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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
21X- vr-V r ; 'THE ; OREGON- .SUNDAY" JQURNAL-PORTtAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 11. 1SC3. g gg J L . , SL, I, 'I L 1 1 1. 1 nU 1 ,,111,' I, HI,, MJ UJL. 1 J 1 lit - II IF -, . .. I 4 T ..'l. . .',':. . J r EDUCATIONAL r,THpw-to Spend Money. Toung women-students-at th" rhf ' varsity of Nebraska er to be Instructed In tta art of properly spending money. Th idea la borrowed In part from Amu; Iowa, where Professor Georgia Witter " liaa atarted new coureea la the domestic! '-fi science ;l department. . " Representatives from the university here have visited .TAmee, and say that It will cost S0,0t - to estabUsh the desired department. : Fewer Kansas Schoolma'ms. ' The chance tn the curriculum of the Xansas State Normal school from, a 'three-year to four-year course, la re- sponsible for a marked decreaae in the umber of graduate. In compaiiaon with last, year's class. A elaaa of 41 Members. -seven of "whom are of the musical department, will be graduated. Lest year the graduating elaaa had members. . Until this year a student -was graduated upon finishing any one of the three, courses. Although this year's will be the smallest graduating elaaa la the last to years, It Is said to be the largest "straight- class ever graduated; that is. of those who hare ' finished s four-years course. Of the SI ' graduates of the normal proper, 20 are women and II are men. Italians From Ireland. That the Italians are of Irish origin 1s. the Idea -pat forth by Miss Amy A. Bernsdy profeaeor of Italian at Smith college, Northampton. She-gays Shs baa glv-en the question a great deal of research, and advanoea many facts .la support of her claim. Sha points to re- - aent ' arehaelorloat discoveries very - much Uka those found In Rome, - Then he Shows bow the burial and funeral ' customs of the Romans and the Irish arer the seme. LEGAL AND CRIMINAL, ? Convicti Love Animals. . , Many oonricts In the Ohio penlten - tlary show ' marked fondness Sot animal ' pets and, remarkahls patlenoe in their training. Many prisoners, who during their confinement have by their loving ' - care won the devotion of their dumb .friends were noted during their freer ': dom for brutality. Borne of theee con - rlcta, who ere so strongly attached to . their pets that they. would risk their . lives tn protecting them from harm, are - serving Ilff sentences for murder. - .. Topsy-Turvy Suit. " r ' w Dr. W. W. Campbell, a young physi cian of McKeesport.-Pennsylvania, has brought ault against Miss Rosa Brett enrelter, s. society girl, for 115,009 dam ares for alleged breach - of. promrse to marry. Dr. Campbell declares that -he - became acquainted" with Mies Breltea- relte usr January rite , after-whlch he ; started to keep -company with her at her home -In McKeesport. He declares that " ' be proposed marriage In -February, and ! AJtJat-'fc-O 4 BARRELS OF BEER - IN A NUTSHELL , ' A Rhlnelander. Wlseonaln, ehera- "1st has produced a liquid which is 11.000 times stronger than the v best quality of beer and one drop of it placed in a, large beer glass and filled with loe water produces" a glasa of pure beer of the finest ' grade.. 1- -: ; - -The extract contains an alkaloid ' i : from bops Just 1,600 times stronger than crude ' bops, and th active principle of malt 11, 760 times the strength of com mon ' malt made from the best Barley. With the above Is com- ' - blned an article which in con-" tact with water produces lnstan- ' taneous fermentation, forming I H . per cent alcohol, ths amount ea ietlng la the best brand of beer. A one-ounoe bottle of the ox tract will make 480 schooners or -about SO vallona of pur beer. When shown the dispatch - re garding . the alleged new dia cove ry in the manufacture of boer, twoof the most prominent rechemlata connected with M11- e waukee'a brewery Interests ",iidl- e) ' ewled the statement as being- utter impossibility. . : - . , . POT THE VALUE OF -IMPORTS TOO LOW 'j i F J. Morse Arrested on Charge ..' ! of Having Made Fraudu- I : lent Entry. . --. i. t FLED FROM CITY WHEN f CRIME WAS REVEALED Was Dealer In Fancy Goods and -! Japanese Curios fri This T. J. Morse, who was formerly en- - gaged