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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY,- JOURNAL. PORTLAND, - SUNDAY" MORNtNO, 'JUNE 11." 1901 T . 1. KELLY VMS STAR' We Set the-Pace AT IIAHDICAP MEET For Good Wheels at reasonable prices with the- SNELL and MITCHELL BICYCLES Columbia' -SprintrShow-Hi Brethren How to Cover -; f,. Ground. Another Car. Just Received Was scratch man iw- ' The same grade others ASK $50 for ' IN EVENTS ENTERED wc SELL for $35 $35 $25 Summary "of Events'," Showing What Each Contestant Did in First Meet. -: Th handicap field and track meet at . . th fair grounds yesterday was poorly ". 'attended, gnd severer of tha event were " well contested. several entries Taiieo '. to cut in their appearance which caused '. the running oft of the events in which - thy were listed with but few starters .- - Dan Kelly of Columbia univeratty was the shining light of .the meet. This . crack athlete, who waa scratch man in ; each event in which he entered, readily ' Captured the 104 and 120-yard dashes, i took second place In the high hurdles and third In the broad- Jump, although . In thin latter event he broke the north - -wrt record, his mark' of -(3 feet-4 i- Inches, beating the previous -record of 12 i et- H-lnohes In-rlve-trlahi- Kelly did II feet 104 Inches or better at each lump.' His ambition is to resch the .18 -foot mark, which feat ha la likely to accomplish , en ., his - naxt ppariu, which will be in the. championship con- .-teats next week. The finish, in th mile run Vas very rT close- and exciting, Bachus of the Y. M. . v. A. winning from Johnson of Newberg .... py: a desperate spurt fuanaqr of Xvents. 100-yard flash Wort by D. J Kelly . C. VA, scratch: H. Livingston (TV M. :;C. A.I, I -yards, second: Floyd Lightly . IX. M. C. A.), yards, third. Time, 0:10 1-5. ... .;230,yard dash Won by; KellyJCtT.)l , BPraicn; rioya ngntiy ix. m. u. a.). I ii jaroajecondi-XXi Kerrigan M.:. A, C). 3 yards, third. Time. 0:21 440-ykrd dash - Won byv Horton V Nicholas (P. H. B.). 1 yards; Ray . Walsh (C. W.), H yards, second; Floyd "Lightly fT. M. C. A.). 15 yards, third. lime, v: l-e. i - ' T 0-yad run--Won by 8. Maya (M. A ; A. C., 4 ysrds; Ray Walsh fC. W.. . 13 yards, second; M. Hawkins (P. H. B.) 0 yards third. Time, 3:06 3-1... .,''.vv One-mile run Won hy W. Bachus (T ; M. C. A.), 75 yards; O. H. Johnson' (P. C.)t,8 yards, , second; Wslter Hansen . i.w. A. A. CJ, 40 yards, third. Time. ::473-5. -vj r2.yard-hlgh hurdles won by Oscar ... Kerrigan (M. A. A. C), scratch; D. J, . Kelly (C. W.). scratch, second; Frank Dowd r (Seattle high school), 3 ; yards. .third. Time, P:17 1-5. - " ' r - Running- high Jump "Worifcy 6. ...Kerrigan (M. A. A. C), 3 inches, height .. S feet 3 Inches; P. B. Osntenbeln T. M. "7C. A.). 4 Inches, second, height 5 feet inches; W. Bachua (T. M. C. AJ, . . inches, third, height 5 feet7 Inches. 320-yard Jow hurdles Won by Frank Jlowd (8. H. 8.), 1 yard fHarr? Livings ton. -Tr M.'C. A.),-scratch, second; O. Kerrigan ( IS. A. A. Or-8 yardarrthtrd. 'Time. :I.Q1. , Running broad Jump Won by P. B. Oantenbeln (Y. M. G"A.), 4 feet, dis tance 18 feet 1H Inches. H. Hawklna B i. 8.), 3 feet. Inches, second, dis tance it feet 4 Inches; D. J. Kelly C w.), scratch, third, distance 33 feet inrnTS. Pole vault Won by M. Ilvlngston (T. M. C. A.). I Inches, height feet; a Kerrlgsn (M. A. A. C. ). 