:jsxoxi&.. .7 if i. ,THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. - JUNE 12, 1CC3. SATISFIED WITH ITS ! .1 1 ! i ' B TV ,. :..r --, Woodard, Clarke American Lbng Alarm T-Clock (nickel platcdlrfirr. Cressy four lilbAntiscptic-Topth. A ' J win M ifht ordinary bottles. - JT OWQCr, Quantity m wall aa quality.; -. v Violet's Bouquet Farnese (fr T3 aifi iiux"11'' dietinctrvi Ufaice.,Vl. " ill JteriUlIlC -In bulk PER. OUNCB AK Omega Combination Water - Bottles, 4 Cedar Brook Bourbon ; ft -Whiskey, fit STOPPED THE CAR W. G. Oberteuffer Recalls Incl dent in the 'Street Railway i:HistoryTofWashlngtonizz: WHEELS SLID WHEN ALMY DROPPED HANDKERCHIEF pallantOld-Sailor Stood on JTrack and for Moment Held Up System. W. G. Oberteuffer of the local quarter mutar'a office, U. 8. A, tells an Inter eating story on Rear Admiral Alrajr, . r.,8. N.. retired, the father of Lleaten-ant-Commander Almy, executive officer .of Hie tiiuleei' Marblehead. Mri Obee teuffer resided tor many yeara next door 10 the admiral on Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, D. C. and was very friend ly with the family. "Rear Admiral Almy belonged to the old navy and waa very dignified," aald Mr. Oberteuffer. "It waa the custom in Washington In old daya for street cara to - atop In front of the doora of ' prominent offlclala or army and navy -officers to take on or let off paaaeng-era, hut about II yeara ago at the time of that - a .lunimiiuinuiiiminnnminninnniiing It xs quite impossible to magnify the excellence of those il$350 I Fashionable men are wearing now, and will wear during the -summer. They are so carefully made of superior leather that we do not see how they could be 'bettered if the manu facturers, were to add another dollar to their price. . . . ,Thltj;e is a nattiness about our : " Nettleton $5aiid $6 Shoes . That is entirely their own, and exclusive with them. The : originator of their shape must have been an artist of superla , tive tajte and genius. They really ORNAMENT THE FEET :T:ri.'lr-'Z Paris Fashions in Men's Hosiery. ' " n Exclusive Pealcrt lh 'TElJ. II0CJl7t. 1 yanduy Tomorrowflnly alHay Fourth and Washington Streets y Tripod ; it telescopes ; (Jj ( lengths V.iSSfSS . . i vl qts., red rubber . SS full quarts Bottle r..11 ..-4- all H? W - -' V the Introduction of electric ear a new rule waa put In force and cara stopped at crossings only. ' ' "The day following, the first appearance-of electric cara en - Pennsylvania" avenue Admiral Almy started down town. He walked Out of hla residence and Into the street, where he stood b'y the track waiting for a far. ' Presently one came down the street, but Instead of stopping in the middle of the block, as had been the custom. It whlased by. The admiral glared after the car, stamped hla feet In anger and aald some Very uncomplimentary things about the conductor. , - "Presently another car approached. The admiral took from hla pocket s, handkerchief nearly aa large as a table cloth, turned hta back to the approach ing car, dropped the handkerchief on the tracks and slowly bent over and picked It up, wholly unmindful of the approaching car. The motorman rang the bell, shouted, put on the brakes and stopped the car within, a few feet of the dignified old admiral, who atepped on the car aa If nothing' had happened. thought I would atop thla car," he remarked to the. conductor aa he strut ted In and took a seat" Eastern Excursion Rates. On June 14. " le.Mf, IT-th Great Northenijrajawny will ssll exiuisluu ticket o StPauV Minneapolis, Duluth, ntuwauaee, vnioago, et. .iouls, Omaha, Kansas City, Winnipeg, etc., at rate of one flrat-class fare plua f 14 for round trip. Tickets allow stopovers - going and returning, good for three months. For full Information oall on or ad dress H. Dlckeon, C. P. eV T. A, Great Northern Ry.. No. Ill Third street, Portland. Oregon. Fref erred Stock oaaned OeoOa. Allen Lewis Best Brand. CS, Walton $!en Shxi and Uoiiery. " S70 WASHINGTON STREET. Oxfords at & Co. Zf i GASOLINE CAR TO . -HAVE ANOTHER' TRIAL Fourth Street Grade Too Much for Motor, Which Will Be ; J Run to Oswego. - j- The Southern Pacific's