The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    . I
. . r j .
- T. ... - .-.-.J .1". - ' .
for tizK Women and children
, Today we: Inaugurate, Tn-Days 8aJe In which We will give the'
- dren of Portland and ylcinlty a money-saving opportunity to purchase a Cravenette
iand Peopjel Tel.; It 2
: - 'X" ;7j 1" HIAWATHA UP TO"DAT. ' I7: ;(-"
- ;T - Xv V-'- WCwifM. ISOI, W W. Heersfct . , , .,i ... - ';-
I 1 -iefc. ' i II -, 1 I I . B 1 1 '. v I I 1 - B - -V . B II II - II
1 V J IV v-n- -at -vi m l; ll'-I1'- 'AV J Y II '
. r -s . .. ' , 1 1 , i 1 lti -. 1
Forth front out the pathless forest
Came the dreaded Trusteroodles, .
Making strange and hideout noises,
UNoisei like t greedy porker.Z"
Noise like hungry tiger, ,- j- ' " I
Noises like a: college freshman
Roundabout the, white, man's caSin -Danced
a furious fandaft go; :
Fired arrow at the white 'man, T7 7--
Cried,- ''Come out, we want to scalp you!"
Then their leader, Coal Oil Johnnie, . ,
Clambered on the cabin roof tree, '
' Took i bunch of tainted monevt
Poured some standard oil upon it,
Dropped a lighted match upon it,
And the conflagration started.
Wildly from hit tlaiintf itabin "
Rushed, the terror-stricken white man,
"ShrieldngrSpKrg.mel I aurreuderr
Instantly the ..Trusteroodles--,,--.-J.-it4-f!
Pounced upon their trembling victim, ' ,
Kicked him twiftly round the circle,
Biffed him in the solar plexus, :' "'" .si r
And, with, cries of jubilation,
Dragged him off into the forest :
mjsm to mirAiin
Pennsylvania fieat AH "Records
--Average Speed Fifty-Three
, Miles an -Hour
v.n '
(Joarnal Special Service.) ."
Chicago, June . The , Pennsylvania
railroad be broken all record between
New York and Chicago, making th run
of 117 nllee in 17 hours. - The (eat was
accomplished by two special trains, one
running from New Tork to Pittsburg- in
'I hours and 80 minutes, and tha other
making f.he trip from Pittsburg-to -Chicago
in S hours 'and 10 mtnutee,
. Ail the way from Pittaburg to Chl
"eego the special train bearing- railroad
officials and employee encountered se
vere - headwind, which retarded : the
speed, but despite this handicap 488
rallea were mede at an average rate of
7.7 miles an hour.
, The New -Tork and Pittsburg and -of
the run, necessitating" a mountain cross
Ina-. -made an average rate of 41 miles
-an hour.- The combined rune were made
at an average of 81.8 miles an hour.
- which la the festeat, time ever mad be
tween me two cities. . "" '
The run from Warsaw. Tndlnna, to
I 1-. ... - 111 J
"They are liars, all liars the. police
man Is aa big a liar aa the landlord."
This emphatic declaration was made
on the witness stand in the police court
this morning by Mrs. Kate Connelly, ar
rested yeeterday on a charge of drunk
enness.. The evidence shewed that she
had created. disturbance at the River
side hotel, on East - Oak street, and
theatened to, kill . Mrs. James Altman,
the landlady.. , ' ' '-
"Weren't you drinking?" asked Judge
HOgU. . . - . ,'- . ' V , ,
"As heaven I my judge, your honor,"
solemnly asserted Mrs. Connelly, lift
ing her withered .hand above her-head,
"I hadn't taken a drink." . ' . ,
Three wltneaaes swore that Mrs..
Connelly's appearance, actions and lan
guage showed her to hay been drunk.
The policeman aald he em filed whiskey
on her breath. - Then It waa that aha
f took the stand and declared all who had
I appeared egelnat her---Mere
u p i
... Here are the round top
Shoes to round off your ap
pearance. .' ' V;
One needy-o, be" well
heeled to climb the hill of
tUCCeSS .. ..'r
"Here art Merfi Good Shoes "
every pair guaranteed for
satisfactory service-" ;
Chicago a distance-of 108 miles, waa
made In 11 B minutes. 2 Out of Crestline
for a distance of more than 110 miles
the Speed waa better than a mile a
minute and the maximum apeed . re
corded "by the Indicator on "one of the
cars was II miles an hour, malqtalned
for distance of three miles. ; . ,
Judge Hogue eontlnued the ease until
tomorrow; He said he would like to
hare Mrs. Connelly's husband brought
Into court ao as to hear his explanation
of why he did not exercise better super
vision of his wife. "
"I think, judge, be would have all he
could do to look out for himself If ahe
got loaded," suggested the poUeeman.
' (Special Mepatrfe t The Jorraal.) 4.W
Roseburg, Or., June 1 The fight which
the commercial clubs of Coos county put
forth to establish a: night service here
so that the malls from Coos county could
be received U hours earlier has been won.
There le now a night clerk, Charles
Field, who baa been acting aa a day
clerk, .' who will attend to the night
branch. Jason Evarte, a young man ef
the High school last year, will take his
place.-The aalary-of the postmeater at
this place haa been raised 1500 to afford
him the extra clerk. Much satisfaction
Is felt among, the townspeople, aa the
Improvement will add much to the con
venience of the poetofflce,
Delegation' " ' That ' Witnessed
Opening Ceremorjes Speaks
Highly of Portland. :;
'V ' , , . ' , :
tSgedal Dtneteh te The Josraal.)
Helena, Mont., June's. Senator T. H.
Carter,' IP. C Babcock and C E. Dutton
have returned from Portland, where
tney witnessed the ceremonies, auerva
ant upon the opening of the Lewis and
Clark centennial last Thursday.' They
all apeak In pralae of the exposition and
predict a success for the enterprise of
the-Portland. ceoDla.
"The exposition wasrpehed tf'Tlce
President Falrbanka and aenators and
congressmen and got a good end-off,'
said Senator Carter. "I think It la a
very creditable fair In every eenae of
the word and will undoubtedly prove a
great drawing card for the northwest.
bringing many visitors Into that section.
The government le making an aspect
ally fins exhibit There were a num
ber of Montana1 people present ton open
ing day. Montana haa a nice agrlcul
tural and mining exhibit. While the
state haa no building, the exhibits
from this state are given an advanta-
geoua location 1 n other buildings.
.Wherf puhtlo endorsement la lnade by a
representative cltlsen of Portland . the
proof Is positive, , Tou must believe It.
Read thla testimony. t Every , backache
sufferer, every man, woman or child
with ant. idneyItroublewll) find profit
In .the reading- ' :' ! '
W. It. Waldron of W. H. "Watdron &
Co.. real estate agents, 18 Middle street,
saya: ' Soma months ago I - began to
experience .1 dull, heavy, aching pain
In the amall of my back. Procuring a
box ef Ooan's Kidney Pills at a drug
atore i used It and was soon freed from
all- pain.- while my case was not a
severe - one, I know of others - where
life has been prolonged by the nee ef
thla valuable preparation, Doan's Kidney
Pills." . , ..' -; .
For . sale by alt dealers. Price). t
cents... Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
IV sola agents for the United States. :
Remember the nam DOAN'S and
take no other. :
--'"'' (Joaraai Bpedal flerrlee.)'
Seattle, -Jtin . A dispatch received
by the 'Northwestern Commercial com
pany from Nome yesterday conveyed
the news that the Behrlng sea. as far as
the eye can aee, la clear of lee and that
the steamer corwln, which left Seattle
May is,, arrived there Jane I with all
well 'aboard. The Corwln la the first
eeeel to Teach1 that.-northern port-thie
year arm had the ssme honor in If 04,
This news makes It clear that -the
five (vessels' which left here since June
t will not be delayed in reaching Nome,
and it Is expected they will make fast
trips.'- 1 v- . .... .
Owing to the large 'number of persons
left over from the first boats sailing.
the Alaska . Steamship - company - an
nounces that on June 14 It will send
the Farallon to- Nome.- She haa not been
on that run since 101- r. '
Articles of Incorporation' of the t
Chutea Lend company, with a capitali
sation of 1260,400, were filed with "the
eouDty clerk -this morning by Alfred A.
Aya, A. Treve Jones and Leater Turner,
Jr. The objects are to construct canals
and ditches in Eastern Oregon, deal In
real aetata and to transact other busi
ness under the franchises and) rights of
' (Special Dbpateh te The losrpaL)
Seattle. Wealu..June (. In order to
escape a sentence' In the state peniten
tiary for. life. If convicted of -highway
robbery, as h has - twice served sen
tences at Walla Walla for the earn of
fense, J-W. Collins yesterday agreed to
enter s plea of guilty and the prose-1
cutlng attorney in return agreed not
f to abMuJ-rltnInel 4nfoematlmr
Colltna was only too eager to get Into
the courtroom, to enter hie pie, before
the prosecuting attorney could change
Jia mind. He wss accommodated and
almost leu 10 xn noor wnen in couri
eentenced Mm to H years at hard
labor. ' , . . .-. ;
- nni Airo oatvos nr jatu
"7i -" T-'(ieai Bpeelal Serrle.V '
.Montreal, June . Commissioner Ia-
fontalne this morning gave a declelon
In the case of Oaynor and Green, com
mitting the two. men for- extradition.
He ordered them to jail to await the
arrival of Lvnlted States officers.
The California promotion -eommltte
will bold special exercises In the Audi
torium Monday morning-at 19 .o'clock.
The Aitmlnlstratlon band wlU furnlat
iuusiq ior toe eeossion, . , , j
The, committee oh Rose day of the
Portland Rose aociety takea thla means
of tendering thanks to all those who so
ably assisted in making the display sn
unqualified - auccess. - The committee
especially desires to thank the press of
this olty from Its generous advertising
snd free notices' of the event; to Colonel
Doeoh. Messrs. Hardee, Oskar Huber
and other officials of the exposition for
their unvarying - courtesy and assist'
ancs; to the Judges who so ably per
formed their arduoua duty, and to Mr,
Oeorge Otten, under - whoae direction
the Auditorium was transformed Hito a
bower of beauty. It particularly ap
preciates the help given - by Meesra.
Martin A Forbes and Clarke Bros., and
the, costly and beautiful dlsplaye made
respectively by them.
The committee also wishes to than
th members- of - the Rose society! for
their untiring error is in collecting and
arranging such masses of roses, and
also those numerous friends who so
generously donated their choicest speci
mens and other flowers. Finally, thanks
are hereby tendered to ' Mr. il Allen
Lewis and THr. W. P. Olds for their
kind contributions of the necessary. Jar
for the rose show.
: Committees
(Jooraal Special service.)
- 1as Angeles, June . In a heed-on
collision near Riverside on the Salt Lake
eV Ban Pedro, roed today T. EJ, Carey
and Norman Selser, brakemen. were
killed. A- special newspaper tcs In- f rerft
Lo Angeles eolllded with Overland Ne-.-L
Both locomotive were demolished.
The failure Engineer Olllotte of
the overland to obey ordetp le responsi
ble for the wreck. He was ordered to
take a aiding, but instead wes funning
at full speed t make Fed ley station,
when he collided with' the newspaper
train, which was also going at fail
speed. - I. ---
' Engineers and firemen jumped.' but
were badly bruised. Frank W. Shaft,
mall clerk .on the overland, was fatally
Injured. Knights, of Columbus occupied
the reSr bosches on the overland, but
bom were hurt. .. A,
-kllUWU BS'ltiS Olege
Development company. ' Other Incorpor
ation today were: "-V..J, .
