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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
' V V Wi Oregon daily Journal. Portland, Monday evenino7"JUNE i 1905. 0 ). -I- SI5,C:0 LOST DY republicans do not Vote for mayor STRONG PLEA W. LAV ENFOMM PICTURESQUE AMERICA FOR THE COMMON PEOPLE. 1L -r , T (Copyright, 1808, by W. B. Hearst, . - THE BAD 1AT0ER T Pffter.A kt Ht' kMhiMra-' Mf FaitUnd. Or. lor irauapnrLatWa tbruuk the Baslle eeeoaeV Many Opposed ta Mr. Williams' Policies Leave Head of y::. Ticket Blank. -'. - Rev. - J."rWhitcomb- Brougher Urges Congregation to. Vote' for Citizens' Ticket."" ri !... ... .. ... -( t . l . v.- a IO tf If. mauei. Rain Has Cost Tham . That Amount. papa paper, 1 mt; 1 to 80 pagee, eeata- W aa e poena, ceuia. it- : '.v . -. .,'. . ..: 1 i .r -f ' . j i s'L 1- Editorial Rooms,.'. tKflce..... 150 N.eaau mwI, A Jtgrki TfUwe SullsV f us. cuicapo, . .. - ..t,.,.. ,'. . VMCKITTIOV JUTtB. ... Tama b Carrier.--' "Th rulls Tn.l Uk Biiatlavi 1 Tear. . .17 BO The Dallr Journal! 1 raar 8.08 Tap iMIle-Journal, ertlh SmbU7, aoaUl,. T Tbs Dslly jouraal. g awaits 'Th itait in......! ith aimfiav. S aaoatbe. l.Po The Dall journal. menthe... 1.S0 Tha Din. JouruL wltb Hunter. 1 Seent. . . . lb I II J par week. laclue4 ' Tha Dally excepted ".".....7 M pat", week. delivered, Sunday , Tetats y KaU. ' , Tba Dally Journal, arlth KnaOar,. 1 aaf ...IJ OO e Iallr Journal, I raar '.. JOJ Tba Dally Journal, wltk Baadap, B Swaths. IJ Tba Dally Journal, monllia 1T5 Tba Da 11 Journal, wltb Sunday. swatha. 1.80 'Tha Dally Journal, B nontha Tha tally Journal, with Sunday, asootk.. .fa Tna Dally Joe real, 1 aaooth.,... ..... .60 'Tha Stmoey Journal, 1 rrar. ....... 8.00 Tht Sunday Journal, t aaontba............ 1.00 . Tba Semi-Weekly Jaaraal. Tba Beml-Weektj Jonrnal, 8 to- IS pap aarb laana. llluatrated. full market re- port,- 1 yar .'. . .tl.BO . Jtrnlttanrea should ha Bad by drafts, postal Botes, sspreea ordara and small aaaounta ara acceptable Jp tad. a-caot postage etampa,- iota euuaaan. P. O. Box Ml, Portias 4, Or. JV1iZJBXJiV9MAJMAT-M VOWS. Tha Journal aa ba lousd a aala at Itm ' Tollowlnc nlacaa: . .....JOIIS, IDAHO a. tallar C. W. B.Ka- iniyra. ... CHICAUO Poatofflca Kawc aootpasyt ITS Daar- bora atrrat. DKNVL'tt. COI.' Kandrk-k Book Stationary 5 company, pin BaTrntaaath atraat; J. iucc. i . numnii ana i urua atraata. Kansas iity Van not nmi aomnanr. 1" . .lNNICAI'OU8 bL J, JtataawB, Baath iniru airrai. ... -w t - ' KKW VOHK CITY Hrntana'a..t7nli aouara. OMAHA Millard Hotel Nwa atand) Maaraath Hutienary oaapaBy. lM Parnum atrarL , ,BALT LAKB CITY Kanyon Hotal Nawa atand; . Barrow Bros., 43 West Saeond street, south. .IT. LOUIH Philip Roadar, 1 Locust ptraat) a . -, m vniw spirv-r . BAN FRANCISCO W. R. Ardln. Palaa Hotel . News stands and lnos Uarkat atreat; Gold ' amltb Broa.,2Ha Butter etreet, and Balnt " Francis hotel; Foster A Or ear. Parry bulid luf) N. Wheat ley, moreabte Bears ataad, aor- ner uaraec ana laearney atraata. ' BKATTLE Rainier Oraad Heara ataad) W, t. , ananas. Hotel neattla Map atand. ...,VBP)KANB, WA8H John W. Grabaas Co. TACOafA. WASH Central hew a eoaspaal Hotel Taenma Neva atant. ' . TKTtiRlA B.jr-jgtttotls Honk HUHflnn-y .-1-1. . WATHK BET01T. Good rains bare egmrred during tha last W hours In tba north . PaelDc states. Montana. tba Dakotaa. Mlnneaota and la soatterlnt aea tlona aloof the Quit coast. Elaawhera throush at tha United States lalf weather has pra aalled, Tba Indications are for partly rlnudy weather la this dtetrlrt Tueaday, with pratMhla ahowera a weairra iH-egon una weatarn wasblntaa. t Will be warmer aaat of tba Caaeaaa bmb. tains lueaaay artarnooo. Weddlna Cards. W. O. Smith A V.."Waak. tectoa bldf., cor.. Fourth pad Waahlnctoa ata. Plnala aravaa ltd. raaatla ' 1ao ' ara. - H.OQC . Tftit. jooly namatasp aa Paalla rttcb Terpeiuauy mamtaina ana carat ror lota, ror rull Infnrinatlna annlv to W B UaAfcMalA A M orccttar ilsrk, city. W. M. Ladd. prssldeat. . mm pjMMttHmv (Temaforluni oa Oregon City car Hoe. bear eiiwood; puttera, srtentine, eompleta. Chart ea : uua, ao, rniiaren, eB. viaicora s a. at. . to t p. . m. Partlaad Crtmatloa aasodaUaa, . ur KiM uu, vraayja. - . - . Tba Bflward Holraaa rndertaklnp eonpany, ' fnaeral dlractora and ambalmera. 