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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
; - THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,"" SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 11. 190J. TOVfJ TOPICS -. .-. .1 TO WIGHT'S AMTOZX EliTS. ftelasee.,.,, Koure i l.jrlc himr . . Grand ..... bake The- Cltmbeis' a 8w Th PHbh of Uetectlrr .Vaudeville vuaine The . second annual eomnvenoament , exercises of tha Allan Preparatory school will ba bald In tha Flrat Congro- catlonal church on Friday evening, when the following program will ba .of farad: Violin. T,legende. twienia- . wakl), Miss Margaret Fallennle; - aa ; ' dress. "Responsibility and Opportunity." President P. L. Campbell; vocal aolo. "Wsre My Song With Wlnge Provided." (Reynaldo Hahn), Mlaa M. Evelyn Hur ley; presentation or dlpiomaa, suae At ". len: vocal solo, (a.) "Tha Baft Song.' : lOullbert Nevln)l (b.) "Songs ! My Mother Tauaht me." (Anton Dvorak) "Mlaa Helen Barstowr Ths - graduates are: Jamea Howard Huddleaon, Jr., Clara, Emily Jonea, James Andrew Mil ler end Loretta Showers. rive pupils will ba graduated from Bt Mary'a academy and college next Tuesday evening. Tha azerolses will ba - on a scale mora elaborate than any be - for that haye marked the close of tha .' college year. Wallace MoCamant,'-Gov-ernor 1 Chamberlain,. . and Archbishop v Christie will deliver addresses. Tha BL - - Mary's Ceclllans, a violin' quartet and choral numbers with piano and harp a V compajilraent will ba features of tha V program." Tha graduates are: Marian " ' Gertrude Provost, San Jose. California; Margaret Mary Barbara. Portlands Alice Oenevleve Dougherty, Portland; Mary .... Elydla McKlnnon. Eau Claire, Wlscou- -yanny and xeona Antoinette woaucnena. -.. : Tumbling from a perpendicular moun tain 800 fefet high, tha Falls of Multno- T man Is ona or the marvelous attractions of tha Columbia river, -whtch may- ba ' aeen from .tha decks of' tbs handsome ..' 'ateamer Charles ft. Spencer today.. The " boat leaves foot of Washington Street a 7-m..-Taturnln at p. m. Tha ' Spencer la tha fastest, neweat and most i modern ateamer on the rlTnr, Knit Its table aervtca la equal to that of tha - beat -hotela.- Far for-tha round trip . $1. - Tbla Is ona of the most fascinating ... . river rides In the wbrldDon't miss tt - and be sura that you (1da on . tha -Charles jk. Bpencer. , .. ' Races, Races. Races. Raoea. Racea. Races, . ---- -Portland Hunt club - - - .- : Portland Hunt club '- -- -', -. ' . Annual field day. "y Annual field day; '. V " Irvlngton race track. - ; . --r Irvtngton race track. " " - Saturday. June 17, 1:30 p. m. .' Saturday, .June IT, 1:J0 p. ra. The American Inn, tha only, hotel upon tha Exposition grounds. Is now open: " Onsets ara supplied with passes to Fair "T grounds, which can ba used ss often as they may wlah. Street ears to tha door. ; Ask conductor Tor point of transfer. - Raataurant epen from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Regular meals, breakfast and lunch, 10 cants.' Dinner, 11.00. Buffet and billiard - room. Mrs. J. T. McCready. manager. e: Lacrosse and baseball today. ...... : . .-. Orand -double-header. '- - - two ffmrg iur uuv luiiiiMuini "'. tth and Vaughn street grounds. .-- partland vs. Bhamrecks. - "rBchUlerr"fs7Xaks. , ...' Far local championship. . v first game starts I p. m. sharp. . . , Jwo grand contests. . .- ' -v .. . , oeneral admlaslon He. , .. " ; . . 1 ,-'t- - 1 ' W. D.1 Johnstons of ths library" of ;C0ngrcsf wllLglva an JUustrntedJecture. -m-llbrarles every day In June In the blograch room of the Interior depart ment of tha Government building at tha , fair grounds. This lecture is free to all and will ba very interesting, particular ly to those who are contemplating put .ting up library buildings or opening , ' reading rooms. -; Tha ' large ubi-deck 'excursion .barge Klickitat and ateamer Glenola mar tiow ba charteredTor atl-day and .moonlight trips. Capacity, day. S00 per- sons; night. 