The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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    '' H rir. .: ;' r :-: - - - :" - THS : OggGOM ' DAILY ' JdURNAU' PORTIND.' TUESDAY EVENING' .JUNE-lS3.:.i:':ir--.-:
' H
Every Dollar ' h"--: .4 KSfe-- q s-
; W - j r- Credit - Acxommodations ; we cx- : J 7 - ' ' ' J t - j I 1 :
s o- o 1 - ar -' 1 1 , -v. ' .- -,. . , i f '1
It 4-i a, . . " i U . i I ... J I ---g
: - - '':J-- ...v -. ..-rr, . - I;; V T ,
Little Black Spots unoef,itvet o ine uovemraem sunuuig snow ub uuu uum uvu,v-i ..... .
. .'...-.:t '-
patrons to pay . at the small pay
ments of $1.00 a week are abso
lutely FREE. .No charge nor-
t interest whatever.
i.' 'v. - V 4 -
Tr Select yonrDms or Outing
Suit, Fancy Vest, Hat r ani
Shoes Now.
, ''r-Tr'tfTT Store Whei Your " ,
u : :--;--'-Credit IsCood. - U
Hi ir ii ii i in :
"""'THello. Cntrkl, eonnict'nf with thit"
datMtabl Mrs. Hlsnnyar. wno uvm
nxt th northweat corner ana i -f i
wy talking about lr neighbor. I
hoc ah lan't at home," aald Mrs.
8 wallow took 4ow th I
ol ver of her party Una. which i a part
of tha aerial eervica that haa oeen m
atalled under tha eaves of tha Govern
ment building; at tha xpoalUon
(rounds.. i- -
"Hello, dear, is uia youi -- i m
flad, for I was afraid you mlrhv te
ut salllna; this afternoon. I've Just
heard -. such ood news tha custodian
Isn't colna to tear down our homes
after all I believe It was simply newa-
paper talk In tha first place, ana aon i
believe the government ever had any
serious Intention of taking; -official no
tice of uav
Architect Jones' Chosen In Com
"' - petition With Those of Good-";
rich and Huffman.
Building Costing One 'Hundred
Thousand Will Be Erected -When
Site Is Chosen.j
nr tha nronnud Mat aide Hlab school
wero accepted by tha city board . of
school directors - yesterday afternoon.
Tha other competitors were Captain W.
1- Vi Goodrich and J. P. Huffman. -
. Tha plans are for a three-story brick
structure with stone trimming, 174 by
- It feet in dimensions, with a large
basement the estlmated-eoat-owhl"n
a tlWMMiv ThTeatures of tha bulld-
tag are Its large corridors, high ceilings,
spacious classrooms and excellent Ught-
Ing and ventilating facilities. An Im
mense assembly hall il by l feet -'
tenda from the ground fjoor'to the
"-celling; light la had from an Immense
skylight by 4 feet In tha roof. A
gallery- extends around three sides of
the assembly hall, whleh will have a
' seating capacity of 1.600. The audi
torium Is In tha nature of a court aet In
the center of the main building. Around
, ; It are corrldora ranging from 14 to It
feet wide, while tha classrooma and of
"T f lcee on the first and second floor are
ranged around the four sides of tha
court and open Into tha oorrldors.
On the first floor are 11 large class
rooms with a seating eapaolty of 0 to
100 students each. On tha second -floor
are 11 additional classrooms, a princi
pal's room and two teachers' rooms. A
chemical laboratory it by C4 feet, an
art room to by 64 feet and two large
literary society, rooms for students are
located on tha third floor, and In add!
t Ion to theaa are several, large rooms
which may be converted Into either lab-
oratorlea on classrooma Each floor is
supplied with the necessary cloak and
slorerooma and' lavatories. 1 1 1
Ia-tba-feasementis a-large room for
manual training and a physical Ubora
tory, lunch .rooms, boys' and girls' rest
rooms, snd a large room in which will
be the heating apparatus and . other
space which may be used as a gymna
All tha classrooms are so arranged
that they hav an abundance of light
and tha corridors have numerous opea
lngs for light and ventilation.