130 Third . street, rnona pvt. T. P. Flnley A Po,, fnneral dlreetara and ernoaimera, corner TBtrd and Mtaison atraata. urnca-ei county eoreoer. Taiepbooa Mala P. -r... Funeral wreathe aad mt fhnrera a ppaeialty si Hoaa city ureeaaoaee. l weuty-aeceud and - - aa asvrnaeeki atpp, aanaaiary. hal istati mnrm, n h rAft. a a ' w r.- lot 11. bioek . Multnomah jl ' M. K. Orant to A. J. F. Bowman, lot S3, block M. Vnlreralty Park, I - . y. nana io J. Bcnauer. lot s and 20 ; feet of east end lots 4v . block A SI- non'a add 1900 . rf. rreeton and wire to O. B. Preatoa. at al, undlrlded l- t( 14 aeraa fa eectloa 10. townahlp aouth. rana a eaet.... 1 r. noaa ana wire to I. B. Karna. eouta ' west U of sontbeaat U seetioa It. towa ship 1 north, ranpe 1 east 1000 v. k anana ei ai to portnera parlle Ball, way company. tb weet 100 (ret of tract ' contalnlrur LOT acres In aactloa a. ' B townahlp north, rsnae aaat. . , ., B90 . a. . naiKina ana ausnsna to uaatra lota I. 1. block 10. Bertha "150 " Hnneymaa Truat company to Oretna Plan ', Ina Mills, block 15. Bltcklttona't add l -T A; J. F. BMftBn thd wUa BfrHrBraatr? fcrarWork a. I nlreralty Par J si. u. narnea. trustee. Io H. H. Brows, - lot II. Bown'a add 1 " C. F. Bee be and wife ta aame, aame... t. k. rvoii ana wire ta tba Portland Treat , company, lots 14 to IT iacluslre, block IT. Trenont Placa 40 P. Warner snd wife to J. E.- Edwards, -tmm t, , vioea o, ail. jaoor- ytiarw.,i loop A. Rna and wife to oWurlty Parlnaw A Trust company, lot 14. block as, couch t add 8000 J. H. Beyer to J. Oleen, lot ltt, Carutb- i era' add aOOQ C. H. Robhlna to B. J. PbUbraok, lot It block S. Wlllametta ... 1 B. J. Phllbrnok to w. M. Plumb, lot IS, block a. Wlllametta . J. A. Moak to R. A. Phartle. lots J a, block a. I.oians add , ... ' , Krai Estata Inreatora" AaaoHatloa to Me. , Raa Vert, ! t 13 ta J5 ttcloslTe. block 106, Sellwood Oreaoa A California Railroad company, to j Mra.. HL-. B Johnaon suuthwaat , af aortbweet H af northwest aeetlea 11, - township I south, rsnas 4 eaat , O. Jobanneaara to A. Julias, aaat H free. Hon block S, PulliTan add.... P. J. Peteraoa and wife ta J. w Jacques, Tl lid (00 nortpweet H lot 1, block a, r. T. Smith - - '- add I President and trnatee af Tualatin academy and pacific anUeralty ta C. C. Vaa Or. ' Hall, trustee. Iota T. I. block 230, city.. 80000 Point View Real Estate company to J. A. Carr. lots 3. U. block B, Tolnt View.. IS , M. Darllst to B. lisfer. lot IS, block 11. , Alhlns 1 , H. Maler and wife to P. ftehnell, parcel lend bealnnlns at northeaat corner lot IS, ' block ltl. Wllllama Arenua add......... I B W. Wilson and wife to C. C. Jnrfeaeea, ' tots S. , block ana, city, and lot 1, block 21 J. Gllllhaa's add ,...B000 J. Ramnal and huaband to J. T. Bnrtchaell. truatea. lot 1 and north H of double block A. elty. .r. 1 Franklln Bulldlna; A loan aaaoeUtloa ta Paaltarlnra poupsnf, lot 4. block N, Ts- bor Heuihta , W. Oora at al ta A. W. Oera. lot S. block S. Central Alblna add '. Blnrer Manufacturing compsny to L. Wlna- kw, lot IT. block 13. Sunnralde 0. E. Wappaaer and wife to F. Clarao. parcel land beplnnlnp SO feet eaat of ' ' -' enntbweet cirner block BS, Holladsy'e add C. O. Poors to William K Rtoka er al 829 10 lota 1. 3. block 84S. Holladay'a add... 2100 . .Bam to tame,, lot 4, block ). Holladay'a . add 1401 Set roar Inaarsnca and tba tracts ta real estate 'from tha Title Guarantee A Traat oaj pany. Chamber of Commerce hstldlnf. ., . kirrtaniw mm Zill '"" MORGrTTTHAt.ER -June B. Morraathsler, ... repairs to rsatsnrant. BOTH Tharmaa atreat; coat. 1100. , -tUTRF.R June B. Tlllle Dncber, eettaaa. Batt Thlrt-fourtb near Tattart t treat i coat, : MA RiRF.!f June 8, Clara Mrfen. ' dwalllat. In Rnaedale; coat, IJ.nnO. PATPON-Wnna . J, J, Pat art n, repalra to bi.iae. Vartuerlta near Utwtharat laTradaai i - cct, fBr0. OOftnOS June P. W. H. flordoit, reavtdel 1 .tweaa ( Hsta aad I (. .a t i ct, a . o. BUT THEY BELIEVE THEY - " WILL RECOVER ALL OF IT Mora Strangers ; In . City Now ThanExpected and - Bijj: -.; - Crowds Are Cronrring ; - " Exposition officials estlmsta that ba twaen. 812.000-and 116.000 has baan lost in admlaalons as a rasult of tha bad weather that has prevailed' alnee tha openlnp; day. Tha estimate includes only Friday, Saturday and Sunday and was prepared. Jy President Goods and F. B. a video n, chief of tha admlaslons department "Mr.