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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
- VOL. IV. NO.' y8c- z: "PORTLAND," OREGON; MONDAY EVENING, ' JUNE 5, 1905 TWELVEPAGES. riuwo 4 iw v4-. w. si us. riT. cists. i REPORTSlGliEi: HOME PRECINCTS ARE r ..... ' - ... (. - .. . , ... . JOInrEastSide,-Tide Unmistakablyto;: the1 People's In Downtown- Precincts Republican-Workers "Aid'ofWaiiams;l "Confident bf Lane's lection.- was , "the terse snswer made st his headquar - ters on Blxtostreavit a "lata f hour this - afternoon, with rood reporta from . , every one of the 18 precincts. Betting odds wera awapt downward from' 8 to 1, with which tha wagera cloaed yesterday, to many, even wagers, : and a number of stakes were placed on -- the east aide at J to.l In favor of Ir. Lane carrying that aectlon by 8.000 ., majority. ' . . - The strengthening of the Lane feet- . ins waa due In large part to tha light - voting In the downtown preclncta.' with K' unprecedented voting early in tha day all tha residence districts. ... Affidavit voting waa virtually nil. " aa it wsa Impossible ta haodle-tbe float- ilngvote under the new law requiring all -f ldavita to D JjioUlniplaerndWB--tn?eTaTea-'tdlha disadvantage or uie wuiiame worn. Many Irreaponalblea were collected around the north end resorte, awaiting the handing of the dough." aa one -of them atated to a newapaper man who accoated a group of them, near Erlck aon'a ..concert -hall, and ef forte have .been made to vote them by taking them to the poll to vote under namea that had been placed fraudulently on tha reglatratlon rolls. .- - - - Sfiyiay Totea la Worth Bad, Purchase orvdteg-"was golng-tm In tha ninth precinct, at North .Eighth and Davie streets, where Lane watchers dis covered thet a heeler Just out of Jail waa running men Into a building a block away from tha tent voting booth " and sending them to east their ballots for Williams. Deputy Sheriff , Cordano waa notified and at oaca.poated himself there to aea that . the practice was topped. ' The prediction of a aolld north end - vote for Williams, of course, waa real ised, but it waa noticeable that many of 'tha saloon men who run quiet resorts patronised by buslpesa men have been doing nothing against Lane, while aome of them are openly-declaring for him and in opposition to tha policy for which the present administration atanda open gambling and conditions that the' better claaa of - saloonmen deprecate. - One ght-4 8 votera during the forenoon to tha voting place, at Seventh and Oak atreeta and did not hesitate to aay to the onlookers that ha . was for Lane and cleaner government. A feature of the election la tha horde of pollworkers Instructed to , talk for v, Williams - alone and, abandon the reat i. of the Republican ticket . It waa In- terpreted as meaning that the Williams managers were - determined to throw . . over their associates and In desperation try to save the head of tha ticket. Quiet Tots f o Jna. , T - The quiet vote la guessed ss going for Lane. Numbers of Republicans, coming from tha booths and aaked how -' thejr voted.-saytiothing.- Experienced "observers of . elections regard this as a good indication that Lane Is receiving the great silent vote. Republicans re- fusing to obey tha command of tha machine leaders to "vote tha ticket ' straight.-' ' At many1 polling places drivers of carriages wearing bannera marked for ' . Williams said. In private conversetl that they wera for Lane. Never before have ao many Inde pendent votera gone to tha polla in Portland. All tha tlcketa are receiving aome support, and . scratched ballots will make tha counting rather slow to night v "; ' , ' . Throughout the day. the Lan, cam paign managers have been", solidifying the force of watchers, preparing for the 'attempt later to run in the hundreds of fraudulent voters for which tha ma . "chine has made provision. . . Aa they . ... wera cut. out of the oldtlme affidavit voting for . floatera, many fictitious names were placed on the registration RIMER KNEWFOfl WHOM:: HE WANTED TO VOTE - 4 E. ,W. Rlner, a aon of R. M. 4 Rlner of Tanner creek eewer e . fame, presented himself at tha e e polling place In the-.- Twenty fifth precinct this-morning. - 4 "I want to vote, and that Is A . 