The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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    I -
I - .1 - -
: Good ' Ralna Fell in All Portions
ofStat Owing Wttk Fruit-
Trees Ar.e Very Uneven.
Grain Aphis Makes Appearance
: in Willamette Valley Little
" Damage Reported as Yet.
Latest crop report of department of
agriculture by -A. B. Wollaber. ; acting
section director: . .
. Good raine fell ta all portions of the
, stato durlnr the past week, and. While
- the -weather - for- tha moat- part waa
cooler ( than uaual, there wara apells of
intermittent eunahlne, which, taken to
gether with' tha advance of tha season.
caused a gradual ' warming up of the
- atmosphere, and a general Improvement
in the condition of all crops resulted.
- More sunshine and "warmer weather are
needed however, before vegeiauon wv
resume a normal rrowin. ' ' i
The condition of the grain crop Ji
in. with orobably very few e
'ceptiona. Fall wheat, rye and barley
continue to head aatiafactorlly. Spring
wheat and oata have made rather alow
growth, but tha generar condition of
these crope ta above average. Tha grain
aphis haa become quite numeroue In
Washington,. Tamhlll. Marlon. Linn and
.portions of Douglaa counties, but a yet
"tha damage dona by thla peat cannot
be estimated, though It la thought to
have been alight. Mope era
alowly and the training of the vines
continues., -Cutting tha first ero of al
falfa continue with light yield Oar
' dene, grasses, potatoes, sugar
field onions, beana and' peas i are Brt ni
better growth than during tha preceding
-week. Corn H ... growing owly-and
ji- w..tKr. Pastures are
excellent and .took I. In Bna ieonamorr
Lata apples ana pears
yields, wbila other tree fruit Ir un
even and generally eapected to be be
low average. Rsrly cherries V.!. Tlp,n
lug. and atrawberrlea are pieuiiiu..
-Ooaat--ltrlc. -""J
' wmntnn--f!lataoD county. A-Ab
""i,ntiWMthir showery; grass, grain
an gsrdene growing well; early po
kwm- .aii frulta. except cur
pears good: plums-ana .
root crops and atock doing nicely: grass
plentiful; cany eaooage ray r
nVappooae, Columbia county, C Neleon
First of week pleasant, latter part
cloudy and rainy; meadow growing rap
.' Wlyi gardens look fins; good prospects
-for an eerly-harveatA r" TZr
Traak. TlllamooB county, . J. vrvw
-Cortdltlone exceedingly favorable for
-" Vovl h ofgrass and grain; milk flow,
continues well up to the average; apples
""and plume promise' good yields, though
not so large aa last year. , ,- '
- Tnleitn. Lincoln county. Otto O. Krog
etadCoct weather and drlsaltng fain
have keot hack fruit and tender vegeta-
: -.1,te anplea indicate a full crept
Bartlett pea re a failure; ntxawberrleC
and vegeUblea pientirui; graae
extra rapid growth and will be a big
A crop;-Btock In excellent condition.
Sumner. jCoos" county, , Anderson
Wrleht Weather . fine; ei
Ttinda doing well; dairy" output good;
fruit and orchards In good condition
stork dolnr welL . -
Eckley, Curry county, 3, A.- Haines
Weather favorable or the growth of all
crops, which, from their present appear--:-
anee, will - be .above average In this
neighborhood; grass excellent on tha
r- ranges and atock la In fine condition;
apples promise a full crop; plums and
prunes an average yleldf Wool clip very
heavy and of fine quality; Increase of
lambs above,. jversge; tent caterpillars
very nurairvui ihii fwn -
. . .. Wlllaaaette Talley
HUlsboro. Washington . county, Kels
Johnson Oood growing weather during
f-' the past week: hay will not make a full
crop from present appearancea; planting
' of late potato progressing rapidly;
fruit treses look fairly .well; atraw
berrlea ripening faat, - but crop will be
Liberal. Claekmsa, countv 8. Wright
Fall wheat damaged by Heaslan fly;
- sprlna- wheat turning yellow; oata very
promising; cneat win make a run crop;
gardaha growing slowly; corn ''r;
wsrmer weather needed.
Peeee, POlk eounty, C. WTartlttg
.Weather cloudy, with light showers; fall
whast heading 'nicely; other grains and
grass growing well; potatoea In good
condition; gardens growing slowly; pas
tures good; hops making good growth
A Chance to
Cabinet and
Silver Set
.. . . . i
We are giving away, which
. is now on. display .in our
, ' window.
' ' '-,' " "
-1- Coupon - with eacrr- 50-
, . purchase. ;- .
Teleptiooe your -orders -in-r
and coupons willbeaent you
The B;g Family Liquor Store
" : . . Phone Main 380
and are .being trained on tha twine;- no
sign of vermin; stock doing wells--
Newberg, Yamhill county, J. W, Moor
i Orln and - gree-ia-fine condition;,
early town barley turning; vegetables
making' fine growth; cherrjea ripening;
strawberries light crop; hops and stock
1 good vendition.' ' y'
' Qerval. Marlon county, Bcett Jonea-.
Weather-, cool; hegvy . .' shower . Friday
evening;, grain ' growing- rapidly; T fall
neaatng short; clever' making poor
growth: Bops Being trained on the wires,
vines arming out, --. "J -
Philomath, Benton countyj W. II. Boles'
Weather warm, "with showers; very
favbrabla or. crops;" apples!., prunaa and
pears uneven; some orchard full, others
very light; onions promise a large leld;
hop prospects very good.. I " ' ,
Crawfordsvllla. Unn county, ''"b.". e.
Swann Weather pleaaantj with showers;
crops .doing pretty . well, except hops,
which are thin and slender; early chei
rles getting rtpe; atrawberrlea abort prop,
soma aphlg on wheat; , hay rop will be
abundant; stock doing nicely; frosted
potatoes growing some; corn doing well.
Cottage a rove, lne county,. Richard
Tapp Weather cool and rainy r gardens
making fair , progress; berries ripening
very alowly;- fruit which escaped the
frost Is doing wel; grain, especially oata.
la making very slow growth; corn poor;
grass good.
low therm Qregea. '; '.'''"""';
Wllbiy. Douglas eounty, Vf. B. tmh
Week warm and 'showery; a few local
hailstorms, but no damage done; early
grain and vetch lodged some; all hoed
crops making good growth; pastures. o
low ground bsneOted by the rains. ',t
Kerby, Josephine county, James Bpencs
..Weather cold and - cloudy: - warae
weather needed; grain of all kinds looks
favorable; no Insect pests tnjurlng It;
grass looks well, but la making alow
growth; atock doing wall; gardens grow
ing very slowly; about half - a crop of
Toung Pippin and Bpltaenberg Beauty
apples; all other trait killed by frost.
Beagle, Jackson eounty, M. A. Houston
Weather favorable for-all. crops,, but
too wet for hay making; aome fail wheat
damaged slightly . by lodging; pasturew
and atock In good condition; gardens
doing well; fruit crops medium; prospect
for oats excellent. , :
- - .: Columbia mtver Talley. - '
"Dufur, Wasco eounty, J. B. Havely
Weather cloudy most of the week, with
some t,tcal showers,, but the rain was not
general; grain la still looking well; hay
cutting )n . progrtssi. all firops... promis
ing. .
Moro, Sherman county, H. W. Strong
Fore part of the week warm, with eaat
winds; light thunder showers Tuesday
and Wednesday; latter part cooJand
clondy; air grain making good growth.
Ella, Morrow county, R. R. Orabell 1
Ne aerloua damage In thla township fron.
the dry east winds which prevailed ror
sis day and ceased Wednesday; a good
rain Wednesday evening; crops look well,
mnmm anwtt anrlfla amln--
ffeppnerriljorrow county. H; Cummlnfs
Good ralna during weea-greatiy-Dene-fited
all crops and Insured abundant
vlelds: araln proapect best In . years;
fruit mostly "killed by front early In thw
season: prospects favorable for a gooa
crap or pears - ana appies; cnernes,
prunes and peaches .poor; gardena look
good, . -.: . .
-yitean Beglon.
Elrln. tTnlon county, J. I Hlndman
Drain and crass growing hicety; fall
wheat nearly ready to head: good rains
keep summer "fallow In good.condttlonj
fruit crop will be light.
Ontario, .Malheur county, S. 1 Spann
watha avnerallv warm tend ahowery
n vaaatatlon beelnnlna to grow rapidly
alfalfa baa been held back- by COlfl
wealhep. but la now crowing nicely,
Jnaenh. Wallowa county. W. H. Robins
L-Weather warm: nice growing weather
ail erona look flna and have made a rapid
plcely; Sheep sneanng negun-. .
Merrill. Klamath county. - Pitch A
Snanner Weather cool: rain ; and hail
Friday; hll did J very little damage;
crops looking fine; splendid prospecta for
exceptionally large crop oi.wneau
Insane Man Snatched From Be
fore, Locomotive by Member
' of Oregon's Crew. '.
(Joareal Bpeelal Berviee.)
Mentone. Cel., June An Insane man
at the Patton asylum wss snatched out
of tha verr lawa of death by Nick
Huber, who went around the Horn with
the battleship Oregon. - oif her famous
10.000-mlle trip. Aa the Santa, Fa Flyet
came roaring down the atretch from
Highland to the aaylum buildings, walk
ing dowthe track in the most leiiurety
manner, whistling a tune ana swinging
a' silver-headed cans was ur. . w,
Tlbblta of Los Angeles, who Is now
patient at the asylum.
Half a dosen people aaw the danger
when too late to algnal the train or warn
Tlbblta. From behind the little brick
station a man came running In th
stride of a trained athlete. . The sailor
caught Tlbbfta. thereas a roar, a cloud
of oust and the tram tnunderea. past.
Two men in the ditch were seen
sprawling together uninjured. . Huber
saved the doctor's life. Huber has been
li years a sailor In the navy taking part
In tha battle of Santiago aa one of the
Oregon's .orew,-r-The train passed -eo
close to him that It atruck his shoe aa
he left the track, .'.'
The Pacific" Coast lee rue race Is cer
tainly -getting exciting, aaya the Ta
eoma. Ledger.- - Possibly- aome Tacoma
people 'became frightened when the
Bengals started to slide down a few
pegs, but It may not prove a mlsfor
tuns after all. It haa Just made the
punle the more Interesting. It has made
the Callfornlans really think that one
of their teams might win the pennant.
Of courae Taeomejtena know better, but
tne vague nope has caused them to ait
up and take "nolle down In the aouttr-
ern state. July SO. the date when the
first aeason ends, tg aettlnr closer.
Of -ell 'the teems,- Portland -has ' cer
tainly given Itself cause to swell. up.
The Webfootera have been playing the
real article of ball for a couple of weeks
now and, If they eonUnue they-wltr be
up within hailing distance of the lead
shortly. ' Tacoma and Seattle fans are
giaa to note this.- Portland deserves a
good team, for tha fans of thst eltv are
the real thing when It cornea to a mat
ter of supporting a club. They neve had
a loalng aggregation eo long they ere
entitled to something better.
a ow ArrmiTAnrBrxirT.
Comrhlsaloners Fairbanks. an Wllro
of 'Massachusetts are preparing .for
the dedication ceremonies of the Masea.
chusetts state building. It ta aald
that-, the--ntertalnlng will be In "real
down-east style," and-that Massachu
setts day will be one of the most mem
orable occasions of the exposition period.
eaeesiae aaawa aaaesefaWaa aaa eaeaBjsaaa.aav , .
Preferred Oaaaed oooaa.
Allen Lewis' Best Brand. . ,,.1
Closlnr of Recreation Park Will
. - .
for Athletics.
California Clubmen En T Route
Here, but Were Intercepted
rT" "at Red Bluff. -
- S porta at the Lewie anoN Clark eP
altlon are at "parade rest" t present
and - from' the speed that characteflaes
those Interested there will, not be any
athletic, competitions held .. for many
moons to come; v It haa been reported
that track and 0eld events woud be
held the latter part of thle week at the
fair, but aa the ball park la. closed and
will remain closed to the eapoalUon peoT
pie. It la difficult to aee how the sched
uled eporte can be carried ouW- The de
lay in preparing for the sports -at tha
fair baa' difficult to aeoure any
thing deflnlte reaardlng entrlea for dif
ferent events. Postponements ' have
been made In varloua events, and the
latest In the boxtn Una caused eonsld-
erable- embarrassment tq the Olymplo
olub boxera of San Francisco, who were
er route to. Portland before receiving
word of the postponement. Friday's
Bulletin sava:
"Word waa received here yesterday
afternoon that the boxing tournament at
the Portland exposition had been post'
poned a month and would take place on
July I. Meanwhile the Olymplo- club
had made preparations to seno? repreeen
tatlves In the flatlo gams-to compote In
the bouts, at Portland. Professor van
Court anTAI Kaufman, who Is to sport
the winged -W-tn-the heavyweight dl-
vlalon. left here yeaterday morning, ex
pectlng the affair to take place as first
scheduled on-Jane. lWhen the news
of' the postponement reached here Van
Court and Kaufman were Intercepted- at
Red Bluff and told to return home. Wil
lie Dwyer and Captain Roaenfleld . had
planned to leave for the. north Monday,
but probably all will leave the early
parti of next month. -
TThe Olympto-olub-had- Intended -to
send three boxers ta the exposition, but
on account. of McClalr s ahowlng at the
Hawthorne club'a eonteeta thla week It
Wgg decldedihat-he Jl 3iotyet jntltled
to represent the Olympic club In the
champlqnshlp class. He is only a be
ginner at . the game, but being a, strong
and willing boxer, who la Improving
right along, he-will no doubt be heard
from before long.
Now that the ball people have taken
the repairs of Recreation park out of the
hands of the exposition In. order to do
the' repairing, , thereby refusing - any
athletlo- contests to be held at the park,
It Is net known -what plana the' Multno
mah -Amateur Athletlo club -will make
to carry out Its oontraot with he expo
sition, president cnapin or- tne muu
noraah club aald thla morning that the
fair people have been diliatory in car
rytng out their agreement. He also
stated- that all- of the officers and com
ihlKeta" oflin eiu wuuld meet at1 the
Commercial club tomorrow ' evening to
discuss matters pertaining to the club
and especially eporta .at tbe-expoettlon.
(Jouratl Bpeelal Bvrlre.l -T:""
- Seattle,-Wash.,- June . Results of
racea at the Meadows; track, alow:
Four and a half furlongs Rodolfo
won, Silicate second, Lady 'Bimbo third;
time, 9:B.
Five furlongs Indicate won; Prince
Magnet - second, Lillian Jtjrea third;
time, 1:03. ' .
Seven furlongs - Mosketo won. El
Verracpo second, Exapo third; time.
1:81. .
i Six furlongs -.roublet won, Metla
kahtla second, . Rublna third; time.
Fivs and a half furlongs Laura F,
M. wonj Yellowstone second, Dorlce
third: time. 1:09 H.
Mils Llberto won, Isabelllta second.
Jingler third; time. 1:4414.
nrrxaurATtoirAX. xxru ooitzst.
; Journal gpedal fervlee.)
London, June I. On the famous range
at Blsley crack teama representing the
volunteer troops of - England snd the
United States lined up today to con
teetfor rettpremacyin-rineJBarksmaiP
ship. The American team Is mads up
of representatives of the Seventh real
raent of the New fork National Guard,
while their opponents are the target ex
perts of ths Queen's Westminster, volun
teers, the most fsmous of England's
rifle rangers. The winning team will be
awarded a handsome sliver urn, offered
by C. E. Howard Vincent, colonel-commandant
of the English regiment
At Chicago.
ttilce go . . . . , '.,,';. 4 g 1
PlttKhure- I T I
Dalterlea- rreiref .and O Nellli i-eever
ana 1 eiia. umpire r.maue,
... Boeo-
. R. H. E.