in . the stationery - business in Portland "and " who of lata has beenan tmporter of fancy goods and.curlos from Japan, waa . arrested by . the Vnlted States mershsl , yesterday on a rharge of having made a fraudulent entry of Imported merchandise last No. rember. It Is said Morse placed the . market value Of $1,000 worth of curios at 10 per cent of their selling price tn this country. Ths goods were Invoiced St their true value by Customs Inspector Heard, and were held by the govern ment Mors was out 'f tho Jurlsdlc ties of the court until Friday whan fie came to Portlsnd and sent a friend - to the eostom-house to seeertaln - whether there was any cbsnro of re . gaining bis goods." Ths visit of the . friend led to the arrest of Moras. - Assistant 'nlted MUtes District At torney Banks, who drew tip the com- rlalnt says Mors, has been watched y the treasury officials for some time. lis bad been importing articles If, f ( " v.- V A -' . -t , - .. - Princess "Margaret - Victoria Augusta of Connaught and : Prince . Oscar Frederick William. Olad Olai Gustavus Adolphui of Sweden, eldest son of the Swedish Crown Prince. Their marriage, may be ' delayed by the internal distentions of Scandinavia. , , that May 4, l0t, was set for their wed ding. Dr. Campbell says that since their engagement he has "not kept company with any other woman" and has -bean deprived ot -all opportunity --of. ma rry ing. lU;'.-.."..X7'.'..'. . .i-.-i Mississippi Bloodhounds, r V . . Several recent failures to run down escaping criminals .. with:, bloodhounds and soma mistakes made by the bounds in. tracking ho-wrong persons "have con vinced the Mississippi authorities of the necesslty-of improving the breed Of bounds. The greater freedom granted the oonviota because of the system "of state convict farms renders soma better provision for their recapture necessary. The beginning of a state pack has been made by the purchase by the state of the bloodhound Robin Hood, said to be the finest In Mississippi. :. : ' Wife's Sacrifice." - Sacrificing bar position as a wife tn order that her husband may obtain wealth, Mrs. Daisy B. Rogers of Chi cago has begun suit for divorce from Charles Rogers. Mrs. Rogers admit that sha still loves her husband, but ahe will not stand In the way of his getting the fortune that was left to him by his father with the-understanding that the wife ahould be put aside. . . ---.- '-".--'v -' - Prison Dressmaking. Condemned to life Imprisonment in the Nebraska state penitentiary for the alleged murder of her husband, Mrs. Lena Margaret Llllle. formerly of David City, has opened a dressmaking estab lishment Jn the prison. where - society women from every part of the state ! ready have ordered enstumee. The Federation of Women's Clubs baa taken up the ease of Mrs. Llllle, and hun- from Japan, and, It Is alleged,' had been Invoicing them far less than their mar ket value. The law provides that where ths 'goods are entered at less than $0 per cent of their market value, without regard to their purchase price, they ahall be forfeited. In the case of Morse tho percentage Is greater: the offense Is punishable by a fine of not more than $$,000 or Imprisonment of not more than two years, or both at the discretion of tho court. -(; '-. Morse wee arraigned before United States Commlsstoner-Sladen and was released on $1,000 bond. He will have an ' examination , next Friday. - BEAR FEASTS ON MONKEY. Large Monk at-Fair. Ground Drops Into Bear Pit and It Devoured. A large monk In Js hour's Trained .TClld -Animal Arena escaped -Thursday and ths keepers Imagined that he had been stolen. On Friday the simian be came hungry and tried to find hl way back to bis own hearth and horns from which "fio hsd wandered. - By mistake be dropped -thrwigh anv electrio light-well In the polar bear's den. This surprised the nimble Jocko considerably, but before he could recover from his surprise the enormous white bear , was sfter him. He hung by his feet until he could Stand the strain no longer, and then he clung by his prehensile tall on which he had so long end faithfully depended for sup port. And, there he bung between the gleemlitg teeth of the fierce king of ths Arctics until strength 'failed and he dropped Into the rapacious maw of