- Goods and myself talked tha matter ever yesterday,'" said Mr.. David son today. "Our loaa up -to that tlms wap-estimated at from .111.000 to lis, 000, and that was tha lowest flfurs we eouid put on It. "The attendance for tha three days following; tha opening; .was between 8.000 and -11,000 less - than "It would have been had tha weather been even decently, fair. We can't blams people for not coming on days such as wa have had.; - r... "But . there It eyery reason to believe that what wa have lost up to this time will ba more than made up when the weather doea take a change for the better.. The olty af, Portland ttaelt baa aent only small proportion of its peo ple our way tip to thla time and other cities in the state and northwest ere merely waiting; for a favorable time. "It Is too early to expect a great many-eastern -visitors, but There are mora In tha city now than wa expected at this time. There was a big delega tion of Sacramento people. In the olty yeaterdty, and today a large number arrived from Minneapolis." . . Tha Attendance yeeteraay . was B,f s. It rained throughout tha day,i EASTERN RAILROADS -ARE FIGHTING, TIME .v Pennsylvania System Witt Putin JJghtryngFJashLBetween Chicago and New York. A battle royal is on between rival railroad lines operating faat trains be tween Chicago and New York.. The Pennsylvania system, replying to a challenge from an opposition lino which last week mads a radical cut In tba time schedule, announces the -starting next Sunday. June 11, of the faateat long distance train in the world, to ba known aa tha Pennsylvania special, which will make tha run of ail miles in is noura. Tha train will leave Chicago at 1:48 lh ffli "'" -nmrn York. the followrng'morntng.' -Westbound tha train will leave New York at 8:18 p. m. and arrive la Chicago at 8:68 next morn ing. . This schedule is two hours fsster than the Twentieth Century Limited, tha New. York Central's train running between tha ssms points.' The equipment of the PennsyWania Special will consist of library, smoking, dining, sleeping and compartment ob servation cars. "Tht Pennsylvania has three other fast trains which ; will run between ' New York and Chicago. The Manhattan Limited will leave Chicago at 11 a. m. and reach New York at noon tha follow ing day. The New York Special will leave Chicago at S a. ra.. arrive at Pitts burg at 8:10 p, m. sand New York at 8:18 tha next morning, making tha run In 18 hours. - Tha . equipment of this train wilt include parlor and dining caxa from Chicago to Pittaburg, and Bleeping . cam from Chicago to New York.1 The Pennsylvania Limited will continue Its present run without change excepting that It will leave Chicago at 8:80 p. m. and arrive at New York at 1:80 p.m. tha following day, making tha run, aa formerly, in It hours. : The Pennsylvania haa authorised Its general agent at Portland, F. N. Kol lock to enlarge his office space at 148 Stark street, MrrKollock will Improve the company's facilities for -handling Portland business.- - PENDLETON GIRL IS s PLACED UNDER ARREST Traced to Ssn Francisco, Miss Sarah Cunnlnghamof Pendleton has been placed under arreat on a charge of ob taining money by falsa pretenses.- It is alleged that she drew a worthless check on Ladd 4 Tllton'a bank, which waa presented to Feldenhelmer, tha jeweler, In payment for a bill of goods. M las Cunningham lived for soma time In thla city. She waa located in San Francisco by Plnksrton detectivea and la now .held at tha city . prison there. Detective Rasing leaves for tha Bay City tonight to bring her back to Port land. i WARSHIPS WILL ARRIVE IN HARBOR THURSDAY Rear Admiral C. F. Goodrich and the warahlpe of tha Paolflo squadron that will accompany htm to Portland, will ar rive' on June 8. The wife and daughter of the admiral will arrive by train $he aama date. . . " An Italian battleship, the visit of which haa been arranged for- by tha Italian consul, is due at Astoria today and will coma Immediately to Portland and anchor 'opposite the exposition nunuR un ins w iiiameue. i The .Riverside Indian School abend -el Riverside, California, la making prepa re tlone to arrive hare July 8.