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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
r. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAIA PORTLAND, ' SUNDAY. MORNING, JUNE 11. lftJ. BATTLE BEGUN FOR CITY FATHERS GOT FRIEND Of HOi'lS ' . . , ....... . - 9 . ... f- ,. -HAY-WARD-MLHQNS "Stakn$nveMnnonDoHarfancf Three WitlaTLftftby Widow of Z Noted Spiritualist and Fbrty-Niner Involved in the Affair ' : That May Yet Be Settled In the Courts. z DAUGHTER AND NIECE CLAMORING Life and Actions of Alylnza Hayward Ruled by Spiritualist Who Caused Him Many" Ups and Downs but Whom He Never 77 Would Consent to Give Up 'Eventually Died Wealthy.;' o,i.i nian.-h hilMifd Wirt to Th- Jo art I) New York, June 10. A sensational iontrovery which will probably oovapy "' the attention' cif the courts kaa begun U over toe Hayward. millions, involving thr. wills left by Mrs. cnarlty nay ward, tlva widow of the noted splrltullst and forty-niner, ana tne i" o. e. - - 000,000 4 being1 contested for by Mra. 1 Andrew 8. Rose, a daughter-and -Mra. . Tfconiaa 8. Henry, a piece of the wealthy Callfornlan. i. .. '1 V ' 1 v -Tha rasa involves Kimi of the .best .known lawyer. In New fork and Call' ' fornla. Reveatlona made today ahoW ; that -.there are peeularitlee In the wills of .4ae .dead woman tha may require ' long legal work to unravel. . In srlte Vol tho conservative statements of the heirs It la known, that, deflnlt steps : hava been taken for a contest which will probably open ra a lew uaya. j, , ' Thro Coafllctlar "Wills. The first wlllis dated 2 years ago, .while' the testator's husband was living a nrt it-Is asserted tnat tnis wm iwi moat of the property to Mra. Henry, . - wlfa of Judge Thomas Henry of Newark. The second -will, alleged to have been --made In gun. Francisco lir HOO, 4evee ' all of the property to Mra.'. Rom of Ha 23 fcaat Fifty-seventh street, Manhat tan. The third will waa made the day before Mra. Hayward died.' at the home - of her nlooo, Mra. Henry in Newark. h"cT reverses the laat will, leaving the -major part of the estate to Mra. Henrr. I am very sorry that publicity should , have been given to reports that there la ' family dtasenslon regarding -Mra 'Hay ..' ward's win." said Judge. Henry today. , "Everything will ba ' settled' without erloua trouble.Rathr:than enter Into a long -legal flprht with -her relaTtvws my "7Wlfe will renounce all right .Jo the "money." . . ' - Judge Henry refused to say Who draw ' the will on the dajr before Mra. Hay. ' ' ward's death and ha also refused to ay - "what1 provision' It made.-1 It is stated - that the will practically out 'off Mra, .Rosa and left almost alt of the property "rto Mrs. Henry. . , t ..'' '. . . . Mrs. JEaywara Qaoted. :, '"Mrs. Hayward was amased' to hear .' that tiers waa a; will dated 180J." aald Judge Henry : earlier In the day.- "Sh - told m thkt "If such a document waa . In existence that she muat hava been Imposed - on. - She accordingly entered Into correspondence with William Nel eon Cromwetl.-Ker. attorney, and Mr " Dlpgee of San Francisco, and learned that the will was In existence; giving her entire1 estatf to Mrs. Ttoee, Tier Oauxhte!'; She -then consulted with Mr. Cromwell and, the new will wad drawn.- Put it makes-no -difference to ua which will Is probated. Mra. Henry and I are on the beat possible .terms with Mra. Rosa and her family and -we will hava ne family feud or family lawault to apoll . the pleasant relatione that now exist." 1 Mrs. Andrew S. Rose,- the daughter. -naa her home at J! East Fifty-seventh street snd a country home near Green. wtcrt, conn. - She is now In California attending the details of settling the aetata. . ' Xayward's Xlatory. . The affairs of the Haywarda have en tertained the people of California for manjryea.ra-and.what- waa-nnt printed. was of an exceedingly Interesting char acter, oven to the citizens of the Golden State, where many old families have a large collection of akeletona of a alngularly obtrusive character.