13 Inches, seo .onrt, height. 8 feet inches; O. Foster, P. H..8.), t foot 4 Inches, third, height 8 feet. , 14-pound hammer throw Won by R. Baunders M. A. A. C), scratch, distance .114 feet; B. Van Voorhles iM, AJl; C). Jest, second, dletenoe 10f,feeti W. D James (M. A. A. O. scratch, third, dls ' turn 410 ut 1 InMu . ' 14-pound shotput Won b T. J. Troy ; iiavrp. Montana, A. I f reet, dis tance 84 feet. 1 Inch; R. Saundera (M A. A. C.i, acratch, second, distance 3 reet 10 Inches; W. R. James (M. A. A. c.l. scratch, third, dlstanoe 38 feet 74 ' Inches. - , : i The disoua throwing contest waa post poned until' Moaday afternoon. Tha officials were as follows: l - Starter jack King. Finish judges W, Tlemey (C. W., - George Oammle (M. A. A. C.) and II. E. Judge (M. A. A. C.i. Held Judges Robert Krohn (M. A. A. C. O. M.- Rabbltt (T. M. C. A,) and r. R Watklns (M. A. AC!.) -Timekeeper Jack - Orant- Frank .. .. xtaiey ana w. Meyars, - Clerk of course and anslstant Frncl J. lyonergsn and Tom Monks. Scorer .and ailstantrC., Stockton and c. Bills; Announcer John Cronln. ' . SPORTING NOTES. ' President A. R. Diamond Of the Mult nomah Fair association la In Seattle on a business -trip. It was learned on the l. t. that he waa up at the Meado taking private lessona, preparing for the 300-pound race at the. Hunt club next Saturday. -t , ':x f. " e ' e , ' : "' "Automob)ps" are "getting ' to be julte humdn. They wear shoes, hoods and - muff ieTsranorffiB nrrf -th?mnrnok-i nd clU. ' . . . ;- .. , '-. .:.:.--. : e . j. We haven't any doubt that John t, . Sullivan and Charley Mitchell will be able to get down to cow-weight If they . keep up this blast of hot air. , . - ' i' e " ' '. . ' Kew Torir tPra (14 volt A great deal T fapaee to telling"aBOuriiow"rhalr dollar that a well-known . sport had marked with his initials in 1858 came back to. him. Any time money that a man spends in New York comes JJacfc " to' him Ifs worth mora then-passing comment, ...-- ' , . Jimmy Byrnes. . 4he clever young -catcher who Is making such a rattling good showing this season with tha Oak land team, ia a native of Ban Francisco, and stsrted hlcs.reer with tha Heeseans of Oakland three years ago. Last sea . sOn Lohman picked him up and Jimmy - has been doing excellent work evr i alnca. ' '' . "', v The Chemawa baseball team la plan , nlng to enter the baseball contests at 'the Lewis ,n(1 oiark fair, It ha a go4 record go. Tap this aeason. Tiavlng lost but one game. I, ' 1 Basebe! afed Lacrosse Today. Baseball and lacrosse fans will hare an. opportunity of wltnesslna hnih games st the' Vaughn street grounds 1 this afternoon when local talent will T rumisn an- interesting exhibition of the national game, while the Portlanda artd the Shamrocks will contest for the honor of representing this city In the Incrosae championship contests sched uled for this city during; tha summer.- - LOCAL BOWLERS TO BEGFPi TOURNAMENT Western Bowling Congress Tour ney Will Be Held Here . In August H. a.-Taylor, traveling delegate for the Western Bowling congress, is In ths city and has almost completed'arrange meats for the big bowling tourney scheduled for Portland on August, J, 3 and 4. ' - ' .'" : Twenty-one teams are listed to com pete her on the above dates, and it is. probable that several more will be added before the date of the nest. 