- HENDRICKS TO PROBE" EQUITABLE AFFAIRS "lJnnrnaI Special lerrtce.l " Albany. June 8. Governor ninlna said today that Editable affalra will be probed to the bottom by Commie eloner Hendricks.' He did not think a legislstlve Investigation neceaaary. The question or mutuausauon, na said, ahould bs settled by the courts at once. ' stroma aims CAvmm. . , . . . . i. Located In a Seventh atreat lodslns house last night by Detectives Carpenter and Reatng, a young couple who ' ran away from' Kennewlrk, Washington, wars placed tinder arreat. Frsd Gibbons will bs sent back to. Kennewlrk to ba prosecuted on a charge of kidnaping, sa the girl m the case. Rots Thurber, le only 11 years old. ..... We Hbvb here picture of e lone traveler chased bjp rgriaxliefc Th grUilyjnir frBbnythin he can Uy : his claws upon. "He is especially partial Jo lone-travelers."" Competent judges who have seen the friz- ' ' " ' ;iy "piirawing s) loris treveleFreport the spectacle' to be something fierce. ., v. v v: - ". r:Z J HT- -a JUSTICE'S LONG ARM I REACHES DIEiR Was Wanted Here for Embezzle f ment. Committed Nearly r- ..; Typ Years Ago. : - . FOLLOWED ALL OVER THE ' - COUNT KY.BT Ufc I hU I IVL'g And on Saturday Vas Arrested in Savannah and Will Be - Brought Back. : Joseph Dieneia.travellng man. was arrested by Finkerton detectivea In Sa vannah. Georgia. Saturday night for tns embesslement of several hundred dollara' worth of samples front Hlbbsrd, Spencer, Bartlett Co., wholesale hardware mer chants of Chicago, in this city In Bep tember. 1901 Requisition papera ara now being secured and an officer will ba aent from this city within a few days to fetch him here fop trtal.----- m-"r rtlener waa In the employ of tha Chi cago firm and waa aent to this city with a large supply of samples In September, 1808. He waa here but a few days when he disposed of his entire stock to a local second hsnd dealer for a sum far below tha real value of tha goods and disap- neared. . Tha Arm placed tha matter in the handa of the Plnkerton detectivea. Tha goods were recovered by the Arm after a suit In replevin, and then the Chicago Arm. through the Plnkerton .detectivea, went In search of Dlener. - From one city to another they traced Trrnrnttr-llnaltyer-was locatedTtf Sa vannah, where ha was arrested Satur day night PASSENGER AGENTS ARE GATHERING IN PORTLAND Members ' of the - Transcontinental Paasana-er association, presided over by Chairman James Chsrlton. or Chicago, held tha opening session of their Port land meeting today at the Portland ho tel. There were present Charlee 8 Fee, R. A. Donaldson, G. A.- Parkyna' and other Harrlrnan Una repreaentatlves of California; A. M. Cleland, Bt. Paul, gen eral paaaenger agent or the Northern Pacific: A. U Craig, general paasenger agent Dfths Ore gonRallroad ;Nsv I gat Ion company; B. u. ruiion oi tno Northern Pacific and othero. Today's meeting waa preliminary to the hard work expected to be accom plished by the association at .-sessions tomorrow and the next day when men representing other rosds will probably ba in attendance. F. I. Whitney of tha Great Northern is expected to arrive tonight E. U Lomax. general passen ger agent of the Union Pacific is here to attend tha meeting. - TAKE GASOLINE MOTOR- , CAR OUT FOR A SPIN -OmoUla of 4he Harrlmaa llnaa - li Oregon took the new gasoline motor car out for an airing today, and gave It a trial run on the Oregon Railroad, ft Nav igation company and Bouthern Pacific! Unas out of Portland. General Man ager J. P. O'Brien, General Superintend ent Buckley, Superintendent of Motive Power Graham and others ware In the car. It haa been placed In first claaa re pair by machinists at the Southern Pa cific ehopan'Ksst1 Portland. The car left the Union station at 1 o'clock and mado a run of 24 miles over the O. R. N. The plan included a trip afterwsrd over the Bouthern Pa- clflo's Una to Hlllsbor and Korea t Grove. It In expected tha car will be placed In regular eervlce on the latter lino. . BABX.OW BCXOOX. OZrOSSS. ' . I Special DUpatrk te The JoornaL) ' Barlow. Or.. -June i. School closed here Friday N with- Kvelyn Olson vaa teacher, Those oa the roll of honor are Judith and Reuben - Sandaness. Edna and- Clifford Wolfe, Aba and Lavina Wlddows and Elmer Irwin.; i ATTENTION PAID TO LAW BY HEELERS Men . Solicit Votes Within "the Booths, In Violation of tLz Statute. : HAND OUT TICKETS WITHOUT HINDRANCE Election Officers and Policemen ' Make No Effort to Stop Illegal Work. Utter-dleregard-of -theIaw-thatr pra venta electioneering wlthiff 80 feet of the polls has been shown in ths majority of. 