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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
1 . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE s IU '190J. 13 HIGHER VALUES ARE SHOWN I isl TH E : JOURNAL WINS VICTORY AND COMPELS POULTRYMEN TO rMAKE PROPER! RETURNSZrrr IGHER N CHICAGO WHEAT AND NEW ORK STOCK MARKETS." T ; VALUES MARKETS H poifiniiE Effort toT Force Return Prices . Down In the Country Prov- , . - Dismal Failure. ;:- ' !T LEGITIMATE DEALERS I . REFUSE TO STAND IN Market at Close of Week Show i . Practically No Changes From Previous Time. Front Biro tr-Juno It I p.. The- Trtn el pal feature of tb Portland wholesale mar. kt the paat wk ware : Journal br.aks poultry aombia. . Ktg market bold at top arte. , ' - Salmon receipt . eontirru mll. Big lucre -la rawbrry, flsld. - f-otatoe beoom very active. , '. ' New onion r quoted lowat, - y "r - Meet ordlnanc (top- receipt. ' - Hop market vary quiet; prlea lowar, i WbMt crop la la good I 4rovtalon price allda upward, . " "" ami flour, .trade-, dull, , , f ' Jui-aal Break Veulury Oomblas. A oombtn la usually as erf a Bleat lea that la banded together for th -purpose of putting ptic skyward. Tbld la traa la som respect of th pouttr mark it of tale city, bom. doalara tried vary bard thla week to forca tba market down an country return at laaat " ao tbat they mold buy at tba decline. To d tbla they mad very email aalee at a reduc tion la price aad tbaa told ef It In their talke to tbe country - trade. Poultry baa slumped. Tbat tbla la sot true li evidenced by -the fact - that ' leading dealer not In the combine are ending out tbe old quota t tone, Tbey cannot find any great aluuip of value In tbe market. ; they aay tbey bav a eaaesa for every thing tbat came, vea .If tba receipts wen eoine " what larger tbaa tba preTloua week. There waa sot only a good call tor poultry from tba city trad, bat ether nearby clttea were la tbe market aod aereral telegram cam for tocka early la the day. ' - v. Tank fanaU Tails of Sltoatio. -Tom Farrell. of Iverdlng. Terrell, baa tba - following to aay ' of tba jnarket -condition a -poultry: -' r -. '-.-.-.--. "Poultry receipts tbla week hvs been very - large on-both bene and aprlng. end Wefe It not tbat there are Iota of people la tba city, and that enneompttoa le large, there- would , hare beta a severe break in prices. A It waa. price . aaaed a Uttle and aome buyer, retired - from tbe - market, stating that they bad all the good, tbey would require tbla week. We bare been able, however, to clean up ea everything la tbla line, and wa really think that for good bona and medium urge- l era apringa tbe demand next week will M very. fair, and prlcee about the a. me aa tbey have been thla week. Wa think that war caa . advlae ahlpmenta of good etuff. Hena aold at 14Q15CI apringa,. 80Q22C. par pound." Zgg Karkat Hold at tha Toy. -The egg market--holds firmly at the ton. -Tba eloea of the week .bow tbe prieag-nnglng -rretn-lSH to with aalee at both orlcee. The receipt tba paat week were materially larger tbaa tba prarlou. alz day. Tha de -enand la much batter, .however,, oa account of tha large number of vtaltora la the city. Ifoat ft tb dealer wr out In the country buying at 18c. this being about ISfe laid down la this clty Borne-etteaas bee - been - made t force tba market-down bat aa la poultry the enema waa nipped In tbe b almoajeoalpta Contlnaa Receipt of aalmon coutlnn. email la the local marketa. Tha water In the Columbia la ao muddy on account of tbe rlaa tbat to fl. Herman report very poor rate bee. Up tbe middle river glllnetter are doing better tbaa during recent aeaaona. . There 1 a fight oa there for control of the flab and high price are paid to tbe flsbera. All tha urter-elied I fl.b coming Into Ibl Jnarket 1 eagerly bought I vty the cold-atorag men of tbe lower river, and aa tbey are offering better values than are rul ing In tha local market here tbey are getting the flab. Meceipta-ef ahnd -during the week war heavy aad folly up. to all demand. . .. . Big'-kereae la trawharrp Yield. Weather condition have been favorable to tba grower of atrawberrlea tbla Be eon. It wa believe by all earlier la tha oeaaoa that 4' froet wrought ceanrlderab) rt.m.f to -the crop aad experts readily cut off tha pro duction by nt leaat a enactor. Later, however, with good aunabln the barrle begin' to ripen .'and grow rapidly In alia. Tbey grew ao faat that all indication now point to a yl.ld of at leaat 100.000 cratea in tha Hood River (action, agalnat aa eatlmat of aboat half tbat amount about a mouth ago. Other aectlona are enow Ing the nam tncreaaa In production. During tba week tbe recerota were not larger tbaa tba demand but prlcee were cat In eeveral la atanor. Proapocta now are tbat future price, will drop. T '.- Petatoe Beoome Tory Aetlv. ' The potato market waa brought bark to life very iuddenly tbe Pt wek The dees.ed 'for eld atocka- auddrnly a Homed very heavy proportion and dealera went oat Into the coun try to buy, - With th higher price pot. toe. ceme from aectlona where a on believed that aay remained. Places tbat were aaid to b 'entirely cleaned ef stock a month ago Bent In eavera! care during tha week. It now look aa If there will be a euffkrent amount of Ore f r btVeraTI month -providing, of coor, that th price show greater activity. Daring tb week th ' receipt from Colorado . Were " Suite lib. enl but the hlpmnta - from the t direction will boob com to aa end. New California are ahnwlng much heavier arrlvala aad th wide gulf between th price of new nd th price ' of old haa been entirely orated.- Haw pot. toe ar getting Into mora general aa. Local new atoeke are earning In email drtba bat th mar ket will be snpplltd from th south for som time yet. ' . Mew Oalm Ar Lewtr, I With th much heavier receipt and th hot ter aupplying of th trade, tba market for new California onion I aomewbat weaker and price mid a fractional decline during th week. A further decline I generally expected daring th - coming week. Report from the leel on km. growing center iter that tha crop thla year will ba about an avrg one although cutworm. are again at work. .v. -r..'v" ,. Meat Ordtaaao Curtail Receipt. , . 