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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
1 .THE.r OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL'. ; PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE tV 1905. 1! PATfi C t HEN SII AKEfh The Favorite of All Is' Here "Again"" 77UP BY CHIEF HDHTI H1IID :'"---- W 3 MAN; AT LAST .Sterling Hellig In 'Kansas City Star-' HB idea, that th young king of I Spain . ha been sent by hi ,' . .. mother on a- personally con "T? v ducted tour of the marriageable princesses of Europe ha nt foundation ' In .fact Hla Catholic majesty'' trip, part from Its political meaning, which was 'originally considerable, signifies. In the first place that young Alfonso has become a. man. ' "" ' It' was leas than three summers ago that -he seemed but ft boy, taking danc ing leasona from the sauve Washington Lopp at St. Sebastian, - Lopp crossed the water from America some 14 .years ago . to.-teaoh 'the coryphees of the grand opera some step dances for the ballet of "La.' Korrtgane," and he is today pro-jrietor-of ft. mWlou-frantracnee'Tialac In the.JEtolle quarter, In Paris, where be teachee the smart set, ' Alfonso learned V ;--' ! ?J , ; ; T King AlfnngQ of Spain. 7 . .-, T 1 11 ..w. American- society dances, as well as the gavotte, pavan and minuet, , lje knew nothing to start with, being, ft clnmsy. timid boy, but mwii nu.hjiptiift ' fttneaklnff Eng lish perfectly, while the queen mother BS-trm" moil cnsnniiii vt wvn-n. .. kavlnnln, Alfnnsn XII WSS a sport and a beau, teaching the young grandees of his court how to dress, put ting In his time with horses, fencing, billiards and baccarat; "the beat possible Stimulants to the military faculties," be gravely explained. Hi billiards alone cost him $10,000 ft year,-which he lost three tlme, perweekwlthregularity nd good "' humor to , the Duke of Xhumadft and the Duke of Tftmamea. . -Alfonso XII died and (by proxy) de-' rnanded admittance to the tombs of the Escurlal lit that - blood-curdling cere mony which waa re-enacted lees than a year ago for the present king's grand mother. The Kscurlal ' la a world In itaelf. TJnder .-ground it is- another world, of granite and marble, of gloomy arches arid Interminable-corridors. At a certain' point an immense, iron , door swings open fjr favored tourists. Then there sre mora srehea, more corrldpra. In btgh-ceileU marble-ilned rooms. In niches in the watts and oil raised plat forma on the floors there lie the royal sarcophagi of Spain, the "Panteon."- a It Is called. It dead kings and mothera 1 J8'lnMring tne visit or the -emperor of BrasitTiha ..aarcopiagar of Charles " V wss opened, and thousands flocked from Madrid to look on the awful face of the mighty dead, which was entire, even to the hair and eyebrows, though completely black. Philip II fill the niche below in-; gilt bronse coffin which he inspeoted dur ing his last momenta, rhlllp 'IV used to sit In his niche to. meditate: Maria Iyoulsa scratched her name on her,u.-. ture urn with ft pair of scissors. - The settling of his grandmother In thhi terrible "Panteon" was cn of the present king's first Independent sets as a man and king. The body of Iaabells II hsd been brought from Paris by rail. Now It was the center of ft vast procession - lowly " wending lt way through those awful corridor. At jjn Iron door the young king knocked oudly three times. . -. ' ' Who knocks at the royal tombsr came a mournful voice. . . "Her majesty. Isabella II,- answered Alfonso.- -t- " J. ' "What does she demand? - r " he demands entrance!" . - And the iron door awung open on the P"T 1 - ill ! - "' . . ' "' ALBERT PATRICK SURE' OF ULTIMATE VICTORY .., (Special blapatck byteaaed Wire te The Joornal) '. ! New York, June JO Albert Patrick, : '. tinder sentence of death for .the murder of. aged .MUllohalre.Klc.:.a Jnformed this mnming of the adverse decision .., rendered In hi case by , the court of ' 1 appeals, t i ' " ' f He1 was eating hi breakfast at ths J-.y death-ihouse when Warden Johnson con . -veyed the news to him, which had been held back for 14 .hour. He wss the ' least moved of the two men and there '. ws not the slightest change of expre. slon on his face, not even the flicker of 1 . an eyelid. ; t "I am prepared for anything,"' he . said, "and I think .that I will soon win ; '. the victory. ' This decision Is not final by any means7 I Intend to have ft re -.V argument of the case and will apply for '., new 11-fhl on the ground of the newly . ' discovered evidence." "J',' mi in TJLxrmoBf wiWbok. t - From the St. Ixuls Olobe-Democrat.' A swarm of bee has taken up their ; abode In terminal bpit filled with wires ' belonging to One of the telephone com ' ' ranle in the vicinity, of Nfwstead and , 1 , JCvan avenue. . ... ...w. . , Perhaps the buwlng ef th wirci at severe splendor; of the - underground basilica, Zlamlng with lighted tapers. The coffln was placed on- a great cata falque, while cannon thundered and the primate of the Indies celebrated Diana. Then Alfonso stood alone beside the catafalque' and - with flrmneis went through the fnost trying, detail . of the ancient ceremony. - - - - ,' ' ' "Grandmotherl - Grandmother! Grand mother II- he called three, times loudly, There, was a terrible silence. The mln. later jof -Justice pronounced the accua- tomed words: "Her - majesty does not answer; therefore her majesty roust be dead!" And -slowly the procession formed again and marched away, leav ing me monas to piace tne cpmn in its plaoe among the t kings and. mother or, Kings. More than ft whole year previously. tn ; wnoie . world , Knows, young At- fonso hftd attatni4 Jils technical majority and kingly independence of hla' mother's long regency. Those close to-his per? son,- however," assert 7 that the leading part he thus took in the awful Ceremony seemed to tnark the real epoch in his young life, or. Indeed, it may be that he. willingly- grasped -the - opportunity to assert himself; for it had been in tended to spare him the ordesl of knock ing for admittance, -answering for the dead- and calling' to - the dead -on its catafalque. - In any ease those nearest him declare that from-tht hour they noted 4a new firmness In his manner' and a new Inde pendence In his actions; and those who had,. managed him front". hla childhood began feeling in ft subtle way that hefe was e. young monarch studying his re sources nd feeling his powers. ' Then came the decisive -incident of the automobile, Dlsnitartra of court and church, together with his' royal mother and her women, erled against the derogation of dignity In ft king of Spain appearing before his people In an evll-smelllng, noisy and even danger ous machine. , . - One day; however, strong tidings came to the queen mother by way of ft lady- in-waltlng, who had it from a, chamber lain, who had it from secretary, who had been told it by ft valet In the conft- had been told by a, groom. The queen mother summoned -the duke- of Soto Mayor, the royal major-domo, and to gether they slipped out of her apart ments by ft secret door, down secret psssageways built in the walls relics of the good old times of Queens Christina and Isabella II and ' arrived unper eelvfd at the stables. , ' . They saw It then with, their' own eyes. The tale was true. There was the hired mechanician from Paris tranquilly smok ing ft good cigar, while lying on hla back in ft mechanician's smock and monkeywrench In hand Alfonso XIII looked up at them from hi place on the ground between 'the wheels. . ' "T could take it apart and put It to gether!" ' was his calm remark. - His sleeve wss stained with oil. His hands were black and bis cheek was smudged. And the dueen mother knew immediately that the little son who had been born to her fatherless, and over whom she had - Jealously . watched up to this moment, had emancipated himself. He was king and h knew it. .A.-' tracted them, for spectator say that as soon as the leader of th swarm saw the box the whole tribe set sail for It and proceeded to swarm as quietly and peacefully as If telephone belts yre their regular quarters. ' ,' The box is used frequently by the linemen, ss it contains a complicated mass-of wires, and-on aftcount of the Visit of ino bees jerplexlng proMm confronts the ewmpany. Of course they will have to be removed, but meanbwhlle the bees are Improving the shining hour and have already fcegun to lay Tip a supply of honey. Adjacent flower beds knd an occasional dish of sweets In th kitchen window of ft nearby houa fur nish the bees with subsistence. 