'the precincts of the, city today. In many instances workers with cards went into tha booths, stood near the railings and gave cards to voters ss they psssed In to vote. The election officials whoss duty it waa to order such Individuals to remain at the required distance paid no ' attention In . moat cases . to this breach of the law, and the police officers stood silently by and allowed the elec tioneering to continue. ' In several of the precincts In the fifth ward the law was flagrantly violated in this reapect . Men were passing out cards-'and printed Instructions to voters within 20 feet-and often within Ave feet of the polls. . In precincts 24 and 28 elec tioneering was allowed in the rooms in which the voting booths were located. Section T78 of the election laws states thatnof TerBOTtT'hsu approach or stand within 60 feet of the polls when opert for the purpose or receiving votes, ex Cent such peace officers aa are partlc ularly selected or ' appointed by the judges to preserve order -or enforce)- tne law within such limits, and electors de siring and proceeding to vote, and but lOelectorS shall" "beipermltted to pn proach wtthln 60 feet of the polls at the 'same time." MUCH ACTIVITY AT -THE DALLES ELECTION (Special Dispatch te Tha Journal.) The Dalles, Or.. June t. Much sctlv Ity Is being shown In . the prohibition election here today by both the liquor ron- a.nd-iha.-anU-Baloott people-- Tha prohibitionists have a float out with school chlldreirBlng!ng prohibition songs. Tha wagon la labeled "Our future voters, the saloons must gov" -Baloonmen are but with carriages get ting every man to vote.- Opinions differ aa to result am ronsT omoTs coanira. (StaKlal Dispatch to Tha Joarsal.) ' " Forest Grove, Opv. June- 6. Public schools, ths university snd stores- wtii be closed tomorrow. Every one will attend the fair on Foreat, TJfOve dny. Flowera will ba shipped down this evening for uee at the fair grounds. NORTrTEND YOTETtrr" WORRYING-WILLIAMS . . e - At 1:10 o'clock this, afternoon . ronly-188 bad-voted In the forths e precinct wnere ii are regis- e e tared. This precinct Is in the e north Snd. This haa caused tha a Wllllama men to grow very much - s alarmed. Larry Sullivan In a working 'tooth' and nail there a a hoping to get out the vote. But . e "he Is dtscoursged. Frank Bser, a a the Republican central commit- e a teemsn forHhls stats, Is alao at. work In thla region. Notwlth- e 4 standing thla Baker Is doing all a ' he ran to put on a brave front a a "Williams will break even on 4 a ths east aide," he said Iste this a '. afternoon, "and his majority will ba received from the west side s voters.'! ?r ..... . e EFFORT- TO INJURE DR. LANE FAILED Ned Hart,- Pseudo-Deputy, Tells -Saloonkeepers to Remain r fjpen During Election. PROMISES PPnTPftTIQM. FROM SHERIFF WORD Attorney Charles F. Lord on the Spot to Aid Pretender When Arrested. , k - What appeared to bo an attempt - to I HI... 1 . W ...111. J t t 11.1 f I I II II. I mrmm -vrvA.A thla ain.ii n. Kv Pnllr- fan. tain Orltsmachar, who caused the de tention, of Ned Hart, a half drunken i man representing himself to ba a deputy sheriff . ' Hart is a foreman In the employ of Brown & McCabe, stevedores. Last evening he went to a number of saloons and told thslr proprietors thst ha waa a deputy sheriff and - had' orders from Sheriff Word to tell them to stay open and sell liquor today if they po de sired. "In case the police attempt to molest you- the sheriff will give you protec tion," aaaerted Hart , LUt)e attention was paid to the words of Hart aa a knowledge of Sheriff word a personality waa enough to con vines his worst snemles in the liquor business thst soma sort or a Job wss on foot. - When Hart went around town re peating his performance thlsmorninavi Ho meter,- CTptaTrtOritimacher decided to nave ntm taken to police headquar ters an.d asked for an explanation. He was taken Into custody by Patrolman Kiiey. , - r-r -t'Wharrdd"you mean by going around telling these things to saloon-keepersT Inquired Captain Grltsmacher. "I mean what I have said," replied Hurt: T have mr orders from Sheriff Word and from Governor Chamberlain, ana am merely executing them." Thafa a pretty raw bluff, having tha governor 'butt in' and promlss pro tection wheiuthe law is broken," said a patrolman. At thla Juncture, by a remarkable co incidence; Attorney Charles F. Lord ar rived. - - .-.- "What Is this man's ball ?- he In quired. ". " - "No bail Is required; tha man. fa not under arrestr-7 tftitd Captain Grits macher. "We can't do anything with anybody In his condition."- - - JIart left the police ststlon with At torney Lord.- 1., NO PERFORMANCE AT MARQUAM.GRAND There will be' no performance at the Marquam Grand taeatre tonight J. H. Gllmore, the leading man, - was taken suddenly 111 at rehearsal, and aa there waa not sufficient time for preparation by an understudy, the management announces- the. postponement of "A Ro mance .of 78" . until tomorrow - cvaning. Walter Hamilton will take Mr. Gll more's place. ' . 1.. - o wiuun STATIO. v ( JostrasU Bpacial BerTlea.) l "" 8sn, Dtego," June 6 Captain H. C, Oenrlng of tha navy Is here to looete a site at Fort Rosecrsna for a .wlreiaaa station, "to be one of. a string of sight ststlon between.- Ssn Diego snd Cspe Flattery. ' . . ' - - OKXOOaT'S MTJmrO BXSOUBOSS. - The lecture on "Oregon's Mining Re, sourcea," by F. A. Lathrop, M. El. B., tinder the auspices' of the Portland board of trade, will be at hall 400 Allsky build, ing at o'clock tomorrow evening. XZTOXXlSi WXU. WOT BXSXOaT. . "' '.(JoUfaal Special Bertlee.) BcrantOn, June I. President John Mitchell of the Cnited ; Mine Workers this afternoon denied tba report that bs Intended to resign. , ,4 . j AS DAY CROWS OLD LANE'S r CHANCES GET BRIGHTER On East Side andJSduthi Port "larTdTWTieTiirHe Is Popular, Vote Is Heavy. In msn Bectlona of ths 'city opinion prevailed that hundreda of Republicans were refusing .to vote for any one for mayor as they were not desirous of sup porting, Mayor Williams, beoause they were unalterably against bis policies of the past three years, and JiaL listened to the party cry sufficiently to not want to vota for a Democrat - But the number of Republleana who were voting openly for Lane waa sur prising. -A visit to-to precincts by one cltlsen disclosed lhp,.fa.ct thst Republi cans ware going to the polling plaoea by tha scors and stating-that they were for Lane.-"- - , .. . , It Is Impossible to forecast the re sult on1 municipal 'Judge. Cameron Is receiving the solid support of the Brew ers ana Wholesale L.iquor Dealers as sociation, who Indoraed him. But T. B. McDevitt is making a vigorous fight and haa an ; efficient corps of workers everywhere. . Paul Strain .was one of the McDevitt leaders, and waa out all day working hard for his candidate, aa well aa for Dr. Lane. At noon Mr. Strain tele phoned that he-had- been. In It pre cincts and was confident of McDevltt's election. ' ' -' ' -'Over on the east aldeV said ha, while at Williams avenue and Weldler street, "the sentiment runs strongly" for Lane and McDevitt and tha bf lief is that they will pull.. through. The vote for them' hers Is overwhelming." ; Msny supporters of Flegel, Gulnean and Btone, were voting - for them snd omitting tha marks opposite other can dtdatea' nsmes, ' thus voting for only thrsa oouncllman-at-large, so that with 10 candidates for councllmen-at-large. and: only Ova to be chosen,' these tactics may carry them across the victory line. VOwing to failure to study the charter amendments, ' the voters -alinostrevery- whare appeared to be paying no atten tion tO them. Taajl; ha amaptlnn. ... the- automatic telephone franchise- and ths - amendment asked - by the- street railway company. The former Is going to win, and tha latter probably will ba beaten. For auditor, Devlin "and Gam ball were runhing a hard raoe, wltb Devlin tri the lead. J. EX Werleln, for city treasure! , Is assured election, and I A. McNary, for city attorney, with only the Socialist against him, already haa bis commission nractlcallr-in- his -pocket. In South Portland -the antt-admlnlstra- tion sentiment Is very