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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
: THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL'AND, SUNDAY MORNING,; JUNE 41, 1808. -A ' - V"' ONLY A FEW PAtSLMORE. ' y "t ' Z j.: ..' ' ' ' " 1 ' j , 'I. " - aJ ' , jJ"' "' ' --' ONLY ELECT CAN . BET. AT MILWAUKIE Gratton J- PoolcoOm Opens but hi Fence and Guard Keep Out :'''' . All but the Favored. THE SUBURB REGARDS PROJECT FAVORABLY fifteen-Minute Car Service and L .Twelve Hundred Dollars Paid 'and Majority Contented. The east side ce ef Tbs -Joeraai to la th. iter of MM. r. W. McK Inner. WO last aiorrlsoa street. Telephone But S7 - . r It is evident that only the elect-may JntMjJhaflneifthMl pool-selling' club owned by laaae Qrat ton and managed by M. Q. Neaao, formerly of theWaj3rilLclulL - TWcIuVopened yeaterday anoTp"6olir were:. Hold on' southern . and eastern races. A leased wir baa been run to J th club and -entries and results at the various racetracks were- posted. A bleb board fence keeps ut th merely curi ous and a doorkeeper wltb a star in . , forms those seeking admission that the property Is that of a. prtrata club and ' that none but members are admitted. ." ... What -requirements " are' necessary for tboaa meaninf business to secure ad "' mission, were not stated by the gate- Tteeper7butthBTwarotn understand- . forPortland frequenters oi xne , ' one numerous poolrooms In the elty vert waved In with flourish of the .official band. . Within ths high fence is the cotn " plete clubhouse fitted np for the con " vonlence of Its guests, wltb a bar' on . ' tine side of the bit: room, wide verandas " "fronting 'the river and extending out ' under tha nrs. easy chairs and couches and the smaller luxuries that go with a country club. Work on the interior "' of the building will not be finished be- fore the end of next week. I So far aa MUwaukle is concerned Mr. Orstton is on friendly terms with the councllmen and residents at large and tiuu"sjt Ills daisstlens tlens as Hit luail lill caused the place to arise and eatt htm blessed. MUwaukle has had a 40- minute ear aervlce to Portland,' the 'Ore gon City cars alone reaching tha town. Mr. Oratton arranged with the company for service not only to his clubhouse ' but U the shops in MUwaukle.' The company acceded to the request, and -beginning today a l-mlnute service wai introduced between MUwaukle and Port land, the Sellwood cars adding the run to tha town to their itinerary. Mr. " ' Oratton also psys $1,200 a year license. ; Probably no endeavor will be made to - rtnite the place so long aa pools on races stone are aold there. Should gambling "' rt other aorta ' be Introduced the of T" Tlctals might stop It. No interference is expected from the sheriff of Clack. ms county, and the threat of Oregon 7 city's mayor to bother tha poolroom is not regarded. serjpunly, ... .. -Intimates and business j associate of Oratton assert positively that it it not hie intention to do more than, sell racing - pools and deny emphatically that-he-of any one connected with the establish ment -la-contemplating the -opening of ' laro. rouletto or similar gamea. - THOSE FENCES STILL WORRY 1 KUwaakle Property Owners May tha 'Marshal' Kemove BazTiarg. ," "7" Some wek"agq' the persona owning i . fences on the streets of MUwaukle were j given a month in which to remove these obstruction, and were warned that & tle barrlcadea wera not .down , when the ''"."month wae ended they would ' be torn : down by .the marahal. So far not a rail haa been moved, no indication of any ' 1 fence . rasing la to be found and, the month la nearly gone. . ,- ' The council Is strong in its determi nation to opori the streets. .i ..... ... Baak work oa School ... Ths record that waa-aet br tha' con. . . tractor in excavating for the big ad . dltlon to the Sellwood school is being excelled by the oontractor having the arpenter worn. Already. th big double wtng hrnn and most of twg roof and sid ing haa been pUced.Tbough tha con tract la large and work waa started late. It ta believed by the directors that the ' building will be completed and ready for occupancy aome time before the fall terra bogina.