old Bruin, And despite the faet that It wss Friday hs proceeded to make a banqnet upon the lusty, snd lively monk. The keepers and trainers hurled to ths ss slstsncs of (he unfortunate snlmal but not In time to save his Hfer-Ttts re malns. For a-time there was a wild commotion on the Trail and a psnlc was scarcely averted, The Incident was seen by hundreds of spectators who were powerless to sava the anfortunata a&imaL - ;'--;-,. O 4 A. 7' I ... ! dreda of women who are convinced of her Innocence are -working hard to ob tain her release on parole. Broken-Hearted Robber. James Hope, otherwise' known ' as "Jlmmy'I Hope, leader of the band which) robbed tho Manhattan bank In Near Tork City of nearly $3,000,000 in money and securities 10 years ago. Is dead at his homeagiUtjyears. Hia wifr-satd today that be died of grief, broken hearted because of the publlolty-whlcb constantly kept, bis record alive. - - Souvenir Thieves. , Through petty thefts of Its property by patrons a Philadelphia hotel opened In October has; lost between 115,000 and $10,000. This total, which amounts to fully $2,001 a monthr-deee not represent ths height of the eoTjvenlrcTaie, however,- because the establishment being still new the drain on It has been -unusually heavy. ... - ' , Captain Arrests Self. Captain William Spice, captain of the schooner Marshall Orwells, from Port land, Maine, performed an unusual act recently, when he surrendered himself to the New York; police, saying that his sohooner had run down a skiff and one man had been drowned. But for Cap tain Bptee'e action . the police - would probably never have been the wiser. FOREIGN. English JVrmyBobts,: War wis llldariuy declared, in Eng- land tho other day declared by the bootmakers of North Hampton against the-war office because the latter gave SOCIETY (Continued from Page Fifteen.) coed -Mrs. Albert C. Sheldon, has met with unusual success and popularity In her short period of publlo work. - Be sides being a favorite soloist for enter talnments, she has been elected to oorr tlnue her work at the Unitarian church next season.- She' la a pupil of Mrs. Hose uiocn-Jiauer. ' . w w ' -Tne chorus choir of Third Presbv' terlan church Will give a concert at the cnurcn next Wednesday evening. The program will consist of several choral numbers ' and - Miss El la - Hoberg and Stuart McOuirs will do the solo work, w " At laat week's meeting of the Thurs dsy Afternoon club at Mrs. Rone Bloch Bauer's studio Miss Mildred Meyer, Miss Edwtna Masttck and Miss Louise Wells were ths soloists. - ' w - Miss Myrtle Lee, a pupil of Mra. Rose Bloch-Bauar. ia to ta thm snlnla. at tta commencement exerJi's itlMonmouth tnis week. William Wallace Graham, violinist, will be on the program. ww -, .. . The advanced pupils of Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer will appear in recital the laat week In June at-ths-aiia a, nn. bert-Ramaker piano house. - 'I L COMING EVENTS. The sanarjeo circle will meet at t o'clock -tomorrow afternoon at the head quarters . for tns Travelers' Aid asso ciation, 10H Sixth streeC Reports will bo given of women's work In Port land and Calcutta. A centennial ode, commemorating ths Lewis and Clark exposition, will be resd by Mrs. Louis Altman. , ' " , , , w ' ' The annual tea of the Patten home will ba aires Tuesday, , June 20. . At v f - -. I .. . . - ' to German firms the contract for army boots. -- , .- ' ' : ' : ' : " -..-;-' Hired Wedding Gifts.. . - :, The existence of a new and curious business in Paris has Just transpired. This . Is the hiring out of wedding pres ents to brides, so that they may Im press their friends Jand their acquaint ances with -the-, -number and -value of then gifts. Jewelry. Isoe. furs, oto., sre lent out for consideration end, after they have served -their purpose and. been duly chronicled in the news papers, they are returned to the owners., A Female Immortal. i , Tor . the f Irat-adtlme In ", history, the ''Forty Immortals" -. - have . honored a woman writer by awarding her the full amount pf the literary fund known as the Prix Vltet. . The happy laureaU la Mme. Edanlel 'Lesuer, whose novel. "Force du Passe," has been the literary hit of ths season. Mme. Issuer has also- Just completed her third volume, a, translation