- t v-5--' Alvlnxa Hayward had mora upa and downs than almoat any man In Call . fornla; from millions in bank to mil lions in debt his' fortune has oscillated. When he died he disappointed prophets by leaving a huge estate. Including tbe great Hayward building on Montgom ery street, Sao Francisco, one of the most imposing structures In the west, and which he erected as a monument to. hlmrnlf. . A. month or so after his rtmtli lil ii HnjwsiJ uuld It. gnu It 1IUW bears snotheY s name. -Hayward -waa a aptrltualist, whose Jnind -was- under complete- subjecfton to a middieiged woman. She " was1 his guide, philosopher and mining engineer,, and statements of prospectors snd re- Fair Bulletin' No 7 11th Music by Innea Bind. Hunday Service In 'Audi- ' 1 torium. 'ullfornla Promotion Committee Day,. Inter-e-htvlastlc Relay Races. Albany and Corvallls Day. 12th r re a- -moet --necessary 1 rflfle" to Blghtfra who enjoy the advantages of. beautiful scenery, but, of course, they must be reliable to meet re quirements. Ours are selected from tha world s beSr makes and we can sell you the x " LE MAKE 7 7 $12.00 .They are made aattsfanjorHy In alt sixes and with lenses whose range- of vision can ba depended upon for their clear ness, . , Smoked Glasses ffom-50giq $1.00 1 Ae&CFeldenheimcr; - - Cor. Third and VkshlngtoB 8ts. Jewelers , Silversmiths f Expert Opticians. . fa A SLICE 'A ports of eminent mining experts were as .the soughing of wluda la tha pine trees It the" makara had not seen bar first. She . ruined Hayward three or four time; caused him to separata from hia family, drove, him from California, alienated .his friends, and continued bis companion In hia travels. . When the L'tlca. of which ha, was part owner with .JloUart and Lane-tbat Charley Iana who financed the silver movement soma years ago, and made white metal, papers as thick in the land ae leaves on the brpoka of tha. forests of Vallambrosa, and who la now defendant In a- suit brought by his son Tom fof an accounting: of mining funds was turning out a -million a month Hayward aettled a fortune on Jila wifa. -J ' ' Xneosaa 0t Off. ' Then a Are broke out In one of the lower levels of the mine some of tha workmen were found a year or so late In tha grotesque, ghastly poees bf men who have died fighting tooth and nail far air and the Hayward Income wag cut off. Alvtnia got., back from his wlfa. tha portion he bad given her, apent It, and floated dead-nsbwlse on tha strean of mief ort un or awn lie.-when ne was aymg ne surrerea aione, A con-t tlnent Was Just sufficiently wide to bold tbe Haywards. " Hobart waa the balance; wheel In the big triumvirate;-ha -hated spiritualism and when little Eva. the Indian maid Who- did the prospecting for Hayward's sp)rltuallstlc mine finder, told his part, ner where tha yeTlOw metal waa to be found by tha ton, laughed, protested, or cursed, .as the mood .was on him, Little. Eva!' discovered a, hole in the hillside) :np near Angela., and Hayward told Hobart that It was the. greatest mine la the world. " The latter laughed. aald ha would not put" a dollar In it, and would not lend a dollar to be used In Ita development Habart dledi Hay. ward's Interest aocount was something tremendous; bis principal had gone Into that discovery of Sva. . Car Ke Waa Blfhi. , One day when he was going to hli magnificent home at San Mateo a dis patch wss handed to hjra. "By Ood." ho cried. "I knew she was right..-My man wires that ths King Is the biggest-thing in tha state. . I spent a half million dollars la that property, not mat l wantea tna -mine, but Juat to prove that my partner waa a liar, ' He knew 'all the time where tha vein waa. but waa too mean even. In hie death to ten me." ;, For tha gold taken from that Drdoertr the lawyers f the family are ;now pre paring to fight. - ;TRUCE,IS EXPECTED. ..