- This addition was made necesaary on account Of the crowded condition of many of the rnoraa in tne ja building and even the tm-l-orary rooms in use war not sufficient 'for tha children attending, 'fiext year tha increase will be even greater than it waa thia aa more new homes - have been built and are occupied already this year than during any previous season. When. the -addition is finished the ca pacity of the old building will have been doubled and probably the structure will' be adequate for the needs, of the district for. several years. . KUwankla tand Sells Well.. 7 I -The opening of the fair and the large eaatem traffic to Portland haa already resulted in many ieiq'uirlea as to the value) of property between Portland and Oregon City and several Bales- arere. ported at MUwaukle. Laat week a. five acre tract waa aold near the town bounds to an eastern man who . will plant It in orchard. - Other smaller sales are reported. With the purchase of the water-front tract by Oratton and the numerous sales f small farms nea tbe town much of the waste and Idle land has been utilised, and purchasers are nowlooklng at', 'larger farme aome distance in the country 'with the Idea of -cutting then up into five-acre tracts and placing them on the market, there being a steady demand for- thla claaa of amall farms.. MUwaukle has added a tinsmith and plumbing ahop to its bugfl ns ljti all of the businese houses-are filled, tha number of places having been doubled during the. last year. . Sellwood Xeepe Its Paa. Bellwood Is growing at tftrTaTe. oil -haif- sr-doaen new. homes a week and tha aala of lota already this year Is 'greater "than for the preceding ,fiv yearn. Among the new nomea newg buUt are the following: W, "IT. Moore-i house will soon atart work on an l,oo residence on Seventeenth and ehalem; Stanley ztelirwki is Duiiaing a si.uvu cottage at (SO Nehalem: Mrs. Ixralae Smith has let the contract for a $2,200 residence on Nehalem atreet Corbet t has Tecently finished a $2,000 residence nt Tenth and Ochoco atreetsi. O. 11 Hammond will build a $1,500 houae at Seventeenth and Marlon atreeta; O. F. lllmiiei s erf M rlwankle has commenced work on two cottagea which will cost $l,200Teaeh, " they" being located .. on Thirteenth and Linn; Mrs. -WUhelm la building., ex tensive additions to her house, which haa been moved to Eleventh and Clackamas atreeta EYES 5CIENTJFJCALLY FITTED AT THE EXPOSITION... Booth in Several Buildings Presided Over by , Skilled Op- , '.'-" ticians.' . ' ill i mm miliill liiiiiiiiIUuii si ths Iiewla and Clark Mpoeitlon acted wisely )n granting the optical privileges to Walter Reed, a local optician oi nign standing, whoae successful work in cor- rectlngavlsu' defects haa Been-rccog nlxd: and approved throughout the northwest for, over 20 years. The fact that this Important concession is in such . hands ia - an absolute guarantee that the ataff of asalstants, acting under Mr. Reed's Instructions, will consist of experts In vision f uHy qualified- to tneasr tire accurately all visual defects sub mitted to them and ' prescribe proper lensea for their relief. : The Walter Reed Concession company has established booths in the Agricul tural. Manufacturing, Mines and Ma chinery buildings. These are all equipped with tha lateat approved optical instru ments known to the world of aclence. and are presided over by 24 opticians of national reputation and standing. Un erring tests are applied by them In all cases and when defects1' of vision are