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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
TUE OREGON DAII,Y JOURNAL. PORTLAND TUESDAY" 'EVENING. JUNE 13. 1903. It Entered at fli poetofflce f Portland. Or., for transportation through the Bull a aecooe t class matter. v 1 V HlHl till alnrla nntM- ITne a. 1 or 12. page paper. 1 cent: it to W page. S ctaUj ld .i . "as,, f CBla, ...i... j.. . . TELIPHOKIs. Editorial Boom.,.,....,, Uualneee Office..... . ........Malm 280 Mala sOtf ' Vreelana.Reneamln Iwlil Afleerrlela AgenCr. . ISO hasssu tract. w Xork; Trlbuo Build , log, Chicago. ., ' . . - V'." "0UrTIO BATE. .; . Term k Osrriar. T Tb Pally Journal, with Sunder, 1 r8r...$7M . Tbs Dally Journal, 1 year JO . .. Tha bally Journal, with Sunday,' montba. f .TtV , 'Tha Dally Journal, 4 niontbe 80 - 'Toe Dally Journal, wttb Bunday, month. 1.66 Tb DaUy Jonrnal. I montba - The Dally Journal, wttb bunday, 1 month.. .66 .The liallr par week,' delivered. Bunder Included 'Tha Dally eMepted .M dm ........ 4.!i..Mri fluadav Tama y IU1U . Tbe Dallv Journal, with Sunder.' 1 yaar.t.tT.M . Tha Dally Journal. 1 rear.....,..., .8.00 Th Dally Jonrnal, with Bunday, boon tha. 8-75 - Tba Dally Journal,' 6 montba S.78 :. Tba Dally Journal, wttb Bunday; I montba. l.BO - - -Tba Dally Jonrnal, I montha. ..... , 10 : Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 month..: .68 Th Ull Journ.l 1 aoonlh .60 Tha Bunday Journal. 1 yaar. ....... ......i t 00 . Tba Bunday Jonrnal. montba 1-00 - Tha- Semi-Weekly' Journal, Tba Seml-Weeklr Journal, S t IS pa a.rh lasua. Illnstrateri. full -market re- . port. 1 yaar 11.60 j HtaUttaocee ah on Id ba mada by everts, (wstai Botaa, express order and email amounts ara ttntJStft ' P. O. Bos 111, Portland. Or. WHIM THZ J0VBXAL XAT X TOTJKD. - Tha Journal aa b found on Ml at tha , following lilac: , . ; BoiSK. IDAHO H. Seller Co.; W. B. Me- intyr. 'CHlCAUf Poatdfflca Kw com pa ay; ITS Dear horn itrMt -. DKXVJB, COLO Koadrlck Book Stationers - r - company, aig Barautaantn auaat; d. wacs, filitwnth and Curtla atrfata. J(AN8A8 CfTY Van Mar N.wi aomnanr. - J1INNKAPOU9 bt. J. Karanaugb. AO Boatb Third atroat. - , - NEW VOKK cm Rrantana'a. Rnloa amara. .nuiHi-uiii.-i n-.T t.- II; Mra-ritt BtatlonarT nmuiiT. l.tiM 1,'arnnaa itfML BALT.LA.KK CITY Kaoyoa Hotal Nwa atand Barrow Broa., 43 Want Brrond atrart. aoutb - BT. !X)tns Philip Roader. 61. Locual atraat: . . B. T. .J(.rt ATM rillva mltt. BAN FBANCISCO W. B. Ardlmr, Palaaa Rotal . , Nowa atand. and 1008 Marbat atraat: tlold ,. amltb Broa.. 230 Butttr atraaL and Balnt . . r"ranr?la hotalt boater Oraar. farr build- - lni N. Wbeatlay. moTMbl mn itand, eof t- ner Market and Kearney atreeta. t SEATTLE Rainier Grand Newa ara ad; W. L, Hhanka. Hotel Seattle Ntw atand. KPOKANB. WASH John W.- Orabam.aV Co. . .TACOMA, WASH. Central Nawa aumnanyi . . Hotel Tmmh. Keere eta nit. : . - i "VKTORIA. B. & Victoria Boob Btatlonrry . company. . . - fTtATHtB BIPOBT.- - Fair' weather prttralla thla mnrnliis la the -tatea breat ot I be Boeby mount alna. It ia "'xnoW In the Pacific northweat eaat C tba laaradea and awo In aoutbern uontana.. Tba Indlrattona are for fair weather in thla tllatrlct nedneaday .eHtb alowly naluc tempera '..turn.. It will probably he. cooler tonlfht In :tba north rentral portion of Idaba. ' XA1BIA0K UCZMBEB. J, A. CamDhalUMLiloreMa K. Comer toed. orer 21; rrancea C. (irarea. 20. Weddlor Carda. W. O. Bmltb On.. Waab tn(ton bldf.,- cor.-Poartb and Waablactos ata. BIBTBI, !CIMB(U.rt-Juna. 1. tn Mr. and Mr. Prank Clip. kJ. . IAI I a.M. - BRHNDAOEWuna , tn Mr. and MraT Benjamin' rirunoare, x-i union arenue, a naugntar. . -niHilM) lz, Mr. And Mra. Nnwton . THeerncer. T Marehall atreet, a eon. "i NORTH Jt"i 8, to Mr. and Mrt. Henry North, V I'"5 Raleijh, atreet. A daughter. i' BROWN Jone? 10. to Mr. and Mra.. Darid - Brown, 868 Ralelitb atreet, daughter. C0BTA0I0U8 SIS EASES. 'TESTA RTJun T. Ilnh Taatart. 487 . Zatt Herrnteentn atreet, meaata. u, , - (R.NILE Jun 12. M. Balle, 4U3 Larrabt atreet, Benale. " BI.AM'KORn June 10, K. BUndfora, 800 Eaat Itarrleon atreet. auaalea. BTARKKTT Jiaie 11, rrd Btarrett, 1T83 Bare atreet, iBeaalea. - - iROWK June 12. Madeline Row, 840 Bccond atreet, meaelea. AI.L1KON Jqiee 11. Mre. Alllaon. T0 Eaat " Klcbtb atreet, N.t aryainelaa. '- DF.U.AR June 12, Llaal DelUr, S24 Jackaon atreetr- !, .Irl DEATHS. VI RRAN-Jun ,- Prancl rarraa. aged 14 ' year, at Bt. Vincent a boapltaU rauae, phthl ' ala. Burial -t Mt. Calvary cemetery. 1 Ul KI.BritT Jun A, Oeorga Prancla, Unrlber,4 aged 7 yaara. at Et. Jobna: cauae. hemor- rhire of bowela. Burial at Lore'a cemetery. 'KNAPP June 10, Elisabeth C. Knapp, aged ', an yarn, 835 Eaat Eleeentb atreet. N.; cauae, dtebcte. Burial at RtTerrlew cemetery. MR YEH Jnn 11. John J. Meyer, aged 81 ; rear. 884 Balelgh atreet; cauae, aenlllty. Burial at 4tleeretew cemetery. - - -GKOAK June , Job A. Oroab. aged 40 year, , at Salem. Oregon; cauae, conaumptkm. I'r . atorlum. , . .- ... BJTIB TIEW CIMETIBT. Blrgl a-rarea 16. Vamlly lota $78 to $1,000. Tb only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains aad care for lota. - For 'full Information apply to W. B. Markenala. Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd, praaldtnt. rrematorinm on Oregon City ear line, near Sell wood; modern, scientific, complete. Charge Aflulta, $36; children. $26. VI. I tor S a. m. to 8 p. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclatlon. Portland, Oregon. ; , - Th Edward - Holman Undertaking company, funeral directors and ambalmera. 220 Third treat. Phone 607. J. P. Plnley A Ron. funeral director and em ha 1 mere, corner Third and Madison atreet. -7 Of fir of. county coroner. Telephone Mala 8. funeral wreath aad cut flow era A epedalty ' at Roe City Oreenhooae, Twaaty-aood aad Eaat Morrison, opp. cemetery. . . Clark Broa. for Sower. . 2S Morrlaoa tret -BIAt ESTATE JBAJTSrEXS. , i. W. Sweeney and wife to K. T. lirelr. . tnistee. lot 1-6. Incluslre. block.. B; Iota S-7. laclnslee, block S. aubdlrlaloa BlTey rlew addition -T..w.... 1 .W. U Ortnnell and wlf. to A. B. Oallo- ... - -wayr-lot 8, rractbroal lot 4, .block 12, -- Pleasant Home addition -,...,. ..1 ... . 1.600 R. A, Tramel and wife to M. D. Baw. . don. lota '6-8. Inclualre, block 10. Htanahurk'a nddltlon SOO " T D. II. Rellwood to F. C. and S. K. Holland, lot S, block DR. Rellwood . ... Tha J. MeCraken company to L. L. John i son, lot 8, block 2, Bernhardt Park . . . City ts A. Bcblewe, lot 18,. block SO. Multnomah addition .. .J. Beldel and wife tn P. A. Myrea, lot T S. block 40,' Bunnyalde .8). Osln and wlf to J. Beldel. lot- X .block 40, Sunnyslde.-...... ,., ... ... J. C. Alnawnrtb and wife to E. and M. 200 223 sso 80 Cohn, south H kit 1. block 4. city..., 1 .C. A. Daly te 0. D. Dtinnlway.'lut 2V). aectloa 1, or A. Mount. C1ry rem. ' . tery "82 ' TV. C. Aynaworth et at., eiecntors, tn J.- r R. McCaattn. 8050 feet ecctloa 6, wrw- t ahlp I south, raage 2 eaat ........ $.000 I. MH'iitln to M. I. McCaattn. SOilM feet section 6, towaahlp 1 aouth. rang - ' V 2 eaat .t..; .... 1 f. W. B. Londott and wife It. P. Roe. - . lota 8, 7 and S. block 1. Kdeadale - SOO "'V. 0. Beck to W. H. Moore et al.r-hw " IS. block 2S. Lincoln Park annex ....... 1,600 B. Selling at al. to W. II. Moor et al., ' Iota 13 and 14. block 8. Kara Parr ... 1 v. W. 0. Beck to W. II. Moore, lota $ and ' 4, block 226, Hnlladay'a addition 10,000 J. 0. Wenta and wife t A. Countrrman. loet S and 6. Mock S. Central Alhtnn.t 1.600 RlrerrleW Cemetery aeaoctatma ta A. L. 1 Mills, lot I. aectlon , cemetery SOO J. A. John and bnahand to fl, w. Staph, ena and wife, 26 serfs aectloa 21, town ' ahlp 1 aouth, range 4 eaat , 1.600 R. Richards et al. to A. L. Mills, 8t T7 v' 8cre aecttem 8, - township 1 - north . . " range 1 went 1 t. T. Warsoa and wlf to O. E. Alfred- son, lot 1. tract P., ryeerton park $W) Bellwood Beat Estate cowmen r t S. 0ia. a lot 7 $ B block 14. Balrwoad 1 ". . A : t J -. - -, ' TODAY'S MARKETS SALES Or HOPS . ARE BEING MADE -i-.'r Dealers Buy but Are Keeping v Their Transactions as Secret -' as Possible. . :V. FEAR TO EXCITE MARKET - V . ; IF FACTS ARE KNOWN Poultry Weaker and Slightly Off With (.arger Supplies and Smaller Demand. - Pront Rlreer. Jun. IS. Tb principal' feature m tna rortiand wbvlcaal markau today ara; Hop aalea being mad. Khars decline ia turpentine. ' ' ' . Poultry, duller.: He off. ' ' .Egg market rather Indifferent. - Veal ia tarmer wltu scarcity. . ' . .Dreaaed boga contlnn firm. Halibut Ji. quoted lower. .... ' Balraoa eunpliea aMgbtly better. f W-awherr lea higher - ltb quality. bad . Aaparagu good bht demand la a lower. Ji.t'aMforrjlg-pnlOOg-down, atneba larae. Potato market baa sufficient (uunllea. Table aaH ahowa amall drop. Bean are higher (gala. ft v" First black figs ar In market. Suppll of abad ar amaller. Hop Salaa Ar Being Mada. Tb aale of 170 bale of hope by Daniel nf McMlnnrllle to Bearey A Metaler of tbla city at 20f21e Saturday, which waa reported clnairely la Tb Journal last Bunday. wa a starter 0e thax.aarbat. aa4 alaa that, tb-- baa baea oulta a number of trai tlona. All of tbeen bare been kept arcret aa far- a the actual transactioaav ar run cemed. . but It la ao eecret to tha "trad tbat there ia now qulta a demand for bona. Deal. era, notwithstanding tbey deny that ttter r ordera la tha market, are out buying aa uuca as possible amnnd preent- Sgurea: It- r-ow estimated that fully J.000 bales hae been aold la secret In tbla city during tb paat week. Dealer do not deny tbla. but refue to dlrulg who haa been doing tb business Thla t tb time of the year when the bona abonld b eagerly axmgbt If there 1 to b any demand at all. Hot weather Is now almost upon tb brew ing trad and tber most bar mora bops. Bom of the bop wbli-h ara just being bought by tb dealer war aold hort t)y them to .tb brewers nearly- a year ,agOi -They haaw beenJ gleea ulentr of tiro to cover In order not to dlatnrb tb market. 