760 persons. Good dsnclng . : floor and electrio lights. For-rates and dates apply Oregon Round Lumber com papy, 1(1 Burnaida street. Phone Main ' WW.. f. ' V - "' Portlanders entertaining guests at ihe fair find the American inn exactly .-nirited to their needs for lunches, din ners snd banquets. Its beautiful sur roundings and splendid accommodations and service make it the Inn perfect. The management invite Portland to use tha American Inn as their club at the fair. 1 , Motlaa th the PiiMla. Freight leaded : for fair grounds must be delivered direct in their respective- buildings In- side- fair- grounds, Freight- to- be- trans ferred o the .Oregon AO to Despatch will not be handled under any clrcum- i- Btaneea.- - The Team "Drivers' Union, Local No. lit, - of this city. - . ' Exposition Deliveries Only auto trucks carrying supplies will be ad mitted to the main part of exposition grounds on and after Monday, the 12th. Lumber and materlala for . Trail ad mitted only at St. Helena gate, en Linn ton "'road, Baleh creek canyon. Oakar Huber, Director of Works. . r- Very low excursion rates to points faet. Full particulars at the North ern Pacific ticket office. No. tit Mot v rlson street, corner Third. If not con ' venlent to call drop a Card to A. JX' s Charlton. A. O. P. A., and detailed in formation will be given you. ' The . White Temple Dr. Brougher preaches today. Morning, "Limitations of Personal - Liberty." Night. "If J Don't Somebody Else Will.". - Prelude, "How It All Happened." Baptism. Splendid music Fair visitors welcomed. Mayor O, A, Fechter has advised the administration that Mrs. Horsley, chair man of tha women's executive commit tee of Yakima, has named the follow- Rolled Oats ' FOR - HORSE FEED v $30 Per? Ton Pacific Grain Co Thirteenth "itnd " Kearney Streets Telephone, Main 5307 ; .. .. . . lng as members of the entertainment committee' for Yakima week: - Mra. W. L. Jones, Mrs. J. H. Snlvely. Mrs.j W. W. Robertson, Mrs. Vaatal Suyder. Mra. Ella Stair. Mrs. Miles Cannon. Mra M. H. . Drover, Mrs. - Jc. Ho ThomaA. Mra.. Virginia Bartholet, Mra. Fred Parker and Mra. A. E. Larson and Mrs. 8. A. Morrisqn and Mra. W. H. Cllne of Sun ny side. - . i, ....s;,-, ' The dining-room of the - Arlington club wss the scene yesjerdsy of a din ner tendered by W. I j'enton to Levi Ankeny, United Statea aenator from Washington. - Those present. Including Mr. Fentoa and Senator Ankeny. were Arthur- I Eraser, presiding Judge of the atsta circuit Court; Milton W, Smith and L N. Fleischnsr. -. City Treasurer J. E. Werleln has an nounced that en July 1 he will redeem city Improvement bonds valued St IS, 4S.8. of which tis.lll.4t worth haa run the limit of 10 years.' The re mainder will be called In before the life of the bonds has expired. The bonds to be redeemed are numbered from 1 to it and from, tli to 88. - E. M. Skinner has sued H. B. Ward & Co. for 1638, balance alleged to be due for the plastering of buildings at .'the Lewis and Clark fair- arrounds and for furnishing supplies- for the work. A writ of attachment for the amount was served on Ward at the fair grounds.; Circuit Judge H. L., Benson bf the First Judicial district... came up from Klamath -Falls yesterday to visit County Judge Webster and to attend tha expo sition. t He will remain a f ew, days. ; - ' Low. excursion rates to all points east For full particulars call at the North ern Pacing ticket -office, tit Morrison street, corner Third, or write. A. D. .Charlton. A. O. PAJorUana...Or. ; , Wedding .. Invitations .and announce inenta. You svlll appreciate the beauty of our old English." and plate script styles when you see our samples. Prices no higher than ths out-of-date Styles. Altrin 8. Hawk Co.. US .Third street. . Sundsy Trolley Trip On O. W. P. to Estacada, SS miles, K0 cents round, trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada. 16. cents. Care lsava Flrat. and Alder striata 7; JO, :0, 11:10 a. m., 1:80, 1:10. 1:44 p. m. Sunday trolley trlp on O. W. P. to Estacada,' 19 miles, to cents "round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada.- 75 cents. Cars leave Flrat and Aider streets 7:80, 1:30, 11:30 a. m., 1:30, 3:40, 0:44 p. m. River trfpe for visitors to Oregon City and return for J6c A most de lightful outing. Boats -leave ' Taylor street . Sunday. 8:30.. 0:80, 11:80- av- m., 1:30,-1:30 p. nv- Round trip Zo. " Oreat reduction Bale- Entire stock to be aold below cost. - Please come In and look. Ladles', underwear and shirt waist a. Man Sing tc Co., 89f Morrison street. . ; .',,..:. . ....' For Rent A brand new 8 (-room lodg- ing-house. Nineteenth and Washington. Modern In every respect. Low rent. Applr te h Geyurta, 17 First street. .' Mrf, 3. Burnhajrt . .of the "Couch school will open a six weeks' Bummer school for pupils June 19. Apply st 658 Kearney, street, or .phone Main 817. The. Northern Pacific offer very low rate excursion tickets to the east. Par tlculars - at- the office, '256 Morrison -Streets-corner- Thlrdr-r , -. . , $ -.- Wrtte A. D. Charlton. A. O. P. A Northern Ftne railway, Portland. Ore gon, for partlcularajregarding excursion rates to ths 'east. L ;4 ........ .-Reliable place to borrow money on dlamonda and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 260 Waahlngton St. Established 15 year. : Loweat rates or Interest. f tit ja. 1 n fMTiri, nr,n. City." Canemah park and Gresham, 85 cents round trip. Boring. Eagle Creek end Eeta.cada- SO eanta round trio. -- - . i -T-J -1 We ' are still selling our ' 1.80 eye- glassss for 81. Consultation free, and every pair guarantee Metsger eV Co., Ill Sixth street. ' - "- " 21CiHenry . yesterdayrsonuneneed -commenced n -for 35.000, erytces ss suit against J. H. Peterson alleged to be due for se: realty broker..' Bible Spiritual socletyTneets at 11 a. m. and s p. ra.. nunaay, a. u. w. naji. Selllng-Hlrach building. Extra program. W. J. Oolvllle. the great Ineptratlonal SDeaker.wmIecture today at Artisans hall, Ablngton building, at . and 1p.m. Indian curios. Indian blankets, Indian pottery. Consignment )ust . In. . Real, genuine. W. R. Insley Co., 208 Stark. Low excursion, ratea to the east Par- TT"W7'"- v.Mn tirket of- flce, Third and Morrison. Hare "you read the offer-of free tickets to The OaksT Read it on the classified pages. Have you heard the new two-step. "Katchlna"T v. Latest thing out, catohy and full of awing. . . . Moffett Hot Springs, $1.30 dayt 88 and $10 week; baths, 25c Take Regula tor line. , Band Concert D'Crbano's Royal Italian band at The Oaks afternoon and evening. , - , June 24. Great holiday. Don't , for get the dale. . June 24 that's all. Bandy concert D'Urbanoa Royal Ital ian, band at Th Oaks afternoon and evening. r- Take launches for warships at Mer rill's boathouse, north side of Morrison bridge. " "' y ' " " ' . r Prise waits. Cedar Park, aft em son and evening. - Late cars jeturnlng 'to Jlty. June" 24 watch r it grow. Greatest holiday of the year. . , . . ; Dr. L. Mt-Thornton, dentist, 201 Mar duam building. Phone Main 8.84. . June $4 thafs.1t. $1.000cash if you guess It. That's all. ' Tjf." Rlckenbaek.-yu: sarr Allsky bldg. Wno'B who? Who's WoosterT f An sley Printing Cc 280 Oak. WHERE TO DINE. Lewis and . Clark Observatory cafe, 1,000 "feet above the city, , now open. Reasonable prices. Take Portland heights car. Come and. sat a dainty uncU.whila viewing the most magnifi cent scenery In America. , . . All tha delicacies of the season at tha Portland! restaurant Private apartments for parties, 303 Washington, near Fifth. - Brandee' Grill, at 103 Sixth.- near Stark, has secured ths. finest chef In the city. Give him a trial. - ,: The Empire is the plsce to' go for your fine meals, Neat and clean. , .. CALLS WIFE QUEEH -AfiD HILLS Uir.iSELF G. P. Mclntyre, One-TJme Owner ; of Half of Victor, Colorado, " Take Acid. SAD LETTER OF BARBER - ' , WHO WAS ONCE RICH Hints That the Dead Man Left Family to Marry Oregon ' "; City Girl. . ' George P. Mclntyre, who bnoe owned two thlrde of the city of Victor. Col orado, and baa been working as a barber in Portland for tha last 10 years, com mitted suicide In a saloon at 206 Waah lngton atreet yesterday afternoon. An. empty, two-ounce vial that . had contained carbollo acid told the means of Mclntyre'a departure from life, and a letter to his wife' told the cause. It contained the apology of the suicide for his deed. He could not be a man any more, he wrote, and he waa better off dead, and his friend. John Laffertr, of Caaadero, Oregon, . would take care of her. ' - - : - .- C Mclntyre went Into - "the saloon at I o'clock, aaked for a pencil, and stepped Into a box, saying that ha wanted to writ a letter. The peneil-waa -given-te him and 10 minutes later he waa found sitting at a table, life extinct the vial jytng near his -elbow, his face resting on nis rigni nana, ana nia wnoie alti tude indicating peaceful slumber. An attempt waa made. to rouse him; then Coroner Ftnley was summoned and tookJ. charge of the .body. Everything, showed that Mclntyre had deliberately killed himself. When he . went Into ' the saloon he carried a sheet of foolscap with him. In tha let ter he asked his wife to give his tools and-trunk to hisTrtmd "l."ld letTST pay what bills he saw fit; to see their old friend. John Laf forty bf Caaadero, Oregon, and to aak blm for help-during her alckneaa. Tha latter paid a touching tribute to the fidelity of hia wife. . "God bless you." It ended. "You ar the- moat, devoted littla wife that ever lived.- I cannot be a man any mora, so I think I am better off dead. I am a disgrace to you and my frlsndsuYou are a little queen.- You are too good a little, woman to waste your time on me. I am ever your husband. . Coroner Flnley took - charge of the body and when It waa taken to tha morgue Mrs. Mclntyre appeared and be tween sobs made arrangement for the Interment- - - Mclntyre and his ' wife, who was a resident of Oregon City, were married about alx months ago. Friends of- Mo Intyre told the officers thst he had al ready been married in - Victor, Colorado, and left a wife and two children living in that city,. He left Victor, they stated, in -ths - financial panlo and haa since worked in Portland and other cities as a journeyman barber and the proprietor of barber ahops. He waa for a time a prominent member of the barbers' union, but his former high fortunes were con fided to only-a few friends to whom he spoke- In his drinking hours. He drsnk neavuy. GOOD PROGRAM AT : 1 , FAIR TOMORROW Order of, the day at the Lewis arid Clark fsis lemarrow. eallforhlaZYromcg tlon Committee day, Roseburg and Cot tage Grove day: t a. m. Buildings, government ex hibit and Trail open. - 10 a. m. California promotion com mittee exercises in Auditorium, Admin istration band. 4 - 13 m. California promotion commit tee luncheon, American Inn. -r: : 1:30 p. m. Administration - band. Auaitorium. -:--sTirTn.Order--of--th Eastern - Stsr exercises in Auditorium. Addsess of welcome by President Goods. 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. Grand concert by innea nana, nanastand. 3:30 p. m. Life-saving exhibition on iaae. 3 p. m. Interscholastic Jrelay races, Athletic park, . v Twenty;fourth and I Vauxhn streeta 7:80 p. . m. Reception to California promotion committee. New Tork build lng. - 7:30 to t:30 p. m. Grand concert by mnes Dana, bandstand. p. m. Grand electrical illumination. . 11 p. ro. Gates close. eVslhti- Titsgtis lis t srts Is s A very interesting literaryml mu- sleal- program-was rendered-Ott-Thurs-day evening at the monthly meeting of the Lutheran league of St. Jamer Eng lish Lutheran church, at the residence Of Miss Louise Wlckllne. S East Tan- hlll atreet Thoae taking part In the program were Mra. King, Mlsa -Grace Gilbert, Miss Kern, Mrs. Leas, Miss Lulu Wlckllne and Mr. Alfred Blank holm. Mra. Ella Jonea was accompanist. Rsv. Walter I. Eok, - formerly of this place, and a recent graduate of . the Chicago seminary, waa present. i Xvaahoe Z,odg-e's 3few Offloers. , Ivanhoe lodge io. 10. K. of P.. at Its regular convention last Mondsy even ing elected . the following officers Chancellor-commander, L. E. Crouch; vice-chancellor, u. f. Thornton: prelate, D. T.- Manor; master of work, Christ Nielsen; maater Qf arms, Robert Smith; inner guard. . Wl lllaraWalkaui outer guard.-Emmet Eller. Jrew Corporations. 7 , Articles of Incorporation have been (lied with the county clerk by W. Lord. J-W-Oanong end-Theodore -B.-Wllcnt of the Gilliam County Milling-company, with capital stock of 130,000, and by J. V. Beach, N. l). Simon and F. C Hoecker of the Mark. F.Jones A Sons Piano com pany, with capitalisation of 38.000. 4)f The Journal Today will tell you how to ob tain free admission to THE OAKS The Chutes, the Bumps, the Maze, the Laughing dallery "WANT PAGES" Wo assume that '- every one know"- his -duty" to . himself - and to his family to save a portion of his earnings and put it where it will earn more. But a gentle reminder, may' help. It pays to save. we pay; ... J - PER CENT 4 - INTEREST. GENERAL " r" BANKING BUSINESS : TRANSACTED. V Oregon Savings Bank - ' Sixth and Morrison Sts. ' ' v. '. - :, :.- : " U 0, RAL8T0V, PiMiaest ', . .. - W. COOPER MOBRIS. Caakler. ' '" ..- ' S. L BAYS, A est. Caakler. TKLIPHONB MAIN Is. ROSES BLUSH AND - - - - - WITH GOOD CAUSE John : P.: YoungVt Editor: of; the -TarrFrancisco-ChfonrCrev ' ."I Praises Them. SAYS FAIR SITE NEVER - - HAD EQUAL IN WORLD Amazed-at- Beauties of Expb- : sition . and Predicts Great :: . Future for City. - Portland roses blush a deeper crimson today, and with. good, cause. They-have been praised by John P. Young-of San Francisco. And Portlsnd msy consider hep a-reat fair an unquallf led -success, because It has been commended by,, the uni man. Mr. Young. "J. P.,". la an expert on rosea, and a connoisseur on things that make our exposition; indeed, be is the man who knowa he knowa a whole lot of thlnra. Including the financial ques tlons. Pomoeilan pottery, paychology, and politics. "J. P." has made the San Francisco Chronicle one of tha greatest newsDaDcra of the west. Mr Ymm. Mml to sea If What WSS said -of -the-air-wae -truei-ajnd -he-3l- clarea tnat aescription naa oia - ou half lha. truth. He waa amased at what he aaw; tha work, accomplished, the else and scope of the exposition, and above all. the eito. No fair in the world ever htil asuiifU11'' J'f Preservers ou buaiu Or lake HeautlfuretTthTt7r he - said ; and hs knows, as hs -haa seen them alL And tha city Itself surprised him; its beauty, stability, air of solidity. Its handsome homea, and charming gardens, Its fine stores and business bustle, pub Ho buildings - and plasaa, hotels snd anartment housea all appealed to blm aa the foundation of a magntCl2FMt city yet to be on th banks of the W illam ette. The man who praised Portland la en-, titled to 4la opinions about cities; ha has aeen many of them. He can edit th Chronicle -from the top of an omnibus In London or the hurricane deck of schooner of the Sahara or the top of the Mulr glacier aa well aa from hta winging chair at Market and Kearney, streets in San Francisco; and he haa done it for years. When be Isn't edit ing he is writing books on deep, darkt and abatruse subjects, or making hu morous speeches to fellow savants of J Clubs. - Mr, and Mrs. Young will visit Yellow stone Park and will return to Portland on the way home. MB. PAGUE" WOULD- -MAKE SOME CHANGES Tells What He Would Do If He Were Elected School , Director. B. 8. ague, who haa declared himself a candidate for school director, states that if elected he will favor - paying teachers their salaries in 13 monthly payments by check, delivered at the schoolroom the flrat of esch month, in stead of paying them 10 times In the school" year and allowing them to go without any money during the summer vacations. Ha also favors a chsnge In tha architecture of. school buildings; mors modern beating and ventilating plants . and . better sanitary conditions; the abolishment of the annual election of teachers and the merit system, and tha institution of a civil . service sys- Afm In ths employment of teachers ; ad- Justmentof expenses within the tax limit vote fcr-Jtne-tapayers- ant -open meetings, of tha board. R. K. Warren, .whose term of Of flee aa director expiree July 1, stated yes terday that he waa net a candidate and would not become one under any con sideration. A petition, la circulated among the taxpayers saktng him to be come a candidate for reelection. ' The annual election of school director will be held, June.!."'" Arrangements ara being made for dividing the city Into 30 districts. In- each of which will be a polling place. Final arrangements for. the election will be made Monday. G, .H.WILLIAMS, LAWYER, I WILL BE ON SHINGLE Although past 83 years old ' Mayor Williams will not retire from business lifs after his term of office expires July He will return to the law firm of Williams, 'Wood A LlnthlcunY, with which be waa associated be ro re ha waa elected mayor. "I hope," aald the mayor yesterday, that people will not allow their political prejudices to work to my disadvantage after. I have returned to. the 'practice, of law.", T Mayor Williams hsa been In uublld life for over 80 yeara, tha greater part of which time-he haa been associated with the bench and bar. - . ' ST.. PAUL LEAVES Ste am e r for San FrancjscoWa . . Forced to Leave Many ron Dock; HEAVIEST TRAFFIC IN ' YEARS, SAYS CAPTAIN Similar Rush at San ; Francisco May Lead to Putting Another Boat Into Service, - Almost 104 people who wsnted to take passage - on the steamer St. Paul last night for Ban Francisco could not be accommodated. ' - All of her - first-class aecommodatlona had been engaged be forenoon. 'The rush wss. so great that the apace usually alloted to those who; want to embark at Astoria was disposed bf in Portland and a telegram sent to tha company's agent In Astoria, not Jig sell any tickets there. '"T Three hundred passengers went out on the steamer, the greatest -number to go down the coast by tbs water route on - one craft aince tha palmy days be fore the country waa full of railroads. I Qf this nurabeiLZ!!!Ljrerftulnasaen.-- gers, all of the space In that part of the ship being taken. 'TlreseJwaapeeTity of room left in ths steersge. but those spplylng for tickets dldi not want to .travel In that style. The rush .st ths other: end of ' the line is said to be Just ss greet more wanting to come to Portland than can be accommodated,' It ia for this reason thst the Paclflo Coast SteAmshlp com pany Is seriously considering the advis ability' of placing another steamer on ths routs. ontrary lT1fSBeclatlonitBe Bt. Paull was unable to handle all of the fielghx. whichwas offered for shipment. She took out 3,189 sacks of. flour, 888 sacks of bran, 100 sacks of shorts and a big assortment Of miscellaneous good a But the docks are still piled with freight awaiting shipment., RIVER IS CROWDED. Complaint Made That Small Craft So - - Bros Carry Lights At Wight. Almost svery evening the Willamette river above the bridgea la' covered by a big fleet of yachts, which salt-up aa far aa Ross Island - and return. Usually they keep well over to the east side of the atream, which la out of the regular boat channel, where they . have always been comparatively safe. : -- But aince so many gasoline launches, amall steamers and row boats have been placed In commlaalon. the yacht owners complain that they -are forced from the east . aide of ths river and that the mos quitoes ara operated in a reckless man ner. Jhe yachtsmen say that the other boats ought to either keep on the west side or in the main channel, Many of tha rowboata and launches, It Is aald. do not carry lights at night. The small boats are -free from Itlspao. tion by The government and the owners do not have to -comply-' with ' the rules laid down for regulation of larger ves. eels. .. Some carry aa many as-100- pas sengers, but they are not required to any other precautions aa a aafeguard in cans ox accidents ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Carrying 40 tons of freight and a full passenger list the steamer Toledo sailed last nlgbt for Grays hsrbor. With 17,800 barrels of fuel oil the steamer Whtttler and barge Santa Paula arrived yesterday from San Francisco. A. portion, of lha product was discharged at ins gaa aoca ana the balance Portsmouth. The vessels, cleared last evening for the return trip, -a- R. F. Barnes, deputy collector of cue- toms, will go to The Dalles in a day or two to maaa an oriclal meaaurement of the ' ferryboat New Western Queen, wnicn nas Deen remodeled. r:. - MARINE NOTES. Astoria, June 10. Arrived at S and left up at 8:18 a. m. United fitatee cruiser waroienead, from San Francisco. Ballad at 6 a. m., ateamer Despatch, for nan sTanciaco. Bailed at 1:40 a. m steamer Cascade, for San Francisco. Uonaitton at ths bar a B p. ui., lllutth;7MslRew"Mcanrri?avlJrmTh wind- northwests. weather, cloudy. San Francisco. June 10. Arrived at 11 laat night, ateamer Acme, from Port. land. MODERN PRODIGAL SON WAS HIS SUBJECT Francis A. Btroush of Kiimati Michigan, traveler and lecturer, will give an address on "The Modern Prodi gal Son.,. Illustrated by 109 stereoptlcon views, at the T. M. C. A. auditorium at S:80 o'clock this-afternoon.. Miss Ethel Lytle will sing "Just One Bov." whtch Is Illustrated by lt-vlews. Tha mala quartet choir of the Hassalo Street Con- gregausnai cnurcn will alng "Where Is My Wandering Boy TonlahtT" nine. trated. This quartet la made up of the louowing: . m. uoarrey, nrst tenor; A. O. Whitman. - second tenor: c p Tinksrr first bsssrT3."H. Johnson, sec ond DSSB. . J- a F. A. Strough Is In ths cltv for the purpose of gettrng photographa of the Lewla and Clark exposition, oa which hs wm lecture tnrougnont the United Statea.. '' j. ,. . FOURTH WILL SEE BIG CROWD FROM INTERIOR A heavy coach excursion train will be run by the Oregon Railroad eV Nav igation - company from Boise, Baker City, Huntington and La Grande to Portland July I for tha Lewla and Clark exposition. - Rates leaa than one fare for the round trip will prevail from some points. -i. The train will leave Huntington at t a. ra., and will arrive at Portland at 1:10 p. m. The fare for the round trio will be $10 from Huntington, 18.10 from Baker City, from Union, -IS from Perry,. 17 from Bingham Springe, and corresponding- amounts -from - Intermediate- point a The company expects one of the largest excursions of the yearonr this date. . The Latest Fad. The latest fad among Portland's smart set are tha banquets at ths. Amerlcsn inn. Meals table d'hote and la carte amid the moat beautiful surroundings make the American Inn PnrtUnd'a best entertainment resort. The special dol lar Sunday Uble dhote Is particularly attractive,- .,- X L mi V - b-X. I M !... t4 W--T-r-":tg' - itKe.- 9t..?-tef!tBi r Knight's The Sorosis and . . ' ...-Walk-Over Stored Every Dollar Counts " W5h'n you csn save from HHp-to ,85.00 on a Suit of Clothee It la worth consideration. . When you can better yourself from 0o to-814 on PJr of Pants, Shoes or a Hst It a your duty to do so. We also carry a com plete stock at Ladles' Bhoee and Ox fords. You csn prove the fact of it and convince -youraelf by ; a visit to our stores ope corner First ana lamnui and the other Third and Davis. John Dellar, Prop. OLD BAY STATE WILL HAVE GLORIOUS DAY Plana Made to Make June Seven teenth the Memorable Dafo ' " of the Fair. With appropriate - eeremoniea the Maaaachuaetts building at the exposi tion will be dedicated between the houra of S and t o'clock. June 17. Theodore B. WUooa, by deeignstlon of Governor Douglas, will be president of the day, and the personsl representative of Mas-ssehusetts'-ohlef esecutlve, - All elabo rate program has been prepared and In cludes oratlona. by many prominent men. music-and aoolal communion. ' Commissioner Wilson H. Falrbank haa arranged to have the state building lavishly decorated and promises to mske Msssschusetts day one of the memor able occasions of ths