exhibited they are accurately .and f uHy corrected." - - ' - - . . : And this (s nofall. Th"6sc"wnA enters tain the slightest doubt concerning the glasses .supplied are privileged to consult Walter Reed -himself nt-his-ontieeMn-stltate. iJS Sixth street, who will verify the examination and diagnosis of his assistants and make any corrections ths? may be needed, however trifling they may be. Such an opportunity to secure perfect' Vlslon will pcovA a boon to those whose eyes demand attention 'Such as haa never been offered heretofore In the northwest, and many delighted sufferers. who havt already taken (lranfiiir,of it. are unstinted in their praise nf the work done and the relief af f qrded. f " - Everything that can be" done for th human eye Is performed' by "the Walter Reed Concession company at reasonable cost and '.absolute comfort and relief guaranteed in all cases submitted. 1 ;See the Great Panorama. row that the weather has cleared, atmosphere ia perfect to view the great mountain peak a of" the Cascade rangev-jFJve of the magnificent peaks can be aeen at once 'from "the great height the Lewis ami Clark observa1 tory. 1.000 feet above the city. 1 - - All visitors should come and view this great arena which la bound to impress Itself upon the mind for evermore, aa there Is nothing like it to be seen in this country. " . Take Portland Heights car and get off at Hawthorne terrace. Klectrlc elevator.- Open to 19 p. m. Coma and see the great search light. CHURCH SERVICES '""'.-'. " Pi esby teriaa, . rirst-Cnrner - Twelfth -sad- Alder streets. Servlcrs at 1H:1M s. si. sad 7:S9 . as. In the morntnr fhlldren's dsr exereUFS wltb bsptism of cbUUres; in the fvenlnsr frofeHar Edssr X. Coutmu -will le a short orssn reflul -ts- nedlstely jpretwilinf the rsgolw ssrries. Tbs mpie or itr. Hill s swung srnos win -o "Mr.-Two-Ksre,". ths stntb la tbs series e( svroHias as lb gesersl stibjeet. "Old Pietarss In New I'ratties." - l"hs 'nnsle for tbs sTsolog will be ss follows; Urrsa selections (s) "FnsiM in II Minor" (Bcb: (b "Mr-b and Cburus" from "Iinnbauser' Wagnr); lc "The Question" -) Wolstsnbolm ; dr "Tns Answer'' ' . i Wolstenbolme).' Antbsms Tenor solo snd quartet. "O Day of Rest snd Glad-nets- .. lSbelby); ,l.rlsdPnto,thIJord, Pledmont--Oorner CleTelsnd svenne snd Jar- ret t street; Rev. L. Ujmnr Booser, psator. Tne pastor wilt presra at 11 a. ss. ana i:o p. m.- nisnilng sermon, "Piety Is Psrll"; 1U s. n., bsbbata srbont's sannal t blldren s esy prograni, sndet aUrsctloa ot Cksrles Vosper, supvrlntendent. --. Arbur - IxxJdf Corner Curtis, snd Bryant streets. Babbsth . school a S a. n.: ssrmoa by Res. L. St. Bonaer st 4 p. m. - , -Fulton A. M. Hurkholder minister. 8un- osjrool.-lt s. -m r tfirtsttas BndesvorrT:15 p. m. ; Macrsbse Biemorui sernce, a p. a. First Cumberland Corner Twelftb snd East Tsyioe-strrelai Htr. Hi eietsosF-Alleai psstse. At 10:80 tf. m.. "Tbs JSij1 tbs Hssisa III HI I 1 . HI., BUIIUir HHWHi w.crv W m-1 Junior KadesTor, T p. m.; senior Endeavor. S Uisrt"; nfB.. Bnndsr school, 8: pr-m. p. m., "Aa AUrocafs la Ue coori t riaai Appesls." ' Res. W. g. Ullbwt, pstter. At 10;30 a. m.', "On Hnndrsd fee. Cent": Children a day sisr- etaes; 7:45 p. m.. Her. Mr. Bcbsnsr win presebr onion ser Tires wltb German kTsngslt rsl ebnrch. Qtiartet .under lssdership sf Miss Llns Unehsn; U. V. lillllgsn. organUt. - Mel I wood Corner 8eententh and Spokana STenoe; - Rev, l. A.