strong, and candl dates for the. council who declared against its policy ara hopeful of alec nun. Late, this afternoon tha residence dis tricts had cast proportionately twlcs aa many votes ss had been cast in the downtown precincts. '. . ; ANNUAL RISE IN THE RIVER HAS BEGUN Will Continue at Rate of Half a Foot a Day but There Is "" v No Danger. , Back water from tha Columbia la raising the Wlllametta river at Port land at the rate of half a foot a day. Tha weather bureau iri its first dally bulletin on tha subject this morning says: Tha annual rlae in the Columbia haa begun. Tha Willamette at Portland will continue to rlae at tha rata of about half a foot a day for tha next several days, reaching a. stage of 11 feet Tues day, 11.8 feet Wednesday and about 1M feet Thursday." A stare of is feet is the danger line at- Portland ; at Vat point a - number of the lower- floors of the docka ara Inundated But lt-ia notbalUvad that the river will get so high this season. bwmr to the; scarcity of snow at the headwaters bf tha Columbia. This morning there waa a stage of 11.1 feet st The Dalles, a rise In the laat 84 houra of 1.1 feet The aama rlae was no ticeable at Wenatchee, Washington, where the river measured 15.8 feet ROBBERSTRErWHIlET THEIR VICTIMS PRAY Panama Hat and an-Overcoat Stolen From St. Stephens Church VVojpj While W. O. Rudy Of (88 Sixteenth street. wBS attending services at 8t BtephehHi chOrch last night his panama hat was stolen. 1. w miner ton or tih North Fifteenth street lost an overcoat during tns services, - - Tha room of Mlsa E. Thompson, at 116 Tamhill atreat- waa entered laat nlaht while she' was at church and $29.75 was stolen from her trunk. ' . The Bonkonnlere Candy company, at 82? Washington street reported to po lice that a thief entered the store with a pass-key after midnight and stole-8 from the cash register. Mrs. George O. Parker, living at 384 N. Twenty-flrst street reported that a gold ' bracelet1 wsa- stolew fromher "Jn, a restaurant on First street near nor W. R. Ksser, 187 Thirteenth street. had his overcoat stolen laat night Two suits of clothes were- reported by TB. Hall stolen from ths Portlsnd hotel. A costly cornet wss stolen from Cor poral James J. Moaiohe, of the Fourth cavalry. . The police nave been notified or the presence In the olty of "811m Jim," a noted Chicago pickpocket, snd also of a suspect who-wss driven out of - Yank ton, south Dakota. ttotn nave Deen seen at the fslr grounds. sB ' . (Special D1spa Irk te Tk Ipsjraal.) The Dal lee. Or,, Juave 8. A boxcar thief was captured by Marshal Woods early thla morning In ths railroad yards hare. He had a lai Quaiuity of new shoes In h'i "a and gives the nsme of t t his right asm ' eer. His tri morning. LOGICAL REASONS GIVEN -F- FOR THEIR DOING THIS Says-PreacheralWiilzNot - Be -- Disturbed by Owl Hooting in Tall Tower. " . - ; Ths White Temple waa crowded last njght to hear1 Dr. Brougher preach on the subject, '.'How peopus Vote." . In his preluds hs said: '. : - ") - -"Once again wd hav heard that old," ' old. cry, 'Preachers should keep out of politics.' Recently' the editor' of "the Oregonlan haa given this trite advice. Let me say to him. and all others who agree with him. that 'nothing that b - vttat to humanity la foreign to the pul- . pit' The old testament , prophets ap plied tha truth to political conditions In their days. 'John tba Baptlat Jeaus ' Christ and the Apostle Paul did not . . hesltats te apply the truth to meet tha -special needs of their age and locality. As a watchman, set on the walls, tha preacher is commanded not to hold' his peace day or night He is supposed to watch, warn and admonish tboso over whom he is set as guardian. Ha Is to do his work without fear or favor.. Ho Is to be abaolutely fearless of man or . devil. He Is not to. let friendship or the favors lf men and women prevent """", bis doing his whols duty. -He Is to seek the favor of none save Christ Paul , onona, occasion said:. 'Am I still pleas ing menT If I Were stui.pleaslng men I would not be the servant of Christy - , '- " Is not tha preacher'B business"" ' to be seeking the approval or the ap plause -of -men.- - He should not hesitate one moment to speak his conscientious convictions, snd tell thoss about him. In perfectly plain English, what ha be lieves to be right or wrong. - After he ' has delivered his message In the fear... of Ood, then tha people who hear him must assume the responsibility of act-. Ing In harmony with what they belleve to be right or wrong. What a sublime spectacle a preacher would make if bo went up and down this sin-cursed world" -patting everybody -on the back and sery- ' ' Ingh 'You're !t Ttgrtt. Everybody's all right." The devil's all TlfhtonJjf4uat g'1Ittre"mIstaken.T "Paul was no such preacher. Hs waa not one of your 'goody goody - men, who never displeased anybody, nor did . anything else. When ha came to the end of his life, ho did not say: Thank -' Ood. I have-never made an enemy. - I have always been modest and gentle. Inoffensive and harmless." No. But ,' listen to the old veteran say. 1 have " fought a good fight' Ha had been stoned, beaten and left for dead. When he and Sllaa went into town, the people said. These that have turned tha world - upelde down are come hither also 'The preacher -haa Juat ji much right, la pglietea as Hie mlltui 'UI tna'"" Oregorrtan. Ho is strangely Inconsist ent --He takes out tha party lash and -tries, to whip all the Republicans into line. .Hs appeals to their partylam, in stead' of their patriotism. Ha tries to -frighten them with tha thought that a' Democrat may bo mayor ot the. city, . Then he turns around and condemns . preachers - for expressing their convlo " tlons on the political situation. But preachers ara not going to be disturbed by thetootlng of an owl in hla towar. - "The one greet Issue before the peo ple of Portland la the question of en forcement of law. Mayor Williams has failed to do It A majority of the city council has stood by him In this matter. Look at tha man who have been nomi nated by the Republican ticket for tha - " present city council, Merrill, Sullivan and others, who represent the very worst element of our municipal life, "If thera ever waa a time when every 1 preacher not only has the right but finds ths duty placed upon him to get Into politics, now Is tha time. I am an Independent Prohibitionist and I purpose to step out of my own party affiliations -to vote for men who have agreed. If elected, to see -that the laws ara en forced without fear or favor. "Prohibition Is not the issua before , the people of Portland. In soma pre clncts It may be. If . I were In those precincts I would vota for prohibition. All I hsvs been- seeking and alt that snv" : honest cltlsen can really hope for in "this election is. If possible, to set a mayor an a city council sleeted who will stand " tor law ana order. I appeal therefore to Republicans who love decency as on. posed to a town wide open to vice, who love lew as opposed to lawlessness, who stand for morality and honesty as against Immorality and dlahonesty - in city government to vota for the CitW ffftpe- IICKm, "Show your manhood!- Don't ha tha slave of any party. Assert your Inde pendent right as American cltlsens snd, voto for men that you at leaat believe ... will be true to their word snd carry out their oath of office whan ones elected." AUTO RACERS ON GOOD ' ROADS IN NEBRASKA -Reporting progrese ef theantoTnobt!-" race between "Old Scout" and "Oit Steady." from New Tork to Portland, for a purse of 1.000, the passenger department of the Union Faclfio at Oman sends out today ths following bulletin: . I ... . Omaha. June 8. "Old Scout" left Cres ton ysstsrday at 8:80; arrived Green - -River 8 p. m. Mr. Hues had nice trip from Creston. " beat roada they have had for several days. Will make Coke-, vllle tonight; may possibly make Mont- 1 poller. .Roads Improving and expect to make good time from now on. .. . B..U- VOMAX. - RACE RIOT RESULTS - IN DEATH OF FOUR (Jaaraal Special Sarvlce.1 Augusta, Oa., June 8. A report from, Turner saya that a white man named McLean was killed, his son wounded snd three negroes killed In a rate riot today...... I...'- ,,. r : : nnu Iarrfe liut a nar ' nil.. tar Afftrar. frnm Vanrauvar ara twfa guests of the officers of ths revenue cutter McCulloch. Their errlVal w greeted with S sslute of 17 g-ine they were reoelved on board' I csptaln. After a thorough ln-- the veesel the guests we i at luncheon. , niiow jrr- f"a ."-'n -