exposition. .. In I the neighborhood of J. 000 handaomely tenaraved lnvitatlohBhav rbttn eerit. A number of women will receive and light refreshments will be aerved. ( The pro srsm follows: - - - . : ' - Mualo. Administration banjlJnXQCAL dun. tlsv. Etlwln L. liouae. D. D. Kxeeutlve Commissioner Wilson H. FairbarJt dellvera-buildlns Jo-Theodore B. Wlloox. representative of the gov ernor of Massachusetts; address, Mr. Wilcox; addrass of welcome, Prealdent H. w. Ooode of the exposition; addreaa of welcome, Hon. George K. Chamber lain, governor. of Oregon; address of welcome, Hon. George H. WlUlsms, mayor of Portland; music; oration. Hon, John R. Thayer of Msssschusetts: song, Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. - The following will act as hostesses: Mrs. Corbett. Mrs. tdTTtrsTooda, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Warrsn. Mrs. Fair bank and Mra. Charles Ladd. The fol lowing visiting delegates have been ap pointed by Governor Douglaa: Theodore B. Wilcox, president of th day; JohnR- Thayer. Worcester, ora tor; Mlchssl J. Sullivan, member, of governor's council, Boston; William L. Lytic, mcmbef-governor's council, Wor ceeter; William F. Dana, president of the senate, Newton; Louis A. Frothlng ham. speaker of the house, Boston; Senators John P. Monroe, Daniel W. Lane and John J. Garland and the fol lowing members of the house: WUUsra H. Cushman.i John B. Lowney, George Solgllano, Jamea Sidney Allen, George A. Tltcomb, William J. Graham, James - M.- Perkins.-Mr. Marston and Wilson -H-. Falrbank. Shoes Half-Soled Fifty Cents Hollabaugh's. -417 H Taylor. 1 1 - not .the amount of ; ' : money you spend, it's the taste and tact that counts . lit fufnishing"ahQme. "7 77 A glance over our stock will convince you V that the. goods that pro duce the results, no mat- ter hoV much -or how lit- ' -tle the cost,, and -arranged in so suggestive - a wajryour selections are easily and quickly made. J .We make terms to suijj ' ,the convenience of your income." If you want the ' goods we can do business ' with you in a way that 1 will make and keep you our exclusive customers. "1 COVELL'S Formerly New York Furniture Co. 184-6 FIRST STREET sT -sV .50 i .-Ax- Knight Maturity; Model is the most comfortable style ever designed for children's wear Tan and black' leathers, - f Every pair warranted T," to give satisfactory wear. ''Sizes, 5yi to 8, $1.50. -r Sizes, 64 to 11, $2.25. I Sizes, lV to 2r$2.50. THE EXPOSITION'S AMUSEMENT FEATURE BEAUTIFUL ORIENT AND STREETS OF CAIRO A faithful and correct reproduc tion of the picturesque and his torical Ctty of Cairo with Ita 'Btussuxns, Temples, Mosques, Ba aaars and Theatres-, 300300 W-Mtivea 13 .rr . beautiful Oriental ' dancing girls Camels, Dromedaries, Donkeys and .. Sacred Native Animals - lOO AdmUalon IOC Grand Picnic OtTa by Hoffnnnlof Lodfe, N"i. 1, O.D.H.8.. . Bas4ay, Jaae 11, 1800. TlTOIl eAaSEV. StKO An WASK. STS. Admission 25 Cents Lsdtee seeaarpantsd by gentlemM idsillted free. airs ou A. D. G.RYE D. OXTXJCAjrTS ... ... SOU AOBBTT "" , 111 Morrisoh-BtreeC-r- FIREWORKS AND FLAGS We carry the largest stock of fireworks In the northwest, manu factured by ths celebrated Rochester - Fireworks company, New York. A large assortment of - exhibition sets for - town and city celebrations- from., fit to f 1.000 per set. Also flags and bunting for fair, opening decora tions. Japaness and Chinese, curios, msttlngs, etc. . - Wholesale and 'retail. - Andrew Kan & Co. - y str atommzsoaT st, The Best Advice - for tired - and overworked eyes s to rest them and then to get suitable Glaaaes to"gtve them 'pro tection from strain. -- Consult Our Optician about the Olasaea our yeara' ex perience and auccess In helping others -assures you cf the proper " advice and help. - - A. N.Wright The IOWA JEWELER 293 . Morrison" Street Oradoate Aswrlraa" Hoiwml 4 Ktrknlll, tie, Om A v A nsJZL : " DK. WllLUCdQ. ft' ftiithif lh1rti. Ail C 4ift str,iafJ'H f - Hue! lt., b"t. V h' iaftofi wi Oatc ;- . ., - - , ... .... i