'for tber la nothing which worrlea tba brewing trade to bar tb market become satisfied that the hop are needed. Tb growing, weather ha been good for a few dara. but It ia again turning rather cool aed tbla retards tha growth of the. ernea. Report from tba growing aertiona are last as mnfllctina-aa er. Tha report r mUed that the trad baa com to- better that the crop will - be an ordinary on, with tn excep tion that the creagn -materially wicrwseu orer tbat of b prerlon aeaaon. - - . . From prceert proepecta tb aeaena this year 111 lie rather .barb-ward on account of tb general. lac. -Jt uMhtn. Tbla . may bring e Tines in a i t C' Jtena era corered with Ilea' and tb raael e tha tittle red anlder ara sot lncaoaiaeraore If the breed Ina of the He 1 net checked and the rermtn get into, the hop burra tb quality nf tha crop may fiemttly he earn taat mere win be no sale for 1 at all.' In thl reent tboa who (till hara 1804. will b In lock. Sharp SeeUna In Turpantin. a llo. of nractlcallTT4 par ranon waa nnoten In tnrnentlne lhl tnorntng. " flocirTrde- cllne ha narer before 'been' eiperlenced In thl market. If taking- ewery. pnicie 01 t rerr-n. heary advance her. Manipulation aeema to be tb only of th recent adranc and . to day' auhaequetxt .decline. --;:ultrT.Dullr. JUt Cant Off. - neceints of nnaltr ar -rerr heary. Spring .re nmiit. asuch ton fast and nothing orer 20c p,r pound ia being aaaea tor ion lenrr. Th. ..r.l esitrben market la about He pound lower today and Mock ar mortng off ry slowly. Th larger dralera are atlll holding off their pnrcbaaea In anticipation - AthM Mil. In valuee. -TV,, ue eserkrt la UU11 ana motmnieiw. lie eelpU are liberal and moat ot tne sent nn lirhtlr lara-er annplTe than tbey car to nMAee wiint eondltlooa. . Th creamery nutter maraet i w,,o ... . . .. 1 l .W HnehMfM rrom iriri via . f afore product contlnoea-ta good call at former tatoee. . - - . aal la rimer win aonroiiy. Tt..' market for dreaaed teal along Pront atreet was rather firm today. . Becelpts during .1.. .... twn have been eery amall and demand haa eunsequently arrengthened; It sl- noes when there I a scsrcny. it r about He a pound higher today. " Dressed hog mam ine iw" , i,h nrteea tha earn a yesterday. , a k.e end eanttnn ar not arrlrlng Tery faat. but there la a mil i in. s... Halibut I Buotaa a nan Aiewvr. t . ninnliea - are showu in " t Bannui ...ket and the prke ar H lower .today with value at 4He. , -. Salmon la coming in a-Tnue wiiw. retpta from tba aouth ar .arger eon rninooa from that aeciimr rs eeiimn The roiumti It"- r.- .u at tha.hleher water , the catch e .h.d u amaller and tb market I firmer with irleea aickanged. " California Onldn Ar Lower. Still a nether decline was ahowa In the quo ....... n.w r.llfornla onions.- the price r.o.lne between $1.40ffll.7B per 100 With th ear of outld potato ordered and the local atocka dealera ay tbey bare ail th animllea they will aed until tb opening nt th regular season for new potato. Th first black fir of th season were re cited today from the dnth by Pag ft'Boa and were quoted t $2 per crat ef 15 one pound boaee. gnaUty good, - ' atrawberrle were scarcer, today and. althongk qnaltt - wa-a4-P-to-Trg,- price were h,j!paran now arrlrlng I of twy food quaV lty, but demand 1 quiet. T Beaaa sua .jwsaaw ' Tb been market continue to dTanc and today bayon are- quoted .gjiponnl hlghr. TlVKi. H I. quoted Be tewe, at $1.7OX0O per case. - , Today' wbolesl'"qtiottlona, aa reTlaed, arl aa follow: .' " J... Srala, nur aad Teed. WH"KAT Nominal; club na red, S4QSSc blneetem, 0ftlc; valley. B7c. , BABLET d, $28.80; rolled. $24.00; bttrw- ""COB! VThol. 124.66; Cricked. $2B. par ta. '..' ; " BTE $1.68 per ewt. ' ' OATS No. 1 white. $29.00; grsy, , . ' PIAltJB Eaatera Oregon patent. $4.B0q B. B. Brown1 to- S. Oaln. lota 7 aad 8,. block 14. Bell wood -. J. K. BC'U and wife to B. Hoe, Ma $ and 4, block K. Kern addition -rrrmr J. leonsrd and wife to I . Hbooerg and wife, lot JS, block 84, Multnomah .... J. A. Borce to U. H. Schneider, lot 7, bkxk i8, Willamette 26 ;io 128 - fret yonr Inanrsnce and abatract to real eststs from th Title Guarantee. Trust com paaf, t baarber ef Commerce building, . ' BV1LDIB0 PIBMITS. ' SAWTKLI nne 12,' W IT, Sawtell, cottage. - Beat Tblrty-aecond between Belmont aad F.sst Tamhlll streets; mat, , 11200. ORKdOS AMI'SEMENT CO. June 12, Oregon Amuscanent compeny.- toboggan slide, Tharman near Twenty-flflh atreet; coat, $2711. DAMMKIKH Jnne 12. U. II. Dammeter. two cvttagea. Fie tenth between College and Jack eon atreeta; owl. $2,000. F.III.KN Jnne 12. II. Kblen, green hooaay earner Twentr-tlilrd and Oterton atreeta: aoat, $tm. HKI.t Kit IIT June 12. O, llelfrlcht, cottage, corner Sandy road and Cornell atreet; coat, $7B0 - V I tv A'frMl June 48. A. -efr- W stsew,- Rant Tt.let between Thirty-fifth and Thtrlyelilh atreeta; ct. $0fl. , SCOTT -t Jnna 12' ', Scott, cottage. East Twelfth betwae Bhattr aad Uaaon trU; mat, flW, . - - .v" , ! ; - -TTHE WHEAT MARKET ''" " ' .""July. Spt. ' - Chlcngo ......I . $ .81. St. Loula .SO-HA. .B Kanaaa City... .77 - ', .U Wlifnlpca; 1JI0B :. Milwaukee ' Minneapolis . .IIH .14 HA. .7B , Duluth 1.1 OH 8 .w. ... 4 ; New Tork...i. Ban Francisco. 'December, per cental 44444444 ; .. ... ..... . : . 1 , : r 14 (S3: ttralghts. 83 T5:. ainorta. 88.5008 88 alley. $4.10; grahamA Ua. 4.00; iO. 4.6; rre. 60a. 8ft. 00: balea. 12.78. MILLSTL'Fr" Braa,' $18.00 - per rout mid- dlluga. $31.00: shoru, .-. country, $22.0; city, vzi.ouT rnop. in.w. -r II A Y XI moth r. Wlllameth Taller, fancr 818.00; ordinary. $12.00; eastern Oregon.; mtied. gii.eoi cam, $11,001 grala. giA.uu, meet, pii.uu. --. Burtar. Xgg And Penltry, BLTTEH KAT Hweet. anei sonr ' lae. BUTTER City creamery, beat. JlHe: second grsoa, Aottjziie; onisio laocy, 20XZiyki ordinary, 17HsJc; store. IV. . ROUS No. 1 fresh Oregon,- candled, 18 US lc.: nncandled. inc. CHEEHkX-New rail cream, twin, muring Tonug America. 14HQlbcv eaatera,' 18Uai4c Caltfia-nla. 13H14e; Cheddar, le. -- POl'LTRY Cblckena.. ml ted. lSHClse Tb; nena. xoasxiac per id;- jooeier. pin, 14c b young. lSrl4e per lb: broilers. Inflate lb frjcralB'&aoc $4.0012(8.00 per ooa; geear, stzuc per in; turkeys, ITOIS per in; flreaaeu, t)Jll)o; per IB; auaba. f?.ouia.uv per ooa. - Hop, . Wool aa4 Bldaa. nOl'8 Contract. 1005. "IBfflldc: 1804 ernn. 23Sc for Cbolc; .21Q22fi -for prima ad suruiunie. - - r 10w .11. mIU - .- l4U2fiHc; fin. '20Via28c; aatra OragoaC IVUtXSC. . MOHAIR Nominal. 80381c. ' 8ilEEPSKI8 gJiearlna. laaSOa- abort 20(i30c; medium wool. .SOuSOs: long woaL 6ocail .00 each. - TALLOW Prim, par lb, 4QBc; NV t nd freasa. g8H- - - .'lit 1 Dior rA 111 , . . HIDES Dry bldeJtorlia.lba -and an. rairiu,! per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 0 to IS lb. 14c" dr calf. Nd. 1. Vbter B IM, THWlUc: drf salted bide, eteera, aound. 00-lbs or oter, 8 HO Hc; 80 to SO lba. 8Q8Hc; under 60 lb and cow a, bwbc; ataga ana ouua, aoona, asjTc; klu. 16 to SO lba. Be: aound. 10 to 14 lba. M 8c; rslf, aound. under 10 lba. SHQlla; greea tunsaltedk. leper lb Itaa; nulla, e per lb leas sorseUdea. aalted.-- each. $1.2601.71 each. - 8t.2ft4tl.T5: dry. each. 81.004il.Kl colt hides, each. SoQnoc goat aklna, common, each, 10016c; Angora, with wool en each SVfltl On .- . - " Trait aad Vegetable. POTATOES Beat Oregon, $1 .4001.80: ear lots. Minnesota, fl ftoQI. 48; Colorado, flzn: sweets, crated, $1.75; new California,-$1.608 1.76; garneta, $1.88. '- , - ONIONS New California. $1.4001.76; Tex at Bermudaa, $2. no; garlic. U rOc per lb. " rHKHH FHUITB Annlea. extra fancr. 22.80 fancy, $2.00 per boa; oaT." California, $1.75 cheap, gradea. - $1.60 per box; oraogae, navel. 12.75(33.25 per box;. Talenclaa. 3.000150; Medtterranear. sweets, $2.60 00 box: bananaa. 4UQ lb: lemdn. choice. $2.60 box;- fancy, $2.00 box; llroea, Msxlcaa, 65c per 100; pineapples, $4.0035.00f eranbert rlea. eaatera,' $11.00 ear bbl; strawberries. Willamette valley. WflVfi - Hood Hirer. c per box: cherries. . California. 61.00 per box; Oregon, S3 We per lb; aprirotr7BOs5e; peacbea, 81.00: nluma. 81.25 oer crate: neachea. 81.29: plume. 61.50: blackberrtea. 81.00;. ra.p- e 1 .20 per crata or -in noxea; cania- I luunes. td twi per crate; currants, nc per 10. IBI.ESJ-Tnmtna. - new.-' 21.25 "Ti VBOETABt.ES lack; carrota. $1 4offll.B0 per sack; beeta, 81.60 tier aack: Orraun radishes.. 25c Per dos; cabbage, Oregon, 8150. per ewt: California. 81.00: areen oennere. 7e " lb: ' per.- ISO Its fb; celery." per rraj: to- metoes. Florida. 83 00;' California,-.-: ; parsnips, $1.003l 26) string besna, - 8c; esullNuwer. CallfnrnU 81.75(12.00' CTSte: rhubarb, IOIHo : per lb; horaeradlsb. 70 per lb : sprouts. f artlchokea, - oe pee Aal hnlboiw. tettne. A0ai75c: head lettuce. loo per doa; green onions, 10c" per dog; aa- paragua. aniftftoc doa hunches: wana vt aua. iotr 8Bc per box;, spinach, 8e per lb; green corn, 80 40c par doa; pes. Oregon, 6c; TaUfor ala. Be per lb; cucumber. 750854 per doa DBIED FBUITB Apple, ataporated. . 70S per lb; aprlcota, Hllc per lb; each, Vt per lb leaa: peacbea. 81312c per lb: pr. ner lb: nrnnea. Italian. SUt4Vte Per lb French, $14Q4Vie per lb: figs. California black. 6A6Ua nee lb: California white. Per lb: plomt. pitted, per lb: datea, golden,' S per lb; tarda. $1.60 per IB-lb box. - Oreeerle. Vuta. Et. SI.'OAR Sack basis Cube. $9.10; powdered. S; fruit granulated. 85. no; dry franuieten, 85; beet granulated. $5.75; eitra C. $6.85; aolden C. 83.26: bbla. 10c: U bbla. 26e: bone. Soe adtance on ack baala, leas 25 per ewt ror cash, is dare: maple, ltsjla per 10. . , HONRT HVaQlSe. CorFKB-Peekage brands. $14.75. SALT Fine Balre. 2a. 8. 4s. 6. 10a. $1.80; table; dairy, 60s, 811.00: looa, 810.76: Im ported Liter pool. 60a. $17.00: 100a. $18.60; 224a. 818.00: eitra fine. bbla. Sa. 6a. 10a, 84.60rit.n: bulk. 20 lb. $4.0003.00; aacka. 60a. SBdMc. SALT Coar Half gronnd. 100a. pee ton, 7.oo; 60s, per ton, $7.00; -l.trerpooi lump mca, a,e ka - . . u, Iw -. at 00. inn. aa ta L (Abora nrlcea annlr to alr of leaa thaa .IV.UW ml .111., WV-.W rwe. W , . , t.rvm, wu.,w car -lota. Car lota at special prices unjei 10 riuctuatione. 1 GRAIN RAO Calcutta, $6.76416.00 per 100. BICE Imperial Janan. No. 1. Se: No. 2. BV.e; Naw Ortean bead. SMc; AJaa. 4e Cre ole, sue. . .. BRANS Smsll white. 8-C4Ve; larg white, $Hc; pink. 8Hc; bayou, 4c; Llmaa, 84c; Ueilt-an reda, . NCTS Peanuts, 7c: Jnmbo. DH per tb; raw. SaiOe ner lb: rnaatrd. : cocoanut. SAQSOc per dos: walnuts. 14ai6e per lb: pin note.-lftrfiliHe-pe ht htekory ant. 10c per lb; 1 "aj-"- 1 - nrrin r 16 per Tb: filberts Isolde p.r lb;fancy peon, 144a16c per lb; almond. 18016 per lb. relate. Coal Olla, Eta. BOPIf PBr ' MaBtli, 14c: atsndird. - 12He; alassl. lOke: llale brsnd slssl 8io, COAT. OIL Pearl or Astral Case. S0H per gal; water white, iron note, ine per gai; wooden, 18c per-gtl; hetdllght, 170-deg, caaea, 22Uc ner sal. GASOLINfc taVdeg. esses, S2 per gait Iron bbla, 2r)e per gsti stores, caaea. xt Vie per gal; Iron bbta.' 1Ae ner aal. BENF.INB 62-deg. ease, 25 per gal; trea Dhia, in4c -per gal. , TtTBI'KNTINB In rases. 