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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1905)
. .THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINOy JUNE 13, 1903. if itv. SUBURBAN CLASSIC HAS PASHMS Th Greatest Runners Will Corv t test' for HonorsTlh'BIue a ";--rr. Ribbon Evnt. : RECENT WINNERS WILL BE IN LINE Cossip of the Turf That It of r interest to . the Pony :' . ' Followers.. : - a., iW . - . . ii . i w fluhur. k New Tent, " . ia the rt-t f th priw-only . .. few days away, now U attention or he racing world naturally' turna to the great Jcfei?JlIw.U,lwort.lyr of Ita jrd-ror, unleaa all gnatail. -and tb best horses la training will be sdt for tneblue ribbon of the' AmarUran - turf. Beldame, now rounding Into some thing of nor old form: , IHlhi. winner of the Brooklyn: Syaonby, who jran drad het in the- Metropolitans Tanya. VTttniiii"fl the ,ich Helinont ,tk.,?; Garnish. Proper. English Ld. Oraaiallo, AlnnHte-bo and naif 9 ' hr are likely to be tartar. , Tare Suburban candidate have -mo lar Incurred penalty for that race, Delhi. " originally weighted at its. take up --rire peunda for hla Brooklyn success. - Pyaonby Ukn VP eight pounds for hia dead heat In the Metropolitan.-bringing -hie Impost up td lit Br winning the Belmont Tanya plcka up the extreme tn.ity, 12 pounds -BPJU--hvj--U carry 111 if aha goee to the poat for the ' heephad Bay claaale. .,--5---- K. K. Smathera will bate a repreaen "j ttla. In the Suburban- He bought what '"'many dlxcrlmlnatfng atudenla of claaa I'm m. i n.ui a tiimi.riuai pamll- JLUU U 1 - - Jute for the great Bheepahead Bay ape- rial wben ha poaaeaaed hlmaelf Of Ad- 'bell ' 1 1 : ' - Adbell'g Impoat In the" Suburban U . . let pounda. ..WUe' a , Vosburg. the official weight adjuater. of tba Jockey Club, had to weight him on hla two-tear-old form, which waa not pgrtlcu . larly brllUant. After ahowlng John " iladdan. the- man who tredhlm, and who aold him to Mr. Smathera yeater- danaome particularly' faat work In 19S. Adbell failed to make good when mm It dRt-elnnid diirg anu oi iuiih tvti-.uv . .... . i utita-aucceadlng winter that: AdoeU nuifc i a bad foot, ana to me ena ui got to the racea and make good thla '- aoaeon. Mf. Madden did not attempt to ' train him laat jear. Adbell came to V 'the eaat Jn 'tlptop ahipe thte aprlng, and ' has ateadily Improved under Judlcloua '.- .. training and racing." Jf . he doea riot - break down there may be- the making ' of a great Jjorae In him. - . ... It looka aa if Henry Payne Whitney """liaa at laat ahown a atar two-year-ild In Burgnmaaler. If la a reCQgDlKed-fg C J wim r. rloM obaervera U .... .. - - - . .that; Bohemian the. beaU.from the Keene barn, and Newton uenningion ni 'admitted' that Jerry V ember la one ' .of the beat in . hla atahle; Suppoalng " th$ae to be facta, and there la no roe son .C for doubt, then Burgomaater -baa eery iloungater on the hip. .j. .. It la to be regret ler rhaT7nelher Bunromaater; nor any other -horae from ' the Whitney atable. la in the Futurity, .every nomination being -made! void by the death of tbe lata William C Wblt- . ney. . - . ''" It ia unfortunate that the "rulea of rinar-ehould rnvalldatelbetntriea, oL m nrpoti on account of death, but they do. aijd.there enda the matter. It un- queatlonably la a hardship, for It depre-U-iatea tbe value of a borne to a consid erable extent. Burgomaater la m ahiij ,liig example of thla. - Were he eligible for the Futurity, which ia worth in the 'neighborhood of . f 50.000, hla valuation ''would at the least be IZO.eOO more than tt ta.' 'r - . ;. Racing haa no firmer admirer than Ulaa Alice Rooaevelt It -la a rare thing ; that aha ia in reach of a racetrack when a big race la carded that ahe doeanot ' aee it. Hence it caused no aurprlae Hwhen It waa reported that alia waa at Latonla the other day when the Derby - waa run, and Jt'e long odd aha enjoywl the race aa much aa anybody who nw it . Abundance of good racing ia going on t Graveeend these daya. The boraea are properly attuned to It and the via .Itora from the weat are making thinga aa' lively aa can be for. the gentlemen of the east. They are very tew 1 to I sjhota being' aent to the post, and every "face haa three or four contendere." Thla " "arn lo nil inn w.m nera, conaequently the bookmakera are getting a shade the-betler of the finan ' -cial argument up to the present.-, By the time all -the good weatern cards 'have been ahown things may take -a turn in favor of the player. Horsemen have made liberal entrtea In .- the stakea of the Brighton Beach Rac king association, -which closed laat week. Seventy-eight two-year-olds were nomi nated for the Triumph stakea at a mile, a remarkably large entry for race for ' horses of this age at auch a Jong dis tance. The Triumph la the only mile - stake In America, for two-year-olda. arid '. the clasa of the horsea engaged, coupled with the conditions of the race, indl .cates that of necessity It must be for the wlnneiJrlumphlnfactaa well as in name. - PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. -' --, Won. Spokane. .1 Boise 1 Offden -.T-.i".le -Kelt Lake 11 Sat ' p r. 11 - .604 14 .(33 It .HJ 20 . .15 j I" 'eaa-eyeaaJ -.w, "Z. UMPIRE'S DECISION -; DEFEATS PORTLAND Bry Calls Housel6lder, Out at First I and a Balloon As- ;. cejision Is Made. J.....K t a ThA-' JmirnaLi . : VI. I u.rr.i Jun 12. PortlandJ dropped he best gara ui i the .Anai'la tarougn in. i-. Hrav. whoae de- rlslon calling Householder out at first. while that plarer waa amine, L .nj nut the visitors BKr'7 , i, i ..... - - out of the rinnlng. Alter a diamond nearly cauaea maea meetinai ih. . a rr. m AnaMmd along. no flayer, no reri the handful of fane. raring to piaV The fane triea ior.nooi Bray pff the tleldforthla a.watd- Tha L)8 ANGELES. . R. PO.A t : 1 1 15 1 1 . 0 .; a ,o l E. . 0 . I 0 ! 0 -1 s Bernard, cf. ......... 4 Brashear, aa. ........ 4 1 Smith. Sb. 1 tillon. lb ,.,'., ' Cravath. rf. ... Ross, Ib.-lf. , Eager. If. -lb. 8 pine, c, Hall. P. ,T i . r. t .. J J Total . 1$ a-..-. -.-' tt. - PORTLAND. ,; " ' - Aa R. H.PO. A. II. . . . . . . D W 1 X 1 Van Buren. If.-.....-. ? llauaehukler. .ft. .... gl-J Pchlafly, 4b. J i J MK:redle, n. ; " McLoan.--e- -f.Trt.-j-m,: J... J - :- - Mitchell, ID. ........ . v j 1 Ruhkle, b..i...- jTt"" Esalok, p. 4v 01-2 1 . Totala . . .. Bernard emt, bunting third afrlke. - . SCORE BT'INOTNQ8- ... . j a a-a a 1 1 Los Angeles . .... I MJ1J Portland I I 0 ? i 0 J HUB a w w SCJIMART. ' ' - V ' " W 'ntllnn " Half kt TvAW base hite Vin Buren. Roea. Kger, ell. Klrat baae on errors I,oa Angeles, I: Port land,-4.--Ieff on baaea Lo An geles. Portland. T. Bases- on nana Off Hall. 1"; off Esslck. . Double play Re hi ally to Ats to Mitchell. Time or game One. hour and a-lnutea Cm-, pire Bray.. . . . PACIRC COAST LEAGUE. , S m Taeoms . . .... . 8aa Franclwe I4 Anrelea .. '5ni ti b1 .BSS .4W) ,6i A .4U2 ..L8.4 i Tr..l 7 t TI 4k.' pnrtland . . . Oakland ...... Beat l Is ........ Lost 3i 6, ! 4!- Bl I ! -NATIONAL LEAGUE. ! r'rWim I.oat.. PC New Tork ........... i 14. Philadelphia, . ........ a . i Pittsburg . 2 x 2J .4? Chicago vi-THf.".iri J -v J4 - Cincinnati . J. '"" -SI' . ixml. . , r... 5' .JO hi onion .,.,.....,. .j Brooklyn if T,Trtv;-;-r IS ft " ,309 :..,.':... . .- R. H. E. St. Louis . .....i... ............ 11 0 Brooklyn . .0 . I Batteries Kellum and Orsdy; Mcln tyre and Bergej). L'mplre-Klem. - At Cincinnati. R. H.E. Cincinnati . . .....I 10 0 Philadelphia .................. I " Z Batieriee narper ana -neipe jiib- gleby and Dooln. Umpire Johnstone. ' V. ' At Pittaburf. w ti m Fltfdburg ..;i a Boston . .4 , 3 Bitlerles Case and Felta; Toung and Needbam. . L'mplre O'Day. At Chicago. R. H.E. Chlcaro-s . ....... , v. ...... - - New york-r i. ,il 7 z Batteries weimer and Kline: Ames. Taylor and Breanahan. ymplrea Ema- lie anauauawTne; American league. Won. Lost ..P C. Cleveland 27 II .876 Philadelphia ,I 1 ..'.Ml Chicago . . ...'....;... SS 1 .86 Ivtrolt . ............ tt - il .609 Boston . . 20 21 .4111 Vaehlnglesi I I mini 11 I'l ii New Y"rK 17 2 U0i St. Louis , .......... 17 2S - .370 At Waabiarton. R. H.E. Washington-, i-............. ..t 12 t Chicago .....ifi.iJi. 7-2 Bsttertea TVolfe and Ktttredge: Smith, Altrock and MeFarland.- . . Xaeqaeta Off-for Znrope. - " Uoarsal Special Setvtee.) - -' - New Tork, June li. Among the out. bound paasertgers for Europe today were William J. Clothier, Hems c. Wright William A. Lamed and Holcombe Ward, the foremost tennis experts of America. The purpose of this trip to Europe la to contest with the English expevta for the Dwlght F.-Davl international trophy; O'Xeefe and Oardaer Draw. (ieurnst Special Brrnre.i . . . Salt Lake-CUyr July 11. The 20- roundlout KeloTTierelait-eveninr -be tween Jimmy Gardner of Lowell and Jack O'Keefe of Chicago waa declared a draw by Referee William Bean. to Somebody The - handsomest China , Cabinet and Silver Set ever imported to Portland.- One coupon with , each it 50-cent purchase.!. , Contest Ends July -1 Phone Main 380, 195 3d St. mm 1 Orpdnn Imnnrtind xfrl Company ENTRIES FOR GOLF 7 TOURNEY POUR IN t..-.