1 Th recently enacted mat ordinance wa "the cauae of cartelling h receipt of dreeeed mean along the afreet- during the week. Tb new law make It lmoat Impnaalbl to her, after ahtp dreeeed meata to Front afreet oa account of Ita atrlet requirement. However, th dealer long the . street a have determined to fight th law and ar Mill sending oat clr cnlar oollolttng conalgnment. During th week there w but a Hght lucre lath demand for veal with no nang In price. Dreaaed hog eontl-rued wanted. Beef and mut ton I dull and almost unsalable. 1 Bop Xarket Tory Quwtl Prm vr. -' Thero-wa --cjalat ton i to ndhap market daring th pt week.- Dealera report . general lack. of order becoe brewer are t w. w, tear or Ice. It la al " leged that there ar about 29.000 bale afahop r"""" remaining aneeld In ttla territory and a there are .bout two month remaining nerore m vm- crop eomee la tber will bve to be eome very ' ewlft movement to eln tb preeeot crop It M reported tht Peavey bletaler today purchaaed 170 bale of bop grading prime i rholce from Danlala of McMlnnvllla. nroand 90 and 21c. Th tale eauld aot be confirmed, however. Report from th crop continue aboat conflicting ae could .be- The verlou mar- - bet of tb world war today quoted dull and ThT'whteaV quoWtion which riled at th rlcsa of . th week arei -i; rata. Tlour and Peed. WHl AT Nominal; do aad rd, PtQIoCI teal., a!le S?m - BARLEX teed,, roues, m.wi btw OBS Whola, 24.I0 erarttd. 126.60 per , toa. BTP $111 Per ewt. OAT No. 1 wh ehlte. 12001 er. . ri.OL'R Kaetero Oregen eatent..' $4 601 . $4 6ftv eeralgbta, $S.T5; exporta. $8 6041.66: biTLLIlTtr--Pran, $lno pet tout mld idling. $n0: ahort. seuntry, $22.00) alty( BAT -Tiaeethy, WUlamrtU valley, fancy. IN . : MARKET vt THE WHEAT , 1 July. e- Chicago ......, TVInnlpor ,,. .... 1.01 li- Sept. : e $ .a iiiB" i. 4 Naw. York W Mlnneapollg 0 4 Puluth Ill . , Milwaukeo .; 0 -8t XrJul.T....,--.T54J Kaaaag City.,.. ,TTJ . 4 Ban Franeleco. , e DcmbM per eantaX e ilS Mi ordinary.' lj U.OOi mliad, V.1.00; ll.OOi cheat. 11.00. .00;' eaitera Oregon, c lover, 4l.w; grain. ' Buttar. and Vanltrr. . ' . BrTTEK . FAT wet 20ei aour, itc ' BL'TIKB Tlty araamery, beat. iUHc; aeeoad grade, 17HJc; euulde fancy, . JuQMHei ordujary, 171)cl aturo, I Sc. KUUft No. 1 freab Orrgoa, candled. 1SUQ lp.j unrandled. . Uc.,.... ... . CHKEBB K.w Kill cream, twin, Hl4tle: Toung America. 14HBlc: eaatern.: Igyiaiac: California, lilfcOlee; Cheddar, lac, POfLTBV Vlhlvkeaa,. mUed. lie per lb) ben. UHt per lb: rooetera, eld. II per Ibl young, fen per -lb; broil re. 18c per . lb; fryer; l4t2uc per lb; ducka, 14.009.00 per doa; geeee. Ifttc prr lb; 4arkeya, lTOl8 er- lb; dreaaed, tOIIHc ' ner lb; ' uabv U, BO J. 00 per dot. - . . , . . Kena, Waal and Rid. " HOP Contract, 1106, 15c; lo crop! H for choice; XlHac tor prime tad medluai, WMI MK xTtp,-vaUef. oueree to medium. M2314e;, Una, Miiaci eutera Vregoa, l22c. blUHAIR--Nomlnal, SOOSle: .- MHEICI'BKINU Shearing, lBtSIOa- abort wool. totsoc; median wool,., SOtaj&uoi long-wool, but'btl.OO each. TAtXOW Prima, par lb, dQSu No. I and greaee. 2S0. . I'HITTIM BABK Old. 4We; new. da per lb. HIDES Dry bldee.. No. 1, Id lb and ao, ieglH per Ibl dry kip. No. 1, to 16 I be. 14c; dry calf. No. 1, under S lb. ltlc; dry aaited bldea, atra. Bound. 90 lb or over, HO Wc; 60 to 40 lb. BttHHc; under SO lb and cow. St8H; ataga and bulla, aound, d0Te kip, IS to So lb. Sc: aound. 10 to 14 lbs. ki H;-elf, Bound, under 10 Iba. 0Hlllci green (uoaalted), 1 per lb kaa; cull, lc per lb lea; horeebldee, ealted, each. gl.2Sffil.TB: dry, Men, : el.0gOl.6O; eolt bldea. - each, . 2e50c; goat aklna, common, each, 104 16c 1 - Angora, wit wool oa. each, Ibceii.OO, . ' rralU and Tegetablea." - POIATOK8 Bt Oregon, car iota, eaatern,; weet, cratea,; new California, gl.6oai.T6; garneta, gl.86. - ONIONS New California, gl. 16: Tecaa B Mr mud... 12.60; garlic, PijilOo per lb. . ' , rbMC8U rUDlTS Applea. oxtra lancy. g2.g0 fancy.; 12.00 per not; now California, gl.TSt cheap grade. ... 110 , per box; or.oge., narel, t2.1taS.2S per box; Talencla. 3.00i8S.o; Medltcrraneea aweeta. f2.6oa 4.00 box; .banana, dHg6e lb) Wmoua, choice, 12. M box; fancy, a.00 box; Hum, Mexican. per too; pineapple. a.uoo.uui cranoer rlea, eeaterm.- gll.oo per bbl; atrawberrlea. WlllametU valley. gtfSHe: Hoed Hirer. ge6Wa per box; cheyrlea, California, gl.00 per box Oregon, dig7 per lb: apricots, gl.00; peachee, ll.OotjH.Sa: plume. 1 Sa per crate; peachea, fl.SA; plum, gl.60: bldckherrlea, -62.00;- ra.p berries, -61.26 par cr.te of 16 box) eauta. loupe., td.oo per crata: current, be per lb. V BOKT A BI.Kg Turnip, aew, - 11.28 per sack;, earrou, . gl.e01.60 per ark; beet., 11.60 pes aacki Oregon r.dl.bee, 26c per doa; cabbage, Oregon. 1 50 per cwt; California, $1.00; greea pepper. - fe lb; Cblll pep per., MOi7c lb; celery, per erats; to- matoea, , f ; parenlp. gl.00 ejl.lo; (trlng beans. Set cauliflower, Calif or ala, t.T&e2.00 - crate; rhubarb, lfJlH per lb: boraeradl.h. TSna per lb; eprouu. ; ertlohokee, eOObOe per dost hothoos lettnce, 6oe75c; bead lettuce, luo Dee do: etM. ealene. 10 oer deal -ea- tarague, afiaooe do bunches ; Walla Walla, l.oo see hoe- eolnach. a nar Ibl crean corn, 4oo per dos; peea. Oregon, de) Callror nla. He Bar lb caenmhera. -Tftajt aa dnn IMV rBt'ITS Apolea, evaporated. TSc nar lb: anrlente. SUA I Ac lx Hi leae; pe.ebei, 31ic per lb; peara,. per lb; prone.. Italian. 2944 b. 2H844e per lb; flge, CaUf c nor lb rrench ornla btach. 58Ha per lb; California white. per lb! plum, pitted. per. lb; date, gold. i lb; fsrds. II. M per 16-lb box. Oreoeriea, But, It. -SrQAK-Back baala Cube, 6-l! powdered. 15.06; fruit granuUted, 66. SS; dry granulated, U.66; beet granulated. 20. T6; extra a 18.86; enMee R. IS. 26: bhle. 10c: U bbl. toe! boxee. 60s advance oa sack bail, leee 26c per cwt for raeh. 16 days; maple, 144J10 per in. . . HONET 14HQ16C, r . COrrgE Pckg brand, 114 T5. - IAIiT Tin Bale, la. 8a, 4a. 6a, 10a. II. M; Uble, dairy,- 60s,- 811.00; 100a, 810.79; Im ported Liverpool. 60s. 81T.0O;-lOOa. $16.60; 224a. fid. 00; extra fine. bble. ta, 8a, 10a, $4.60115.00-. balk, 820 lbs, 14.0066.00; sack. Oof MM, SALT Co.r. Hlf -a-eoend. 100. pee ton, $7.00; 60a. per ton. $TTOO; Liverpool lump rock, ill. 60 ner tr,n!J.H rock. 67.00: 100. M.T6. (Above prices spply to ale of 1 than car lota. Car lota at apodal prices subject to rractuanon.) GBAIN B AOS Calcutta, 8a.TBfJ6.00 per 100. BUiKImner1al l.nae. No- 1. So: Ho. i. gic; New OrhHna bead, IHc; AJax, 4c; Cre ole. 6 He. BEANS flmari wtilla, l44He; large whit. IHc; pink. 8H! bayou, 8fcc; Lima. ic, hlexlran rrda, . NUT Heeadta. Tl tumboa, me per lb; raw. eaiOo ner lb: roaatcd. : ooooeaata. 8000c per doi; w.lnui, 14ai6e per lb: pin nut, ioquhc per in; nirtory nnta, lue per id; Chectnut. eaatern. 150 18c P ! Brull auU. 16c per lb; filbert l.-iaide .per lb; fancy pecan. 14016c per lb; almond. 13816c per lb. - r PaJats. Coal Oil. It. RorE Par ' Manila, 14c: ataudard. 12H; laaal Mete: bread alaal fiVe. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caea, pnt per gai; water wnite, iron erne, inc pe. gi ter-whiter iron hbls,- 15o pec. gal; If no - eadllght. lTP-flfli ' wooden. 0A8OUNB- OAROLINK ag-deg. ce. 8 2c per gal: Iroa bbla, 2e per gal; tv, caeca, per gl iron now. ise pee gen BIU4 7.INX) 4U-OC lew. caaa. goo, per aalt iroa bbla, IN We nee sal. TIIBPENTTN. In Maes. 11.02 ner gall wooden bbla, $1.00 pr gal; traa bbla, pTc pot WHtTl 1,1 A TV Ton lot.. f per lb; 600-Ih lot. Ti per in; leu lot, s per in, WIRM rfAlLfV Prasaat beee st 8C.T9. LINSEED OIL Pure raw, la bbla, 6fte per gal; cieei, 680 per g.l; genuln kettl boiled, caae, TOc per gal: bbri, 65c per g.l; ground eak. car lota. $20.00 par ton; lee than car tots, adu.uu per 10a. . . ' Keats, fish aad PrevUioa. FRESH hiEATg rront afreet Beef, ters, 6 at 60 nr lb: pork, block. Ttto ner Ibl pecker. TVs per lb) bull. d-SJVw per lb; cow. 405c par lb; mnttoa. H'871e per )h: lamba with pelt, 6HKr"c per lbs veal. extra, gQHcl ordinary. Boc per 101 poor, a tK HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) h.tna, 10 to 14 Iba, 130 per lb; 14 to Id lba, 11W per lb; "l to 20 lb. I8U0 per lb) cottage, fee per lb; breekfaat becon. 184tfl6e pet lb; Blcnlc. gVAe Bee lb: retralar ahort clear, an- amoked, H"J P lb: emoked, lOite per lb; clear bach, anamoked. 9Ue per lb; amoked. lOUo per lb; Union butta. 10 to 16 lba, one ranked, go per lb; .smoked. rPc pet Tb: clear beiua. oa- kmoked. 11c per UUltBuka. 12c per lb ahoMMae. RUc. 1 LOCAL LA R TV Kettle leaf. 10a. 10W per lb; 6. lOHc per lb; 60-lb tin. 10c per lb; team rendered, 10s. per lb; 6, t par lb; tun. e per in; rxw, eo per in. CANNf r.a ra kALMON Colombia river 1-lb tall.. II LV S-lk tlla. 82.60: fancy. 1-lb fl.t. $2.00: V-lh fancy flata. $1.28: fancy I-lb aval. $2.T8: Ala.k. ulla, pink. 66i0e; red. $1,60, nominal 2. Mil. $2.00. yiKH Rock aod. Te per Tb; flottndeT, Pe per lb: halibut. 6e ner lb: crab. $1.60 per do: Ulped beaa. 120 per lb eatfleh, -to-- per In; aalmon. cninooa, c per in; eieeineane, ec per lb: bluebark, 8c herring. Be per lb; sole 6c per lb: ahrlmD. 10 per lb: Perch. 6 per Ibl shad. 8c per ter lhi roe anaa, oa per in: naa roe, mx lb; TTIck cod. T per lb) ellver amelt, 6c per lb; lohtr. l&ci free mecterei, . ae per lb; erawflab, 26e per do; flounder, 6 par Ibl aturgeon, tc per in, OTSTf.RR Knol water hay. per gL $2.26; -.-t, a. t - - CLAIS H.rd (hell. , get box, $2.00; ragor ISM, ll.w per box. . IXAJt CROP OOOIJ. " . " (Bpedal rwaetrk to The- - Chehall", tl 1h- 'nM 10, Tha erop pro. necl. for bar. graing aad other-eoca irnre terls oourty la tbe beet for year. Th flat rmn I . ale making th ' flneet kind of a growth, never 1 of th farmer who pleated flaf tlraady hv flat over two feet high end It I grewtng tepidly. Tb factory being built here by th America Plat Fiber onmneay la nearly rnrlMed and th work of Installing- tat machinery to about to begin. , - BUrrlnc Rates. ' ." 1 New York. Jute 10. grefllnl fa tea: Demand, 6T aaya, sw.av, . , i SATURDATTRICES EQUITABLE TROUBLE COMES TO AN EflD New York Stock Market Rallies : Generally.With Report of y Settlement v ALL SECURITIES MOVE ; - .UPWARD VERY EASILY Metropolitan Railway Gaine Nearly Four Points on Bull '". Movement-Close Strong, ADVANCES. Anaconda Erie, let pfd .... S Illlnou Central ... Iaiulevlll ........ IS Metropolitan- ..... 9 Mexican Central...-. S Mleeourl Pacloc -.H Amalgamated .... IV Atchlaott ......... IW AteblBon, - pfd '...1 I Car Pound .... 'A far' A round., nfd.- U Sugar ........... IVi thty' ............ Hmelter SV'Katy, pfd ........ I1 bmelter. nfd U N. V. Central .... 2 pro ,IJ Baillmor ........ 1 V Norfolk ......... Brooklyn ......... 4 lPenn.jlr.nla 1 C.n.di.n lL tl.a ,mreHt t. P.ul S ll'aclfle Mall C. N. W....... miRep. Steel CkeMpeck ...... 1MH. p. tlteel, pfd ... 1W Colo, rue) ItalHoutbera re ..... 1 Colo. South., 2d p. lViTei.. a Pactoc ., H Colo. South,.- lat p ltk I Toledo, pfd Denver, 1 iMteel ...... 1V Krl IttlBteeL Pfd ........ 1 , LOSSES. afanhattaa ........ HtSouthera Ry., pfd. (Special Dlapatch by Leased Wlra to The Journail v au jj treats New rork- June la A.emart general and tctlv rally In the toek market waa tneveapona to the announcement . of tbe Equitable Life acandal. Thla waa held to be-a demonatrattoa a to tbs sdver and checking inriuenc tut aubMct bea opoa apecalatlvo ac tivity. Although there waa aome critic ram aa to tbe tertknv announced, th were drowned in tb general aituation. Peace proapecta, which ar le regarded proceeding- to favorable oatcomwer - laoj inffuntU( in jitlmuUtlng bulll.h senttment. Th fact that It -waa a holiday In London robbed the market of any notable Influence from abroad. Parte aad Berlin, bewevar, were firm, but not very active. Tber w no pe- cui rntrag bu.lnea bora apart from pur. ebaaea of a few thouaand ah area. Another fac tof Waa a "much mar favorable bank at.te- ment tbaa expected, which waa hailed with aatUf ictlon In viw . of tb receat harden lus vx vtuj mea, - Btiwngth Dominated Market. New Tork. Jun 10. gtrength dominated th market from th ooentag to the ekwe. rnr tbe flret time la many days leading laauee (bowed gain from about one point to nearly two-; point. Further gain attracted eome profit' taking, hot new buying order appeared and tb advanos was resumed without ertou terraptlon. Broker reported that many aelllng order- bad been recalled snd sentiment waa favorauly influenced by th fact that tb broker who uenally artfor big Interests wars acttv oa I Buying lor ' - ' v - Short Omrlag a racier. .. Short Co rerlng w.a , abm a decided factor In tb advance, - th bear raid during the week baa bees estimated as modern Tartf. with eelllng ltrctd If lb dnllnee. Extreme galna la tb trading laaue ranged from one to three point. Tb beet prlcojgi a mads m lb final ll.lf hoar fntlowlcg th beneficial effect of the good bank atatement. Desllng were nt ao ajOTa.boweter. in the aououd 'hour, although tba total transaction -for today' two-Boura' eemiloa were larger tbaa during any of tba previooa daya' aeaalon tbl week. The fact that tb railway Intereat will control tba Equitable wa regarded a bull point qn Metropolitan fcunoa. There wa an .dram- . of nearly four point Id Metropolitan Railroad and about two point la Metropolitan ecu title. - - Broaklya "t'' Bnlld. Brooklyn Rapid rallied over ' points with ruinor that a decided etep had beea takea toward peace in tbe local traction firm. If aot a ucaslbl deal. Tb railroad were the moet prominent In tbe day, with advances of abcot two to three points la t. raw, i nion Pariac. Atlaatre Out I.ree,- Atchtewo.-fklcairo Northweetera. -New York Central, Souther Pacific. Tenneeaee Coal and a number of th gporlnltiex. Tactically el) the ether leading actlf taaue acored advance of on to nearly twn point. Including Copper, Smelting. Loco mo tire. Baltunor Ohio, Canadian Pacific, Che. CROP CONDITIONS GOOD IN NORTBT.EST Warmer Weather Comes When It Is Most Generally Needed " Prospects Fine. DAMAGE REPORTS COME ""FROM OTHER LOCALITIES Cold Rains Continue in United Kingdom and Do Damage :, Wanted in Russia. Wheat crop prospect In th northwest wer never better than during tb paat week. Warmer weather waa needed and cam juat wkA It waa wanted th most. Ia th mlddl west and from tb southwest reports ar be ing circulated of damag to th crop. Ths following report ar from Broomhall'g Cora Trade New of Liverpool of a late date: united Kingdom The continued cold wnda, getlr from tbe mat, with a light rainfall,- ar having a bad effect on tb spring crops snd pas ture, both of which are backward, and th for mr look thla and etarved. Winter wheel con tinue to look well, but It la greatly to be hoped that wo aball ooa hare pm ale rais and hlrher temperature to rfnprov tbe agricul tural outlook generally; English wheat ba now - ault dlaappeared - from aom markrta, which usually have fair supplies, and for th (mall quantltiea offered bn others full prrces to soms advent (aa much a 1 per quarter In eome Inataneee) hv been paid tbe offi cial price laat wtek ralaed 2d per oaertar. . Bnaia One Odeeaa rwrvefroondeut tetegrapba that partial ralna fell yeatevday, which Imprwvwl tb outlook, on mor va wanteo. in xne aim wt received from our correspondent yeatevday b maintained that the crop wer (till an rignt. but of ceurse U ttn held oil. aay. tot anotiicr 10 daya. and th weather continued hot, it would be a serious matter. Other orreepoad in aotith Ruaala taks more peeelmbitle view f th aituation, for tbey claim tbat th condltkia of tb crop bat already oeteriorat-a. ad In Mm dlitrict people ar already ta th ing of crop failure and eeneequent famine. In the oothaat th erop appear, to be all right, nr dVlce received yesterday oonUlnlng a eomplalat. Shipment lt week wer ee a big cl aad It la confirmed that htrg tap. pile have lately been arriving at Asoff porta, but a (trlke of bargemen haa now occurred and thla may not only hinder arrival, but (tea iw!ma'la-Th dfouthw mentioned lest week baa beea relieved, by rood generel ralna, and proapocta. both for winter and aprlng seed Inas ar regarded aa extremely favorable. Ship ments mat week from all Balkan porta were H.nW7-Tb. offi.1.1 twooft of th. mll.try of aaricnltuv. giving condition up to M.y ir. ni sTUnrnitmiw, -at - - rV-anrlbed wheat a foou . - ether crop, generally fair to food. J"' we.,h-r laat week w.a quit favorable "4 the crop, made good progre. ifferln ef wkeet row Small, bat th .dem.hd la.! week wa "rZr uoir-W. Uf trm laUsks peak Ohio. Colorado Fuel. Erlo. Ttllaol Central. louiavlll 4k Naahvlll, Ontario A Waiter. Peuuayttanla. Reading and tha united State Steel laaue. Bonds war also atrong aad artlv. ee peelally J.paaeae. laaue. Although tber wi ee 1st profit-taking, tb cloa wa atrong aad with final quotation ahowlug amort galua at or only (lightly below the big beet point of the day. ; -" Banks Vtatmnt Pavorahl. """T . Tha bank atatament waa" mack mar favorable tbaa waa expected, -a by tbe moat optimistic. Mom lmptrtxnc waa attached to . thla by reason ef tli fact that tba money market baa recently devlopd a hardening tendency, although nothing like atrlngenry participated. Tbe f fee tare of tho bank atatament waa a large decree la denoalt aad loan. Thla waa what tho aurplua reaervee, although tha caah laa wa only about on half of yterdy pnllmluuy Mtlmate. ' Racord sf Traaaatloaa. Tranaactlona la (tocka aad bond today, com pared with thoe of th urn day laa year, were as tullowe: .. ... Number of (bares sold today, 404,000; a year ago. 12.4S. - Par vain of bond (old today, 63 1.000; g year ago. $1,608,000. " - - A well-informed . broker aoe.k. of Chicago Ore I Weatrra, Mock Ialand, Texaa 4k l'acldc. St.. Lnunv. sou th western - and Brooklyn Bapl Tranait. aa offering about tha beet aneculative Inv-Mtment and also recommenda Soathera Bai road preferred, Atchieoa- preferred, Missouri Pacific and Steel, preferred T- Jattsr be thought a. aound a urofltloB aa the market offered, all thlug considered. Thursday Hhe tratnfer tax went Into effect ud one of the room : trader paid $322. Oa Friday th m man paid nothing.' H wal playing, golf, beaanee be tbought., tb market waa too narrow to try to beat It, - Th of tidal ,mi kit 1 . e I DEBCRIPTIOlf ' Anacinda Mining Co... AmaL Copper Co ...... lod HrT lOd . 