(Continued from Page Ona) -Japan ha a, by this war, become the great power of the east and tha rival European nations along the Chinese coasts are believed to be already plot ting to allow Japan a big Indemnity rather than put her In tha place at Port Arthur which , Russia occupied when she waa the great eaatarn power. It is said here that the plot of the cowers is hat-Mauchurl shall be delivered Intact 10 vnina ana whatever -eonoesslons shs may; make for railways, etc., muat hava the approval of tha nations whlcB now hava long leaseholds In Chins. Japan may get more than a billion dollar a and some unimportant. Russian territory If the European concert has Its wsy. 4- BILLION INDEMNITY. Japan Will Sena ad total cost of Waa From Bnasla. ' (J(rn.l KmwH.t S.l J.onaon. June 19 It Is stated frnn suthorlUtiva quarters today that Japan la not 'desiroua of nesotlntinr t. Just now; Tut believes it would be much oeiier lor me lasting nature of a Peace agreement if hostilities should not end until after the next land h.ttle Th. Japanese are confident that Oyama will bo able to administer a decisive defeat to LInlevltch which will enable tha Jap anese to demand more ' advantageous terms. Including the disarmament of Vladivostok. It Is understood that Japan Is pre pared to stand out for. Indemnity. On thla point It Is believed that Roosevelt will urge leniency on Japan. In financial circles It is. believed that the demand for indemnity will be for a billion dollars, aa It la estimated that Japan haa spent that smount since tha war began. Other eatlmatea place tha expense of the war at not over 1100.. 000,000. . . ... .' , t MRS. JONES WISTER TO ' START; A WILL CONTEST ("perlal Leaaed Wire to fhe Journal) Philadelphia, June 10 Judas Lel.h. man-. In the-Orphans'court today i.or-1 dered ,that a citation be awarded com-1 peiiing Anna Welghtman Walker to show cause why an appeal from tha decision of the register of wills sdmlttlng to pro bate the will of William Welghtman, her dther; should not ba sustained snd tha decision set ' aside. This action mesne, that a determined effort, la to 'be made to break the will- el the, wealthy menufsetorrns; rhemlst. who died leaving the bulk of his eaute, valued at Wftone.ouo, to hia only remaining child. Anna Welghtman Walker. The' contest was Instituted by Mrs. Jones Wlster, whoss first husband waa Dr. William Welghtman. Jr., In the In terest of-Mary Rogera Welghtmaa. their daughter. Recently Mrs. Jones Wlster relinquished the guardianship of her daughter and Charles B. d'Invllllers was appointed in her place. . ' v . Sefaortar la Calif' -' (rectal Dlepetrh by ieeeed Wire te The Jeurael) . La Porte; Ind., June 10. Private ad vices received here from California stste thafJW. Brooke, the absconding North Liberty, Indiana, bank- president, is In that atato with his wife and the atartllng Information accompanies the statement that no positive effort has been made to capture him. Tha letter referred to alleged1 that Brook Jolped his wlfa when he jumped hia bond and he has never made any effort to escape. FOR Municipal Scandal . Exposed -4y untncrnorney in rvin " waukee Council. BANKER BIQ'ELOW MAY "TURN STATE'S EVIDENCE Men Who . Formerly Backed Fi Viancier Have Deserted Him ; .7 and He May Tell Secret w 8eeUl INapatck ty Leased Wire te Tte Jearasl) Milwaukee, June 10. Milwaukee's graft scandal, exposed by District At torney McOovern a Investigation into petty steels In connection with the coupty contracta, will probably result In the Impeachment of Otto J. Seldel. Jr., tha recorder of deeda, and the In dictment of a-doxen members of the board of . supervisors. A. number of prominent business . men Interested 10 county -contracta may be Involved be fore ths grand Jury, which convenes on Tuesday, finishes- Its work. ' While tne present investigation being carried on by the district attorney, naa already atlrred up tha people and the politicians, the men. concerned 4n It are practically only small' fry. ' It Is gen erally predicted that the stats's attor ney will look after 'bigger game, and that the grand Jury will aeek to get to tha bottom of the alleged f 100,000 boodle transaction In connection with the granting of the streetcar franchise to the Milwaukee Railway A Electrio Light company. In thla-deal one olty official la aald to have received a lump sum of f 60,000. t The Indictment yeaterday by the gen eral grand Jury of Frank O.' Blgelow, tbe-former president of tha First Na tional bank, -on 17 eounte, will. It la expected. change ths' entire- status of affairs, as Blgelow is reported to have been financially Interested