-, , Pacific Coast .Championship At racts Players From Dis- . taht Climes. Eritrlea for the Paclflo -'coast golf championship, which will be played on WavUrlv links next wcek. will close on Friday of thla week. The local wleld- ers f the club have 1een a trin alow In Binding In their names, although- It Is known that almost every golfer In Portland will be In the tournament. The out-of-town entries are: coming In at a lively rate and 4be handicap com mittee declares that the complete list of contestant will be4he largest aver entered at ' the "AVaverly golf links. On account of the woik involved In pairing off the player who are to play on Mon day, Juno 1, . the committee . urges every UcaT " player to'aend-Jo. hla entry at once. . - : ' . The . professional tournament on the links will begin tomorrow afternoon and .n,i... njii s.tur,latf afternoon. After the tournament l completed tbe Plaiting golf err will be- tjnterlainea J .ne. club house by the local member. Among the crack playera here for the profe alonal events are Bmlth, Jolinaon and Bell of Vatifornla and Jacob of 8po ir.n. AteivHia and Martin of California are expected to arrive thla evening. . It lLrexlaln. thjat lheeom?n journmrn will attract attention throughout the . i . n . . Minv of the nlayer Til II (J VUVNUK - "J - - - - , entered re conslderetr3jeTt-4n -4h tame of goir.. - ; : - - WINNING RUNNERS : - -I- DM THREE TRACKS - IJoerast Special Berries. " Seattle. Wash.. June II.f-Reault of races at he Meadowar; " .iin.. ntn Bklrmian "won, Addle D. econd, Roaeleaf. third; time. 1:001,. - .'..- -- ' .. . - Five furlongs -Bngeiia, won. iiui eeead. r.reuers third; time, fun MI1UI U vmm ii - - four ana vn. iui. . Olrl wonJtaincloud-!ecorid,Tj8abaTl third; time. e:oo. at. ,.,.Ia... rinl. Witidee won. Rice ful econd. JUrdle P. third; time. 1:14 Hs - Seven furlongs Oollfen -' Light won. Elevsn Bells second, CrigU third; time. l:Tli. r ' 11. 'uamI t,.. ... aMH. Vlt Var. raccb second, Expedient third; tlm.e. :X AC t.Xttl..V,,. St' .'Louis... June It. Summary . of aeea: CLT" . '.U . . 1 7: . Four furlenga-Husann - won, - Mari gUerlte- B; second, Ruth Nolan third; time, 0:60 4-5. - . . Six furlongs -Au Roclver won, .Paa- alve second, Lady Moneuse- third; time. 1:17 i-fi. One mile Ethel Davie won, Chech Morgan second, Ahola third; time, 1:43. Blx furlongs Oma J. won. Miss Mae Day second, Footllght Favorite third; time. 1U I-i. ' - v ' : ::;.;' ... .. One mlle-rrFnlles Rergerea won, Que Llllle second, . Mrs. Jack Dolan third; tlme. tT4S -5v r . One mile and one sixteenth Nath Woodcock won. Decoration second. Out law third; time, 1:S1'T5J, -T. . - . ' "J -. -.----'-:- At 4rTeend. ' - -.""' New Tork. June It. Oraveaend race results!" T"'"'' , , - About six furlongs ' Shogun won. Wood saw second. Marjoram third; time, 1:111-6. . , One mile and one 'furlong Supreme Court won. Major Dalngerfield aecocd. Brigand thirds lme 1:6 t-l. One wile, and -one -sixteenth Wo tin won. Agile second, Martlnmaa third; time, 1:60. The Astoria, five furlongs Sue Bmlth won. Incorrigible second, -Hekat third; time, 1:03 1-8. , - One mile and one elxteenth Cham- plain won. Maid ef Tlmbuctoo second, Rockland third; time. 1:611-6. Five and one half furlongs Cary won. Billy Banaatar second. Bill Philllpa third; time,, 1:10 2-6. BAKER bowling team DEFEATS GOLDEN WESTS JTTneTlakera took two out of three Umea from the Golden West In the opening match of the Bummer league on tbe Portland alleys laat evening: The scores were: Bakers- - King .12 141 1S7 " 1I 2-3 Reeae ...... .141 145 S2o ""17S 1-t Dale ..lit- 166.. 147 lit 1-1 Keating ,.,..171 o -18- 17t 1-t Ball -..nil ii it" ll 1110 III !! Total . .. J14 Oolden WeBta - 781 10 Hoffman . ...10 Anderson ....lit 17T 115 14 211 166 10 lit 1-1 lot1 111 1-1 Franaeen ...129 Hogue .r."....17t 116. 161 1-t 111 S-t 151 1-1 140 16S Cloaset . ... ..16 -Total 777 tit 119 settle win Bela? Bao. ' Th Seattle High school relay team won the Interscholastto relay race at the exposition ground yeaterday, de-, featlng entrte from- the Portland acad emy, Portland High school-and-the Co lumbia, university preparatory depart, rhent. The teama finished aa follows: Four fifths of a mil, relay First Beattle High school (Living ton, Covle, Oleh, Dowd) Time, 2:61 1-6. 'Becnd Portland , academy (Reed, Flavetr Corbet V May : Third Columbia university - Prep. (Roe. Meaney, Drlseler, Walsh)." - Portland High school (Nicholas, Rob nett. Hawklna, Foster)"- - Time 1:61 1-t . Bulea. Committee to Meet. - The annual eeHslon of the Intercolle giate' football rule committee,' which was to have taken place week ago laat Saturday, in Philadelphia, will be held In a few daya, probably In New York. The absence of Walter Camp of Vale in Europe occasioned the de lay William ,T. Reld,-tU - tootball coach, ' will represent Harvard. The other membeia of tile committee will be Paul J. Daahlel of Annapet4r.Atnt A. Stagg ot the University of Chicago, Professor IA M. Dennis of Cornell and Professor J. B. Flae of Princeton. Moore Wins namplonahlp. r University, of Oreerm. Kugene,- June IS. The I'nlverslty -of Oregon all-round athletic, championship -we won by flor don C. Mooree yeaterday, wh5 acored 21 points.. The other competltorrwAired as follows: Kuykendall 20, 'Hug It, Vtrh 1 4. Perklna-1 ,Mclntyr . Mn Iiln t. Frlesaell, Oernner, Mitchell and Wood did not- participate In th con teat. ..--"',,.. . Wlnslow to Captain Oregon. -4Mehil tXaateb-e' The Joawaat) j . Eugene, Or., June It: Wlter' C. Wlnslow waa chosen captain of th atate "varalty track Tearh for the aeaaon of mot.-and W.-!,. Hay ward of Berke ley, CsIfornla,-will probably be secured traintrr - About Our f Furnishings aiid Hats Will always be borne u't by the goods themselves.- We say . that . .everything we sell is of the best material and "manufactured in a care ful, conscientious man- her.'-. -.'-;t .S" Our -Neckwears and Shirts '", Are fully up-to-date, ar " - tistic in design and so ' - shapely J and beautiful -that they please the arf ; nisticr eyeTd'see' the f. ' ' latest.: styles in Fur--: - nishings and Hats, no- ' tice. our window dis- I plays, - or - better,-visit : us and; talk over rthe matter of style. ; t ' Robinson.CSJtCo. :rfl!t Hotel Perkins Bldg.'s e ' tfOTZtn TO AIIATTXa. e -' ' ' ' 4 All notice of amateur base- 4; ball game, challengea and th- letlo events must be sent to thla -pfftc befor fo-ciocg a. m. uu ay e . tbe day . for . publication. -Amiti 4 d teur. manager should pay at- e) e tentlon to thla rule. the keep- d e Ing Of It will Insure proper e report - of their ' doing. -Th d . Journal. ', 1 , e SCHRECK DECLARES -r-rTHAT HE WILL WIN (Journal Special Service.) . Bait Lake - City June i II Mike Schreck, who 1 now In training here for Bob Fttxslmmona, had thla to say of, hi opponent yeaterday: ' "Old man Fit ought to be ashamed of himself to light with ua young felT low. Just think of It. old Fits is 44 years of age." He had birthday Mon day. Don't you think Jt time for aucb n old man to get out of tbe ring? "I am 24 years or age, almost nan the age of Fit, yet the old man Insists on lighting. But you bet he will And . lardner this time. . I em going t6wTnthe light nd win It easy. 1 really tnink -oia man rua i easy money. Tou see, Jeffrie put him out with one wallop, and a. fellow that can be put the bad la on -punch-4 meet for me." Th following are comparative meaa uremente of th prlnclpala: . BhrecK. iiaaimrauii. 24 yeare ....Ag. .44 yearB 5 ft. t4 inches. Height. I. ft. lUi inchee 7t" inch.. .... .'.Reach. .....7H lncbea 12 pounda... ..Weight. ,j.'.12 pounds 3 " rl"" J.incnaa 42 incbea ,Chest :iepj .46 Inches ....Neck 164 Inches ..Forearm...... 11 Inches ...Wrist, .7 4. inches ...Waist .11 Inches .... Thigh 214 Inches ,....Calf ...... .114 Inchee ...Ankle ...t Inches 114 Inches.. 11 H Inches. 7 -inches..... 11 Inches.... 114 Inches. 144 Inches.. I inches Walsh T. Mors. . , ' ''-.: (Joerasl Special Brice. ' " Butte. Mont.. Jun lt.i-Th usual long Hat of , sporting vent la being pulled off In Butte today 1 celebration of Minora' day. Probably theJiloat im portant event on the day'a program 1a the light slated to take plac befor th Silver Bow Athletic club late thla after manr between Jimmy Walah, th Boat on hantam. and Owen Moran. the clever little English fighter. The articles call for a !0-round contest at lit pounds, the bantam-weight limit. ...... GRADUATION EXERCISES : AT WESTON NORMAL iKneelal TMansteh t The Journal! -Weaton, Or.,-June - 11. Th - annual rbtnmencement exercise of the Eastern Oregon Btate Normal aohool began nu dav with the baccalaureate aerrlo the chapel. The eermon wa given by Preston W. Search of Worcester,' Mas- rhnaatta. a lecturer of national prom Inence. The musical number constated of hymn by tbe atudent choir and vocal soloa by Mis I. M. Proctor and Mia lala MOBS-.- "' ' Th class -day exercise war held yesterday evening, and the commence ment exerclae will take- place tht. evening. Mis Alice Peebles haa the salutatory, "The Function of the Normal School." and Miss Grace Cummlng the valedictory. "A Modern Conception of Education." Th principal address wilf be given by X H. Ackerman, a tat auper- lntendent. " , - Ooldsmlth' comedy. "Bh Btoop ' to Oonquer," wa presented bjr the junior class. ' . i . Commencement closes tomorrow even tngwtth the exercises of the Alumni association, to be followed by ban quet. ---,-' i - --I --' -i-, J " la Mad Chaae,. , Million ' rush . in mad . chase . atfter health, from on extreme of faddlsm to another, when. If they would only eat Cnd food, and keep their bowels regu ited,wtih Pr. King's New Life Pills, their- trouble .would all pane away, Prembt relief and quick eure for liver and stomach trouble. 26o at Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak treet. hv(lllll(IIHIIIlll:KMul! wsmm ii AKES no aT t -w" w . a iTi r v x open account plan rheans uhlirnited credit to youcash to us fVc collect today for goods sold last week 6 last month. "That means the amount of cash received each day makes virtu ally a cash business for" us--yoii -' have 1 the -dme ylpuwajTo same aslf you paid cash. We don't grant these easy terms in a spirit -of charity to you oh the .contrary, It's :ai. pleasure' to usto have ' you . ope n c an -"a c count. CARPETS "Vti nl T-ngr'tin- Tarprt.y -raade-and'JaicU: perlrrj mZn -yardrartow-as. . idir TVclfet Carpets, extra hcavyj -Quality, - variety, " of tcolors,j made "and laid, d ( per yd., as low as-.tpIoIO FVVo6i'rro2R r u fe ftTl oriental -and floral designs,' Imade and laid, per HC-, -yard, up from, , "The Store Where - Your Credit Is Good" Yon Will Find the Behnke Walker Batiness College ' up..,to . the., time ..In very' way; The beat teachers only are employed; "the latest .'methods used.-, Tbe course w offer In Bookkeeping and Shorthand la thorough, and complete. Be ua tor par. tlcular or aend (or catalogue. . " Behnke-VValker Business College lstk ul aforrlBon , rovtlM, Or, BLOOD M rk weret eleeaet ea .arlk. .t th. Mailt 19 enre -WHIIf SOU KNOW WHAT. TO DO. Manr fear. mw- P0I00C3I pots ea tbe kw ia tha amitk. oleeri. filllaa ealna, ca tarrh. SDt dun't know If Is KLtHlt roilK'f. Bnl to UR. BHOWM, V Arc St., rhilaVlphla. P.o... for BKOWM'i caaaaaaaaBrsaanEaMBaxaxsaDwaBBascaBBBBBB SBxasBSaEBaaBBSBBSSBEBSaESSSXSBSaBaBBSCaaBB tita ttuy VTi TV f AU 1 BUHlO Ct It, WW rr soiiwi uses- see month. Bold lav I'ortUsd eal B Frssk KB, rsrtiaad Uot.l Pharaaar. . '.. .. ; u ait, ) III III "V -aT WS 7. "VS. X iav &. ii 5v m m Glutei ii (i) m ii miwiwrid difference to u is your promise to pay js: AND R.OOM SIZE a itJ ft S " t . ? v 1 I .cr .' A 1 - vrCrru r- eJ vi' . 1 BABY CARRIAGES "AND CO-CrRTS " ' Baby Carriager canopjL top, extraTheavy . rubber ires,7 enameled "gear, pat ent ioot- brake beautiful ly 'upholstered.. '. A I'r rces low ts y 1 V Folding " Go-Carts, "made of . heavy reed, handsome side - panels, r enameled ' . running gear,,! rubber . tires.' Very ... strong . but .'light - weight. Prices ; as . ivr...... ;$3.00 CHILDREN'S IRON DEDS Xhameled'ln : variety, pf colors with brass trim mings. Extensive line to select from ' dT C A Prices as low aspU0U COMPLETE OUTFITTERS AND HOMEFURNISHERS 390 Washington Street " " ;:... . v..: . ., : rpM . roit business Merk's Restaurant (roiiauT wnmi i.) : ...... ; .' .Largest ind Handsomest Moderate Price Rertanrant la the City. Vkea Mla 4103. Take Blerator U th Allsky uUdl. " VUI e 1 U1I U - IOVU nil, Troprletor. At, -v ; PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS Pbone Malo 'aooo c J i6y FLANDERS ST., Near Third N 1 VUf ..HUM! ; ft 71, ii all we ask. ; Our Wool Art Squares.: made in one piece, large assortment" o( new patterns, Prices" a3...7.".$1000 Brnssels Rugs,. mill: " made extra-. neavy quality, variety oi' colorings, - J'7A Pfice, eadu..47wU LADIES' WRITINC DESKS fit ? V- A Quite a variety of .Ladies' Writ-, ing - Desks,T made: of- goldenroak,: weathered oak"- and ""mahogany. Prices as low - a" an as'. r. . . . ......... j)l)aaf tJ . TFITTMGTECr ailU AltWI 1 WWII VJIAe a :zzza rrrzzzrzzzzzzzzr: BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WISE AND IRON FENCING . . Barbed Wire, Wlr and Lawn Ptnclnf, --r-, Poultry Netting, Etc . r