106 boH 81 81V. Atcblann, com , 80 V do Beefcrred . . . rr. : 102 V Am. Car A foundry., com lV 36 a Z4 B7'I .-r.r.iVan if-.-".-.. . Am. Sugar, com. 1S4 136 138 i 134 Am. Smelt; com......... do preferred Baltimore 4V Ohio, com., BroorJjn IUpiJ, Cannoian faclflc, com., Chicago dt-Alten, com, ;-. Chicago O. W,; com., Chi.. Mil. St. Paul.., 11214 114 112W liev Hot 1181k lodla 84 , iS 1"4 lew "4 liwv. OD M1k 140 V4 148 140 r r. 86 10 li'A ieVa i4 17-1 1(0 173 178 10 - heaapeakdaT0io.:ri - 7 Chicago A N. W., com. m'4 60 V Sit 2T 8614 6 Vi 60 42 'J 2T. M 6H f'olu. Fuel A Iron, com 41 27 li 86 V aVi Colo. Southern, com.... -to ltd preferred..,,. do let ireferred . , ,: Delaware A Hudson... Denver A K. O., com.. do pref erred . ........ Erie. ja tt."". Tm 27 Vi hi 66 66 Sk 2814 lKlVi Vi 4i'4 2H 8T -4tt4 67 TO Si 4; do 2-1 preferred ...... 60 T-4 1 50 6o1 It .. ft do 1 a nrcferrd.,.jt. 79 V luiliuie iri.uai ...... . LotOerllle Naahvlll 1W !!6Vi lWii 14T14 122 13V 2Va HTH is 1-1T Metropolitan St. Ry.... 1-UVb 120 Manhattan Hallway. Mexican Central ftr 20 ' 1174k, 9U 21 2V4 20 11T OH 27 62 Minn.. St. P. St M. 11T 11? Missouri PtclOe... M.. K. T.. com. do preferred..... Tfew York Central. On 14 27H IV. 8 28 Vk 2 140 - 142 I 140 141 Norfolk A Weatera, com 60. IMi 61 4 81 61i 134 V. 80 do preferred.. North Amertria. . . .. N. .,-' Ont. A West Fnneylvni' By.,., tH 61 136 V. 101 61 184 Vi 1H4 r . v., u a v. . ,., . . -- - - . ra mCi 101 101 IOI 2 1 PaclAc Mall Steam. 0. Reading, com do 2d preferred..,,., do Iflt preferred... 87 (XI 6V4 WVhlj8 8 ITVi ?S -2T lMf-l.l" '-Mten, Iron Steel, com IT I 1T T2iT2 ' u pre rrrca , , . , . . . Rock- Island, com..... T44 Rubber tktoda.....,,.. 83 102 82 Va do preferred... Southern Ry , - do prvfrrred.v. flouthern Pacidc 5IN 82 V4 8t M CJV o 06 V, n OZ 03 04i 60 exm. do preferred J 11 St. L. 8. r , 2d pfd 4 V, 64 0 St. L. S. W., com. 23 ! S'fH do preferred . . .... . , Texaa A Pacidc Teanemea Ceal 4V Iroe. T.. St. L. W com do preferred Union pacific, com... do preferred. tj. B. Leather, com.. do preferred.' TJ. S. Rubber, com... o. AO 82 87 87 Vi 6AW 8T 8T 5d be '4 1241 tn 10T-5 134 123 Vi 124 'ii" 123 12 'iiu llr7 47 Va 1074 KM 87 44 do preferred (In C. 8. Steel Co.. eotn....l 27 I"4 104 XX 66 23 89 2T do preferred.. I a Wheel. 4 L B.. com..t in do 2d Dref erred I 23 ia t - 22 Kt, It lit preferred (Wt, Wieconeln Central, com.. 224 Western Cnlon Tel.... SH Wabaah. com, 1HV 22 224 P4 IP M an 4 18M 181 8TVI b do preferred I 87', Totsl sale for day, 4A3.800 abarca. that dry weather prevails In th aoutbern dts- Ulcte. ... India Th outturn of the wheat erop ef th anited province of Agra and Oudb la given offi cially aa B.woiioo qra, agalnat 12. 200, Of l qra laat year, tbe crop being described Oft per cent of a norma L Th foregoing refer t the par wheat crop, beside which there le tbe croowB with trley and gralnwhlch laal year amounted to nearly 2.000,000 qra. Shlp - ment ia likely to be maintained at larger figures. ... . . - . Argentina Our cable of laat Friday reported that the seeding of the new crop la well ad-vanced-ander favorable roodltlona. For wheat It I Hkaly there will be an Increase of 10 pee cent In the- set ae, while th erea andt-r flat aeed I likely to be th me ea last yin'l .1 ... d.asanlng, corn IncTeuing, which of coots 1 quit nor mal for th time of year. - Mall advice contain further con firmation of excellent .ceding ralna. Franco A ta tbl country, cold we. tber baa checked growth, but th condition of ill crop I (till regarded vary aatlafactory. Supplies ef wheat oa country market, rem. In quite email; Indeed, our Dleppa correspondent aaya that In that part of France wheat la gvt ting scarcer and scarcer, and be expect for eign qua lit lea will bav to be Imported at tba end of tb oa. Italy Continued drouth In Sicily and heavy ralna la th north ar complained ef, but tb lateat official bulletin described crop conditions aa aatlafactory oa tbe whole Spain Th country hi had A furthern of bad weather, cold wind (nd hard froet having greatly damaged tha crop.. Large pur chaaes of foreign wheat continue to be made. Portugal The crop look well la the nnrtk. but are aot so good In tb Booth. Thla ae. aoa'a Import wheat are expected to total 550.000 qrs. - - -- Holland-: -Rain la wanted In upland prov ince, fin wether with aortherly winds hav ing dried th land. - Belgium tsvorabl 'crop Weather haa been experienced. I . . . . (rermany The dry weather continued to tbe middle of laat week, but rain fell In th laat daya. Good rain, were much wanted for ry ud atlll mor for spring crop, and th re port received ao far do pot Indicate that tha ralna meatloued were anfflHeatly general or abundant to allay all anxiety. Tb official report for Prussia of bit II maintained th condition of wheat, but reduced rye, d polnta oa tba month, tbla agreeing with private advice, which have - reported favorably of wbeat. bnt described ry a deteriorated nd I looking thln alluring-of native ar now tmu. 1 CONDITION OF THE ' GRAIN CROPS TODAY tfurnlahed bv Overbook. Starr Cook Co.) Wa.blngtoa, I. C, Jun 10. Tba department of agriculture today reports: . . Condition of winter wheat, MS per cent.! '" Condition of aprlng wheat, P3.T per. cent. Acreage aprlng wbeat, IT. 813,000, ea locre.a of 472.01-8 acre, or 2.8 per cent. Totel aha cf oat., about PT.tViS.OOO (ore, aa Inereaee- ef 42.0u0 acre. - or ' two tenth of 1 per ont In the are sows 11 year. Condi lion of eate. 111 par cent. , Aereag of barley la less than that Bow lee yeee hv ebwet 1T2.0OO acre, or 8.4 pet cent coaditK-a of riy, 3.7 per cent, ... SAB TRABC18C0 ORAIB at ARXIT. ' i . WHEAT' -r 7 ftnen. Hteb. Low. ' t'lcw December.... II. GS tl l , 1.8d4 tcembr,..., .IT ,11 , 4T 47 FIRST GRAPES OF SEASON ARRIVE IN Yuma Heights Sends First Con signment of Season to San Francisco Market. . DECEMBER WHEAT SHOWS , ; SMALL CAIN FOR DAY Good Fruit, Was. in Abundance but Sold Wei- Best Butter , Holds at Price. (Sped.l rjl.patch by Leeaed Wire to Tho Journal) Saa Francisco, Jan. ha-r-In wheat December advanced to 81.88 per centaL bat fell back to 11.31. the latter txlnf a net fain of He aa oonipared with Prlday'a rhWlnc price,' No other option received any attention. Tb Ipnt market. t-(watrtnj Th tncomlnc TBf-VhTiw V- Tb receipts included b.a-JB r.ntaie rrom Orefon. :. . ' ' Xeaoedlbof BarUy Hifhor. necember h.rler rloaed. ic Mr rental hlaha. belt Waa Inactive. Spot price were u neb. need and nuateady. Th receipt were 8.28T cent la. O.ta war still nominal In' price. Pink nnd Deyoi. Mini were awwiM . . lara-e ouantltr of corn.' 4.S00 centals, arrived from th at. ' Tber were ahlpmenta today of b.OiCT cental, ef corn to Central America. The learner Han Juan took out 6,812 barrel ef flour. Ihcludlnc 6.402 for Central America. Rolled berley wa lower (nd other article ancbanced. . -- (Joed trait la Demand. mrlts- of kfl klnda war In' abundance with a asnorsily rood demand for beet quality. Prices were without any cbansw, ss th offer. Ins ner too large. Cherrle war cecr at moat .tore. Berrte wer weak -for tb can irsl rcn. Canta loupe more plentiful and tbera waa a stltn ahowlnf- of watermelon. Hon flaa from Vladlla. th flret of tho season from there, were offered la 6 pound drawer st 12. Tlraf Orapea Arrlee. Tb flret bei of (rapes 06 th aoaaoa and of tb - eedle variety wa . received from Vnra. belehta. a.-a- .....' - New potatoes and salens were plentiful (nd weak. String- and wax bean, were Jd over supply an--hepM.-Jierly" all' other article wer L.Wbil tber waa a general dlpoaltloa to quote tbe butter market eaaier. Bale of tbe favorite brands of creamCrv were atlll belnc made at tha top quotation. Cbeee waa uncbanied and steed for beet oualltT. Ranch era eaaier. tha reccluta belnc quit llberel and eom'lne from all rectlone. There-waa quit a quantity f unsold" poultry a hand at the rlnae of th day. ' Tb ro- celpU for tb week wer generally ta eacee of the demaoil and. price ruled 'weaker for tb mot part. . YAKIMA WILL HAVE y LIGHT APPLE CROP . (Roeclal Piapatch to Th Journal.) ttnnd Riear. Or.. Juna 10. The local Apple -Croww.'. association-la In.-receipt ol relUbla information from Norm l aaima mat jne crop of -Wnttxenberr end Kewtowna uarauriu rn lign a mere. Ill I )lgh thia.year and very much r.""..Tbe reportTXT-" Critter atataa that there will be no appli III oe no vtrm hi Idaho or astra-Oregon fit for tb Kew ork market. Th Clordo peerk crop he beea ruined, but apple of tbe following varletle will be full mn: Wlnean. Oaoo. Missouri Pippin. Jon- than. Rome Beauty and. Ren DavK. No Spltaea' berg and Newtowna are grown la Colorado, TONOPAH MIBTBO STOCKS. San Pr.nct co, Jun 10. Offldal close morning (eeeloa: Bid. . ..I2.X2- .. 1.8TM 42 .. l.oo .. .sa Bid. .$ .60 :. .20 . .11 . .15 4 .T . .IS . .24 .. ..08 .. r . . .8fA . .28 . .04 Montana . Midway ... McNamara rieltnont . . North Star Adam t Mnbawk Dixie ......... Kendall IVilumbla kit Jumbo . 1 . . Jumbo Rxten Black Butt.. Allver Pick ... Rescue- 0e bold Mt ...... II m Butler ... Nevada Ton. Eiten ... Red Top ...... (ioldneld Sendetorm . . , . Sandatorm Ex. Ixne Star .... Caah Boy .... t.v .no -ISA 4.2AA - .an filoldea Anchor Ray OBrt.n.. Onblr Ton ... .M .14A .10A .12 O. Boll Kmg. Dlamondtlcld Home B08T0H COPTtR STOCKS. Boston, Jun 1. Offlclal copper close: Bid. Rid. Alloae ,v Arcadian .$ 22 Ml . 1 15 8 ISO Did Domlrilon.VI 24.00 rceola PI .00 Adventur Parrot? 28 OQA-4 1 ""nfi"; f i, .h.V, i.M (Pboenl I 12 2N.50 SO 00 1H.50 OU.IM1 ..'2:S 1.75 Shannon T.50 I.T5 105.00 . ' T.T5 24 25 44.124 8.00 n fro jo on - 250 Calumet Centennial ... Copper Range. Daly Weat.,.. Franklin ..... Granby ...... Green Santa Fa .... Tmarck ... Trinity 1'nlted Copper I tan ........ I Victoria , .7H Winona ..... Ma ... Michigan .... T.7 -12.50 Wolverine r 8.-Mining.. AX ntABCISCO LOCAI, STOCKS. Baa rranrlece, Juae 10. Local (tnek. cVm; riio. a. a. Spring Taney vtaitw. Mutual Electric 1I". San Krancleco flaa A Elertrle ...... 55 13 . si ii 1v 28 sal; 211 M 5 . 101 (ll.nt Powder - Hawaiian Sugar . . tlonokra Sugar '".! ' Iliitrhlnaon Sugar IS Makawcll Sngar Onomea Sngar ,. .. Paaubaa sugar ............... ., Ala.ka Packera .....r S3 lloe.nln8team.bla .,.......... 4 U.llfornla rrultcenaav' 122I? California win 11 . Paciflo State Teiepnon COMSTOCX ItTBTHO ITOCRS. Saa Francisco, Jun 10. Comatock (tockk, eloalnf 1 - Bid. I .83 , .18 1.50 6.25 . - -40 , 1.05 ; .50 ,. .11 Bid. Bnlllna Savage ...I .41 Belcher Coo. Csl.-Va Poto.1 ......... .12 I'nlos Con ...... .44 Yellow Jacket.. .13 exchequer . ., .4,. Hale 4i Norcroe. 1 l Andes ., .22 Ophlr t'eleooma .- Mexican .... Con. Mercur Scorpion XrW TORE SABS ITATTMIBT. ew Tork. Jnna 10.- -Beak (tatement: IftcreaM. Reserve .., ..$ 8TTT.2- Reeerv MS V 8. ...... ..f,r,l.. . . (.Toa.ii-n lxaua Specie ..,11.7rt2.20O .. P4A.2O0 legale . S3tl.200 Depoelt , ., 13,44. BOO Cireklattot. .e.. 5V2.100 I J)cree. BOOS ITROWO TO HIOHIR. Chicago, . Ian 10. Livestock receipt; - Hoe. Cttl. She. ChlcagJ .................IO.O110 4tn- 3.000 Ka-aea City a" - aw twmWm 8.500 ' ... Hoea -oncned atrona to o ceme- nigner .11. I. Oi.i left ver. Recelnte jeer ago wer II. ooe). Prices: Mixed. .18t 4; tood 84 5J 5 1101 rouche 5.tlJ.a. Si ncnt. ' 5 42't. . M tatthe Steady. ... Sheep Pull. .y ' - . ' 1 ;j CHICAOQ CAIH WHIAT. Chicago, Jon. 10.-fah ,t:f(M Ko. I red II n No. 8 red " .5 w. . k.rd.. - l-"" A.k .M ''.si JJoi I bard .... K. 1 nortbera. . B aflwudi 1. ASK . a aM . fto 1.11 1T 1.18 . 