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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
Y J tHE OREGON 7 DAILY JOURNAL1, PORTLAND,- MONDAY.'-. EVENINQ,.JUNE' 5. 1BC5. 10 1 0 LL 1 f If 4 TODAY'S MARKETS rmiiiiMji-iiigT HOWCOINCINOI ' Som';; Dealers ' .Cutting Best Grades of Flour Fifteen Cents VLi. Barrel .Today. EASTERN BUYING LEFT r : .VERV, HEAVY SUPPLIES Potatoes Scarcer and Higher for Old Stock Eggs-. andZ'v '..-.V, ; Poultry Firmer. r- Tnmt Street, June B. Ths ve-liielrjar-reatOTS' ; M (fa . Portland wholesale marketa today ar! i ' Pateat Soar is 10. lower. ; , r"J " Potatoes mmr end higher. -. --t ; -. ' market quoted eery, firm."."", , J Poultry holds tight It top- " ;.U tiMri msat are Arm. :, I'eUtornls steamer arrive la. . Cer biaw ram this 'morning,' '""," Cillfonua Is .till buying Wbst 1 Strawberry market m armor. -Peaches and plums ara lower. 7 " '. Grata earn la cumins dowa. -Owes la weaker; some tot prlro. t Ton In creamery batter weaker. Waal la lira; bags sr. .dullsr. atn .rWw 1 rtrtaaa Caab'bawa.' , As bss baa predicted by Ths Journsl during :tb ast week, patent grade of floor sr. bow being openly cot la price. The secret cutting at last became a heavy sod so bold tost flour nam could no longer dlsfois tb. fact ' that , ther was something doing. Tb fact that tba j wheat market' all mar the .world bas shown Ja eonsldereble Berlin slacs tbara bss barn ny Chang is floor value her caused tba elstka is si mom very wee, u ruget Sonne millers accepted tba condition wltb (ood- grace -mod prict fleas t al all slong tb Una. Millers there competed wltb tb. millers here and tba ascret ett la prteea la he country territory were the result. Mill ' men la tbts terrltecy -claim tbst tb ether markets are too low bat ss they are offering to sell all the floor tbst Jo public want, tb local trad bsd to onset the fliraree or els set oot at boat la this city there bss bera only one open cot la war value tba fsr.' -wdhams Co. a lean ing their price, ea beet patents. - As bss bees told previously, the heavy buying of second grade floor by tba asst and the far soatb esrly lo tb season left a eery large s mount' ot patents In this .jnarhet wftboot a demand. Is er"tw "stock were heavier thai during eny reeeat yeas. Tb floor bss to be tsksa oot oi tba way-somehow and this wss ae of tb caases of the secret cuts. . ' California Is Still Bnyiag Wheat. Sapplle of whaat In tha California nark eta ef ana to be about eahsosted If tbo present call for stocks - frsan that locality Is tskea Into ooasadaratloa. Order, continue ta CO roe la quit lively but tb d tapes! t lea of the local holders la to a.11 ratber slowly in antlclpstloa of ss advance In value. - - Reports to Tbo J on me 1 from It various rorrsependeat la tbo wheat sections ear that the crop Is looking well. Warmer wsatbor Is. however, badly needed In apoat place.. .. Cool rains bsea msdo an Impression In some places. bst general conditions remain quits as good as the former week. ssf"H4shtjf , Tb - market on old potatoeo lo edvsneed. . Supplies are showing a decrease snd demand Is somewhat setter. Lste atelees receleod from ; both lllnnssota and Colorado state tbst supplies j-. are getting down tb' bedrock. Tbeso ssnie re ports ara rsreired by local dealers. According ' i, to them stock ar ry bard to boy. Local ' potatoes are hwtag-Try small shipments to '37, pais. t sad, tb. Sep of the juarket for selling on tbo street reached ll.iB per hondred pounds . today. Fancy Burbanka from htlnneeots will bring practically the same flgnro but Colorado , - rurals and tbo top nt fl.Xk. . . ' ; -r,' ; 1 All Srsassd Keats aro Tlrm. "' ' ' ' All earletlea f dressed meats are firm todsj Teal receipts sr showing - m cooalderable de- ' 'crasso while dressed bogs are hardly coming at all. Both lines show an excellent demand wltb tha prospect that esal will maks a slight .......... sdraaeai . - j - Isteaas firmness ta IWtry, ' With much smaller arrivals " the' pooltry market is intensely arm today and sometime. . the top values are atretcMd. Eggs ara still showing small arrlrsls and 'r " i tb market Is irmly held sround q noted values. Tbo creamery butter market a weaker along tba street today. Receipts do not seem ts show any Ineress but demsnd Is not so good. , rrlcs for best stocks shing Front strsot todsj range between c snd SlVko a pound. Ceustry store anil very arm at ue top. , Cbess Is weaker with supplies heavier. Soma ' concessions la pries ara being mad. . v . fltrawbsrry Karkst X Firmer. Tb str'swberry market Is flrmer today,- Tb ' ' rains have eaaaed a larg decrass la tb sup plies and best stocks are quoted eery Arm at c Tb Cm llfornls steamer brought the ssaal cargo which wss anlosded' this . morning. , , -" A esrT ofbansnaa arrived la during tb '! ajornlng. . . ' Green corn Is arriving In larger lota and tb. 'flsrt "Ts quoted esslef st dOe per Ooaen. xoday'a who less la quotatlooa, as revised, art ' a follows: Drain, tlamr sad Food. .. WHEAT Nnmlnnl; club snd red. ( 81 083c; .' blueetem, P0(81c; eslley, 87c. BitUI-reed, ie.ou; rouro, fxe.oo; Drew OEM Whole, I24.S0; eraele.- f20.M per Urn. BTK 11 U peTcwfT OATS Ke. T white, $M.0O; grar. -7 TLOVm Eastern Oregon patents, f4.Bftl 4.05; stralghU;- 18. TB; exports. 3.503.wi; ' valley. H.lo; graham. Vi, 14.00) ids, 4.4oj rye. 60s. K.O0; bales, I2.T5. . MIUjgTl.rro Bran. tlhUO per toe; mld- rillncs. .2S.00; shorts, country, 33.00; chop, '.-18.00. HAT Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy, fit. 00; ordinary, 112.00; eastern Oregon, , ; llS.OO; mlaed, $1J.r0; clover, $11.00; grain. Ill.OO; cheat; 111.00, , Batter, Xggs and Feeltry. BUTT1CB FAT Sweet, flue; sour, lie. tXXEK City .weamery. beat, 34e! eeeend . .. grsds, KHSlKie; ouulde fancy, SuaxiUc; . ordlnarT. Hih tt 20c: Callfornls, 18c; stors, loc. EOOfl No. 1 fresh Oregoa, candled. 