4 :- .' '. j Oft.Weatl . ' trom th Ixmdnn Mall. X h.v Just traveled from Vancouver to Calgary, and after spending day in Calgary was horrified to find se many English boys song ef good families loafing about on ft frultlel attampt tb find work, -t'f': ." n' . .... ' Things, Will- mend ; during hy and harveit time, but this will only b tem porary. In fact. South Albert Is done now for pennlles gentlemen. My ad vlc to young Englishmen Is come, but do hot com on chace f apposition, and d tioj .pJckJfT lfln)jf ir .Cjf arxfo west! ..." 1 ; , ' . . Officers Who Have Htd Some Beats for Years Are , Con signed to Remote Districts, CZAR OF, KANGAROO":, . . COURT ISSUES EDICT Regions;. Before .Uncovered .Will Be Guarded Now No Reason . . :. , Xi ven f or Ch anges. - Numorous changes as . regard the disposition of patrolmen on beats ' were Ordered yesterday morning by. Chief Hunt nd his nstructns were carried out by the-three captains. A majority of th officers mentioned in the orders will be required hereafter to wear White arloves. k , : , i The most noteworthy fact in conneo- tlon With the changes is th transfer of Patrolman J. M. Thompson, whose beat has. hitherto been .. on First street Thompson ha 'been ft member of the forctj9JFyrn4,ya. theonly, man who up to this ilrae hsd never been transferred. Hereafter he will be on duty at the-union depot. - Patrolman-P. C. Anderaon will be sta tioned at the corner of Third and Yam hill streets. - ' - - - -. - As soon as he la through with duty at ths Upshur street station Patrolman Ttchenor is to be assigned to duty at Third and Morrison streets. . Patrolmsn Kndlcott is to have a post at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets.. For some. time, he has done effective work at night in the north end. Patrolman Qaibraito. will be posted at Fifth nd Washington streets; : Patrolmsn Welch and Barter will be stationed at the union1 depot during the day-and wllf work la conjunction, keep ing supervision both ever - the depot building andjthe immediate vicinity. - nminia vnuii vui in future oe required to cover a strip . of . territory additional to hla present beat. - Patrol. man Teevln will remain on bj present bet--- ' ------ " ' ' -' - Patrolmen Craddock, Parkers Foster and R. M. Smith are transferred from the second to )the first relief. Craddock will'take'Thompaon's former beat and Foster - Endicott's former -beat. Smith and, Parker -are to be -assigned by Cap tain Moor to districts neretoror left uncovered . ---.......". Patrolman Hill will until further or ders report to Acting Captain Silver at the Upshur street station, -r - For a short time, probably-untll the conclusion of the fair. Patrolman" Jodon win officiate ttJaUer at the city prison. - 1 Mi I - 7 T Testified - Falsely. ' - (Coprrlgbt,- Heant News krlce. fcy Leased : Wire to The Journal 1. - -Paris,' June 10. Luclen Masae", who testified in the contest over the estate of the fate Charles-l Fair that be saw the aodldentr-tn whlch-rMftr-'and Mrsr Fair ware killed' and that Mrs. Fair lived longer than tier husband, and who was tried for perjury and convicted, pn ,.' ... 4 v X ( t t 1.. . - 1 j. . i - v 4 tj i 1 v is- " ? I,M . v 1 I 5 Miu Brnettin F. Atwood- of Molrotc, c v-r- k j .-' m4; ' it . v" '1 "t Jk'vl . ! f ' "'-J V- .r-!--.V -1 !Wf""l.'.-4 f- . Carnegie hero medal and reward of $300. She saved Henry E. Smith of V Quincy, Massachusetts, from drowning.:: She will spend the $300 to com. plete her art atndie - mm PROP. . VAN CORTLAND .aoatt WasUIngto s ".Without' Asking "m" Q as silo n, without any previous knowledge" and having no natural means of -.knowing ..who. you. are., whence or for what you came, he tells yon ' name; age, occupation, where yoe, live, the number of you house, and the street. , He tells you of .friends and enemies, who Is true and who la false; tells you whom and when you will merry,- giving - names datca. facta and locations, taklnar no fee lit advance, and ac cepting- none unless satisfaction Is given; . ; , ' v ... ..'7-..VT' S5O0.00 Forfel. -. "-'.."'' ' I will forfeit 1600 where I fall to teach you how to fasclnats any ' one you desire, how te. make your .enemies your friends, cause a speedy marriage with the one of "your chotcSr-give you good luck and make you succeesf ul In" your - busineos, remove evtt-infiuences.-; reunite the separated," give you 'lucky numbers) locate the earth's . burled . treasures, settle the old estates that time haa placed be yond the lawyer's shrewdness and "positively complete, your - busl- . MM.;--.-- ; --v -'' FOSITXTBI.T- TO jjQPAI. Oat 1- XAJtTX jm taa noTsi- ;. . SZOBT. . . . - He-has been for year a reel- . " dert f Pprtlandr- Occult Wonder. Always Consult the, jjaiiy ana ounaay, PROFESSORVAN CORTL.AIND nTaMUnH llTIg - TXAalS XV FOBT&AaTO. . raxicAirsjrnT jutttn - Th Olivs, 30,j Washlngtoa St. appealed, was today condemned to one year's Imprisonment and- to pay ft fine Of -fifty- franca, His Oolden Bale. -, If tou started out to live up to-th golden rule td Ao as you would be done br, w?at wou.d you ao nreir ; . , , . id you.10. - , L. r ' 11 : :. '" t u vf TP i ' 9 ( j S ,( ,itt V-VjJiwt V'L;I r4 t 5 1 f e r Mgisa'chuietti, first to receive the J Ti d k . -IB . "aw jT r 7 I K Reading ' Read Carefully. An Honest Proposition. ' -. tVou- to be .Full Judge. A Extraordinary clairvoyant power, com-' 'blned with .hla superior knowledge of r occult forces, enables him to read 'hu man, life with unerring accuracy from" --- Infancy to old age. Hla powers are - wonderful and. .indisputable r his advice j is reliable; his information clear, con-, else and to the point In Love, Court 1 ship. Marriage. Divorce. Bales, Wills, Patents, Journeys, Pensions,, . Invest- .jnents. Speculations, Property, Insur-ance,-Mort(rage. Oil and Mining Claims,, Disease, etc.. etc. - - During -my JO' years of practice -I have brought together lit mir- riage, also reunited- more sepa rated, than any other five occult" sclentlxts "combined. In fact. i . have made this line of occult work a specialty. j-w psychics, no matter how high standing, re "ally understand this SECRET- MiONKTIC power. There is no heart so sad, no ' 'home. so dreary, that sunshine . cannot enter by this mysterious ..force. I have helped others, why . not youT - . t. Special seven-dsy offer." IJOW -FliJSlB0r60, 60 60a. bo tow wxsaf o wowt How can I - have good iuckT How -can I succeed In business? How oan I make my home happy? inw ean- I -ntuer- my enemies?" Mow can I marry the one I choose? Mow can I marry well? How- soon can I marry? How can I conquer my rival? How can t make any one love me? ' How soon wilt my lover propose? rtow can 1 get s good position.; How can I remove bad Influences? Howtcanl-eofleol -ftny onel - How make distant ooes think of me? .'How can I settle my quarrel? v' How can I bold .my husband's love? How can t keep my wife's love?. PROFESSOR VAN1 CORTLAND ' tells all and never ask questions. :. " The Power of Control How to be master and ruler t4 your own home and affairs. 'T your'hus--band, wife or sweetheart Indiffer ent to you? Are you occupying the position In life you sre ably -qualified for? Do irou wish to' possess the key to the vaults of love, -friendship. success and fame? Know the secret of coft-"": trol-i-the power to Inspire trust and confidence and win success In . business social or financial life. . ,TArlse, " throw oft thy. shackles." -Exchange sorrow for Joy, drk- . nesa -for ..light. "Be - master - of - XOir own" deetlny." .- . Best Hours s m. to I p. m. Positively guarantees success when all others fall. otb8T Fifth tree. i IN MASQUERADE. -i: y Xougla Alexander. -. - 1 'There is naavlfabi talent in Lon-4 don," declared the man who waa known to his few Intimates as Bernard Deane and to the greater world as Raymond Tieldrtlir aramatlitr " "It , la certainly not " easily found," agreed Herbert Page, the theatrical manager. "Ae a matter of fact, there Is ohlyollf "ctres8itt-the -whole town who can play Sabrlna-with any satis faction to yourself or to the public. I mean Agnes Iane." . - "Ah,yer every one tells mftheJs marvelous. ' Do you know, I've- never seen her. TVhat Is she doing now.I. Is she quite unattainable r ' . "Absolutely.-- She means to go Into management for herself."-- '. - "H'm! I'm afraid the play, will have to be shelved." J . . . Both -men-looked gTdomy'at the "pros pect. Their great difficulty was to And an actress to, OH the part of Babrlna, a complex character which would make heavy demands upon th powera of any actress. It would have suited Agnes Lane ad mirably, as Paige suggested. She was ft new star, and in ft part something like the- n4n Peane's play she had made a great hit, which had placed her at a step among the foremost Kngllsh ac tresses. "The critics say unrecognised talent is to. be found la the country. Sup pose walooktharafor-what we' re Quire ..... The proposal came from Plge. "No good," answered the other. "tVe might see"doEens of plays rind perhaps fhs vrrj nrtrmii 11 11 11 niTiliTtir hidden in one of them with , ft three line part." - - , 1 . 'One morning, however, h himself re ceived a large letter from a man whose Judgment he could trust. - The writer lived out of London, and his playgolng days In the metropolis were long over. But he. -still , patronized the ''traveling dramatic companies which visited his town, and In one of these, the Marston Mersey Bpertotre company, he claimed to have discovered a really gifted ac tress. - " "She is called j Beatrice Clare, and I want you to see her," he wrote. " "She" haa the makings of ft fine artist in her, I firmly believe." -iDoane had been disappointed so often of late that It was with no eryi san guine feeling that he .undertook-this Journey to one of the smaller towns in Yorkshire where his frpnd Jived.. ' Together - they visited - the local theatre, expecting to see Miss Clare In "The I.ady of Lyons." Aa ill fat would have It, she was Indisposed, snd the partt was played by the manager's wife, whose services Deane felt no Inclination to secure.-.- r"". .. - But the next night better fortune ws theirs. "Romeo and Jul leTT) lied ths bill, and at thaflxat lght of Beatrice Clare Deane was Impressed favorably. Before the- end. of the first aet-the- spell was complete. She scted with a passion snd an In spiration' which kindled th half-filled house Into warmest enthusiasm. Her perfo rm nee. glowed-with., thy llama-jqf . geptufl. ( "I shall Introduce you to Mersey'by yow-rsal name." said Coleman, a they went round at the end of the play to the stage door. "If he knew you were Raymond Field, he d let It wit to Miss Clare, and make ber nervous and over anxious on other nights." Deane was presented to Mies- Clare, and tried to make small talk with her In the greenroom, v '- ' - -But Beatrice Clare hart, little- t say, ndoulckly-found an opportunttyof departlnTrr""'" " . -The dramatist's keen eye had- takeni Ih every dtall of her appearance. he wnidrwwd -verv-antieny tn-blcknhat was a little shabby, yet with th touch of whlto she suxgested to hla ar tistic! perception a VVblatler symphony. "- e e . - e ,, , e The next night and eveVy night of that week and the week after, for the Mersey company was playing ft fort night in- the town. Deane found an es euse for going round to th back ef th theatre aftwr each performance. ' At length the end of th fortnight MISS VIRGINIA Ranking high above all others, as the majestlo peak of. the mighty Mount Hood ranks and towers monumentally above th molehill at its feet, this ... ... . - - . " - . -. - Queen of the Clairvoyant and Palmist World This remarkable woman who reads the destinies of humanity as the news of the 'day-ln her dall paper, after ft pro longed visit with eastern friends, he returned to her Portland admirers, -and la again located In the apartments she vacated.ZLNo ?S,; X and II Cosmo building, ever Selling' clothing . store, Fourth and Morrison. . .. ...... Virginia Wardel Is a Per son Greatly Envied By those of her own profession as well as by the hundreds who marvel at her power and 'Would possess her ability to foretell, events of the future- wlth'ttig precise accuracy of relating the happen ings of the past. ' Strang a it may aeem, SHE IS THE FIRST AND ONLY, ONE - EVER LOCATING IN PORTLAND Capable of disclosing the concern' of times which have not . yet come.-and correctly portraying business successes or reverses, happiness or misery, things to, be or not to be, with detail .that seems Impossible, to one not In touch with the. mysterious world. -' -t , SHE IS A MYSTERY OF MYSTERIES! - A coirtnrsstrac to aTraaT- ; on nm: In.laprofslonaTway. and Is socially a most agreeable. " pleasant lady, ... (Bhe ha the confidence of all who know ber. because ; she. has ljiever Abused th credulity or any one. . phe is not a pre tender, She Is honest. JBha is faithful to her promises, most reasonable . in her charges and -considerate of the 7eelings of the most humble of her vl1,tora. m ax mi tov, kajt ob ' WOlCAsT, ' .7" Anything you wont to know.-ShS" does tty In an .Instant, and 'if dliteatlsrted it costs you not a cent. - Office houra from to-4-T to-S-ln the evening. Fook Sang & Co. tmm oanr. saa nwiiu. JAT TU-CHONOr Mgr. 23! Alder SL, Portland Pure. Beautiful Jad Jewelry, Gold -Bracelets and Hlgnet Rlnas of all descriptions made to order.- American names engraved In Chinese characters hn pure cold nnKSrfOod-IucirTrngrThgTIvedwftU the three cardinal Chinese characters, vis.: Qlory. Prosperity and Longevity. Charges reasonable and ordera of any design promptly -executed land sent pre paid to anv part of the United States. was reached." and Deane realised that It wss time for him to make the offer of Sabrtn to Miss Clare. But there wsa another proposal hs wished to make first -one upon the issue of which he felt the whole happiness of hi life de pended. One afternoon he came upon Beatrice Clare alone. ' It was in the cloisters of the cathedral, and in that calm and holy place, he asked her to be hi wife. She looked as he hsd seen Bar iook when she was playing Juliet, with th yery light-of her soul shining through her eyes. . . M , "I love you." she said simply. Their lips were dumb, but their hearts were speaking to one another. And then "I-L-I have a confession to mske to you. I am not quite the obscure-person I have represented myself to be In this company.. I am known. In London as Agnes Lane." - , -- - !"",' - Deane atared at her in wonder.-1- "I will tell you tny Object In joining these people under a borrowed name." she continued quickly. "I made my Hrat euccess, as you know, last year in London. It waa . my first appearance there. I had been on the stage only two years. Some of the critics found me deflcleat In stage technique, and I felt lheyweret.HrdtwTwl-1,lcltl " perlence. - ' "I determined when th season was over to Join, under different nam, a trvkltngompanywher . the. bill was conatsntly changed, snd where I could obtain two months' real hard work. I knew" that It Would broaden and give authority to my style. Ara. you angry with met Do you think Jt was wrong r- "Bur how - waa - It you have never been discovered?" he asked in amase- ment. '', ' " "Oh. my -fsc Is not eo very .well known yet. And th most popular por traits of me have been those tsaen in costume.- Apyhow not soul- has dis covered my secret.' Deane'a ronfeaslon leu ratner list after this, but he hsd to mske It, and before they left the cloister he and Agnea had fixed ven the date of their marriage. Agnea Lne auhletlhe theatre of which aha was to have become the les see,' and after ber honeymoon will ap. pear at Herbert Paige theatre a Pa- hrlna In her husband s new play. Every on anticipate a brilllart I j. iMMMMMUMrfaaSBS. MME. VON HECK Noted German and Ameri can Clairvoyant Is Here. Famous Clairvoyant and Psychologist Has" Pcr-" v manently Located in Her, L-Private Residence,- 225 South Fifth Street. - Judgtpg from" th crowds that r con stantly waiting in the parlore of Mme. Von Heck, the great German Clalrvoy" ant and PaychoIoglsCkt Z23 8outh Fifth ' street, . the truth of her remarkable readings must have been heralded from mouth to mouth. Some of the best cit Isens of Portland have called upon her for-advice, and have gone away sat isfied that she Is truly ft-great clalrvoy-. ant. Mme. yon Heck 'read the past, present and future of one's life with' an accuracy to command respect, and the correctness of ber answers to quee tlons with regard- to matters of which " ' it -, Is- supposed -she-knows -nothing tm j enough to astonish one. She la not ft palmist in sny sense of the word. Neither'-' I does she claim supernatural powers, but - she guarantees- to give advice by mains ' of her art that will prove of value In " matter or business and love. ' The marvelous manifestations )f hep ' wonderful power are as-far superior to " ' I the ordinary palmist and fortune teller, skilled though they may be, aa the per fee ted automobile la to the. wheelbarrow: -ZZ. Mme. Von Heck expects to remain In -Portland for some time, thus giving as- ' surance of 1 her upright and good inten tions to fulfill every promise ehe make -to the public Mme. Von Heck fully understands the responsible position she Is placed In by . th remarkable gift she la endowed with, - -and she will try her best to help thosw who-need advice and to do all In -her - power to show all of her-caUers-pIslnly" and In fotclMe language how to gain -happiness and prosperity. Your vlah in -life can be attained; the. secret you should know; the .power to control. The marvelous feats she has paf.: formed prove the magnitude of her ".mo anu wonuerxui power, rm v. ir. -ii-id i r n ........ TO YOirWI S llTO : POSSESS. -THEL O the vaults of hanntn.u frl.nH.. una 01 naj nm, wronn aiiu mme or wui you pioa along, vainly hoping that, luck or chance may -open "the door Tor you T Why not consult this gifted lady r She can and will assist you,, ... Her sdvlce on business, speculation. Investment, Insurance, changes, travel, health, sickness, love, divorce, marriage. . lawsuits, separations, wills, deeds, mort gages, collections, annuities, etc- I ' often sought and in nearly every cs - has given general satisfaction. " Were It not for the fact that secrecr wvut be eercloetrtnner brbfeaslbn. she "' coifld refer the skeptical to numerous well-known cltlsens who have profited ; by her advice and whn ha. Km - - contented and happy by her readings of their past and future. Like hypnotism, now materially aid ing the medical world In healing, the slck.o does the legitimate art of trance clalrvoyancy assist all those in quest of knowledge of .the future. The truth of M7e. Von Hecks assertions has bv established beyond ft reftsoitaKle doubt,. and she stands ready to leave the merit of her readings to a "committee of un biased, responsible persons. As she re veals to you thoughta -hldderr s wnf" among -the-deepest recesses of your ' hearU you sit spellbound. unable to grasp the -situation until calmer mo- men possess you. when In awe and as tonlshment you exclaim, "How is it po- -slblery no nor an rn th -- - tlons. Her psrlors at 22t South Fifth' street ;j"-5kn.""ntl;r V",,1 y business mea of good repute, anxious for- reliable In- . fmil.1:?,,.."l V tn Come of the fu- if7iir.d"4Vfnri74B.eBK ottadu- MME. VON HECK Cmi b oonsulted: at hr privau rMi- 225 South Fifth Street IIour-l;S0 t j. kV o. a EE wo Th Qreit Chines Doctor Is called great be cauee his wonderful euros are so well . known - throughout the United Ctateo, , and because aoonanf . people are thankful to him for eavlng 'their lives ffos OPERATIONS " He treats any and itt dlsaaaes with - rower(ul C h I a e ae barbs,, roots, buds. , barks and vegetable - that are entirely un known to medical science ht thla coun try, and through the uae ef these harm, lesa remedies. This famous doctor knew the action of over different rmrfie that he haa successfully used In 1 dlseaaes. He guarantees to sure eawrr-s, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, r . vouanesa, stomach, liver, kid -male trouble and all pT"1- Hundreds -f teetlmeaUlo, - C . moderate. CM ende J tvoaatXiTATik.wr i Patients out of the elty f-t blank and alrcular. Inoloae '.-.. Aa dree T:2 c. c:2 vo c:::;;:;: f::::n r, -t.i -, - ' - mina made up to deceive her. for ba ' I strong Is her perceptibHIty and delving powers that she can easily detect any ' wrong Intent on the part of a eubiect i to willfully mlslntemrU .Zjlt r- mWA iikii- . f kN- .1