1.01 ho. S (prim .00 Ilnyal 195 I WEAKNESS INTENSE IN SPRING LAMBS Market Shows Two - Declines of Twenty-Five Cents Each - During the Six Days. 7 CLOSING OF HOGS JS i , ; TWENTY-FIVE CENTS OFF Cattle Receipts Not So Heavy and Market Makes Mo- -' mentary Improvement. ; Portland Cnlon Stockyards. Jun Id. d p. a. Uvmtock receipt ; , . ' lloea Cattle Sheen Thla . week,, . ; i .-. ko ,1.01ft . 4.740 La.t week...,.......,,.. IW 2,373 .-, 4.204 Prarlou. week. i. f;. . 8 l.inO B.3. Month- arr. rvr. . T. .. . w . ;-'- 218""; 8IT' d.040 - The greet weakneaa shown ta eprlng lamb -aa th fe.tnr or th livcstonk market during tbe pest week. Two decline wer ahown, each for 25c. Ueceipta were beery snd demand WW. ' . Tb hog market waa dull all through ths week and prlcee rloeod 2&c lower the tb previous week. Receipts wer quit liberal, but demand wa Indifferent. Toward th rloee of the week tber waa but a' alight Improvement.'-, - . Cattle Receipt Ar 8-aa.lar. The (Uangth ahown by tb cattto market waa nominal. At aome periods of lb week th recalpt.' were quite heavy, bat nt tber times' tbera waa a, lack of arrlvala and tbe market, strengthened -auniswhat, but made no Chang bi'pihe. sr. ZJtl ZZT"'"9"' ' '"- Oftidal price for Hveatock: ' llog Beat eastern Oregon, $3.7618800; blocker and China fata,- 8S.oujB.2ft; atot-kara and feeders, 4.004.2a. . , Cattle Beat eaatern Orrgoa (terra, 22 500 S.T&: light and medium ateers, $8.25i3.oOi old-ami llsht cow, 81T562-0U; stockera and feeder, fl. 7ft; bull. SheepBeat fancy abcep. 3.25tja.50; .wee, 3 00; .prlug lamb. 44ic Calves 4iovd veal. - loo to 200 pounds, be; rough snd heavy, 8V,eaa - JUoatptx f tha Wsak. Sunday fleorgs Kohlbagetr of Roaebnrg, four carloads of prima steer; JY C. - Mitchell of Wllluar. California, seven carload, of cattle; WV H. "Wh(ts of I.B Urande ear of Boreas; J. L. Kelthley of Welaer, Idaho, car or cattle W. B. Hurt of Th PUf. cr of noga; M. F, Uanley of Medford, car of cattle. h!ondnv--J. B. Belgler- of tree well, car of beep; Hhryder A .Long of Woodburn, cr" of abeos: Krink Mnaea-of aTuactioa City, . four cars ef sheep aad bogs. - . --'- ' Tneeday A.' K. Pord of McMlunvllls, tw car of lamba; Boothby A Lwl of lndepud rnce. car of eheep; V. E. Ubby of JeffenoB, two cat of abeep and boga. . Wednesday U C Voder of Balsm.. ear of milch cows for Mabtoa, Wa.blngton; Mr. l-jno ina of tildrele. -Idaho, carload of rattle;. E, O. Young Co. ef Oakland, car of cattle and two car of aheep; M- Soott of Albany, two cara of abeep and- hof.: Mr. Davidson, of Heppner. csr of aheep l James Wright of Heppner, six cent of sheep; rrye-Bruhw Co, of Sesttle, 14 cara of cattl from Ssiaaa. California; R." E. Morrla of Rowland, three cara of cattle; i. D. Denemora of Salem, two car of aheep end 4og: Miller a- rV-nnecklnlh of Pomeroy. tl IVL.a Z, ZZZi ..a he car et- - - - ----- . - . . , t-t'et i W hoc. . . rrldy--Oe1fe-Kohlhagen ef Boaeburg. tw car of cattle; Mr. Wprnlck of La Grande, ear of horsea; W. P. Cocbra of Ion, earloadof I g.sar cattl. link.- .. ... . -. . ,,, .. COTTDITSTROiVQ THREE"" - TO FOUR POINTS Ur (Furnlnhed by Overneck, Strr A Cook Co.1, v. vfc Inn 10. Cot toe future rloeed to 4 point blghetz-rlth th market at dy to atrong. Today s ornciai inaraei; , , 1-1. '- 8.42.8. 4 Ml Jainxary rehruary . Marrk Jun am e.o.i e.w tm g.olt 8.81 SIMAirlO 8.00 8 8.04 8 niii '8.1.1 "IH 8.10 8.17.M8 8.1T 8.2S 8.15 8 tuft 24 23 . .2-1 S.27W2B ' 8.2H 8 15 . 8 2 8.M(;a 8..15 8.88 6. 88 8.."nVft41 8.40 S.4d 8.38 ' 8.45448 July ........ Allguat September . October .... November ... December ... xrw tork corng market. Wew Tork. Jun 10. Ooffe fBtur cloaea 6 point higher to unchanged T. Bid," Art ! January February March V. ..Sd.Tft S8.-5IJn1y 8T 20 87 23 , . 1T0 8. T3I September . T..T8 T.40 8 75 :O Octer .,,.. .7.40 T.48 a) A 851 November T 50 J.dO ., d . 001 December ... T ftS -t.TO .. T.15 T.20I April ... May .... June ... -tv Veealew Ceffe Marhst. New York. Jun 10. Hamburg holld.v navrc"coife unchanged. Bio receipts, ,vu. T(( mOOllTILTl BPAirrJIat. , From tha 'Waahlnrtofi Poat. Mlsa Allca Hooaayelt la industriously tudyinr Bpanlah, In anticipation of her fortheoralnp; pilsrIrnaBa to tho Philip pin lalands with Bectetary Taft's party. As soon aa It waa decided that Mis Roosevelt waa to bi a member of tha party aha at ones commenced taking conversation lessons from a teacher who speaks tha Spanish languace as Jt Is spoken by the Filipinos. Tha president's daughter nas proved 11 m very mV scholar, and durlnaj three month In struction has acaulred sufficient knowl edge of th language to converse Intelll- rentlr. IT not nuenuy. . Among her South American acquaint ances It has become known that she Is eager for practice In Spanish conversa tion, and they delight to assist, her. In her work. From those who have had .enerlenc In the Philippines, Mies JRooaevelt learned that the natives still rHIng to ths Bpanlah diatoms, ana tney show greater deference to strangers who can converae with them In the Spanish they are famiils'-"". - wer , progress has been very gratifying to tne presi dent, and It was an agreeable 'surprise to him upon returning irom mar recent hunting espedltlnn trj-tea addressed, by his daughter In Spanish. ' . . . J Mlns Roosevelt usually tngea ner Spanlsft' lessons In' th morning. She may be seen dally when st horn leaving the White House about 10 o'clock. At, tired in a plain, well-fitting walking suit of blue or brown material, with hat to match, and tan ehoes, with broad rib bon bows, she carries n hef hand a com bination leather whip and doa cord for her favorite., fox hound." which trots along beside bar. . Miss Rooaevelt la not," however, de voting bar entire time to her studies. She Inherits from her fstheP a love for outdoor sports and recreation. She en loys tennla and baseball., but her favor ite sport has to do 'with .horse. She - - OVERBECK, STARR 6 COOUE CO, Members Chicago Board of Trad. OBAIsT. rBOTlaTlOatBJ. OOTTOeT. STOCT ABTD 0IaV. Itt Third Street, McKay BulMlrtaj. PwrtlaBd. Or. w bo a Tmityrx ooiair-rr3i-K. -. "T. ..... CoaUiuo'o Markets bv Prlvs'e Tire. Cnlrt r ' 2uton. Pauate.. 