183 ' .UHc; uneandled.. 17ltie. , - . - CHKEHB New Full cresm, twin, 13Si3i4ct Toting A merles, l4maiSc; eastern, 13Skttlc; .- Callffimls. lHlc; Cheddar. 14c. POULTRY thickens, mixed, 14e per Ih; . hens, MftMfe psr lb: moaters, old.-11 per lb; young, , 14c per lb; broilers, 215 23c per lb) rryers, Ess per mi oocaa. .uuia.w per usi gosse, e'ac per id, xurseys, jtihihc dressed, suzlMi per lb; squaba, 00 per stoa... ... Heps, Wsol aad .Hides, . - HOPS Contract, !, 18r 1004 crop, S4s tor cbolee: 28U24e for prime, and mediants. WOOL-luS clip, sIW. coarse to kusdium. ttg-AHci fins,. 3,28e; eaatera Oregon, MoHAIR Nominal bnasie. - ' BHaWe'imiKM flhesrtsg. tM0e- shmt Wisil, tXe-madlum wsol, flueiouer-long Wool, ouc'qsi.oii seen. TlLLow lirlm. per lb. dQBc No. I aad ', fH. t'MITTIM BARIC Old. dHc; new, 4c- per lb. Binr.a Dry bldes.-Nor t." Id rbs'lnd p, . IdidSe per Ih; dry kip. bio. 1, to 1ft lbs. 14c; dry calf. No. 1. ander lbs, lSlHe; dry sslted hides, steers, sound. 80 lbs or over, a MM Hc; AO to lbs, rtHWei under 0 lbs sad , eows, 88He; stsgs and bulls, sound, eTc; kip. it to i -lbs. bci sound. 10 to 14 Ibe. tt4 i v,c; calf, sound, under 10 lbs. Hfllc; green luaaaltedl, le pw llk.less; culls, le per lb lesa; . ' bceeehidrt. sslted.' eech, 81.1.TB; dry, ' esrh, 11.0941 bu; eolt hldm, eech, SBesnuei gnst skins, common, eech. lOsJlhe; Angosa, With wool on, each. IVtl.on. Fruits aad -Tegetahls. ' i fOTATOM Heet' Oregon. I1.M; ear lots, f. . b. enuntry, I1.06; sweets, crsted 81 Ti sew California. .S0$si7o garnets, O MIOSIS Kew Callfnnfra. 11. Til'; Tsksa Bar mi.a; garlic, luim per lb, rKEf H rUITa Apples, sxtrs fsaey. 81. on; feecr, $loa fee bos; new (sllfnenls. 8175; ehesn gradesy 1 1.80 bos; orangaa, navel. 82 0t I h per ana) ersiuree, . uareU 82.O0.Y8.U0 00 sol ;. bananas, 4u8e lb; lessons, rkwlce, $2 50 bos: fancy, H.ui box; limes. Mexican. . V par 1'XI; plnespplea. 84.0ntd.uo; ersnber tM, aastara. 411.00 per sli strswberrles, MONDAY PRICES IN THtTWHEAT-WARKET d i ' July." Sept. Chicago ...... I .17 B .I1HB . 4 IJTsrpool II IM .M Ta . d Nw York..... .SlaA . Minneapolis ... 1.113k . .8H . Puluth 0.1 Bw - B Kansss Cltjr... .76 : ,TIH 4 San Francisco. ..;.. 1.JISB 4 Milwaukee ; . t1 vi ,tl d . DecmbSr per cental. :. . - r d .... ' '"" : "' t : " - Willamette' eslley." 8140; -Hood Rfrer. 81.45 crate t boxes; rherrleo, California, ftl-08 per box; Orrgon, Tc per lb; apricots, 81.00; peaches, ll.ontil ll; plums, 81.2S per crate ot It boxes, el. 00- peach ea, 81. SB; plum.. 81.60; blackber ries 83 001 raspberries, pes erst of IS boxea. ... . VtOETABI.ES Tnmlns. new, 81. on per - . ni.vw T - M - - " y - - , - ' - ' 81.2ft per sack: Orsgoa radlsbee, 2fte per do; rskbege; Oregon,, per cwt; Callfornls. IsWltFj green- peppers, - o IbtCblU pep pers, 1662 17e lb; reWv, per crate; to-mstoea,- Fwrlda, 8S 7,ioO California. ftlftO; parsnips., fl.OOta l.JS;, string beans, ,8c; rauliffuwsf.' California. 81.TBata.U0 crate; rhabarb, ISllte per lb; borsersdlah.' TUec per id; sprouts, : iruensee, .'toi pee dos; .hothowo lettue. 60sTftc; bead lettuce. lue par oon green onions, iuc per uos; e (srsgus, ouctTSc dns bunches; Wslia wsiia. I. Ou til 26 per bos; spinach. 8e per lb; green corn, 40e per dos; pea a. Oregon, flc; Csllror nls. 8c per lb: cucumbers, tH6e per .dos DRIED TBI' ITS Apples, evaporated. ttlc per lb; apricots. Hll:lc per lb; ascks, Vc per ID lesa; peacnee. nHfiec per iu, yrmww, per lb; prunes. Italian. Bttfe - pes. id,. Wench. 8Vi4i4le per lb; figs. Csllfornta black. 5ftflC rr lb; CaUfornla white. per lb; plums, pitted. per lb', date, golden. e per id; isras. gi.Da per -id dos. Oreosriss, JTatn, It. flUOAR lack basls-Cnbe. 88-10; powdered, n 8:1 fruit -grsnulated. 85. "n;. dry grsnuistea. A; keet eranulated. 85. TB: SxtTS O. 88.86: golden C. 80.28; bbls, lor; H bbls, 25c I boxes, hue advance ou ssck basis, leva 25c per cwt for eaab. lft.dsys; ma pis, 14tloe par ID. HON ET 14HIloc, - . .. COKKEB Psckage brands, 814. TB. ' BALT tin Bales. 2s. Ss. 4s, 5e. 10s. 81.80; Uble. dslry. bos. 8U.0O; lixm.' Im ported Liverpool, bus. 81T.00: 100s, 8 18. BO; 224s. 814.00; eitrs fin, bbls. 2a. Bs. 10s. 84.80itTB.Mi; bulk, 820 lbs, $4.005.00; aacka, 4oa, 5a8e. SALT Cosmo Hslf ground. 100. per ton. 8T.o: BO., per ton. 8T.00; Liverpool lump rock, 81(1.50 nee t,m: Bo-tb rock. 87.00: 100s. 8B.7B. (Abovs price spply to sales of leae thsa csr lots. Csr loU at special prices subject to riuctustions. GRAIN BAOS"sTeuKa7 S.T8((t8.nO'pef 10ft. fmnptat Janan NIL 1. A: ' No. X. 8ie; New Orleans head, flfec; Ajax, 4c; Cre ole. BVeV . ; " ' - -- BEANS-dlmsll white, 8;MUe: lsrg wblts. nHc; pink. 8Vc; bsyou,. ic; umss, one; Mexican reds,-. - JUTS Pesnnts, T1e; 7nmboa, 8He per Tb raw. aaioa ner lb' joaaled i : cocoa nnts. SBiOOe per 4s: welnote, -4i815s per Ibi pine nuts, ini2Ho per lb; hickory nnts, toe per id; chestnuts, eeatern. lBtaifle ner lb: Bra all nnts. 15c per lb; filberts lftQldc per lb; fancy pecans, UdfiOe per lb; almonds, uvioc psr id. alBta, Coal Oils, Etc . ; ROPE Pure Manila. 14c: standard. 13Me; sisaal. 10 lie; Hale brand sisal e. COAL OIL Pesrl or. Astral Osse, 2Ha per gsi; wster wnite, iron puis, joc per gai; wooden, 18c per gsl; headlight, lTO-deg, cases. OASMNlM-deg. case.. 82e per gsl; lma nnis, we. per gai; a rove, esses, wtk psr gsi; livin hlila. lAe tier sal. BENItlN'E 3-deg. cases, S5o per gsl; Iron DPis, lni&e per gsi. TfRPENTINE la etsed. l.n per gsl: wooden bbls. $1.00 per gsl; lrmbbls, BT par gsi. lota. T per lb; lees lots. 8c per lb. . WIRE NAILS Present bss e 82. TO. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. la-bbls. (Mc per gsl; caees, 4)8c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, cases, 70c per gal: bbls, 8Ac per gsl: ground cake, ear lots, Itfl.TO per ton; Ms tnan car lots, 130.00 pet ton. Meats. Flak and Provisions. -FRESH MEATS Front street Beef, steers. Bc per lb; pork, block, Te per lb; peckers. T-fteSwr lbi bull. -daft 1 per lb; cows. dOBe per lb; mutton. Hy7He per lb; lambs with pelts. BH (Hoc per lb; real, extra, 6 Her ordinary, Ba per -lb; poor, 44LAe per lb. . HAMS, BACOW, ETC. Portland psck (locstl hams. 10 to 14 lbs, 12Ve per lb; 14 to 18 lbs. Ua per lb; 18 to SO Ihs. I2e per lb; cottage 8 He per lb; breakfast bacon. 1.1j)18e par lb; nlcnle. c ner lb: regulsr short elesrs. on- smoked, Hc per lb: smoked, 1014e per lb; elesr backs, nnamokrd. 9a per lb: smoked. lOUc per in; I nion num. 10 to is ins, unemeaea, w per lb; smoked, 8c per lb; elesr bellies, tin smoked. - lie per lb; smoked, - IS per lb; .boulders. 8e. , LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. 10H per lb; Be, lOHe per lb; 50-1 b tin. 10 He per lb; stesm renaerea, lus, e per id; os, o per lb; tuns. He per lb; 60s. t per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb tails. t 1.8ft; S-lb tslls, 82.50; fancy, 1-lb flaU. 82.00; i-lh fancy flats, 1 SB: fancy 1-lb evals. 82.75: AUaks tails, rink, 86 4 00c; red, 81.60; nominal 2s, tall. 82.00. FISH Rock cod. Te per lb: flounder. Be per lb; halibut. 6 He per lb; crsho, 81. 80 per dos: striped bass. HHc per lb; estflsb, Te per lb; salmon, chtnook, Be per lb; eteelheede. Re per lb; bluebsck. 8c; herring, Be per 1b; soles Be per lb; shrimps, 10e per lb; perch. Be per lb; shad. Be per 1"; to shad. Be per lb; sbsd roe. 80c per Ih; Iffllrk cod, Te per lb; sliver smelt. Be per lt; lobsters, 15c; fresh mackerel. 8e pr lb: crawfish. 25e per dos; flounder. Be per loi -sturgeon. Te pee m. OYSTERS ftboalwetar bay, psr gsL 82.25; per ssck. 83.75. . CLAMS Hard shell, per bog. 82.00: rasor clem. 83.00-per- bon. tt CATTLE ARE WEAK AT L0WALUATI0N hanauamnamvnvaaaakmbumm '"1- Receipts Still Heavy in Local Yards Hogs and Sheep Are Both Very Weak. Poribtnd rnloa - ttockyards. Jon Bv Live stock receipts; ..... Boca Csttls Sheen Todsy ltd 82ft 176 Week ago ... KIT Ml Previous week , ... 50 B" Month aro .r 300 ' ... 878 " Tb ntlr'7leiWk msrtet-wsT aWt-tiidsy.- The rsttle msrket is eery wees st the decline of 25c quoted exclusively In Tbo Journal on Ssturdsy. Tba hog and sheep markets ara both weak but- unchanged today, Althoueh prices oa est tie shew, a printed changes todsy, the Senersl tendency of prices la lower. Todsy 5 horses snived. Official prices for livestock: Hog. Beet eastern Oregon. 88.00; blockers snd China fats. 86.25: stucsrrs sod feeders. 84.25. tattle Best esstera Oregon steers, f 3.502 8.75; light snd medium steers, 8.258.60; old snd light eows. SI 754(2.00; stackers and ced ars. 81.76; bolls. 81-50. Sheep Beet fancy sheep, 88.28; ewes, 3.0O; spring lambs, sift 4 We, ' Cslves Uood veal. 12ft to 1T8 pounds, 4c; rooin sad heavy, S'ifl. r- XASTZXh BOOS BTEADT, ""ChlckgoTldli S. Llrestock receTofsf' llngh Cattl Sheep Xansss City..... .50 13.c)0 6.tid Chicago . ........... .40.01SJ 2, WO 22.0-5 Omaha 6.'00 4.50 S Vio Hoes epened stesoy. Itnilng prices toaav: Mlaed end butcbera, 8B.0ftt5.87; good snd heavy, 85.2505.a5; rongh and besryJ4.S(lil Mlaed end butcbera, 8B.Oftti.87; good snd fte-eieht 85. SB aft. 50. Cattle Steady to iOo lower, Sheep Steady. IEEXF HEABIBO BEOIJIB. ' ' Cbttwnod, Or., June 8. Sheep -shearing Is now the order of the day. Crop r looking well, drain nevev -looked better, our orchards are, leaded with frnlt and will require tbianing Te pre rent the tree from break Ing down, with the exception of Bert left peers And cherries, which sr showing light crops. . i i ' . . ., .i. CHICAGO OBAIB CAB LOTS. Chicago,' ion. B.--Oraln car lot! t cars. Grsds. Eel. Wheat .....81 1 t Corn ....,.,,..... ..,240 . , BO. 72 Oat. 128 88 142 wnrat csr tooav: Minneapolis sin, imiuta Cblesf 18. x: MARKETS AREQUIEI IN ML STREET No News of Interest Oeveldps In Stocks Over Night' arid. ' . .Prices Hold.:,:..: PRESSURE IN AMALGAMATED ; SENDS DOWN THE PRICE Steel Issues Are Supported and Preferred Cains One and -. a Half Points. . y: ' aDTAKCBB." Anscnndg' - .. H do preferred .. Vlranadlaa Atihlaon . Susar- .... r. . .l trie Csr A Foundry....! I do 8d pf(T... do Droferrsd...... Ul do 1st ifd 1 Baltliuor. ......... inL Central.. ....... H Colu. Fuel......... i IxwlsvUle .......... H St. Fsul alMetroDulltsa- H 0. A N. W.; S IMex. Central....... Mtseoorl Fsc 4.s.r. Central 1 Norfolk .nf -i Pennsylvania ....... K Ont, A Weetera....I Use H .... Ry.......li4 Beo. steel........ u toutnera do nreferred 1 ttl Southern I' Tenn Coal .........1 I nloa Pac Bteel ,,.'.-,v,i..,. ttTWestera Unkn.TO. i . ' LOSSES. . " AmalgsmstsA ..'.; .! Brooklyn t'beaaks ....... Vllreat Westsrn. ... H stesaiusj .......... sint. a. n pia (Furnished by Orerbeck. Starr A Cook -Co.) Wall Street. Kew York. June n. 'mis wss a eery quiet day oa 'change. Tbo bono of the market wss good lh most issues, too losses being tew and vary aiignt, ahera was pres sure In Amalgamated and It closed 14 oft. There was nothing new la the sltustioa. . loosy s Of iicisi atocg mar sat: - t eV v::-':f-"' f - DHCaiFTION. Anaconda Mining Co...llof 10TK 105H u'5 Amal. Copper CO.....I 8.114 44s "8314 ou 81 V.I' 814 AtchlSOO eom.jaajuaaajl do preferred Am. Csr A foundry, c.l S3. 7H Ttt ivi oo prererrea. ....... ..l vu twiw Am. Sugar, onm........jli3 1844 aiu.. ssHi,r com. aiuu do prsferred Bsltlmoro A Ohio, com. 10AM Brovklya Rspld Transit. Csnsdlsa Pad Be. coui.. 147 li Chicago A Alton, com.. ...... C. A U. W.. com....... 19 Vk Chi., MU. A St. fsul... 173 is ui) -. 118-4 108" o.i. 44S-tt4Ttt4T! 18 Mi 18K 184 nata 1WT 172S4 172 v. it. w., com ivo Chicago Tsrmlnsl By.. Chesapeake A Ohio..... 48 Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. dm leoVk 106 iT 48 ' 41 2714 33 48 4 41V 4HK JtO uilo. noutnem, . oom. do second preferred... Delswsrs A Hudson-. D. A K. 0., coia...... dn nref .rvMl . 181 27H 85 40 twH 78i "Ml 88 Vi, 4fT 67 Wi TS 88. 40 8dU T84 Erie, cum.. I .do second preferred. .. do first preferred.... Illinois Central Loulsvills.A Nsshrlll.. Met. St. By Manhattan By Mexican Central Ry.... Ol irit 160 V iru 150 . 144 llNVj 184 1 144 W 11434 "8 llute 118. "so' lin 204 20 184 Minn., m. v. m Bts. m. lid 115V. 115 Issouri raaJBc . . M. K. A T., com do preferred New York Central.... 24 5H-4 litMVs 58 H 58 BMtt 140il.H' Norfolk A Western, com 7N4 50 i:4 tto 7814 78 H North . Amerlcsn N. Y., Ont. aW Western. Pennsylvania Ky. ....... P. O. L. A C. Co....... Pressed Steal Car,, com. do preferred. .... ..... Pacific Mall S, I. Co.... Beading, com.-. do second preferred. . do first preferred.... Ben. Iron A Steel, com. tSa 62 98)4 vri . 60 ou 134 l'W 1H4H 1004 lot 1U1 1004 I . . . 87 Bl ST t ... 4i WkirlSs-TaL 3 T1 Bl4 18M Bl If ivk 1T IT oo prererrea 72 W TKM, 72-il 72 U Roik" llnd, com.... -do preferred 20 2UVSJ v Southern Ky.. com. .....I SO 28 .... 2 86 l Vi 62 74 21 80 81 7514 8T 66 12214 JW 108 84 1 26U 8814 2214 2'4 1H14 88 8:14 do preferred. ......... Sonthero PsclO. ......I do preferred St. U S.,.F.. W P'a. do first preferred.... St. L. A S. W.i-com,,, do preferred. .... Texs A PsclBc Tennessee Coal A Iron..' Toledo, St. L. A W.. e. do preferred....... Dnloa Pacific, com.... do preferred rj. 8. Lest her, com..,.. do preferred. TJ. 8. Rubber Co., com. . do preferred... . . ajl TJ. 8. Steel Co.. com... do preferred Wisconsin Centre., com. do preferred. . ... W. VS. Telegraph....... Wabash, com. - do preferred. Rubber Ooods.. do preferred 'sivkl 8214 ...aju so K2 78 81 BH o 82i 584 814, T6 M MM 122 S ii4 78Vj 8T 122 128 V, iiii 108 108. 10814 2614 2Vj iiii 2Va B8 89 100 raTnhdnef, PT Will. Total aalea for day, nftb.BOO shsrea, wniTQii corn SI0CXS. - 1 Boston;' Jan B.-Offlclsl copper elo: Illrl I BID Allons Adventure ... Atlantic .... Blnghsm Cslnmet Centennial Copper Mt.... Copper Rang Dsly West.. Frsnklla Oranliy ..... Green ..... S2dt.tt2 Old PomlDloB. ..$d.A 00 8.T6 Osceola 82.00 18.BO 28.50 . 605. 00 18.75 45.00 70.50 , 18.25 8.25 5.75- parrot 24.00 Pboenlt 1.12-4 Shannon T.62W Hanta Ke....... 1.75 . Tamarack 108.00 Trinity ....... 8.25 t'nlted Copper.. 25.00 t t.h 4.1.75 IVIctorla 8.00 ; .. sp 2H .. 8.00 12.60 .. oo.oo - Winona ln.nn Wolverine ... .108.00 Wyandot 1.37 Vi Mass ... Mlchlgaa Mobawk . tosopak xaina btocis. San rsncUco, Jun 8. OfflcUl dos. in eeaalon: . Bid. Montans 82 5 ' - Bid. - .08 r.. .22 A I Adams Midway 7-. UeNamers 1.60 ' lllotiswk .43 iDlxl .......... .1. Helmont ...... LIT North Stsr 62 Kendsll .,....1 .IS Columbia Mt..... .... lJuinbo . . i Gold Mt. ....... .15 A Jim Butler..... .73 BlvmAm . .18 do Etten...... .it Rlack Hot to...., silver Pick Hold Anchor.... ,2f .18 A .K2 .06 .88 .84 , .43 Ton. Kites... .. 8.00 A Red Top........ ,1W Goldfleld ....... JIS Sandstorm 48 Sandstorm Eltsa .14 ' Kav urineB.... Opblr Ton". ..... O. Bull Frog.... Dlsmondfleid A riAHOISOO LOCAL sTOCKB. ' San Francisco, Jun B. ltaMl stock clos morning session: t , Bid. Ask. 8714 Spring Valley. Water, .... JTW l,,i,,.l Kl.ctrlc 11k B V Oaa 'A Klectrle 881 M Olsnt Powder x;. .... lu.mif 67 lloookes Sugsr , 184 184 Hutchinson Hngsr 16 , .. Msksweli Sngsr ....8814,.... Onoinea Buasr '.ST, Paannsu Sugar 2114- 22 Alsaks' Puckers . ......m....... --- - 85 I Oceanic Steamship 4 . B Leal. Frnlt Csnners.a ..loosi ni .. .loo! lot TA4 TT el 10314. 404 r.l wine Aas n Psclflc States Tel comstoox imiijia itooxi. r Sb rraacueo, Jans 5. Official clot, moro'- Ing aeaskmi-.. - , .: Bid. - ' uin. Ssvsgs ...I ,4T Bullion .84 . Belcher ........ .IT Con. CL Va..i 1T0 Ophlr 2V. Caledonia ...... .40 Mexican 1 25 ihttea 2T " Potnal i .18 Colon Oon .58 Tel low Jacket.,.,. ,15 Ri chequer - .48 Hale A Norcross,. 1.45 Scorpio ,i 08.TLAHD XAJTE BTATEXIVT. Clearlnr Balance 98 .... 163.T87.54J Tfrrd Stock Oanaod fBoodA. ' 1 Public Cutting on Patent Grades ofPour Began In This Market Today All Livestock Markets Ar Quoted Very Weak. fLODR-SIllIEIITS- I SHOW LARGER GAIN Minneapplis Reports Tel. of Bet ter Trade Various Causes! T Force Prices Down. - A ALL WHEAT OPTIONS . TODAY SHOW A LOSS July Loses One Cent While Sep tember Drops Flva Eighths Corn Shorts Cover. ..MONDAY'S WHEAT MARKET. Opea - r.i. Close Close Loss .. Todsy:- Sat. Tuday 'ulynvvra.-.. .bTT Tt I .87 KB $ .8 .81VB .8: ' .HIVkB .8. Bent..... .Ml .82VjA .004. 1C.. .. mm A .81hN jPtrrnlabed by Orerbeck, Starr A Cook Co.) T'bU-SCO. Jun '1. lena A Ri-vaa ue. World's sblpmeaU ara considerable Inwee than expected with an lnereas a passsg. - Prl- msry receipt ara about aa last year, with shipment about &00.OOO buahela lea. R.r.r. of flour shipments from Mlnnespoll snow a somewnst larger volume. The weather con ditions, lower cable and larger world's ship menu contributed to aa easier reeling la wheat and aa the dee .ma -.iwet. of a Terr favorsbls charactsr added to tha de sire oc songs at least to lighten their loads. Soutbweet marketa wora under pressure, but therd see sied to b BO sndlence In the bullish enthusUsm la northwestern, marketa. . Tha new crop, while making headway with epiendtd pr -toils at the, moment, haa many nncertatntlee befor It. but this feature of tb trad I given but little thought y tb rank aad Bio. -What really detera axteoded ahort selling snd bear pressure on . present brilliant crop prospects