80c ner gal: woodea bbai. See per gal : Iron bbla, 88c per est. WHITE LEAD Ton lot. Ttt per lb: 500-lb lota. 7e per in; leee wit, ae per 10. WTBK NAITAPreaent base at $2.70. - LINSEED OIL Pur raw. in bbl. 6e per gal; caaea, 68e per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea, 70s per gal: Tibia, 85c per gal; ground cake, ear Iota, $20.00 per ton; leaa thaa car Mta, per ton. Meat. Fish and Provtaloaa. -, . PBESH MEATS -Front straet Beef, steer, DOM -per lb; pora, mora, t vie per lb; packer. 7 He per lb; bull. 435 per lb; cow. 4.V per lb: mutton. 407He per lb; lsmha with - nelra. . 54rdc - nee lb: veal. extra, S4t7c: ordinary, 62Via per lb: poor. 4Vtr,t4c oer lb.. hamn. HAtti. a it;. rwtiing paca fmeaii ha ma. 10 to 14 lba, liKit per lb; 14 ta Id lba. 13We ner lb; 16 to 20 lba, iSKe per lb) cottage. c per lb; breakfast bacon. IftHOiae per In; nlcnlc. 84e ner in: regniar snort clears, aa. molted. 8 Vac pe lb: amoked, 114e per lb; clear backs, unsmoked. BUc per lb; amoked. lOUe lb: Colon butt. 10 to IS lba, unetnnked. 8c per lb; amoked. Sc per lb; clear belllea. un amoked. He per lb; smoked, 12c, par lb; ahoulderi, SHc. LOCAL LARD Ketti leaf. 10a. io ner lb 1 Aa, lOHc per lb; 50-Ib tins 10c per lb: steam rendered, 10a. te per lb; 6, t per Ibt tuba, Ac per lb; 60s.-dt, a per lb, SAt-Miirn t.niumoia rifer 110 talis. $1.86: l ib talis, f 2.5ns-fsnry, j.n, afa $2.00; U lb fancy flata. $1.25: fancy l ib orals, $2.76: Alasks tails, nluk. SSQIlOc; red. 4.60, aomlnai 2a. tall, $2.00. FISH Rock rod. T per in: nrmnder. r pee lb: hallbnt. 4Vic per lb: era be. $1.60 per doa; atrlped bees, mie per lb; catfish. 7 per lb; salmon, rhlneok. SHtJOc lb; ateelheada. e lb: hlueback. 8c; herring. Be per lb; sole Se per lb; shrimp. atOc per Ibt perch. 5a per Ibi abad. 3c per lbi o ahad. 8c per lb: shad roe. 80c per lb; Trick rod. 7e per lb; si Iter smelt, Sc per lb 1 lobsters, loo; freah- mackerel, Sc atr lb; crswrieh, 26c per doa; floundrra, 6o per ; atiirgenn, i per in. OYSTERS Rhoaiwiter-bay. Per gau fz.zs; per sack. $.1,711. CLAMS Hard shell, per hot, $2 00; rata lams, $2.00 per box. - -.; - - . - C0M8T0CX MIWIBO ST0CE8. .... San Francisco, June OS. )fBctl cbiee, mora lag -eealon; ' Bin. - - " .. V) Din. Bullion Belcber 77. to. CiL-Tt Ophlr Caledanla Mealeaa ...... .$ .M ISevage .44 .TIT -rnmat - l.BO 1 1' nine) Con 4 f MU'TelloW Jacket ".14 .4. 'F.xcheqner ..... .4 1.16 IHale Noreroa. I SO .21 '; Scorpion 12 A odea SELLING PRESSURE ALL AT Chicago Wheat Market Makes v Low Mark. Near Beginning , of the Session. DAMAGE REPORTS ARE ' . STILL VERY PERSISTENT Closed Strong With July a Half, September. Five Eighths and . December Three Eighths Up OBAI B WHEAT MABKET. Open Close -Tndsr Today . $ -iH4 $ .kV Sept. Dec...;... -ea .nx ..82 ; , .824 (Purnlshcd h pverheek. Start A Pook Ce.V 'Chicago. Jun 1.1. Logan A Bryaa say: I wheat th. favorable weather map Invited om seuing at in opening, at which time tba low point waa mada. It waa very evident, Tww. aver, that the- trade la Inclined to nlecer sun. credence In the damage re porta coming from most every section ot tn winter wheat belt. Some, if these ar quite alarming and oome from good sources. There seems to be a dis position to buy wheat on moderate set-backs. Thla la particularly true la September, which waa by far the atroageat ta today'a market. Absence of rain where harvesting t tn pmgreaa naturally .give to tb market a bearish tint. hut from thee sections reports of poor ylsM ar quit numerous. - Tb market dleplaya no wcakn-aa whatever, It le-etrong and eaailr rrapond to mudi-rat buying. . 7'. 0ra E14 WU. - , In corn, while no very great advance waa made, th market -gave little If any Indication of being at all weak. Tbe altuatlon aeema un changed. The abort covering on the advance rrnstt one t aseaswt point apiiaicuili baa not weakened tbo peculatlTa altuatlon, waa Seneraity expectca. xraoe. However, 1 Dot rosd. - Caah People Buy Oat."7-' 7 "'' la eats fb feature waa the eaalng off. in Jnlr- and i-tbe- atrength.tni September Caah people aai to be tbe best bur ers, Trade 4 almost wholly local. . . Pmalnn. enntr.p t. .trmI ttons A M not respond to the amall hog reeetpta. Trad seemed inclined to tax prnrtte on yesterday gain and in some ease mora waa wiped out by tba day' BaTvt teVavl4rfAsf r Today official markets: - - YVHKAT. Open. ' High. Low.' Cloe. July.....$ .80(4 H4 $ ' .8814 $ .Ret .812 .82 leSi.tS-:;. -2 Sept. .j-it ' .K2 .82 . .88 ".824k Dec...... Old July. Old spt Old Dee. Mi. 6.1V, .62 W. -.5044 48T4 '..Va .28 'a .4H QATS. . .SO' ' . .4 -:.24 - : .484 . .im Jul..... Sept...... Dec...... . ,.2" MESS PORK. July... Sept.... 12 2 - - 12 2 : . 12 B2 12.82 . I2.i. - 12:65 12 82 12.85 LARD. l jw sis- 7 27 -t 3 t.aa A 7.47 T 47 7 42 7.42 ... T.W ' T 00 7.45 T.45- SHORT BIBS. T.40,.. 2.42- 7.87" 7.8T 7 "7 7 T .7.5 7.68 7.74 7.72 7.7 T.70 PEIMABT. SHIPMtKTS AMD CLEAEABCES. ChlcSO, jnn 18 Primary receipts: . lonay xear ngs . -- Bush. Bush. Corn . . . . .' , , r - .000 515,004 Mhlnmenta: Wheat .............e-lM.ono 176.000 Corn t 271.000 " 641.000 Clearanree: Wheat and floor. 24.000 bnahola corn, 46,000 bothi-le; osts.-41.000 buabela. C0BTBACT OHAiaT IM WAEER0TJ8ES. - Chicago, Jun 13. Contract wheat la regular warehouses : Today ' Bush 2H6.O00 60.000 R78.ono 048.001 T70.000 178,000- Deere ae Bush N'o. S red ..... . No 1 northern... No. 2 bard 1H.000 27.000 10.000 Total Corn Oats . . . rt . . . lHd.000 80,000 ' 0HI0AOO CASH WHEAT. Chicago, Jun 18. Cseh wheat 1 Bid. Ask No. 2 red No. 8 red........ $l.on .05 l.nnX .00 no. 2 fcsrd No. 8 hard .t.,.. No. 1 northers ... .05 .07 1.11H 1.12H No. 2 northern-. No. S spring..... 1.1SS 1.11 .90 .1.05 AH niAHCISCO OBATH HABXET. San Pranclrce. June 1$. Official morning Market: . .... ... Open. High. Iw. . Close. $1.3H - $1.iM4 December. ..,.! S 81 HABL.KI. . December S'4 86T4 - .864 .864 CKicAdd 6BAnreiEloTi: Chicaea. Jnne 12. Otsln ear lot:' Car Orad Eat. 1804 Wheat ,..xuu,M. 6 Oj t 8 Corn 474 loo Sod mi Oat ...251 81 117 118 Wheat car today: Minneapolis in. I'mme 10. Vaar agot ' Mlnneapoiia 174, lulutn 7. CATTLE DULLER AT - YESTERDAY'S DROP j Local - Livestock Market - Duller Thafl Ever Everyone Seems to Be Filled Up. : 'orttawd rules Bmchyaid. Jnn 18 stock -receipts: . i. -. - - HogaviCattle-.-. Sheep. Today .. .., ...i-... : ... 7$ . ,. ...'. Week ago .. ' - tr-HJ Previous week ..' 17 ' 2W) Month ago ....... . 2.K) The cattlp market. waa very wea tonay at the decline of 25c repotted eicliialvely la The Journal yesterday. Alt- tbe market bat weak feeling, but tne gtinneaa ia most pro nounced la cattle. The only, receipts today were 75 head of cattle. OfSclal price for uveetoes; Hosts Beet eaetern Oregon. $5.7586 00: block era and China fata, $.VU0J5.25; gtorkera nd feedere. 4.(W4 an. - - - t'sttle Beat eastern trregon steers. .i twiia 75: llaht and medium eteera, $.l.2S4).1.5o; old and light cows. $U762.0O; ttockera and feeders. 81. 7n; nuns,. .. mi.een Bear -fsncy etiecp- cef -a 20;-wares. $2r76t)'S.ta) aprlng lambs, 4t4He. - I flood veal, ino to 2un pounds, 6c; rough and heavy, 8l,rT,4e. - XOOS STEADY 10 STaOBO Chicago, Jane 13. Livestock recelpta: " .. - Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. f-tjlrifo ,. 16.ssi . e.ncai - - 1 4.000 Ksnsaa City ;..-- v . .j.i-ip Omaha ;..i.wei o.atm i.ww Hog openeal steaajr. te siren. rieceipis s year ago were au.-wiu... ith-cs: atiieu anu bolehere. $5.2of 42; food a nd heavy $5 SosJ 40: mag anu neaty. ao.-H,.u-vw, ui.i, e- u 4J5.42W. I attle wrong. Sheep Strong. - x a-S-"--- Monetary.Jlata. .7' New Totli. Jnne 18. Demand aterllng: Brown Broa.. 47.o614 0; 00 dara, 4S6H 4M426; o.l.lee 4X7.:5; I'arla. 514'461', and 1.22: Fiance. nnMnis'4; Heiginm. 61t MWii JlwIJaerland,.. 5 184. - JlolUniiV-liia!. POITLAMD BAMK STATEMENT. flea ring .,.......$1,114 15o 27 ......... 140,844.66 Bala act Clos . Os In Mon. ' Today .briac $ .0IIIA -.S2lf . .U0 . .OOH BciiL. oct.r.7vr" July.r- Sept.,... Oct HoptwAr Bing SwCiotly Pufchad by D it ers Who Do N$t Want to Excite th Markt "-Poultry It Quoted Lower. OPENING TIMID; SELLS OFF LATER Lawson Again a Big Bear in the ' New York Stock Market . .Boston Sells. : AMALGAMATED HIT HARD -AND OTHERS SUFFER Market Buster Says Steel Pre ferred Will Sell at Thirty : - Soon., . . - : -UrSflBS.- Anaconda .., Amalgamated Atcblaua ...4 '4 Erie. 2d pfd . iF.rta,- lsr pfd St IV, v. Weal auger . Kuielter Si'? Villllnnla Central .tatuiaviu ...... Smelter pfd Metropolitan . . bteiteaa Central: nrouaiya BaltluMire 441 Missouri I'srIAc Colorado Fuel St. Paul ..... V,N. x. central ., IftlPennaylTaola ,, kldaa rl Katv i N.rf oik TkiBep. Steel Ontarla A Wester a 1U I'arlflc Mall c... , Hr.itlng 1(4 MNt4llsill M Southern Pa cine 144 Union I'acISc '. renneaae .Coal noes leiena , (beaapeake ... At Slav I ranadlaa ......... IS iteel. pfd m .,.(...2,. ADVANCES. . - i -sjntep. Steel, pfd . Hi81-.1 vv., Toledo '........ Diledo, pfd ... Car Foundry (rMrrnlahedrby-OvettjockrlarAikeTo.l - Wall Street. New York. June 13. The open ing of the etoek market today waa rather timid, the Hat ebowlag but few changes from tbe closing of yesterday. Lawaoar waa tb hug. beat-galu. today and came out wlta-a state ""lit thst Amalgamated om ..11 .t nt r 1 uitru mates oieel preferred at 4U. Tbla as used the market to weaken - considerably and moat of tbe ilet aold off later In tba day. On the Boa ton cicbaoge -there was a beer movement on In Coiipera. Tbla aelllng waa aald to com from down ' la New York. In Boaton the principal bMer oa account f theea operatlona wa Uh Oreen CossMlldated Copper Colonel Greene, president of tb corporation, ear that It I plain manipulation. -Today's ofSclsl stork market: DESCRIPTION Ancconda Mining A nisi. Copper Co., Atcnison, cum do preferred Am. tar Poundry, com J" i-riiim.,,,,,,,,, Am, Sugar, com-..1,..., Am- Smelt.-, cow do pref erred .... r. -. .. , Baltimore A Ohio; com. do preferred.'.,'...-..;. Brooklyn Kanid Transit 1 snauian I'acinc, com. inicaga at 8ltnn, Ma do preferred tJr- fhl.. Mil. A St. P 1. tt rt. . W....001U Chtrag Terminal tnesatieako at 1 ihio . . Csojimi. A Iron, com toi. rMHitnern - com. . . - do second preferred.;, do flrat preferred.... tetawere ar Hudson .Dir-rtl.T-com r. r lo preferred Erie. com."T: do eecnad preforred do tlrat preferred. Illinois Centrals..... Lotilevllle Naabtllle Met. it. Ry Mannattaa Ky Meilcai. Central By... I 21 .Minn . nt. f. st. M.' Missouri Pacific M. K. A T , nm.... do preferred New York Central.,-;.. Northern Pec! lie I Norfolk A Western, com.) flo nreeeeerf I North - American N. V.. Out. A West.... i-ennayivania' Hy.. ..... P. ., L. A C. Co Pressed Rlael Car. com.. do preferred Pacific Mall Steam. C.; Beading, com do 2d preferred do lat preferred...... Bep. Iron A Hteei, chm. dti preferred Bock Island, com do preferred Buhner Moode..., do preferred Southern Ky., cum.... do preferred Southern Pacific. ...... do preferred St. LIS. P.. 2d nfde. St. U A S. W.r com...-. do preferred Texaa A I'acISc Tennessee Coal A Iron.. T.. a. L.-A W., com.. do preferred Union Paclne. com do prefei red Wi Hi laalliei, tHB do nreferred U. S. Bubber. com do preferred 0. S. Steel Co.- conr.-.'r do preferred W.. A I K.. 2d pfd.j, do lat nreferred'. : . . . it isconsin ontral. do prererreii Western Cnlfss Tele Waliasb, com.... do preferred Total aalea for day. 484.000 share. money, gi per cent. " ' " ; WAIX STXEZT 00S8IP. Xew Vark, June 18 Tbe Wall Street- Jonrnal aaya: Japanea 4 and 6a ar eulng In London at'ts bit-heat price on record. Western rail mad officiate report traffic holding np well and ear auuply adequate Lsndoa eel t lenient begau rouay. ruime naraening on can money eipecteo toward the end of thla month. Nineteen roads for th Brat week of June ahow an aver- age deelln la graaa sarnlnga of e S per cent. Hueslan 4a are np 2 polnta la Parte. Amount of t'nlon I'acide convertible now otitaUndlng la 8a2.uh7.0Ou. ornciala say torn i-rodncte com pany ta avlltng goods it 1 lrofltJ notwithstand ing tn reports to tne contrary, it la eapected Oould Intereata will , aoon be paramount tn Colorado met tt Iron. Kegular quarterly divi dend of 14 per cent haa been declared on American . t an. - nreferred. Twelve Induatrlala decreased .07 per rent: 2U actlt, ralla decreased S lier cant. TOVOrAH atnilHO STOCKS. San rrsnctaco. June 18.-e-Of8cll eloae. morn- log eeselon: niu. oin. Montana . . . . .12.47 VAdem ........8 .11 Midway 1.4214' Mobawk ....... .16 Mc.N'amaraw.4d ilil .18 Ilelniont n Oo IKenda .lalf" .15 .18 .71 .17 .24 ,.' . ,7o .od .81 .n .811 .04 North Star , Heacoe ,,,,, , .44 ll'ommbt Mt .00 IJnmlie Hold Mt ... , .12 iJnmbe Ritea' . .73 fltlack fiulie... .VIA Sliver IMck ... 4.25a lOolden Anchor. .37 I Kay O'Rrlea... .48 (Ophlr Ton .... .40 lO. Bull rrr.w ,. ., ItllamoueHleld ,, , ,13 I Home ........ Jim Ruiler . evsile Yon. I t ten . KedTop .... leeldfleld ... 8anritnrro .-. Ine Star .. Cash Sot ... iostow ooprca stocks. Bnstoa, Jane- 1 Offlclal cloae: run. hid ASventtlre ...I 860 Allouea 21.50 Old Dominion.! 24.00 Osceola Arcadian .... 1 Atlantic ).... 1T25 Ulnchsm .. .250 rarrot . rboenla. 2(H ' 1.1314, 85 on - 18 25 . 7. on ' 7 7.1 (Jillncy Calumet Hoysi Centennial ... 8 00 HWhannon Copper Haage. 8T 60 Tamarack Paly weal ... Flnr firanby -. lireena , 12 80 82 '4 81 " 7.8.1 12 25 40.00 I Trtntty 4 I -S8 f. S. Mining, 0 ,v , 44 oo S SO 108.50 Ctsh 4.,.,'..., M a aa 7 VT. , . Michigan .... ltohawk ..... Winona Welverla .rt -. I MM Mr Co rioS 1 lOfiu. inJii'irw ' ,Tr,.LtiOUj Hot, I TH44 1 Tttu HIM, 8fl SOTi 81 . il.i9!Wi ...&. ll.tiJl, :l,MU M .$4 H4S M P7HI 7V 87 ' 67 ' 1Mb, 184 Villas 18314 ll.lSailU illlHUU 119 118 H8iJ1"H 1) HrOUH 111(4,. iij f 84 AT. 1 nuf.A4- 150161V4 14PW4U B:::b::;ia. n?!10' is. i . t7iv - i75H mu m I lias, 'liun, 10, I1007 I 60 1 80- 40H 4V I 43 43 1 41 42 I iBSJal 182 1821V181 V1l I ss'' m'' 'ss" Is I 41 41 4014 4.1 I 07 07 f, 054 I 78V4 T8Vi 784 78', I tain. 1 ... , , , . , I. 147 147Vi 14ftA 1482 II I i'K Iavliana'i22vaiiatv 1 l": 1 ltVIH 1 14 21 2014 20a, I 118 jliaVllfV llTS I 2MV4 28Vt 27 28 I .... 62V4 I 141V4 141 uiiu 141U I 187 ll87VtlMd Jl86vJ I SO 80l SO m l W 08 1 97 H 87 H 614, 61 60S 60S 1.15'L't5sJ!,H4Ht,:M 1014aIVi ,OJtt ..... .c T 81V4 so tor 88H : Sd lej D4 Vt 4Vk NO ...... 81 111 mw. 1 . . 1 ' 77 JITS I 1 ll-W 74 74tZ 78J n 27 28Ve 27, 27V4 75 75 74 7UV4 88i saii 82 :n lOIHlolVlol li.l 814i W 8 sm 87 07 j bdVi WIS S3V4 tUHl 62 82V I K llV4 844 4 64 3V -eVISI KtVkt 224 S.- l I 5 77; -ts nii 77S IVSXj- 8SV, Smi, HH.H7 . Ms"" :.. 6li; feUi MS 6514 Aoell 123Jil24V.:122Vk !'!, Vl I!" ,,,-,Tf.----W i:H:lir;; "is 104" io4" io ion fZ'XZSl', 2V. 2XH XT", 27 V, '.VVrnher b6 W14 M 84 to-'nTber 22 ,2221,! 224 Uctmber vi 1 hh 1 :a 1 :im 1 vi.-T 7eTT 71 J -J I ana t OQU 1 on w 1 no 1 1 un : f"::;:::..i::::n::::f a " '' '''" V ' 1 i' ,',-'' -. . , 8 ' . "Gbirig East? - : , Listen: When you "reach Ogden you can gt aboard it through Standard -ot, Tourist Pullman, running' via Rock Island System b way of the Scenic ... . Route through Colorado, thence to Kansas City,; . . St, Louis or Chicago . . . " " .J " . ' Rock Island . Tourist sleepers seem "like T home '' in their completely 'Comfortable and'rest " ; ful atmospherer They are as neat as wax, are ' , vmahned by Pullman conductors and porters and in addition to, this, they are in charge of a ' - "' Rock Island excursion manager. .. ' ; '-"--' . ,-.The Rock Island has three Eastern gateways. TChicago,"Kansas" City and St. louis JZDir'ect. connection in Union Stations at all three, for all important points in Eastern and Southern states. , . - '- ' ' . -s .- .... Send for our folder "Acroaa the Continent In a Tourist ; -Sleeping Ctit," and k all th questions you like.. IN A WE rw l real succfuUy-all private tous and chronle dlaeasea of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney a n.t throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS' (without mercury)', to stay cured for-' ever, in T" " " da. We remor STRICTURE, without operation or pain. in 15 daya. Wa lo a drains, the reult or 81 f. nbua. Immediately. We can restore the ual vigor of any man under 80 by means of local treatment peculiar to : ourselves. . ' .