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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
I I y- A- t ' i '. ..) ," THEV OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. 1 MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 5, 1905. 1. r . ; . , or ient-houses. ' ' niirai cbiioii. I "L ' ' ' "WRnn. I . Moras. : ,i . ' "" 1 - .rvT. .". . rTTf 1 AOENTS WANTED To- nil oor upsrlnr high , ... l. . m-A Himnta out. '. fit -farnlehed free: essh weekly; 'W d,r for choice of territory. Capital City Kurssry Co., Seism, Oregon. ' , WANTBD-'-Faw competent sgente to handle good proooelUoo, paying SO to U0. 14 - IiiiHi ! ! I I I WAMTID MIBCIXLAJriOnt. .WANTED More spraylsg d whlteweehlngl I th only I'ullu compressed lr.ViI outfit on 'the oueet. M. O. Martu --. ' -v-Mllwaukle it. . Phone Beat 331T, . ; . . SHORT ORDER Priatlng Hone F. 1. , Seeoad and Weahlngtun ate. . Mala 163. jlOOHS to paper, 88 nd "P. If. ,Bch)dsd i . pslnt them for 11 up. Box 64. city. ; fob ' Btirt Htpimtroro boomb. Cu Inwrtloa la this el.aallleetion, "SI . word to It mm. CAMP GROUNDS lu tho city, 800 feet 1 tho river, a block from esr; tell tent and beds; Uhb bosrd reasonable. Addre -lend Cottage, Portias . Uelgbl. PUou Mala 69WS. . TENTS, farnlehed or unfurnished; ground Mat . to pitch your own tent. V", oatb; fin private grounds. Iwl oirf Clar. oamptaf JUl LINDA TISTAroicolr fornlrtad ho.ka- lOB IBQ W1H IW iwuw - kOOMS AKS BOAXD.' XK8 wo cmn .aeeommodata a few noro tablo boirdora; born cook lor aod oTorjthlnf Orat rlaaa. Aator bouM, Sotaoth aud Madlana, - Pbouo. ataln 6231. ' ffHB ' JIU4AN ,COTTAOBr-IT Borrntn at.t . rooma for traaalenta. II pr day) braaltaat ' aornid; tako itttutoo. car, gat off at BoTantb at. TUB IRVIJiU -eifraut aKommodatlona, bo -, oiorbltaut chart ot dlnliv-rooa -In eoa noetkio; prleaa rlkt. Cor, 18tb and Irlu. THB HELENA dtntnf rooma. board by UM day, wk or Bontb; roaaoBabla ratoa; atricU ' flrat-elaa. 871 Flftb at., oppoalto city ball. THB LINDKLL Now family botal, atarkat. bot. Third aad Fourth ; ataam boat, alactrle lUbt, porcolalB) batba; oicoedliifly low ratoa. 4S NINETEENTH at., cor: CUfton, Portland Batfbta. Pbooo Uala 4371. Taa BaKbU . car. - .BOOM and board at Clay aad Water ate.. Ma, 838. U. Jaaa. 7 ' torn tin. rrunurzo moon. ntTnfNl TH HI rilH. ' Blcitaat annoy foralahod rooma aro daalrablt, - away from city notao; all outalda rooma, ' plenty of fraab air, bulldlnf fireproof; car ' at door for all polnta; aw rala during fair: ratoa 1 day frao pbono, katb aad aa. Call or pbono . H. PalaW, SWOV, BuaatU at. .yPkono Bait 48g, ... - Jthe garland . ..,,.,631 Waablnxton, bot. Nlpetranth and Tww .tlrtb; now, modara, all ontaldr ropma. kw - trie lighta, pbono,' frao batba; AOc. J 5c, II per r- aayi rateo oy woraj rw ui a u i ,m 7 VENTH BT., nr - Ifontromory Wrll . 1-. a- f m 1 1 daalMblV , to carllnra and near center of elty; batbrooma n& all koine convenlencea; rate . II to M t ' pr day . Phone 868. ' 'KICB ram front rooma, (antral location. II. BO J per day; cannot bo appreciated until aeem back rooma, II per day and there are no dark i rooma; one block from Portland hotel. - lit and 195 BeTeotb aU . LARGE front room, private family; elderly couple prefemd; all modern conrenleaeea, -walking dlatanee. on two carllnea; rent , reaaooable. flop Eaat Ankeny. Eaat 8U2. ! THB RAMANN. 1V N. 18th cor Hoy t Newly furnlahed rooma, ll.AO ps eoneenlent location. 4 to minute waia 10 mmt 1 Mr at iininn AiM,t Art to bnuaa. Pbono BaTO, r 1 1. . I m, n navip rvi i-- (-W katk - from reau'nrant. one" block Third and riftb ' car llnea. Phone Weat M. 10 ourtk at. THB HE1UER Uawthorne and Grand area.; ' fireproof, elefiantly rnrnlabed room, bath, 1 phone. 6-mtnute ra on both avenaee; ratea : .- reaeonable week or month: tranalent rooma. "JPORTLAND Mineral Bprlnaa HnUl 80 noma, 400 ft. from fair grounda gate; new, clean) ratea reaeonable: write and reeerre room. O. W. McCoy, Twenty .alitb anA-8Tler. ONE mom with free bath and phone la private " family. 644 Eaet Twentieth, on. car line) 12 week; breakfaat It dealred; gentleman preferred. CaU Eaat 187. r-r-- rVRNIBHED rooma. centrally loeated; nleatv ant - anrronnaingaj pnore reaaonaotei gma, phone and bath. 290 Jeffrroon at., opnoalta city hall.-- - -KELXOOO HOL'HE. 1M Pbermani tek car , . aonth: clean lodging, 3ftc; meal, XSc; tur , nlahed braaekeeplnc room , with bath and , laaadry. ' , FURNISHED front mm: privet family. , walking dlatanee. eaat aide; cheap, for one or two; breakfaat It dealred. Phono Eaat - 1211. . UEWLT farmabed-rooma In new cottage three block from fair grounda; gea and electric " light, hot and cold water bath. 056 Thurman. -THE GABLE furnlabed room, light, airy, re i 'anaable, with breakfaat: S car llnea, Eaat Twentyeveoth and Taggart eta. Beet 8WUB. YIBrTORS deelrlng newly fornkibed room New mttare. nice realdenre. weat aide, 2 block ..Waablngteai bath, reaeonaMe. Call Main DTBS. tCVT-'-Turulalied mom. With breakfaat If - Twenty-alxth and Powell: take Woodatock car at Third and Yamhill at. - MA RQ IT AM HOrBB, ?4RH 6th Rooma en enlte or nlngle; honaekeeptng rooma; gaa etovea, i bath, electric light: traneteuta aollclted. JVICBI.T fnralaned front room, prtvat family, qnlet place, IT per month, permanent. Call ixv, Eaat Market at., near Eaat Sixth. VEW furnlahed rooma. everything fleet -claa; electric lighta, gaa and bath: near hotel, per manent and tranalent. 