- Thompson, pastor. At 10:80 a. m., Children' a day serrlrs; tbs Sab bath school and cburch ssrvies will bs anlted In s children's scrrlce; T p. m., Cbrlatlsa Kndearnr; 7:4(1 p. m., special song wrnca, r. 11. Wall, mnslrsl director: 8 n. a.. "Sons of the Moat Hlh." " ' 'lnira b.bbi rine sna i nineenia sireeis; Her. Andrew J. Montgomery, psator, At 10: SO IT flkr, BtJIrw Jr school: 12:15 p. m., Slundsy school at Tweaty eighth Street chapel; B p. m.. Junior EBdeavori 8:o p. r- lntermellate Endeavor: 6:46 p. m., Chrlstlsa Endeavor; 7:4a p. m.,, ths psstor will preach. ? (Ira ad AvSnne t'nlted Corner Wasco and Grand s venue: Rev. J. H. Mlbson. D. D.. psator. At II s. m. Mrs. H..T. Campbell of Plttaburg. president of the women's board of ths V'Bited ITeaby teriaa church, sill spesk; Children's dsy services st close of Biornlng service; Chrlstlsa Endeavor, B:4S p. m.; erenlng service, 7:46: morning servlca will be Interpreted to the mutes by Mrs. J. H. Gibson; spsclsl mnelc by choir, under 'direction of Professor Charles H. F. Wills. .. '. Baptist. :." rnlverslty : Psrk Prescblng r ;.' 'by iteT. a. a. Ijconaxd; T4& D. m. ny Jons Ben tales; evening 'hipiuT'rhe Great Election.' Jr Adams; Bunday echool st 11 s.- m vihllo Temple corner Twelfth and Taylor streets;, "Rev. J. Whltcpmb Broogher. I). D ," psstw. At 10:80 i. m "LlmltstloBS of Per sonsl Liberty"; Bible school, 12:10 p. m.; B. Y. 1'. C meeting, 8:30 p. m.. with laisses Ida Tbomaa ' aad luabelle Berkwlth ss lesders; 7:4ft p. m., "If I IHw't, Homebody Elss Will." lw. Brougbsr will give a prelude on "How It All Hsppened.f la reference to Jset Moadsy's election. The service will be opened wltb baptlam. Program of music: Morning Orgsn vuiuntsry, antltem. 'i'ontldcsl March" (Lemmenst; O. For s Closer Wslk With God" (Koater); solo, "When the - Roses- Bloom ( Richard t) 1. W. Belcher; postlnds. "An dante" irorhesl. Evenlno Volnntarr. "Chorus f Bhepberds'' (tmmenej; anthem, "O, . lilad- some Ldgm tnucsi. - Central Kaat Twentieth snd Esst Aaksny streets; William E. Randslt minister. At 10:80 s. m.. "The Purple snd tB Prisoner iHaasres: Who Waa Right?" 12 m.. Bible school; 1 p. m.. ChristlsB Endeavor; 7;4H n. m.. Children a tday exerclaes. Professor W. F. Werschknl, musics director; Mlaa Hutb Bbogrea, orgsalst. hVcond East Seventh and Anksny streets; Rev. Btsntoa C. Lsphsm, psstor. Bervlces at 10:80 a. m. and 7:40 p. m. ; Blhls school st 12 m. ; Young people's nntoa, 40 p. m. Ia tbs morning Ur. C. M. Hill of Berkeley. Call fornis. will ocupy the pulpit. "Is tbs svenlng s special Chllilren's dsy program will bs ren dered by the various depart meets ot tha -Bible ecbortl; mualc under . the direction of i. V. Bamford, organist. First Bwrdlab Baaement of " the German Metbodlat Episcopal chsreh- corner Fifteenth sud' lloyt; '". Rev.. Joha A. Huggarth, pssUsr. Bervlces st 10:66 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. ; Bunds school, 12 Id-A. .- as, ." - Ohriatiaa. Central Et Twentieth BJitBaTTrVon" streets. Rev. J. i F. Ohormiey,. fi. I 'will spesk st 11 a. m. on "Come to Higher"; B s. ra.. "The Pioneer." Mpecisl Mualc. Mrs, McPhersoa Cale, chorister; Miss, ByHn, organist. Junior Endeavor, 4:30 p. tot; Bvnior Endeavor, 8:46 p.- Br : ...-.-., Flrat Corner Park snd Colnmhls streets; E. H. Muckk-y. mlnlatar. At 10:80 a. m.. "Visions sad Hevvirr"; T;4 p. -si,, "What is ins rssi oi cnnstT" the second of ths series ob "The Irtety of Cbrlt" Children s aay exs(cisea, u:io p. m. ; Cbrlatlaa Endesvnr. 8:46 p. m. A anraery wltb competent suras Is provided for eomfort of moth era with small cblntrefi at morning aervlce. Rodsey Avenue Corner Rodney s venue and Ksott street; Albya Eaaoa, minister. At It a. aa., "Ths Demand of a Condltlos"; 0:4ft s. an., Banday school: 8:48 p. m.. At. P. g, c. E. ; 7:40 p. m.; "la l.lns of ProBwtloa." . .' - Msthsduit.' " , v Epwrttth Corner Twenty-third snd Irving a (reels: rtenTT T.T. Atklnsrw, - nsstor. fiiiedsv f acbool. 10 s. m.; secruon by Ernest Blue, 11 a. m. ; Epwoeth league. s:4S B. m : sermon 7:46 p. m. by tbs psstor, OB "The Devil's Bribes." . tree Corner Esst Ninth sad MIU streets; J. turn, psator. Preaching at 11 a. m fol lowed by toetlpviriy meeting. Central Kuell snd kerhv atreeta: f. . Yflnna. oaLnrr. Morning services. 