gasoline motor car No 1 was put on the Oswego line to day for a thorough 'trial with a trailer. It Is not probable that the car will be run permanently on the line between Portland and Forest Grove, as at first expected, "The result of tests made on the Fourth street grade have not been such aa to warrant me In recommending Its use on the Forest Grove run." said Superintendent IV R. Fields. "The sis of the car- la not sufficient .to accommodate- the travel on that Jlne, and the power of the car la not equal to pulling a trailer on the Fourth street gmle- Thla grade has a rise of 1(7 feet to the mile at the ateepest place stretch of several blocks near the city hall. For a considerable distance between Wa ahlnsr tqn Street and the aa si ths'lilll It IS 1911 fast, to tba mile The oar whan tested without a load on thla line made the run successfully and were It built with a capacity to 'carry 60 to Tf people It would give satisfaction. The company has, it la understood, ordered IS more gasoline motor-cars from an eastern car building company. These will have a capacity of 0 to 60 passengers. N'o notice haa been received by the local officials of the Harrlman llnea that any of the cara la Intended for Portland, but It Is expected, says Mr. Fields,' that some of them will be aent here. BUMP THE BUMPS," TOO, : "FOR BEGUB CAR, FARE One of the ears of the l:tt c m. train on tbe Oregon Water Power It Railway company's line from Estacada lumped the track at the switch at Bar ton at o'clock Mat night and. bumped along the rails for 100 feet before the train waa ttopped. . Had it gone 10 feet farther the wheels would have left the ties and the car would have gone over an embankment 10 feet high. The car was the middle one of the train and was crowded with men, women and children- When It began to bump on- the ties and sway violently the women Jumped from their seats and many rushed for the doors. The men held them' In check and quietness was restored as aoon as . the train waa stopped.' Several 'men who had beea sitting on the platforms leaped, from the car, and escsped without Injury. " A wrecking crew wss sent - from Estacada and after an hour and SO minutes' delay the train was ready te proceed to Portland. WEEK SET APART F0R - BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia cities' week has been arranged a the Lewis and Clark exposi tion, aa follows; July S, Roasland, Trail, Nelson, Kaalo, Sloean. Greenwood. Orand Forks.-- July STVancouver. New Westminster July T. Victoria, Nanalmo. Extension. . July S. Ooldeni -Revelstoke, Kamloopa, some on else. - i "A blessing alike to young and old: Ir. Fowlers Kxtrsrt ot Wild Strawberry; nature's apeolflo for dysentery, diarrhoea and summer complaint - j0 f GAfMlfiG HOUSE Milwaukle Will Not Accept Inter ference With Its Poolroom and T Plainly - Says - So. - - COUNCIL AND BUSINESS MEN SUPPORT CRATTON Law and Order League. Backed by Portland Ministers, May Try to Stop Pool-Selling. : Tst east side efflee of Tbe Teena! Is la tb store ot Mrs. r. W. alcKlmwr, t alarrlaea street. Telepkoae Seat STB, It la probable that those who are offering their . services -' to in Mil' waukle "cltliens In getUng rid of the GrattoB clubhouse- will meet little en couragement. Before Oratton aecured a license for the selling of pools and the opening of another" br In the town, the councU canvassed . the matter with the leading Imalnesa men of the place, . Tbe council eijd mayor found that there waa the club. . There were varloua rumors of opposition from the start and the mayor of Oregon city at one time waa named a the man -who would mute troutxe. Later It waa hinted that Portland's mayor had Jurisdiction -and might-make trouble. Portland - minister may take- action In the, matter and several of the de nominational .leaders are considering such a atep. Rev. T. B. Ford of tbe Sunnyside Mthodlst church has gone on record publicly aa being In' favor of concerted reltgioua opposition, and the Portland ' Ministerial association may vote to enter the Milwaukle arena with the Intention of cleaning op the place. The locai branch of tin La 'and Order