-- Wt-Cure Gonorrhoea . In a Week ' Th-doetorn-of :thls Instltots sra all .regular graduate, have -.bad many. - years' experience, have been- known In Portland for 10 years, have a reputation! to maintain, and will undertake no cast unleaa certain oura can be1 effected, five BOOK FQR MEM mailed free . rjlaln wriDDtr. We ft-uaraitrue cure in evrycaa w 1 .-i- i jZii. '2rt&z: iZ.-. .... tindertake or charg no fen. Consults- . '-iSAi-Sr. - ' tlon free. fjett-r ctiifldential. Instruc, -ae3--' We cur the worst eases of plies la two or three treatments, without opera. tlon. Cur guaranteed. - - If you cat,hot call at oirice, writs for quesUon blank." Hont treatment sua ceasfui. - i ' a. - - Office- hours, I to B sfld? to Bufidays and holt7iays, 10 to 12. f ;'1:"e-''; . DRJWORTONiDAVIS &-C0. Ofllce tn Va Ny Hotel, IV4 Third Streetorner ' PlnerIDrttdnr"trr' nt: n" n n n r-t FOfl SALE IISflE ' COTTON IS EIGHTEEN ' TO NINETEEN HIGHER (Furnished by Overbeck. Start A Cooke Co.) New York. June 1.1. Cotton fnturea were sensational and closed IS to 18 points higher. f Today official cotton market: open. High. ijw. - rmae. H.41 a.7 -8.411 - 8.r87 8.45 8 48 8.4.1 8. Toft 72 8 SO 8 74 8 4n S T6jTd S.TS 78 8.78 8.7W7I) S.68 h.81 S.00 8.r)tlH2 " '" " " ' - '"-' 8.10 8.13 8.17 8.26 ,8.:t 8.4.1 S.44 8.8.1 8.0T 8.13 B.17 8.24 - S.Jttt- 8.34 8.4HU42 S 45sr4T H.JHJ.1 S 87W80 S.2(03 8.30 8 8- 8.31) 8.85 xrw toxk corns makkit. New Vork. June 13, Coffee future closed 10 polnta lower. Today'a eftlclal coffee market: Hid. Ask. I . Bid. Aak. June ...,..$0.00 S6.051 December f ..80.50 fH.65 lulr 8.06 6. loilannarv .... 8.55 8.00 Augnat .... 6 15 8 2o Kebrnary ... 8.80 8.85 September . 6.25 S.X0 March 8.80 6.H5 October ,. n.o n.:uiapru e.n.i s.tii ,. 8.40 6.50Uay 8.70 ays rrlga Coffee Market. November New York, June 13 Havre coffee V4 higher; Hamburg unchanged. . Haw Terk Caah Coffee. . TCew Voik. Juu 13. Caen- coffee! No. T Klo, 7c; No. 4 Bantoa. St4c, , SAJT rilAKCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. . San I'ranctsco, June IS. Local' atocka cloae. morning aces loo: . '. ntn. 'ass. t.- 37 i ss--.. 57V 6T44 Spring .Tallcy Wvtvr.irrmr. n. r. uaa as a-icctric. . .. . Giant fowoer Hawaiian Kugar ....... . IloiHikva Sugar...... a .... .... 18V, , .... 16V4 :::: ! ....100V4 77 ., .,-....102 8.144 1 isa llntchineca, Hurar. . tliMiinea Sugar v... Alaaha l"a sere" ........... . Oceanic Ht'soiablp ........ . California rruet l'rmere.. 101 H "103 t'alforiila Wine..... 1'aclnc State. Tlethoe. .. WrW TOKX STOAK MAKKET. fetfT Tt rr' Jul 'IS. a-tteftned -wirr-w rhsiiged: tana easier) 4 5-ldc for rentrlfugs4r mntce a 1-luc. OLD SCOUT LEAVES - r BOISE FOR PORTLAND (SpecIaTPIspatch to-Th'e loornal.t' Hoi sc. Idahn, Jtin' llt-Dwlght Htina. driver of OM-Seoul, the leader In the automotille- tranaconlnental race, left Holae at - noon for,' Portland. He ex pects to arrive Bujoday. Th neoond au tomobile' f expected hers the last of the week.' ... OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO, Members Cblcatr Board ef Trade. OaVlBr-WBOTXaUOBaW 43O2rX0B,aTOCXB AJTB BOsTPaW - - 101 Third itreet, McKay Bulldln, Portland. Or. . WB DO A STBZ0TX.T COMMZBaXOeT BTJBIBKSa. ' Conttnuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick BerWae. . BirKlt r-Jrrst-.1.S44 . XUtotv, baokars. sad Ualtetl lUUt Katiottavl BavaA ! rerllaaA. - r i j-r : f ' f ; a. h. Mcdonald, . ; , , : - Oeneral Agent, Rock Island System, .'- - .I40 Third Street, Portland, Ore." . Iq .1. Just In from China and Japan ! Immense connljrnment of ORIENTAL GOODS, Including the latest oriental Cfeatlons lrt embroideries and other beautiful and delicate atlk and -satin -fabrics. This la the finest display we ever had. . . .... Western Import ing Company 188-170 rifth St, Ooodnoujfc ldf . 1 Opp. Vostofflos. : C O EE WO The Qfeat Chinese Doctor -.J Is called arrest bav. cause hla wonderful curea ar ao well known throughout -the United States, and because ao many people sr thankful to Mm for savins their lives from He treats any anil all - diseases with powerful Chine ntvba. roots. -buda, barks and vegetables that are- entirely un known to medical science In this conn- try, and through .tbe use of these harm less remedies. This famous doctor knows the sctlon of over 609 different remedies that he has successfully uaed In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh. asthma, lung troubles, rheumattem, ner vousness, stomach, liver, kidney, fa male trouble and all private disease.. Hundreds of testimonials. . Chargea . moderate. Call and nee him. . OOV8TJI.TATIOIf Pat EH. Patients out of th city writs fs blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad dress THE C. GEE AVO CHINESE - - - MEDICINE CO. " IBS Alder street Portland, Or. " tatr.' way of 151 H Alder street leads to of fice. Mention this paper. DR. GUIIIl'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS ONLY ONK POSJ A pO OURKHIAOAOHI . . by removmi? id cause . - BILIOUSNCSS . u Lv aid in if dlfi-estion cum I CLIASJ 7M1 COMPLCXMST " by puriyiu? tlis tilood BEST flLL CM EARTH - SOLD St ALL DBPOOIBTS.Oa ST V lib OX Aacsi.PT Of rtucA. sa. r aa sua NO NAM POS) Mil SAMPII OK OH. lOSANKO CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA. U. . Bowmo. orxnrsj ft CO, . (Ubllahed .)., ,: WaTXAT AsTTJ STOCat BSOaUsVS. Boon 4, Smsf fleer. " "" omAjeBam or cosMasKCai. - I v.'C..:-l: