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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. r PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNING. JUNE 11. lUf- to 7: Srmnial tatared t UM aoetotttr f lNwtUsC Or, r aaaparitlua thrve the stall aeo l-oiu. loi etne-le rostra : far in . 10 ee l Bexe impcc 1 eent; 10 to W Basra, Ui U le 4 . east. tUfnoni. tutorial ftTOna..,. stdatass tittle .Mala SM Vreel.od Bmstmln peetol Jrtt'B AT"J' , las. Ctucecv. - flVBtcxirnoir aAirs. . ' ' : Terms by Carrier. T Dally' Joernal. wit Bustler, 1 yeaxw..1J Taa Pallr Journal. 1 roar... S.yy Ta Pally Jo.ira.1, with Honda. S BMOto. Toe Ihilly Journal, 4 inantba j-su Tha Pally Journil, wit hooxjar. stoarh. I Jt Jhe ftallv Journal. I BBDntba. V Tha Halle Journal, with Huada. 1 BK'nIB.. . tha Pallr per week. dUn4.. Sundae tttChtdeMf s e e,ejeeteeee-eaa Toe Pally par wee's.. deUTtred, Sunday ,o Meaptad ; .,,..............,...." ' ' Tama B Mail. Tha Pally Jocraal, with Bandar. 1 yaar.. .WW Tba Pally Journal, yar.... ......... J? Tba Pally Journal, with Sunday, ( swathe. I TS ITS im "J ournaK a pjooiue. ..,.... r-T ina iaiiy journal, wun nunaay. a """ TTie nana Journal. B monia .. BV Tba Pally Jeoraal. wltk Sunday, 1 mouth.. M 'Tha Pally. Journal, 1 month.. Tba Sander Journal. 1 yaar too Tha Sunday Journal, month , a.uu ..Tb ami-'Waakly .Jeoraal., . JL Tha Beat-Weekly Journal, to II paes . . ears laeue. luustrstao, nut aaaraei ir - '. port, t yaar... .......SI-BO Remittance should ba mad by drafte. poatal Jotratli)rtaai)rdera.B4inU.Jniin n teare acceptable la 1 and 2-ceat pm.tca jtinip. -tK. Box 121, PortUnd. Or. WHUX TU JOUMAl HAT U FOUHD. Tha Jooraal cam ha to and an Mia at tba . folkiwlaJf nil BUIHB. IDAHO H. Seller J Co,; w B. Me- Intvra. 1HICAOO rnatefflea Kawa eonpjinys ITS Par horn atraat. . DENVER, COIiO Kaadrk-k Book Btarlaaary company, 912 foTrntMnth atraat; J. Black, Slitacnth and Curtla atraat. KANHAS OITT Va Hoy Naw company." MINNBAPOIJS M. J. KaTaaaueh. 60 South Third atraat. KBW YORK CITT Braatana'a, Tnloa raar. OMAHA Millard Hotel New aundf 'Mereath Stationery company. l.Viti Farnum atraat.. SALT LAKB CITY Kenron Hotel Kaw atand; .' . Barrow Broa., iS Weit Scrvnd atreet. aouth. . ST. IX) CI 8 Philip Boeder, did Locoet atraat; B. T. Jett, nd OUt atnet. AN FRANCISCO W. B. Ardlnf, Pilaca Hotel New atand, and IADS Market atreet; Oold amltk Broa., 230 Sutter atraat, and Saint Praajrl hotel: Foater Orrar, Ferry build- Ing; N. Wheatley. moveable news (tand, cor ner Market and Kearney atreet. SBATTLB Rainier Grand New atandi . W-L. Shanka. Hotel Seattle New atand. - SPOKANB, WA8H. John W, On ham Ca, ' TACOMA. WASH Central New company; Hotel Taenm Newa ataad. . VICTORIA, B. C Victoria Book ft SUtloBery company. r . .... - wxatbzb bztobx. - Fatr -weather - bu Breralled today la all aeetlon of the Borth Pariflc except along the northwett eoaat ntWahltigtna and 1a "tha tralt of Fur, where light acattarbig Bbower have cor arred. . U.' It h. warmer thle evening hi tba Willamette valley, eoutheantera Waehlngtoa, eaatera Ore gon and aouthraatara Idaho. The iBdtratlona are for partly cloudy weather . In thl d'atrk-t Sunday, with allghtly tower ' temperature weat of the Caarade tuountalna. Ohacrratlon ta 8 p. m, Maximum tempera ture. 83 degreca; minimum temperature. M deirraa; river reading at 11 a. m.. 12.4 feet; change la peat 24 koura. rta 0.1'foot; prerlpl tatlon. Boa; total precipitation etna September 1. IS04. 82.VT tochea: normal precipitation tare September 1, 1B04, 44 ns ftu-be: defl-rlem-y, ll.SS lachea,'"toUl (nrahtue June S, 1905, -10 SO; poulbie auoahlne June S, 1S06. 