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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
1 TII3 OREGOIJ DAILY J0U3NAL, PORTLAND. " MONDAY EVENING. JONET gr 1303 3 x PROSPERITY WAVE : STRIKES DALLES and Every Branch of Bui.' ;"""r ; ne Lively; . ,.- . MAYOR SEUFERT WAKES PERTINENT SUGGESTIONS ' Club Asks His Advice as to Best Method of Beautify " : irtg the Cityi ' ' " -;" ' (Special. Dlapateh to The Journal) The DUm, Or.. June e.-Many new , buildings are being erected In The Dalles and many Improvements are- ",ar,'r - New - atructurea costing nearly-7s.0Q "have beta' built in the last six months , .' and a number of residences nave un . . . i a.i ihi near .future. '.- . The Columbia hotel- whlcbrwae-d. i.v are . two yeara ago m j'i -i-wbulU at a-ost m.0Oa-Many ne ' cement - sidewalks are being la UX, tele phone polea being palntod and atreets -gleaned. It 1a almost Impossible to find " a vacant" houae or. business building ot any kind. A new park la being made 'ready to entertain the crowds during ths "summer and aeat. are being- " ,the school grounds at the foot of the I bill Jxor band eoneerta, which held .'every Wednesday flight Business la all :Jnes waa never better. - . -J. : The Sorosls club .requested- from -.'Mayor Frank A. Beufert advice aa to ''what could be -accomplished 4n the way ' of city lmprovementa and received many 'suggestions which are being- carried out The mayor suggested a email part of the old school grounds on Union street J for the benefit of tranalent visitors and ' a room In the schoolhotise to be arranged -"for a ladlea" clubroora where ati-anger could be entertained. Aa to cleaning- up and renovating- the town the mayor ? aeked the ladlea of the town to prevail 'upon their husbands 6 comply with the wlshea of of flctale In endeavoring to "'better the present -condition. ; A list of 28 pereone was made of whom the ladlea "could request lmprovementa which would benefit the public; The suggestions L were allto the point .and consisted In ' asking certain cillsens to paint housee -or stores, to conetruct aldewalka, to re .'move unsightly blllboarde. to cart away rubblah and-other practical suggestions. " The -mayor concluded with tie following -advice: - . ' ' ' ' "AS fer m rniinarnea aa mayor I would rather have our cltiiena aid us In our work than compel lis to use-force to accompliah our ends.. I think if you ladlea will .each, one of you prevail on your husbanda to give the offlclala of thla city their aid lnatead of their 111 will when we ask for-Inexpensive. Im "provements we- could accomplleh. far more than we have succeeded in doing the laat eight or nine months, v "It la no pleasure for city offlclala to be turned down for small, inexpensive im provements by large property owners; It Is discouraging, not encouraging, and while I have tried to do the best I could as your mayor, for which I agreed to stand for "rn Ttnr nnlv. T flnrt 1 h"M tailed in a good many Instances in neces- sary Improvements tnat snouia nave ' been "easy- to accompliah.' 'V - WOMAN'S POLITICS ; . - TAKES HER TO JAIL - : ; !" 'Hattle Logan," colored, waa arrested by Patrolman Mackay this afternoon be cause she at ruck a boy with an um brella aa the result of a political dis cussion. - ' As two men "Wood at the corner of First and Columbia streeta, Hattle hap pened along and broke In on their con--'-veraatlon with "Vote 'lor- Lane."-- The : men. laughed and Hattle walked on. A boy ran behind her and danced a Jig In derision. 