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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
1 ' ' EXP 0MG1E SsKEItaS) BS THE OREGON. .SUNDAY JOURNAL"; PORTL'AND." SUNDAY MORNING, . JUNE : 11. 1805. La L THE charm of the June day lead , to rather than away from so- clal frivolity lndoora and the eoolal funotlona at tha expoal ' "! tlon. tha courtealaa shown out-of-town -visitors -and -Informal - entertaining - for brides to bs haa about f Iliad tha time, f. The country house party season la not yet fairly under way-and only thoeo wuo- go out early to their summer homes have begun to entertain. : - - ' - Commencement at the Unlveralty of . Oregon will occupy the attention of a . number of- Portlanders thla week. Among the graduatee are alx from Port land: Mies Alice Lore tia Benson, Mlaa Mary Dale. Mlaa -Mary Auguata Gray. . Mlaa Cora Madeleine Shaver. David M. -i-tiraham and Daioa N. Sherh. A large s party of friend and relatives will go v up for the commencement exerolses aaid many have already gone. Baocalaureate Sunday la today and Dr. .Mprrlaon of Trinity,, churchy delivers .the. sermon. "Among Portland graduates Who will at- , tend are Mrs. Jerry C Bronaugh, Mies "" Lulu Maud Holmea, Dr. John Raymond Barber.. Dr. Homer X." Keener. Clifton McArthur. Rosa, Flummer and - many othera, Vnlveralty day at the fair will follow on the next Friday, June X. and ' there FtH be a reception In the after j r"" t the Oregon building. A Urge ' number of out-of-town . students - and graduatea are expected to be . present on that occaalon. - The medical and law departments will units with the llter r' ary. ' . Tale day will be celebrated next Tuee day at tha fair, and a dinner will be ". given for graduate at the New Tor It building. - The reception for the Call , - fornla governor will .be another of the ' prominent events of this week.: Mrs. Ernest Bross of Indianapolis and her son Harmon are guests of Mra Robert Livingstone. Another prominent out-of-town guest la Mts peborne. who ' is vlattlng with Mr. and Mrs. Morton "' vlnsley, whose nleca she iawThs-wHree -r-of-the "fair officials are preparing to 1 do a great deal of entertaining, and Mrs. Chamberlain will be one of those most called on to : receive prominent Uangers-Mrs. ChamberUln has a verj pretty home In Irvlngton where she Is well known for her kindly hospitality. though she entertains very unoatent tlousiy. - . . . One of the weddings of Interest: was ' that of Miss Lillian Lewis and William " Bradford Crane. . Both are member of ' "old Portland families and well known " The Catlin-Thotnpson nuptials are also of Interest and Mra. Catlln. who la well remembered, from her echool dsys here at St. Helen's Halt will be ladlywel- - corned. 7 '' i EVENTS Of THE WEEKT The dinner aiven attho New-Terk building Friday evening by Coramls- sloner and Mra Pratt A. Brown.. Mra WV, Brown,-Commissioner and Mlsa J.uce. In compliment lo Mr. , and Mrs. . Jienry W.. Uoode, was one of the most elaborate of . the .- fair functions. -The table was unique with a cooling pond running Its length, with pretty goldfish "--sparkling - In the light - as the tncan ' descents shone -up- from below. The " green banka and snowy ducks linnln . lature made a beautiful . color effeot The favors lor' the women were gold pins, each eetwith.A.dlamon4-awd-ber- 'inn -tWKew ..York eoat of arms. The men's favors were silver match boxes. "' Some 7Bguestawrpresent,Jrtis, xGoodwes gowned In dainty white lace and pink silk and) looked charming. ... Among those present werer-Wr. and Mra ; P. II Brawn, Mrs. W. W. Brown. Miss -.Luce. Mrand MrsH. W Goods, Mr. '. . and - Mrs.' J. C Alnaworth, Harry I Corbettj Dr.-"nd Mrs W. H. Bkene, Mr. , snd Mrs. T. B. VHoo. Roderick Macleay, Mlas - Laurie King. Bcott ""Brooke. Mr. and Mra D. M. Ellis. Mr. .' and Mrs. J. W. Benham. Mr., and Mrs. Homer Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thuraton, Mr. and Mra J. B. McCraken, Mayor George H. Vllltams, Mr. and Mra Xjs-A.-liew4Sr-JiH&- FlsnderSi-Mls- Mont gomery, Peter" Kerr, Dr. Herbert B. ' NlchoK'Htflas Dolph. Dr. George Wll- - - son, Miss Morey; W. D. tVheelrlght, -' MIks Patay Bryan. Mr. and Mre. Harry Allen, Mrs. C K. & Wood, Dr. and Mrs. ' K. A. J. Markensle, Mr. Altman. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Allen. General and Mre.. C. F. Beebe.-Mr,.and Mrs. Theodore Hardee, Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Huber, Captain J. B. Gowan, Captain Ralph B. Ingram, Dr. and Mra A. A. Morrison, Miss Etta ,r Honeyman, Walter Becbe, Chllaen Wins- . lOW. - , The tea and private view 0 the t'ur . tls pictures given by Mrs. J. B. Mont- gomery at the Foreatry building-Iat Saturday afJernoonwasgne of the most ' excluslve?unctfona of fair society. Mr. Curtis received with MrsTTMontgomery. The-pictures were- hung-In- the -upper and lower galleries, and Navajo rugs and laced buckskin cushions -gave a -pretty -effect. Tea was lerved on thebal . cony outside, and those pouring were Miss McBrlde, Miss Montgomery,' Mrs. . R. Lea Barnea and Mlaa Falling. Among . ' those attending were- Mr. and Mra Wal ! ter J. Burns and the Misses Burns, Miss Wilson, Miss C. Wilson. Mra E. H. ' Brooke, Mra C E. S. Wood, Mra Albert ' I-ewle, Miss Hoyt, Mra W. C Langfltt, Mra Bemla, Miss McBrlde, Mrs. A. A. Morrison, Mrs. Joseph Koch, Mr. and Mra Richard Koehler, .Mr. nd Mra George Good, Miss Falling. Mra C F. . Beebe, Joel Beebe, Mra W. 8. Ladd, Mra. A. E. Hockey, Mrs. Henry W. Cor ' bett, Mrs. Helen Ladd . Corbett. Mrs. Xora Snow,' Mra W. B. Ayer. Mr. and Mra N. - E. Ayer, Mra Norman Lang.. Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Mlas .WUliama Miss Flanders, Mra Hodgson, Mlaa Lou Flanders. Mrs. Walter V. Smith, Mra Litt :i4thandWlsIiJflgtoiiSts.. . Presents notable tsembly oT - ULDIES GARMENTS '' - -.-... " The materials are of 7 urpilnir t e x t u r e, . nd the ' Resigns are ' of a character pledg- ,'iag to the wearer a - , ; treasured exclusive . - hess. .-. : ' Thomas "Scerr, Mra. 8. Heltahu, Mrs. John A. Bhepard, Mrs. J. C Alnaworth, Mra Henry Hewett. Dr.. and Mra Rich ard Nunn. Mr. and Mra. C. F. Adama hMra Frank Knapp, Mra. Daniel Bhtndler, Mra- Raleigh B tot t Mies StottMra- X Ernest Laldlaw, Mrs. C. A. Dolph, Miss Dolph. Mr. and Mra J. Wesley Ladd, Mra T. Scott Brooke and many othera w V - One of the delightful events , of tha week was the- reception given by Mrs. R. L. Durham Wednesday afternoon in honor of her daughter. Mra W. E, Jones, of Boston and her friend. Miss Mabel Dodson, of Chicago. Mrs. Jones Is very musical and Miaa Dodson .Is a sister of Mrs." Louise Burn ham of Chicago literary noteand Is herself very clever and charming. Special cars conveyed the guests to the home of Mra Durham at Rtverdale. The rooms were decorated with wild flowers and the dining-room, was eapa elally attractive, with ' many colored bachelor buttons Marguerites, and maidenhair fern were - In - the other rooms. Mrs. Jones , and Mlaa Dodaon aaslated the hoateas In receiving. On the veranda- Mra; Charles Basey and Mra Arthur Emmona served delicious ices. Mra R. L. Rush, Mra H. C. Wort man. Mrs. N. J.. Pax ton and Mla B-W. Hodadon and Mrs.-Chapman, Mrs.-J. D. Hart and Mrs. Henry McCrakea al ternated In pouring tea In the dining room. Twenty girls assisted In serving. ' -v - w "- - . - The members of the Present Day club gave a charming reception on Wednes day evening at the home of. Dr. and Mr at A. W. Moore. The handsome par lors were deoorated with ropes of pink roses twined around pillars and swing ing irom archwaya,and the dining room was made -attractive by the liberal use of panale the club flower,. ' The above club waa organised early ia the year with a membership limited to 24 women and 'ttils event marked -the cloae of their work for the club year. Music, games and an elaborate and daintily aerved luncheon formed the principal featurea of the evening's entertainments- The members and- Invited gueats were: Drnd Mra A. W. Moore, Mr. .and Mrs. H. Morgan, Mr. and Mra J. ' E. Werleln. Dr. and Mra ' Jame a MooraKr. and Mre. H. L. Chapln.'-'Mr. and Mra-P. -A. Staplea, Mr. and Mra C. G. Royle. Mr. and Mra W. D. Deaver, Mr. and Mra Max ShUlock. Mr. and Mra J. M. A, Laue. Dr. and Mra J. J. Wig gins. Rev. and Mra. E. N. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pallett, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bergen. Mr. 'and Mrs. O. M. Bcott, Mr.- and Mre.-W.-t,- Muneell, Mf and Mrs. R. B, Glttner, Mr. and lra. Harry Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bishop, Mr. and Mra, Q, O. Gravea Mr. and Mra J. a Kldd, Mra E. B. Plllabury. Mra T. B. Jackaon, A. R. McFadden and J. H. Oravley. - . - " . . - 1 w The Kensington, club was entertained In a delightful manner on Tuesday att- emoen by Mrs. W. H. Patterson, at her beautiful home at 78! Lovejoy street.' The hostess haa 'recently returned from Honolulu and the oriental pussle which was the game for ths afternoon waa one that she had enjoyed while- -there. It consisted of the names of ths members written on slips of paper In such a way as .40- appear like Chinese symbols. Mlaa Joclyn received the first prise, a beautiful vase - containing whtta roses, and Mrs. Howard received the consola tion prUs. a -china pig bank. The club gave her a contribution of pennies, The hoateas served dainty refreshments, as listed bjr her daughters,-Miss "Vera and Edna Patterson, and Miss Mildred Whit tlesey. There are SO members of the club. Those preeent were: Mrs. Johs Stewart, Mra Stacy Matlock, Mlat Julia Joclyn, Mrs. W. H. Patterson. Mra Leber,' Mrs. C. C. Chapman, Mra. Joha P. Wager. Mrs. L. A. Whittlesey, Dr. Mary ThompsohrMra Q. Cy Baley.Tklra Howard and Madame Mundx. The next meeting wil be on the Trail at the fair. The members will start at :J0 and spend the day. Mrs. .C. Fti.Beebe. entertained it bridge Monday afternoon for Mra. Hodgson of Mlnneapolla who haa been a very popiu lar guest here the paat two weeka" Mon day . night she - left for Seattle for a short- visit.- Some of those Invited to meet her at Mra Beebe's - were Mra Daniel Bhindler. Mrs. C F. Adams, Mrs. Frederick Hopkins. Mrs. . Frank Hart, Mra Walter V; Smith, Mrs. 8. R. John ston, Mrs. J. Frank Watson, Mrs. Zera Snow, Mrs. Morton Insley, Mrs.- Freder ick Page, Mra. R. Lea Barnea Mra. A. A. Morrlaon, Mra Ralph Wilbur, Mra. Pratt A. Brown of New . Tork. Miss Eleanor nn, M Montgomery, Mlaa Ho Russell, Miss Grace Warren, Mlae Mead, Miss Jewell, Miss Bessie Anderson, and Mlas Halt . 1 Mra Beebe entertained aluo on Thurs dayafternoon with- bridge.J,forthe. younger set. Among those present were Mlas Frances Lwi.Miss Louise" Flan ders. Miss Amy Heltshu. Mies Leslie Knapp,. Miss . RutbMax well, Mlaa Etta Honeyman, Mlse Patay Bryan, Mlaa Laurie King, Mlaa Hasel Weldler, Mlas Ruth Smith, Miss Hasel Dolph and othera Last Saturday evening the home of Dr. and Mra A. Lindsay, at 5(1 East Alder street, wss the scene; of a pleas ant surprise party planned - by, Mra Lindsay In honor of Dr. Lindsay's birth day. The occasion wss also a house warming for their home, which has lust been remodeled. The evening was one of delightful ' Informality. Thoae who wished apend the . evening - with cards Mr, Davis, Mn Fargo, Dr. Brown and Dr. Llndaay sang In good solo and quar tet work. Punch was served all evening. The rooms looked very, pretty in green and white, with La France roaaa in con trast. The gueats were Mr. and Mra J. J. Morgan, Mr. and Mra Ralph Davia, Ur. and Mrs. Fred Bsumgartner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berger, Mr. and Mra Albert FlackVPr. and Mra. C B. Brown, Dr. and Mra J. Tatea, Mr. and Mra. B. Fallows, Mrs. Fargo, Mra James Smith and J.' Roaa Fargo.- . - - w' - Th' members of-ths board "of " the Sacajawaa association were entertained at luncheon at the New York building Friday 'by Colonel Henry Altman. one of the-Nw-YoTk commissioners. Colo nel Altman has been deeply Interested In ths rorar of the association from Its start and contributed very generously to the statue fund. At luncheon hU guests were Mra Eva Emery Dye, Mra A. H. Breyman. Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mra Martha A. Dalton, Mra Sarah A. Evans. Mra. Warren 8. White and Mra E. W. Bingham. With them were seated Commissioner and Mrs.- Pratt A. Brown, Mrs. W. W. Brown and Miss Luce. The table wss beautiful with exquisite La jefgnce" rosea- Webber's- orchestra played? ; Ths country dance given by Royal circle. Women of Woodcraft, lest Thurs day evening Waa s, great euocese. - The muale was furnished by J. TJ Delk and C. A. Blakely, Woodmen of the World. The attendance was good. ww Mrs. Walter F. Burrell gave an en joyable lecture-reception Filday after noon at her home on Hawthorne ave nue. Dr. Emily Noble of San Praoclaco who nas , traveled extensively In India ' Mr. and Mrs. William and hss a splendid reputation as a lec turer, was Introduced and talked very Interestingly on India. Dr. Noble haa been In the-city for aeme time giving her lecturea for small private gatherings and la proving very popular.'" Fifty in vitations ' were sent out by Mra Bur rell and ( among those who . heard the talk were Mrs. J., B.' Montgomery, Miss Montgomery, Mrs. Henry W. Corbett, Mrs. H. W. Mason, 'Mrs.-RobertLewia Mrs.A. A. Morrison. Mra Joseph Koch, Mrs. . Zera .Snow,- Mrs. Norman Lang, Mra' Morton Insley, Miss Hoyt, Mrs. Patterson Effenger, Mrs; QeorgeAina- worth, Mra Frederick Hopkins. Miss Lewis, Mrs. Frederick - Page. Madame von DestlnoitrMIss TOn Destinen, Mra E. T. C. Stevens and Miss Russell. Mlsa-Carlotta-Parker-f-Twelfth-sind Salmon streets-entertained a few friends delightfully Tuesday evening with'- an informal muslcala - Among her guests were Miss Calkins, Miss Thrall,' who Is the guest of Miss- Calkins: Mlas Jeanne Wakefield, Mlsa 'Alice Sanabury, the Misses Eliot. Miss Dosch and Miss Ca milla- Doech, - Mr.- and Mrs.T JrrEmest Laldlaw, Mr. and Mra Wentworth. Mr. Dennlson of San Francisco, Mr. Burrell ',.?,..'v. -rsi 7 Mr. Oeorfe E. Chamberlain, Wife of the Governor. ' of New Tork, Robert Strong. John Craw ford, Percy Blanchard, Charles Hoi brook, Mr, Calkins and a number of othera A choice musical program -was given and later refreshments were served. The guests departed at a late hour charmed with the pleasant even Ing and their genlaj hostess. . ww. Saturdav afternoon. Juna 1. at her homa -78S xdkat Salmon-street. Miss Hortense Perrine Gref fos entertained with an announcement luncheon In honor of Mlsa Florence Ralnaford PeeL whose engagement to Jack Brandon Lewth walte has Just been mads public The rooms were, beautifully decorated wit I margusrltea-La France rosea-and fee toons of pink hearts. A dainty luncheon was served at tete-a-tete tables by Miss Beatrice Orton and Mlaa Mae Coon, whs made charming little waltreaaes In their fluffy gowna , The place cards,- artis tically done In gold, -were two pink hearta faatened together with a rosebud. The afternoon was spent in making s silken lounging robea souvenir fot the guest of honor. , " ; . , - -w A plessant aurprlae on Rev. and Mrs. 8. A. Slewert of First Evangelical church was successfully carried out Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mra Odavtlle Tates, Sr. C. C. Snyder gave a brief address of welcome when the surprised honor sjoesta were brought In and Mrv Slewert responded. An Interesting literary snd mualcal program-was Trlven, -the-etnTngof -little Virgil Tatea and Irene Small meeting with special enthuslaam. Refreshments were served at a late hour. - " A very plesssnt afternooni was spent Tuesday at the new home of Mra Ed ward R. Root In Holladay Park. The occasion was the final meeting of the Half Hour Study club. Mra W. E. Williamson read a very Intereetlna' snd carefully prepared paper on Thackeray, followed bv a charming aolo by Mra C. W. Beveraga Mra Edward Drake gave I a piano numoer ana w Bradford Crane. f St. Helen's hall brought the program to a close by readings from Browning. The social hour following , waa graciously presided over, by the hoateas. .--l---.-: ..W W - Dr. and Mrs. L, B Smith, and .Mr. and Mra. C. -- T. Brrrlth entertained the Joker Card club laat Monday evening, Mlsa Milne and Mra. F. A Douty se cured the women's prlies and J. C Hare and Frank . Shelley, the : men a prises. Mr. and Mrs.. H. M. Lacx won tha con eolation prises. Refreshments , were served-at-the cs rd tables. Besides the club mstnbera "there" werpresent-Mr7 and Mra: Allara, Miaa Geer.. Miss siune, Mlsa Redmond. Will Hare and William JH. McCorquodaie. w It-Maxweirehterlalned" de-7 llghtfully at bridge Friday afternoon at her home, 1 4 North Twenty-firet street Her guests were Mra W. H. Dunokley,' Mrs.-R. L.-Gllsan, .Mra Grsen, Mra Henry E. Jones,. Mra Bemla. .Mrs. W. a Langfltt.. Mra P. C. Schuyler, Mra 8. Heltshu, Mrs. Johnson Mrs W.V. Smith. Mra" J. W, Taylor, Mra Henry Hewett, Mra Raleigh Btott, Mrs. Robert son snd Miss Falling. - - -.- Miss ; Margaret . Morrlaon entertained with a dainty informal tea Tueaday afternoon for Mlsa Osborne who la vis iting heraunVWsrMOrtohInaley. A few of the hostess -girl, friends spent the afternoon and took tee. Including Miss Josephine Smith, -Miss Frances Wilson, Mlsa Lisa Wood, Miss Margaret Walter. Miss Effle Houghton, Miss Les lie Knapp and Mlaaea Margaret and Dor othy Morrison. . . - w w -Mrs. J.-C Alnsworth gave a pretty pink luncheon Wednesday .in honor of Mra John Effenger of Honolulu, who waa formerly Miss Flanders of this city. -Old fashioned pink roses msde the daintiest table decorations Imagln- atila., The sjhssIi wriMri TFTfensrer. frs. Dow, Honolulu; Mies Flanders,' Mrs, Miss Hoyt. Mrs. Arthur Mlnott, Mrs. Frank V. DuMond. Mr. and Mrs. Wslter J. Burns gave a dinner Tuesday evening at which' (he DuMonds were honor guests. The guests - were Mr. and-Mrs. Frank""Vin cent DuMond. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alns worth, Mr.-and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mra Arthur Mlnott, Roderick Macleay and. Dr. Jefferda . -; r - . . -,r-'-. . Mlas Carrie Seal entertained tha Jolly Whlat club on Friday and a delightful afternoon was spent. - The house was pretty In decorations. In which the na tional colors predominated. Prises were if a , ' ,K " .,- " l '','-.-Vi OBiairTAz. aaavTzas wio wmaTa ro vf won by Mra Fisher and Miss Klumpp. The club meets June II- with ..Miss Klumpp. - - W W ' Dr. snd Mrs. Richard Nunn snter- talned Mr. and Mra. Frank V. DuMond very Informally with a delightful even ing Friday. The DuMpnde are being entertained -very extensively and., are very popular guests. ,. The San Francisco Examiner Monday haa the following about 'the marriage of young rortiand man wnicn waa cele brated Wedneaday: "Much Interest In social circles In Berkeley and In Oak land la taken In the approaching mar riage of Mlaa Julia Andruaa, a belle of the college town, and Nelson Town Shaw, stepson of Clinton E.. Warden and promising young business. man. , or. Portland, Oregon. - The ceremony, which occurs June 7, wljl be performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Andruss, the bride's parenta, at, HS1 Warring way. Bishop William F. Nichols of the Episcopal church, assisted by the Rev. Edward F. Parsons, will officiate. The families of the contracting parties havs been prominent In aoclal circles on. both aides of the bay for two decadea 'The brldegroom-to-be Is a grandson of ths late A. N. Towns of the Southern Pa-clflc-and the bride-elect Is a member of one of the prominent and most exclu sive families of Berkeley. The cere mony will be one of the prettiest of the season. The Andruss - home will be elaborately decorated. The color scheme will be pink and whlta "in ceremony will be performed beneath a great bell of ' orange blossoms. While the cere mony Is In progress Warner Sherwood will play "Romance " from the "Even ing Star." on the violin. He-will be accompanied,, by his sister. Miss Mary Sherwood.-", Tha mstd of honor will be Miss Mary Andruss. .the bride's sister. The bridesmaids - are -to be-Mlss-, Ava Sherwood, Mies Eulalle Moore and Mlaa Lela Leonard." -The beat man will be Henry C. Melone. There-wlU be four flower girls Miss Amy Long and Mlaa Sailte Long, granddaughters or uenerai Oscar F. Long, and Miaa Amie Kequa and Miss Alice Requs, granddaughters of the late Iaaao Requa. The ushers will be Newton F. Apdruss, u. 1 Bigelow and E. A. Lowe." - ' . '. -WW ,- ' The marriage of Mies Florence Hal- lock-to-Jamea.. Burton .Welch ..onuMon- day afternoon waa of Interest to many friends among "whom ins nrtoe nas grown very--populsr during her two veare' residencs here. She formerly lived In Pendleton and wss a favorite of the vnunsrer'set he'reaeveral of whom were amontr the 60 guests attending. ThT date waa chosen because It waa th silver wedding anniversary ' of -the bride's parenta, Mr. and Mra- H. J I. Hallock.-"Thelrhome at 18 Fourteenth atreet was very pretty-with -pink and white roses and ferna In profusion. The bridal nartv stood beneath a huge bunch Of white foses which held together the garland of a canopy In the bay window. The bride was gowned In cream atlk poplin with Valenclennea lace inserted. . wore a .yeiL and carrled Bride rosea Her . sister. Mlsa.Anima naitoca,. tended her, lira white crepe. gown over pale blue taffeta and carried pina rose-mt-CTllllam Henry Dutton, Jr., of Hetmner-attendeoTTh gfDomT-Mra Hal- dane IHcksori played the wedding march snd Rev. John Warren of Heppner read the Episcopal ceremony. An . Informal reception followed-the oeremony.. Mrs, O. A. Molden of La Grande, a sister 01 Mra Hallock. served punch, and In the dlnlna-room. where the decorative now era were red, Mrs. M. E. De Spain and Mra. Alice M. Sheridan poured coffee. They were assisted by a number of sir la all In pretty white frocka Among them' were Miss Ahlma HaMock, Mlases Constance and Eleanor De Spain, Miss Frances Obert suffer,. Miss Nellie John' ston. Miss Gertrude Sheridan, Mlse Ethel Hayea and MlssLurene Parr Of Baker City. .Mr. and Mra Welch went to Seattle for a short trip and thence to Pendleton to attend the wedding of Mr. Welch's niece. Miss Ida Thompson, to Beth Catlln of this city. . Mr. and Mra Welch will be at hqme in about a week. -WW'- Mlsa Lillian Hasel Lewis and William Bradford Crane were married with a quiet ceremony Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mra H. R. Lewla 40 Eaat Thirty-first street. - Dr. George B. Van Waters of St. David's Episcopal church officiated. Ml as Elsie I the orlde, Lewis, her slater, sttended Tnd K. KaV WalTlnei the groom. Mr. and Mra Crane have gone on a ahort trip and when they return will be at home with the groom's sister, Mra Percy Pope Dsbney, In Mount Tebor.-Th groom" Is a prominent busl- nrss man of the- c'ty-" " bride- Is well known as an artist on one of the local papera There were bo carda . - w w -- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Relnmann cele brated their wooden wedding . anniver sary last Sunday at-their home, C1T Powell atreet. Muaio ana games psssea the time merrily and an elaborate sup per was served. Those present were: Mr. and' Mrs. Bertholt Breitnaupt, t;ng Brelthaupt, Jr, Mlas Rosa Brelthaupt, - 'weddings. . " TXX. KAIX 1080. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bchremeck, Mlaa Btella Buckhola Miss Ida Buckhola Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Logus. Mr. and Mra Syring. Mr. and Mra. Albert Vahl. Sr.. Mlaa Marie Vahl, Mra Gatea Mr ana Mrs. Rostn. Mrs. Schneider, Mies Flor ence Bohnelder.Jdra BophlsLuebke. Mt, snd Mrs. Emll Vshl. Mr. and Mra A. Helnrloh, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vahl. Jr., Mr. and Mra. Andy Boese, Otto Amann, Mr. Jensen, Frits Neuratller. Carl Wiedemann,- - Captain Cox. Mr,- McCormack. John Juchernlch, Paul Relnmann, Lorena Dumpert, Chrlat ' Helnrlch, Michael Ivereon. . , Miss Francea Dean Hemenway of Eu gene wee married to Jordan Thomas Brumflald of -Portland at. the. bride s home In Eugene Wednesday noon. - Drt D. B. Loveridge of Bt. Mary's Episcopal church officiated. The( wedding, though quiet, was vsry pretty The- Interior of the home was elaborately aeoora tea with rosea The groom is prominently connected with a large-wholesale- firm In thla city and the bride Is the daugh ter' of Mr. and Mra Volney Hemenway, early pioneers of : Oregon. She ia a graduate of the Unlverelty ef Oregon, Mr. and Mra Brumneld. will reside In Portlsnd. v'-" " - -'- ,. Mlaa Ida May Funk and Fred O. Con- ley of Pendleton were married Tues day evening st the home of the bride's parenta Mr. ana Mra w. j. ium, si Kast Fifteenth street. Rev. J. F. Ohormley of f Iclated. "Mrs. Edith F. Hanna ssng "O Promise Me," accom panying herself, 'and when - the bridal party entered' played .the "Lohengrin" bridal hymn. The . decorations r were very handsome.'. The family and a few Intimate' friends were In attendance and an elaborate supper- was served later. Mr. and Mra. Cooler have, gone to Pen dleton to realde. ' ' I Mlaa Ida Thompson of Pendleton and Beth Catlln of Portland were married Wedneeday evening in Pendleton at the Church. of the,...Dr,Ilenrv Dixon Jones -officiated. A large recep tion -waa given at the home after the ceremony. Loula, woodard . or thla city waa best man and-George A. Warren, alao of Portland, waa one of the ushers. Mr. and Mra. Catlln will live In Port land; " .- - .- A wedding of prominence In Eugena Thursday noon, was that of Mlas Ids Bel Roe to Clinton E. Woodson of Hepp. r. Rev.B. F. Rowlsnd of ths Hum phrey Memorial M. E. church officiated. Mr. ana Mrs. w 00a son were-retiow graa uates In the clssa of 18(7 from the Unl THjfKlKDTHAr 0C5TT WLCT OUT' at me nngfr ends, ff yoa ftneV- ' the Borne gCattu yea hswwlL ' nSs oermme.unaussrienebtvr- ' JHe best silk clove ewer wsKlei J Qf ; 1905 Model r mm Juist Fr dm Turkey and Persia ; DIRECT IMPORTATIONS OF, " ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS Most Elaborate Display EVer Mad an Portland We have Juat received, direct frbm -the Orient, a most elaborate dlaplay of the celebrated Turkish snd Persian Rugs and Carpets, of the. moat enchanting, weaves and patterns. Including beauties In Kermanshah, Mohal Persian. Tabrls Serapf, -Mouahkabad and Cashraere Crpeta,- Afhar-Antique Kurdistan, Antique Iran -and Fereghan, Kemrisn and SaruK, Bejadah, large slse Belonjlstan,. ftennah, Antique Bokhara. Ktllms. flhlras and BelouJ Saddle Bags, Royal Shires, Hall Ruga in large 'assortment, all slses and -prices, and a mammoth consignment of beautiful brassware creations In Jardinieres, Lanterne, etc, which cannot fall to charm-alt-who look upon 'them. . ' : We Invite Special Attention to the . : : r ShowinrjWe Are Mailing Now 'And In thla connection would caution our friends to be careful that they are tint deceived by persons who have Imitation goods on this market at this time. Ws sre known Id" the people of this -ettyv-and . strangers arc requested to .make Inquiries coi cernlng our reliability and that of the Carpeta and Rugs we have on sale. " prices lowest Possible for t!tc Ctnt'nt A.-.!c!t Tfc!i Vt Cs:rr.t;t! AT4YEH 1 h 411 waarsxaTca mr:T, rsaa trr;: verelty of Oregon. The bride has slnee then been assistant Instructor Of Eng lish in that Institution. " . "1" w -w '-.'------ Ruby R. Schwab snd Fred H. Rlttenour were married laat Sunday evening at. the. home of the bride's parenta llet Eaat Tamhlil atreet "."ReV. Wmiam a. Gilbert officiated. Mlas L. Rlttenour waa bridesmaid and F. Robert Johnaon waa groomsman. About 21 gueats were pres- ; SOt. ,- .,-,ra , .. it w - ' ' C Allan' Ince of- Barbados, British West Indies, and Miss Emma V. Christie of Buffalo. New; Tork, daughter of H. L. Christie of that city, were married at All Saints' Eplscopahehurch Tueaday evening by Rev. Robert Hope- They will remain In Portland through the summer, and may make their permanent home hera MUSICAL NOTES. ' Following Is the program to- be given at the eoncert at Third Presbyterian church Wedneeday evening: Overture, "Midsummer . Night's Dreams." (Mendlessohn), Mra Lena W. Chambers', Mrs.- Myron Kiss; - chorus, -Nightingale and Rose" (Lehnert): vlo-" lln solo, - "Berceuse" (Goddard), - Mlaa Cornelia Barker; reading, "Romance -of a Roee" (Perry), Mra S. 'W. Keeley; soprano solo, "Waiting". (Millard). Mlaa Ella Francis Hoberg; bass solo (se lected), - P.. L. Parkard; piano solo, "Valse E Minor" (Chopin). Miss Ar vllla McGulre; mexso - soprano solo, ' "Sunshine and RwW (Blumentbal), Mra E. E. Coo vert; duet, soprano and contralto. "The Bird That Bang in May" (Btreleaki), Mlsa Ethel Shea, Miss Ho berg: bass solo (selected), Stuart M0 Gulre; chorus, "ItalU" (DonlsetU), w ' - Mra Rose Bloch-Bauer will be the soprano sololat In the oratorios given et the fair throughout the summer under the direction of W. H. Borer, The ora- tortos to be glveiv are- Ro tnt s-Utt Mater" and Sullivan's "Te.Deum. and Father- Domtalo'g - cantata,.- "Beautiful r - Willamette." Laat Sunday there waa a : large attendance to hear tha-"Messiah" given under ths same direction. The .. soloists wars Mies Ethel Lytle, soprano; ' Mrs. W. A. -T. Bushong, contralto; W. H. Boyer, tsnor, and- Paul Wessinger, barltona . - . " - , .. : w '.'.----...-' Miss "Edwlna Maatick. the young soprano who waa mad soloist at First Unitarian 'church last spring, to suo (Continued on Page Eighteen.) PAfpTfiK2rTtc uwt,tjyi. V A ooziitMrfee ticket wvtifrejrrerVl vssBasHMasBassaBeassBsassabrv . -, . ,. "" "" -r - : s :-. - - -- ' ;.: -TiKAYsni',... gtoves outwear all ethers Beware of the' JUST AS CQpDVJdad. The-Shlrtwiat: of Per fee t i on Forsythe Waist Spring j 1905 Style Shown Only 6Tjr Rob ins o n CS,Company 289 Washington Street , v ir- B ROS - ...1 - t