15:40; barometer (reduced ta aea level) at S B. m.. -ss.aa. ,; ,-, ...,., Wedding- Carda. W. O. Smith ft Co.. Wl.h- ugtoa bldg., cor. jraarth and Waahlsgtoa at. . BXTXm 1AW 0XMZTI1T. - . ' ' Blngl grvlTO Piafly ' H STSaa 11.000. The only cemetery la Portland which perpetually aulntaln and care foe lot. For . run inrormauoa apply to w. n. MackcB!, VToroeatec black, city. W. M. Ladd. praaldaat. CraBUtorlnm ea Oregoa lty car line, sear gellwood; modern, arlentlflc. complete. Charge auuica. coo; cniioreu. o. - latter e a. m. to p. m. Portland Cremation aeagdatloa, , Portland. Oregon. , ....;.. Tha Edward Holme Undertaking compear, funeral dlrectore and ambalnwra. 220 Third atreet. Phone SOT. . 7. P. Flnlay ft Son, funeral dlrectore and emnaimer. corner Third end Madlaon atreet. Office of county coroner. Telephone Mala a. FaneraJ wreath and cut flower a epecUlty at noe jiit uraeBanuaa, iwenty-aecoaa and But Morrlaoa, epp. cemetery. , - Oct yotrr Ihaurance and abatraehi ta reel aetata from the Title Guarantee ft Treat com pany, Chamber et Commerce building. BOY SHOOTS-MOTHER" FOR DISOBEYING HIM Fifteen-Year-Old ..Youth " Defies , guns. (Joernal Special Ber-rloe.) Ballnss, Cel.. June 10. Because she . refused to obey his orders and leave the barn. Mrs. Terry- Roberts, living on a " ranch. IS mllea south of Salinas, wss shot in the face, and seriously Injured by her H-y ear-old son, George, ' When tba' woman's brother - stsrted for medical aid. the boy- declared he would kill hia mother during bis uncle's absence. - Fearing the young desperado would carry out hia threat, the uncle refrained from leaving the house snd It wss several hours before the wounded woman was given needed attention. After uttering the threat the boy took two shotguns snd a hatful of shells to his room end barricaded himself, de claring he would kill the officers If they attempted to arrest him. -Two ' deputies were sent to the ranch and caught the boy off guard, easily over- ... powering mm. rxrore be could reach his weapons. : CerwAa ov soviv-SATTjra. "From the New Tork Sun. r " "The reporter who ssw Mr. Charles t Srhwsh..wben he landed 'from the Baltic yesterday was Impressed with the fact that although Mr. Schwab aald that hia busy dsy had pretty well-tired him out, he wss sbout as healthy a looking cltr- . yen as there, was on .Manhattan Uland at the moment. Mr. Schwab aald that Ma automobile trip abroad, had been heaps of fun. There wss a yarn afloat on the Bal tic credited to Mr. Schwab regarding his meeting -with John D. Rockefeller, Jr., abroad. The young man said, some whst dolefully, that he was feeling all run down, had pains In the back and ' spots before his eyes, sad was generally . ui'jia wun ma state or. neaiin. "You want to cheer-up, John," Mr. -Schwab la reported to have aald' to him. "Have a good time. Let other people save their souls for a while.' To which -Mr-- Rockefeller replied, . wltk tba. ton of .one administering a I I n lll,U 1CUUM.. , , "Why. Mr. Schwab!" Mr. Schwab did not ssy what he thought of the apparent following Of his advice to Mr. Rockefeller, who re cently announced to hia Bible class that he was too weary to meet them again rot some months , 3Ji - 1 il" - Ml- - J7 ' """" 1 1 .i I IDAHO STATE BUILDING- r -4, 1 S. & . ? I I - - ky frm, kU I . i -d Idaho bad en of the most attraetiT buildings of all tha atatea, viewed from tlie- Standpoint of KhlbltS. ".: Tha main decoration of the- interior la dona In rralna and rraaaca entirely and wai dealg-ncd and executed by Mrs. artiaUo Jnatlnct la remarkable. There la a picture of Governor 'OoodlnsV the chief of 1S0S. agalnet a picture of Twisted Hair, tha chief of JSOf, and THE LATEST AUTOMOBILES CAUSE THREE RUNAWAYS In Last Month Vancouver Trestle . Has Been Scene tfev : r eral Accl3ents. '(Special Plapatch to The Journal.) Vancouver; - Waslu, June - 10 Tha third mna way in as many. weeks oc curred Saturday on the lonr wagon road treatle leading to the Vancouver ferry. AH three were caused by auto mobiles. For some time past Portland autolats have made thl a favorite place to take a spin, much? 40 the Inconveni ence of the other users of the roadway.. Saturday's runaway resulted In a broken wheel and harneaa of a, rig driven by a Portland, commercial man and had not there been several tennis In front of the frightened animal more damage would have resulted.- The roadway In question Is rather narrow, In fact just wide enough for the paasage of ' two tigs. When an .auto comes dodging in between It naturally makes things lively mnd has been ths cause -of several , minor runaways in the lasrtwo month . . XiOOeU sad-: Personal. .: .(Special Plapatch te The Journal.) ' Vanoouver. Wash., June 10. Despite the prediction of oldtlmers, ths Co lumbia river at this city continues to rise. - Blx feet . mors will put It as -hlghJMjn - - Hundred of Vancouver pwrilg-went to Portland yeaterdsy to attend the- f air A party of 25 haa planned to take In the exposition on Sunday. . - Although Dallea day at tha Lewis and Clark fair is over, a crowd Mm down frorahat city Saturday evening on the c aiany pi iflem lanucu xiere and took the trolley to the fair city. H. a. Kelly of Seattle was In the efty on business Saturday. e Toomlng-hpusee of Vancouver srs rapidly filling tip with fair visitors. One landlady In tb eastern' part ' of the city reports that her house is full. - Charles Rusk of this city spent Frl dsy snd, Saturday In Portland. For the best Ice cream In tha city go to Rusks, (It Main Street TODAY'S DOINGS IN OREGON GITY CLOSING EXERCISES UI- III. SCHOOLS Shively Opera-House Crowded With Friends of the ,' Pupils. (Special Dispatch te Tha JeuraaL) - Oregon City, June 10. -The closing exercises of the Oregon City schools were-held last evening In the Bhlvely opera-house. The exercises .were very entertaining and the nail waa iiierauy packed with people." The exercises were opened with prsyer ty Rev. p. k. Ham mond followed by a piano solo by Miss Bertha Frederick. The Schumann Sing ing society gave two numbers, "Snow drops" " snd , "Ebb - and Cradle Bong." Mian Imogen Harding, who also directed the Schumann society, sang Turn Te to Me," a Scotch Folk song, and "All Through the Night," a Welch Folk song, and "Thy Name" and '"Love, "the Peddler. . - Laura Olnther recited "Robert of Sldlly,"' Amy Thomaa sang "When the. Blrda Go North Again." and Earle Walker read the class history. Miss Martha Frances Draper played om pvorak piano : muslcT Hnd- Edna Park read the clasa poem. Wava Har rington read the claas prophecy and Luclle Bacon made the valedictory. Wal lace, William, Malcolm, Elsie, Msxlne and. John Telford gave an instrumental sextette. The entertainment closed by the presentation of diplomas by School Director George A. Harding..- Oouaty Court Adjourns. . , (Special. Dispatch ta The Journal.) Oregon City, June 19. County court sdlourned for the June terra this morn lng. -Nothing outside of purely routine business wss transacted... An. unusually small amount of road claims were al lowed. - No appropriations were msde for bridges and the Barton bridge prop osition wss laid on the table. sjervioee. (Special Dispatch te The "JournaL 1 Oregon Clty, Qr., Syne 1 0.-Hervlces at the Tresbyterlsn I church Ssbhath morning. and sventng by the pastor. Rev. J. R. Lsndsborough. Morning subject, "Children of Ood"; evening subject, "Our Search for Truth." Sabbath school at 10 a. m. ' 1 ..'eW Photo, by Klser rbotOfrsDhlo Co. r another of Bacajawea. All are dona In cornatlk. cornhuak and wheat, present'. Ins a aight unlcjua In the' history of expositions.. , , . - Idaho also dlaplays a mineral- exhibit of great note, including; a piece of ore tetie--thri --three feet -1 diameter, . oar--, rylng silver and lead, and weighing- five tons. The educational exhibit ta at tractive and the fine arts display of (.needlework pleaalnc, NEWS OF VANCOUVER (Notice The Veneoeeer office ef The Journal I located at SIS Main atreet. phone Main SU61. wham aabecrlptlona. complaint, advertleement and now Item will he recelred snd prsmpUy attended to.) VANCOUVER ENGINEER SERIOUSLY WOUNDED While Working, at Sawmill Steampipe Bursts and Lew Lockwood Is Injured. ';, (Special Dispatch te The JouroaL) , Vancouver, Wash., Junk ' 10. Jw tiockwood, engineer at the Washington aV Oregon sawmill here, was ao badly burned with . ateam between t and o'clock this morning that it Is feared he J will die. The Injury was caused by the bursting Of a steampipe. At the time the explosion occurred, which could be heard for blocks around, Lockwood was under the engine and directly be alde where the ateam came out, receiv ing the full forcer of the explosion. . " -"The skin' of the upper part of Lock- s- body was ao badly scalded It- pulled away and hung In long strips from his arms. Running out of the mill the Injured man felt tntohe armet,,, tetween thln-ett of fellow workmen who cared for him. as best they could until a stretcher ar rived when he was taken to his. home. Local doctors are doing everything In their power to save the man's life, al though, It is doubtful If this will" be accomplished. . .. ... Asks o Be ' Administrator. . (Special Dl.patcb to The JouroaL) . Vancouver, Wash.. June 10. Frank Suhl his petitioned the superior court to be sppolnted administrator of the ea-" rfites of Ethlyn and. Gay Wollenwebbei1. The rttldren are 1 and 1 years of sge. respectively and the the stepchildren of the" applicant: Tlie "property"' belonging to the. children consists of real estate worth In . the neighborhood - of 12.000 and a IHe Insurance policy for $1,000. ' Wanted Mlddle-iaged woman for gen eral houaework. Inquire between .11 and 11 a. m, at quarters 8, Vancouver barracks. . ' -r IrTotfee The Ore eon rite of Be- of i te Journal I loeatrd at Howell A Jones' drug (tor, phaa Main TK1. where aubarrlptlona, eomplalnte, ad- and promptly attended to.) MAGGIE MULVEY IS AWARDED DAMAGES : T Hand Smashed in Machinery of Laundry Where She Was ; Working. (Special Dispatch to The JournaL) Oregon City. June 10. Tha Jury in the suit Of Maggie Mulvtry against E. L. Johnson, proprietor of the Cascade Laundry for 15.000 damages claimed because of an accident in which her hand was mashed in machinery while at work, brought In a verdict this morn ing st 9:30 o'clock In favor of-therde-fendsnt The suit was a hard, fought one. . The plaint in: was represented Dy C. E. S. Wood of Portland and Attorney Senn of Bilverton and the defendant by Q. B. Dimmlck and Hedgea and Griffith. The case was glvsn to ths jury at 10 o'clock laat .night.. - - " : BaaebaH Fwfnun, (Special Dtapatck te Tha Journal.) Oregon City, Juns 10. The - base bell tournament In eoruiectton with the asemblyof - the , Willamette Valley Chautauqua " association , will be one of the big features. Five of the best amateur teams In the stste will participate. . Among these are the Indiana from the Chemawa school, ths Stars of Vancouver snd ths 8. H. Brainard employes of Portland. Th official progranAle now resdy and is in the hands of the printer. ..Mayor Officiates. ' ' (Special Dleoetch to The Journal ) Oregon City, Jun 10. For the flrat time in his offlclal career Mayor Somraer officiated at a marriage laat evening, and while he had hlsv-hsnd tnr he married two couples. , John W. McGolloch snd Miss- Minnie Belle Fanton were the Lflcst pslr united, and William Tobann and Miss Ret Oler the other couple. The Journal, dally 4 Bo a month, dally and Sunday (6a a month; delivered any where in Oregon City." - eni ,1X1,1 .n-rrr-ji " , ,T- I 1 At ma Idaho building each day R. W. MeBrlde. 'executive commissioner, es corts -hundreds of . admiring viators through the. various departments.- He is saalsted In this work by several of Ms state s attractive young -women. The parlors are In weathered oak and the decorations -of tavern style, with a distinctly novel chandelier scheme that of doubletrees, from which lights are- suspended - by heavy chains.. . NEW MOTOR-BOAT IS; GIVEN. A TRIAL RUN Craft Recently Constructed Near Vancouver Proves Speedy . . - - and. a Success. (Special Plapatch to The' JournaL) . -e-Vanoouver, , WK, : June 10. Ths motor-boat recently on the north bank of tha Columbia, river . .short distance above this city was given Its trial trip on Thursday and proved ft , success. This boat Is pne of the flat-bottom deep keel type and Is. built for apeed. Simi lar boats built recently In the east make 30 miles an hour. With larger engines It is thought the local boat oould make nearly aa good time.' Within a few days the owner of the boat Jut com- pleted will cnmnuini-a the construction of two more of the eame-klndT They will' probably be ready for service early In the falL While the owners refuse to give out just whst they Intend to do with their fleet,-they do say that they will Tftnr from Portland to some - point e middles-Columbia. time paat a plan has been on foot to es tablish a, summer resort on the Colum Several sites have been looked- at Prob ably tha moat promising one Is Moffet's Springs, Just below the Cascsdes. While nothing definite can ba learned on tha aubject. It Is rumored that a deal has been closed for the purchase of this propert fTiiinianiH "boats-bulldlng"! near thla'city will TJiy between: Portland and the new resort. , . . atany Visit Clark Exhibit. , (Special Plapatch to Tha Journal.) . Vancouver, Wash, June 10. Profes sor C W. Shumway, Jn' charge "of the Clarke county exhibit at tha Lewis and JcWk fair, reports that peoplefrom ine cam are very amnusiaaiic in ineir praises of the products from this coun ty. The number of people visiting the local exhibit has nearly doubled during the past week. " ' : The Journal, dally 4JT a month, dally and Sunday 5o a month; delivered any where in Vancouver. G. A. R. COMMITTEE I10LDSXMEEIING Encampment to Be Largest Meeting of Kind Ever - Held on Coaster". I (Special Dtapatck - The Journal.) Oregon City, Juns 10. Ths committee to arrange for the Q. A. R. encampment at Oregon City held a meeting last night to hear reports of the various sub-committees. Mdet of the arrangements have - been mad and a final meeting will be held next Tuesdsy evening to complete the work, . The encampment win begin Tuesday, June .20. On Wednesday morning tha grand parade will take place and in ths. evening the formal exercises- wilt be held st the city park. The business sessions will be held Thursday, and Fri day the camp will go to. Portland, as that will be O. A. R. day at the fair. Department Commander B. F. Flke of Moro county waa In Oregoa City s few days sgor He says this will ba the big gest state encampment the O. A. R. ev'r held la Oregon. Southern, and eastern Oregon will attend In full fore. Satur day the encampment will movs to ths Osks on ths Willamette river and will visit the fair U its leisure-? .V ' ' Blchard Hurls Dies. -(Special Dtapatck to, The Journal.) ' Oregon City, June 10. News was re-s celved hers this morning or ins aeam In eastern Oregon yesterday of Richard Hurley, a pioneer settler of Clackamas county. Mr. Hurley waa A prominent man In the affairs of Oregon City be fore he 'moved to eastern Oregon, 2S years sgo. .' He has one daughter, Mrs. Terry, who lives In this city. : ITew rape .SUU. ...... '..'v , (Special Dlaparch te The Journal.) ' -Oregon. .city. June 10 One hundred and twenty-five men are at work. ex cavating ths sits for ths new paper mill of the Willamette Pulp and Paper com pany and the work of. construction Is be ing puehed with all possible haste. , Ths company intends to have the mill lc (operation during the summer. :rr-r-BY THE- Portland Aucuoii KC3H '.. -I- . , . , t--Z I' Auction Si Grocery ; . At 342 Front' St ' Tomorrow at 10 a. m . Be sure and ts on time aa. we. MTt Mling to make quick work of It. Fixtures sold in ftrst half hour." "The nice, fresh stock of groceries, ctgara, tobaccos " and candles will -follow In lively; succession, aa everything musf be sold before nighty :;':-. Part List of Fixtures - ; ' One octagon high case, 1 square show case.. 6 -foot show cane, large oof fee mill with patent running ger,"-gal.oU tank. 1! Ktlmpson computing acaies, s 10-foot counters, large" ice box. meat and cheese safe, etc., etc. - . . Now. don't forget, sale at '10 a-.m. gfit-tpr h -rr. i i i ' ' ' ' ruHU ... ., ..Auctioneer, - Auctioiv Sale - V-FINE FURNITURE. ETC. The Portland Auction Room, 211 . First St. , .TOMORROW-AT-2 P.. M. One lot Of furniture from Mr. Aimer's residence is particularly neat and almost new ana inciuaes cnirronier,, metal beds. aDrlna.' hair and other mat tresses, - rockers, bed lounges, spring cots, mirror back china, closet, JC treas ure a, tables, extension tables, chairs, larn-e mirrors, nlctures. Brussels and in grain carpets; aome fine goods, parlor lamps, stoves, eta, etc e. U FORD, Auotloneer.. Auction Sale At Residence. 506 Williams Ave, Take U Car. , . . , Tuesday next at 10 a. m. PIANO. FURNITURE ETC. "The owner Is IchvUik immadlnt el y and must sell EVERYTHING, which tmr eludes a very fine Bryant Plana, 3 fine oak bedroom suites. Borings and mat .treses, oak-sideboard, - extension table and dining chairs, rockers. -parlor . set parlor Brussels carpet, ingrain carpets. pillows, beading, line pictures, n,L,rjj TRIC FAN. etc.. ARC LAMP, odd dress ers, good cookstove. - china, crockery. silverware, laundry and Kitchen utensils, etc... etc. Come early and Inspect. 0s wmiams sve., near Kuaseii street. C. JU FORD-- Auctioneer. Auction Sale " FURNITURE ANP CARPETS. The -Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First St. Wednesday next at-2pm a .hi. .in h. .Ut eha erro r-jrt OlDDi-Tfl -II LUJ. mil .lu. -ISC. VB . Vl... 1 A ., m ., ma. . . , Axminstere. Brussels. and Ingrains. If ou want csrpets. Just TOUCH TUB HJTTON. and FURNITUREL we will have all kinds. nlVntv of It. lust like new. some not so good; but all of It at -our own price, b ooiq at pudiic auction, iVcdnesday next, at 2 p. m. ' C. l FORD, Auctioneer. - Auction- The Portland Auction ' Rooms. 211 First St. ' ; ::v:, ..... i t-at-2, nm AH kinds of furniture, carpets, stoves. boots and shoes, some fancy goods, mil linery, etc. These goods must be sold. - u; L iwu, Auctioneer. If yon wish to sail or buy TTJTX- Tni of any style eg attsJlty It will pay y ota-well to. consult the Portland Auc tion Booms, a Sll .First street. Phone Mala M55. - A. IOXTTBAOX, PTOpr. By J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Stocks and Merchandise bought or sold. . t Telephone Msln 12. Monday (tomorrow) at , Sales room, 180 First Street, - ... f - at 10 a. m. Thls-sle-sffords ROTAlj-RESTATJR-ANT RANGE, two cookstoves, mantel beds, five different pattern dressers, six different pattern iron beds, springs and mattresses, oak. ash and wUlow rockers, book case, cup racks, chiffonier with mirror, clocks, fine walnut side board, gocart, upholstered rhalr. tables, chair, etc; dishes, utensils, -Brussels carpets In select pat-terns, sitcnen iresn-' ures and, a variety - of - other-' 'useful ! -WEDNESDAY'S SALES- At the Auction House, Corner ' First and Yamhill Streets, at 10 a. m. nVrnttur. ranges. v stoves. csrpets, dishes, kitchen requisites, and a variety of household errecta consignea ror poei ttve sale. Sale commences prompt at 10 a. m. at 180 irst street. FRIDAY'S SALES"" At Salesroom, 180 First Street, .'" at 10 a. m. ; . This ssls comprise men's shoes, ladles shoes, mlMes' and children s shoes; men s, youths snd children's clothing, and a varied assortment of goods both uaeful and ornamental. . Great Clearance Auction Sale, plenty of goods to be had at your price. . sds A. T liOWiv a , Auctioneer. NEW HOME We- offer forBSl tha besulTftiT" arid ata-htlv home of the late Dr. Herbert Card well.. ?6th and Johnson. There are about 2k lets,-wun new n-room o well ing built after the latent design, and Is now ready for occupancy. For particu lars see QrlndstalT at Bchalk, 2(4 SUrk street---.-!;-"-.- . - . Disease Carried by Spray. From Harper's Weekly.' A French military surgeon In Algiers hss recently found that spray - driven ashortr- from a stormy sea can effect ively transmit disease germs. Carrying on his investigation at Bab-el-oued. pear Algiers, at m point whera ' num ber Of sewers aincnargea roio- in in, he found that the spray, which was driven some 110 feet ashore, and high Into ths air, contained three times the number of germs ordlnsrlly pres ent In the air. This" spray" form a mist which permeates the nouses near to the water's edge, and- in 4t a, num ber of virulent baollll were found. When a gale Is blowing offshor the effect ls stilt- mors pronounced and the pro portion of germs increases, and ths Investigator is conru inn aiepa .hmiM be taken to protect shore from ..-a. . . (Hijcara - ' tV, 5 w:?e7J h iii I'tfig I ' aa FARMS; Those In search of fsrms can And rent more In an hour In examination of our lare-e. liet - than can he learned In a-month . in a so-called ' Independent search over the country. Again, we can, as' a rule, sell farma at lower iricea man strangers can possibly get hem for. The advantages are mauiy and obvioua. We have a thorough and praotlcalnowtedge of-all-sectrons-mnd will sdvlse intending purchasers after learning tneir wrnnen. , " We have the properties of soma of tha most subBtsntlal people - in- the state, and claim To act honornbly-wkaJl-wUh wnam ,we aeai. ask any or the banks of the city arm our standing and Call or writs for partial list Of lands. Jennings Lodge : .Additions ? Having aold practically all of Jen nings Lodge sere tracts, we have Just put on. the market two choice addi tions thereto, snd shall continue to sell fine acre homes at email lot prices. You can secure a borne, or an Investment here by payment of part down and bal ance monthly or quarterly. These addi tions are on the Oregon City car Hue ana nneiy locatea.- invest your savings In one or more tracts where .they will grow aa the land Inoreases In value ana wnere you win noara your money Instead Of Spending It : front month-to month. ' - THE.SHAW-FEAR-C0. 343 Stark 5treet WHY GO TO THE . MOUNTAINS?!;. When you can at a varv imill errtense provide your family 'With a beautiful SUMMERHOME" withliva few -minutes', rids, of your place of business, where they will enjoy the fcrearr - Bure atmosphere at an. elevation v- ... y . ui.ii , w w -w-fWt WIW ahade of trees is cool snd Inviting; where crass is green and cleanliness nr.v.lli n. our iota are nicely located. to -every lot, f ourteen or Those remaining are onlv two blocks from the car line." T- We can rent Tour home furnished fnr the summer sf from 140 to its per month. . We will sell you one of these lots or ... .. .. , .. - on monthly payments of f IS each. Tori can build a neat little cottage, ooeupy It during the summer snd rent ft throush the winter. . , Portland-Trust Company oppRca T-TJCIOJ, THIRD: STREET7 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS Best soil -no gravel most beau- iful location, on county road and close to Oregon Water Power Co. Ry. ; five : miles from ' here. V. Schmid. E. Renfer, 159 -Grand Avenue East Side. New Houses For -Sale! Ws have several nswly finished mod ern houses, t and $ rooms each, on east siae ror- ivma aviiu vinvr pruuuiisr see . us. . .. '.. , Parish, Watkins & Co. tM AZAIDB ST. Gilman Auction & Commission Co. ' fmr W." OTXbIAbT. AtTU'llOMSBaV Office and Salesrooms, Ho. 413 Wasb- ingxoa street. i . . Established 41 yean. Auction tales at rooms', No7 413 Washington Street, every Tues day, Thursday and Friday, each day at 10 o'clock a. m. - "TUESDAY'S SALE IS a. m.. will Include all the furniture of eaat side residence; also to close eastern consignment, SS steel wire folding couches and mattresses; 10 dns. chairs from ths Temple, 10 doe. pillows, Pavenport, 100 iron bedsteads of fine dertlgns to close manufacturer's line of samples: wire springs, odd dressers, commodss, 100 new bed quilts, blankets, couches, dining tablea, buffet, pretty chairs, rockers, stand a, eto.i all Rugs, Carpets, etc. N. B. Buyers fitting up rooms win ao wen to attend. Ail gooos urjon our floors must bs ss aood aa or better than advertlaed. JSi-Jf. iV-Oaa-MAW. '- - Auctioneer.. AucnorrsOrE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Earh dsy st 10 a. m. .we will sell by public auction Household Furniture, at ill Waanington atreet. , B. U N. OILMAN, Auetlonssr. Before your friends arid oth"-. igethereiorihe Fair Have ths St. . Willi OO. call at your real - ? dene, store or factory and tlgur In your gas and electric chandeliers, Show-window snd -.storeroom llghtlng.Teasphone arcall at thelr ehow Tooma. S4S WASKTJraTOaT TBI ST. 'OOeUrXB-SBVCHTJU snd talk it over with them. ... , .-. . . . ERW PAR M..On Kt,' Soott tins. flu Nearly "Sold Out ! 10 Lots Sold This Week ' . rOINT THE CROWD AND -PAY- RENT TO ; YOORSELF, . .:r Well BuUt ' Ur . Thrifty Nd&hbors! Near Car ' One and , School I Water Hpes Laid! . ' V; Easy Payments I : ; - COME EARLY AND GET TOUR CHOICE nERN EC LOTS 40x100 u u Price $100 to $160 $3.00. Monthly Payments ' Agent on the Ground Sycamore Real Estate Cor - Z05J5 Mornson St and All Are In-: vllcdzto , Investigate the Snaps We -Offer Today. Cornsr lot, near Imperial hotel,. . i ouuaings; -aeaa sure snap. - 4000 Grand palatial- t-room residence. - ... -on r. xnira street, wauling aie- .. .. tance. ... - .. .- . -.. ' . $3800 Strictly , modern new and com-- plete f-room house, corner lot, B.- T WSVis. street. fI0O-10 seres, close to city: nearly all ciearea; nne targe apple ana , cherry-, trees. -- - - - I110O Peautlfut cottage home, East lid' street, near Ankeny. .L., f TOO Excellent l-aeroplacerover1! . . . bearlns: eherrr trees, rich soil. no grsvsljjrLelectrio car line to tie. ' i f JOO S-acre place In Clackamas. - CO Nice lot, B. 14th street. Highland -!- Jark. , r. Tou'll ' never get' the bargains until you see M . . . .- THE DUNN- 1 LAWRENCECO. Ardmore . r ... - . The" 'most desirable building site in Portland ; surrounded by palatial- homes with . an ' unob- structed view of our famous ' mountains; the only exclusively high, class residence- property supplied "With bituiitmc streets. i ik a cement sidewalkst Bull Run wa -L . . . " I.! 1 . 1 .f "" I ier, newer ana. gas iaia u-cdtn lotLTakeWashingtbn street car to City park and get off at" Park Ave. -For plats and prices call on or address - Grindstaff & Schalk 24 STARK STREET , FOR SAL.E HOUSES nra-moox, Kooxmir ooTTAoanire' location, 2!0 cash, balance on time. A snsrV. six Airs r-BOOK ww Horsssi choice- location; payment down, bal ance on time. -IXTSW-BOOIC MOWB, cement founds lloni B. 14th and Powell streets one half cash; $I.8G0. " BXOn-BOOK XOTSB, K. Ith; A good buy; full lot, 60100, 12,000. TOB BBHT. I TWO S-BOOM, new, modern houses,' R. -10th. between Burnslde and Ankeny streets. ....... A. 5-BOOK oOTTAOa with furniture amounting to $176. V. SCHMID ' 10 Orand avs., East Bide, 'i ' No one csn ssll you small tracts of land ao convenient te the eliy snd rm ss favorable terms as we, We srs Sell-J Ing acre tracts ss low as lite per are,' on monthly payments.- Hull Is good. These seres are at Wlrfhlta. on n VV ACREAGE P. elerttrto line, lust east of Hellayvid." jane csiacaaa ear and stop st WU'hlliw Knapp & Mackcy . . Boom S Csssaber of Creteetsres. , . . O. T. FARRY Resident Ant. I sewage pollution. , . . v "-' . ' L ft k ..... r ...v ' r .