in the street car franchlaa. The men who -formerly' backed Blgelow hava now deserted htm. and it la stated that ba may resent their action by .revealing some of the secrets which former grand Juries have not been able to learn. , ' " HOOD RIVER PREPARES FOR BlG.GATilERIM eSBssssasssssBsBxesBsaBesssi Next Saturday Meeting of Good Roads Convention : Will Be Opened. '. , (SpeeUl Dispetch te The JearaaL) ' ' -Hood River. Or- Juno 10. Hood River Is enthusiastlo over the good roads con vention to be held hero under the aue plcea of the national association Satur day, Juno IT. W. E. Loucks, national organiser, addressed a large gathering this . afternoon. The' Commercial club named committees and pledged . ftOO to defray ths expenses of a national delega tion and oxperta who will demonstrate good. J oad-mak Ing. Hundreds have beea-r In vittd.-Pf-the laeeseeted ef ether tllies. Reduced railroad rates snd a Urge crowd Is expected Saturday. Tha pro gram 1 arranged for three aesslons. A flrmal Invitation has been extended to W. U. Moore, president of the national association, who is expected here "With special train en rout to tha con vention at Portland, ... FLOOD MAY CHANGE MEXICO'S BOUNDARY (SpeeUl Dispetch by Leased Wire te The Joaraal) El Faso, Texas. Jena a0.r-Ta aave thousands of acres of land In tha El Paso y allay, negotiations hava been opened- with,-Meakio for pei mission to cut a curve In the Rio Grande river seven miles below El Paao, turn the stream into Mexican territory for a short distance and straighten tha channel,' This would cut off a few acrea of Mexican territory but 'would save thousands of acres of Texas from Utter destruction, , and tbe telegrams are flying fast from thla city to Mexico City snd Washington. If the stream la not straightened It will cut Its banks, waah out-the railroad and flood El Paso valley. , Or, Titos Is Cleared. (Special Dispetch te The Journal, t C....I. jn- m-n. Titus. the Soclaliat who haa been -on trial on a charxe of ballot box stuffing, was today acquitted. r-n : V Camas Swale Ditch, Under (Jonitructioa Ntr Oikltnd, Oregon, to Put Engagement Announced of Miss - - if...... n a. rs . ., .j. U. , rrjarjjaiwi i. Liwiwriw rojf" . i - mona nooin. . , LIFE IS DEVOTED TO BETTERING HUMANITY .v- Though Reflnedr Cultured and 'Wealthy, Bride-to-Be Has ; Worked for the Poor. , - 4 (Special Dtepatrh r Leased Wire te The Jeeraal) New York. June 10. Ths keen Inter est of womankind In all walks Of lire, not only In this , city. . put throughout ths country, waa centered today In tha announced engagement of Mias Margaret D. Prater, elder daughter of tha late Theodora Prater of Brooklyn,, to Ray mond Robins of . Chicago.. - This unl veraal interest Is because of ths fact that Mias Dreler, tendesly reared' among ths moat rsflned surroundings . snd guarded from heir infancy from rough contact - with tha world, .is tho flrst woman of wealth and aocial position o ally herself with trades union. t- She was - the -. prims mbver - in the formation of ' tha New Tork State Woman's Trade Union leaguo- This union, only recently, organised. Is spreading throughout ths United States. Its objects are to secure fewer hours. better' wages and sanitary surroundings for working-women. In its organisation Miaa Dreler worked In harmony with tbe American Federation of Labor. '. . Not alone in this but la .other branches of philanthropic and charitable work, lending to the uplifting of ths tolling masses, haa Miss ureter oeen active. Her bsautrfuT- howa onMon- tague terrace, - Brooklyn - heights, haa often been- the meeting place or tnoae associated with, her In . 'this - kind of work. With abundant wealth and leis ure she turned from enjoyments which, her . position offered to aid thost less fortunate In life's Journey. Mr. Robins, like his- nsncee. is a worker for the poor. He Is tho head of the Northwestern Settlement 'society of Chicago. He was born in jJiuegrass, Kentucky-.- descending from a family that-for generations - haa occupied a prominent place In ths social and intel lectual world. e is a lawyer oy pro Minn hut has east sslde the practice of It except aa It may ba of use in hli work for tha laboring claaa. His sister, Miss Elisabeth Robins. Is a well-knows writer in London.- '-. : . - CENSURES .OFFICIALS .' , ... .- . esesxsBBSBBsWBaaBBsawp- ... (Continued from Page One.) u.a. owlna- to tha fact that all tbs good ar.hnnl land had been prevloualy taken up. Most of It was on top of crags anaj useless for any purpose wnatsoever save tho .creation of sorlp. But-tnosa wno bad filed on these erags for, U.J an acre could turn around and aell them for that la the prlco of the scrip in tns onen market .usually iney couia uu much better than that by taking up lieu lands In the best part of tho timber belt -It has been ths practice pi ins ring to have dummies file as1 soon as the recommendation for reserve land'' was made and then take scrip when tbo gov ernment acted upon tbe advice of Its corrupt agents. Th'ame could not hava been worked without Intimate knowledge of all that waa going on and the knowledge could not hava been oo talned from outside sources. Tso of Many anmmloa "I can establish ths fact that as algnmenls .hvspeenslgned.Jnblankg by Innumerable dummlee-al the ilme they made affidavit tnat the claims tney filed on were for their own use and benefit This, of course, means perjury on one- side and subornation of perjury on tba other. It would bo Impossible td enumerate tha different lumber com panies which hava Acquired vast tracts of timber land In thla wayv Ths list Includes nesrly svsry lumber company doing business In the stste. It hes bean brought - repeatedly -to the attention of tha officials, state and federal, - that transactions were ". being pushed through which bora on their face every Indication of fraud. But It has done no good. For. Instance, 40,000 acres of inline tliulHs land alwg the north , fork of the Feather river havd been acquired, it Is believed, by one cor- J 1 .if f a a y A,' Under Cultlvstion. -J ' " . In forming; plans for summer outings remember that the possession of certain' traveling camping;, or recreation requisites makes your trip infinitely more enjoyable and enables you to dispense with the more bulky part of your baggage. Scan these suggestions: v, .. ' . ( Safety tor Your Money Ossitlonissf v ' . MtraT SUX, light aa a feather, with severs! safe pockets, ...91.25 U9DV iirm NOnt) hangs from tho waist.' with , several com partments, very tight ,. .91.50 mm BAOS, to be worn around the oecfcr-Hhree eompartments, . silk, chamois and washable linen ,...v....85, T5 and 801 ' - ' Sut Cases Cowhld; with shirt fold,',,t)T.OO Without shirt -fold ......... .f 6.25 Waterproof Caratol. with locka and bolts; special . .. ... .. ... . .94.65 Suit Caaa, regular $4. BO; Special -92.50 First Aid to the injured Johnson's First Aid Packets.. 91.50 aHXJJUT KBDIOAX, OltS Com pletely equipped with emergency remedies ....... .-91,50 Medicinal Plasters For backacht, rheumatlmr etc" 1 Liquid Court Plaster Easy to apply, waterproof ...... J.04 Tan and Sunburn Woodlark Skin Food. i'.35 U-ar-das Perfect Luxury, for the complexion '. . .50 ir-ar-ds Cold Cream , ...40 Witch Haxel. half pint....,...16 : Folding fCups' : Teleacoplo ............ T. ...... 1 04 I jvUDoer' .25 Magnifying Glasses Study Nature at eloas range, "m 9S.OO to 60eJr -V poratlon . operating . through one man. This is. one eaae among many. Tha very , fact that large numbers, of corn tlguous 'claims have passed , into- one man's grasp shows that ths Intention of tho law. has been thwarted. In Ore gon tbo governor woke up to the fact1 ;.,''. To fcewaUM 9w1ztdls, ; Mr.' Heney. described in ; scathing terms ths attempt-that was made at tho last session of tho legislature to paas a bill making Valid tho land titles ac quired front tbo- state and out off tha finger' of Investigation when it sought to-delve Into the muddy transactiona of the bill amended and Anally the gov ernor did still better by it witn his veto. . Just what tho land grabbing frater nity, will do If Heney pursue the gams to the end Is bf less interest than tbe future course of tho accused officials. The guillotine la being put in repair and those whooppose the operation may be hastening their own heads toward ths basket. i: '--' '. . WILL ARRIVE. TODAY. Attorney Xeaey pedal Aflwat Bona Coming1. ' Vnlttd ts r"""" Frsncis-' J.