'She 'turned around and -ran after him striking him on the bead with her umbrella. Screaming and howling at the top of her voice. "Don't take me to the police station, " she waa placed In the patrol - wagon. Patrolmen Mackay and Hnm meraley,had alt they could do to control the hysterical woman until they reached the city prison, where she waa booked on the charge of disorderly conduct. K. W, i. BCXMOXIAX. KXBYICZB. The Dalles, Or.. June I. The Mod ern Woodmen held their memorial serv ices yesterday, marchin from tbelr hull " to the-cemetery, where the graves of the departed were decorated and serv ices were held. Nearly all of the 140 members here turned out. headed by the degree team and assisted by the la dlea' auxiliary. Splendid services were had. - . wwrHlr Don't forget to recommend this story of " Lewis & Clark' "' to your friends. 2 ' Have you read it yourself? $1.20 BV MAIL i J. K. GILL CO. ' . Booksellers and , - - - - -.-., , Stationers. -THIRD AND ALDER 1 Great Things it Little Prices r I f ;: : By MBS. EVA EMERY RYE j C0NG3ATUUT10NS F05 THE FAIR OFFICIALS Telegrams and Letters Tell of . Writers' Good Wishes for "Exposition's Success. President . Goods la still k receiving tetegram of congratulation on the suc cessful opening of the Lewis and Clark fair. ' Letters and telegrsms from of ficials of practically every state In the union and from many foreign countries have been ' received. extending con gratulations and . offering assurances that large crowds from eastern states would attend. The following from the .Missouri commission nd from the secretary of the Japanese Exhibit association were received today: ' 1L aW. Goods, President Iwls V Clark Exposition: Dear Blr The Mis souri commission sxtends you Its hearty congratulations on the brilliant opening of your exposition yesterday. We have all had the good fortune to attend the leading grei t ex posit lonp of this time, and with one voice we pronounce your alts the most beautiful ever selected, your buildings munificent, and your - lilblts aa varied as we have aeen, and aa extensive' as they should be. . "You will havs vlaltora by the thou- ssnds from ths east, foe- rarely -Is in opportunity given to people to see such an exposition as you have, and . the marvelous.' scenery of the northwest, whose vast resources your 80 yeara of energetic Pactflo slope ' life have only scratched. Wishing you every success in-yeur great work, we are, youra truly, "ROBERT H. KERN. ' "K. E. E. McJIMBET, -B. 8. OARVER, - , 'Xmmlssloners., "H.' W. . Ooode, president . Lwls and Clark exposition,-Portland. Oregon: Dear Blr I have the honor of informing yoa that Ichihel I tow. director of the Japan Exhibit aasocistion for the Lewis and Clark Centennial exposition, and . who traveled all over Japan soliciting the na- 4ive- merchants and manufacturers to participate In your grand exposition, has lusTTarrlved. in- this city. , - Vllow me to convey my hearty con gratulations ou 'the completion and. suc cessful .opening of your glorious enter prise, and permit me to add that all my countrymen who are intereated In your fair Join him In sending their eongratu-ltton-and wishing" you a full realisation- of your bright expeetatlona.- With assurance of my highest esteem, I heva the honor to remain, most respectfully yours, . "JIRO HARADA.-Secretary." BIG-WHEAT CROP IS -PR0J1ISED FOR SEASON Nature Gives a Bond That Pfos- - perfty Will Remain With Americarr Farmer. , Joaraal Special Barrios.) - . - . Chicago, June S. With 170,000.000 bush els of wheat In prospect, according, to careful estimates from the principal grain atatea. nature has given a bond that prosperity will remain with the American I farmer ,Tnr r""'1'" It leading winter wheat states, which furnish 85 per cent of the total grain sown last autumn, show that these states will raise s4H.000.000 bushels, as compared wTlnmW.66S"a-year agoand55,lS3. 66 In 190S. These report all come from state capitals, where boards of agricul ture are located, and most of them are semi-official.- The. total .winter wheat yield will- be 411.000.000 bushels. There is not so sure a basis for esti mating the spring wheat crop. - With an Increased acreage of nearly 1.000.