of the poems of Byron. . - w.. Zambesi Bridge Completed.. ' - - The famous railway bridge across ths Zambesi river at Victoria Falls, In Af rica, has been finished. - Owing to its tremendous height above the raging tor rent eertsln-Innovations were used tn the erection. - - One of these was a strange looking rope mesh and canvas cradle that awung beneath-the bridge to catch any workman or tools that might fall. . Statue-to-Washingtorw The. Nationaf club of Budapest, Hun gary, at a general meeting, decided to erect a statue in honor of Washington as evidence of Its appreciation of the action of the cltlsens of Cleveland. Ohio. In erecting a statue In honor of Kossuth In that city. ; .... : ; - . ,r Railroads in Angola. . The government of Portuguese 'iCast Africa' has been authorised to raise a loan anvounUBg-i. about -$100,00010 be used for the construction of a rail way f retatha-port of Mossamedea to the -plain of Chella, In the province of Angola. ,- - ' V - , : . .; Bismarck's Enemy Blind. Eugene RIcnter, the ' Radical leader lit the reichstag since its foundation, Bismarck's old opponent and for a long time edltor-of the Frelslnnlgo Zeltutig. Is losing his eyesight.. There is no hope, seemingly, that he will not be come -totally blind. ! - -: : ' w -y4 New English Cockroach.- - " A .new andrtTnwelcoma visitor has been reeognised In England. He is the Burlnsm cookroaeh, and is atrtrJctlve to greenhouse plants. The insects are be lieved to have been Introduced In a eon slgnmentof orchids, - . . . Autos in Rome. r it is proposed to do sway with the norse-orawn omnibuses which still run In some parts of Rome, and to replace them - with . automobile Vehles.; - v ........ x w . . . Pew German Women.. - "? - White women are scare's 'In - the Aer. rman colonies. There are only 264 In East Africa and $29 in ths German Islands In the Paclflo ocean. miscellaneous: A Musical Mouse. v . ;" During the concert of the Euterpe Glee club at the Colllngwood Opera house at Poughkeepsle a' wee little mouse, attracted by the strains of a violin In the hands of - Miss Lucille Bllllngsly, a talented 'performer. -, ven tured out Into the main aisle, where un conscious of the large audience which filled the auditorium, It cocked Us head from side to side and followed with glistening eyes every movement of the player. The presence of the mouee caused some perturbation among the ladles seated-near' It, but nobody at tempted to mount a seat. After awhile the antics of the mouee so charmed the beholders that H was the focus of all eyes, until with the ending of ths last w-it rhnM It scsmnered l - ' - - Torpedo Shipyesuvius. - The United States ship Vesuvius, once this time the management arranges for a more elaborate - entertainment than the usual monthly teas and exception ally good tajent has been seoured for tho program. ..'r ' v'-k Tho- Brooklyn school will have Its closing sxerclses next Thursday even ing at the echool. This Js the ninth graduating class and there are 1$ mam bers . - - tr.' J.. "Whttcomb B rougher will ad dress the Home Training association next -Thursday at. its meeting in -.the T. M. C A. rooms. : ; STRAY BITS. Tbs Country Club Inn, which baa Just been opened in Hood River by Mrs. J. F. Batchelder of this elty, will be ons of the popular resorts. this sum mer among Portland people. The open ing took place last week and a num-ber-of -society- people of the city -were entertained. One of the distinguished guests was Dr. David T. Day, chief geologist of ths United Ststes, now on duty at lheLewls and Clark fair. He was so delighted with the piece that he baa made arrangements for his fam ily to visit there later In the season snd probably a number of ths Washington- officials will -visit there. - Among the Portland guests laat week were Mr. and Mra. Hunt Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. C Lnmbardl, Miss Lombard), Mr. and Mrs. Meredith. Miss Meredith.. Mr. and Mra Hussey. - ' Miss Lang and Edwsrd Lang of thts city, who have, been guests ' of-the Mlseea Elslnger of I Grand avenue, St. Paul, left Monday for Yellowstone park, en route for homo. Miss Grace Elslnger accompanies them for a brief visit. The St. Paul Dispatch of, last Saturday mention -a- dinner 'given by Jacob DHtenhofer in honor of the Langs snd William Hanstela of New Tork. , Colonel and Mrs. Henry Dosch end family are a gala occupying their prstty " ' i .. ... ' " ' .: .ii ' ; J :4 i V- s' ' '! " Photograph of the Russian Admiral - Rojestvensky . and a . Diagram ; - Showing the Location of the Wound From Which Me Is Suffering. the only dynamite gunboat in any navy, which in the Spanish war frightened many- Spaniabraeldlera andaallora at Santiago, will go into commission again In a few daya at the Charleatown -navy yard. ' She is a -dynamite cruiser no longer, r her new designation being a torpedo -ship, 8hwlU be stationed JO. the .torpedo station at Newport ,-About- $200,000 has been expended 'at the local yard lit refuting the ship' for -her new work. .-Vj -. v People-Vots for Senators. - Under the new primary law of Illinois for the election ft United btatea sena tors by what Is equivalent to a party vote, there will be on the last Saturday of April, l06t an election forIInlted States senator of Illinois. Ths term o. Senator Cullom expires on March 4, 1007. His successor will be chosen by popu lar vote of the state that Is. by the preference - f the predominant party. Each party will have an official primary for senator and the party which has con trol of the legislature will be enabled to carry the lewa . ofthaYolaralnto effect In much the same way that presidential-electors carry out ths views of ths voters who choose them. Deer Destroy Crops. ' For tho first time In half a century deer are so numerous In the South moun tains ot Adams, Franklin and Cumber land counties, Pennsylvania, that they have become a pest to farmers on the slope of this range of the Blue moun tains. They have appeared in herds after nightfall on farms along the bor der. Bo bold baa one herd of $0 become that 2$ acres' of wheat on the estate' of Jacob Edwards, near the Narrows, north of Arendtsvllle, Adams county, was destroyed.-- -.- - TC W : Strange Persian- Wine. A country which manufactures wine In large amount but consume very little Is Persia. Recently some Persian wine has been coming Into the Amerioan market. country home at Hillsdale. Every Sun dsy they are at home to their friends and many; of tho young people go out They aro met at the end ot the Portland heights cir line by the family carryall and may either rid or walk the Inter vening two miles to th horn which Is thrown open to them. - . . i. . w " The Smith college eorner In ths Uni versity of Oregon booth at the exposi tion will be one of the regulsr attrac tions at the fair. There are a number of Smith graduates and atudents among our society folk and they will entertain their friends charmingly. ''Tea will be served. . Next Wednesday evening , the Cali fornia hostess will give an elaborate reception In honor of Governor and' Mra Pardee of California. - The receiving line will Include a number' of promi nent society women and the reception will be one of the fashionable events of th -week . - V .- "Miss Thrall. a California girl, has been. tlie guest'bfWlss Calkins during the week and several Informal enter tainments ' hare been given- In her honor, 8be waa the guest of honor -at a musicals given by Miss Carlotta Par- '4-ker and an afternoon given by Miss Mlnni Sears. . w . The Portlanders attending the Catlln Thompson nuptials In Pendleton last week were Miss Blanche Home. Misses Katharine and Frencella Duncan, Misses Blanche, Margaret and. Rebecca' Catlln, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Welch, Louis A. Woodard and George A. Warren. - w" w .. A pretty box party th opening night Of the Bertha Crelghton engagement last week was chaperoned by Mrs. A, A. Morrison. . Ths girls wsrs her two daughters, Margaret and Dorothy, Miss Lisa Wood, Miss Margaret Walter and Miss Leslie Knspp. w w Mrs. Bertha A. - Holmes, formerly of Portland, now of Los Angeles, who hat seen visuing rsiai.ivvs in m. ciiy, ibki i Wednesday for sioomingtoa, Illinois or-i:v v-' , v .1 -.- ..' ?' and it ls distinguishable by the taste of hemp, "The Perslsn wine of Shiras la celebrated in the-poetry of the east This win is powerful and somewhat astringent ' and Is not So 'agreeable to European tasto as the lighter wines pro duced In Hamadan. - Besides bemp. lime and. other ingredients ere added a Persian "wine to increase its pungency and strength; "forthe -wine that soonest Intoxicates Is counted the best and the lighter and more del lost e kinds are held in little esteeuramong Mohauiuuedenst '- ...i- I ..: .,...,; : Mayflower a Back Number. 1, 'T The famous "yacfil Mayflower is - to go under the auctioneer's 'hammer. Sec retary Morton has aent. Instructions to Admiral Coghlan at the Brooklyn navy yard to have the 'converted cruiser dis mantled of all articles of value, after which a board will be appointed to sur vey, appraise and condemn the - draft Th Mayflower, was, purchasedby, ths government at the beginning of the Spanish war. A small fortune was ex-"" pended In buying her -and fitting her with batteries, World's.Xargest Belt V r'.?. If the" plana of leading -members of the Grand Army of thex Republic of Washington, District of Columbia, come to" fruition the largest bell In the world will be placed at an early day on a com manding eminence In Arlington ceme tery, where ite deep-toned tolling can be heard for mllea around. The G. A. R. of the capital city are working up an in terest in ths proposed belt , - ., -v Drug Produces Insanity. : - An Inevitable reeult of ths use of haeheee a powerful oriental drug, la Insarilty, according to the opinion of members of the medical fraternity who bav devoted much study to the subject Hr w Water-Wagon Kansas. V- Kansas' climbed on the water wagon $4 years ago and has stayed there. Bev- where sha will visit her sister, Mra Eugene Funk.- ww ' " .Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith and th tat ter's mother, Mrs. Howard Lankeeter, wiU be visitors st th exposition this month. Mr. snd Mrs. Smith aro from St. Paul and are Just moving to Seattle to resld. - - ,4 . ..ww - ' ""' V Dr. A. A, Morrison left yesterday morning for Eugene where he delivers the baccalaureate aermon before" th University of Oregon this morning. Owing to many pressing duties he will return horn tomorrow, . ,;.- ------- - - ": . Mrs. Edith Fallinlus and her daugh ter. Miss Margaret, have Just returned from California, where they hav been living for th past two years.: -, . . - - - ... - w ' , . Mrs. B.- S. Issacs of Walla-, walla la spending tho week In Portland attend ing tho exposition. Shs Is-the guest of Mrs. H. C. Wortman, . . ,J , i - -,The announcement. Is Jnade . that the wedding of Miss Jessie M. Ballard of Seattle and John A. Keating of Portland will not take place. - - . - , , 7 ENGAGEMENTS. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Bard announce the engagement of their aon Jacob to "Miss Idetta Zeeve of Seattle, Washington. A reception will be given thl afternoon from $ o'clock till $ at th home of the groom; -41$- Fourth street . w w Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Charleson an nounce th engagement of their daugh ter. Anna B. Charleson, to Rev. H. S. Templeton. - The wedding will take place this month.' v - . , "1 t PERSONAL. Mrs. Csrleton -T. Llndsley-has been visiting th ast week at th noma f oral attempts have been , made to pull her off. but ehe has steadfastly held her Seat .. Some of her towns have slid . off and some citlsens have never sat with her on the wagon, .but as a state she has kept the pledge. Constitutional prohibition in Kansas went into effect at midnight of April 30. 1$1. .- , ... - ; - . -.v.-,--; Granite Punch BowL1 t-v The wsterlng, trough in Pickering v square was once a punch bowl. Tears -ago, when Captain Charles ' San ford . owned a. steamboat line between Bangor and Boston, Ms friends decided that they would make htm an original present on ' an anniversary, and they ordered :a . punch bowl five feet high and ten fet" In diameter of rough granite, without in- scriptions. But ths bowl was too big to , keep, . . McCaskey't Military Family. ; Brigadier General LWlltIsm ' a lio-''-Csskey, new commander , of the depart-' ment of the Colorado, is proud of the ' : faet that all of bis lmmedists fsmlly Is N employed In the army, or have govern ment positions. . He has two sons and -two sons-in-law , In the army, one son In the customs office at Menlla and sn other in charge of the mining bureau- la ths Philippines. ---- r: , , ' - Heart on Right Side. -Burd Duke -of Shlppmsburg.Pennsyl. vanla. died this week after a lingering illness, due to. a remarkable experience. ' H4 took part and Won a foot race 10 ' years ago. but as a result of his exer tion his har t JL - r- changed from the left to IheTtgtTt-sida- us mu eanausieo ax tns end. Since naa oeen ,a great aufferer. Phosphate Rock Discovered. . A jainesal-diseoverr has been msde In Bah T, , . . . ... un cbuihi insi msy oe worm millions to California. Phosphats rock has been picked up ss float near Escon dldo and samples have been forwarded tp the state mining bureau for examina tion. - The value of phosphate-rotk Is that It contains fertillilng mineral that can be used for enriching ths soil. . . .",""' Chicago's Vast Mail. - Chicago la the largest free delivery 1,1 in L-nnea males, its l.fll letter eerrlere cover If square miles wore man is delivered from the Chicago postofflce and Its branches lit ia uenv$irswi m n v ai sie Lawyers in Family. WlUlam-AEaton and Artalf. rton were rancntlv i-iiid w-. - Johnson circuit court at Franklin. In- .." qiana. They sre brother arid alster snd- havo a brother. Orris M EatonjOrsCi. tlcing law in Ssn Tsnttsc67 Caught 'Large' Sturgeon. - . , Tne largeat sturgeon ever caught "la by Henry Frebenburgh. a veteran Cats- .... ,..u. Jn Dig nan weignea--over lea-pounds. ". "-- . - OHOSTS OFBRICTANTJ-- r -GUNBOAT ARISE d - An Interesting claim against . 4 the government on account of the e collision of a Maine brig and. a" S United States gunboat $9 years a aga.haa been entered In .the Vnlted.Juteadialrlct at.Boston e the claimants halnv lira. Barak d V. Small of BrookMne. widow of Captain Frederick A. Small, who e waa master of the brig; Carl A.. . e uustav u and Frederick Small. e residuary lecatees under riie will - of Captain Small: George A. e Jewett of South Portland, who e wes mate of the ship: his wife. e who wes on board at the time. e and Sarah M. Pennell. 'widow of one of the principal owners. e The brig Olive Frances sailed e on July 24. Ill , from Boston for O t Uttle-Olaoe bay, Cape Breton; d under charter to carry1 coal to e -Beth, Maine. She proceeded until e Monday morning. July $0, when e about 40 miles from Sambro light, a on . the . Nova Scetia, noaat. e was run down by . the United .Bla itss giinbeal Wlneeskl. Tlie"e" d brig filled and eapslsed. ' The e gunboat picked up the crew. her sister-in-law, Mrs. 6. L, Llndsley, in Ki a gene i a, Washington. Mrs. G. P. Murray will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Stuart on Ballard day. ' Miss Germalne Samuel has returned from a visit with Miss Falk In Boise, Idaho, 'i .... ':-(. V Mrs. M. S. Bloch and daughter Stella of La Grande hav arrived to spend ' ths summer here. Mrs. Minnie IV Washburn,- a society, -leader of Eugene, was In the city a few ' days last week, making arrangements for an extended visit to th fair later In ' th summer. - " . Mrs. F. W. Vincent left-Wednesday for her borne In Pendleton, after a visit ' with Mrs. C. S. Jackson, at 67 Flanders - street. Free Admission to the Oaks. For a limited time Th Journal will glvs with all cash "want ads" tickets good for admission to The Oaks, gool for th mas, the bumps, langhtng gsl lery or th chutes. Thee tickets are alven absolutely free with cash "war ads" to the value of 11 centa or over, A four-line advertisement entltlea you to two ticketa. a six-line three tickets. and ao eSr-The Oaks is Portland's new snd handsoms plesaur resort, built st sn snormous expense near the elty and en th O. W. P, rarllnex Thousands of people will go there today, tomorrow and every day. and you can ba among' the number ana. gain free fedmlttanc if you hav one or more Journal tickets. Eaob ticket is good for a 10-cent ad mission to any of the .amusement devloes. , Th Journal's, classified peges are becoming mora interesting esch dsy snd hundreds or advertisers can testify to the results obtained therefrom. If you hav a want of any kind, or want to sell or exchange something, try thes little buslnees-brlngers. r-Hardwood Floors Hav duality ss welt as other goods, we have Quality snd prlcee that have never been equaled on the Pacific cossr, Portland Hardwood Floor company. Ill Tamhlll street, Portland, Oregon. Phon West I0L . , . . - --" - , -, , . ft , e T " . " .. e " e--- .i -