'The towna to be represented and the number of teams from each are as -follows: . .. - Portland 4, Ban Francisco 4, Butte 1, Bait Lake 2. Spokane J. Seattle 6, Belllnghanr 1, Astoria. 1, Oakland 1- Los Angelas, Helena, Everett, Walla Walla, Pendleton and Coeur d'Alena may also send teams. "'" Tha prise lnthe five-men team contests-are: tTrstptnrrlcon0.7 HOOT third. 150. - r. - "The TrtiesdTe-aoOTTes-lYeriFsir 1100; aecond, llOi third, I2. , Many cracks from sll over the coun try have entered In the singles, for which prises ranging from $100 down to It have been offered. . Among Vie well known eastern bowlers who have signified their Intention of competing in Stoel, champion and ex-champion, re spectively, . of Chicago. Two hundred and fifty crack bowlers are entered In the singles and Over $460 in prises have been offered for the singles. Tha five-men tournament among tha local bowlers opens Monday night, when two' teams will contest on the Oregon alleys and two-on -the- Portland alleys. the winners. , . GOOD "HORSES WIN : ON EASTERN TRACKS Yesterday. Results . of the Go ing at Cravesend and La- -tonia Courses. (Special MUpitrh byLesied Wire to Th Journal) Qravesend. N. Y June 10. About six furlongs Keator (J. J.Walsh),J. to J. won; Tommy Waddell. second: Quad rille, "third. Time, 1:10. .-Empire steeplechase, about Itt miles Hylas (Rodle), H to 10, won; Flying Buttress, second; Bonfire, third. Time, 1;60. About " six , , furlongs. Bohemian (Lines), t to 6, won; Voorhees, second; Jacobite, third. Time, 1:10 8-6. Mile and a half Cairngorm, I to i, won; Migraine, second; Merry Land, third. Time, 1:481 , One and one sixteenth, miles Oars man (Burns), 4 to 1,'won; Niblick, sec ond; Wizard, third. Time. 1;48. Five furlongs Astronomer (Balrd); 7 to I, won; Debar, second; Beaufort, third. Time, 1:01. AS Xtonl Track. 'Cincinnati. June 10. Six furlongs Seotch-Irlehl W. McInryreiTl to 2; wonT Kobln Hood, second; La Pucelle, third. Time, 1:13 $-. ... - One mile Athlone,il04 Wishard), T to 8, won; Outwnl. second: Benvoiio.. third. Time, 1:414-8. ; . Flva furlongn Kerchev'al (Toman), 4 to 1, won; Hadur, second; Curly Jim. Hhtrd. Xlmer 1:01 8-8. . - ' J "' : One-and Mr sixteenth mlle -Ladv Savoy (Noonan), 4 to 1. won: Estrada Palma, second; white Plume, third. Time. 1:47 4-S.v. Five ftirlojis Problem (Foy). 1 to 1, wo;-Reatrlre K., second; Comment third. Time, l:02M-$. Seven- furlongs Royal Legend t E. MorrlsOnl.'T to 6, won: Miss "Jordan, second; Regalev third.- Tims, .1:24. All notices of amateur base bsll , games, challenges and atti letlo events must be sent to this office before 8 o'clock a. m. on the dy for publication. Ama teur managers should psy at tention to this rule, e tha, keep.I ing oi ic win insure a proper a report of their doing. Ths Journal . - " ei, jf - Sm. Ma4 OhM. ' -Millions .rush- In mad chsse '' after health, from one extreme-of faddlsin to another, when, If they would only eat fOOd food, and' keep their bowels rero uted with Dr. King's New Life Pills. their troubles would all para away. Prompt relief and oulck cure for liver end stomach trouble. !Sc at Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak streets. Yacht Fleur da Lis, which encountered fearfully rough weather during the race for the kaiser't cup. Two member of tha crew were ftearly gwept 1oyerboarfLJlBelowiJg-a portrgit of Mia Cgndace Stimom-dughter-of the owner and the only, wpman who made the tripaboard arty of -the racing yachts. FARMERS BREAK JaECORDS AND WIN Intercollegiate Traclf Honors Co to Oregon Agricultural CoJJegejreamzilz: EIGHT STATE RECORDS LOWERED AT. SALEM Two Northwest Records Sur passed but Will Not Stand Because of Technicality. (Special Dispatch to The JourntL) Bulem Or. June 10 Oregon Agrl- cultural collrge or-- corvaiim won tne Intercollegiate track meet here today, The score: Agricultural college, 88; University of Oregon. 46; Paclflo unTver- lty.17; Willamette university, 4. Tha following state records were broken: The JlO-yard hurdle By Mooree of TJ. of O.: time. 0:26 8-6. lowering former record of V. V. Kuykendall of IT. of O. by four f if tha of a aecond; broad jump by Peteraon of P. U.. dlatance $1 feet 1 Inches, beating former record or D. V. Kuykendall by 4 lnohes; 880-yard run by Greenhaw of O. A. C: time, 1:6S 1-6, lowering former record of rayne or u. or u. oy s t- seconas; iiv yard dash by Smlthson, O. A. C; time, 0:81 2-6, lowering former record of D. V. Kuykendall of U. of O. by one aec ond: mile run by Gates. P. U.; time. 4:41 4-6, lowering the former record of Wilklns of W. U. by 8-8 seconds; 440 yard daah by Williams of O. A. C; time, J)i481-6V4e weeing forme record of Red mond. P. C. by 1 4-8 seconds; 120-yard hurdle, by Bmlthson of O. A. C; tints, 0:18-6, lowering - former - record of Heater of P. C. hy three fifths of a sec ond: pole vault by Woodcock of O.-A. C; height, 10 feet. 74 inches, raising for mer record by 44 of an Inch. ' ThaNorthweat record for- 220-yard hurdles and 880-yard run were "broken. but as the track Is not a four-lap track the record will not stand. The aummery: : .:- . i 100-yard dash Bmlthson of O. A. C, first; Williams of O. A. C. second; Moorea of V. of O., third; Graham, O. A. C. fourth. Time, 0:iH. Broad Jum p--Peteraon, . P. V.. first; MoorsajCX.A, C seoond ; Henderson, U. of O., third; Graham. O. A. C, fourth. Dtatsnce, 21 feet 1W Inches. , , , 220-yrd -daah Smlthson," O. A. C flrstu Wluisma, O. AiC.. second; Moorea V. of O., third; Veatch.'U. of O., fourth. Time. 0:212-6. - ' Hammer-throw Hug, V. of O., first; Gardiner,' V. of 0.( aecond: Dlmmu-k, P. V.. third: Walker. O. .C, fourth. Distance. 118 feet. 8 Inches. Mile run Gata, P i'., first; Derolt, O. A. C, second; Mitchell, If. ' of O, ihlrdi Lienstd, C-A. C.7 fourt h.Tlme, 4:41,4-8. .. -tp - 22j0-yard hurdles Moores. IL, Of O., first'; Smlthson. O. A, C.i second; CstheK O. A. C third; Ms son, P. -U., fourth. Time, 0:26 2-6. . , , . -, 880-yard run Greenhaw, O. A. C, first; Peterson. P. V., second: Perkins, V. of O.. third; Forbes. W. C,. fourth. Time, 1:68 1-6. . . Bhoiput Hug. V. of O.. first: Mcln lyre, IT. of -4V second; Walker, O. A. C, third: Bow en, O. A. C, fourth. Distance, 40 feet, 7H Inches . , , High jump Moor, O. X. CX, flrst; Lounsberry, W. U., second; Swan, O. A. C. third; Smlthson. O. A. C, fourth. Hrtght. 6 feet T Inches. ' Polevault Woodcock, O. A. C. first; Swan. O. A.';., second rWlnslow. U. of O., third; Burns. O. A. C, fourth. Height, 10 feet 7 Inches. 440-yard dash Williams. Qv A, C, first; Greenhsw, O. A. C, second; Veatch,' II. of O.. third; Beach, a A, C. fourth. Time, 0:48 1-6. 120-yard hurdle Smlthson, O. A. C, first; Moorea, U. of O., aeoond; Beldon, O. A. C. third; Kuykendall. U. of. p. -fourth. Time. 0:1 1 X L. Dlscua-thrWr-R-Hug. U. of O., first; Stout, O. A. C, second; Abraham; O. A. C. third; Phllbrook. P. U fourth. Dia tance, 106 feet Inches. ' - rtelay race Won by O. A. C, Green haw. Bmlthson, Beach, Williams. Time, 8:36. LOS ANGELES WINS WITH - EASE FROM PORTLAND (Special Dltpitca by Letted Wire to The Jouratl) Lbs' Angeles, June 10. Garvin was batted freely and Los Angeles won with TBga "a'Uhu'Ugn "Oiaj 1 iiad to lelli'ie Goodwin In tha ninth to stop a batting rally, Score L03-ANGE1 AB. R. H. PO.A' Bernard. . cf. 8 , 0 0 Brashear, as. 2 - 0 2 1 11 2 1 2 2 1 3 0-2 0 0 0 ,0 0 Smith, 8b. . ., 4 Dillon, lb. Cravath. rf. Ross. ir. . Eager, 2b. SdIcs. C. . Goodwin,, j Gray, p , "Wttum Totals .24 6 10 27 18 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. Ats, as. f ... Van Buren, If. . Householder, cf. ...... i Schlafly, 2b McCredle, rf. ........... McLean, e Mitchell. lb .-I.... RunkJeT8bj ,,.....,.. Garvin, pi -,,,MU4 Jonea, p. 4 0,, 0 Total ....... ,,-t-r.. .S3 I 6 22 t Raum battel for Goodwin in ninth Inning. SCORE BT INNINGS., I f 8-4 -. t- Los Angela Hits. . ... Portland . .. J 0 0 0 9 2 2 ..1 8 0 1 2 8-1 10 A A A A A A I A Hits ...... !!o 1 0 1 0 0 2 2 I 6 SUMMARY. Stolen bases Bernard, t: Smith. Rosa. Errors Ross, 2. Hits Off Garvin, 1J; off Goodwin, 7; oft Orsy. 1. Home run Atl, Two-base hits Householder. Cravath, McCredle, Garvin. Sacrifice hits SDles. Van JJuren. .... Left m huu Loa Angelea, 8; Portlund, "7. Bases on balls Oft Goodwin, 3; off Orsy. 1; v. 1 n i .ill. , v , i , ui.rn, , I ,1V. au( By Garvin. 4. Double plays Eager to Hrashear to Dillon; van Buren to Ats. Wild Pitch loodwln. - Hit hvi nltrhml ball Bernard. Time of' game 1:66. Umpire Bray. . i NEW BILL AT THE w "f BELASCO THIS WEEK hrW-rawtHHyfthrBelaseo-Stoek compshy will be demonstrated, tomor row evening when It will -chance from Clyde Fitch s drama, "The Climbers," to the fsree, ("Are You a Mason T' It will fie the first stock performance in Portland of this farce. "Are You a Mason T" runs for the entire" week,' with matinees Saturday and Sunday.' The final performances of "Tha Climbers" 111 be given this afternoon and this evening. Following "Art Ms son T" - Julia Mirlowes You success. When KKnlghthood Waa in Flowar,1 will be presenteA - . - - No wonder'we if 11 a thousand a yeafr " ALL STANDARD MAKES OF TIRES, a FULL LINE OF : SUNDRIES. " " Best.Equipped Repair -Department in Town. BICYCLES '; VEHICLES i IMPLEMENTS HARNESS LANE NOT READY TO NAME APPOINTEES Has Not Given Slightest Atten tion to Matter of Personnel - of Official Family: - - NO.ONE MAYLSPEAK FOFf, HIM ON THE SUBJECT RjjrrwrMentiona .Welt-Known v.. Citizens in Connection With v Important Places. . - Drr Harry ' Lane, mayor-elect, and Judge George H. Wllljama, mayoral In cumbent, hav exchanged tha usual post election compliments, i . When Dr. ane returned last evening from eastern Oregon, ha found In the heavy malt that had accumulated a let ter from. Mayor -Williams expressing his appreciation of the consideration shown ' and the gentlemanly bearing manifested by Dr. Lane in the campaign. Dr. Tina Immediately answered, express ing hla thanks for the kindly letter and assuring Mayor Williams of hla personal good wlshea.' "' V ' Dr. Lanewaa in Bakir City attending a meeting of the state board of health, of-which h has" been' a member .for soma time. H spoka of tba many ti presslons of satisfaction of eastern Ore gdn" fTleTasrTirOuooesanhlhaeleo- tton of last Mondayv ' ' ' " Dr."Iihe"haa not selected any of the men who -wlU serve in poaltlona that are subject-to his appointment. ; "No, sir," lyw Dr. Lane, wnen quenea regarding the -appointments, VI have made no selections, I have not man In mind yet whom I will aak to acoept positions, and I will take plenty of time to make my decisions.- -'- Baa Made sio 8Uieooo. Is It true," Dr. Lane."-was asked; "that you have made absolutely no se- lectlonsr "That Is exsctly ths truth," we hi renlv. "1 hava been busy sine election riav with duties connected with tha meeting of th slat boar TSfbaalth. and have not had time t give the mat ter any conalderatlon. There la enough time remaining before ths beginning of my term, to settle all these appoint ments, and I expect to be guided by i ha t.rlnclolea enunciated while 1 making the campaign. I spoke in favor nt tiu. civil aervlce. which waa lncor porated in the city charter as a aallant r the law. and step toward better civic conditions. Properly ad ministered, tha civil service Is a square deal for all peraona who apply for po sltlona and It should !be maintained with a'trict fidelity to the mandate of the peoples expressed In. that portion Pt,th chsrter - . l. . . "The dullt'l 1 iiutJur e Postlnnd were slmpllflod ,emewhat by the char tLThe. Jlne-i)f demarcation .between UexacuUvi and. legislative was sharp-, ly drawn, and it remains' merely for th executive to read the law and then pro eeed to enforce it. The application of this- obvious principle In relation to the civil .service is especially deairable, ln aamuch as It substitutes merit for pull and. when faithfully adminlatered. lm provea the character of government, jfo On Hay Speak tot Kim. Dr. Lane refused to say anything re garding th policy h will-pursue In making appointments. Speculation has been eosstsnt, and many persons hav I been excitedly circulating aiaiemema that have credited to Dr. Lania decisions In Imiiortant instances. i nese state ments ar unreliable, and, according to hie essertiona. no one. has oeen aumor lied to sneak for him. nor will be at any time. " - n--rrmrr-Hme,,J--sid-he'l. will an nounce my decisions, but 1 shall not(be in a hurry about It," - - - ' Political jrosslper have heen-asy -wtttt. Jnany- name Trtey - na va --con nected With tne-neso or, mo iron De partment the names of John Lament, L. TPeery. A-Fl FlegeL Wi'P.-'Morden M. J. Malley and J. T. Wilson, lv Is known that Mr.' Flegel never tnougni oi toe appointment until ha heardthat uch story was In circulation, and he prompt ly denied that he 'would accept It. were It tendered. . It la also understood that Mr. ator- den wants to remain where he Is, as un- dersheriff with Tom Word. ' It waa alao stattfd that Mr. aialley.doe not delr the appointment. r- Mr. Peery and Mr. Lmoni are put forward by their friends, and Mr.'-WU-sOn ha not even decided that he would accept If offered the, position. Warned for Bxeoatlve Boardi GosslDers. totrr-tiav been In error In saying R. W. Montagu Was an aspirant- for any appointment. It Is exceedingly doubtful that he would be willing to neglect his law practice to accept public office of any sort, slthough many, per e one ha vewrgeA he lve-b placed pa the executive board. With that ooan political talk connects the nsmes of W. M. Idd. R. D. Inman. Rk'hard Wll son, John Montsg. George Howell, H. R Albe and others. . t. A boom wss started Saturday for O. ear Bellinger for city engineer. Dr. Lane will have an important leriinn to mak In Ihe successor of A. A. Courtney for th civil service commis sion, and It la known thai n win ex ercise special bare Id Ailing the offlc. Numerous csndldate are appearing for th minor office. , ill .Vr efl RACYCLE BICYCLES THAT TOTALLY DIFFERENT WHEEL ; ; SPROCKETS BETWEEN THE BEARINGS Runs Easier, EVERYBODY (Some Want Them So STOLEN! Bicycle, 22-ln., CTB.7 G. I Tires, t-io. Tablnj. No, 76203 M nfw.20-IlutCC.4J.Tirtt,lJ'oWn.Tul)lnt No.8oI23 1 - $10 Reward for Wheels or Thieves - : CASH, TRADE OR INSTALLMENTS BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND BICYCXES , - EXPERT V, T B N X V B N I N O S A N D . SUNDAYS FRANK M. JONES W." BTKERNAFf; Manager nrrr e ' j li!" 1 I r ljbi ttstfftnl ' saa WHf Butchers' Supplies i bl aw . - w ev "1 S. TIw Urt$t latthtn' $uply Boom Uw WATER PANSY-SEX- BACK AT ST. LOUIS (Special rIpa I ch by td Wire o The Journal) St. Louis, June -Id. Fair , ground ummary: ' j. Six furlongs Water Pansy (McMul Jen), to 1. won; Dollnda. second; He Deceiver,' third Time, 1:181-8. Water Pansy disqualified for fouling. Essayet Ian ran ' ' SIX furlong Humorist (Pomlnlck), even, won; Uorseradlah. second; Excite'2' - . t i , rr ...a Six furliongs Ed Early (McOe).. 1 to 1, won: Frank Belt, aecond; Inspector Halpln. third. Time, 1:1S 8-8. Mil and a half Uncle Charley (Au bucbon), 4 to 6, won; Benighted,, seo ond; Plnkertom, third. Tim. 1:88 8-8. One 4nd three sixteenths males Taby Tea (L. Wllllamal, 8 to 8. won; Don't Ask Me. second;' King Ellsworth, third: Time. 8:08 1-8.' " . Mile and sixteenth Docile (Sewell), I to , won; Cottlllon," second; Kenton, third. Tim. 1:88. ' Mile fend an eighth Tristram Shandy Feet), 8 to 1, won; Hubbard, second; thenarthlra. " 'Tim.-! :8. ' - Tk atousefly a Carrier of Btsees. Fromtslle Weekly. ' , Th housefly' la of Itself a great dis seminator of ' disease, partaking and polluting a It dne th food end drlnB of man. Military - authorities have noticed that of f leer . who tent were fly crened suffered proportionately lea than 'from tha attack of typhoid fever than did those whose tent were unprotected. Th' latter - seems well nigh impossible, but On of t a t s o FIRST AND -TAYLOR STREETS PORTLAND, ORE. Wears Longer WANTS THEM J Bad They Steal Them) REPAIRING 309 OAK STREET -r J ... ( . a. rf - i) ill!! 4BHeias1ad To4), Fixtures, Splcej, Sausat; Caa lag, Cooiera, Blocks, Marbla 5Iaba, ' CLOTHINQ ' Birkenwald Co. CM 304-306 Evtrttt SL, Portland DittO EXTRACTED. FILLED OR CROWNED , 4 ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN By Our new discovery applied to th gums, w do dentsl work without the suffering usually experienced whiles hav ing dental work done. Tha very bet dental work at the lowest possible cost Consistent with flrst-clasa work la th secret or our success. Exsminatlon free. Our prices are th lowest, our work th beat and guaranteed for ten., year.-' -:-" ;' -" r-'-"- rwru Other dentists com and go, but thh Boston Dentist remain th aam re liable, up-to-date dentists.' , - Boston Painless Denti:'j 881H Moriiao Si, Opp. at ale Travv . aag Old irostenio. y HOURS 8.18 a. m. (o I p. B. Sua day, 8.80 a. m. to 11:88 P. ro. '.ill.' . . j i . ' 1 1 i ust r dona. The mosoulto - erl malaria and yellow fever; the rat rrr! the plague; the rat an 4 the dig Y phohls; th hog, Irlrhlna; tu ttl end hore. snihra. urTMOUl xyi viwii LrJr , srl thry all carry t