Garvin Cyanide Extract company, by
B. "J. Garvin, Samuel Chalmov and R.
W. wllburr capital stock. !), W0.
Northwest. & Alaska .Indian Exhibit
company, by John E. Altchlson. M. O,
Munly and William' R. ., Litsenberg
capital .. stocks 110.000, and object-to
cqnduct an exhibit at the Lewis and
i;iara lair.
At 60c on the Dollar Saved ,
This stock of over five Thousand Raincoats. and Mackintoshes must be cleared out In
very short time." For the next tendaya very special values prevail, and the lot will not :
last long at the prices we have marked them. : Attend this sale by all means. - Bring your"
'i-i-:-'.v;';.,i;;.: 't- ..'-.;-. V.V t xri: friends. r.. :'7-V'." ';-;Vr :'-y;:-; ;: ; , ,y:y.
: - .Mn's Cravenette
-. Raincoats - '-
A large - variety : of Raincoats for
s--men. -Some In lot are full lined
- with satin. Satin aleevea. Theee
' are good values at - ' C AA
1 .'111.10.', Our prlc..i.;'.e?i.VW
, Craveuetto Coats In staple plain ef
fects, large shoulders,- full, roomy
'back, snug fitting collar, 85 tnchea
long. Values ,11.10 CA
and IIS. for. .. .... ', . . e?O.OU
900 Ken's Craveavettes . of fancy
. tweed, gray, tan and .black. Silk
lined. Good "value at ,, . t'J' CA
116.00, Sale price.'. aPfaOU
OntTematee Ooa In Oxfords, hlack
and . novelties, - all hand . tailored,
athletic ... shouldsre,full leoee
i backs! very swagger. Valuea 120,
Oraveneetes Thonsastdai of. styalsh
- eoata to select from In this range,
r "" Kvery ' . garment ' hand-tailored.
; Valuee'las, M0 7 fJA
Ut.. for . ......... ...,Iv.DU
aTFSOXAX AHlmilOaT 1 eaUed to
-i. thle-lot ef very high-grade Men's
; Imported - Raincoats, Paddock
style, full - tailored satin lined,
i made tuall from l-to- He.
For this retiring- sale,, your se-
"irSt; $13.50 i
. Men's and Women's ;
n, 1 Mackintoshes : .
IJ.OO Men's . Mackintoshes. ..$ l.BO Storm CoaU.-. . . . , , .3.50
$10.00 high-grade Box CoaU.f3.TB
11.00' Mackintoshes v.......f4.60
$11.00 high-grade Imported' '
aoth ... . . . ... . .......... f 6.00-
$ Ladies' MacklntoshesT-r - '
with Capes ......91,.50
$,00 Berg wool Coats, '
- with Jspes ;;.Tr. 93.60
$8.00 Boys'; Mackintoshes.... 91.BO
$4.00 Girls' Uaoklntoshes... 91.50
$$.00 Girls' Mackintoshes . . . , 92.00
Ladies1 Ragtans
Made of extra fine Covert Cloths.
Sergea and All-Wool Oxfords,
any, color. They have full Bishop
sleeves, two v pockets, best "all
rennd velvet "; collars k and two
shoulder : capes: : actual .value
$t.00 11.00. 110.80. Sate wrioe,
z $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 1
m Cravenette Raincoats :
:u':'t:Z: for Women Z'll
A very good. " model la tea color
, Cravenette. haa box-plalted back,
double-breasted front, flat tab
collar " large box-plalted .1 sleeve,
ouf fa. trimmed with tab, . raglan -.
pockets. , Made to sell for $10.10.
.v-rr,li!s '.---yrr-v:: e4 en
sale - .,ii,i,l.r.,i,,ii,1,v1V
An unuaually good style la Oxford ,
'and Olive Cravenette made In
ainglevand double shoulder capes.
' looss doubls-bressted front, fancy
stitched tab collar-extending1 over
shoulders, shaped belt. full
, sleeves, turned cuff. Never sold
lees than $11.80. Our . CA
plica or this sale.. 0.0U
-Wing1-cap in Ollva CraTenette,
loose nacg, nat stitched tueka
forming ' box plaits, belted aeross
back, loose, "double-breasted front,
new full eleeves. pointed cuffs,
htgh velvet collar. The neweet
1001 model. so fv
Jbadisa Owwranatss slneosSa. Shades
and texture , of cloth the latest,
' atylea the neweet designs. " Ao- '
tual ' valuea from $28 to 188.
you -cannot be present yon can reach us by mall? Crar Mail. Order Department
fully equipped to handle th enormous -rush. Bend cheat nr boat anum
length. Mall orders must be accompanied by Postofflce or Express Money Order.
The large order given by the stats
of Oregon to Charles Coopey for uni
forms for the. National Guard la nearly
completed, and the last of 1,800 coats
will be delivered to the state next week.
Mr. Coopey's establishment haa-been
running on uniform work some weeks;
employing about SS people. - Uniforms
have been made for . the employes of
the Oaks, the attaches of the Lewis and
Clark Accommodation bureau, and the
boya who are employed in all offices
at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Mr.
Coopey is negotiating with .the stste of
Washington for manufacture ef a large
number of ntrilforme for the National
Guard of that state.
Innes' program for this evening will
Include a number of popular selections
and several classics. 'The Laist Hope.
juonengrin, "The Kustlo Mill" and the
"Uir'ovsrture will , be eraong -the
numbers. II the weather is unfavorable
the concert will be played In the Audi
torium. Innes will eall Jane IS "Paral
fsl" Sunday, when he will play the
Wagnerian masterpiece The : Sunday
following Tannnauser" will be featured.
(Joaraai Special BervlFe.)
- Palermo, Sicily, r June - O.--Slx men
were 1 drowned here today during a
course of experiments with a new sub-
msrlne boat....
4ti texts, trans' -rnxMLMHCC' oai
. voir bitlow 4 nnoi. -
. i ' 1 ' N ' ' "-.
-- trt Joaraai Special ervtee.TTTT:'
- Berlin, June . Chancellor von Bulow
wss created a prlnoe by Emperor Wil
liam toaay. . - - .
annuuoAsra nr snrw tobx.
: (Jnornal Special 8rrl.) .
Blnghamton, N. T., June I. A tornado
last night wrecked four houaea and
damaged 100 here. ..Much, damage. Is re
portea in aajaoeni counties.. .- -
- " OX.B soorrv xjiABoro.
Old Scout, the automnhlla whlh la
leading the race across the continent,
mmu at T Jt rm le. Wvomlnr. nn Tim. e
mwtJ 11,, mm . . -
m a kei Q Qmllea 3 ally fronv there -em
The lecture on Oregon's mlnlnc re.
sources oy r. a. uitnrop, M. E. and
K. E., under the ausplcea .of-the Port
land board of trade, will be at hall
400. Alisky building, st 8 o'clock to
" There - Is just - one way to
have goc..i:.,l..'.';.L".jrL-'
.-;. . tavedng eswesSi ' , "- seas
econornically : : J :
ScUllirrgVvj.Uest, at ' youir
gtocet's, moneybak. r
Set X-
"Romance, of Seventy-Six".
atlea Bertba Crl(litoo, wbe will appear at
the Marqnaa Grand theatre thla evening la
' ' A llMMam a. IT. 1 1 1 . . . w V.
. v . , v., will wv wupiwrw U UU,
or the stmngeet companies ever seen la this
city. Her leading nan, Howard Gould, Is well
knows in this elty and kae completely re
coered from hie recent illnees. Others ef
Joha Darlee. Joseph Thompsoa, Kate Bnamers,
rraaces Vaa BeyseaxHn, and Lillian Muscle.
Clever Show at the Grand. :
7t7ir,w sppeered- at, the t5nod y.iterili
snd wtrh their stranse garb, plctureaqne pow.
era aad weird araalo nested aa oriental at.
mospaere that won Immediate favor. The
RnM..f.mllv nail. kl. - - ii !.. i t
Dmiir l. and ford aing catchy soots. Kddle
Ernie pleased by hla balancing and dancing.
Joe Bonner sang aa Irlah ballad, and the
grandtscope exploited "The Bigamist.''
- "The Prince of Detectives."
Those whe sttend.d the Lyrle last alfht
went away more tbaa pleased, with "The
Prince of Detectives," which was thoronshly
satisfying, xiu WUson and TJwm.a iL Clarke
earry off the aenore and have firmly established
thenwelves la pohlle favor. Thomas B. Clarke
la an exceptionally elever Sherlock Rolmo.
The lyrlaeope and - Thomas W. Bay la Uloe
uatee oeiua eoMruta 'oetweea acta ';
1 At the Baker. :
-"Cats are at a premlnat at the Bake this
week. Smith and Cook, In their slnclng and
talking aet aaore than please. Jones is the
mmUeat sees Sere la years. nianeaard sad
All mas have a clever aklt; Mm, aifretta
makes the speetstnrs hold their breath; Jeaa
Wilson, Bant brothers, Smith and Cook, Sal
vlnl and the bakerograph complete s bill
that is far above the ordinary.
TV . ; Star'e New BUI. "
The Star elTered an entire aeW Mil yester
day which was all that eonld be desired. The
rearnre act M tne jnggnng jnroana. perle ai
plamant ate hack arala tor the weak. La Baa r.
Ray Osdea k Co., aamanra a Winters, Soaf-
ford's soat and dog show, Richard Bertoa.
and the staroecope are au er. nigh ewer of
Tr-" Comedy at the- Empire.'
TJie faree eetnedy, "Racket's Wife," made
decldee hit et the openlne Simdar after.
nana and evening at the Kmplre, and the
large- andienees were much pleased. There ie
matinee every oay at tna ampire st 1:18
o'clock, , The evening performance starts st 8:18
o'clock. , y
- , . I-
-1 i . . . a a-- , -fc,. -ah. ......
Mill' Iff 'EasllrJ enables anyron tff secure the nest rwate!T, Ml1"
f f there la by almply. paying' a amall amount when
I I "making pnrehaee (you get' possession When making '; 111 llll 1
I I 111 ",T,t paymsnt), the balance .....-., ' I., "Il 'lf""
1 11. . - $ 1.00 :a-Week jllli ,
a w "rry 11 th n,Sn,"t rra'e"--Elgln, Waltham Ulli '
l and' Hampden works Boas, Fahys, Dueber and Jt '
- UV Crescent cases, solid gold and gold filled. In endless , ,
YrtJ 'VV variatlee and sises, from II to 188. . - I I will t
nw tobx socottt MBTnro.;
The New fork State society will bold
ita regular semi-monthly ' meeting In
the Elks , hall, Marquam building, to
morrow .evening at I o'clock. An
especially Interesting program has been
arranged and. a delightful evening le
expected. ' . -.j . ,.ijsi
Four , hundred thousand . steel-head
salmon eggs are being hatched Id the
Oregon state hatchery In the Foreatry
hulldln at the Lewis and Clark exposi
tion. Every- phase 'of fish culture will
be Illustrated st the hatchery until the
elose of the eapeeiuon..- A. , . .. .t. .
Troubles-Cured Free.
If you are a sufrerer In any form ahd will Bend. s the name of your
druggist, we will furnish you through him free, one dosen bottles of
West Beden Bitter Water, which will relieve or entirely cure any. rase of
kidney trouble. . Thla offer is made to a limited number of sufferers for
the sola purpose of Introducing this wonderful water Into . your nefah
borhood. the only Condition being the privilege to refer to you (when :
cured) In corresponding with prospective euetomers In ybuf locality.-
No Testimonials Solicited. , No Name Puiliihed,
-' AH that la required Is your name and address, the name of your drug!
(1st and full partloulara rsgarding your case, accompanied by this offer.
'Ortgoh pally Journal. ', ' r
f LonlsvDIe, Ky.
. ...