The site selected for the new High
school is the block adjoining tha Haw
thorn school, but there has been oon-
-Ttinirni-JJflBH lahlf aMaallr. of seoupleg tn itnclia
" i .... . iir!AL I
Unpulisnea Aavenxure. im
: " "Band ; of Indians., "... ,
in soma other locality.! In, order to pre
serve the vacant lot at tha Hawthorne
school as a playground. As soon as the
location question is decided the contract
for the building will be let.
1 'waHmsaHaMawMaaBasjaaHa-'
Enters the Newspaper-Rat
N.- lTUhafer, who for mora than a
year has been . business and advertls
Ing manager of the Chicago Clothing
Co., resigned his position on Aha first,
and has taken the management of tha
advertising department of tb Peutsch
Zeltung, a weekly German publication,
Mr. Bhafer's success ss a maker of pub
licity la well known from the Atlantic
to the Pacific where he has handled the
advertising of large eonoerns. His abll
Ity along this line- hss been demon
strated -on many occaalona during the
four years tie naa resiaea in jrorxiana
He -knows how to do good advertising
and no doubt will mag a auooeaa oi
his new undertaking.,
Bl 1.JI. .al LJI aa a JPBV-W , I
JJaaff Fmiilna. Turning Ormy
NO REST, no sleep. Itch. Itch. Itch,
scratching: until tha tender skis
initio kw 11AUriM4 SikAP A 1..MA ' AC.lttu
, ln.i.Dtlf anMa aancrug, kill geraM, .top kaur
tailing. BMBua growth f ttalrk, loatrona k'l
t tha rick eolor anS feeaaty at yoata. Cas
- Blrsalt arttk alaraaa soap, It
K000B Yarn looking Young -
Lre SO. IkatOa aVacvMa. Yak satbtaa
, wluVmt Pklla Ba 8pcUUles C. algoatara.
Frt- Sssp Offer c&&nt'&&
Riga tUS, taka fn anf of follsiring dratglits a4
tM 0e. bnttl Blrllk aa4 Hxs. eaka H.rflna
BI4. far ete. ihl a4v.
. Medlratr snap, fcoth tat aoc.; tagalar price 7M.
r arat br Phlkt Urn? Co., Newark, M. i., pro-
as sot alvea br rariit wltaoat tkls
aUn saiv. fad Me. tor Ualraaalta.
becomes Inflamed, aor and bladln.
1IM by Sklokealtk Traatnant will 0
luff .ring uitla oua uunaac r".r
Mault tn mbdI. onta. Moitltl
may BarAna baa so offlial tar ekaSng, Irrltv
tlon. Yrnptloaa, aanornir. tnia aair, acaia saaa,
kl'illctl. aatlaeptle. saodorUIng, (raaranj,
. "A Brtath f Pins Balaam In every ttttf .
I.m lf Mkaa: eakaa Sflc.r erentata.
Ratuaa oubatitata. X soap is BMdlcaUd
UK Harona. -
Mannfaptored by fhtlo tTi ajwrlaltle fb..
Kawark. N. J... Tak sotkiog aruaoal tbia
aisnaiaivoa rM , '
Siua wrapper:
WooeUH, CUrke Co, jrrtk aaa VaaUagrtom enreeta.
Ana'com "to" thlnkrf IV it would
be rather petty thing for a big gov
ernment to do to . go to war against
this colony that, never did taka any
Intafekt In that aort of thmavo-wouldntl Have mora -right In the building than
rfi-i- , . " . I we' have." said'. Assistant Custodian
Springer, "and It looks eruel to-destroy
the nests that they built with such, oar
After thinking the matter over, gov
ernment officials have decided that It Is
a rather InalKBlficant occupation, so the
swallows will be permitted to keep
their - homes " under' the eaves - of the
great - structure on th peninsula.
Myriads of mud nests hav been built
and ar one of -th moat Interesting
f eaturea ; of ' tha fair. "- Hundreds -of
visitors paus-dally in their wander
ings and watch the queer antics of th
Inhabitants of th aerial colony.
Frequent . efforts hav been made-to
dislodge them, but without . success.
Th nests have been rebuilt1 as fast as
they were, destroyed mnttl ' th officials
hav decided to ceas further , f forts,
for a time, at leaat.
"They aotvauy seem to tninx - may
and labor. Wa have tried a number of
time to get rid of them, but they Vj
ways com back, so w hav decided to
Hot them stay for -a tlma" . .
- Bo' bold bav th swallows ' becora
that 'they hav . plaaUrad tha ntlr
aouth end of the building with nests
snd both additions to the building hava
been covered for several weeks. , During
th day-th air is filled with darting,
speeding swallows that i hav , made a
feeding ground of the apace between
th building and tha lake, . : -'
F.M." Splawn Comes to fair
-Wearing Land for Sale ;
'"TTZ'. , Sign. ;. ' 2i
m - 3--ai-i-'t i. otrana-a
Vic plhnd on th coat of T. M. Bpiawn, i '.ZT 7 J ,1 : i 7.r.xalv IorcM gauieraw in neipiea wn-
tl years of age,, who -visited we lair
v..i.rdRV and today. Mr. ppiawn nas
been a resident of yie, ani
... a a. mm
rountv. Washington, ror ns pi
vaara. and was on f th eany pionaera
of OrtgonirHr crossed th plains with
an ox team in 1852
"Of. course I hav land for sal, ana
that's why war this. slgn'haald.
'1 hav a whol-setln of lanflr-so
acres. In Klickitat county.-where I hava
lived for 14 years.- Three years ago my
wlf died, and my sevn children nave
ii irt hnma. So I hav flee idea to sen
Lsnd In order "to let peopl know that I
Hav tana iur au a wvm - .B.M -r-Mr.
Snlawn is a veteran of th Bogus
river Indian wara When he cam to
Oregon h settled in Lane county; from
thr he moved to Polk county, and
thenc ' to Klickitat county, Washing
ton. .. r ' -
I "Wh.n thov ware nrenarlna the hlg
tory of th Hogue river wars mey
wrote to me for whatever experiences I
oould remember.", he said.- "I sent them
an xperienc I had with our colonel
and with a band of Indiana that
aever . printed. jidDr4--sBillnry de-
aama-ts b nrlnted. for Tr is a matter
of history in which very survivor of
tha wars will be interested.
'"Colonel Klsy was in command of
our regiment, -and Captain Nowland
commanded my company. One Colonel
Kelmy left me by myself surrounded
by to or 40 red. devils, and It was the
experience of my life In getting away.
It was that experience that th official
history of the war did not publish.'
Colonel Kelsey had about 76 troops that
he marched down a pteep cliff neaf
Rogu.rlvr. On th other aid of th
cllfr suddenly appeared a large num
ber of Indiana? . They yelled fleroely at
us, swearing and cursing and daring
us to coma across.
"Wa fired at th Indians for a time
snd they returned th flre -until Colonel
Kelsey finally ordered four oi us to re
main ther ' whll h ' tookr th ' other
troop back-and brought retnforce-
"I lay down ' in th brush, , thinking
th other three-would do likewise. Ft
nally the Indians saw ma and -cam
across th ravin. -' Seeing m alone they
thought f wa wounded and couldn't get
away. I looked about for th other
thre men, but couldn't find, them, any-
wher. .-' .. .... .. .,..:. .. . i.... . , ,
' .."Th Indians set up a horrible yell as
they surrounded- me, o I 'ducked' Into
th brush again and hid ther until maxk.
As soon aa night fell I mad a dash for
It and ran the race of my llfei I ran
across country that ordinarily a man
could not hav walked across."
- Missouri will hava an exhibit of fins
arts at th Lewis and Clark exposition
under-th " auspices of th 8t Louis
Artists guild. For this purpoa a large
gallery -betn; ' erected In. the Tear oi
the Missouri state building. Th gallery
win b ready lor occupancy-by the end
of the -week.
Oeorg Julian Zolnay, ' pratdnt of
th guild, who " has '. been placed in
charge of ' th display," aute .that
the offering of , 4dlsaourl fin arts
will include representative canvases,
black and -white and studies by tha beat
sculptors In- the state. A pedestsl haa
been conatructed In front of the building
on which will be placed a heroic statue
oi Missouri, in conception vi aar. ui-
Supremacy In North 3 End -Dis
appears When Sheriffayep-
uties Watch Ballot Boxes.
paaslng lo and out of th Frits resort
on Burnstd btreet, and an Investigation
was mad at one.. Tb shnn round
th report wag untrue and, bent on en
forcing th law, just as quickly didhe
give Frits a square deal br spreading
th word that pom on had .maligned
Frits, and that h- waa'bbserylnc th
" roUtloal" Kino Vdmbl.
' In all- precinct -which draw., their
strength from the, bad lands, they stood
around" the polling booth and yearned
to slip In their ballots-to roceiv the
promise apiece, but th system
wa against them. nd the number, of
Illegal votes castL-waa.. raduoad -to - a
-minimum. ' Often they gnahd their
teeth with rage, and bos of th pra-
clnct saw their prestige melt Into noth-
lltlcal kingship over aubjacta that knew
no questioning of orders.
. In th political history of this eltyi
haa been recorded nothing quit Ilk It
Thar wu almost pathos in th altua-
ed whr th -dlaoom-l
Denizens of Bad Lands
Are Good.:
lTesterdaymorn1n L anxiety marVed
seen In th north end, centering around
Frits' s. Erlckson s and Blaslefo resorts.
Where usually ar liftenaa activity, mar
shallng of forces, aid prompt . obdlno
of order from political chieftains, wr
nervous apprehension , and hart-rena-
Ing- fear.
JMcans do'thingjthat is j
correct asrcgardsstylc
.workmanship-and 1 fit-
andpriccd right.
Yw'HIsdvc: time;
trouble and expense
by inspecting our line.
. Portland JtgtmU for -
Alfred Benjamin's .
Hand-Tailored Clothing
Biiffum & Pendleton
Ctothton, Hattort. Fuml$hor$ . ' '
Something had happened that was not
a familiar element to th denlsens of the
bad lands. Word had reaohed ; the'ra
tharhr-terrore-f outraged Jaw await
ed the man who attempted to violate
tb election statutes.
"Tell tha boys they must b good to
day." was th command, backed by the
official announcement of. District At
torney Manning that h would prosecute
violators of th election laws, and tha
declaration by Sheriff Word that depu
ties . wer stationed all pvertncity
ready to arrest law-breakers.
"Thee men mesa business." was the
reluctant oomment of th north anders;
and the anxloty of th eany rorenoon
tionrg "flde rxenednto gloom pronmna
as tho day wore on. and It was apparent
that th floater would travel a rockyj
road. If they attempted to vote niegauy,
'Whara'i da douabr" was in ire-
quent query, ss red-nosed loafers stood
on th ldewalk, ana nopea ior m wu-Ing-of
th man with th sack. "Dls is
someflng awful. Not'ln' doln'." .
' IJttls Toting ia Bad fcaada,
Throush th bad lands district, from
precinct to precinct, stalked Tom Word's
i At 19 o'clock.- vigilant watcher re
ported that men had been run Into
hnlltnr near tha boiling plao of the
ninth precinct. Deputy Sheriff Cordan
drove straight to th man who wa re
ported to b handling a seek In. that
house, and said:.-
- Yn muat atoo that."
' No mor vote wer bought In that
tu.Mtv '. .. - '
In th fourth preclnot, said an ariy
nir man wer ta b-offered as can
didate's for affidavit voting, a bedraggled
lot of unfortunates, wnos iacea oios
.nn.. with tha cutdI roses of whiskey.
-Before fiv minutes had passed, five
pairs of sharp eyes had gated at th
gang and th owners oi ma
k h. nnillna- booth, ready to challenge,
On. h.nna-a was enough. Affidavit
.niin. miaai after four had been sworn
In. - all of whom wer men known to a rlaht to VOt. -
Bherlft Word heard that men wer
fusion. anaXeTf!fBlos- to pity -tor -tha
fallen Readers. But. th. orders wer
strict: ' -
"Arrest any man guilty of violating
the election laws." And th quondam
boosters somehow a earned to real Is that
th day of their defeat had com. Loud
boasts war heard that "there's nothing
to It but Williams," but th tone wer
hallow and did not carry conviction to
the hearers. :
From th residence .precincts poured
In the reports that Lane waa carrying
th district wher ar th homee of
th peopl. It wa aa vinegar In fresh
wounds, for th light voting In th bad
lands by reason of prevention of fraudu
lent ballot was killing th ' heart of
their erstwhile proprietors.
- It was an election 4be remembered,
when th portion, of lh city that one
reeked with corruption on election day
waa taken In th strong grasp of th
by falthfuLsentlnels and oompelled
to be gooa tor on, v
4, Young houiekoeper v.ho.lolthJng
sq. wlU pprciat thli dellcloai ideticrt,
: ' "rtf'tpse io easily prepared ind quick
Ijr, ienred.
ENERGY, 10 cents 4
Th peopl hare , hav a go-ahead
glint in their eves," said Joe Mitchell
Chappl. proprietor of th Katlonal Mag
axlna. who arrived - yesterday accom
panied by Mr. Chappl. ' H wIU re
main until Thursday. Concerning th"
exposition-! said: - -
Tl will pay th J&eopla, of th East ft
mlu t to tnkv the trtp writri
Ton - know an "eastern ' man never
amoants to" anything until h comes
west. ,Th surprise an eaaterner will
experienc In coming here, will b aa . '
great as that axperlenced by an Ameri can
on his flast trip" to Europ. No ;
man 'knows th history ofjjt "country
untl he ha seen-lt. I have com to
th west to become acquainted.
This Forestry building I marvelous, j,
It Is worth a trip serosa th eouajtry."
permit their high school and colleg ,
Two Ways
lavouT6tIced"a dlffleulty ' tn
branthlna- ahort quick breath when
you -arr waiaing. gums '."''.--
f ' - anffr id? exalted. I OI
may not think what this mean, but
doctors win wu you n , -
beTak.L.r0,,ile.' New Heart Cur at
one. It will strengthen and build up
th weakened nerves, and jnuselss of
the heart, and mak it strong and
healthy. - . ,:
- This is on way4h-Ttghl ray, ---- -Neglecrit
a littl while and you will
then notice FlutterlngPalpltatlon. I1
siness. Fainting Bpells, Psln In region
of heart, side nd shoulder, Stomach
and Kidney troubles. This Is serious.
s lt is th other way th wrong way.
.. Dr. Miles Heart Cure
Is a safe, stirs remedy, and- Is curing
Heart Plseak right along, as thousands
will teatlfy. . . . , . .
- "I had enlargement of the heart Th
dnrtora said I could live but ' a short
time. I took Dr. Miles New Heart Cor
which reatored me to perfect health."
. A. M. BA88KTT. Wellington, Ohio.
Money back If first bottl- fall -to
W a a , r
r .'IT
o ;: ;:ScllSL.ttie Right Clothing at
P2JQ iPf&c' i;:v;the,Right;Prices;;;r ;-; ;
i ' ' t 'ii ' ' 1 a J - ' ' ' -.
- . Boys' Suits - . : jlfC "
', .'-V-.. : aff.a-iC
Men's Underwear, . Sox, .Shoes, Shirts, .
'h SJHats aridf Neckwearr-S
- -'--. ... ..