4 caCi , . - - DAMAGE REPORTS COMING IN WHEAT Chicago Market Showed Marked , r Strength All Through ""7r the Day. .-r--- Jr.,.- GOVERNMENT REPORT IS CAUSE OF NERVOUSNESS Trading in Corn Small -No New ; Features In Oats -Uquida- ' , ? tion in Provisions. 1 : SATURDAT 8 WHEAT MARKET,. , ...... . '; Onea v t'loso Cbw 0lB Sat.", Bat.- yrl. ' Sat.- . Jnlf. ....'.,. .. M tl $ 'M- 9 .W September,... 2 . .H3 .81B .0014 December..... ..81 V 1 iB .OWm rSrnlbed by Overbecb, Btrr ' Cook Co.) -Chicago. Jun lo. Loaan aV. Bryan aey: A waa to be expected with the government report Homing after the 'close th wheat market abowrd mucj-.nennini.aaai bat en ah whu maintained firm ton. Crop, damag report played aa astir part, bat en tb whom wer aomewbat conflicting.. Tbey were In the mild bad eaoufb to xcit th trad condition and make tho abort Intereat nervous. Tbe sharp decline la Kansas City wss alao a check to the trade. - Report coming from Indiana aad Ohio ahow a 3 loo my condition prevailing In tbe Obto valley, I' ruin Nebraaka. and southern ' Illinois come reports bordering oa tha seme, tlon.l order of damage by fly and ruat. Hm' plea we have received of Indiana wheat ahow . a Very poor etand aad thin. Southwaetera mar ketB ar Included to credit report of damage Is that section. The " Immediate market will de- fecd on tb aatur f report from now until' arveat time. If tbe trade la to receive damago eomplslnta eurh -era bar been getting tbe laat three daya. tbe market could eadly develop Into runaway affair. Tb weather; too; 4a . a factor, oa without a clear map from now till barveat. time much dam. a most reenlU' We are In the critical period t th crop. Tb market promlae . to coot lane . a good trading; ffe.k. Report of erop damage and tb wee tbe ehoold be carefully - watched. - - . -Cora Trad Small. " - The corn tied did sot aum any Urgd proportion. Tb leading bull house war tb principal eerier early, bnt they eubeequentty, took back-much of tb corn old at tb open1 ing. . Recelpta Wer vary much - . toe Her t a q a year-ago and blpment were about 2.0 larger tbaa th rorrea ponding date. . Thl featur' of thci - msrket sdds courage to tho bull, doe also tb report of caah people thar dally acceptance of their bid ere receiv ing hot atr.a 11 response. Tb kpeeulatlv altua- . tloo looks etraineU, the principal buying coming from the ebort Intereet.- Some of tb beat posted people In tbe trade are favorable to -the May and December oora at th preaeat die count 1 - . Ibe sat trade-In tbl market howd n aew ; feature. The pronounced" strength la tb cora pit contribute much to th ateadloeee of thla market. Primary shipment ar net everlerge, but tber I little aome thing belag do no ia the eaeb w ay each day. The previeioa trad early waa made np lerfe ly of whst looked Ilk liquidation, particularly of July. However, we cannot believe-that tb packer,' whom we feel 'are the largest bolder of tb finished article and futures are prepared st thai time to let the market go to pieces. Tbs market ba. quit a shake-out and aom further eelng off may later develop. - -- . Today a official market; WHEAT. j -"-iWenT Utah .. . Low. Cloee. July. .... ; .be -:,9 SHVi Sept..... . .Ha . . .81V J1V Dee 81 Va -W2 .- COKN. .81 at DCC....4 .iaiMi .3 .J MCS9 i'UKK. v 12 55 12 SO 12.85 . 12.82 : , , LARD. . in lis T.42 T.35 SHORT R1BB. T 33 . T.SO July... Sept-. , . July.,. SVpt... 1252 12.82 1X8 12. 2 T.81 T.22 T 31 -tu-. f 6 T.22 T.4) July..... T.S2 Sept,.,.. T.0 Oct 1 PKDfART, SHlPTflBTS AJfD CLEARABCCS. New Joly. . .!Tth-r. 1 4. , .HI1! 7 l hew Bept . .0014,-: .oo--.i"- . - ., - New Dec .47H -4TS .4T4 ITV , - . OATi . rune.... . . ...... , ...... .81 W July..... .81. .aiv. .81'4 . .:ilW Sept.. ..'- rM&Mte,B,0ft',n,, recetpta: bush. bush. Wbeat ...'......'......247,000 SSa.onH Corn 491,000 ' 8d3,0o0 Shlpmenta: Wheat 155.000 214.000 Corn , 6ST.000 ' 45T.O0O Cleareocee: Wheat, 20.500 bn: floor, 8,506 bbla: cora. 67,000 bu; oats. 32,000 bo.. .. . CHICAGO ORATkT CAB LOTS. Chicago, Juna 10. Grain tar lotit . Cara. Grade, Wheat VV........ 4 Cora .0T 111 t, 71' Oat. - ..318 TT Wheel car tod.v: Minneapolis 184, Trolutbr 4 War ago: MinoaopoU 141. Duluth 4B, Chicago 20. s . Haw Terh Sugar Market. ; ... New Tork, June HI. He fined and raw sugar srrrflv and unca.rifea. tuooaoa oeet rldea as well as any young woman In Washington, and ahe la anxious to get permission from her father to partlcl- . pate in fox hunts of the Chevy Chae club." .. - JBABg Story of aa low. TwiaUt. From Des Moines Register and Leader. "Talking about cyclones, the most pe culiar circumstances I ever heard of took; , place' over near Mingo 14 year ago," ssld H. W. Robinson. 4 ' ."One of those terrible twisters came tearing down from the southwest to- ,' ward Mingo along late . one summer., afternoon, but sparently not In lino with the town. Many of the cltiseno ' about Mingo saw It and1 most of them took "to shelter. 1 . "Over In the. field, in th direct path of the whirling mass ware.. mare aiu! -colt feeding. Suddenly tha whirlwind was upon therfi. Well, sir, that animal and her colt were lifted up Juat (Ik an ordinary- wind wouldTlft a piece of " paper and carried atralght up to a con- , alderable height and let down again as gentle-like as though they wer being lowered In an elevator. Ther alighted almost In the placa where they were before the storm struck. -Appar ently confused at first, the animal finally pulled themselvea together, snd as- the . storm passed on began ting graas; as though nothing had hsppened. - - From the Chicago Tribune. , ,"Why don't you get up and give that ladv your seat" , - -Because- sire's pldqtUL-ut .dr like a glrL I'm afraid It sfOoM eitetnl her." ' -' - ' " -rwifTTp. woranrw oo, (ftabllahad lll. asTCBA in iTOOI UOIIU. ltMa 4. vwasd Plow. ; crKAkCBBsv or co atstrt; b c. t..,: