acll halt or hola. H. W. MULE a,. J0H Slith at. FBER LANDS IN OREUON. FERTTLR soli, pure water, delightful climate- land of alfalfs, apples snd clover, Tor full - Information address lbs Colombia Southern irrigstlon Co., B3 Woreestor block, Purtlsnd. A LADY ur gentleman who baa a email amount of money to Invest ss partner to attend to of Bee business netting from $500 to tt.ooO and upward per month, Call BSVt Mortb Slith -at,-Phono Mala Su.- . - ' TRR NATIONAL FINANCING CO., BOB Mar. - quam bldg.. Portland. Or., haadlre bonds, stocks, mlnea.. flnaacea legltllnste euterprla furnlahea safe leveetmenu and aeenrea loans. THE beet lor. Hon In Oregon for a good hotel " man with from IS. 000 to fIO.000, "In the een tec of the government Irrigation works. - Ad dress A, F. Clubloe, Merrill. Oregon. FOR SALE A well eetsbllehed manufacturing . butlnfas, annual pronta 00 to -100 per cent . on Inveattnenti no rcTlooa experrence nec esasry, Addreaa S BaJooraaL BS30 BUTB dairy. B0 eows horse and wagon, cans, etc.; B-yesr lease; large bonae and bsrn; B acrea good- pa.ture; 1 mllea from town. Pbono Fr,t B04B. FOR SALE A flrat-elaae raataarant, everything new; will rell for half of cost, to go rsst on account of death In family. Inquire 371 Fifth st. TO LET -Concession for barber-sbop and bathe; , a Wo restaurant. Call . upon Yellowstone Camping Co., end Mount Tabor and Bunnysldt carllne. , "OR BALE East atda - butcher shop. . fully , equipped; established trade, good location, king lease, cheap rent. STO Alder, cigar store; JF0R BALE Blacksmith aad woodwork bnatneaa, wua eiora enu inn . ppiy Diaraatnun ' abop Portland Lomber Co., foot of Lincoln at. GROCERY atork and Biturea, doing 130 per day; will sell cheap or exchange for email farm; owners only. Address M 60. Journal. WORKWOMAN'S hotel. SB rooms, rent M0; full of steady boarders; come and see It; bar gain for 1700. Aadersea. 11 Morrlaon at. WANTED Active partner with BK00 to manage light manufacturing bualneas; io0 per month guaranteed. Call 427 Salmon St. BaBTIfBII -111 I well e.fifnlTJ I commission, or will aell. Apply 188 rront at., city. FOR- SALE Steam lee4ry In good Oregon town; good opening; write at oner, K m, rare Journal. ... FOR SALE Grocery store; good fixtures and atork fresh! will Invoice. Inquire 607 Mla slsslppt avo. FOR BALE Woodyard; established trade, long lease: R. R. switch la yard. -Call 265 Eaet Eighth st. -- BRAT 'BARGAIN at V Alder, near Fifth. Uanry A. Townsend and W. J. Maxwell. FOR BALE Rooming honae, 23 rooms,, only ll.OBO: must aell. B03 Madison St. FOR HALS Reetanranr, all new, good kcttlon, cheep. Address L 44. Journal. PEBB0RA THE "Matrimonial Register," price 10c. eon tains deecrlptlooe aud particulars concern ing several hundred residents of Oregoa and Wsshlagtoa who wish to marry ; many wealthy; sll ages. Interstate Introducing Society, suits 24, Huaeell bldg,, 185V. Fourth. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Ulonulea. One aiontb'a treatment. 2; I months, S; sent securely eealed by malt Agenta, Woodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. MANICURINU by new rotary prorees, hsnd msa aago. vlbrstory ' body, fsce, scalp massage; free de mens trst Ion. Vlbcatorlum. rooms 24-29 - Lewie bldg., cor. Park add Morrison sta. BOOKS! Here they are; "Decameron." Hen tameron," "A Hot Tamale." "Kenny Hill." "Twenty Tears a raker," "Forblddea Fruit." - BOa each; lists free. , A. Br a male, Flrat at 9.T nwM mtnMi h ih. -m- . n, - Lorena'a Korea Tonic Tablets; 2Se pee box, B boxes foe II. 26. Write or call at EyaseU's Pharmacy, 327 Morrison, bet. 1st snd 2d. DR. MOORRrlELD'B SANATORIUM Portable steam baths; gusranteed 4019 rheumatism; all dlseeees skillfully t res ted; consultation free. Pbone Main 6 MA. B4B .Fifth. BINO CHOONO Importer of Cbtwaoo root medl etnea; selle Chinese tea that la certain cur. for all diseases. - 1VI Second bet. Tamblll aud Taylor. IfRS.'TJLLIAN -H. rnM Chiropodist, msnt eurtsg and shampooing. Parlor 424 A hi ne ton bldg., Portland, Oregon. Telepnono Clay 1763. MRS. WALLER Piano; graduate Colombia Conservatory; lessons 50c 111. Bast-Mne- teeath at. Mala 4150. CO-OPERATION Prospect for unmarried ladles with soma a big thing for means. N 60, atl!B MAM. aclenliae maseeus. graduats ot Finland: ladlca only. ") Ablngton., Ild. S3S. BALM OP FI0B for all female- dl SJaer a rsooe aaam in. 0CI;T.T and Now Thought seeks. - Jeoea Store, 21 Alder ea . . WITH the advertisement. - : FOB BAJJt MIBCILLABBOTfB. FOR BAI.R CHEAP BOO gallan saw gslesalmd 1 water-tank;, a wrltlngdeek wtth bookdeak compound. Inquire I blocks north from Hie T Junnyalde-Mount Tabor . carllne. on Fiftieth . st.. No. 69, the (00084 bouaa aortb from th Bass Line road. FOR SALE CHEAP 5-gallon coffee nrn. 4 gal--.lea teor ura. 6-gsllon -Ico cream fresuer. 1 -r a-ida, fountain with glasaea. boldera aad not - ties. 1 tent Bio), 1 refreshment awning 28x14 Loudea'a Bakery, Ivaahoo. ICR CBRAM, frnlt Ices, made quickly without -leer, trifling east; keepa milk, batter,' etc.. sweet to hot woatbor; full directions. 10a Phillips Specialty Co., Box 264, Portland. t BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent or tor r sale on eaay payments. tub brLnowk k-balke C0LLEKDER CO. 4B Third St., Portland. . WR print your name oa SO calling cards, proper slss and style. 36a. 20O business cards, II. Brown .8cbmale, 22B Flrat, Portland. Or. IB-FOOT gaa lannch. B4 horsepower, com pletely ' equipped. In got-d condition; price ' 300. yt. J. Clemens. 27S Stark at. IF you ars going camping or timber-cruising get aeleeping pajr, aeiiing at leaa - Ames Harrla, XI neat at. YOt NO saddle horae, very gentle, weight 1.000 It. llM Bile, InnillM ' RMWM'a . . x nieemn aoa joer" - NEW honacboet, floating, for sale, 13x30. Ad dreaa Jacob D. Snyder, general delivery, elty. FOR SALEV Freeh mUrh cow. with or without - calf. 1004 Mtiwaukkv- Bellwood .car - Una, TELEPHONE brackets and . Mfg. Co., K. Beventb. I nine, 'hone 1 Pioneer Wood Esst 2106. . PIANO, organ. Klondike table and s graphe phona for sale; s bargain. 100 Fourth at. COUNTERS.- abelvlng.-old. doora and aeah for sole, rhesp. Inquire 208 Fourth at. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey ' cows. J. II. Reld, Milwaukle. : LARD BCETP FOB I ALB. LAND orrtp for sal. tor timbered or sgrt cultural land, surveyed or uneurveyed; loweat " prices. H. M. ' Hamilton, Portland hotel Portland. Or. TO ZXCKAR0S. SEVERAL choice fvaldenc bits In Alnawnrth ave., cbcapt will take lumber, cattle or per- sonsl nrotierty for them. Call upon H. W. Miller, lOltV Sixth at. 11 ACRES splendid land.- nicely Improved, In crop, at end of carllne,. to .exchange .for lm- proved reeldenca and teen,, 11. W. Miller, 0tl4 Sixth at. 830 ACRES level valley land, unimproved, for aale cheep, or exchange for boreee or cattle. - M Lehne bldg., corner 2d and Washington. ATT0BVETB. I'nlted Rtatee: henkruntcv matters n eoeclaltr: I bed tensnts ejected; rents collected and gen eral law business; notary ponnc. ABT rjaTOBTOTI. PROF. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait - 4 landscape art let; Instruction la all pelntl water color, etc., snd drawing; art gallery rones eted with studio; pictures for aula and framing to order. 848 Aider at. Phono I68J. AB8ATXRB. THB J. H. Flsk Assaying office Groenler A Crawford, analytical chemlata and anetal lurgtata. K4h waabington at. ARCHITECTS. I. P. HOFFMAN, architect and superintendent. 181 H Flrat St.. Portland. Or. BATHS MASSAOS. THE SNOWDEfJ BATH ROOMS ST1 Alder vapct bathe, xaaae'sge. electricity. kUIn 60H0. SroTCK lady r formerly" of "Third st., gives hstbs and maeaaga treatment at 30314 Third St., corner Taylocjovm 1; no nlgns. LADT, expert' maasense, cabinet, steam baths sad magnetic treatment. 1454. Sixth, room 24. BAND INSTRUMENTS. CHAS. B. YORK A CO. repairers aad platan, removed to BT First. 1 blocks north. COAL AND WOOD. "-" - Mr CHURCHLET BKOS. aavs rrneoved from foot of Datls st. to 4J Kearney st., near Elevoata. It la now the largest woodysrd la the city, carrying all klnda sf wood aad aaal, Phoao Main 831,, WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO., ear. Froat aad lloyt eta., dealera In doUMOtle aad ateem roaX blacksmith coal, caareuel and aoha. Pbone Mala 1018.' " ALBINA FUEL CO falera la cordwoed. coal and green sad dry alabwood. R.- R. aad Al blna avo., 2 blocks eaat el. ferry. Eaet BT4 RUPERT FUEL CO. The beat dry tow. Don't forget to phono Eaat 1488. 268 Eaat Eighth St., eer. Madlaon. STEEL BRIDO R FUEL CO.. dealera ta coal, cord wood and dry slab wood. Phono Bast 434 OREGON FUEL CO I all klnda of coal aad B44 Morrlaon, . Pbone) Mala 8 RISE HOOVER 18 Water at., weed aad Pbono Main 4688. m BICYCLE DEALIRS. COLUMBIA. TB1RUNB AND CRESCBNT. BP0RTIN4 floom IIPIXT RgPAIBINO. V, Jt. RABNAN. SOS THIRD ST. rtaTLABT I06X tLmBVFAOTVBEBB. HOWB, DA TIB KtLHAM., 108-111 Beoood C ' Baak book maaofsctarersi sgeata (or Jones ImprovedV-Looee-Leaf ledgers; see ' ths new Eureka leaf, tbe beet oa tka narke' CIMXxrr 00VTBACTQBB. CEMENT WOBR UP TO DATB. Wttt)eWS. slbowgreaae anoT itralghT bu.ln.aa. K. S. Lnndatrom, 8u2 .Commercial bin. CH AS. B. CARTER A CO., cement anatractoca, 44 Beat . Tweatleth at, .Phono Bast 1878. AU Work guaranteed. CI0ABS AJTS S0BAC BBBERO-OUNST CIQAB CO. DUUIbuton of ' ' FtUB CIO ARB. - Fornsag. Oregon, OOaUUBBIOaT MBBCKARTB. ETERDINO A FASRELL, produeo and eommls aloa aMrchaota. lau Front St., Portland, Or, Phono Main ITS. - DAVENPORT-BROW. ceneral eamnrieelon mer . chantai fruits snd produce; consignments as llcltsd; prompt returns.- 16U front st. , CABPZT-OXBABIKOr HAVB your walla cleaned: wa clean papered and painted walla: satlafactlon guaranteed; . prices reasonable 1 referoocea. Bed 2933. CARPETS -leased on the floor; we raise no dust. Pbone Clay S31. free demonstration. I; HUNTER Steam - carpet n"t ' untuw- f-aneTr-8fyeTfrnn; -rboner Mita XI 4: CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist, card reader; I . glvd facta reliable aad Im- - portent en all affaire of reel life. Res dl age - BOc. 88 Beventb at.; near Oak. CLEAR IRQ ABO BYXTJtO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING 3YEINO Worse ; practical batter la connection: feather Boss and nlumor cleaned and -ruTted toy a a part. 211 Fourth. Pbone Clay 104. TOT Fl KB cleaned and preeeed 11 per moatb. IJnlquo. Tailoring Co., 84 T Waehlngtoa at. . B. W. Tt'RNER. nrefeaelonal dyer aad eleaear. BOB Jefferson st. Pbone Main 231A CHIROPODISTS AND SCALP SPECIALISTS. MADAMER KTNB - AND RHEPPA RD-Rcslp sneclsllats. manicuring, expert rhlropodlata. aatlaeptle foot bath for burning feet. Boom B. SUB -Morrison st. CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS. WB build your new or fix your oin noma verj f reason. hie. ( all at the alM.p. 1J8 Hliteentb St., north, or New Western hotel. j. - CARPENTXRB AJTS JITO.DERB. A. J. APTHORS and H. ."WOOD, earpentera and builders; repairing and lobbing: - store ' aad offloe Biturea bttllt. Shop SUB ColambU. Mate 620T. CAXXS. ERICRBON'S RESTAURANT Merchanfa ranch 11 a. m. to 12 p. m-l under aew management. O. B. Bvans, prop.' Second and Burnalde. THE OFFICE 206 Wsshlagtoa sV Pbone Mala TT1. Samuel Vlgneaax. TB0CXZBY AND OLABBWABB. .' WHOLESALE crockery and glsssware. PraoL Hegele A Co.. (a to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. CARRIAGE AND RACK C0MPANTE8. TIIR t-NITKD CARRIAtiE CO. Csrrlsges, '-bo rice snd rsrry-slls, liw Elcvcntn cor. MorrTscin rhonn TMa"Tn7222. PElfTISTB. NET CHrRCHM AN. B24 Marrmam, Sixth and Morrlaon. Pbono - Main IT00. w " ... 1 a 1 .1 1 ii in I'm t bOO ABO HORSE ROBPITAL. DR.C.B BROWN. D.V.S..D.C.M Dog. horse bo. pltal.87 Burnalde. Phones: Waln4'wl:East 233V JRBBSMAKIBO. SHIRTWAISTS, wont or wash silk, made for . 11.26; ablrtwalet suits, I3.6U. 408 Baat Mar ket, f none Blast 021. BEISTER'S Lsdlee Tailoring college; pattema cut to : measureAneky nsn euu. xs mornsoa. MRS. McKIRBEN, artlatto dnaa aad cloak making. 631 Morrison at. DPrTainMANtva ntrtctle ap to date) la toa t designs. 4"B Clay at, ELECTRICAL WOBXB.' NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENQINEERINO Company, BOB Stark at., Portland. O. K. for everything la the electrical - Use. - Phono Main ISO. PACIFIO Electric Co. Engl oeere. contractocs, repairers, electric wiring, .applies. 84 First, cor. Stork. Mstn MB. R. H. Tate. mgr. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of -furniture for the Dado. Portland. Or. " - , rCRNITURB manufacturing and special orders. L Bavenaky'a furniture factory. 870 Froat at. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air fornscoa aavs fuel. 1 ... a I 8 461. t Bayer Jaime fn I'iB Basiaid Ifsli FOREST RISER VB BCBIP.- FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR RALE An- proved, anceetrlcred, ready for Immaltaso-oeet lowest pticea. E. F. A F. B. RJley. 808 Chamber of Com merge- FREE SOVERJTMENT LANDS. "? opened to aettlemenl; One. leveL valley I. "m; no atone .or timber; 'water and soil flrat class. Come la and let ua locate' you. Room 66 Labbe bldg.. Second and Waehlngton. OBOCERB. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, nuav faeturoyj and comtnlaeloa auerchaatav FaortB and Oak ate. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommtasloa snd pndoee mee. chants.. Front and Davis sta., Portland. Or. HOTELS. THE BEI.LBVL'E 60 newly furnished rooma. ea aulta or single. 213rt e'ourth, car. Balmoa. Terma reasonable. Mala 1045. 08BORN HOTEL 4rend av aoA East Ash st. Anavny ear Dlnlngruom counectlon; - honai recently renovatrd; 1 to z per dsy. THE LINDEI.L HOTEt-Msrtet, bet. fhtrd and ... Fourth, Portland; entlreTy-newl European and .American plan; 60c to 2 per day. Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton. W. A. Browm, mgr. HOTEL Portland. America a plea; 13.88 per T.t HOTEL St. Ooorge, Pendleton; leadtag hotaL BELVEDBRR. Ljmpean plan: 4tb and Alder eta. HARDWARE. Portia ad Hardware Co. aolldta opaertuoJty qoote prlcea. 166 let, cor. Alder. Mala 181 HOTEL,-BESTAQBANT AND CAMP BANOEB. HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Olbben A Sexton A Co., Seventeenth and -Opohnr sta., largest atock hotel, reetsnrsat, camp ranges, gasoline stove, aad refrlgora. . tore la the city. HVMAN HAIR ROLLS. - mansfactujer of human harr rolls, B. Nlath. Psoas East 221 L HAIB AND BCALP SPECIALIST. ' HAIR and scalp specialist. teeath t- '" rr .If T ,, 1,, , 1 . 83 North Seven. L OCR SMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert lorkamtth sod bicycle repairing. 28 B4sv, Psy phono, flay 833; night pbooe. Mala B3S6, , .,. BET fitting, ceet-trea breatng pairing. H. Richardson. Phone Hood 1T8X, , , ' .,, '' g'en. . '.. and g Bud V enersl re- earth at. IHBURANOE. LAMBERT, WtJjtMER A CO. lire Insaranca aad real aetata, sueosesura to Artbar Wllaoa A Coi i of Ocre. weet side, 107-108 Bberlaek ' bldg,, Mala . 1008; east side dept. 404 Baal AldeflCltlaana' baukl East ewl , IA0 U' WHITE. Bra I u or a nee. 800 Datum JAB. Mel. WOOD, employers' liability and In - dividual accident surety bonda ot all kloda Pbona 47. . 8u2 McKay bldg. H. F. BARTELB, COMPANY Fire Ineuraneo. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon f-isowa Clay 639. M0MST TO LOAN. THB STAR LOAN CO. . Any salaried employe, wage asrnor, eaa fat on hie nolo, without mortgags Month. H Month. Week. IflO.OO Repay to ag ay to ag 113.38 or M.s or 13.86 sy to as I 6.68 or M 85 or 61.86 ay to aa I 4.00 or 3 U0 or 11.00 218 McKay bldg. shv 00 Kepsy 116.00 Repay FIVB par rent money I we build yon a home or loan you money oa your m-onertr: monthlr ' payments; Inveetlgsta; open BstnMsy' svea- ings. noome io-it bsnos niog., Enva wasn. MONEY advanced salaried people. - tea rasters, etc., without security easy parmenta: larg .f btialuess In 40 prlnclpsl cltlea, Tolman. 223 Ablugtuh bldg. Phone Mate '84BT. " MONEY TO LOAN e real, nersoaal aad col- lateral areorltyt special attention to initial . mortgagee; notes nougnr, v. w . rsuei. 804-6 ronton bldg.. 84 Sixth at. .... HIGHLY respectable . place . where ladles and . gents can. borrow money - en - diamonds snd leweiry. collateral -Kon uaaa. cow-wasa "tngtoa at Pbone Black TL 15 LOANS and onward wa all klnda of aeen rlty or to sslsrled people on their nots; lowest . rsfee; no publicity, no delay. (11 Ablngton wag. none Red 1TTT. CHATTEL loana la amonnta ranging from IIS - to ga.oco; ronmlng-bonsea a siiectalty. He Brji Loan A Trust Co.. 2Q8 Ablngton bldg. LOANA . at. losraat rates, on furniture, olsnos: any security notes purchased. JCsstsra Loaa i-ince, eew nnerioca oiag. MO WET mm A W In k on good security; lowest rates. Beck. 807 Falling bldg.. MONEY to loan In anms to snlt at S and 8 per rent. W. J. Clemana, 818 Btari at., Chamber of Commorco. . : LOANS n furniture, pianos, ether seen rl ties, lowest rates. 8. W. Klug, room 46,- Wash. bldg. . Main 8100. TRfeRk(KRN'f !AAr-:0MPANY--4ersVf loana, from three to all montba; conaosnt ' 217 Ortgonlan. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackamas eoaaty laada. R. F. aad F. B. Riley. SOB Chamber at Cvan- IfONEY TO LOAN, d per cent. - Northrop .King. 110-11 1 Commevrlst block. MCBICAL. Sn.r.PLATtNO - PIANOS Cecl llae aelf-olav. lug planoa pronounced the beet br leading mualdane, also Cecilia n plano-playern, B. II, - wills music House, sou Aiaer at. - SECOND-HAND musical Instruments of sll , klnda at loweat prlcea, caab or Installments. Fisner Muaic Co., lvu Tbira st. LEVY'S lnle House Sheet mnelc. fnetrumen.ts. 171 Fourth. Y, M. C. A- bldg. Clay 073. UR. AND MRS. It. A. WERnrft. tutulo. mando- ,-. 118. guitar Inatroctlon-Mate 2088. 178 W.Park. LEHSONS nOc Piano, guitar, banjo.' mandolin, violin. 141 H Flrat. cor. Main. . Mrs. Martin. NORTH WrtSTERN MUSIC CO, ronred trt Cou aervatorv ball. 4"Vl Twelfth, cor. College.- MAONXTIO HZAIJBO. MR8-L.Jtl. HART treats all dlaesaes, stomach . JrooTtle. nerviMianesa and pinctionai weaxnees, Consultstlon free 2an Psrk. cor. Jefferaos NOTARY PUBLIC PREPARATION of deeds , and mortgagaa I - specialty; prlcea reduced. U. A. Frame, BIB, - the Marqnam. ' " ' " C OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS snd mrehsn- Ice' clothing; onion msde, Neustsdtsr Broa., manufsrtnrera. Portland. O. F LATINO). EASTERN PLATING Ca. 828 Flrat Gold. . silver, copper, nickel . and brass . plating. rYxI eaTdjlPJf . aTlpMt eVPwM?laR t4gTg ' , THE OREGON PLATING WORKS. 181 Wash In (ton at. Pbone 2676, Polishing, plating - and lacquertng. PH0T00BAFHI0 MOUNTS. B. L. WOODWORTn. Mfg.. 166H Fourth St. The lateat styles of Mount Board. PIANO TUNING. aEOROR ANDERSON Expert plaoo tuner and repairing. Inquire Flshsr Muale Co. Red 863. PLUMBERS. DON N ERR ERG A BADEMACHER. sanitary plumbers. 84 Fourth st. Both pbonea. - BOB A CO. sanitary plnmhera. 231 Second bet. 'Mala and Ralmon. Oregon Phone Main 2001. .PAINTS, OIL AND OLAAS. p. E. BEACH A CO The Pioneer Taint Co. wlodow-glaaa aad Biasing. 138 Flrat at. Pbone 144. hARML'HSKN A CO Jobbere. paints, ell. glass. sasn sna aoorn. Boeona and Tsywr. -PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. B. H. 8. MTLDER. expert accountant, room 441 "" Sherlock bldg. ; hooka - opened. ed)wstet-aed aadlted; books kept for small concerns: mode rate charge; Brat-claas references. Mela 3wS8t PRINTING. Bl'SHONO A CO. Kroot and Btarb sta., print ing, lithographing, blank books sad office supplies; work done on time; most complsta printing of Bee In the west. Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Phone Mala If. tr Alder St. ' "'" BOTE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Corner Foartaeath and Northrop eta.. Portland. Or. BOOTING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing aod geaeral lobbing. J. Losttl. 212 Jefferson at. BUBBEB STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 AMer St. Main T10; rubber stamps, sea la, etendba, bur gage, trade checks; send for catalogue. STBZET PAVING. WARPEN Construction Co. Street Psvlna. side Walk and enswwalka. 714 Oregonlaa bldg. THE Trln'dad Asphalt Paving Co, ot Portlaao. Office 838 Worcester-bib. 1 B0UVENIE8. ' -r : - THB MORGAN CO. . 10BtO 113 Second eL, d floor. Mannfactueers and Jobbers of lewis snd Clark souvenirs:- booths s,nd , street stands fitted out complete. SHOWOAIES FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef a. A.. Adscript loo: bask. eV. Vecrl aad a toe Biturea male to order. The bathe Manufacturing Co., Portland. - STOBAOB AND IBANBFXB. SAFES, elaaoe aod ..farslture aesvad. lacked reedy for shipping; sad shipped; all work guaranteed: large, 8-story, brick. Sre-proof warehouse for atorage. Offlce T2B lint ah . a M. Oleea. .. Thoaa Mate B4t. . C O. PICA, offlce 88 First at., hetweea Btark awt n.k ate.. Dhose 808: Planoa -aad furattare moved aad parked tor shipping; commodlons - 8 re-proof, - hrlck waraaooao. Front aaaU cisy are. ,. t BTCRAOR ipsco to let to ear new balldisg. - gT4 Water St. . Big lor Milling A Commlaslos TOWEL ivmrr CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, break, eoaa, II per month. ' Lawrence Bona.! Towel Beer? -Co.. Fourth and Coach. Phone 428. BATES, : FOR opening lockouts snd safe bargalaa go la J. B. Davie. - 88 Third at. TTPrwarriBn. YOST TYPEWRITER READQUARTEBR 43 Fourth Street. . Wa rent, repair, sell, exchange typewriters. All anppNea for all machines. Standard aiacplnaa 1 23 and ap ta 1100. Da yon went a stenographer or typlstl Wa have list of good applicants. - Phono Blscb XV7I. - BLICKENBDORFER -typeirrtteea. aoroytloa, ro pairing. Roes A Rosa, 204 Stark. Main 1870. TRANSFER AND HAtfLlNO. OREGON TRANSFER CO... 184. North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy baullog and etorega. PORT SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Wash ington st. Phooe Main 881. ' TTHBBB. 3 UO M Kit TJl All oUmwUhiurnta on titleta vstlon; I otai.niMi ti rl guaranteed. 10 miles from cosat, some ImproTementa: csonot enter ss tlmlMT claims, but can ltrove up In 8 "years or commute In 14 months; price resson slile;' worth I4.'aai when proved up. ' For , partlculsrs call 208 Allaky bldg. ',' " WW -have Tor ' sale Santa' B a. las') fraatlsro 4 Momrtatn foreal rcaerre; tbla will enter timber land; also 180 'Sioux scrip- wblch will enter unrnrtered laud. afaginnia A Son. 227 Falling bidg. . ' FOR BALE Two bo meet cad - relinquishment rlsttns: second growth: will sell cheap. M. P. Nlehton, Hotel Rhelnprabra. ' - FOR HOMErtTRADS. timber claims and sort) spplr 'to 808 Commercial block. -TIOIJHB.- J. A. WERCO, violin-maker and repalrert work .mo. Anu.morTieoa.. WALLPAPEB. MORGAN WAT.T.PAPKH CO. Mt.lllll U. bet. Yamhill and fsylor. Portland. FINANCIAL. R1RTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, "Tto. --WO'Trl f RD ST.' " Ths Oldest Trust Comosny In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER SI.800.0OO. General. Banking Bualneas Conducted. ' 8. Tinea Iepo.lta, Received. . Time certificates la.nrd.-al certificates af denoelt psyable upon 1 days call. Bo aavs' raiHorW daye osll with Interest at t.' IM IllXSIg ISI RENJ. I. COHEN. -,..... jiti. rrevioent . -i Vice-President Secretsry Assistant Secretary H. L. PITTOCK,.. B. LEE PA0ET...7; J. O. GOLTRA-..., FIBST NATIONAL BANK. OF PORTLAND. 0RE00N. 7 Designated. vDepoeltory and rinanclal Agent of . tbe Halted BUtes. President. .. .,... A. L. MILLS Tasbler J. W. N8WKIRK Aaatatant Caahler...s....i...,.W, 0. ALVORD Second Aaalatant.Caahler.,....B. F. STEVENS Letters of Credit Issued Available la Europe and the Eastern Ststes. Slgbt E change snd Telegraphic Transfer! sold on Nsw York, Boston. Chicago. St. Louis, St. Psnl. Omsba, San ' aad . the principal point. In the Northwest. Sight and time bill, drawn ta anms to roll on Londou, Paria, Berlla, Frank fnrt-on-tho-Matn. Hong Kong. Yntobams.- Copenhagen, ChrlaHanla. Rtockhnlm. St. Petersburg. Mao- cow, r.iMUcb.-rionoiuio. - Collections Mads on- Favorable Terma. u NITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, OF PORTLAND. OREOON. .NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STB. Transacts a General Banning Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available 1n All Cities of the rutted Ststes and 1-arope.Htmg Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OB FAVORABLE TERMS President .'. . . ... . J. C. A INS WO RTH Vice-President W. B. AVER Cashier ......B. W. SonMEBR Amlatant CaahUr. A. M. WR1UUT LADD A TILTON, BANKERS. (Eatabltahed In ll6. " ' Traasaeta a Ceaerni Banking Bualnasa. Collectlone made st sll fxilnts e. favorabra terma.-" Lelleae of rroatt tsauea avallsMo In Europe and all itolnts In ths United States. Sight Eiebsnge and Telegraphic Transfers sold oa New York. Washington. Chicago., SL Iots. . Denver. Omsbs, Ssn .Francisco and Monts'ns snd Brltl.h Columbia j - Ksctiswge au1drxi "Tywidon. Psris, Berlin. Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and .Honolulu. SIOURITY SAVTNGS A TRUST COMPANY. 868 Morrtaoa St., Portland, Or. Tranaaets a Oeneral Banking Buaiaaaa. - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on lime and Savings Deposits. Acts aa Trustee for Rata tea. Drefta aad Letters of Credit Available la All Parts of the World. . C. P. ADAMS. presides I U A. LEWIS First Vlee-Preeldent A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President B. 0. JUBITE .....Beeretary GEO. F. RUSSELL.. Arilstant Secretary NT ENCHANTS NATTONAT. BAlvlt. PORTLAND. OREGON. J. .FRANK WATSON...4 Preeldent K. U DURHAM. 1 Vlca-Preeldent R. W. HOYT. Cashier GEORGE W. HOTTT.. ....Assistant Caahler Tranaaets a General Banking Bualnasa, Drafts aod Lettera of Credit leaned Avallabla . to All Parts of tbe World Collectlone a Specialty. M ORRIS BROS. A- CHRISTENBEN, -. 1384 Tint Street, Pertlanl. Or. Ofter fltlt-Edge In rt-at meets In Mnnldpal aad Railroad Boada. Write wr CalL lunpTnAnp. t nAMcV On Pert lard Real Eitate at Loweat Rates. Titles Insured. AbetraoU Furnished, TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. Room 4. Chamber of Commerea. RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT-TME TABLES. J COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Spencer Line . Fast Steamer Chas. R. Spencer .- Deny round trip to J?ho Dalle from Waahlngton atrcet-dock wV 7 m... except Friday arnd Sun day. . Tha Switiorland of Amarlon. ICoat ItJLa-nifloant Boanary 'la tha , WoxM. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to tha four-million dollaa Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Washington street I a, m., arrlvlnc homo at P. m. - r Round Trip Tickets $1.00 y Telephone Main 142. . a. wsravcza. - ' - General Manager, Portland, Or. Y0SEM1TE AND THE MARIPOSA BIG TREES Are reached from tha main Una of tha Southern raelflojby a mountain drlra over oiled roada through' California' a moat beautiful aenry. . Let as plan your Itinerary, make your sleeper, atfge and hotel reseVvstlona and arrange for your Btoover. C. M. Btlnger. city ticket agent, Third and Washington streets. " BA1LR6AD ABO ITIAatBO AT TIMI TABLES. - OREGOTI SllOipIilHE oUmion Pacific: 3 Trains to. the East Daily 4 Through Pullmaa standard aad annrb alae rag cars dallr to' ttmabe. Cbteego, Bpeksaot xr er toarlst sleeping cars dally ta Ksasas Cltn -through Pullman tourist a leaping eon persoa alii oouductedl-weekly bp Cnteego. - RecUalag - - UNION UBPOT. ' 1 teavee. Arrives. ' SPECIAL. 6;ISaV-av 6:x3 a aa. For the Raat via Bos'- D"' . ' D,"f- -. tngtoa. , . ' ' " 8POKA.NBFr.TRR.- :' .. ' '. For Raatern Waablng- m ' ton. Walls Walls. Lew- BrlB p. M B OO 8.68. laton, Ooeur d A lens Dally.. JL- , . nd Qreat Rortoara . points. .. , . ' ATT-A R TTO BXPRRS& a ta'- f -18 a. aa. ' ' tlfZL - . y ; . Columbia River Division. FOR ASTORIA sad wsrl 8:00 a. m. I . . . polpta, connecting wltb Dallr. About atmr for nwlc. d M g,aiy. 6:00 p. nv North Besrh. atr. Baa- Saturday, eg; Bunds r. '": oalo, Aah-et. doct. 0:0O p. m, ' FOB DATTON. Oregoa -".ea aamnill Kl (Water permlttlag'.l . ake Blvsr Bouts FOR XKWI8TOR. Ida. I snd wsy polnu from Rlparia. Wash... amra. Snoksne and Lswlatoe. 4:00 a. m. A Mat pat Morula r Tueedav Thursday iSundsp - Hatur'taay " TICKET OFFICB Third and Washlnstoa. Teae. -eVXJICUBL am "T1 I I an. - e. w. a Tieaer agon. . IV. CBAIO. tieneral Pasaengee A rest. . Leavea, rRIOIt DEPOT. . OTBBLAND EXPRESS tralna, foe Salenx. Boas- burg. Ashland. Sacra, meoto, Ogden. Baa Fraa cleco. Btocktoa, Loa Aa- 1:80 s. as. T:S8 a. B:lo"fT88.' galea, Rl Paso. New Or. teens snd the Bast, Morning train - can, nerta at Woodbora dallr except Bandar with train, rot Ml. Angel, Bllvertea. Browaavllle. B p r I -a g- 8:80 a.m. field. Wendllogv aad Natron. - Eugene passenger 6 :00 p. m. aecu at Woodnurn with 10:18 a.av Mt. Angel sag silver ton local. p. m. . Dally., . Psrtland-Oswsgs Suburban Bervloa lad TamhUI Dlvlelon. e , . - Depot foot ot Jefferson street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego T at a. al 11:50, S:rwr 4:nrc 8:!m.-6:oo, 8:.". T:.t. 10:18 ' p.. m. Dslly (except Sunday). 60. 8:30. 8:, -11 rs a. m.; 4 UO, 11:30 p. m. Sunday onl, 8"0 a. m. ...... Returning rram ovwego. a mee rortlend aattp 30 . 'm.I"l'n.-8TflO.- 4ft -:.T !W,-8:M,-' 11:18 p. m. Dally (esjespt BondsI 8:33, T V 8:80, 10:10. 11:46 n. m. Except lioadar, 11x6 n. m. Sundir onlrnortaj a. xa. . avsa. fmiii name 8'pet for 1alnm sndrlntee. mediate points dslly 6iX) p. m. Arrive Port ' und loan s mr . Tbe 1 ndepenilence-Moo month Motor LI no operates dallr to kl on month and Alrlte. onn neetlng wltb Sontbern Pa rifle company'a tracts . at Delias snd Independence. - Frret-dsm fsre from Portland, to Sacraments and Baa Francisco 820. berths t; secoad-srae fare 8H. aecood-claas bertba It 60. Tickets to Fasten points aad Puwpe. a ana I a pa a. rhlne. Ronomhi and AaetraHa. -vitv Ticket Office corner Third aad Week. lngt.ii aeeeta. Pbone Mala Til. 0. W. STHtOER. ?. B. COMAB, . City Tlchst Ageet. - ' fee. Paaa. AgearV, TIME CARD OP .TRAINS Portland t PAILT. UNION DEPOT. Depart Tellowatone Park-KaRsJ nai t.ii.i, ?t. ioiiis tpe- clal for ChebsUs. Cen tralis, Olrmpla. Orars Harhor. boo in en. la coma. Seattle, Spokane. Lewlston, Butte, Rill Ings. lienver. Omsbs. 6 :10 a. m. 4 :10 p. . Ksnssa City. St. Louis North Coast Limited electric lighted, tor Ta- coma. Seattle, Hpnkane, Rolte,' Minneapolis, St. Psnl and tbe Baat. Paget Sound Limited.' for Oieballe. Centralis. Tecoma and Seattle uly. . . . Twin Oty Expreaa, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo kane. Helena, Butte. Yellowstone Park. Min neapolis. St. Paul and the Eaet. 1:00 a. m. ' . , T:e a. at. 4:80 p. at. 19 M p. 11:48 a. as. 8:80 8. I Aaal.tant General I'aueng.r Agaatv 266 Morrlaon St.. Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon. " ' Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. S nailg Daily eg. Sunday. - Leavea LRlO.t . DEPOT. ArTly-o, 8 Owe aa. For Mar gar. Ra later. 11 10 g, as. Dally. " Clatekanlo. Wsstport. Dally. -- , Clifton, A .tori a. War- ' rentsu. Flavsl. Hasv - V-. mood. Fort Steves, - , " Oearbart Park. Seaeldo, ., Astoria aad SeeaOere, f.R rmUUr- MBkv . p"' Aetorl Baassan. j. a MA TOW ... ' a. P. aad P. Am. Astoria. Or. C. A. STEW A ST. Comaiercial Ages I. StS Aksef street. Phoa Mala BOB, Ticket OfBoe IBS laird Bt, 2TranaB43ontlriwritsl iea. Tralnas Uaally 2 FAST TIME JlliaNlCAI'Ol.IS, CHICAGO aViaO ' AiX fOliilS tAr. barllBM trip through trio1 . C e and Hexky anountalna. For fu"l I wlara, ratea, foijera, ete, t.'A oa . t IBB Tklzd Bev 1