- 000, the spring wheat condition Is abou. ( points higher than thst or the corre sponding, period of a year ago. There Is .reason to believe thst . the - total spring - wheat crop will , be J6t.00O.O0S bushels as sgalnst the 127.036.014 bushels In 104. The . total crop of 1006 will be exceeded by no crop In the history of American "agriculture, -with the exception of 1(01, which the gov ernment figure at 74S.160.MJ bush els. It will be 118.000.000 bushels in sxcess of the crop of a year ago and tl. 000.000 bushels lsrger than thst or ios. -""';.' ""' .'. :. GET-RlCH-QUICrvAUAI. , SENTENCED TO PRISON "" .I-..- (Joarnai BpeVlal Berries.) ' Bt. Louis, June 6. Charles H. Brooks, seed ef the Educational -gecuTltles com pany;- an alleged -et-rieh-;ulcaT' concern; who was convicted Saturday by the fed eral Jury of ualng the malls to defraud, waa aentenced today to IT months and IS dnys In the penitentiary and fined $600, - - - - - .- - .- i - CAJTBT S, WX.YBBTOW .'.- (Rpecltl Dlepatcb te Jbe JoarnsL) Csnby. Or., June 8. Canby dsfeated the. Silverton baaeball team In a closely contested game on Silverton diamond by a score of 8 to . Following Is the lineup -i- : Canby. Silverton. Austin'. . . V. Huddleston C. Baty . ....... , .p. ....... Concanon R. Knight ss Im woliam W. Bnty. Van Valkenberg A. Knight. .2b .D. Wolfard Bckereon ab.- ..... . . Downa Bccles ,.rf..., Rhodes W. Knight., ,.JL.i.lf.....'-. ....'i Ames Powers j..' Smith MTJBT VAT BIO TUTB. ' -(Joarsal Special Berrloe.) - j. Orsnd Rspids.-LMich June 6. Lant v a.n.hiirvj farmer citr attorney and chief witness In the water works brib ery trial, waa today sentenced to pay a fine . of, 12,000 ..-on., a .charge ...con spiracy. ' - , ---wt asoan rmxaosT. ." ,. ,. ."fjalnraal Special Sertlc.) u. y Wilmington,-N. C. June 6. Twelve prisoners, including the notorious "Jimmy" Burns, the posfofllce money order forger, broke Jail early this morn ing, overpowering the Jailer. , jrxoarr om rmorBBTT. - (Special Dispstrk te Tfcs Jnersal) - Vancouver, Wah June 6. Superior Judge McCredle has rendered a decision In favor ofNN.-C mbii, as guaroian ox D. K. AbraaVs and against F. Fsrrell and bis wife. The case may be carried to the supreme court. . The dispute Is over the ownership of a valuable piece of property situated at Fourth and Main streets in mis etiy. atarcn is, iv, i. K. Aprams deeded the -property to F. Ferrell and. November ,18, 1104., the su perior court adjudged A b rams ment ally Incompetent. , Hall ' assert that Ferrell. before the making of the deed. exercised undue Influence. over Abrams. Ferrell denies this and asserts that he signed a note In favor ,of Abrams In rayment for the property. The note waa 1 T secure 1 ty a mortfage; GCODV.'OaDFCaPAlR AfiD TWO FOR TEXAS T. R Farmer Speaks Warmly of i Oregon, but Enthusiastically v.l of Lone Star State. ' : ADJECTIVES THAT ARE HIGHLY ORNAMENTAL Some Broad-Hatted, Gentle and Docile Citizens Are Coming 7: '?Lt0 Exposition. "7 ; " ; T. F. .' Farmer, - agent for the Texas Central railway at Stamford, Tex., ha a written his friend, H. C, Campbell of this city, praising Oregon, but booming the Lone Star state In a unique way. The man -of the aunny south promlaea to do all In his power to advertiss the Lewis and Clark exposition in bis "neck of the woods."" and no doubt many Texans-wlll wend their war to the Boss City, - Mr. Farmer writes: -"Stamford, TexMay 1. 108. H. C Campbell, Manager, Portland. Or. Dear Sir: In response to your letter of Msy 4, heralding the news that the greatest exposition ever held west of the Rockies would take place In that grand occidental metropolis known aa Portland, In the beautiful stste of Oregon, part of our great republic. I desire to ssy: "That I shall do what little I can to extol the beauties and bring to the notice of the public that the picturesque Oregon country -surpasses any thing. In modern or ancient history for grandeur and super lative greatness; and that the Lewla and Clark exposition will outshine everything In the paat. .present or future for en chantment, . whictt . cannot be described, except by a personal visit to one of the greatest -cities on earthr via: Portland, Oregon. '- . '"; ;- - We Bve Oread Country, Bat -"Now. my doar air. 1 must thank you for-your kind Invitation to visit the fair, and will say that I well know the beauties of the Portland country cannot k. j..nrih nrmt by a personal visit. and - a yo no doubt are , well . aware that a poor weatern rauroau -exchequer Is vsry slim, and -while Barkis is wlllinV and hla boy more than wilting" te-aocept-ypur fnvltatlon, I must .only- think and dream of the pleasure, and let my boy read about It. "I am well aware that you have a : - --a .nuntrv and my name on the register of th Portlsnd-botsUin rvtoher. 1900. when I was an unsophls- tu.ul " intnninTfll trsVll, rSVelln luxurywUl testify to my sppreclatlon , .. rjL Mnr'.nnd cltv and her people. more especially the womenwho are theJ fairest and inosl oeauuiui "i iuc.... products. ' I am aware, sir. that you live In a country-of enchantment, but pard ner. let me tell you In all alncerlty and csndor. thst while I admit all of your statements In reference to the beautiful country which, you call home are un qualifiedly true, I cannot and do not admit that Texas Is a sardine, and I am delegated by the metropolis of Texaa, the great city of Stamford, to Invite you, pardner. and the entire exposition crew. mUmm ahsnhus) Is Is wlslt l gsant. a-rassv. areen. glorious , and gorgeous atate of Texaa and be the guests of my self and the Stamford country, so tnat you can substantiate all the facta and teltyouf peoplenTegardlng -Texas'- and what you found there. - .-- - '-rr-s'i-- Modesty Torblda BUm.' Modesty forbids me to try to picture the greatness of this empire state, but In a few brief sentences please permit ma to Inform you that Texaa Is a w hooper, she la a peach; she Is the wid est, broadest and longest country on the f ace. of -the. earth, extending from east to west and from north to south. . She could put Rhode . Island in her vest pocket; she could swsllow three or four states like Illinois snd wssh them down by drinking the Mississippi and Colum bia dry, and could digest them without ever having a single spasmodic con traction " of the Ullum or descending colon.' ..... . Texaa la - the empire stste . of the union without any Kaiser Bill William' for sn emperor. She Is the chlefest among 10.000. and altogether f lively, wild and reckless, and sh is the pebble on the besch. and the blossom on ths peach; she la one of the blue hen's chickens: she Is cork of .the walk and democrat of the world; -she Is a wolf and It Is her day to howL . Hear us. pardner! ' Texaa Is bounded . on the esst by the si'igr torg pf f.oyilalaha: mnA th. hnMrla. berry thickets of Arkansas; she Is bounded on the north by the tomahawk and the war wbeop of the red man; Is bounded on the west by the chile con es me country of New Mexico and the hot tamale of Old Mexico: ahe Is bounded on the eouth by the Gulf of Mexico, and If it were not for the measly little body of salty water Texas would extend psst the Psnsma csnsl' onrto- the south pole7 'Now. pard, aa I aald In the begin ning, Texas Is a whopper and a Jim Dandy, and please bear in mind we are; some pumpkins and thst we sre still onthemap X: think-1 -shsll place - on the train, about the first day of this coming-July,-a- sample product" Ofoujr grand and glorious western country. and turning their 'faces toward the beautiful and far-awsy land of the Port land -country, give them the word go; th. K. . . areltlnd7ehtli,'docneaha broad hatted and "of a watchful eye; treat them gingerly, " but - don't" get , them mixed up In a badger fight. 'With profound esteem ror yourself. the exposition msnagers. and the proud state of Oregon-1 remain your humble servant, THOMAS F. FARMER." BOULIGAN RESIGNS AS .1 MINISTER OF INTERIOR .. .. ' tJoarsal Special atrrlee.) St.' Petersburg, June 8. M.. Bodllgan. minister of . the Interior, who wss Ad miral, Alex lef f a- head - of committee in the Jar eastr-has tenedered his restg nstlon, which the emperor has not ac cepted. "' r ' 'r RUSSIANS REPULSED BY JAPANESE ARMY Joorsal BpecUl Berries.) . Nogl's Headquarters, June . Two companies of Russian, cavalry have bevil repulsed by Japanese artillery fire, leav ing II dead. Later three companies wers repulsed with 100 cssuslttea. The Rus- alana ara pursued.- - - 1 1 1 i r ' ' TOtlf S OOOBSa. (Special Dlapateh te Tee Jesraal) Oregon City. Or., June I. Miss Ella Luts still malntalna her lead In the Con test for goddess of liberty for the fire men's tournament July . 4 snd s. The ballots were counted yesterday and the total vote now stands: Miss Ella Luta l.ttt; Miss Lisle Klemson, 1,170; Visa toernlca Kelly, 1,014, , xeaesss yesrTIQC,! GOING To) 'rr ' EIGHT NEW COMPANIES FILE THElR ARTICLES .....r. w.; . , " . ' (Special Despatch te. Tne Joomai.l". "Saletn, Or., June . The following new companies filed their srticles of In corporation with the secretary of state last week: '."-J . Domestic Garvin Cysnlde Extraction company; principal - office,- Portland. Orea-on capital atochv, 1100.000; incor porators, E. J. Garvin, Bamuel Chalmov and R. W. Wllburr ' ' Irrlgon Fruit company; principal of fice, Irrlgon. Oregon; capital -- stock. I!. 609; Incorporators. J. L. Munro, O. C. Henkle and E. C. Hamilton. ' mwafn-FuTnaer'eompany! principal office Prinevllle, Oregon; capital stock, $15,000r incorporators, Charles M. El klns, E. W. Barnes and J. M. Long. -Cody Lumber-eempany; principal of fice, Coqullle,. Oregon; capital stock, 1100,000; incorporstors, L. J. Cody.M. J McKenna and Walter Blnclalr.- r The Glendale State bank; prlneipal of fice Glendale, Oregon. - capital stock. $25,000; incorporators, R. J. Jones, E. E. Redfleld W. H. Redfield. Q. Gtlbertson, 11. Q. Sonneman, L. K. Page, A. F. liofer and J. Harding. . - Dundee Orchard! Packing company; principal office, Salem, -Oregon; -capital Winstanley TV'alter T. Jenks and Homer 11. Smith. . - Blue Grotto company; principal office, Portland, Oregon; capital stock, f 5,000; incorporators, J. - H. Lelghton Frank Griffith and George F. Hubbard. Foreign Western Loan A Savings company; Incorporated under the laws of Utah; capltsl stock, IS. 000,000; attor ney In fact, Frank S. Grant, Portland, Oregon,. COMMENCEMENT AT - -. ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL . (Special Diapatch to Tbe-oorsel.) Albany, Or., June . The Albany High school- graduating -claas, consisting of 5 young men and women, will receive .di plomas next Friday evening... The mem. bers of the class are: . Vara Parker, president: Tressa Acheson, secretary; Nita Schults. treasurer; Ethel Crowd er, Frances MeCourt. Rhoda Stalnaker, Mor ris Rogowsy, Kittle Lugger, Wllletta Wright, Mabel Beesoo., Ralph Stewart. Vesta Conn. ' Anatta Burch, Grace Hughes, Scott, Hart. Ma mis McKnlght. Bessie Bryant, Vesta Wallace, Bessie Hammell. - 7 The class motto , Is, "Omnia Vlnclt Labor; the. class flower, the whte rose, and the class colors, white and green. OALtESDAY-ATFAIR- ' TO BE 'A WINNER (Special Dlapateh to Ths Journal.) '- The Dslles, Or.. June I. Prepsrations are being made by Dalles people to turn out In force and make Dalles day a winner at the fair. - - . At least 1,000 people will attend- from this city, and the' surrounding country will swell the crowd considerably. All business houses will close their doors for the day, and not a saloon will sell a drink on that day. MORE RUSSIAN WARSHIPS - FLEEING FROM JAPAN - (Joarsal' Special Bervlee.) I Hongkong, June , .The American transport Beanr reports sighting today a Russian volunteer cruiser snd two tor pedoboata, a cruiser snd a" transport on the course between Manila and Hong king. - The squsdron waa headed In a southwesterly direction. : " " row boat najrr. (Special plepatc'll to Th. JonraaL) Vancouver, Waah., June . A ntw Industry .hasJuat been - started about four miles up the. Columbia -on the Washington, aide a, gasoline launch building establishment. The first boat built at the new plant f has - just been launched! It Is a S0-foot launch, la- 4n4eaV-fos-4he eapoattlosv-msw sV-G Kiss, the promoter f the-enterpriae, states that - he will at once commence the .construction of two more boats similar to the one just launched and that he has contracts In view which will put his business on a permanent basis. - stbcxjUi acxooz, Mnraro. ' (Special Mapatrk te Tke Josrasl) ' . Besslde, Or., June . A speclsl achool meeting hss been called to take action with reference to the - establishing of ninth and tsath grades for the publlo school of - Seaside. - - - r - : MXOUBSXOirUTS ABBXTS. , Two excursions arrived" thla "morning that materially swelled the attendance gt the fslr ground. From Sacramento and Intermediate points came IT people, and from Minneapolis about 100, .- v .. Dyspepsia bene of human exlstenre. Burdcvk Blood Bitters cures It, prompt ly. permaneaUy. Regulates and tones the atomanh. ' i For "Boys of 2 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS' ' : MEET AT LOS ANGELES " rgpecUI Dispatch to The Journal. ra Los Angeles. Cel., June i. Thousands of visitors arelnLoa AngelCe for the national conclave' of the Knights of Columbus. The rush of delegates began yesterday and has continued throughout today without cessation. Large parties have -arrived by peclal - tralna- f rem Boaton, - New-York. Philadelphia - and other eastern points and almost every state from, the-' Atlontio to the Pacific is represented by scores. The eonventton proceedings will eon- tlnue throughout Uiewoek. TThls eve." nlng the Supreme Knight Edward L Hesrn. and the viattlng delegates will te-recelved at the cnam ) Don't Poison 'ORTT YEARS AGO rtABE(K)iurt)iia Bleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY wiU produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH;. THTfRE TS NO WAKINfl.. Many ara tha childrfin who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregorio, laudanum and morphine, eacli,, of which is a narcotic product of opium. : Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to" children at all, or to anybody without labelling ; -them "poison." The definition of "narcotic n is: "A medicine which relieves pain - and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul- '. sions and death. " Thetastcand smell of medicines containing opium are -and sold under-the names Bnouia not permii . any .'meaicine-io-De" given. 10 your cnuoren -wiihotk you or your physician know 'of what it is composed. 0AST0EIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NAR00TI0S, if it.bears the signature of Chas. E. Eetcher. - . XVcfietable Preprtioii fcr As- slmilatlnictberoodandReQula-. jd lha6iaacts and Bowels of 1 rrr Promote DtgestionXbeerrul om and Resf Contains ntithtr. - Optum.Morptaje nor QouAkJ NOT KABC OTIC. ape tfCU 0-&MXlFnXXZ& .AsajJea SmJ" ' Jrniif ftlt - ADOfectfisinedy for Cons lio- rion. Sow S tonioxb.Diarrrioea, Womsjuotmilsioris.rcverislh' ness and Loss or Sleep. ' Tafi SlaasTSif natura of ' 14 KXACTCOayOF wiAma. Cures all Kidney c: -; ' : - r v VVOODARD, - CLA' to 11 Years ' The world's most exquisite creationaover 43 styles shown by this great clothing house. : Buster Brown Wool Suits ...;....... .:.......'..:.vr. ; ' . ...:...;....$3.25, $4.35, $5.00, $6.50 to $12.00 Buster Brown WashSuit:..;;:...l.:.$ 1 .25 to $5.00 Boys Sailor, Norfolk and Double-Breasted Suits, !. . beginning at sturdy Wool : Suits at $2.15, :- $2.85, $3.15, to the All Misses Dresses Reduced The Greatest Clothing House la the Northwest, merce. by , Governor Pardee, United States Senator - Flint. Mayor -McAleer and others. . - Bishop Conaty : will be celebrant at the pontlflcial high mass to be. offered at the cathedral of BU. Vlbiana tomor row morning. .The sermon will "be preached by Archbishop- Montgomery of San Franclaco." Archbishop - Reardon and - a- large -assemblsge of -clergymen Will ha present in the sanctusry. mak ing the services the moat solemn and Impressive -ever - witnessed . In . Southern California. :.'.-;;.ZJl; .Tir 1J.. .. L OaVsJIwO .TTPTQIT BKAITOX. (SpeeUlJHapatcb to The JOOrsal) nh nt - or..-JuM I. A force 100 men and liO tesma la-engaged In the grading of the Bumpter vauey ex tension- from Tipton to Auet almost every mother thought her child must have to mage it .sleep., of "Props," " Cordials," ." Soothing Syrnps,". etc. You Letteris f rom Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. Ji. Fletcher. Br. J. W. pinsdale, of Chicago, III., ssyst DM la all faaUiUa waate there are ehlldreoJl - Dr. Alexssder Mlnrte. ef Clevelaad. Ohio, sayst "I have freqnentlT prt scribed yeur Casterla and haTS;feaad it a reliable aad pleasaat reaMdy for calidraa.' Dr. J. S. Alexaader. ef Omaha, Neb., ssyst "A medicine so valuable aad sese flrtal for ohlidrea as your Csstorla Is, deserves the highest praise. I Dad It la aea everywhere," --- - . . Dr. J. A, MeTleUaa, ef Buffalo, N. T, says ! "I bsvs freaaeatly prescribed year Casterla for children aad always got good results. Ia fact 1 ass Castorta for say, ewa chtldraa." .... . ; ' - Dr. J. W. Atlea. of St. Louis. Me., says: -I heartily eadorsa year Csstorla. I have frequently prescribed It la my medical practice, aad have alwaya teoad It ta de all that la claimed fer It." Dr. C. H. Ollddea, of St. Paal, Mlnn says : "My experience aa a practitioner with year Csstorla has beea highly satisfactory, aad I consider It aa excellent remedy tor the young." : . - , .., - - - ; Dr. H. D. Benaer, of Phllsdelphla, Pa., ssysr "I have ased yotrr Casterla as a purgative la the eases of ehlldrea fee yeara past with the meat happy -egeeV aa4 fully eadorse H as a safe remedy." Dr. J. A. Bnarmaa, ef Kansas City, Mo says t "Toor Castorta Is a splendid remedy fer children, known tke world ever. I ase it la my practice and have aa hesltaacy la recemmeadlag It for the complaints at ksfaata Snd ehlldrea.', " lr. J. 3. kfaexay. of Brooklyn, K. T-s ssye t "l seaslder year Castorta aa ex eell.nt prepsratloa for ehlldrea, betng cosnposed of reliable medidaes aad pleasaat to the tests. A geed remedy for all dlstarbeacee ef the digestive ergaaa." ' Dr. Howard lames, of New York Cltv. desire es testify to the medlctnai vlrtae ' marked benefit Is the esse of my own daughter, aad have eetalaed ezostleat resaltf freta Ita admlnlstratloa to ether ehlldrea la my practise." GENUINE CASTO R I A ALVAYO Bears the w - ... - - The Kind You Hae Always Bought In Uso For Ovor SO Years. ' vat etsrrsva soweasv, tt siuaasvav, srw vaaa arrv. 1 l. . r - .. v v- , -n r, - - very finest' at $15.00 tance of six miles. Archie. Mason it Smith-of Portland ara the contractors,' and stste thst they expect to have the line completed and running by the first at September. -- BtrBAX. OABJUBBB BUR, (Journal Special wles'.l - - : McMlnnvllle, Or June i. The Tarn, hill County Rural Letter. Carriers asso ciation met -hire "yesterday , and elected . the .following officers for the next terra: - C. - H. Walker, North- Yamhill, vIce-preslde.ntX-Mr. Walling, Amity, sec retary and treasurer? K. P." Loop, Uo' Mlnnville. Delegates to the state-eon IXoop n3L&. H. vyalker. "is If a barnT -tTe" Dr. Thomas Ee-r lectrlc Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas Brlectrte 5tt. At your druggists. - xnm : urugswiinprDQui "I nse year Cast oris and advise It sars:' Tt ls'wlth great pUerare that I of year Ceatoria. I have aaed It with Signature of - - . Baby.