The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 05, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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"--- I-
- J
f 1 " -.
Russian JVarships at M
iiila Must-Be Interned
' or Depart at Once.
Probability Three Cruiser Will
Bo Interned a They Are Not -
Seaworthy Llnievitch
. ; Advance Hit Left.
.... (Jtml Special Serv1ee.
Washington, - June e.r-Secretary -of
.War .Paul Morton today issued an-trder
directing that th Russian warships at
" Manila muat b Interned . or depart
forthwith. , The -vessels will not be al-
lowed to make repalra. and muat clear
Xrom. the harbor within hours.
It la probable' that the vesaels twill
"be Interned until the close of the war,
a investigation haa developed that two
of the vessels, the Aurora and01e(.
aertrmaty oamasrd and uniet-
. worthy. The Jemtcbug la in bad -condl-
i Won nd could not travel far. without
her engines giving out. It would take
'". two weeka to repair the damage." rr
' Beven Japanese deatroyers are re
- ported as lying lnatde Corregldor
lalands In a special received fronv Ma-
- nlla today. - The deatroyera are un
j doubtedly waiting, for the Russians to
. leave port.
- M. Jeeseraud. - French ambaaaador,
""tailed on the presldsnt this morning.
' and a vialt by Commander" Takeahlta,
. "the Japaneae naval, attache, followed.
It la suppoaed the latter aaked for In-
- formation" in reference to the courae
taken by the government .regarding--the
. . Russian ships at - Manila. Jeaaeraud a
- vlaiVla suppoaed te have a bearing on
"the peace movement. ,
- The president felt to be at least
questionable to allow the ships to be
,"pnt Into condition for battle. - Interna
"Tllonal law only permits the belligerent
vesaels . to be repaired sufficiently to
snake them -seaworthy. Had. the injurlee
to the vessels been received--otherwlee
than In action, a different course might
have been determined upon. ;
temperort Bsply ' Peae Clamo Is
-'-?r Oreatloa ;. of -a- ITew Despet.
' fJovraal Special Service.) '
Bt, Petersburg, June B. The , em-
erors reply to the demands of the TadJb
cats that war cease waa a ukaae laaued
yesterday making Trepoff aaalatant mln
later of the Interior, chief of the police
.and commander of gendarmerie, practi
cally dictator. Trepoff Is given the right
Toelos- assemblies anil nnngreasesjto
suapend indefinitely ail societies and
leagues and to .. take all other , steps
necessary to preaervs order se as to
prevent interfering -with the established
regime and to aupprees the revolution'
ary propaganda. .
. . The decree shows that the govern'
tnent Is determined not-trr be swerved
'from Its purpose by pressure of dla
aeter Jn the far east, and may alao be
tacen to indicate trial me war will
continue, .. a. . ...
(Jearaal BDeelal Service.!
Shanghai, June t. Twsnty-nlns ' - of
-ths -ticw of thr British steamert7td
hsroia Were landed today. Vice Admiral
'rii has arrived off Outslaff laland and
Is probably coming to Woosung. An
ex-Russian cruiser Is outside the har
bor. - ---------a. :
japs bxttoto wvmxxu.
(Joernal Spectal Servtea.)
Birmingham, June . The Post says
that the Japanese government Is pre-
"paring "to jlaeJargesrdgrsorraflJ:
rway supplies and other material In
Europe and - America, and that the
cargoes will be freed from all Insurance
against war risks.
jcaxszb WAirrs rxAoa.
tJonraal Spwial SfTTict.l
. Berlin, June S. The kaiser today vis
ited the Russian ambassador. It is re-
: r
Africjjltttral building (to th Lefti
1 r
,. . it I f'-,, t ' 5
'. ". : ' yr "'". M
ported tha helsave 'reasons for'reconv
mending a speedy conclusion of. peace.
which, will be transmitted to Bt, Peters
burg. . -.
' ' 'bbxtux inn cimitr"
' Jaarnftl fiMrlAi BrTlceL
Hongkong, June ' The British
steaqir . 1'lngsuey; reports witnessing
ths capture of lour merchant steamers
by two Hueelun convertwl crulaors ftp
wiks iiuum'BBt ut iiunnitonB..:
r giiro rmzeovxiw xoms. .. ....
. CJoantal Bprrlal Kfrvlce.)
NaganAkl, June "8.-ltls-etet4 -on
good, authority tha.t all Ruaalan . naval
nrlsoners. Including "those who surren
dered voluntarily and those raptured, hi
toe recent nght, win be sent home.
. ' '(Joonisl Biieclal ) ' .,
Harbin, Junn 6. The crews of live
Japanese' sealing vessels' numbering 0.
including six Americans, have arrived
here. . They- were captured by Busslan
torpedo boata while approaching Odlma
ialand. - ' . , .
r"tJrnl Special SsttIo.) ' "7
Washlnarton., June .-Th fleet : of
warships under ths command of Bear
AdmlrarDlckens welhed anchor to
day preliminary to Joint army and navy
maneuvers In the attack upon the 0-
lenses or waamngtoa and Baltimore
Which will commnnca at mMnlirht Jun,
11 and continue ala days and nlghte.
The aquadron conalats of ths battleship
'". -ne protectea cruisers Newark
and Atlanta the double-turret monitor
Terror, the stnrla.t
Ida, Arkansas -and Nevada, the erulser
nuruora, .ana .numerous torpedo
boat deatrovera . and .imiwi,t, irt..
operations for-ths defense are under
me central- supervision of Genera!
James' F.; Wade. Troops under him
number 1 0,6oo. , ' - ' .
- - (Joqrsat BpUl !fiervice.)'
Washington, n. r- t,,. u...
flrat time in several years Washington
aay naa an opportunity of wUt
nesatng a faahlonabi mmAMrta rniin
to the rites of the Greek church. The
occasion waa ths marriage -of Miss Al
iens. Van Reypetr, only daughter of
Hear Admiral Van -sno. ennn..i
surgeon general of the navy, and Baron
"" Airaanaer ..orrr, gentleman In
waittna to hi !! h .. -
..... Ul
Russia The ceremoriy wss hsld si the
hOmS- Of the hriAm'm na wmntm -wlk t.m
archbishop of ths Greek church In New
Vmv . h. - n . . . . . .
tt-t. ji- nmoviixay, orriclat
1 n ST. -The flrMlr raramnn r 1
by reading of thgplscoparTnarYlage
"J ne jnov. jj. Ktuana cotton
Bmlth of St John's church. , -.
fu0Jue or cnorr, -"
(Special DUpatch to" The Joonitl.r '
Kalamaaoo." Mich.. June t n.i...i..
and visitors ars arriving in conslderabl
numbers for tha .nn...i
convention of ths Michigan Churchea of
mriai, wmcn win be In session here
during ths next three deys. The formal
opening takes place thla evening. Walter
F.-kegg of" Battle Creek will lead the
aong aervice. and J. C. Wllaon of Wal-dron,-ths
devotional service. Ths" sd-
hi -juitin riniini- in
nn Arbor and.W. J. Wright, national
superintendent of levsngellsm. The
regular buslnesa of the- convention w-l
bo taken tip tomorrow morning. ;
; ; : KAiTim ' nvumsm wan.
(Jooraal Special Service. !.
AtlanTa, Oa., June 6.Mahy members
of ths National Association of Maater
Plumbera are arriving in Atlanta to take
part In the 13d annual convention of
their organisation. The attendance will
probably exceed 00 members. The
gathering will bs called to order In the
Grand opera house tomorrow morning
by th national prenldent, David Craig
of Boaton. The aesaions are to continue
three days and will bs devoted to the
discussion of numerous matters of Im
portance to ths trade.
. ivinsm xzi con wiit, ,
(Journal Special Service.)
Omaha, Neb., June 6. Ths Nebraska
Lumber Dealers' aasoclatlon, composed
of several hundred of the leading men
of the trade throughout the stats, de
parts tonight on a trip of Inspection of
ths lumber mills In Montana, Idaho.
Washington and. Oregon. - The dealers
are In search of new marketa aa a reault
of ths scarcity of lumber In Minnesota
and other northern states.
Icopkcti. or ctcs-ffoinir
- (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Atlantlo City. N. J.. June 6. A gen
eral council of women's club presidents
began In Atlantlo Cltyv today and .will
continue until Thursday. .Ths chief pur
pose of the session Is to discuss plans
iorxcooperatlon and uniting club work
ers in all parts of this country and.
j. j.'
and European Exhibits Building at ths.
Young Spanish King . Is Con-
veyed-AciuM CliAiingttTr""
the Royal Yacht"
Whitelaw Reid s Formally Re
- ceived by King Edward and
Wilt Help Entertain. - , -
- "r- (Jearaal Special Service, t
. Lomlon, June 4. Wkllclnw Reld. the
new-4Jnited Btatea ninliassador to. ths
court cf St, James, was formally re
ceived: tills morning by King Edward
'tend will therefore be able to take part In
the varloua etAte functions -arranged
for the emtertanment of King Alfonao
of Spain, who reached England today for
a week s stay. - - .. ..
Ths Spain and his retinue
were conveyed across ths channel from
Cherbourg . on ths royal yacht Victoria
and Alborf and escorted' by -a squadron
vof British warships. In anticipation- of
ths arrival, of the distinguished visitor
the town and harbor of Portsmouth were
astir esrly. Immense crowds assembled
along the sea front, and rounds of cheers
mingled with ths national airs of Eng
land and Spain and salutes from the
harbor ahlps and land batteries as ths
royal yacht entered ths roads. r
King Alfonso wss met by King to
ward and - Queen Alexandra and warm
areetlnas were exchanged. Ths royal
party immediately . took .Ihs train for
London . and on arrival In ths metrop
oils . thev-young Bpanlsh-soverelgn waa.
greeted with another hearty ovation.
The round of elaborate entertainments
arranaed Jn honor of King AlfonaO will
begin tonight with a royal family-dinner
at Buckingham palace uurmg tne
week there will be a succession ox state
functions following the general Tlan of
entertainment provided', for M. Lou
bet on ths occasion of his tats visit to
London, Z" : '
5; -5;- (Joarnai Jhierlal Service.) "
Portsmouth, England. -June .8. King
Alfonso arrived at ; Portsmouth this
noon and was. mel by. ths Prince of
Walea and party. He " wilt' arrive at
Victoria etatloo. London, rate thla after
noon, and drive to Buckingham palace,
where the king will make his heauquar-
AUOITBO U1TZI - io ziroiJurj.
.1 . -i - (Journal Special Service.)
Cherbourg, June . King Alfonso ar
rived at 7 o'clock thls-roornlng en routs'
to England. He waa conveyed In a
bargs to ths English royal yacht 'Vic
toria and - Albert, A French warship
nred the royal salute. .
T protect Oee Bus. from ths venge
ance of a Chinees Jong, BhsrUf Word
surnileil aineeUna iif , highbinders at
n uecona atreet yeateraay arternoon
and told the gathering thSV Gee had
never furnished him with information
that led to raids on gamblers last win
ter.. '. - -
A few -days ago Oss Informed ths
Sharif fLJthatJie Jhad,been denounced as
a traitor by ths tong, "ariSThanio was
tn fear, of Ms ltfs. Ths sheriff then
told ths members of ths tong that he
hsd 'not obtained th Information from
any Chlneee. His explanation appeared
to have been satisfactory at ths time,
but yesterday Gee fell under suspicion
again and ths sheriff had to offer a
second. 4ef ana for him,
Sheriff Word-stBted-that-Geehad
been found guiltless at ths meeting snd
that he would not bs troubled by the
tong. , . - . '
I. (Joarnil Special Service.!
,, Kewanee; III., Juns (. When Mrs.
F. H. Dunn, living 10 miles southeast
of hers, began her work yesterday shs
left an Infant daughter on a piece of
carpet' on the porch. After being out
of doors for half an hour she wss ter
rified to see a monster snake twisting
sbout ths child. She frightened the
reptlle-away-and- then-picked-tip t he
Weeding ch,lld and ran to flnd-neTfcu
band, v ...
When' , the man cams on ths porch the
Snake , was again approaching. He
killed and It measured Ave. feet In
length and three Inches through the
largest part. The snake had bitten the
hand of the Utile girl In several placea.
The limb Waa covered with a allmy
secretion which came from ths reptile
ss hs tried to swallow tns arm.
. V v'
L wis end Clark Exposition. Photo
A Good Place to See Queer An
'TICS 6t reopie u hair
: Entrance.
And Nearly Everybody Keeps to
; ; Left, Contrary to Rule '
of the Road.' - '""
When you -ara weary of seeing- tha
sights at ths great exBoalllon and want
a diversion not on ths program, and for
which there Is. no charge, place yourself
near the gates, at tbs main entrance and
Watch the crowds.
; "lf-thers Is less sense In any other eg
grcgatkm than a band of sheep. It will
be found In .a crowd of human beings,
observed a gatekeeper on duty during
the great rush immediately following ths
parade oa opening day and ts there every
Bo perfect 'ars the arrangements to
handle . ths crowds seeking admission
that through tha main entrance alone
It Is posalbls to admit into ths grounds
10 persons each second. Gatekeepers as
sert that It la also possible for thoss who
enter to ask three questions each la that
Of course, we never have time to count
ths number of questions that each person
asks and answer them at the same time.
aajd the man -who takes tickets, "but It's
pretty safe to aay that each person asks
.at least three questions, so you can figure
out easily about now many ws ars asked
and auppoaed to answer In a day,
After, you have stood near the entrance
tor a-few momenta you will observe per
sons, reach behind . them after paaalng
through the gates, as lf-ln aearch of
something. Then, after a few Vain ef
forts to reach It In which others seeking
admission are detained, they look oenina
and smlle-They are trying to does ths
gates. '-! 1
"You. havs no Idea of. ths numner oi
people- who try to close ths gate alter en
tering " said ths keeper. "This, of
course,: delays ths progress or others.
but they don't seem to think about that
It requires several seconds for 'them to
reallae that they can't does 'the gate-
that It haa been closed Immediately OB
their entrance, and. then they laugh aa 11
It were a great joke,
us and above out a piece of money, and
It Is. only-after ws have refused to sell
them tickets that they discover theyH
have them In their pockets. TJr course,
that alao requires time and delays
Usually the first question asked la
"Which is the best place to go first?"
If the ticket-taker -directs ths questioner,
he Is asked how to go there. In cass he
refuses to. answer he is thought to bs
'Sullen, or impertinent, -and Is frequently
told so. If bs has time to renly to the
questions, he Is aaked what-time a cer
tain, event takes place. Any numb of
questions are fired at him if he shows
any disposition to answer. -,
rrVr r"hM" - r"r w
commodatlng every one," said ths keeper,
nd could facilitate our work and their
entrance greatly if they .would recognise
that we are. stationed hers 'not to engage
in conversation or to direct people. Ws
ars hers merely to take tickets.
"Another feature that the public in
Portland might do well to remember
during -thefair Is how-to walk., That
may sound strange, perhaps, but there
ars fsw people, here apparently who know
how to walk In a crowd. If the people
would always turn to ths right, there
would be less confusion and they would
reach their destination quickly.
Mayor Williams was In his office all
day and received hundreds of people,
among whom were many politicians
who reported ths progress of the else
tlon. Ths usual number of beggars who
havs Infested his office for several
weeks paat were among those preaent.
His honor was In a .cheerful frame of
mind and expressed confidence that he
would be sleeted.
"From the outlook l am of the opin
ion that I will bs elected today.T said
he, "but one cannot always telf bow
elections will result."- - ' t-t
(Journal Special Service.)
Mount Klsco, Ms.. Juns 8. A wedding
of social note hers today was that of
Mlaa Sara Means of New York to Vivian
Spencer of Washington, son of Presi
dent Samuel Spencer of the Southern
railway. The event waa attended by a
mrrrtner of pmon s promtnent In society
In Wsshlngton, Nsw York, Baltimore
and other cities.
1 1 i '
Grandest Display
of - .
Ever Seen In Portland
W ars nothing If not at tns head of
th procession when It comes to showing
ths best ths market producea in the way
of planoe- -Pelng th oldest and largest
nous in th city w naturally had tn
cream of. ths piano products "to select
from, bence our large representation
of the oldest and best makes." Know
ing that there would be large numbers
of people from all parts of th eountry,
and especially ' from - ths northwest.
where w are catering for trade, .dur
ing our big fair, w arranged accord
ingly and to what sxtent ws have sue
ceeded .. we . Invits lha.. puhllo to coma
and , see. . Her yod And the Knabe,
uvsreit, iiarajnan, - riacner, r-acaara.
Ludwlg, Conover, , Voce and many
others, that have a world-wide reputa
tion. ' and In all. th various Styles of
architecture, in mahogany, walnut and
oak cases. W are anticipating a very
large trad this season and in order
to secure it w are going .to give every
Inducement possible in th way of price
and terma. Our house haa been recog
hlaed above all others, aa ths selection
of pianos for ths following stats build
ings and other buildings at the Lewis
snd Clark fair will ahow: Oregon.
Washington -Idaho. .... Utah, -North Da
kota, Missouri, New Tork, Coos county.
Fraternity, Forestry, Eastern Star, Fes
tival hall and Auditorium. We also
have the only 'exhibit at ths fair-where
we show' some-of the finest products
that havs sver been produced, and glvs
a -very sordlei Invitation to all to visit
It aa well aa our elegant warerooms.
corner Sixth and Morrison, where every
courtesy wui be extended to all visitors.
if you . want tn peat tor your money
vou will be aura to find It at our atora.
Ws alao nave pianos for rent oo reason
able terma.
Allen AGilbert-RamaRcr
com. mm ajtd xomazsov STm.
McMinnville,'- Forest Grove l and
: Hillsboro Day, What's
- . to See and Dou .
Tomorrow- at - ths Lewis and . Clark
exposition la McMinnville, HUlsbor and
soreit umve ,isy. i ns program rot-
a. 1 m. Oatea open. 1 -
J : am. Balidlnga. . government . eg. I
hlbtt and Trail open.
10:10 a m. to ll:t0 p, m. Qrand con
cert by Administration band. Big. 'te
Caprlo, conductor, bandstand on Oray
boulevard;, program: March, ' American
Republic" (Thlele); overture, "Irrfahrt
uma Olueck" (Supps); "La Clnquantlne"
(Marie): paraphrase, "Lorelei" (Nes-
vadba); waits, "Jolly Fellows" (Don!
settl); "Dane of th Bayaaerea" (Rubin
stein); maroh, "Th Star of Destiny"
(Dewey). In . th - rvent of - Inclement
weather this concert wlll be given In
th Agricultural building. - - -
t p. m. to I pr m. Washington county
(Oreaon) exerclaes In Auditorium. Ad
ministration band In attendance. Ad
ministration band afternoon program In
Auditorium: March. "Tbe Paaalng Regi
ment" (Lansing); overture, . "Martha"
(Flotow); maaourka, . "La Cxarlna
(Oanne); grand selection, ; "Santanella"
(Balfe): fantaala, 'The Dying Poet"
(Qottachalk); waits, "Angel's Dream"
(Herman); concerto for baritone aolo,
Ds Caprlo; march, "La Pere de la Vlc
tolrs" (Oanne)t ;
1:30 to :B8 p. m. urand concert by
Innes' band, bandstand. Oray boulevard
(if raining In Agricultural building).
1:10 p. m. BaseDaii game in city
lnteracholastlo champlonahlp series, pro
fessional baseball grounds,' Twenty
fourth snd Vsughw streets, 11
7. p. - m. Pennsylvania ' society. In
7:10 to 1:30 p. m. Qrand concert by
Innea' band, bandstand. Gray boulevard.
p. m. Grand electric illumination.
11 p. m. Gatea close. -
(Journal Special Service.) '
New Tork, June J. State Superinten
dent of. (haurane Hendricks rssumed
his Investigation of the Equitable-today.
His report Is expected within ten days.
It la reported on good, authority that
Hendricks "severely criticizes -the man
agement of the society, recommends
drastic changes, and will ask for several
reslf natlona.
Tarbell waa called aa a witness today.
It Is -understood -that- Hendricks wl'.l
inquire into certain matters treated In
the Frlck report and that Alexander
and Hyde be recalled to give further
svldsncs. - - -1-
. (Journal Special Service.) ,
Rome, Juns I. A professor of ths
College of Regglo Emilia, recently
bought from a second-hand dealer an
oil painting for which lis gave 1L . It
te now found that the painting Is a
genuine Vandyks. Ah offer of M.000
has already been mads. The original
pries paid by th dealer wai cent.
nd not knowing ths value, he exposed
It for sale en th street, where the pro
fessor ssw It. It Is said tha painting
was ones ths -property' of ' an Im
poverished - fsmlly which possessed a i
collection of ancient masters. .. .
OASTomiA wisni omr.
' (SpwrlsKDUpsfck t fbe Joereal.l """"
Detroit. Mich., June S.-A permanent
Injunction1 has - just been granted by
udae ewan of the United States clcruil
court sgalnat thf 'Moxon Liniment com'
pany .of ML Clemens. Mich., on com
plaint mads by Charles 1L Fletcher of
New Tork City ..who accuses th ML
Clemens concern of Imitating his Cas
tora.' The decree orders ths defendant
company to turn over for destruction
II wrappers, labels,, electroplates, etc..
and In addition It must pay ths Flstchsr
company 1250 damages.- - -'
Ths Els Store In the
69 -71 -73 Third Street. Bet" OaK and Pine
The Chicago's Creat
Is -Still On
$5 and $7.50
For cholc of ISO Outing
Suit. Broken lota and sixes.
Worth from 7J0 tp 111.60,
BuysV an : I AJWobl - Hknd'
Tailored' $ult. ."T".
For Cholc of over 100 styles
.of All-Wool Hand-Tailored
Butts. - Not on in this lot
worth less than 111.00. Every
new and dependable fabrlo In
thls grand. coiiectlon.znr ; r
95.00, 6.00, 97.00.
Men's "... 91.6S, 965, -93.00 and. 93.50
'Youths', II to I... . - i
Boys'. 1 t-IVs.:..
We de crows sad brides work without pels.
Oar ' IS yesre' esperlesce la piste work ea
abloe es te fit roar Btoath eoaifortablr.
- Dr. W. g. Wise bss foen! e esf wsy e
eitrset teeth, ebaotatel? wlthoat psla. Dr.
I. P. Wise is sa expert at void filling sad
erawa and brldce work. Ritraetlag free
warn plates at br1dse are erdered.
WISE BROS., Dentists
- Paitlag Bnhur. est. -Tlilr sad Wask SU.
Opea evealsas till S p. as. Bandars truia
- to IS. Or. Mala S0.
BR. T. W1S.
sm ni 1
.aeassyf- -1 I I r
IS. Corner-Second
1 20th and Upshur 3treets
J-Opposite Main. Entrance to
electrlo callbells and special tslephonlo communications for patrons; Uni
formed porters and bellboys at all hours at guests' eervlo. - ...
- Rates $1 a Day and Up V
ISO Elcfant Hocms Open for Quests
. Co. S7th - aad Tkanaaa Street.
., 'J. C. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. ,
- - ftenrhed hr all car lines.
' Rates, It per day.
ti and 14 per day.
Koumi witn pain.
r VnA Caok Ooaditons. M
. . From th Troy Tlmea. .
Judge Parker may talk at wearisome
length of th future of the party at th
head of which he Went to an unparal
leled political slaushter.' But what fu
ture can It have under such conditions
ss these by which it Is now confronted?
MI41U of th Elock
Exposition Suit Sale
in Full Blast!
Jhc Chicago's
Hat r
98.00 and 910.00 or flneat ..
- ...rM.M S1.25-na 11.75
i..91.45nd 9X.t
Everything In the
mm w
pgrwr A. WIST.
- ' 1
and-Taylor, Streets
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
J6th and Upshur Streets
'Seaohsd i ths Oreron, Water
Power y. tto. Iroiis7 Lin. '
Writ or Phon.
Ji.ll. MABTXaTXB, Bfaaaga. -Srtacada,
Oregon. . .