'the man' I want to vote for," he said, throwing before tha eleo- e. tlon judges one of Mayor Wil- e ' llama' carda. Ha waa given a billot and re- e tired to one of tha voting w ' bootha to nil it out.. ( - ' . . Jt . . . . , k FOR DR. LAI ofentimeqtUrxis . Vote Is -Very Light- Buying -Votes in - "books and the Intention waa to. hare purchased denizens olthnorth end district to answer to these namea before the election Judgea and thua awell tha yota for WilUama. Against, this plan, tha Lane campaign managera have pro vided deputy sheriffs at all polling places, who are ordered to street every person against whom therefa any evi dence of. attempt to' cast Illegal bal lots. . ' .. . .; BaA Bay for Ulagal Toters. . " Fifty-eight deputy sheriffs and many aaststanta are under instructions to keep strict wartA and report to head quartara -aU-1rrgularltlea. Tha fraudulent-voter- trill ndtr far-well teday la Portland. - . - .... .-, .. . . ' Tha franchise for .(he automatic tele-. hone appears tobBxsxr. oter-wrrflr-Otoa poll . watchers guess tha odds larger. In tha second ward tha vote was light during tha morntng - hours, al though a larger proportion of the votera turned out In the upper end of the ward than In tha lower Vnd, , Pre clncta 7 and 8, which are wholly resi dence districts, showed at noon a vote equal to about 88 per oent of tha registration.- In tha Fourth precinct, which embraces the north end, the percentage of votes cast waa much smaller. .Larry Bulllvan waa at tha polling place In thla precinct all the morning and was-busily engaged In rustling votes. Challengers are at the polls in this and other precincts to guard against fraudulent votes and prompt measures will be taken to prevent any dishonesty In the election. Lane supporters are confident that their candidate ' will carry tha second wsrd and they-regard the light -vote In the north end as a very favorable eymntom. H. W. Wal lace, the Independent candidate for V councilman from the aecond ward, is run ning very-well and soma of hla friends are making a vlgoroua effort to elect him. . ' Xome Districts lolld for Laae. : On the east side," the Latia sentiment was growing and the confidence of hla supporters .increased as the daj( pra-J gressea. judging irora suriace indica tions, the east side will give Dr. Lane a flieaty majority, and rhy-weTTarae" real- dence districts are thought to be loyal to - him. At noon, . only about 25 per cent of the total registered vote had been cast, and the signs wera favorable to Lane, In the opinion of thoaa 'who wera at the polling placea. In the third ward, a hot fight Is in progreaa between Merrill, Independent Brady, Democrat, and Dunning, Repub lican. Merrill waa claiming the colored votera almost solid, and that there were 800 of them In the ninth precinct alone. POLLING BOOTH STOLEN. 1 Tent ta - Btsth - reolnct ; :. .- : 'Astoria, Started for "Last night thieves' stole' the "large canvaa tent which City Auditor Devlin had caused to be erected at Eighth and Davla atreeta as a polling place for tha voters of the ninth precinct. -. . ' Mr. Devlin wss Informed by telephone at o'clock thla morning that the tent had-been stolen, and - notified D. B, Fuller, who haa charge of the election bootha, to secure another. By 8 o'cluck another canvaa had been spread and the election officials wera able to proceed with the business. . . . Tha thieves had molested nothing but the tent. In order to secure it In thetr hasta they cut tha ropes, and leaving them, tha polea and stakes, they carted the canvgs away. ' " ' - " ' Police Captain Moore wan notified, and detailed Warrant Officer Oolts on the caae. Within a ahort time he had lo cated - the1 canvaa on ' the Ash atreet dock. It -had.been neatly rolled and bound wiyj-topes -hd consigned to Astoria.- . ' . ." . ZXTBA BAXX.OT SOUS. Additional ballot boxes for preclncta 4, 8. 21, 41, 47 and tl were ent out by Deputy City Auditor W. 8. Lotan at 10 o'clock thla morning. This waa found necessary owing to the large number of votera registered ; In these preclncta whose ballots tha regular botes would not hold.. Instructions wars -artveh 'that when the regular bones would hold no more ballots, tha election officials wera to place tha ballots In t he-extras. ' BVSSIAB MM ABT-OTOBK.Lr' .. ,i " '.. s ... i (Jrmrttl ttpedal tervtre.) ' Ounshu.. June 8. -The Russian left has been slightly 4Vnpd. Other Is tb sltuMloa 1 unchanged, ; SELEPii;llpffiAM m1''1 "a I I Ssasss.sssasssssSBSsSSjaM.assjsgas " asassaaaesaasssasaajsjeaBjiasaB , - -m--y-:-r -- f ' -v:' V Germany's Royal Couple z b to Have Both Civil and T; 'l ' .v-;'j j j r; , "Religious ,?yrw - n ,: 'v-x-.v... -1 lv ' " ' a . s a esi. i s -. - k a " . w.