- Heney anil W. J. -Bums of ths secret service will arrive In Port land this morning, prepared for the re sumption of tho land fraud proaecu t Ions. The former comes from San Francisco, where he hss been for sev eral weeka past, and Mr. Burns comes from Wsshlngton, P. C Judge Pe Haven is alao expected to arrive from San Francisco today and he will open court tomorrow morning, when arguments will be made on the demurrer filed by Senator Mitchell s counsel to the laat of tha Indictments found against him. Accompanying W. J. Burns on tnis trip Is Irvln Rlttenhouss of tha. gen' ' lHP.1l ftflce f"" his briae Mr. Kn tenhouse was , married ow y a'" W months ago. te- .1 Acres hj Dpugiss County A ';, ;. Woodard. Clarke 1. - f 7 Field Microscope- . In fine leather ease, a dandy, fine lens, complete with slides, sto. . .. . 9a0.00 - Cameras ':-,: AJTSOO CtlfHII. Made to stand rough wear. Without competition for knockabout purposes, most prac tical for amateurs. No. 2. t ttx4 96.50 OsUSSST TaUCPOD It telescopes, ele gant In appearance..,,,,.... 92. 50 OATCX OXO ITB BmiOTS The fine shading In scenery by using Anaco Non-Curltng, Orthochromatlc, . Non halatlpn Funis'. . : . '. . , - , ws '1 uzrr " cammma. 9mnro TOtm TUMM BACK xoscs to US for developing and printing. - 'V'r Traveling Cases .'.f.'v'. For Ladles, v ; ; '. Seal, alligator, pig.. ....925 to 92 SxrwTjra 0AarB..91.5O and .T5f rzrrax) Ajr - Bwrrr souvn, Mirrors, Sponge Base. - full llns .92.50 and 25 TOOTS BXUIX Cam Carry, bruah and all In your pocket, mo more bulky than a pencil . ......... .lSf ; You Wear a Truss Tou can exercise with all ths enthu siasm that ) camp life you wear a perfect-nttlng truss. Prices down tjj. ...... ...... .91.50 FOB WBAJC imit Elaatlc Anklets, knit to At Prices down to .......... ...... .91.75 FOB TZBS9, FBBT-Arch Instep Supporters . . i, 9150 AXXVB FOOT OOMTFOBT'..,v.25eTN FAT FOX.KS' OOMFOBT LlghC airy Abdominal Bupportera, juat tha thing for vacation wear,- Prices " down to-... r ... 92.50 Fourth and Washington Streets BIG DEAL IS CLOSED (Continued from Page One.) companies known as the City A Sub urban and ths Portland Street railway. - Stockholders' la FoTtlaad, :. ; - Of a large list of Portland stockhoja srs tho principal holders bf ths stock ars ths Corbett estate, tho Falling es tate. C F. Swlgert. H. C. Campbell, Mra C H. Lewis, Tyler Woodward, J. C. Ainaworth. Rufus Mallory. Cyruo Dolph, tlist-F irstiNtlonal.bnk and- Mrs. TU I ford. Ths Corbetrand-ratWg aalates, It la said, hold about - 1500,000 and Messrs. Swlgert and Campbell an equal amount of the stock. The msn 'last named, who invested In tho stock of ths old City A Suburban when the property waa not generally regarded as a prom ising financial venture, with receive about $7(0,000 for their present hold ings. ' 5 ' ' The company as at present organised was rapidly bringing the lines to the head of the Hat of the country's beat streetcar -systems. At this tlm It Is equalled In few cities, and In point of excellence Is probably surpassed by but on streetcar system In tho entire eoun- f try; In trre lust year twn t0,SO0 and 1100.000 Of new capital has been put Into ths property for enlargements snd Improvements. A large part of the main lines have been reconstructed, with heavy steel and ths most modern style of granite paved roadbed. The company owns large carahops, located on both sides of ths river, where It manufact. turea from 40 to 10 cars of ths highest standard every year, and employs 160 to 200 men. keeping a large amount of money at home that other companies expend In eastern carshops. Ths company employs 1,000 men. and Its -payroll averages $7, 000 a month. ---Xmproremaats Oostexaplated. It has sevralpla nsojejlatjaant. flUW UllBf Wayr6ne of which will be parried forward Immediately. This -Is the ahortenlng of tha Vancouver line, making a terminal on Shaw's Island for the Vancouver ferry, and giving a 10- mlnute Instead of 40-mlnute service to Vancouver.