10:30: svsb. l(tr services. Epworth league. T p. ss. I Taylor Street lr; 1 Francis Borgette Short, I astir. At 8:80 a. at., classes; .10:30 a. ni I i blldrea's dsy progrsm: f p. m., Sunday , school; .0v p. m., fcprUJLeaftie T:tt p. Tbs greatest choral ta , tm 1 1 ..u , .... .wMMg., wum . - TrlDltr Kaat Teuth snd Orsut: Rev. Hsreld dsr. Ooarr, paaLue. At II s. m., 'God snd Our a. m., Bunds school; 7 S- a,, Epworth leaias. fentenusry 'rner East Pins sud Muth Streets: William H.-Hepps."l. p.rpsstor. At 10:80 s. as., sersaoa by tHe rcT. E. J4- 1-ithrog t - A.r or Mlnnesots; 7:4ft p. m., "Xbras VIstoBS Eassntlal ts Ursatness -of Ufs"; :sO 'clock, morning elaas; U:ls p. ss.. flondsy scoooi; s p. BD., jvniors; .spworrs aerollonat, :80 p. m. BpscliJ mushj sr. each sarrlcs by larss cborns. Grses Corner Twelfth aad Taylor streets! Clsrsnce True rrilaoa, D. P., pssbsr. Children's dsy sserdaM by the Bunday school, with special music snd addrssssa at 10:30; st t:4 pt . m. nr. wnaoa win euaoset tns ssrvic, qnestlons will bs answsrsd and ths sermon will bs us arst on science snd rsl Is Ion. tonic. "In ths Be(lsnlnc, Ood"; Mrs. ieMrnora Schwab will render "Eae to race" Profsssor wiiasr wui prssiue n ins prfsa. ' )sagrsgatleaal. Illf bland Corner Prsscott aad East Blrtk Street, aorta. At 11 a. ta.. Children's das ssrsles, in charts ot tbs Sunday school; t:s f . ra., -lae, MSB wita ins, awsu ctpasre ul nfiuence." first Msdtsoa snd PsrV streets; Kst. I. I Houss. D. 1., psstor. At J0:30 a. as.. "The Business Msg's Psalai"; - Rst, K. A. Stroafh, D. !.; T:4 p. m.. senlcs wltb llluatrsud sermon oa- "The Prodlal Mosi,- Rev. r. A. Btrotifb. O. 1).; Bunday school, li.U p. as., C- O.. Mikes, supcrtutesdwit; V. -f .- e,-s5.. :4S p. m. . I Misslsslupt Arenas Corner Mississippi asenns snd kTeuont strsst. .At 10 s. m Sunday school; speclsl Cblluren's day sxsrclaes; 11 a. m., short talk o children by Miss Bsssls Lucksy; :sft p. m., young people's msetlng. Mrs. M. K. Tbompsoa, .Issdsr. . h evening serstes. i .. . LnlTorslty Tsrk-r-Artlsaa temple, - Ports mouth ; HT. D. B. Ursy, psstot. At ,11 a. as., ''Fellow TtstsIots "; Bunday school. . 10 a. . - ' - Bunny side Corner of East Taylor and - Bast Thirty-fourth streets; Rss. J. J. Btsub. Bsstor. At 11 a. m. Cblldrss's dsy sierclses by tbs Bnndsy srtiaol; p. m., "Tbs Dwelling Pises of tbs Moat High'1; Bundsy school, lo a. bw, B. C. Pier, superlstsndent: Junior Chris tun EndesTor. p. m.. Mlas Edith Roe, supsrla UadaaU. Sealot Christian Endsasor, 8.411 s. m. -4- Eplsoopsi. "Oood Bhephera 8ellwood street sad Tsaeourei STenae. Albina: Rsf. John -Vawsoa. rector. Bunday school, 10 a. m. ; holy communion sad sermon. 11 a. m.; evening prayer and esrmoo, B p. m.; . I gt. Andrsw'a Psnlnsnlsr: Rev. John Dawson la chsrss. Afternoon Berslce, 8 p. m. . CbSDel of ths Trsnansurstlon Maronam Orasd t best re; Ksr. W. H. Powell, chaplain. morning prayer ana sermon, n o ciocs. 8t. Johs's Memorlsl Bellwood: Rev. W. R. Powell in rhsree. Hundsy - school. 1 i s. m. : srenlng service snd sermon, 7:48 p. m. . Ascsnsioa cnspei rortisna belgDts: Iter, a M. Ramsey 1n chsrra. Evening prsyer, 4 p . ; Bunds? school. I a. m. Cburch of Our Bsvlor Woodatortt. ' Rerttca st 8:90 p. m.: Bnndsy school, 2:30 p. m. St. Stephen's Cbapel Thlrteeuth snd Clsy; Rev. H. M. - Rsmssv la charge Holy eommnnloa, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school, VAi a. m. ; morning service end holy eommnnloa. 11 o'clock: evening. service, T:MU o'clock. 1 Trinity cbbdoi nineteenth strsst aesr wssb- Log ton: Msv. br. A. A. Morrlsoa. rsctor. - Holy communion, B a. ss. ; aiorning sorvlco. IOiUU; svenlug asrvlcs, 8; Bunday school, 12 m. hi. Mars s turner MinstoentB sna uuimny streets;- H, J.-B. H. Blmpson, rector. Whit sunday services: At 8 s. m., holy commanlua; iu a. m.. sunasy school: 11 a. m.. boiv com munion and ssrawa; 8 o'clock, evening prsyer ssd aerssoa. . i ... mtmt .';- ' . ' Christian Boisso. ' j-'-. First Bcottlrt Bits cathedral. Marti eon and Lownsdsle streets. Bervlcee. 11 e. m. sad 8 . Si. Bahjeet of sermon, "Is tbs Universe, nrludlag Msb. Evolved- br Atomle Force:" Bonds school st close of Banning service. Beoond Audltortunr bolldln. llilrd betwsaa Taylor and Hslmoa tracts. Sunday services. 11 a. m. ana s p. m.; subject, "Is tbs I Blverse, Including Mas. Evolved by .Atomic Forest" Buaday scbosl, 11 a. at.,-la tbs reading-rooms. Eistnyslleat- Aasoclstlaa. ' First Encliab Corner Esst Sixth snd Market trssts; B. A. Slewart, psstor. auDaA. seboot. 10 a.-an.; Breaching, Jl s. as. aad B p. m.; Young People's slUance,T-p. m. Orsce Lsnts: H. O. Hendersoa.pasta. Ban- day school. 10 a. m.; Young People a alllsuco, 7- p. m. ; preaching at S p. m., with-speclsl nasle (or ths evsaing service. -sUoar- ChristlaB Catholic Aiioatollc Chorea la Eloai -Allsky ball. Third snd Morrison; Rev. John Aleianosr. Howls, arst apostle. At a n.m lbs tilonoue Vlcwiey. TtiiuiigB Christ Our King"; B p. m., "The Helpfulness et Praise sad the Deceit of Flattery.". Rev. Char lae A. Hoy, elder la f barge. ?-..'..' . . TfBiveraalist, ' Fh-st Esst .Couch sod Esst Eighth 1 WV F. Braall. pastor. At 11 a. m "Jeans Ckrlit's Strongest Messsgs to ths Age"; 7:46 p. m.,, address by oris of Portland's profeaeional men ob "Ualverssl Brotherhood"; Banday acbool, 18:1S p. as. - - - . - ' Xataarea. .'-...- j Norweglsa Synod Corner Esst Tenth and Grant streets; 0. Hsgoes, paator." Pantlcoatal aarvlcea: High" mess at It a. cs.; svenlng services at 8 p. tn. No Sunday school. Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth street; Rev. J. M. Nervlg. pastor. Bervlces, 11 a. as, aad S p. as. Suada school, 0:46 a.-aa.j-i Unitsd Brstarsa ia Christ. First Corner of Esst Fifteenth and" Morrlsoa atresia; C. Bhstter,. psator. Bible school at 10 a. m.; sermon at It a. m.; Junior ChristlsB Endeavor at It m. ; senior Cbrlstisa Eadeaeor at T p. m. ; Children's dsy progrsm st 8 p. m. Teaag : Man's ChristlsB Aaseelatiea. "AssoclstloB sndltorlom. Fourth and Ysmhlll streets. Btereoptlroa address oa "Ths Modern Prodigal Bob," by Fraads - A. Stroaab; II lustrsted songs by Miss Ethel Lytic, soprano, and ths Hsssslo Ms to quartet. Free to asea ooly. . ' . i.j j v vjaltsd Evangalieal. '. - Corner Fargo snd Kerby streets; Rev. t. Bowers, psstor. Preaching service st 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m , conducted by Rev. H. L. Pratt. P. a. ; communion at cloas of ssorBlng Piians ill trtpafflt-to4 dsavor. g p. m.; K. U C. Soatsv ' First 1T1H Second street. Foresters' hall; E. H. Mowre, pastor. At 11 s. m., J. D. Crooks of Spokaas; B p.. av, pastor: 10 a. m., Sunday school; 1 p. m.r Kpworth lesgos. - ' ""1 TBltariaa. .! . .'. ' ' ; First Yamhill sad Seventh 1 Dr. O CL tressey, pastor. At 11 a. m., service with die eoarse oa "stv wins sna wa Buns '; Sua day acbool, 12:80 p. m. " Tsung WoTBSs's Christ las Asseelatioa. Mrs. H. C. Csmpbell ot Plttshsrg. Pennsrl vanla, will spesk at the Vesper service Hua doy, Juno 11, at 1:46 p. as. Bpscisl amslc " , . " Jtlaosllaasess '' ' '"' "' ' Dlrlns Truth Centar-j-RslI 800 Allsky bnlld Ing, corner Morrison and Third street a; Thsd deus M. Mlnsrd. psstor. Services at 11 a. aa. People's Christian LnloB Free religiose so ciety. Unity ball, No. 234 1 Morrlsoa street, corner Becocd: F. B. Coulter, lesder.-. At 11 a. m "Il Real Infinite"; 12:18 p. m., study class In life problems: 8:15 p. m., "Dlstsncs as a Quality of the Mind." Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Ailaky bnlldlng, hall corner Third and Mor rlaoB.strstv, Bervlces at, 11:30 a. am. snd I.p.. m. : .- u-j . .'.