New Tork . 11 11 t
Boston . .' . , .' 2 4-6
- Batterlea -"--Taylor and Clarke rYWil-
helm and McCarthy, Umpire O'Oay.
At . &oula.
- .
' - R.
11 F!.
St Louis . .... .2 1
Cincinnati ......J 7 1
Batteries Egan and Warner; Walker
and rhelpkv Lmplre Frank Fear a
AxxmicAir IxAatra.
At Vhlladelpbin. .
. - R. II. K
Wsehlngtnn , ,' ..rv ........... . I. 4
Phlladerphla . 4 10 I
Batteries Patten and Heyden. Hen
4esvoaKtey-en4 nonreci
At Vew Tork.
Retteries Young and
, Crlger; Hogg
and Kleinow. ...
New York
Philadelphia . ,
ritt.burg , . ..
Cincinnati . .-.
Chicago . . .. . .
ft. Irfiula ,-.
Ronton . . . .. i.
Brooklyn . . .
' , . AsraaU0Airx.AOxra, ,
' Won.' !t
Cleveland ; . '.25 12 ,
I'hllarte Dh a . . ...... .21 IS
Chlcaao . . 22 V ! -
letrirt' ... , Z is--
Rnaton T . 14 ,21
Waahinaton . ,w IT 2lT-
New York 1 2
St Louie r-.t. ........ .1? ' te
Won. I-nst P.C
S4 10 , . .773
- .......11 1 ,50
i8 i .e5."i
:t sj ..i
S3 . i -47S
.........It 5 .442
....I. ..14 ' : .J41
,. li : 21 .tir
Daring Chauffeur Peecribea His
lingg-Wh;iv, Makings-
Remarkable Time. ..I-..,
Barney; Thin ka": That American
Urtvera Are the Best
. in the World. ;
- Barney Oldflcld, the daredevil auto
driver, whose many atartllng rides and
narrow escapes have thrilled specta
tors all over the eountry, tella an Inter
eating story of how It feels to travel
a mile . In leaa than a, minute,, , The
famous chauffeur says: .
I "How does it feel to travel a mile In
II seconds? i Well, that Is hard to de
scribe. I .worked myself up .to this
wonderful speed so I cannot tell the
sensatlons-- no Vloev would -OTperlence
when making the trip.. I have, taken on
different occasions, a newspaper man
for a ride with me, and bla experience
has -always been auch that he aaya that
he will never forget 4t There la a roar
ing In the ears, ' a stinging sensation
from the dust and obetaclee that atrlke
the face when traveling at tbia great
epeed. My . companiona saytbat the
duet the driver who may he ahead turns
Up feels like hall being dashed into tha
faceThen there is the pressure against
the face. -When going a mile In is- see
odns,.I eover ltd feet per eecond. It
feels, I am told by those who drive
with me, that something seams as
though It la being pressed against the
face, forcing the . flesh tight against
the bones. Added to that la the roar
ing, aouad la the ears from the wind.
The long atretch looms up ahead of
one like a gray rlbon and then, we are
Into the turn.
"There Is a sickening, sliding' feeling
as the rear wheels slip and try. to. take
hold- of "the" track ' and " the" front 'ones
point . In ward. -It le - the friction' that
weara through the tlrea In a few miles.
Then we turn Into the back atretch and
head for the next turn. Again the fal
tering eliding aa before. It takes tha
coolest hand and most practiced eye to
execute these tutna. aa traveling at this
rale of apeed the least variation Is fatal,.
Of course there are many waya one en n
be- hurt." There Is the wearing out of
the tlrea and the expansion from the
friction that causes them to burst end
then there le the breaking of some pert
of the mschlne. I never think of them
excepting In a general way.
"It Is only before the start thatl am
at all nervous gnd then It la about the
machine. Ia It-right? Is tvtry nut
and bolt In place? Sometimes I look
two and -three tlmee at certain parts to
see If they are as they should be. And
then I think about the way tha car will
start.- Will I get .a good lead around
the first turn or will I hsve to take the
dust which is sometimes so blinding
that Xr'have to feel my way In the dark?
I know I think about several of these
things, but with the start of the race
they seem to vanish," And thsn lt Is
speed, speed, speed I. Can. I get more
ouUnf the rsr? Tig mallee hew fas I
am ahead there Is a desire a cry thst
comes from within which aaya, faster.
And Xaaler,-still faster,. X urge my now
sliding, bouncing car.
"Around the turns and Into ths stretch
until I tee the man I am In pursuit -of
lust ahead of me, which ahowa that
I have lapped htm, and then It le the de
sire to psss him. To get ss-far ahead
aa possible, aa ths" machine may falter
or go bad and then I will need the lead
that I have attained while I adjust it.
Yes, I think many things when I am
going at thla speed, which men of sci
ence said a few years ago was Impos
sible, i think two miles a minute pos
sible on a circular track, and I hope to
be the first man to do It
"I aald that It was possible on straight
away courses and.ihls haa been demon
strated, as my car has earned the name
of the two-mlles-a-mlnute car for
straightaway racing. And it will be
possible on the track also, when they
get the regular automobile tracks fin
ished they are now building In several
parte of the country. A mile In less
than a minute waa conaldered more Im
possible on a circular track a few years
ago than two miles a minute is con
sidered now. Yes, It Is a great game,
greater because of. . the dsnger. I
defeated the foreigners much easier
Hhan-I defeated the Americana last year.
as i consider me American tha greatest em- all." rr
. , ii "
" (Journal Special BeTTlce.)
San Francisco, June I. Jim Jeffries.
the world'e champion heavyweight
boxer, will be at the ringside on July
i, wnen Marvin Hart of Loulavllle
meets Jack Root of Chicago In a finish
fight at Reno, Nevada, and on that day
the champion will formally announce
his retirement from the ring. - Egan
thinks It would be a good Idea to have
Jeff referee the contest but It Is not
thought-that -Jim -will consent-to take
such a tough Job, upon his ahouldera.
Egan expects tha winner of - this fight
to be declared the champion heavy
weight of the world, but he must not
forget that Mike Schrtck of Cincinnati
and Bob -Fltxalmraona, who Aght-at
Salt Lake City on Jul: , will stronal
opposs any such announcement. -' '
The champion haa given his word
that he will be at the ringside when
the men meet snd that he will then de
clare himself officially out of the fight
ing game ror good, and all.. , Jeff has
retired already, but he wanta to make a
sort of ceremony out of It and has
concluded to do the honors' at Reno.'
Kid Egan,' who wss a member of
Jeff's retinue for a long time, la going
to promote the Root-Hart contest The
Kid haa been In Nevada for some
months and says that everything Is
pvacttoallT' In -tadtneeej now for th e
battle. The men will fight for a $5,000
purse and a big aide bet la also likely
to be a factor. Sport mg men from all
over the country are expected i nether
at the ringside when . Root and Hart
meet for the championship. .
' vonoz to aurarma.' 4
All : notices of smsteur base- d
ball gamea, challenges and ath- e)
letlo events must be sent to this 4
l ofdee before t o'clock a. m. on"
'the day for publication. A ma- d
tour managers should pay at- 0
tentlon to this rule, aa the keep- d
rng ef It will Ineure a proper" d
report -of .their dolnga The d
JoumaL -
atLartra wow.
' (Kaerlal T1ptre te The JnarnaLI
- 'BeUevuerOr., June 4. The BeUevue
' -We will Install thla apleadld steel range" In
your home for that small payment down. Ton.
have the fulL nee of It while yon ere paying for
it on 7the small installment plan of A dollar a
week. ' Nothing could better Illustrate our faith
In-you and our confidence in the Eclipse Range.
We guarantee every range we sell. - We eeleeted '
the Eclipse ranges after more than ta years',
experience In Portland, with a special view to
their" adaptability to local fuel and weather eon
dltiona. We had the choice of many ranges, -hut
preferred the Eclipse because It is the beet range
oh the market' ' . .
Only $1 Down and $1 a Week
' Sr.: V; BUY5 THB
Eclipse Range
- It Is supplied with high closet,
grate, spring balanced oven doors;
i .in. . p .,.,ia ip, ,111 1
wood or coal: haa unsurpassed baking Qualities ..- i
and will last a lifetime. .
173-175 flST STREET t 219-227 VARHILL STREET
7 . . . , . .
. I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I H Mav V Y-W 1 VlVeF e-1
I I ll li"' ll II II.' . ' ,. , ;--, ' - . 1 U.U.u ... .-:::.-:rVi...;.--
Rr our new dtseovsrr applied to ths
gums, we do dental work without the
suffering usually eaperleneed while hav
ing dental -work-dono. The very best
dental work at the lowest possible cost
conslstsnt with flrst-claas work .is the
secret or our euceess. usaminaiion
free. Our crlcee are the lowest our
I work the best and guaranteed for ten
years. . . . r.j.,.. .
Other dentists come and go. but ths
Boston Dentists remain the same re
lUble, up-to-date dentists.
Boston Painless Dentists
I1H Xorriaom Opp. Mete rraak
ana oia yoaeornoe.
HOVRS-I:IO a. m. to I p. nu . Sunday.-fcla
to 11:10 p. m. -
Park and Washington, Portia iJt Oregoo
Th9 School of Quality" "
Open ell the year. Cetelegee free
Many People
are groping In the dark.. en
lighten you concerning the best way to
equip yourself for your battle with the
world. We - offer complete Buetness
and Shorthand courses. Our graduate
are all employed..
Business College
Sixth and Korrlaoa ate rortlaad. Or.
Open all the year. Day and night
We are In the limelight. We
-want -the -people. -the doctors
and the scientists to turn the
light on in full. Our product
Is wheat, barley and aalt, a-;
pure food. 10 cents a package.
. ae a the areret fllaeaae ea
arte, ret th. eaalaet
I II lite enre WHEN XOO
bll 1 1 Mknow what to
w w.aal ,,. Mn k, aim.
plea, spots oa tke
akla, aore la the
Month, alcera, talllaa
kalr, Bone peine, ea
tarrk. and doo't kaow
itn Br.oorrTmgowrand te dr. brown,
R9 Arrk at.-, Ptallaflelphla, Pane., tot BROWN'S
BLOOD CURB. 12.00 per kettle) laata eae
smatH. Sold Is Portlaed ealr kr Freak Baa,
Portland Hotel Pbarsiarr.
i i.-g
basebsll team defeated the Oopher Val
ley team Sunday on the letter's grounds,
the final score being to . The fea
ture of the same Va the pitching of
H. Shulti of Bellevue. Who struck out
It men, lesued one pass and allowed but
two hits. Casey weakened In the ninth.
Bore by Innings: ... -
Bellevue ..,..,1 ... 0 I
Qopher .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
' Battsrles Bellevue,' H. Bhults and
Morris: Oopher. J. Caeev snd Csmeron.
, A Fearfml Tate. -
It ta a fearful fate to have to endure
the terrible torture of riles. "I can
truthfully ssy." writes Harry Coleo. of
Mansonvllle. Ie.,'that for Blind. Bleed
ing, Itchlne and Protruding Piles, Buck
len s Arnice Halve ta the - beet cure
made." Also beet for cute, bums snd
injuries, 25c at Rei Croee Pharmacy,
Sixth and Oak streets,
and duplex
le made of
ailanf eiTT,ie
Sill l-'-T lull f
Man oraere for iinvorsi nuw uiBiyu.-- .... -.. .--
JL IVtVi JL (rill lllVMlleV
36th and Upahur Streets
' Opposite Main Entrance to
- Only absolutsly fireproof hotet adjoining grounds, equipped with
eleetrie callbelle and epeclal telepbonlo communlcaelona f or. patrons. Uni
formed porters anU beUboye at all hours at guests' ssrvlee. , . f
Rates $1 a. Day and Up ' r :
4 " ' jajT-W' ' . . 0 ;''
asa-asBB-aslSaWgBSaWBjBjsjajmeaBWMBj BeVeaWsaf .
VV. H. LATTIN, Oeneral Manager .
150 Elegant Rootng Open for Quaeta ; t- t ' tflthind Upahur Btreetg
o Portland
i Amerkan Plan $3.00 a Day v
nnej irpward. . ; (;
i- .. . . TRAVELERS. .
Special rates made to families
"and slnale aentlemen. A modern
JurHlsU batBL estabUshtnsnt injthe,
.M. O. BOW, Kaaag er. - -
Hotel Eaton
Oorser aterrktea tad Wert Park nests.
Randaoeielf farnlahed, elefaetly eqelpeed.
trtptont. Ire Blnotee' walk froal heart ef
ahopplDC a a buelBeea dlatrlet, all lama,
alrf. eutalde reona, ateaaa- Seated, eleerrle
Usbta. telapheoe ta eeck apartoaeat, etc.
Larre efsrea. Iootiin(. smoklne. wrlttat.
ladles' reeepttoe parlors. Roe me raaetied
ty Ball er Ulepbpee. ..
Prlvaka, eaalVaa saeets' toasts aad steaaMie.
Hoe ma $I.OO to $3.00 a Day
lseell. Rates ,.te Com nr rial .Mtv,
(rersMrtr et Hotel . Bedpatk. SpnkiB .
' Cor. ITtk aad Tharamaa fjtreete.
J. C. GRIFFIN. Proprietor. .
Reached by all car lines.
Ratea. )1 per day.- Roome with bath,
tl and 14 per day. - -
rf'J Oae-asBsnwas-- f jsfj"! fm 4
. Yrt wisn to eaii your attention to our immiaw
line of Fourth or July-goods, which "le now opened
for Inspection, and Is by all odds te argst beet
brand and most complete that ever waa In the city..
iIn anticipation oHlhe Jew lav nd Clark fair, we
have laid in such a large "atock aa, waa never he-
in ln thai elaas of merchandise.- re fresh,
new. For celebration fetes.' - ; :: j . v
'-ratozAXi axs or atATrnro). "
; Bsst Linen Warp Matting.' value lOo aale, yaroTlao
rz- IJ..t T.Ir,knTrernWattln-."Valua 100--aala. Taxd TgO
vm m a aAima
f We carry the largest line of Japanese and Chln
- ,H.tA. n Hi Northwest and our Brioaa atra the
. lOWeat J - - .- .-. -.- - .- . p-.r. .... -7i .
ThpWMtprn Imnnrtintf Co;
tbtu. t o.. oTorric aQTAU
Lewis nd Clark Exposition
-.'' 1 ' ""
Beaehea by the Oregon Watea
Power a By. Co. TroUey Zdnea
Write or Phone; ,". .
' I. M. auinos, acaaages.
, J v ; -('--!, Bstaeada, Oregon. . t -.
' Whether he goes by land
or sea, the traveler will find
It a delightful trip, to Sen
Francisco, where he should
atop- at the world-famed
7 "Palace Hotel
and enjoy Its many Vtreo
tive features. For fuller
Information write . to the
Palace, or see
v. a wiBBtr v
at the Portland Informa
tion and Booking Agency,
Hotel .Portland.
Tor " modern " dental work. World-re-.1
........ . nowned spsclajlata. . -. -
Lowest prices conalatent with flrat-olass
, work.
' Oo to the
- Open day and night, from 1:10 a. -m
until 10 p. m.
Klamath Hot Spring
F.levatlnn. 1.T00 feet. Twenty miles
from Acer, on th California Oregon
route. Hunting, nenlng ana ecenery un
surpassed. Hot, awlinrnlna, sul
phir and mud baths Open all tht year.
runner pafiiruiare uiua epiJiMJaiiMii,
BOBOW BBOB.. rorleoee,
fleewlrk. Hlhrnil 'Hjn'v. f" frela.
rr. "
C v