- That the system Is In ex cellent condition waa shown on the opening dsy of . the' Lewis snd Clark exposition, whan 1(1.000, exclusive of transfers. - were handled, - without delay or confusion. The dally records of ths company show that It Is handling an average or lll.OOO people dally, ex clusive of transfers. Tha cspaclty of the company with Ita present equipment is easily more tnan ZOO.ooe people daily. Its car barns are modern snd ampls to accommodate tbe equipment. 1 A bam built recently on Killlnsworth avenue ranks with ths best esr bams In ths country and the largo barn snd plant at the head of Washington street Is Of the same character. The company Is a large owner of -real estate; It has val- uable waterpower and. riparian rights on the,' -little Whits Salmon, snd on f the Ssndy river. ? . , I . The Intentions of the purchasers with"' regard to management ars not known. A new board of directors wfll be elected snd local representative Will doubtless have place- on the board. - Until the stock ' Is formerly transferred no ' an nouncement from the purchasers. Is ex pected. -.. - STANDARD. OIL CRUSHING .SMALLJEXASPflODUCERS (SpecUDUpatcb ay Wire te The Joaraal) Pallas, Tax., June 10. Texas oil men are much Incensed and demoralised over yesterday's cut In prices of the raw product of the Texas fields of from to to So a barrel. Humble oil Is down to lto a barrel. Texas producers dsclsre Is now plainly svldsnt that the Standard monopoly ha gotten posses, ston.of all facilities snd has started 1 t crush out the small producers abso lutely. Th operators at Humble who wrofas .. t . have. -3,000,000 - barrels In storage, tank are trying to find a way to protect themselves. , - . TIGHT-ROPE PERFORMER . ; MEETS TERRIBLE DEATH (Copyright, Bearst Mew gtrrtee, Vy teeaed Wire ts The JearaaL) London, une 10.-lHerman Pavldson, aa Liquors, Flasks, Etc, Brandy Pulue, .half pints...... 604 Chicken Cock Whisky, fives.. 91. IK Latest Stylo Pocket Cork . " - Sorsw..... ,., :...a5ej Flasks, alligator,' seal, pig skin ....,..,,,...93 down te 50 4 . Gillette Safety Razors A vacation Joy; special Monday . .-. ............ 93.9s' OT WATBB SOTTLII - Karap ' Kumfy, all styles and prices. u BATB3B0 OAFS Silk snd rubber .. -60 to 25a) AZB FtUOwB Just like the army boys use ....... .93.00 to 91.60 Metal Perfume Ato : r mlzer t Can't leak in your' trunk. A 1 . cut glass ...i.....:.:..;..fa.o Imitation ................... 91.25 ; i r;; " '.".". " ' " V-l; Poison Oak .'- SImm's Infallible Cure ...... , ..254 Mosquito Repellant uvmu vno Business 1 . ... . j, . . .1 -254 Headache Wafers Keeps Straw Hats . Clean ' 4 WotaatVa. . otJ.oTal.uabU on vaca- " ..,.,254 . Alcohol Lamps All siyles ........... 94.05 to 35 Spirits for aame, per plnt,.....35at & Co. ROYAL TM13 NEW STORE EXCLUSIVE Ladies9 Furnishing Goods House Coats,. Suits, Skirts. Millinery. Un derwear. Hosiery. Gloves, stc - Jjditil5ilA-5blrnal$t4ui Colors ar brown, black, green, terra -eottar-amt- grayr all 4ate- styles, -well made and up-to-date In every way. 2 values at Udies Walking Skirts Made of Mohair and Panama cloth,' In light and dark shades, , at special $2.95. $3.50 $3.95, $4.95 - Silk Petticoats , w, ; la black and color, wellimade. good quality of taffeta silk; regular values. ....... : - " $5.95 . Italian Cloth Petticoats 7 In' black and colors, mads with deep sccnrdlon-pialted flounce, trimmed with tucks and insertion. t.j values at , l..v.;..-.$2.19.,: ..; Boys' and Girls Hats . f llor Hatsfori boyi snd "girls In Milan and fancy braids,, worth Si and 60c. To lose, . - I, 19 Cents" . ereat-redoctlonron- air "MlinnfyT" M. E. FRASER ''..' 171 WASHINGTON ST. American, whll walking a tight-rope to day In the prenenc of a large crowd In Hastings, fell (0 feet and was Instantly killed. He was fn' the middle of hi performance when he was ieenlo'eltp and a he toppled over he grasped Wildly for th rope, but missing it, fell whirl Ing through the air, striking th ground almost at th feet of th spectators. . A- great, cry went up a he waa seen to fall and for a moment thr Vas a scene of wild panic among th women and children. Pavldson ba been giving exhibitions throughout th English prey inces. ";' .,r:: : '-. -I -' 4