-. i- . - t'hrlatlan and Missionary Alliance Second and Jefferson streets; Rv. C. D. Bswtells. superintendent. At 10:30 a. m. "Christ For the Body"; Bnndsy school, 12:16 p. m. ; open air service), 7:16 p. m. tar park Bear Madlann and Third streets; . evaogelistle service at 8 p. m. Friends' Church Sunnyslds. corner Thirty. Bfth and Esat Main streets; -Edward D. Smith, psstor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preschlng by psstor, 11 s. m. ; Christina Endeavor, 7 p: m. J mlsaloBary meeting at which Mlaa Belle Gardner, retarned Alssksn mlsslonsry, will spesk. 7:30 ir. Flrat Htilrltual Boclet tos building. Third street Bear' Wsahlngtou Cwnfevencs ii Br-nsi-W. i, Celvllle e "Tranos, Inspiration, Ecstssy and lllnmlnatloa" at 8 p. m.-, and "What Is BplfltBsIIsm T" at 7:46 BS. - ' Millennial Dswo G. A. R. ' nail, northeast corner Recond and Morrison streets. At 2. At p. m., "Ths kingdom That .Cannot Be Moved. ATTEMPTS TO REACH PORTAQg TL-RMINUS (Special Llspatch te The JonraaC). ' " The Dalles. Or., June 10. The ateamer Bailey Oatsert made an attempt to reach the ;wenternendof Xbe .Pgllcg, and t'clllo,. Portage railway terminus last evening, but owing to the conditions of the river above Three-Mile rapids and the great length of the vessel the effort was abandoned; Tho-stage of 1 1 . ul.h W b. feesjasasJaaSBSssSsewseBrfaBaWSjeSjeSjeSMeses I 1 ST . SSB MS a f I I u nostkt, owrt-Aorr I H0TELB AMD REB0XTI, wr;;;''-::-: :: m ' : 150 Elegant Rooms Open tor Delightful v Hopnt Hood Trip EVERT VISltOR to X tha Lewis and Clark expoal-' tlon ahould take this the moat ' delightful of all mountain trips ' T! in America. Cloud -Cap- Inn, Mn'qilt Tin rltilrfiFiue. 7.000 feet above sea level, af -f-forda splendid accommodations. - 1 Summit nf - .mountain. "eaally accessible from - thla . point. Stages leave -Hood -River etai ' tlon daily, " making connection with O. R. alt N. trains. Round trip tickets, -including coach ing trip, on gale at O. R. ek.N. . ticket office. Third and Wash ington, atreete, Portland, Par- tlculara about rates at Cloud Cap Inn by writing . ft. XaUTOTJUEiB, Xanagrar. Xoot aUvwr, Oregon. - Send t Centa In stampa to A. I Craig, ' Q. P. A. Oregon Railroad Navigation cOm "pany, Portland. for -booklet -telling about trip. - HOTEL DETROIT . bist in as vazb osornrss. Cor. tTtb and Tharman Btreeta. jr a ORIFFIN, Proprietor. .1 ''' Reached by all car itnda. Rates, fl per day,- Rooms with bath, 12 and 4 per day. YIN CHINESE Qi'SecofitJ Street OI Corner Oak "Chop Suey arid Noodle : . Tea and Cake - Ws Ao erowa ssd bridge work wttheat aala. Omr 18 years' experience Is plate work sa sblee bs to fit your month eomtortably. - Dr. W. A. Wlas hss tonnd a sas way te extrsct teeth, ebsomtaly without pain. tie. T. P. Wlas is aa expert at gold flUIng sad erowa . and bridge work. Ritrsctlsg fraa whea plates or hrldgee are ordered. WISE BROS.t: Dentists Tailing BsiUlnr. sen Third aad Wash gta. Opsa aroalngs till 8 p. mm, urv taccs The Sartorial Cleaning System Will call for each week, clean, press and return clothing for $1.00 per month. - Competent help will examine and repair - when necessary. Call. Iain'1712 and a wagon will cal for -v'tT'1" articles, or. have one of ur7agentsvisitybuT ; HTtTW ( fi HTHftTO H STFFffT, " ' "' e niinnuiiiHiniiiiunmninaiininniiBiiii water, II , feet, . had something, to- da with navigation to -the Big eddy. It seems the - great improvement of . the river at points above tha raplda hag" not had tha desired effect - to (completely overcome the difficulty experienced . by the ateamer Regulator a few years ago. Tha projecting point at the aecontt 'bend of' tho river apparently needs to bo re moved before navigation." will- bo suc cessfully accomplished. NORMAN WILLIAMS TO HANG JULY 2 1 Convicted Murderer of - Alma -LNesbitt Is Resentenced ' -.? '. at The Dalles. The Dalles, Or., June 10. A "few min ute before th' time for resentencing Norman" Williams -tha -Courtroom began filling with eager spectators waiting to see and hear what tha condemned man had to aay. Promptly at 10 a. m. Sheriff Sexton, assisted by Chief - Deputy Halght, Constable Harper and Marahal Wood bronght :WlUiamanto tho oourt- room. District - Attorney ftlenefe Asked 'that Judgment be executed. , ' Judge Bradahaw ordered the prisoner to stand up, and asked if he .had any thing to aay why the mandate of the court ahould 'not-bar lexeouted. Wllllama nnswored: "No, sir," I have not."-.. ';. ..I...'.. ..t ' Tho Judge then said: - --- r ; "You have. been tried, convicted and condemned for murder in the flrat de gree and your case hss been appealed to the supreme court- The Judgment of this court has been-affirmed. .Ther. fore two resentence of this court Is that you be taken by tha sheriff to the coun ty' Jail and there kept until July II, when you will bo taken by the sheriff of Wane county to the Jail yard, in th presence of the Jury and guch wltneasea as may be selected and there hanged by th neck until you are dead. May Oort have rttaapy upon your aoui. . ' - Williams rams Into thet court rtom, 'accompanied by oltlcera, arnlklng erect with ft very Independent manner, a .., .,,.w.oizi sura moaiB. !, s- 1 ' iL - Quests' r ij B SB4 8 l lll ll . l .' I THE FAIR'S FAIRESTJf EATUREU- ; :706;ROOM5 T7Cafe ' arid RestauraHts. tMcialUndaydrtTanrable Dinner.': Superb ' . jKeaaing, writing ana uiuiaru Portland's Mammoth Aftef?.reristration at the s to .analrom-tne grounas at Hotel Eaton Comet Kerrisoa aai Wast Pork Btrssta.' Haadsaaiely. famished,, elegantly eejolppsd. fireproof, fire minutes' wslh from hesrt off shopping snd bus loess district, all . large,, airy, outside rooms., steam heated, electric lights, telephone io each- apartmoot, - ote. Large ofdcesr loanging. amoaing, willlug. Isdlss' receptiea parlors. Booms reserved by. asotl er tolophoao... " . . , YrtsaBs aaBaiboa auota traiaa aad stag sis. Rooma fl.OO to fr.OO a Day - . SpecUl Bates' ta Coramerdsl ' Usa. ' Kg. MAX lATOaT. of Botol Heaps th. poksas.) RESTAURANT si. Sundays from 8 bum Ar "WIST; ttmMw mm pmiKxaiMininnmninnM though he did not fear Ood, man or th devlU - There waa no expreaaion on hla face, and save the keeping of his eyes upon th Juds th only aeemlng body movement 1 waa two or three heavy alghs almost unnotlceabl. He - made th remark-when placed In .his cell: "Th Judge gave me on week more time, than I wanted.'' -' - - - V Jewelers, WE CAN POLISH 4V OR -GILD SILVER WITH tA POLISH T: THAT WILL NOT SCRATCH. WE HAVE IT FOR SALE. 7k . The John i. EOTELtJ Ajra US0BTB. Sixth and treta NOW OPEN orroBtTa baxbt TKAJrrai to xswzs AJTS CLABE ZXlOBX ."" ' TIOIT. , ; ; j-1.0alf shselttssly- Bretprftof hotel BdyilnlDg arounds, ' quipped wltb electric call-bells- sad speclsl tola- . pbonle commuoU-atlona for ' patrons. Uniformed porters - - and bellboys st all hours st gnests' service. Rates, $1.00 Day and Up f.f - 'd". W. H. LefVTTIN, Qeneral Manager s t Table DlIofeTafrd at la". Carte. ioqrns ana ranors.- , - V Fair Club in the Crbttnds . Anjerican Inn euests-may pass - win witnout turtner cost. , ; HOTEL ;.. SPECIAIvRATES ... i IBXTHE. DAY OR-WEEK- br tha OresroB . Water - Fower ti sty. Co, TzoUey XUme. -- " - Writa or Phono. .. v . Xs. M. BBtaJITinB, Maaager. astaoadn. Oregon. m The OK iiceinJdeplionci . The Greatest Scien tific Discovery of the Age. ,J:Z11Z: ; Seen this week at , the " Lewis &" tlark ' Fair Grounds. , BEWARE OF FAKERS ! Who ruin your Hats. Oo to HEADQUARTERS for Panama and Felt Hat -Cleaning j.fischer,k- Will Dy for you or Clean and Block your Hate. -, ' oH xauxii st. K0ir bxo . PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO. it xnn mn st. net. SarBBids Ceaea. Awnlnga for stores . and resl denceaJ Tents and camping outfit. Get our prloea. rnoa Xala lM.e. Barrett Co. ULstacack Tellevue ' oar, e XT' oflVWW e" -