Is tn Omaha stocks snd a good cash demand July - easily been men congested on tery little eelllng. It will b hard so bull wheat under present excellent climat eondl. Cora Shorts Cover. In COrfl - lower . rahlea .. anil MmI : Mwh,. Weather for tb crop csv to this market so esslee start and a little bidding op by tba leading bull house brousbt snout soma short covering. Trade -wsa not " at att broad and Conditions as W TleW Lbatf. seem anehamul Kvu. m Bvvruiiuia .canupoinc j rao. u lsrg. X avest. oeuiunent . te ainwet woolly Dullish. Becraaa Oanssd Strenstk. In eat -a larger decrease In ths Tlslbls xriouteu mucn to tne a Irene m. . - - In provlxlons. nonvlih.t. -tw eii.t,li. lower nog msrket st ths varee. tha aneeniative iwrin ruaeu eiroug inruugnout. suusy a oiticiai msrkets: WHEAT. High. Low. Onen. Clos. July.....! .87 Sept... .8114 $ .SSt, 8 - .87 82, .811, CORN. .50i 2" . ,: .8114 .81 . .4S'i Dee.. .UVj .hlitB Old July. .40' Old Sept. .481 Old Dee, L.Bov; .40 - .47 May, 1808 Jans...., JnlT...., Sept.M.. June. '.. .41 oatV r .46 .8114 80V, . ,.8114 .8014 M .2H' .28Vj r 114B iA SXS-DB rUBS: -1S.T-12.72 13.00 " T.80 " July..... 126T 12.T5 16T Sept 12.US 18.00 12. M ' LARD. Jim.;... T.80 T.80 r'T.80 Juiy..,.. r.8T 11 too T.IO Sept..... r,... -- - 7.57 TBO 1.90 T SO T65 T.67 - OCt...M . . ..... . SHORT RIBS. July... T.8S - 7.40 T.82 Sept...v T.5T T.6S T.BT Oct -ZM ' 1.10 T.62 AJfZKICAkT eiADf TISnLI. Chlesgo; Jana. 5. American, grala risible Jana. . Amerlcsa grala suppiyj ....... , Todsy Tear Ago ' Ineress nusn. - nusn. Bush. Wheat SO.084.000 9O.8U8.O0O 6,000 Corn 4.568.000 4.260.000 208.000 Oats. ......... T, T44.000 4,102,000 102,000 Decrees: ; umait KicEiyrs Ajra HCTKEirri. . " Chicago, Jun (.Primary receipts: Todsy Tear Ago r; - - "' Bush. Bush. Wheat ...eM.mal ' 422.0IXI Uorn 626.000 , 8d2.00( Hblnments: Wheat ;. 224.000 ..802.000 T14,fjO0 Core 517,008 . iav rsAXoisoo esAnr m asset. V Ssa Francisco, Jnns B. Official do inf sees ion: -- - WHEATTT December 21.85 81.86 11.84 81.86 BABldET. Dcmbr 8814 .8814 -MVi . .88 OlAIir OX A8SA0E. Chicago, Jon B Grain on passage: Today Week Ago Year Ago -ouao. , huso. Buso. Wheat .... Cora .45.44O.0n0 H.to4.0Odrfa:i62.000 .11. 104,0110 11.8UO,000 10,045,000 OBXAH01U HATE8T" Bf OIM. Oklahoma City, Okie.. Jun. 6. Fsrvestlng I commencing In tha southern portion of ths itete. The yield Is reported much better then expected. Reet did oot offset th stock to a great extent. . . LITEEPOOL OEAIV MAKEET. Liverpool, Jus 8 Cloeet Wheat Jory. Os u. u oown; neptemner, as ma, Ma down. Cura July,' 4 B4d, Vjd down. COTTON LOSES AFTER - T - RISE AT OPENING . (Farhlahed br Orerbeck. Starr A Conk (V.V New Tork. Jun 8. Cotton onened ehont 11 point up at tha high point, but weskened later snu ceiseu s points lower. : Toduy 'a .official cotton market! " - Open. High. Low. Cloee. JtBBsry n7rrnrr.T xr sr 8i5S20ia22 February 822 823 ' 822 S28ia25 March 844 825 1 825 H 27(3 211 June ............... 7H4 . TH4 7H4 74rN6 July Si l SH 778 T2B3 August ............ S10 812 THS TlHlW tort ang Tmtioi 82X THU SilSOS Ssptembn .......... 84 October 821 November- .... Sll December 8.11 nil nil niiuia B:i3 BOS 818 W 17 SOME YARDS GOOD - SOME ARE VERY POQR (Journal Special Service.) Independence. Or., Jun 5. Parties who bsvs bees eiemlulng tb different bopysrds la Polk county, stst that It m bird to forecsst tbs evop ntlooh. Hams e Se yarde- looh-v healthy -and wfll yield s ftll erop, even a IHtle better than s vera re, ss thsr ara no missing kills to be found In th yard at all, wbll adjoining you may find a yard tbst will show a vary perceptible shortage tbo hills will be found missing In msny place and -tb vine will shoe? 1st growth. Why there ts such d I Serene ta net understood. . Home of tb bottom yard kav reached tb wire aad ar well along on tb eroeatwtne. wbll . other yard will sbow many vlnee not sear to , the top of ths" poles area. Th yard all anew good cultivation and may Improve considerable wltbln thenext few weeks, but ther will andnubtedly be a hortg of bop In Polk county la comparison t what ther should be from tb sere are. Upland bops ar not look ing good, although, there sr several upland yard a that lupk (well. Generally tkey will be short from 00 half to en third. ' Tbo who hiva'hop undisposed of rt sr still holding them. Ther sr but thr or four parties la Polk county tbst hsvs ny bop to apeak of, snd moat of them r m th eombln te bold for better price. Tb grow er state they believe price will be aa good, If not better, thsa Isst year. Th weather kaa bees eicellent for grow ing. - . -. , -- , 1 . - Thsr will b aa abundsac of ha this A Th fields show big yields verywhere, both heavy la the stead aad ta growth. ' Ther has been Jt opugh rslL t keep tb soli la tbo eery neel coaditioa ror - growing purpose. Ulkat m. u..h ani eve look .mIImi! Baraplea of hay were brought! to town todsy messurlng nine feet Ma helghtj tahea tram the fleliis south of town. , snd not picked from specially cultivated acids, but taken from sv sras soil and under sveraae condition. Th fruit crop- doaa not look aa larg a nana I. Cheryl, are act as plentiful gg was 1 git lliuur1trTtom of lb orchardlst claim they will not have on half ta two third of a crop of hrrla thU yssr. Strawberries are act plentiful yet. Th cool weather keep them from maturing rapidly, but there will be a good supply ss soon ss s few days of good warm wee ther- corns. Th strawberries ara exceptionally larg owing to tb rainy eoadl. uoa prevalent. . ;. . ";;." v'riix STnT eossxp. . . . f Furnished bv Over beck. Starr A Cook Co i Mew. York. Jane B.-cTh Wall Street Journal srs: Amerlcsn storks In London sr eteady about parity. International merchant marine meeting today s report will show tha effect of tb rat war last rear. April figures show Great Northern will make allnneapoll . It freight-1 seminal. Psnnsylvsnl gross earning far April are th largest la any month except July. 1008. fair demsnd for stocks la the loon crowd. Consols lower ai an St.. Fourteen roads for ADrtl show as avsrsge net lnrress or B.vo per cant and ror ten roootne e to per cent. Thlrty-aln roads fee the .third week may show sn aversgs groe increase of B.TB per rent, Th banks gained from th sub tressury oa rrtday 8815.000. Tb National City bank la reaponalble for nearly all tba de cree a, in caah shown la Ssturday'a bank state- ti-w tou coira aumxzT. Kew' Tork. Jun B. Coffoa clos ancbaaged. OfflcUl prlceei r..-.-.....,.-w r - Bid. Ask. I r , ' Bid. Ask. Tnn ......88 SB M.40 (December ..B8.W0 88.08 Jnlv 8.45 S.SOlJsnuarr ... 8.00 6.88 August ... s no - e on renruary .. u.uo T.tai flentember. 8.80 8 BI March .1 . . T 00 T.OB October .. 8.70 S.T&llasy 7,05 T.10 NoTsmbs,. 6.80.-8.861 . . Torsign Coffee ICaxket.- -- New York. June ft. Havre coffee unchanged. Hambnrg Vs to A points . np. Rio receipts, 4,000 bag- Price 25 api Santne, 4,000 bags. Marks! waaa. iricee unensngeu. ' B.w Tork Cash Ooffes. Ifrw Tork. Juno 8. feah og: No. T Rio. T Ikcj - no. oanra, oe, , - Haw Tcrk-LoodoB Sugar. .- Nw Tork, Jun-- 5. Kugar; ReAnad . and raw steady and unchanged. London - beet nighr Jun jm, ai4d; July 12a, 84. SOME CURIOS AND ODDLTJES T : - . .s . Froial tha Chicago Chronicle. "Tha Danish method - Would do a war with, a great deal of drunkenness," aatd a woman with a white ribbon fixed to ner breaat. - --1- ---- "The Danish method T What la thatr 'In Denmark," waa the answer, "when a drunken man cornea forth from a aalooa or a cafe he la-at one put Into a cab and driven home and the cabman's bill 1 paid by tha liquor dealer from whose 'house the -man laaued. Any liquor dealer who allowa a man to depart from hi establishment In ' an Intoxicated condl tlon ta compelled by the DanlaA law to par that man's cab fare home. f'The Dane, la . consequence, are a sober people." ... . clerk In the department of arrHcul- tnrasaldc - -- -- . . r :- "80 you think that aclentifid farming la a bluffT You demand gome Illustra tion of the good that Is accomplished by the scientific method T Very well. "When clover wsa float Introduced Into Australia It grew there, beautifully, but It- never seeded. The aoll waa all right. Tha climate was all tight. What then was the trouble? - "A scientist studied the matter and this ta what he 'found: TfB-Tuund that" tha iialle-TAagtrmItaTl beea had tongues too short to reach the clover's ' pollen-forming organe These organs, in red clover, are hidden deeply In the heart of the tube-like petals and -they can only be fertilised by the long tongued bumblebee. If red clovar Is not visited by ' bumblebees', .' who bear' the golden pollen grains from one blossom to another. It never seeds It cannot be grown. Tha scientist, aware or tne fact, soon put his finger on the barren Austra lian clover'a trouble. He imported a lot of long-tongued bumblebee. theae - bees flourished and Immediately , Australian clover, which had promised to be a fail ure, became one of the country s ncnest and flneat crops." "During my stayJn Gambia.'!- said the sailor, "the klng-wae taken sick. He enii4 ail aver the mud floor of the royal kraal, he groaned and. swore, and he clutched his fat stomaen witn now nanus. He had. it seems, A cramp. "Gambia la on the African west coast and the people there are primitive. When the medlclne-man arrived to treat the king I went Into th kraal behind him, being anxious tsraee what a Gamblan prescription would be like. "The king -stopped rolling about. . He lay quite atiil on his back. Hie stomach, much swollen, stuck up in the air, and be rubbed it gently with the palm of his S-"i)ojour best for me, father, he' says to th physician: """""""I-! " 'Have no fear, son , the physician answers. ' "Then this African M. D. took out a wooden slate and a charcoal crayon and began to write. Scratch, scratch, scratch, away he went. Tha slate filled up with fine, cloae writing. "Do your- beat,fdther,' -Repeats th king. 1 '' - , , " 'I spare no pains,' says the physician. "'What are you wrltingr saya I. "A prayer for our great king's re covery,' waa the anawer. "When tha slate was full the physician took some water and washed It clean, and he saved, all the Urty j. ater in a cup. - i 'In this dirty Water.' he says,. Is tha prayer I have Just written. Drink, my son, the draught. In It the prayer Uvea.' "The king drained the darkish fluid but of the cup. Then he sighed and said: " 'I feel better already.' ""The Gamblan people told" Tne that the drinking of prayers In that way wa the only kind of medical treatment they ever rt" ' ' ' : j kowlxur It to Him. Bcout (from the city) Where Is .ths beautiful view you advertise? Farmer Takemlnn Why, ye Jest walk over ter Pokevllle an' take- th stage to Hen lake, an' then climb tip Bkeeter mountain ter what- they-call "Lover's le-ap." and that y git th' view, an" It's a. .dandy. , - ". . .. . t wi ' a 1 - Mia Modest Bequest. ji French-speaking operative' of the PeppereU-Jnlll . in. BIddoford -aakad- his overseer-the other dnjrjf he .could stay out (or a few days. Being; short of help, the overseer asked him if It was anything very particular that he wanted to stay out for, and he replied: Taaslr, I'm golne' to git marrlt un I'd lak be there that all." J00 LATE TO CLASSIFY HICRLT furnished mem In new residence on Willamette Heights, overlooking exposition grounds, furnishing magnificent view nt Mt. Hood. Columbia river end surrounding coun try; electric lights, hatha. Phona Mala 670S. BOOMS with board, day, week or month, very reesonsblo; nlc lsrgs slcove, soltahl for people, BOS Clsy. Phone Mala BOOS. MIHS MS.TBOM gleee bsth, msssag treatment; skillful sttenossrs. book ssa , iswvt Tbtrd St, ' ' WAltTBD to buy stock of good for essh must be cneso. aaarrss sis aoeTinan. - sJODJCBM 8 room flat, basement and larg yard. Ola huriei sx. . Journal Branch Offices ADTEKTI8XMXWT8' will be received I st regular main office retee et tn 1-f iillne laie Ulil ae4 an e leetnsl a urn iuc puvUcsuob la vn asi asi ' JIOkTB. , - tL A. Prectoa. druggist, tld sad Thar 1 t msn street. ' i- r-4- - - Hob Hill Phsratacy..68Q wtlaaa street. eerur Hat, 1 " A. W. Allen, pharmacist 18th and Map. ball street. B. Jacks, eoafeetlenery. 600 Tssk. , . lagtoa sUeel. osraer 18th. . . '. - OVTK. 8. r. Jones Co.. drnggmt, Trent and Glbb streets. ' ' - - ' . Cottsl Drug Company, first aad Great . T SUeets. . ' . r- ' .. :" , EAST USX.' -, Tuttls's Pbsrmsey. 86S Mlsstsstppl ava soe, earner Sbsver etrevt. - Klchol Thampsear 188 Una a. 11 street, corner Alblaa avenue. Jan eke Drug Company, surest Haw- - thora and Grand avenues. J. A. IMch. tobaecoa., M Crosby " nd steel bridge). . . B. r. rulton. coofectlqoery. 874 Bart Bnrnid, "corner Union svenne. : Ingrsm d Boss, tobacoonistst 1H3 Oread .. senna. ..'i ,; TnrirTgrvjB, . -n, J. B. Worth, pharmacist, S6 Blmot streeCi ..: . . Brooklm Pharmscy..-CotugPoTsn JSJ . MUwuhl streets. , :: 100 YEARS Aeo th Oreaoa Country Wss s wtldsraoss peopled only by broecblouted savage.. Slxty-thre year ago th first maa located the City of Portland. Eighteen years sgo ths Oldest Trust Company In toe MortAwsat commenceu bihiiw. THE OREGON COUNTRY, THE CITY OF PORTLAND, and the PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 17 uses mhmmrn IbeiM 4Kat till BOW IntO 4t ffTMt amnlsa s rVv.MSWM.mMml Ihf ahtK.IMJia. ID. StfOOff $1,000,000 w. f tha Individual will date from the time b evens ea account In any of onr desrtments. Wa wlU aid you to svs th money you bow make and will assist fom to lncrea your ssmlngs still mors. ', i;U. . pnon . or writ xur xnu- pm.,jri - ... . 'nXOSTBATIOMB.'' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY 0F0REC0N 10a fevis n-A, ' phen Main 453 BBNJ. 1. COHEN .....'res J eni H, I 4MTTOO.K ...Mc-Pre.ldeut B. LEB PAGET ,.... ....Secrtsry J.-O. OOLTEA.............AsslsUnt secretary . J VOTICZ. OBJBOOT. FABMS FOB BALE I am a' farmer and not a town or city snare, nwv no cu.i 810 or lo sxtra on n isrm, use xoe ru; or town shsrks, but aell at thefarmers' prices. I help the buyer liv, every wsy I can, for I am a farmer of 88 y.ara' standing. Wa have lire beat country and climate under th eun; thunder aad lightning storms un known to u. lira as gree th yesr round; sny smonnt of sU kinds of fruit. Writs for free prlc lists eat my bar sal us. l will gladly anawsr aU queatlona. I live 2 !4 miles Boutbweet of Sheridan on my farm. It Bill cost yoe nothing to ao my bargains, and I will treat you fslr In nil des Is. 0.0. BCBOE8S, agent. Bhorldan,-, Oregon.- - - NOTICB Is hereby green that on the lid day of May. I0"8, limn n mfininaiii, ui ray land. Oregon, wss duly sdjudlcsted bsnkniptt snd tbst ths first meeting of bl creditors ni k nant st room eoo Cbsmber'of tora- mere building, Portlsnd, Oregon, ea tb SOth dsy of Juno, 1905, t 10 o'clock . m.. st wnlcs nm in ee 1 . j prove their elslms. sppolnt a trustees examine-tb bankrupt snd transact such other business aa may properly come before such ting. Dated Por Hand, Oregon. Jun B. iB. ALak en run., - Referee Is Bsnkruptcy. W-,wTna! e Block holders' Msetlng The ss- nusl meeting of th stockholders of the n .M im. a bii Oomosnr will be held at tha office of the enmpeny, room 8 Sber. lock building. Portland, Oregon. June .20, 1903, at 11 o'clock a. mU. for the Purpose of electing a board of director for th naulng rear, and tb tran.aetlon of ucb other business aa may legally com before tb meeting. g - FATTrT.TA BecroUry. PortUnd. Or.. May 23. 1905. stolf-Ordalned wreachera. r . . . Trom the Baltimore Herald'. The nresident and Emperor William are alike In one respect they are ready to deliver a sermon anywhere. ' at Fellows Sugar Dry granulated,-18 - pounas.ior .., j csvns Table Peaches, Pears or Apricots. ' 25 " ' I cans American Sardines. rj -.--.. I cans Deviled Ham. 1-pound package Corn Starch. . V .''" ' CO - . , Ponnd best Gloss Starch. -: ; ; . 25 1 f lbs. best Eastern Rolled Oats. :L . .25 v J T pounds good Broken Rice. Can Baker's or OhlrardelU's Cocoa. Pound iiHDwB',Blend Costa, Bics Coffee. 374 Washington Street DOWlsTsTw, BtOFadKB ft CO . . (Kstabllshed lilt.) .... WXZAT sMTP BTOC'H0Mi.: sVxrm 4, OTwaad 11 oor. CatAMBBSV OW OOKaCBBCB. OVERBECK, Good Things Fellows . - - ii am bars Chicago Board of Trade. OBAXBT, rBOTTSTOsTB, COTTOW, BTOCXB ABTS UOWK - lOt Third Street. McKay Building. Portland. Or. ' " SO A TmiCTX.T Contlnuoii Markets by Private Wire. .XUton. bankra, and United isU MEXTUfO BOTIOB. THS PENNSYLVANIA SOOIETY lin., t S 'clock, le restive! hall f.le mu.h.Ia n..m.iu prssentstloa of Mrs. Dr.'. book. "The Cub quest, by. Miss Maud Mitttell. Hammell. ; p vi si. llHWrrTWt'rrBns- Secreisry-Tressurr. IVAKHOB LOIK3R. No. IO. K. of P. tteguiar convention tonight at S . o'clock In Pythian hall, eighth floor ' Marauam bulldiua. -Elsctlon of of fl. " eeear T VlslUug Anights cordially la.'L PBgD P. HOLM. K. el B. ! 8. rosT Ibd roinro. eUths te sr yeesd advarUsuata. nam "81 word for 18 eaata," nss. .. FOUND A pises to have hair mattrsssss re no. r rated and returned name dsy. Phone Msia ', ' 7s. Portlsnd Ourlsd 11 air sctory. - 1 M0TIC1 Of TRUBTZX'8 BALI 07 rZBSOVAI. .-; ' . 7B0PZBTT. .. Notice ts hereby given tbst-la pursusae f th order of th court and direction of th: creditors, mads snd bsd In the nutter of th bankruptcy of vBpeer Broe.. the undersigned trustee lo bankruptcy will sell at public sue- ' tton, foe cash, subject to eosflrmstW snd r. -vlaloa by the court, on the loth dsy of June. ' 1806. nt th. hour of 1 'elockyp. i. if ssld . dsy. st ths tew f AumsvllleMsrloa conuty, . sri'to-wit! deacrlbsd personal prop -AU that eertaln toch ad atocU utnoai7 were. - merchandla and fixture owned ssi belonging to Spear Bros, located et tbslr stors - -t Mebsm sud at Aumsvlll la said Marlon County. Oregon. ' Msiooo. 0r,?"' tbto lrt ' r. W. DUBBIN. JTXLB WAVTZB-IIALZ. WANTED Toang man to travel for wholsaal ' houas; previous xperlesee not Beceasaryi good chance for advancement; permanent position; fid to. $20 per -week, expenses snd email commission; reference required. Ad ' dress, 'With stsmned envwlnne - arvMNTe,- vxf nyso 8yke block. Mi ansa pulls. Minn. MANAGERS wanted for our office la ill large elite thivugbout Oregon; w psy rent, liberal . salary and commission ; asa deposit and rf. eresk. reoulred. Addreee 'Manaear ' SIB J "Grant Bldg.r Ssa Trsnclsco.- " 8OANUINAVIAN-8PKAKINO Intelligent men csn get good Independent position with per manent income; chance for repld promotion. . Boom S Stearns building. Sixth snd Morrison. Wl' WANT wide-awake reliable men who can - put In good work on. a eplendld paying DroDosl t ion : sssr snonev. uulck mihpm " Ad - drees P.0. Box 877. city.. BXCELLENT opportunity to prepare for coming i-i.ii n,nn eaaiainsuona; ssiariea NUU ta 82.700; call 8 to 11. Sdgsr sV Bush, 81 t'hamber of Commerce. . ... . r School telerraphy A electricity; pupil wanted! sleo poetOoue wanted for grsdustes. S06H lsb DKTKCTI VKH Men to kaers; w- gusrsam work to our pupils. B SOI. MB Morrlaoa au WANTED Woven-wlre mttress-wekrvr; perma. nent pqsltloa. Oregon t'urnltur Co. -sffilWABTUe EMALEi LAMES' DEPAkTMENT.. . Hotel, reetaurant, office, (tore, bakery, laandrB ' and family patronage solicited. HANSEN'S EMPLOYuknt or r tf si U3H Washington st.. room 7, cor. -Seventh st. .. rmn sxain aim, -.-. . VIRIA wanting employment, such s. general ' m 1 uemm, cnamDermsios, COOka, rail on Scendlnsvun Bmplnymant Co.. 27(1 Bunulde st. rhon Main 8088. WANTED A woman to cook for snd look sftes ine wsnmr or n tenting party ot irons S to IS people. Address 1 42. Journsl. - OIRIA end women wsnted for stemming snd ""' ,.nnln. ftu ,u ..... W . hill. Oregon Parking Co. AP'.RIF.NL1 KD"Ts dl es clothe trnoere, slao saaiaisnt rscine Lnundry Co. - GIRL for general housework. ' Apply' between t sna n evenings oeB. and 10 mornings, 550 Bvarett st. aas. WANTED Experienced see Bstreeee-.nd ip. prentic. Mr. Koirson, Hamilton bldg. WANTED Young girl to assist la h overwork. Appiy mornings, onu uiisan si.. WANTED Skirt and waist bsnds. I. I-Mler, in.Hk wssningtnn st, room 1. WANTED A few gooe" demonstrs tors st ones. ia,i eeiier. .i na imon ST. WAKTID MALE ABD TEMALX HXXV. MEN and womea te leara barber trad la 8 . wees a: nairareusing, manicuring: graduates "earn 118 to 825 weekly. Bssttls Bsrbat Cue. lege, 131 Wsshlngton St., 8attl. " WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, nc. MntsDis msa or woman, a good talker, t taks up sn attractive propoeltlon. Inquire 738 Cbasiber of Commerce, s a. m. CALLING and business card. 80 100; SB. SB i.otw. WWH Sixth St. Antomstle Card Pre. BITUATIOltS WAjrTXB MAXB. WANTED Position with aom good. reliable irpenter to leern trade; bsva bsd soma si. perience; references. Address A ILi cars. of Journal. TOUNO married man. German, need to all klnda of work, and bualneea experience, would like position. Address WI sSssat. room B. TOl'KQ msa attending business cnlleg wsntg Siac to work tar ooara ana room. Addrwe. 58, car Journal. BY all-round printer oa country paper. Bef. ; erences given rrom preseaL. mpioyrs.v Ad- f dreae I 48. Journsl. -- BT reliable man, take car of horse snd bel nserul around ins Douss. Address I 59. csr of Journst. ' WANTED Situation at fair, selling souvenirs, j competent man; reference. Aaarsss 1 JonrneL BITTJATIOMS WASTED TEliAlJE. WOMAN wants plsc working housekeeper- snd coos tor men; goooj coos. J. u. Hons-1 keeper, Grcnt, Oregon. COMPETENT women wants peslttoa as brmse keener for widower ar bacneior. Address I 41, Journal. SERVICES of experienced rrarss may b had in oonanemcnt. rnon uit voa sr asst 487; ' : ZKPtOTstXBT AOIUCTB. PACIPO COAST EMPLOYMENT QXVC1. Removed to 12 A North Second St. Pbosa,- 1'Hed 161. . - .. . HANSEN'S EMPI.OYMENT OFT1CB. ' ", FOB MEN. SS N. Second st. Pbon Msia 1528, PIONEE R M1 lislp ire LOYMSNT CO. Labor eontrae. torsi bslp ree to employer. SIB Morrlaoa. HELP wsnted snd supplied, msls or ferns le. ! . R. O. DRAKE, awiVk waaDinxten St. Clay 4o. 1 ALPINfl EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help fur.' nlshsd free, ins nrai st. rnon Msia 1B17, J88 MORRISON Columbia River Emp. eeacj SBllieo is dot rnmianeo. rnon. mam eon. WASTED TO BEhT. BOOMS In all parts of ths city, furals. Appiy 41 tenoonouga oidg. -EXPOSITION -ACCOMMODATION BUREAU. . Cads direction f the Iwls aad Clark Tale . ' . Corporation, " , Phone Mala 3S Il'.v. '-'---.- Wl bse rails everyday for vacant boused- ad furnlahed hone: list vmr nronerts viik I - ue: w will do tb rest. Uobaa i Taggarfem. I loimsth st..--,- WANTED Boom for msn snd wlfs la private , - family: stste price and privileges. Address I 45, Josrnsl. & COOKE CO. OOnSafXBSIOaf BTJBIaTZSS. Quick Hervlc. REFERENCES .Ladd M us Nailotua Bank et IorUiid. . .. ..'' or Oregon cordlslly Invites sll . members of tber lt eocletle ,M 1 end vlaltlng . pennsylvsnlsns te A 1 ; nrad their licit regulsr ffieet- Si Inc. TuVsdsr evenlns. June 8.