league headed by the Rev. . Mr. Flsher-of -Milwaukle Lutheran cnurcn has beea apposing, the adsalsslea of the club and - the Milwaukle Grange will also support - a erusade. Should Fort land ministers unite with the Milwaukle reform forces an interesting conflict would probably reault with the council and mayor lined up behind the poolroom management; ... NEW ALBIN A BLOCKS. " " JTew rtnna Ootrapr aereral Fine Baild- Jng ls - Central gectlon. ? The business section on Russell street and Wllllama avenue In Alblna la grow ing rapidly, and some of the most sub stantial improvements yet made are Bearing completion. The moat Impor tant of these If the two-story brick block being erected by Lacy Brothers on Wil liams avenue near Russell street. Thla block has two large stores en the first floor and a number ..of offices upstairs, and although the structure is pot yet completa.ail of the rooms and effloes have been rented. The Multnomah Eleotrio company will occupy one of the large storerooms and Lacy Brothers will open a wholesale market In- the other,Th coat the building leJU." ooo. - - A two-story etors -building is. being built by N. C Merges on RuaseU street near Vancouver avenue to cost $1,600. grocery store will - occupy th first floor, and the upstairs will be used as a rooming-house,". : """" A two-tory frame building costing 13,000, Is being built on Russell 'street, near Alblna a.venuejthelower floor w(irbe occupied - by the Alblna Shoe company and the upper floor will be used as a lodging-house. 'Many small frame buildings in this section will be replaced this season by brick and atone blocks, property having increaaed In value until good rentals may be secured for adequate buslne accommodationa. Vacant Xiaad i Demand. 1 The buiWing boom -that haa - seised St.- Johne-hee resulted In m feverish ac tivity that sometimes causes strange things. A . "property-owner having a block of vacant land near the center of town waa somewhat aurprleed Saturday to discover a big force of workmen hammering away tor dear life on a neat little warehouse' on his land. Inquiry resulted In the statement that thla was to be the freight depot of the Portland .Consolidated Railway company,- but Just where tbe authority waa tound to build the atructure la yet a mystery, as the owner of the,, land 'eerknew a freight depot was contemplated until he found the building almost erected. .... SERIES OF SERMONS ON -SdENCEANrhflEtiGtOf. Grace M. E. church was well filled last evening. The organ numbers by Pro fessor Wilder were "The Evening Star" and "Allegro Moderata" The offertory, by Mrs. .Dearborn Schwab, was greatly enjoyed. Dr. Wilson for a month past has con ducted -at the" evening . service a ques tion drawer, which la drawing many people of a thoughtful claae to the church." -All who have questions con cerning religious or church matters are Invited to write them out and de posit them In the plates, when the offer ings are taken. The usher then hands th queatlona to the pastor, who, before announcing his text, devotes IS min utes to the queatlona. Sometimes a dosen questions of a religious or eccle- Mu mora Cured with Rarflnat Been, fklahealtk (olet aneat) aad Kklahealtk Tablets. A poet (In aod apeedy sure fr every Itcbinc, enralnf, eraly, blredlas. emsted, pimply end blotchy humor, with loe of balr. rmdores elear, brl( Slant, healtby ekla asd purs, tics, nd blood, - CLi Tromtmont 7 Bo , UU nmrtatsnf ITaraaa Boast, ae..Bj1leatd.aatl. arptle: Sktab.ea.lta (nlnt.). ., to till rerae, li-.l tbe aklo, and Sklahealth Tablets, SlVe. to eiorl bo roof m nat. All drntflat,'. Harflaa for tbe Camale-slaa, tne piaiplee, blarkheada. reilneae. roeahseM, eb.f ln, ebapplns, maffe banaev NolblDf will give ewh a aprcdr rare. 2ra. i s cakee, Mej ' Heed Sc. twnitare rnr Frew empire and eookUU te PHILO BAT CXX. Mewars. . i. . WOOBABD, eXAMl U ' 00, fourth . and Waabisftois. . '. rui rr UIJOIL- ID) r- ".v ' .. , we received " ,. - - -J ''X. 1- 'rr ' TenMlar j.: ,.: :' : ' -.v :- TABLES.-., .V': -:- - ' . - NEVER AGAIN . : SiiiiiiEiB; liiimii Prcfverits Bright s Disease WOODARD, Dr.B. Er fh SIOrBaTTXTZO DBsTTUZ that relieves all pain in dental opera tions. - M8ir Waahlmgiom Bt eoz. aeveath. slaetlcal nature are received In on even ing, and this makes a very Interesting and profitable part of the service. Dr. la sth tins lias iiiaus tins mm of the featurea of hla churchee, and has answered more than a thousand ques tlone In thla way. ,- After the questions had " been an swered. Dr. Wilson announced aa his text the first four words of tbe Bible: 'In the beginnthg, God." He used this text for the first of a series of sermons on science- and religion, - In which he will dlscusd on successive Sunday even ings this summer "The Scientific Rea sona for Christian Beliefs." Ills topto last night was "The Existence of God Proven Scientifically." From certain lawa of physics he showed that the ultimate source of all things must be a personality with Intellect, sensibility and will. This will be followed next Sunday night with one on "Science and the Problem of Revelation." BOY DISAPPEARS WITH BUfCHER'S:MONEY . ;- , . Because hi spent the money given him to pay-the butcher and could not retufrtlt, Charles "Tooley, - S10 North Twentieth street, left home and all ef forts to find him have been futile. He Is IS years of age, and until Friday worked at a restaurant on the Lewis and Clark fair grounds. Charley la the aon of William Tooley, a fireman at the engine-house at Twen tieth and .Qutmby streets. In the re port to the exposition police headquar ters It was charged that a man had Induced the hoy to giTerhtm the" money and run away. , It la believed that he and the boy left together and the police in many cities and towns throughout tha.weat have been notified. SOUNDS AS IF "ANON" - - WERE GUILTY PERSON 'The Trail "poet Identity' unknown has broken looee with the following bul letin to the press: "Will you meet me on the Trail. 'Neath the summer moon's pale light! Meet me, fair one, without fall. And let our meeting be tonight. . We will wander hand In hand, , . . Listening to the Innea band ' . Ji.Wi will aee the sights so grand . . In the glorious fairyland." . -The fact that the above was found on Frank Merrick's deek should not arouse public Indignation against him. The verses may 'have been, jleft there fey someone alia. , J , ,." id better than . any ; we have ever v :fK )'. .' sold for $15 To ;replenish our broken lines . we place .them oh .our , wiU you be able to secure such '; . - bargains. ' . .:; LAST WEE .WHEN YOU SEE miN OUR THIRD AND! OAK - V-.-i-' - - , . ' . wm CLARKE & CO. AND. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. w rKareMMxziixa UNMISTAKABLY DIFFERENT 9 'iffTSSr W llUwWIUGA'unu See for SKOXaV SEATS and TXXnjtWWXnQB. IVw not how little yo pay, hot how mnoh you get for what rev. pay. That Is tha secret of reel eooaomy. : .'Z-2,,,-'''-''--'--''--' "'''".' ' r' -" T. B. WEST nan ajts botsp ovrrcm. One hundred' and one years ago Lewis and Clark atarted on their ex rloratlon of the Greet Northwest. One hundred yeara go they pitched heir camp on the beautiful site of ... . WALNUT WAMl V.-OaT Sxm 1 we celebrated this historic event.' Uher recognised ' Ins-" beauties of the home site one hundred yeara ago. KILLINGS WORTH caught tha Inspiration SO yeara lrAer. TOU SHOULD HEAHZK IX NOW. Between the rivers, high around, fine drainage, beautiful scenery, the best of air, BUILDING RESTRICTIONS AN 1D&AL HOME 81TB. If you want your pick you'll have to hurry. Call today on f - t v - w:r Mr-K.i-i; lino sw ort h. "Pehtml oflVa, " Welnut Park, corner Alberta and Williams avenue, or my Suburban OfTioe, SOS Chamber of Commerce. Central Office phone, Bco4t S2J4. Suburban Office phone. Brown 463. Send -for Walnut Park Map and Folder. - - JOURNAL WANT and Diabetes rxzzzz:r:rr zz zzxx rxxnzr That la the deep aad wall, fomaded oonvlotioa. In the pub lic mind regarding tha Correct Clothes old few na.. Why dally with tha anxaowa gnaatity ef donbt fnl make, when there's tha getting properly mad gar ments here at tha right prloeet nits Ilka those in tha plotnra for so little a price as and up to $20 883-388 ZAT HOaSUSOV IT. j ........ eszzxsxss UiaaiS5Sa; ad ADS PAY DEST v 4 .