834 Fourth at; - TENT room Eaat Portland, central location; . bouaekeeplng: airy bedroom and beda, 60 per nlgbt. Inquire 13 Union are. FHRNISHED room for rent to couple, with prlv Urge of cooking breakfaat; porcelain both, gaa, nee of telephone. Eaat 1TA0. THE MATFAIR Elegantly furnlebed rornne: new building; modern convenience, 28 Vk tark. cor. Fifth. Main 2067. MEAT furnlahed rooma, reasonable prices, for rent by day, week er month. Mrs. J ana, 121 Water, cor. Clay. ' ' fOR RENT Nicely furnlahed rooms with or without board. Call. Western . Realty Cev, Main M. ' In TINE at., Monta villa Newly furnlebed ' room with board;, private family; price ' reasonable. lnH TENTH, near Morrison Handerfrhe front ' rooms, day or week; can accommodate all or eight. THE OLADBTONE 81 3 H Barlsr at., furnlahed rooma; under new management; price res - eonable. B04H WASHINGTON, bet. rifte-nth and SIT teeuth, furnlahed rooms 2 to IS M per week. KICELY furnlahed room 80c. Toe per day? also nafurnlahed rooma. 104 North neveoteenta. . NEATLY furnlahed noma, reaeonable ratea. 120 Grand ave., sear Eaat Morrison. TWO furalahed rooma.., en eoltaMe for two . gentlemen. B64 Knott at., Alblna. TWO nicely furnlahed rooma. bot hatha, LIS, IS week, fair visitor. 484 Front. THRF.E furnished "wimi, private famllrt rnn arbe; no children. H SO. ioorall. KeVlY fnrnfihed roeme. snrroandlng pleaaant 480 Magnolia, at.. Woedlawa. rURNIBHEP rooms for rent, 414 Eaat Taylor, ' FURNISHED room to 'rent. 44 Rodney ave. rot UHT-TLATfl. " UNFURNISHED and 4-rootn flate on Overton near jweniietn. aingie or ea . whole; newly painted and papered Inside and set. . gaa .piped, all In Brat-elaa condition, good yard snd baaemest . Harrington, ofe rirst, new veew FOR RENT Lower furniehed Rat. I room and alcove, gas rang and water beater: adults, ess sine; anareae v on, car Joexoak FOR RENT 1 new modem l-roora tats for 41 M Inriadlng water; n children dealred. Li M1U M. . , i FOR RENT We can rent yoa nice furnlahed T-room house for tbe summer; beautiful yard, ' lota ef fruit, bandy to car; this property will only be on the market for few day. Northwest Land Co.. 8U Allaky bid. ' - KAODBRLY TklANBFERXrMMUIBION 00. Pianos and fnraltur moved nrotnrtly by ax--iwlenwd niB...Ua.TliltA al MalaJIsl i FOB RENT June 10, eompletely furnlahed fr room cottage, d0 month, west aide. Mo. 24 . North Eighth at. CaU from 1 to I p. m. FOR RENT S modern T-room boose IB Eaat Thirty-fourth at. rear 120;. W. 0. Beck, room 807 Th falling bldg- ; FOR RBNT Large, handsome bouse nd ground on top og Mb isoor. . Apply atyaaea, 4eamj office. -i NICELY located B-ronm nous, low rent, furni ture for sale. Inquire 749 Union ave. B-KOOM cottage, well furnished, for rent, 288 Lincoln, bet. Fourth and Fifth. 8-ROOM cottage on weet ltd for rent. In quire 414 East Taylor. FURNISHED bouse, 184 Grand . ave.. North. BOVm FOR RXlfT FPlJflTTJRE FOB IAXX. THB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS eelts your furnltar for, you at your residence er 211 First st, . For beat result phsu Mala booo. FUBNITITBB 4-room cottage for aale. 4300! weet side, 4 blocks from Washington at. No. : 28 North Eighth at. Call tram 1 to 4 p.-av-- rOR BALE At a bargain, beautiful -room flat, elegant see tern furniture, low rent, all i modern convenience. 888ts Fourth at. FURNISHED 4-room cottage. Including upright piano, for aale, Sn0; rent of cottage, '111 per month. - 604 William ave. FURNITURE ef alx-room boose, mostly new, Xood location, rent 130; leaving city. Ad res I 41, Journal. . T-ROOM nous for rent, f 18: furnltar 4 room for aale: piano if dealred; terms. 884 East Taylor at. THB furniture of seven rooms, with bath and pbooe. for eel at, bargain, close In. 404 - Everett t. - MODERN tmn bouse for rant: desirable - sVatloni furnltur for sals. 18 Moot gomery at. " ' " , FOB XEVT TAKMt. FOR BENT 8 acres of land, all la caltlv. tloa, Esst Forty-third and Beetion Line road. W. . smcjk. gvr Tne rauiaev . FOB BIJrT MInOELLAJrXOTJI. PHOTO BTTIDIry, furnlahed. r Inquire bet. 12 nd I. 414 Ablngton bldg. Phene Clay 4.12. FOB 4ALZ RKAL ESTATE. " ' PORTLAND BEIOTjTS. f ' Oar lot are beautifully situated, command a-magnincenf view and r mucn, en than any ethers offered, , W wnt. to U a neior suying. "V.-'-T-r AMXBICAK INVESTMENT CO, , - -Ptaea Main tttux ' ' t22 FUln Bldf FOB BALE Elegant suburban home consisting . -of 8 axzs-highly rmproved ground, 4-room nous and other bulldlngsi aIsa-4-room cot tage, abnndanoe of trait and berries; 20 minutes riae re city, ' aaaraw or "w b ' 0. H. Rchwerdtmana, car at Star Box Co. Pbon Main 4. ' -' ' FOR BALE modern corner brick block, 8 tory and 'bseement, 4 toreroome, 40 rooma rurnlased; will sell au or eeparaie at oea alas i ntuaei a iwim close to Russell st. oa WUllama are.; good Income nreperty, , Inquire eX. W. U. Beck. Th Falling bide. CHEAP to oulek buver. n nice borne ea Monta- vllla ear line, close in, 4 lota, fla soil, good bouse, barn, a beda. rhlckenhonse, riae wen, windmill, etc., plenty of trait U kinds; sacrifice .kecoant party going south, inquire 270 Alder at., cigar store. FOR 8 ALB 10 acres oketc land. 12 mile from Portland, suitable fur 4 home; eeslly lav, - proved, bandy to R, B. station, bostlsndlnc and good roads; good esIL For particular addresa A. aU- Felkanberg. Bolhrook, Or. . FIVE new modem heuse ta Hulls day Park addltloo; alao 14 choice lots; street Im proved, . cement walka, sewer, or will build bouse to eult enetnmers,' ea eaay tarma. W. . Beck. 807 Th Falling bldg. WANTED If yoa want to boy nice home la the city and am eaay tense, com and eee us; we ran aatlsfy you; If yoa want nice place, tble la th one; don't fall to learn more about it. 211 Allaky bldg. t-ROOM house, modern; fruit flower; alas 8 vacant lot, beautifully located: bargain; - have to fell on account baslnees elsewhere. Call 47 TCaat Tblrty-flrat and Clinton; take Wsverly-Rlcbmond ear. i IZ-ROOM hoase. large lot fruit. South Port' -land; price 11,200; half enaa; will take con siderable of rest In carpenter'a or plasterer' work. Pbon ewxer. Main otwo. 8ER. -for C-rrap borne In elty - and country, large aod email farm la all part of th stale', Hobaa a Taggart, 107 Sllth at. JJCHTnot buy hom when I have many one cottage ana nouse oc au oeecripuoaa - which can b bought on eaar terms 1 - Inquire M. B prague, 122H Grand ire., room U. A BNAP T-room bouse In a beautiful location In St. Johns will be sold at 2-8 value It . taken at once. For further particular ad dresa P. 0. Box 141, St. Johns, Or. LOTS In Vernon; see them sure before buying; take Vernon esr to Sixteenth St., Inquire fu -OgdeuV one block south, who will show yo - lota an4 furnish prices. 1TS 120 TH)WN, IS per month, tray nice building site: sqnsl to three lots. Phone East aSaa. Address 411 Esst Thirty-fourth. FOR SAI4C 4-room cottage, modern, lot fenced, fruit trees, 2 blocks from car; cssh or terms. F. J. Ryder. Montavtlla. Pbon Main BUS. ONB five, on sli-room bouse for sale at Mon tavlila; new; ran give terme on part, in quire at 111 Ablngton Bldg. Owner HOMESTEAD relinquishment,- fin tillable lend . with boose in Kiiciitet county, weening ton, room Waahtngtoa Bldg. LOT, corner Mason and Minnesota - avenaee. Owner, Jr-McGlhbono, 40 Hunter are., near Seliwood. Phone Scott 8020. a a mi, . r.,. n, , moBM ana w.a. vrn, chicken bouae;-100x100 on car line; lots f rruit. owner, 12 xniro. FOR (ALB sr exehauge, 11H acre Improved, - 1 mile Irom Montavtlla car Una. Inquire Owner, 414 Belmont. l.0O New 4-room cottage and 2 larg lot o aor. Oread ave. and Shaver at. Be owner, 8B4 - Shaver St. FOR BALE I room, house oa esr line with er fruit treea, at. Inquire 2U1 East BUth at. - WOO DL AWN. Highland Psrhl choice Iota ea 1n . atallmeuta. B. Or Matthew, 8o4 Featoa bldg. 11.800 GOOD corner lot,- clone In. ea weet aide; good hulldlog. Address O BT. JoarnsL T-ROOM house, bath, barn, chtckenbnuse. 1001 . 100 oa car line. Owner,- )2 Third at. FOR SAL Cheep, sightly tote, Lewec Alalss. Cell owner, phone Main 2T77. FOB BALE Oaf UOXaBOB. FOR BALB or exchange, 10 scree of No. J soil, one aille north of Vancsurer; bouse, barn, rhlrken-bouae and water piped oa place) must sell at oece. luqalre U. Van Kanta, 201 ' Larrabee, Portland. ROOMING HOI'SR. 18 newly furnished rooma. will trade for farm, mercantile business, or 100 apot cash. Eiooaltloa Leeelng Co.. 71 Sixth at., sear Oak. A GOOD farm for sal, term to eult: will trade for city property er acreage, close la. ' Apply BI4 elrenklyn at. ... baxb xxsTBVitEjrra. CH Aft. B. YORK A CO. repairer sod platers. remove re bt riret, 1 okvras aarra. B7sssBMBasassxeasBSKsaaswv "7 " ABCHTTtOTt. I. P. norFMAM, architect and taperlatsadeat, UlVi First it., Portland, oe. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 4 market bualnesa for ssla that aurpessee anything fur tbe price ever offered In Port, landt It la a moner- making proposition snd ' worth your while to lavestlgsts; the reeeoa inr-Belling IB oiner poiinoe wii tii ww yoa can deal direct with owner.,- Address I 44, JonrnaL WANTEU Partner with 3.U00 ta take half Interest with me In putting on the market an article of great merit and very targe 'proflta; have etclualve right for states of Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Montana. Call oa or , address Oeorgs O. Miller, 848 BUth at.. Portlaad. Oregon, i FREB LANDS INcORROON.' FERTILE aoll, pure water, delightful climate land ef alfalfa, a pule aad clever. For full Information address tbe Columbia Southern Irrhratloa Co., 838 Worcester block, Portland. A LADY ur gentlemaa wb baa email amount of money to Invest as partner to attend to office business netting from 8p to 11.800 and upward per month. Call 21V North BUth - at. Phone Mala 2020. THE NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. SOS Mar. qusrn bldg., Portland, Or., bandies bonds, ' stocks, mine, ftnancee legitimate enterprise. furnishes sat lvsstmnU and secures loans. WB bar Just got new furnished 4-room house la swell Iocs Hon for fair roomers; party going sway, must eelL Western Realty - Co.,: 81 Commercial blk. Main 40V4. ' THE beet location in Oregon for gdtvd bote man with from 18.000 to II0.O00, In th cen ter of the government Irrigation works. - Ad dress A. F. Clublue, Merrill. Oregon. FOB SALE Photograph gallery: change - In business resson fur selling; a bargain; muat be sold, at one. CU u,or sddress 0, M, Hsrrls, Dsyton, Or. BARGAIN Barber shop, good location: whole or naif Interest: price reaeonable: moat be old eoeo; don't mis this. Address I 61. car of Journal. . FOR. SALE East . aid . butcher shop, fully equipped; estsbllshed trade, good location, long lease, cheap rent. 270 Alder, cigar store. PARTY with 1160 cash ea secure fine work. Ing position and Interest In growing manu facturing buelneee. I 61, Tb 'JournaL WANTED Good reliable party with 4800 to manage one of the beet paying buaioeaac la city. Cell 427 Salmon St. A SNAP Restart! rant and Ice cream parlor) beat location; cheap rent. Phone Mela 4 TBI. GOOD bargain, hoarding, rooming-house, 1f sold - st oaos; no agents. Pbon. Main 3441. FOR BALE Buttermilk route and lis; pried . 1200. 181 Cook ave.. Portland. 8-BOOsf roomlng-houss for sale, 1400. - 802 Madlaoa st. FOB SA1X FARMS. ...-J. SCBLBBAN ACREAGE. . . W offer at bargain 12 aerra. ahoat 4 acre f whleh I beaver dam. all Improved, eome fruit, good land, good road, Close car line. I miles from center of city and S miles south ef Mllwaukle: wUl divide If desired. Get full particulars from j..' AMERICAN - INVESTMENT CO. r Pbon Mala 638$, 223 Falling Bids 2H ACRES. 24 In cultivation, H acre good 'timber, gdod soli, no rocks, fins location, good road, nearby alj kind of fruit, S bams, good 8-room bouae. good water aad wind mill. B miles southeast from city limit of Portland; will make terms. Address . 11. Long coy, Mllwaukle, Or., owner. - - 8180 ACRES 84 In cultivation. IS seres winter wheat, good garden, bearing orchard, all - kinds of berries, plenty wood, good rail fence, - Irrigating ditch. 2-room house, bars and . outbuildings, . poatofnee . half mile, good school. Prlca 12,000. 8. A. Klstnar, Bmock. Or. FOR SALE Good email farm of 85 acre nssr railroad. 17 miles from Portland; some hone. dull, luuulm us nil. ia uuilllli waiwi, g'srn uuui" i iit-i will sell with or without erop-- A. Murdock, . Khsrvrooo, uregoa, FREE LAND IN OREGON under the '.'Carey Irrteatloe. Act." Deed direct from state. Write today. . Booklet aad Dap free. B. B. Cook Co., 281 Alder st-, Portland. Or. GOOD farm for . Sale I good buildings,-fine running water; located la Willamette valley. 11 .miles from Salem; price 2,SuO. Addresa . BT'F. Tucker. Turner; Oregon. MALHEUR COUNTY Improved snd enlmnroved snus, screege nuri ,y, eowa wm, imune, bualnesa locations, etc, Don Csrlos Boyd, th real estate man. Ontario. Or. HOMESTEADERS W locate you on wheat or Irrigation lands; real estate for aale. Call or write Vaa Cleave A BcholL Echo, Umatilla Co. BARGAIN from owner. 40 seres, 13 cleared V with Improvements, 10 ml lee from city, ea county road, IWbO. Addresa I 21. JournaL 440 ACRES good grass land, eastern Oregon, II : per acre; one third csah, be lance easy tarma; muat be taken soon. 204 AlUky Bldg. FOR SALE Farm, dairy and orchard; 1.200 bearing trees; 2V miles north of Cap Bora landing. Apply en premise. ,.,. FREB land In Oregon; excureton every dsy. For Information Inquire Northwesters necuri- tles Co., 818 oregonlsa blag. FOB BALE MTBCTXLAITIOPS. ICB CREAM, fruit Ice, made quickly without ice, trifling cost! keep milk, butter, etc., a weet to bot weather; full directions, 10c Phillip Bpsdalty Co., Box 284. Portland.. 1OTXTAKDANDP0OL table for rent or lor ale on essy payment. -' ' TUB BRUNSWICK BALKS COLLENDEB CO. Third sui roruaaa. WX print your nam oa 80 calling cards, proper atss and stria. 25c 260 business cards, II. ' Brown A Bcbmale, 22 First. Portland, Or. 18 FOOT fas launch. 3H horaepowsr, o jletely equipped, la goo condition; price ;100. W. J. Clemens, 271 Stark st. FOR SALEr-S.cow and small milk routs; esubllehed. Apply 404 Ebey at., Montavtlla, - any nlgbt after T o'clock. TELEPHONE brackets and pins. Pioneer Wood Mfg. Co., E. Seventh. Phone Eaat 2104. MEW baby carriage for aale. Room 401 Tourny bid., Second and Taylor. Mala 2033. FOR SALE Diamond ring, Itt carata; price 1128. Addreae II 48. cere of Journal. PIRSOKAL. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One months treatment, 12: 8 months. 28; sent securely sealed by msIL Agents. Woodard, Clarke 4 Co., Portland, Or. r BOOKS! Her thev ri "Decamero." 'Hep. . tameron," "A Hot Tamele," "Fanny Hill," - "Twenty Yeara Faker," "Forbidden Fruit," BO each; Hat free. A. Sehmale, 229 First at. FREE aampla copy ef "Matrimonial Register" for June to those calling for same at oor offlee; by mall. 10r. Interstate Introducing Society, enote 24, Buses! bid.,' 185 V, Fourth. LOST power restored by1 th grest Dr. - Lnren' Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25o per bos. .' 4 boxe for 41.28. Writ or call at Erssell' Pharmacy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d, i MANICI'RING by aew rotary process: fsce snd scslp msaasge; -body vlbrstor; free de'm. onatratlon. Vlbratorlatn. rooms 28-24 Lewis bUlg., cor. Park snd Morrison. MRS. LIU J AN R. CRAM Chiropodist, mani curing and shampooing. Parlor 424 AMnatoa bid., Portland, Oregon. Telephone Clay 1752. "WONDER WORKER" remedies: No. ."pro. tector" for all female trouble. It, 4Vt -Sixth ; 1 ' 1 BALM OP FIGS for all feanak diseases. Aider St. Phone Mala b33. 0CC11.T and New Thought hooks. . Jo Store. 291 Alder st. f TO rXCTLUIOE. COt'NTRY tore, doing blf business, for a good fsrm; value 411.000. H block fine Improved- and tneome-bearin Portland property; vain IJO.Ooo. -for good aasBssaaaasnaBs .' .' ' ABBAYXBB. ' " ': THE t. H. Flak Assaying office Oreealey A Crawford,- analytical - ebemlets aad metal. ' harglata. toH Wsahlngtoa st. ' ' BICYCLE DIALERS. COLCMBIAr TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT BP0RT1NU flOI4, EXPERT RKPAIRUilla. F. P. KKBtiAN. rod THiaD ST. ' ' PROF. RICBARD MAX METER Portrait sad landscape srUat; lustructlou la oil pslntln. water on lor, ete., Snd drawing;' art gallery tenaaetod with studio; picture for aale and - framing te order. H Alder st. Phooe ltX BLAFX BOOK MAjrTTACTTJIRS. TTCW4,-TTm 4; irrtH l"'M'l't"t wa Bsnk book manufacturers: agent for. Jone . Improved Looss-Lsst ledgers; eee th aew Eureka leaf, tbe best ea tbe market. BATHS MASSAQX. MISS LEB, expert masseuse, givee steam baths - with sslt glows for rheumatism. , Marqnam rooming house,' 145 yfc . bUln, ruvio ( 24, lioura from 10 to I. , THB SNOWDEN BATHROOMS 2K7W Alder bet. 4th and 6th; lady attendants: tub and vapor baths, massage, electricity. Main BVHS. VAPOR and- sponge baths with msaasge end. magnetic treatments by experienced young lady. H61H Morrlsoa St.. room IS. . PALACE Msssags Parlora gives vapor, sponge and alcohul baths. 8434 Morrison, rooms 8-4. CIMEVT OOMTBACTOBB. CEMENT WORK UP TO DATE, . elbowgreaa and straight buslnee Luudstrom, 802 - Commercial blk. with CHAS, H. CARTER A CO., cement csatrsetora, 444 East Twentieth St. . Pbon Beat. 147V ' All work guaranteed. . COMaaBBIOV MIBCHAJITB. ' DAVENPORT BROS. General commlasloa mec chants; fruits snd produce: xonalgomenta so lid ted t prompt returue. 180 Froat - at. BVERDINO FARRELL. prodnee and eemmuv . sloe merchants, leu Front St.. Portland. Or. ' Phoa Mala 179. CIOABS AJTD TOBACCO. ESBERG-GUKST ClOAg CO. DUirlbutora . ef .. ' FINE CIOABS. Portland. Oregon, CAAPET-CLXAaiXa. STANDARD Stesm Csrpst-Cleaolng Co. Carpets cleaned, rektied. eewed snd laid; msttrsasas, feathers renovated. . East Third, north, aid Pacific ate. East 280. Msrrlman A North. HAVE youf wall -Taancrtt we clesn papered and pa luted walla; aatlafsctlon guaranteed; - price reaaooable; references. Bed 2933. CARPETS cleaned en the floor; we raise no , dust. Phone Clay 831, free demonstration. J. HUNTER Steam carpet and msttreas. elraner. 850 Jefferson. Phone Mala 214.1 "CLEAVIBw ABB BYKLK9. PORTLANU STEAM CLKANINOI A OTEINO Works; practical hatter In connection; feather boas and plume cleaned end curled by aa ex pert. 2if Fourth. Phoa Clay 70s. riLOTHES cleaned and pressed 11 per moafa. Unique Tailoring Co., 447 Washington st. B.'W. TURNER: pfufeaslonat dyer a nd cleaner. 648 Jefferson at. Phone Mala 2S1S. COAL AMD WOOD. CHUKCHLBY BHOgliav fiui-fooi - of Davis at. To 49 Kearney st., assr Eleventh. It la sow the largest woodyard In the city, -carrying all kinds of wood and uL Phoa Main 931. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. cor. Front sad Hoyt eta. sealers la domestic and a teem coal, blacksmith coaL charcoal had soke, Phooe Mai 101. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealer la cord wood, coel " m . A A i i J D & agiet aV La, na. Tff. mm urj bibuwv. . ' bias t block ot fwry. E-t iTi. fllitilfU'S BPSTEPr. a-g Tka KsnaA air Wfataai 1st BT V -Ve . SMI tow. Don't ttxfmt to hon twt littt. , Kait Etftatb U cor. MadUoa. , ! TEKL BRIDOV rcl- CO. iVilM Ji wtj, eura woes, sou wry hi fwb. 0RK0ON"WKLJCO.t Ufclnd of coi nd weiaT 84 Morrison, Jtwue Msln 46. . I EIFK HOOVER. 12 Water St., wood and eeeL Pbon Msln 48SS. ' ' CLAIRVOYANT AST) PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON Clatrrdyant. - palmist, card-reader; I give facta reliable aed Im portant on all affair of real Ufa. Res ding 80c. 48 Seventh St., near Oak. CABmrrzxj abb bvtxsebb. A. J. ACTH3R8 snd H. E. WOOD, carpenter end - bollderei repetnna; ana joooios. eore and office Sxtnra bllt-Bhop 2u9 Columbia. .saain oati. . . . . - - GATES. XKICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchant' luscu 11 s. m. to 12 p. m. ; under new management. O. B. Evans, prop. Bscead and Burnslde. THE OFFICE 28 Wsshlngtoa at. . Phone Mai T71. Samuel Vtgnssux. ' TBOCXXRY AJTD OLASSWABX WHOI.ESALB crockery sad glassware-. " Prael. Hegele A Co.. 10 te 104 Fifth, cer. Stark at. SEBTISTS. MET CHURCHMAN. 4eat1st. 824 Marqnam, Sixth and Morrlsoa. Phone Main 171. . DOG AMD HORSE HOSPITAL. TmC.gTrlOWTf,Tr.fTX:M. Dftg. haw nor pltsl.SST Burnslde. Phone: nainuwu;aasi ana. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wssh Mik, made for tl.26; shirtwaist suits, Bs.ftU. 44 East Mar at. Phoae Eaet BlUl. BUSTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college: pert erne V cut to messnre. Allsky kail 400. 86 Morrlao. CP-TO-DATB dressmaking, ladles' tailoring; costs a specialty. Room 217 Allsky bldg. MRS. McKIRBEN, srttstl drtm and cloak making. 881 Morrison st. DREOSMAKINO Strictly ap to date; latent dealgne. 46 Clay st ZLZCTSICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 409 Stark St., Portland. O. K. fut everything la tbe electrical line. pbon Mala 1888. PACIFIC Electric Co Engineers, ounti sctoee. repelrera. electric wiring, supplies. 94 First, cor. St,. Ma asp, B. H. Tsts. mgr. FTJBMTTirBX- TACTOKlfS. OPEOON Furnitnr Mennfsctnring Company M ana fact urera of furniture for the trad. Portland. Or. ij FrRNlTTBB wisnufactsrtng and special order. L Ruvenaky's furniture fsctory. 870 Front st. FTJBBACZB. BOVNTON warm-atr fnrnscea esv fuel. J. 0. Beyer Furnace Co., SA4 Second. Mala 4i. FOREST BESXRVX SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE Ap proved, anreetrleted, reedy for Immedlsts see; lowest prieeev B- F, - A F. Br-sUley, 4U4 Chamber of CoensJercs. FIII wOTEBXMXirT LAXDa. JUST opened to settlement; One, level, valley lands; no stone or timber; .water and soil - Bret rleae. (lone la ssd let us locate you. . Room 44 Let) be bldg.. Second snd Wsahlngtoa. an i ass ' i . i i mi i i. : SOTXX,' TUB BELLBVUE 80 aewly furnlahed rocrqe, en suits- or single, 21.iyt Fourth, cur. Salmeu. Terme reasonable. Main 104S. THB LINDF.I.L HOTEIMsrket. bet. Third and . Fourth. Portlsud; entirely new; Europsaa and American plan; ouc to x per asy, . , Hotel Pendleton, Pendleton. W. A. Brawn, mgr. HOTEL Portland. A merles s plsai 13. 3 per 4ay. HOTEL St- George. PeadUtoa; Usdlsg kotet. BELVEDERB. Lorspesa plas:4th and Alder sea. HOTEL. BISTAVBAVT ABO CAMP RANGES. HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP B A NOES Crlbbea A Seston A Co., aeveateestk aad - Upshur- sts.T esegeet stork botal. reetsurset. camp ranees.-' gasoUa Steve aad tetrqier- . la Ih. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, menu, lecturers aad eonimlsaloa merchaala. Fourth aad. Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, cnmmlaalon and prxduo pet, chants. ' Front aad Davie ft a.. Portland. Or. XARDWARB. - Portland Hardware Co. solicit a opportunity te quote price, aw let, ear. Aiaer. stats tsoe. HVMAJf HAIR BOLLS, I. J. BORG, msnnfupturer-ef-homes batr rolls. - M. .438 B. rilntn Pbon Ksst sail.. IMBTBAJIOX, ' LAMBERT. WRITMER A CO. Fir Isaursses aad rsal estate. Mcceesnr in Artnuf wiieoa 2 A Co, 2 offices, weet side. 107 -1US Sherlock - bid.. Main 1008; eaat aide dept. 404 Baal Alder (Cltleans' balU) Beat 491. ISA AO L. WHITE, Br Insursne. BOO Dckaa "'e- . ;. ... .. . . J J AS. Mel. WOOD, employ ere' liability aad la dividual accident, enrely Do no ex au aiaos Phone 47. kul McKay bid. B. F. BARTELM COMPANY Fire tnenrance. 448 Sherlock bldg.. Oregon Phoae cuy exa. " LOOXIXTTK. KEY fitting, eaat-lron braalng and general re Punng. 1. it. Hlcaarasun, va souriu si. hone Hood 17S2.- 'f . M0Y TO 10AK. THB STAR LOAN CO. . Any salaried employe, wage -earner, ea get en bl note, without mortgage Month. U Month. Week. tfW 00 Repay ta n 118(8 or 1 48 oe 48 4 I28.00 Repay to u I A88 er 83.33 er 81.44 IIS.OO Bepay to ne I 4.00 or 1 2-00 or (LOU - xiu oiua- FIVB pee cent money; we build yoa bom or loan you money oa your property t montoiy fisyments: Investlgsts: open Saturday even nga. Rooms. 14-17 Lebb bldg., 227 Wash. IIOMIT To LOAM on veal, neraenal and eol lateral ss cavity I special attention ta cnaitst mortgagee; am tea nougnt. u. w. rauei, 304-8 . Fenton bldg.. 44 Stgtb St. HIGHLY- reepeeteble- place - where ledlee-and !;ents ran oorrow money on dlamooda asd ewelry. . Collateral Los Beak. 2o9 Wssh ngtoa st. Phoa -Buck TL IS LOANS and upward oa all kind sf eecu ' rtty or to salaried people en their note; lowest ratea; no publicity, no demy. 81 Abtugtea bldg. Phone Red 17M. MONEY ADVANCED aa larled people, teamsters, i stc. without security: eaay payments; larg- eat bnalnese In 4 principal cities, - Telmsa, 223 Ablngton -bldg. CHATTEL loan ia amounts- ranging . from 123 to IS.OcO; iwomlng-boasea apeclalty. Msw Br Loaa A Trust Co., 204 AMngtoa bldg. LOANS at low "at rate ea furniture, pianoa; anr seeuniy onivw purmsevo. wwm una . tf flee. 449, Sherlock bdg. . s.,,..,., . , MONEY TO l-OAN la Isrg or small amounts on good security; kca-eet rates. William O. Beck. SOT Falling- bldg. MONEY" to loan In sum to salt at 6 (ad 4 . per rent.7 Wf t. Clemens, 278 Stark st. Chamber of Commerc. LOANS n furniture, pianoa, ether securities, -- lowest rates. 8. - W. Wing, soom 46, Wash, bldg. Main 4100. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loans, from three to sis mouths; cooJldeut's'. 217 Ortgotdan. MONEY TO LOAN on Clackamas enoaty lands. E. F. and F. B. Ellsy. 408 Chamber t Com- PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 8 AND 4 . per cent Wm. Denbolm. 223 Falling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, 4 per cent. Mortarap A Ring. 210-211 Commercial block. i i isi i i III i . hi na MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Cecillaa eeff-nlay- ing- pleno pronounced the beet by leading Bvtelelane, slso Cedllao piano-player. B. II. Wins Music uouse, too Aider si. . SECOND-HAND moalcsl Instruments of all -kind at lowest prices, cash er Installments. Father Muele Co., 190 Third at. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, banjo, mando lin, guitar Instruction Main 208S. 178 W.Park. LESSONS SOe Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin. violin. 241 V, First. Cor. Mela, , Mrs, Martin, MAorrno hialibg. ' MRS. L. H. HART treata all dlaesaes. stomach trouble, nervousness and functional weakneaa. ' Consultation free. XM Perk, cor. Jefferson. HOTABY PUBLIC. PREPARATION of deed and mortgages apeclalty; price reduced. B. A. Frame, BIB, the Marqnam. ' m' ii aa asigasBsaasBsasswnojai miii i OVXBAIXB. BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERALLS sad mechan ics' clothing; anion mads. Ksuatadtar Bro manufacturers. Portland. Or. PH0TO0RAPHIO MOUTTTS. B. L. WOODWOBTH. Mfg.. 184 Fourth It. The latest styles of Mount Board. PLUMBERS. DoNNE KB ERO A BADEMACHER. sesltsry plaaiheve. 44- ewarta -at ateta FOY A CO.. ssnltsry plumber. 231 Second bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon Phone Mala 2001. PIANO TUNIS' 0, aKOROH ANDERSON Expert piano tuner and - repairing. Inquire Fisher Music Co. Bed S42. PLATIBO. EASTERN PLATING CO.,- 429 First Gold, silver, copper, nickel and braes plating. Jewelry work specialty. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 441 Wash tngtoa at.1 Pbooe 2575. Polishing, plating and lacquering. PAINTS. OIL AND OLABB. F. B. BEACH A CO. Tbe Pioneer Pslnt Ce. wlndow-glna nad glasluf. IM Vlrat st, Phone 1334, BASMl'SSEN A CO Johbere. paint, ell. glass, sash ssd donee. eWoo and Taylor. Boornto. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing, j. Lostll, S12 Jefferson n. PRINTIliO. BI'SHONU A CO. Front sad Stark an., pels. Inc. Iltkorretralng. blank boefce - and - efnee eupplles; work dune ea time; moat complete eupp prln tlug ofSee In the west, Msln 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank book. Phoa Mala II, to Aider st. - - IFTXLIO ACCOUNTANT. " B. H. 6. MITLDBR. ewpert wcrejantatrt; Toots 4I Blierlock bid.; books opened, adjusted, and ' ssdlted: books kett for small mnceraa; mode rate ebergeei rev-dees references. Msln 2903, BOPI. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. snd Northrup at a., Portlaad, Or. BTBZXT PAVING. WARPRN Cnnatr.iellna Co. Street Paving, aide walk aad emeswelks.' Tl Oregonlaa bldg. THE T-etnMad Aapbatt Paving Oa. at Portlaad, Office 484 Worcester blk. BTOBAQE AMD TBABSrXB SAFES, plane sud furniture moved, licked ready for shipping ssd ablbpedi an work guaranteed: Mrge. . l-siory. brick, Bre-proof . wsrebonae-ot atorags. Of Bee US First at, a M. Class. Pbooe Mala 44T. C. O. PIC. f8w 88 Firat et.. betweea Star asd Osk at., .phooe 894; plssoa and fumlitare 'moved snd picked for strtpelog, romojodlaeia f, re-proof. Vrlck warabeeae, Frost sad Clay ,- ' STORAGE ipse te let ta eor new balMleg, , .X74 Were st. Big lev MilUad A Cemaslasew . lsapy. .' - c stamp WORKS. 849 Alder at. Mala 710; aubber stamps, eeale. stenelaa, put- gags, . trade checks; eeno iur nueiie. ' BHOWCAIEB AJTD FIITTJAZS. SHOWCASES 'ef evsry deecrlptioai ben, be snd store pxturr. jpsa to atom sisaurscturiug -e., raoi.e SAFES. FOB epeoUuj lochouta aad as fa bargain, g I J. B. Devta. 44 Third t, - - - B01TTZBTXAV . ' THB MORGAN CO. , 109 te 111 Seeond at, 3d floor.' Manufaetneere anil teober ef Lewie esd Clsrk . aoovsnlrs; booths and (trsst stands fitted out complete. TIMBER. WB have for sole Santa Fa. Ban Frsndsco Mountain forest reserve; this will enter ' timber land; also 180 Sioux scrip, which' will enter nnsurveved . land. - Maglnnl A. Sou, 227 Falling bldg. HOMERTKAD rellnqulshmenU; S.iaai.oisl . feet fir. near rosat, Improved, reaeonable tea; lo vcatigate quick. ' 20A Allaky Bldg. - F0BT SALE Two nomeatead rennquUhment clalma: second growth: will sell cheap. , M. P. Nlslson, Hotel Kbslnpfshea, FOR HOMESTEADS, timber Malm Sad aarlp apply to 80S Commercial block. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS . 43 Fourth Street. W rent, repair, sell, xebange typewriters. All supplies for ell machines. BtsaAavil aaachtnes I2g . te BIOS. Le voa want a stenncrapher or tvplstl We have list of ged appucanw. Phone Black Tni.-, BL1CKENSDORFER typewrltera. supplies, re pairing. Ross A Ross, 20 Btsrk. Msln 1870, . TOWTX STTPPtY. . dein 'e CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap, It per month. Lawrence Rrne.' Towel Supply -Co., Fourth and Conch. Phone-d24. - -r. TBAMBTZX AND HAtTLINO. OREGON TRANSFER CO., ' 184 North Sixth. Phone Mala 49. Heavy hauling and atoaaga. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. SOOM W a ak in rtos et. Phone Main PS. . TTJBriBJX.lATHSe. . - s lursisn ana- sresm psm st o'se emw VIOLDTS, J, A. WES CO, violin-maker and repairer: work Bret elsee. 28 Ruasell bid. 4th snd Morrleea. WAIXtAFIX. I MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184 1R8 au, osc ismniu ana layuv. rwuaao. FTNANCLti. P1BTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, NO. -Ms) TIllilD ST. The Oldest Trnat Company JnOregoa. RESOURCES OVER li.ftstoilO, General Bsnklng Bnslueas Conducted. . h ' - Ravines Denoalta Received. Tim certificates Issued, alao certificate ef depoalt payable upon 10 days' Tsll, so asys esll or 90. dsys' csU with Interest st 84. 3A and 4 per cent per annum; reenectlvely. Call oe send for book of llluatratlon. BENJ. I. COHKN.. ., President H. L. PITTtM'K Vlcs-Prasldent B. I.EE PAHET.... Secretsrr J. O. GOLTBA. .......Assistant Scerstarr riSIT NATIONAL BANK. X- . 01 BOBTLAMB, SBEO0 UeelaTaated Depoeltory and Flnapclsl Agent ef the United Stale. Prea1nent.T7...r.......r. .T17"L. Ml LI A Casbler .....J. W. NEW Kilt K A aale tan t Cashier., ..W. C. ALVORD Second -Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letter et Credit Issued Available la Karoo end tbs Easter States. ' Sight Eiohanga and Talegrsphl Trsnsfsr snia on few xor, Boston, lineage, at. bouia. Bt- Paul. Omaha, nan Francisco f aa nrlnrlnal nolnts In the Northwest. Sight snd time bills draw In sum to en It on London. Parle, Berlin. Frank fort-on-tbe- Msln, Hong Kong, Yokohama. Copenaagea, tunstisnia. Etockhoimv.BI, I vlrrspurg. sow, Eurtrti. Honolulu. OeUeotlen Made ea Favorable Term IT SITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, OF PORTLAND. OREGON. hOHTHWTST OOR. THIRD AND OAK STS, . Sraaaaet a Gsasral Banking xniaiaea. DRAFTS ISSUED Available in All Cltlea of the Catted State ad Europe, liong Kong and Manila. 001LZCTT0NB KADI ON FAVORABLE TERMS President J. C. AIN8WORTII Vice-President W. B. AYBB Caahler R. W. BCRMBRR Amtotent Caahler A. M. WRIGHT LADD A TILTON. BANXXBS. (Eatabllahsd ia 1184.) Traasaeta a Gjoersi Banking Business. Collectlone made at all polnta ea favorabl terme. Lettera of credit leaned svallable la Europe Snd sll points In Th United States. Slgbt Kxchsnxs and Telegraphic Transfer eoio en cvw , ui., neenioawo, aicagu, pi. tool, ueaver. umaa. nan rrsaciec aa MonUna aad Britlah Columbia. Etrbeng aold oa London. Pari. Berlin, Prank fort. Bung Eong, Yokohama, Manila aad Honolulu. SECURITY SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. 844 Morrison St., Portland. Or. sts Osssrar Bankinr B'sinaas, BAVIBOS DEFARTMEXTT. Interest Allowed on Tim and Savins Deposit, Acte ss Trustee for Eststse. Draft and Lettera of Credit Available la AB farts si the world. C. P. ADAMS Preside! U A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS..... Second Vies-Preel.leel R. U. JLBITIS...,. .Hecretarv GEO. F. HI'SHELL... Asalatant Secretary M" IBCHANTS' NATIONAL BAWTt. PORTLAND. ORCDON. J. FRANK WATSON ,.,Presldrat R. U DURHAM...... ....Vlce-Presldeel R W. HOYT Caahler GEORGB W. HOYT...,. .Aaslstsnt Csshlrr Transact General Hanking Bualnesa. Drafta and Letters of Credit leaned Available u All farm er the world. Collections Specialty. M OBBIS BROS, A CHRISTENSEN, ,.132 First Street, Portlaad, Or. Oftcr Gilt-Edge Isreatment la Mantels! aad Railroad Bond. Writ or CaU. . -MORTOAQE LOANS Oa Porilaad Real Zstste at Lowest Rata. . Titles Insured. Abstract Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. . Boom 4. Chamber ef Commerce. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY - " Spencer Line Chas. R. Spencer Dally round trln. to Th Dallcs from Wgshlnston trct dock at T a. m., xcpt Friday and Bun. day. ' .. ... Th4 Bw1taTlaad ' of Amsrloa. ' SCosl Katralflont Bcancry U tk4 World. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS . to th four-mlUloB dollar : Cascade Locks and Return .' Leaving; foot of Vhlnnon trt , - .at I a. m., arrlvlnB koma at' . . -. - p. U. r- Rocr.d Trip TfcKtts $1X3 Telephone Main 1422. s. wviTr u - -CUnarai J ft r. -rtianl, Ce, " i fii m iti wi iv i, . i 10 '7CJ l . 0HEG0TI SiioiihiiriE WtMONPACmC --Trains to the East Daily 4 ' Tureugb Pullman atandard and voertet steep. In cars dally to Omshs. Chicago. Spekaae tourist sleeping cars dally ta Kansas Cltyt ally conducted) weekly CWwsge. ReeHelee) . chair care Isesta frsst as tbe East dslly. . through Pullmsa touries eieepien awas is UNION DEPOT. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. . t 111 8taai 011, - , For the Esst via Boa Dell.. . Ins ton. ' SPOKANB FLYER. Pnr Eastern . Washing fen. Walls Walla. Iw 4:18 p. I Daily. . I ., Daily. . latoa, Coenr d'Aleee and great Nor there polnta. - ATLANTIC BYPRESS For th Reel vis Bant 4-18 au sa. T-ISa. as. oiiy. Dl)p. mat on. Oelsmbl River Dlvtelea. FOR AKTORI A mmA 8:00 p. m. n.iie Points, connectlna with Abeat ' stmr. for liwsc sad ex. Sunday. 4:00 a. Xe. riertn Beach, sir. I ssla. Ash-st. dock. Saturday. ex. Baadaa, insi p. Yamhill River Route. FOR DAYTON. CltV and V,.klll , . VrOA a. sa r-Hflm. ea. Polnbj, atmra. Jinth and Dslly. . . ax. Saaday. Delly. ex. Buaday, .Zs- sn-sT. flock. "Water permitting.! Snake Rieer Rente. FOR LRW1STOM t. 4 on e. m About! pes Monday Wed need ijd way point froni Tuesdsy Thursday Books nee ad Lewi (,,. ...ivrie, evasn BpOtlQal J ' Friday TICKET OFF1CB. Third end Wsshlngtoa. .... ,,dw naia vin, - . . .A. t CBAId. Geaersl Paaasnger Agent, SOUTH HBNTON UtM. rTlrrrved; OTBJXLAMD BAPBESf train, for Salem, Rose bar. Ashlaad. ' Seer- 8;80p.m. msnto,Ogden, Ban Fraa elsco; Steckto. Lo As- T:2S a. si Cdes, El rsso. new r; ana and the East. Moraine train caa- lects .. st Woodbara dally except- Saaday with train for - Mt Angel, Slleertea. 8:20. m. 4:10 9. g. Brownsville, Spring field, W cud (log and Matron. Engen passenger eonJ Beets st WovOburn wtcaj H:00P. 10:88 a., . Mt. Angel end Silver, toa Incsl. -. . Cores 111 passenger. Bhsrlds pe ewe tiger. eT:)i 4;80 I 6:80 p. 1 a 3d a. i Bsllf. ' - -Portias -Oswegs Suburban Bervioe sad YaaxaOl ' Drrlaioa. Depot foot of Jeffersesi street. TXv Portland dally for Oaweve T:34 . II 12.80. 1:06. 8Jfv 4:80,-4:88.- f.ei-10 14 p. mi ' Dally (except Sunday), S:Kj, B aft, 4:34. 14:24 a. m.; 4:10, 11:80 p. BV Sunday eoir, 4:04 p. m. oenaay voir, ... leaves from same depot for Delia snd rater, mediate polnta-deUp 4 p. as. Arriv Fort. land 10:10 a. m. Tb Independence-MeeSvwrb Votar Uaa enerate dally to Monmouth and Alrlla, ecm esettnc with Son there Pads sow pa ay a track at Dallaa aad Indepeadeoce, - ' Plrat-clsaa fees from Portlaad Sscrsmaate snd Ssa Frsncteca 120. berths 88 1 aseoad if4 fare 418. seeond-elsss bertha 12 80. Tickets to Eaet em point and Knrapa, aahf Jape a. China. Honolulu and etraMa. City Ticket Ofoce corner Third aad Wasae !"n e" Phoa Mala. Til C W. rTTINOEB, T . B. CO MAN. . City Ticket Agent, Gen. Psss. Agesrt, TIME CARD OF luiocptM inAxuiri lail eouTts al KeS BT . S flk U PSNk A I. m " I Returntng from Oswere. arrtv Portland dan :ffl1 . ga.1. 1.SB.S t 4:18. -1-M . t. 11:10 P. m. Daily (except Sunday) 4:28. 9:80, 10:10. 11:48 s. m. Exospt Monday. 12.34 (Co) TRAINS RortIandt--s DA1LT. Depart" Arrive ass City, St. Txula Spa-1 rial fur tbrnsus. on trails, Olympla, -Orars Harbor, Booth Bena. is coma. Seattle. Snokane. 8:30. al. 4:30 a. BV Lew la ton. Butte, Bul losa. Denver. Omaha Kaiaae City. St. Louie and eouthesst. North Coast Limited, electric lighted, for Ta coma. SeItle, Spoksne, Butts, Minneapolis, St. I'sul and th East. . Pugst Snnnd Limited, for Chehalls, Centralis. IMp. 1 TKa.Sa, 4 :30 p. ka. 10B.BV Tacoma and Best tie only. Twin City E to res, for Tscnma, Seattl. Spo kane. Helena. Butte. 11:46 p. m. 4:60 P. Sk, Yellowstone Park. Min neapolis. St, Paul and tbe Eaat. A. D. CnARLTON. , ANfatant General Passenger 'Agent. 2M Morrlaoa St.. Cor. Third. Poetised. Oregon. . Astoria & Columbia ( River Railroad Co. Leave. - PNION DEPOT. Arrives. IMl.a For Maygera, Rainier, 11 :14 4. ga, Dslly. . Clatakanle. Weatperv, Dally, Clifton, Astoria, War- " t renton, flevsl. Ileea mond, 'Poet Stevens. Qesrhsrt Park. Bessloe, - Astoria ssd fleeaaer. . ,, fiXt.m. topr-dllF. Attorte Expisat, t I. 0. MA TO, O. F. d P. A, Aeterta. Or. C A. STEWART, Ommeeelal Agest, B4 Aids street. Phoae Mala BOB, Ttok4 Offlc IBS Talrd BV TXna t i eenv '1ariaicontlnnteal 2 ,' Train Ur:.'y m. j FAST TIT.ZZZ TO PPCitTAF"". FT. ,"Mvm""t: i MINNr t . r ' "i A. J A,.i, a ug't l"e - . i'-e r- . ' 1