- l. . v. la . . j ar jf v t t . . . -.. w a si - 4;MmAd.m iiLECJiuvottRS -i-j'; ;fi HL GET t J IS KEOT1CKY fEED Sheriff Petermind to, Preserve the Purity of Ballot Box ; "r," - In Portland. - AFFIDAVITS MUST: BE7 . MADE AT POLLING PLACES Colonized Stuffers Will Be Ar rested If They Seek to De I:?. - ! posit Ballots.; - The law adopted by the 1905 legisla ture compelling 'Unregistered votera1 to make affidavits at the polling placea la looked on as tha moat serious blow that baa been given - the machine In recent year a. excepting the direct 'primary, law. which waa also a triumph for. tha bet- ter rglemwnt. In ' previous elections unregistered . I vnlera rniilti make affidavit . before.- 1 nnttt-rv 'nuhllnr mnA lv fMhnMr, nm. I A for -thermachlne-'to -assemble a notary and six. owners of ' property at - ita headquarters and make out hundreds of certificates- which were . passed out to tha poll-workers In bundles,- and frauds were prsctlced In every precinct of .the north end. Certificates were algned and acknowledged, wjth no namea of voters In the first part of the instrument, and contrary to tha provision of the law the namea of. the votenr were filled in- later. "A'year ago, by the careful guarding of the-polling places, the extensive'. frauda thus planned were . prevented. In large part, although there was mora or less of It In the worst precincts . of tha .north and Today deputy sheriffs were sworn In to watch, the f polling "places," and, they were given lists of namea on the regis try books that are known to be fraudu lent. On the books are dosena of names of men whose residences are given at houses where they are unknown; - In some Instances as many as 40 are regis tered from .a.JuildlflCJ'ueraPnlYJtwjr three reside. - ' - , Instructions re Issued "by Sheriff Word to the 'deputies to arrest very person-attempting to vote fraudulently and District Attorney Manning gave Of ficial' notice that any.r on - trying to evade the election lawa would be proee cuted to the limit.' r '-' ..' FORTY MILLIONS SENT TO EUROPE BY ALIENS '. (Journal Aptctat Service ' ' New.Tork. ...JuneL According .to figures compiled in tha annual report of the New York City post office for the fiscal year ending In July, tha amount of money aent to foreign coun tries by aliens during the last 18 months Is nearly 840.000,000. In the last -quarter 88.877,181.28 went out -of that of Oca to foreign countries In small money orders. The money orders thst go to Italy sre larger than that of any other country. ' -V -r A. . " - During the last calendar year tha total 'sent' out by thw New Tork post office to foreignr-countrles . was 111 787,001.88. To Italy - alone 818.108 orders, wero sent, segregating 88,70. 168 Mr- Nearly 80.000 money orders were sent to Great Britain, amounting to 17, 42.180.84. Germany cams next, receiving more than 81.000,040 In money orders from tha New York BostoMce. PWeden was fourth, recetvlnf mors than FROM ALL QUARTERS OF CITY V A IS- i i I it i- : t if ' ;l . i Two PhotogTtphs pi the Duchess ecilie ' and Ons ' of the Crown Princs : William- -tt Germany, "WhoseMafTUge Will Take Place Tomorrow PUBLIC WILL OF NAN (Jnnrnal Speetal Berrl-e.) AHooas. Pa., JuTtee. Discouraged by the adveraa criticism that greeted her appearance on the stage following her recent trial for murder of Caesar Young, Nasi Patterson has severed her connec tion with tha burlesque, company with which she has been traveling, -and left for her home In- Washington -,. i .. . Miss Patterson was greeted - by a small house Saturday night. The (ewj women present ini eariy, not wunsiand lng that much objectionable In the show had been expurgated. . Mies Pat terson, with a broken voice and tears in her eyes. Just before she boarded the train -said: - v- -- M t .. "When f-went'on the stage I adopted 4.1t tha onl x mesas-laXv tan to eaxu I - - 1 JtB-a. -"St-"- JS NONE PATTERSON a llvellUood. I am awfully sorry people have . ao severely condemned' me. I Wanted to- do right and could sea no harm In going on the stsge. which la my profession. I have - decided to leave tha stsge for a time." . TRAFFIC DEMORALIZED j . v BY COLORADO FLOODS , (Joanna SpeoUl Ser-ire.) , '" Tellurlde. Col., Juno l.--Twenty-elght mile of track on the "Rio ' Qrand Southern. have bencwashed out by tha Dolores . river, .near. