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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
'THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAI. PORTLAND TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE , 13. 1805. 11 GOOD RAINS HAVE BENEFICIAL EFFECT turd and a Marked Improve- , ment I Shown in Crops. ., SPRING WHEAT AND OATS t CROWING SATISFACTORILY Little Damage Reported by Rav ages of Grain Aphis " In Val- - t ley Vermin Hurts Hops. Litest crop report of- department of '., agriculture, py A. B. ' Wollaber, acting v, sectioa tftnector: rr-r-'nv Tlrt7r the Week wua cloudy and -- cool and good rain fell Jn nearly , alt - j sections of the state, on Wednesday the rains ceased and' the remainder, of T. the week was warrn and pleasant. . .. The warm weather and -bright sun- ' ' shins'' Inrm ernateTyJ" TdUowini " : had a very beneficial effect upon all : crops, end- a marked Improvement la ,,''" noted, evpeclally in .- the condition of field torn, potatoes and .onions; which '" are now -growing -rapidly,- Fall grain 'continues to head nicely, and barley and; rye will soon be ready to cut. ' Sprltrg-I . wheat and 'oats are growing satisfac torily. -The grjiln apbla. continues nu- aua in Ihr, Wfllsmctts valley-end -in some . portions of southern .Oregon, but so far but little damage baa occurred. Gardens and roots ahow - a marked lm : provement. Grasses are growing rap idly,' fend some hay-has been cut: in , nouthemlDregon. . Haying will not be come general, however, for about' two weeks..' Pasture continue .In fine con Jt I Uoa and stoffk Js doing. wclU-capeclaUy , dairy cattle. , ' ' ; .-' '- Cherries are ripening elowly.-wlth the yield rwlderably.. below average In most sections. Late -apples and pears jirnmlsa fcetter results BuSTi" fruit la setting nicely and an abundant yield is '": Ooas District. Svenaen, Clatsop county, J. T. Coffey -First of week cool and showery, latter parf warm and Pleasant; gardens look -well.- but are; growing- slowly ; grass In excellent condition- and a good crop of Lhey indicated; milch cows doing nicely. Doravllle, -t3eItrmblA bounty, ..Joseph Hackertbers? Showery, the fore part of . week, - ektarlng up .Wednesday; orchard ' grass beginning to bloo'm; other grasses and grain doing-well; -pasturage -good; cherries dropping considerably; all other ODchard fruits promlae abundant yields, especially prunes; -the, berry Crop will ; be very short; potatoes have . fresh sprouts 'and look promising. ''' Bay City, Tillamook county. Captain J. J. Dawson Weather warmer, with some showers; oats and grass doing nicely; preparations being made for hay ing; tldeland hay is ready -ta. out lima beans have rotted consideraDiy; potatoes end h1"1y vr't'1'J fining well; the rains have cracked and rotted the early ffT t-herrles onTlhe lrees:TatnTes;havs Im proved. Increasing -the milk supply; the --first-crop --of plums, nd; jjrunea. hava ' ' dropped off the, trees,, the second crop till 'bolds on. - - 'S- t Points Terraos.,Lane.--c6unty 8. J. ; Allison Weather showery-and cloudy, with few suany days; gardene growing "-7 nlcelyT except corn ahdT tomat6es.""whlch - - are backward and need more sunshine; ' grass is fine and will make 'a heavy crop; fruit prospects good, caterpillars . , numerous. ' ' Remote, Coos county, Q. A. Hansen Cloudy-and rainy; meadows -and grain lpok well; pasturage- good; stock-looks . well; fruit trees In good conaiuon; rather cold for corn and some varieties .. of garden stuff. . - Wedderburn. Curry count, A. 8. Mil lor Weather warm; crops growing, but need rain; unless rain, comes soon bay crop will be light; gardens growing . nicely; .ftult . looks well; milk output good. ' WUlametta Talley. . Sherwood, Washington county, S. WU son Cloudy weather has given place to sunshine and all vegetation is making 1 good growth: oats will be very short; hay light; gardens doing finely; stock in good condition; green apples numer ous. Woodburn , (Elliott Prairie), Clacka mas county, George ,; Pope Warmer ' .' weather has had beneficial effect on all crops; hops have" Improved consider : ably In certain locations. - but many yards wiU not yield one fourth of sver- -age crop; vermin is also on -the increase; ' fall wheat, and oats appear to be filling - well; barley and rye beginning to turn; clover will yield only- half crop, and mid or seed cmp may te- eosmeo -on being decidedly ahol I, 11 awiuiis , uiai the clover roots died owing to last year's - dry spell; -the same holds good as. to hops; It was found this yearthat the hop stools had - made Very few new roots; pasturage good and stock in fine condition; gardens -z making i rapid, growth; all varieties of fruit will be '' short in this section. North Yamhill, Yamhill county, J. T. .Patterson First ' of week, cool and cloudy with light showers, latter half clear and warm; crops doing fairly well; aphis and fly have caused little damage so. far; hops poor, from half to two thirds of a crop; few early apples; . cherries halt a crop; prunes fair; pas tures good; stock doing well. Aurora, Marlon county, C. D. F. WU- on Weather has turned hot and every- thing leTllaklnr-good - growth! hops, 7 grain, fruit and . ' potatoea look well; ' early hay crop promises well'; late pota toes about all planted. Hosklns, Behton county. Perry "Eddy Weather warmer; gardens, have made 'good growth! grain - heading; - straw- - berries ripe, but very poor crops fruit doing well where the caterpillars have been destroyed. Albany, Linn county, A. T. Smith " Fair and warmer weather; gardens ' growing nicely, especially potatoes; corn OOINGil. GOING" I ! GONE U! WsjI1si WIU save It. ' BareUM, WIU NEWBRO'S Tke OmzCUTAX tasssajr. that QUITE BOKELY OUfTE ATTRACTIYE Tke mm 1tb fcomelr featens will ant hu-k stuaetlwwea If kr Inl Is w.4 Willi se aka4ia of eaatlful kalr. But, mm the ether kaae. tb ftnt enntner ef t SMle race hwas sncfe -sC Its attraetlveeeas APUOAXOsT AT VBOafXsTX BAmBaa BBOTS. 1 i if offered home yet a chance" ' lbtj-ire sold L.1 walks Jaid; city for a nice Is changing color, ' nd If the warm weather, continues It will grow rapidly; sprinar grain- lookswell jnd. is growing in some localities; fall grain In head, but some pieces of-wheat will be very lla-ht on account of the Hessian "fly; the I hap . crop .will -be about averages veton will --make a large -crop; cneai wut do ilght-i- Monmouth, Polk county, J. H. Moran Weather changeable; corn growing very- slowly; all other - crops doing Talrly well. X- ;"-4ni-a''.' .'"".?. , Soutaera Oregon. Z" .. ' Olalla, . Douglas county, W. R. Wells First of the week cloudy and cool, Frl day""ml Saturday warmer; all vegeta tion doing finely; wheat and other grata crops will be good; hay crop above aver age, ; " ' - Dryden,- Josephine county, H. 8. Mas tin Weather Cloudy and cool; gardens growing slowly, strawberries of stood quality, but ripening slowly; haying will begltj Tiext-wekr pastures drying Up; stock doing-well. Prospect.:jAckaonl county 8. SAlkln The showers and warm weather nave been very favorable for all crops; It la 4 now certain that more than an average crop of hay .will be harveated; gardens look 'flne. ' . ." Colombia lver Talley, Blmnasho, Wasco county, J. O., Ashen hurst Clear, with one light . shower; grain shows effects of the dry,-cool weather: nalturaaa rood. .1 Boyd, Wasco-county.P P. Underwood"; The warmest wees or tne seaaon; an crops - growingrapidly;- aoroe- reaeeded fields so weedy that the grain will yield but little; fruit crop will be light; pas tures becoming poor, though stock of all will be light; pastures becoming poor, though stock of all kinds are looking better than usual; some hay has been cut. ' "' . Moro, Sherman county, H. W.. Strong First -of the week cloudy and cool, latter part very warm;, fall wheat and anrlnc barley heading; grain generaUy looking well; rain' would be of much: benefit. "" . ' Weston, Umatilla ".county, Maud M Baker Good weather for all crops; wheat heading nicely; vegetables doing well; cherries are not making very rapid growth, but are beginning to redden some; strawberries slow and Of a poor quaUurutQck Jooktng.rne-r - - "" Flateaa Begloa. Union, Union county, John W, Mln ntck Rain plentiful; grain and grass making rapid growth; fruit seems to be dropping -badly; It all shows" dwarfed life from effect of frosts: gardens never better; thinning sugar beets la progress; barley crops will is about average. Weather showery; ground thoroughly soaked; rye nearly ready to cut for hay; tree fruit killed by frosts; alfalfa mak ing flne growth; river hay will be light cron: range flne and stock fat; sheep shearing nearly done; heavy clip.. Ontario. Malheur-county, S. L. Spans Weather warm) all crops making good growth: hay-csttlng begun; berries sef ting heavy; strawberries light crop; apples, pears, prunes, plums and peache fair crop. . EUGENE CHURCHES ' PREPARING TO UNITE j (Special DIn Vk to The Journal.) Eugene, Or.,' June 1. In - accordance with the recent ruling of the Cumber land Presbyterian church to unite with the First Presbyterian church at this place, the first named denomination will soon give up Its church snd unite In everything but nam with the First Presbyterians ltwiir--retaln its name until the annual meeting of the congre gation In November, when all matters will bs" finally settled. The members of the First Presbyterian church will share the offices of the church with save It. ffee Late fat; Serpletee. Herpicide "sills tae Basaras? If tb baer la sraatr er laeks alaeasaa. The Sandrtitt anlentbf eaoaea Sail, krlttle er lue- en-lea kau- win Utar daaerart. lO-Unc eralp and filHa kalr. NawWa's BarBtatoa Mtrort tbla tnaair ef haaaty aa4 Its th. kalr ta sraw aatara tatea. A 4a llikttal hair Anealas Wm woeeetfal fw alia. Ma all or die. ' . - : -r " - " - - i : - - - . . - II I ZzSay,have-youbeenlo City View Park? .. If you have not yet secured tne of those builders you certainly have missed some thing. ; Hundreds have been sold the demand great but there are still many choice sitesjeft. for you if you want to secure a home In th most attractive stfburb anywhere near Portland, - for castor cm the. Installment down and. $5100 per month;: That's easy There Is every modern improvement streets' graded and curbed: sidc- pure Bull Run water; and ejectric; r . CITY VIEW PARKis on the O. W. P. car lino and within. 2 minutes of. First and Alder streets. The site overlooks the, jWiHamette; river, where the scenery - is beautiful. Thereis no better place within miles of the suburban home,-See us about it. First and Alder Sts. READING ALWATB CONBCLT TH BEBT. Otbara aom 4 ta CortlMi rsmalaa. pnnr. van rrinTt.Ain. - t03H Wublngton st.t earner of ilfth. - THE MOMKNT Ton KKTRR- BIS FaRXftR BR WILL TKLI, YOU VOI R FULL NAVB. AOg. OCCUPATION. VOIIB MOTJIBU'S MAIDRN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY and what yoa called tor, without aaklna a qnaatloa; will tell th. nasM of yoor sweetheart or '-anything Ton want to kaow.. Ba-aanda yoa away macs wlaar and happier than wbaa yoa called. WCCln 'ior.- TIB COS-IT AMD, i50c teres Tears la rortlaas. Tke OUra, 04 ' Waahlnttos si aad Waahuitea sta, eer. riftk Yopng Men Wanted How would you like to secure a commission as an officer under Uncle 8am T If you are between the agea of 17 and it years, pos sess the necessary common school education, are moral, per sistent, and can pass the required - physical examination, Wend - roe four one-cent stamps to pay post age, and I will mall you a per sonal letter, literature, etc., that will tell you of the qualifications required for positions leading to promotions of high rank as n officer In our army or navy. those uniting, but the pastor of the first named, church will give up his position and carry on work In the suburbs of Eugene. DALLES HIGH SCHOOL BOY-WINS CASH PRIZE . " ... . , .. (Special Dlnpatch to The journal.) Seattle, Wash., June It. D. P. Jones, a graduate of TJie Dalles (Oregon ) High school, has been swarded the first scholarship ever given In the State university of $200 In cash. The award la .made by the chemistry department, in which Mr. Jones excelled. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY GRADUATING EXERCISES (Special Dispatch to The JonrnaLl The Dalles, Or.. June 13. St. Mary's academy of thla city closed its academic year with commencement exerclsea- at the Vogt Grand. Miss Mary Cornelia I tows graduated. A very pleaamg fea ture was an Information bureau as re lating to Oregon and Its several counties through the medium of an Improvised telephone. Pupils from the counties gave the bureau the character and products of their individual locality. , Xdbrarle for Jails. (Special Dlapatek to The Journal) .Baker City, Or., June 1. Rev. J. A. Comer of Marquam, Oregon, is In the city today soliciting contributions for the establishment of Christian libra ries In the county jails of Oregon. He has been suthorlsed to engage In this work in the northwest ty the World's Faith Missionary association of Shenan doah,, Iowa, and Is meeting with suc cess. , ...j 'At Target Practice.- (Special Dispatch to The JearsaM Woodburn. Or., June !. Compsny I, OrIf.O-1s making Temsrkabls progress In target- prscttce. On the ,680-yard range, Quartermasier-Sergeant Orover Todd and Corporal P. A. IJvesley made 12 out of a possible 100 points.- -, ww j-w i w .--.- ww w -- w w w 1 11 I I - A I M l 1 1 Y 71 I ii virility v iniisU VanGortiand - ) ----- W I V II 1 v . (.. choice -lots Tias been There is These, plan,' $3.00. -lights. n. n.r.rBTRATios no. e. ' "TBI OLDEST TRUST COBFABT IB . OBJQOB.".:,-... , Resources Over $1,000,000 Over 7 four . year ago a merchant thought he would bur wheal. He denoatted Slo.ooO wltl) oa gpnn a.. nTtmcato payable oprra an j.j'c!l. Krora that da jr to-this the rhanges in the wheat market have bean aiit-b that ha kaa-aot -eared to pnrrhaes: The mouer Is till with na, drawing Interest for him. It -Is available to him. at any time npou giving, the required eaii. - . . Can you not uae similar paper in ynnr boat neaa? Rank eertmratea are rood- to hold. t'ali -tmm for farther particulars or send igr oo boom or . "iLiUBTaAiions." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON " Phone Vain 403. . BBNJ. I. rOHKN... H. L. PlTTtM K..... B.. LEU PAOtT J. O. flOLTKA IDS Tbkd street. i ....... Prealdent ,,yice-Irealdont .Becrataty . .Aaalatant Heeretarr B0TI0X. BIDS INVITED. Sealed bids will be received at -the- office of the euperlntehdeot' of. the ureaan atat DanitaotMrr at aiem. urecon. until Thuraday, June ii. 1U0S. at 1 o'clock D. m. ef said d.r. tor the labor of the con vict eonflned lh Said penitentiary, aader the provielona of an act of the leslalatara - paased in 15 and amendmenta thereto, snd . for the foundry plant belonging to the state ' asd --eltnated wllnitt- the tria w.U.. biia to ee made separately on the Daaia or i Ave or ten-rear leaee. beslnnlns Auruet I 1DOS, on blank wbUtt-wIll be forwarded by the auperlntendent on-, sppllcatioa. Each bidder must Incloae with his hid s certified ehrck In the sum of fftOO parable to the ' order ot the superintendent, to be -forfeited to-thatale-i-iiteaae the bld to which the contract' la let (alia to enter Intel a contract aad alve the -bond required bj the etatute within 10 ' days after the awaroinr of tns eoniraci. The rlfht Is rsaerved to reject any snd su oiaa. farther Information may be had. If d sired, by sddreaalng the superintendent. Dated at 8aletn, Oregon, Slay 23, 1808. . C. W. JAMBS, Superintendent NOTICE of Stockholders' Meeting The an nual meeting of the stockholders ot the " Oregon Iron aV Steel Company will be held ac toe ornee of toe company, room s.w ener lork building. Portland, Oregon, June 30, - 1808, at 11 o'clock a. nl., for the purpose ' ef electing a board of director for - the ensuing rear, ana tne traneacuoe -or sacs other buelneas ss may .legally come Before the meeting. A. S PATTtTIXO. Secretary. ' Portland, Or., May S3. 1808. ftOTICB It herehr given to the public that T. uriver, rnrmerly or tne Oregon crvstal. Used Photo A Picture Co. ef Portland. Oregon. composed ef Driver, A moth . A-Allen.-hae sold hie entire Interest to A moth A Allen snd that the aald Driver Is not authorized to make any contracts for the said firm or to ' represent them la any war whatever. . A MOT II A ALLEN. FfmOMTION NOTlrE. The law Arm ot Pipes a Tirrt has been unsolved nv mntnai consent. V Mr offices are ooo. chamber ef commercs. Telephone Mala 053. ; MARTTT-ty-PIPBS. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For InflsmmatioaoT Catarrh of the manner ana ineraeea aio- aer. so 0UE1 so rAT. uures quickly and sermaaentir the worst eaae ot wrliesa snd ailews, no matter oi how ong standing, Aosoiateiy arroieM. sola ny araggieis. i ii . i . ' v. vi mail vww said. (1.(10,1 box., $1.7 i. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CO BeltcesatalBS, Okss. Tor Sale ky Woodsrd, Clarke A 0. Every Woman j. mwnen arra anoaia snow . . snout ins wonoerrnl MARVEL Whirling Spray nmw varMl srrtae. Jmlrt. ima. Heat 8af. Aet rse SeareM fee S. If be cannol aupplj tl maatt fi aocept do . other. Imii send atamp for llluatraied book ep.M. It grees iall nartlonlar and 1lrectiori. in. valuable lo Janice. MRVKI. CO.. B. ami st.. mw l oast- T0B SALE ST WOODAXO.-CLAkXI A CO. earn CMICHtellft s iNuiisn PEfiriYnOYAL PILLS )HsaI mm Onlr Oeaalee, tBT i n 1 j BB Bfv B Bust fw IHLVUgsCi9S Vflh WssBrtMBfJ. I tktMMkfA H.rle sMUM Mel Imlf MeMstts r 7ir lrBlL ar wfj4 Am. ta l Sear Bf rsl aeuaaa let e.w SiPMSSISIS sbilftf to lA IsMh. n uwr, t re tr MsUiW. J . TetB..BiBl 1l4kf sVH rttaeraTlaia. flkl. al 9W . ! 'ft: MMMH mmmmrwt rmim.m. KOOAK 0tt 'LOPNO yNO NtflGMeHT3 Of ALL KINDS . ' I tHM eee.aew. 4 ,v.. SNAP $H0TSOVLOfCO OM DAY FINISHED MINTS TH NEXT. SURE' CORE F0R-PILES TTJ B I M it Piles preduoe nvMat are aad eaaae Itehlag rrat form, aa well ae gllne. Bleeding or Protruding "".!0'n "1 Or. Boeanho'srllelemec)rl stop Honing sua blMdlns. Abeorbe tumor. SOe a Jaratdrusilataoreaeit b. malL TrMtlM free. Write! MaMviFweHS II. BUSAJiao.riaiada-PaJ H I V i . . - t t i v ' II A,VW3lM 1 aa V ''SvVSlIs. I. noe ess vNTVT3i" eat Moot t'onrenlent 'MS. -Wl IS. - A 2 -Jburnai--- -Branch-Offices- ADVESTTRriirhTTf tlT'k. wmemlfi at regular mala ofore rstas st th -following place snd sant te Th Joeraal la tlm tec publlca ttoa la the ast Issest B0ETK. .- J," rVetoarfcsgglst,3g tag Ths. " mas streets. . Mob Hill Pharmacy, S80 Qllssa atreet. corner Hat. A. w. Alien, sharmaelst. IStk sag afar Shall streets. -B; B. ' Jacks, eonfectJoaerv. S04 W ask ing Uis suest, coraee lta. , . SOUTH. .. , ' B. r. Jones ' A Co druggist. ' rrsat aad Olhbs streets. Cottel Cms ComDsor. First sag Oraat ! atreet. -l ..... - (CAST BIDS. - . Tittle's- Pharmacy, SSS MIeeiaalpaa s' ns. corner Bhsver tret. . Klcbola A Thompaoa. 188 Huaaell street. . Corner AIMna avenue. . Jsnctie Drag Cempasy, esrass Haw- thorae and Grand aveas. J. A. Dick, tobacco, aUa Crosby (aast . - snd steel bridge). B- F. rultoa, eosfeetloaary. T4 East Bnrnsld. corner- llnloe svssaa. - . Ingram A Bosh, tobacconists, 1U Oraad ar.ous. SITBBTnB, J. E. Worth, pharsiaclst, tM. BelsMst .:. street BK00XT.TB, Bklya FharB11,yi tocwe Pew.D sad Mllwsukle streets. BEZTUa B0TI0B, OREGON LODGE No. L K. . of P.. rueera tonight st K. of P. ball. 'Marnuam hide. a. ,.w I awtahtrjeotdUTly Invited. WKBroOT -Osmp No. 86, Weodmea of the of our late nelehhor. -TNorld: The - funeral - of our late neighbor, te. R White,: will be held Sunday at 10:80 a. m. from J. I. Flnlry A Aon' chapel. All roemDera are requeerea to attend. - JOSEPH HOWElXi, C. C, A. L. BARBVn, Clerk. ' ORBOON CIRCLE. No. 1T1, W. O. W.; meets Monday nignt in i.tonr. hall, corner Wll llama ve. anq kiiii sr., aC I IctoL. MABl KAMI ALU Clerk. TTBZBAT. NOTICE. SMITH Mrs;Cors.- Members Anrumn Leaf circle. 764 C. of B. of A. sre rcauwlrJ to attend the funeral of thelate ura Smlih. . which "will take piece from Klnley's- chapel ineeaay, jnne ii. at 10 s. m. interment Greenwood cemetery. LOST ABB TOUBB. FOCKD A place to have kalr msttreeaes reno- rated snd returned ssme day. Psoas Mate 7. PortUnd Curled Hair rectory: yorftp-mtlsliyi gold walrh. Owner I' . hare same hr giving deavrlptloa and p. CSS psylug Chars ea at CM aat. ilamlauo, aC LORTw-Lady's- gold watch. Finder return to .. lHi First at. and receive suitable reward. HELP WABTZB BALE, . ENERGETIC--ansa who caa depoelt $2O0 cask. amply secured; can ksve stesdr office posi tion; sis weeklr to begin, and vonortunltr to maks good commlsalon. belds; man wits " $ little experience In land or real estate bul ness preferred. Address L 84. care Journal. MANAGERS wanted for our offices 1a sll larce I rltlea tbivng boot Oregoa; we pay rent, liberal 1 salary snd commission; cash deposit and rf- WANTED A good allopathic physician and surgeon to take the place of a retired " phralrlan. Inquire st drugstore, Glencoe, On WANTED A mas for mllkrsnek near Portland: stste wages snd experience. Address 860 North Seventeenth St., Portland. WANTED rtrst-elae alga writers; must be shopmen; steady work. 84 a day. Poster A J.Kleier, Fifth snd Everett. DETECTIVES Mea te - learn ! ws guarantee work te our pupils. B 801. S88 Morrises sr. WANTED Good soapmaker; state snd salary expected. Address L 60, JonroaL APPBENTICB wanteds Prlar Bros.' Brsss Co.. 210 Nortk Eleventh.. HELP WANTED TEBAXX. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Botel, restaursnt, office, store, bakery, laaadry and family patronage solicited. BANHCN'S EMPLOY MRNT (1IT1CI. Ut Wsshlagtoa au, room T, cor. Seventk st - ... t-DOD Mala aros. , WANTED A yonng lady, rapid snd plain penman, for folding and addreeelng circular-; si per oar. Aaorea is own handwrltlm are handwriting, N BO. Journal giving -reference. Addreaa OIRLS wanting employment, sock ss general noneewors. wairreeaes, rnambermaios, eoos. call on Scandinavian Employment Co., 270 Burnsld St. Pkone Msia 8088, TYPEWRITER with machine. Apply Camp and Sunaysld leiiowateae; end Monnt Tabor ear line. Apply .Wednesday morning WANTED Immediately, tmelM second girl, private family; wsgesfffl.230&yinlilll. i noi one Main 8413. OIBL for genarsl koaaewnrk. Apply between 7 ana a evenings or 9 snd 19 mornings, 860 Everett at. . COOK wanted; must hsve some knowledge of short-order work. Apply Th Irving, 078 Irving St. GIRLS and women, good wages; Jobs for every- oon.r. Aimne y?M ifg '"r at. M.I. 1U1T. WANTEI Girl to do bonsework from S s. m. till 8 p. m.; pay 812- Call 8A1 Kearney. WANTED Experienced -ironer. Apply Star laundry Co., Colon sv. snd Eset Ankeny. WANTED Experienced ladles' elothea-lroners, t I'eciflc Laundry, First snd Arthur sts. WANTKD Olrl for general hoaaawork. , Ap ply 87 North Park st. Csll saornlngs.f ALL kind laundry kelp; hlgheet wages paid. Grand Laundry, Seventeenth end Qulmby. WANTED BALE ABB TZXALZ HTLF. MEN and women to leant barber trad ta I weesa; sairoressing. msnicnnng; graduates earn $18 to $28 weekly. Besttle Bsrbst Col lege. 121 Waahlngtos St., Seattle. WANTKD At enee, a bright, energetic, pre. eentabl siea or womsa, e good talker, te take op aa attraetlva propoaltLoa. laquirs T88 Chamber of Commerce. I I. a WANTED Chrisrlas home for old- Isdy who must asv good care; references. , Address B SO, ear Journal. " CitllMfl mw,Ji ...1. l- mst inn1 fia l.(HH. szs Washington, Automatic Card Praes.4 SmATIONS WANTID BALE, W ANTED--PosltioB a water tender by Bra- man or 12 -yea re experience; Mat em- . ployed st Portland Woolen Mills, St. John; beet references. W. L. Barsee. 8t. Johns. Or. POSITION ss elerk or saslatsnt la wholesale; no canvaaelng; law efflce sxperleecs; can furnish typewriter; married; ate any work; good hebtta. Address K 48, care Journal. WANTBD 'P'wllhwi-by mir-T'yetr oldt 4 years' experience in bank and 7 In general office; bank work preferred; good' references. K 84,t ears Journal. GOOD man cook wsnts work; sober snd In dnarriouai reefsurant, betel or bosrdfng konw. Address Harey the .Cook, P. O. Bos Kill. -- - WANTED Position ss book-keeper, grocery pre ferred: graduate of esatern bnaeneaa eniiege; beet references- O. G. Tyler, 0C2 East Sixth, north. - - COMPETENT boy ef 18 would like pneltlon s office-boy or errano noy or to oenver tor tore. Address N 60, csrs Journal. WORK wanted by good stesdy man; have had some experience in csrpenier-wors. am I nlua svs.,. north, city . - TOtNQ man with 8 yesrs' exnsrlenes ss a saleeman wants s bobuiob in or out ox city. Address t-a. josmet. ' WABTED yiN ANCIAi, WANTED Te borrow 81 oo foe 1 yesrt good collateral eemruy; s per com. asoxes at 81, esre Jeumsl. - SITTTATIOgg WASTXD yiklALE. MII-MNER with 10 yeara1 einerlencs wlahes V tsst SUlh at.,. BurlA. POSITION ss managing booeekeeiier or tak rharg of rooiulag-bonee by reduce Isdy, Address N 50, e. r. Journal. WANTa;llPneltljiaL .. etrnoeranher or book keeper by ' joting Isdjr just cut ef eoUegf, 'I DOHA OCOIT IIOl. - WAaTTED AOFBTS.- AGENTS, WANTED Te sell ear superior high frad nnreery a lock; nw and eompUt nut t furnished fro: oa.h weekly; write to day for choice of territory. Capital City Kuraary Co., Salem. Ores. WANTED SpeclsHy sa Iceman to sell ea eoov mlaalon to'dealrra, ah entirely Sew article of' goat merit aad a aplendld seller. Call on or address Geo. O. Miller, 11 Sixth. St.. .Portland. Or. ' AtSENT wanted te tak. orders for tbs Monnd City Dlhrahrj sew thing; also as auto matte wsahrr: anao ft s nuttier, deorss W. 'Palmar, 1(4 Macadam at., Portland. Or. . WANTED MISOELLANEOTS. V WANTED Mors spraying snd whltewaahlngi . the only gsaolln cumpraaaad sis sprsylng curat en the coast. M. U. Murgaa A Co.. 875 Mllwsnkls at. Pkons East 33JT. - . -- WANTED Medlum-slse, goose-neck wsgon; sum teem of horses weighing shout 8,200 lbs. Call lug North Eleventh st. - SHORT ORDER Prlnttns H P. I. It .da. Second snd Wsshlngtoa sts. Mala 6388. RjOOMS to paper, 13 and up, paper Included; paint them tut $1 up. Box a, city. . EMPL0TMENT A0ENCES. PACIKO COAST ' EMPLOTMENT AYJENCY Removed te 12 Vt Nortk Second at. Phons Red 181, . ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. - FOB MEN. " -r7T-BKhriir TkonsVslB' I8SC AMERICAN EmpKvsernt snd Reel Eatste Ages- All kind of help furnished free ot srge. 184 Burueids. at.- Black 8361.. PIONEER. EMPLOTMENT CO. Labor Co nt raff tors: help fro to employers. 818 Murrlsoa. HELP wanted snd supplied, male sr female R. G. DRAKE,, 2oAVk Waablngtoa at. Clay 448. ALPlNW-EMPLOTMK!tT BtjnBAtt Help fur slshed free. 152 First st- Pkons Mats 101 T, 188 MORRISON-Tolnmbta River Emp. ageacy; skilled labor fnml.h.d. Phone Mala 8268. . FOB BENT FBSWIIMID BOOMS. svssssksaasaassf aaisSkseawaieas esieaawasamaSasjs easiSWSsa DURINO TUB PAIR. -Elegsnf sunny turntehed rooms sre destrsble, sway from city ' sol; all sutalde room, plenty of freak sir, building fireproof; ear at door for sll points; so raise during fair; ratee tl day: free phono, bath sad gas. Call lor iihone J. H. -t'almer. S30V lluae.U at. rnons aast seso. NEWLT furnished rooms la most central pert M ae tue, , eteeaj rrom t-orxiano sotei and 2 -block from city poatofBc snd restsu rasts neerby; rooms en anlte or single from 6"e per day snd up; speclsl rates to "partlesi 188 and 188 Seventk et.,ieor. Taylor. BOODNOCOH BLDO.. Opaoette poatoffics. Fifth snd Yamhill sts. Nicely furnlaht- sboxna, steam heat, gaa, , bath and telephone; car direct to depot and , fair - grounda paaa door; taks. elevator .to third, fourth and fifth Sours. THE JUNO, ftno Jefferson at. New through out, 81 per day. no higher; having sll modern conveniences -on direct ear line to depot and exposition: 8 minutes' walk from poatofflc and business ceutsrj ftrst-clase meala served, 28 cents eack. THE GARLAND ' " : :r mi. Waihlnglnn hat. Nineteenth snd Te tleth; new, modsrn, sll outside rooms, elec rtrlc tights, phone, free bsths; 60c. 7ne,-81 per day; rates ny wsek; restaursnt in bsssment. FCRNIHHKf)-rooms;-walking distance" froqj .. bualness district; csrs direct te fair grounda; Jefferson street csr from, depot to residence; transient or permsnent; reasonable. 283 Fourteerfth. . Mala .3608. . THB HAMANN, 188 N. ISth.. ear Hoyt Newly furnlabed rooma, 11.60 up: convenient Watloa, 18 minutes wslk to fair grouudai Morrison car at union depot direct to touee. Pkons 8470. FOR -RENT Two large fu ru! abed rooms; bath nd phone; contract dnrlng fair: one block -.from reatsnrant, one block Third and Fifth ear llsaa Phone Wast 844. 410 Fourth St. 1HR H KILE II Hawthorne and Grand sves.1 fireproof, elegantly furnl.hed rooms, both, , u.i.i . v-b,dm.e v., n mm. ..euum, ram resaonshla week or month;- transient rooms. FOR plesssnt rooms go to th Elite; take Sell wood car to 620 I instills St.; sll ontslde rooms; newly furnlabed; 81 day: double bed; UM klteben, bath. A. J. Nlekum, prop. STRANGERS call st our office, get list of furnished snd unfurnished rooms on esst side, by day. week er month. 1. Im Wells Co.. 84 Grand sv. -. KELLOGG HOUSE. 14 Shermsn: taks B car - sooth: class lodging, 35c; meals, 25c: fur. Blshed housekeeping rooms with balk sad ' laundry. THE GABLE Furnished roomSt light, slry, res. sonsble, with breakfaat; 3 car lines.' Eaat Twenty-eeventh snd Tsggsrt sta East 8808. THE JLLnEREOne large,- nicely furnlabed room; also amall single room. Including bath. Phone Msln 1061. 808 Alder, near Sixth, PITRNISHED rooma, private family, by week oe month, with bath. Pbooe East 1270. Reasonsble. 67 - Eaat Twenty-eighth.- aorta. MARQUAM HorSE. 14H 6th Rooms ea suits - or -singlet kouaekeeplng rooms; - gas stoves, bath, electric lights: trasal.nts solicited. NEW furnished rooms, everything flrst-elaea; msnent sno rranaient. tan ronrth st 8 NICELY furnished rooms for rent, 644 Sixth, between ssekeon snd Lincoln sts.; bath snd pkons; near Fifth St. csrllns. NEAT furnished rooms, reasons his prices, for rent by day, week or month, Mrs. Jans, 823 Water, cor. Clay. FI'RNIKHKD moms for rent. East 2flth snd Powell sts., ever store; prlvats family. Taks Woodstock ear. THE TRMPLBTON. 9ndt, rirst st Furnlabed rooms, en euite, .single; Boasekeeplng-rooms; blh; transient. 268 ELEVENTH ST. Large moms, beentifnt rrmtnaa: oens mw up; tenting spsce. t-nons West T61. THE GLADSTONE 61 2t Bavler at., furnished rooms; under new mansgsmestl prices rsa sosable. THE ABBOTT 228 H Waahlngron; newly far- aiMwa imi. wm -i i . u. hi . ip it-, uiinirni 4 FtRNIKHED ROOMS, first floor, reasonable rent. 478 Esst Tenth St. Phou Esst exieu. PLEASANT, comfortable furnished moan. bath. . as. contenlantj and very quiet. 438 Yamhill. BCFFALO HOUSE AM 8almrm; trsnalenta by dsy, wewk or nrorrthj rate BOr, T8e, II dsy. DESIRABLE front moms, 8 blocks Hotel Port lend, reasonable. 875 Taylor, cor. Weet Park. 872 N. EIGHTEENTH Front rooms, resannahle rstes; phoue snd bath: breakfaat If desired. NICE, large, newly furnlabed moms, with hstb, - 60 cants per dsy. . 106 N. Screnteentk St. FOR BENT Neatly furnished front mom, near car line, per monta. zht llllamook St. ri'RlCiSHKD-sooni 4or two. 60r each. or. 75c for one; oreaxraat hoc. eiz sillier svs. ROOM snd hoard suitable for S gentlemen. 854, cor. Esat Pin snd Esst Eighth. NEATLY furnished, rooms, reasonable rstas. 120 Orsnd svs., near East Morrison. BOOMS for rent, fnmlahed snd unfurnished. 604 Fourth st. ' Phons BH Black 1874. THE ALDER 4.18 Aider) furnished moms, bsth, gss, convenient, qniet. Mlin at , JiEWLT 'turnlahed; .rates $2.60 tc 13.60 par wees. S4i th nouin rim sa. - - . - THE CA8T1.E-.T73 Waahlngtos st.( furs I abed rooma. 1'none stain ihts. THE LEWIS, ll MTH ST.Roems by dsy, Main 43M. week sr monta. FOR RENT Fnrnlaksd rooms. 141 Shaver et. Phons l nine 6481. rOB RENT FARMS, FOB BENT 8 seres ef land, all ta sultlv. ties, cast rsety-tnira ana Beetles- use roe. W. 0. Bees. SOT The railing. , - : - .- - W Aim IV TO BEN P. OMNKHA AND AliEMIt-will Snd It to their ailvauiaia- ll-t - ttmtr--vacant" "ttonaer" e.iiT . Bat lth ouc Free Rental Department, our. - vacant htut dlrertury ha bruoui s recog- - - nlacd Inatltiitlun In Portland, hundrede of. ' tenant being weekly placed In ultabla -unartere. We make- uo charge whatever and owners aliould take ge of hla ' ' 'be liyesllliig 'HI ourreull department'" and ailing In sn "Id for Bis lion Blank." If yo hare a vscsut b.aia-. pltoua Ih oer- tlculara snd leave the rest to u. W won'rr sikw it to remain lotig Itlle. . - H. E. KDWA KIM. HOIHICFl'HNISHER. A'ree-Menial- )etrt meat. j 185 to 181 Flrat at. BOOMS-n sll parts of the city, furnlsksa. api'iy x--u iKMnnousD blag. . EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU, - L'sdar dlrectloa ef the Lewis aad Clark Fait ' . Corporation. Pboas Mala 8268. WE have calls every day for secant snd furnlabed bouse! llat your property with ua; w will do Jh rest. Huhaa A Tsggaru -lot Sixth st. . ... . . WANTED Tc rent Bouse of .8 -te 16 rooms,., shout Nov. 1; must 6 on wset side, good sVighborhood, good yard and not - far froia bualneaa center. I'hons Msia S128 Addreaa' ,4.'m lua sLu GIVE ns ' your room to rent; ws are hav ing many calls for furnlabed snd unfurnished to rent. - J. T Wells Co., 04 Ursnd sve. - POB BEMT--H0TJBEBEEPIM0 BOOMS. PI'RNIHHED housekeeping suites for fair vis. Itors or permsnent tenant;, reaaouabte; fuel, lut.i.. i, ..i. . i . i i . . ak.inns..-Bni isbbbbbj esesa n giwia iioui AJ Vk OB .. m -ItuMell at., Alblna. -- -TT CAMP FAIRVIKW. ' .. - - -. Camping Space for rent. $.1 to 86 month p magniaceut view of city snd fair gronnds. . fall or addreu Camp Falivlew. Portlsua Heights, Oregon. .- . . . CAMP-OKOrXDS on Portland Heights, with . ee without board; plenty of ehade. Bull' Run . t.iiw . -t-w , .(ria-'iji Tri..t i,tiL Address Bk . WNM, NICE clean beds In tents, 6nc esch. with eook t ing svcommodstlona; " 5c tars ta expoaltlou. Lewla A Clark Camping Grounds, Mount Ta . ubr Heights. Phone Scott 8764. LARGE new elegantly turntehed housekeeping' .uiiauie xnr targe parnea; gas range. running water. The Lowuadal. BOJS4 Alder. - S0IH WATER ST. llouaekeeplus rooma. rea ' aonaM rates r sleetrlc-ltgbt and phone tse . . eluded. . - - THB LINDA VISTA, nicely Nrstshsd bousckeen. ins aao singis rooma reasonable. S4TI8 Flttk. FOB RENT 8 - fnenlhed-: hntiaekeerrlng-rooflnt : m ir mmiiii. an wmiMuii si. - " - BOOMS ABB B0ABD. YES. we can accommodate e few mote table boarders; hem cooking and everything first .class.- Aster bouss.-Seventh-end Msdlsoa. I'kon Main 82.11. a.... THB IRVING Rlegsnt sccommodstlons, so sisrbltsBt charges; dtnlag room Is "eon neetton; prlcee right. Cor. 18th snd Irving. THE UNDELL-fNew family kpteL Market, bet. Third and Fenrtb; team best, sleetrle light,. . porcelain bsths; sxcsedlugljr low rata, i NEWLT - fnrntehed rooma with - board. 2t - Gantenbetn sve. Alblus car, gat off at Morris St. Yellow bouse. - . BOOM and board at Clay aad, Whtsr stsT, No. 823. M. Jars. . .' JOBBEllTHOUSEa. - . ' ROUS E Furnlsned - snd unfurntehed - rooms -- la rest st lew ratee -for the times; stso g.d ' homes tn aal very reaenoable. Phone Ka.t 67 -ee--eet 1288: - Horn Lsnd Co:, tut? -.- rwslty Psrk. . . . . "T kadderlt tkansfer-commission co.- - plsaos snd furniture moved promptly by f X pe(lenced men. 110 Third et, Msln I8U. --- KICB4-rttrrcT.ttsfJff !r. Spottrar ttns,- $1 per month to good, steady tenant. Is. ' qulro st 3.16 Clsy St., cor. Sevcsth. '- FOR RE.NT 1 modern T-mom bouses on Eaat .Thirty-fourtk St. rent 820;." W. ;Q. Beck, -room 8UI The Falling bidg. - - I-noOJd" 'bbaasTTpscxly " .fiunisWdTTrear of 847 Wsler ot 84 50 per mouth,. Key - end la.. formation st 768 Second st. i . MODERN 8-room fnmlahed cottage foe rent - for the summer, meet side, on etreetcer line, M 52. csre Journsl. FOK RENT Large, handaom. house snd grounds ;on top 6I MUJiDut Ave emcs. $128 ROOMS Isrge bssement. Key 0' Nell's . grocery. Hood sud Grsnt. Phone Msln 458. NICELY located 6-reom bouse, low rent, furnl : turs for sale. Inquire 748 Union svs. 8-HotiM c-ttags for rent; as children.. Nelson st. 883 T-ROOM bowse. 810 pee-month. 847 Water st. BOUSES FOB-BENT F VRNITVBE TOR SALE. THB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS sells ysnt furnlturs for you st your residence or 111 . First st. For best rssnlts phons Malt 6658. B-ROOIF cottage for rent, sit or pert of furnl- ture for sen-: rent tin. 180 North Elsvuntkj st. A Km baby walker. -a FURNITURE of six-room .bouee, meetly new, good Iocs t Iob. , rent 30; l.arlng city. Ad drees I 41. - Journal. ( A MODERN 8-mnn. kouae for rent; desirable1 kcatioB; furnlturs for ssls. 848 Mont, gomery t- FURNITURH ef 4 ro.m houje FOB SALE FAIM8. OREGON FARMS FOR SALE 1 am s farmer and not a town or rlty shark, nor do-1 rhsrgs flV or 15 estrs on s farm, like the city or town aharke. hut sell at ths fsrmers' ' price. I help the buyer In every war I can, for I am a farmer of 33 years' standing. Ws hsve the best country snd climate under the. sun; thunder snd lightning storms un- . known to us. . Uraas green the year round; any amount of sll kind of fruit . Writs for free price Hats of my bargalne. 1 will gladly snswer sll questions. I lies 2 miles ' sotithweet of Sherldsn on my farm. It will coat yon nothing to se my bargains, snd I will treat-yea fair In all desls- C. O. BURGESS, sgent, Sheridan. Oregon. 48 ACRES At" clover snd orchard land: IS scree In crop hay, potatoes, clover, garden, and, SO aYre more slashed snd In pasture! 4-"!sn fine. nntood county mad. fine vies', new s-room notiae. large hern snd other build ing, good orchsrd, good wster st bona, creek n ths plsoe. R. F. D. msll phon In the bouse, .good teem, bsrnees snd new wagon. -S flne rtiwa. 4 or 8 dosen rhlckenn, snout 100 young chickens, - fsrmlng -Implementa and other things; snap buy: In Washington county. lrle 2 7l. Phone - Hood 484 - sddrrs N 58. care Journal. 10 ACRES 2o mtles from Portland: 4 acres -of beater dam In cultivation, balance of land ' esn be cleared ready for the plow for 84 to- 88 pee sere, all eery flne suit 4-room - honae, good well snd line road. 4 miles to store, schoolhona and church-: this pro pert Is well worth l.x to,l.(M0, I will sell It for 7ihi on very esay terms. Address K 81. esre Journal. A 84 H ACRES, 24 In cuHlvatlon, 14 acre good tlmlr, good soli, no rocks, fine location, good .mad. nearby all kinds of fruit, J barne, " good S-room konee. good water and wind "mlll.'B mllea sontbeaat trom -city-limits of ' Portland; will make terms. Address H. Longroy, Mllwankle, or., 130 ACBES unimproved land; 120 sere till sble, 120 seres Sne timber, balance good pasture, wster for sll purposes, ditches con structed, 2-rnom house, 2k miles from R. R. station. f00 rash. H. II. Corey, Baker . City. Or. - FRF.l LAND IN OREGON under ths "Carey Irrigation Act" Deed direct from atat. Writ today. Booklet and map free. B. - Cook A Co.. tfl Alder St.. Portland. Or. MALHEUR COUNTY Improved snd sslmnreved lande, acreage property, town lota residences. ' bnalneec locations, etc. Don Cerlos Boyd, the real eatste mas. Ontario, Or. - HOMKHTIADBRS Ws Vctn'yod em wnest er -Irrigation binds: reel eatste for ssls. Csll or -writ Vsn Chtsve A ScbolL Bcho, Imattlla Co, " RICH farm snd fruit Issds Waahlngton emnty, , Oregon. Writ fur particelsrs te Ceorg A. Morgan, Hlllaboro, Oregon. -- BPT BAROAIN st 8S Alder, near Fifth. - Hesry A. Towasend and W. J. Maxwsll.. - 1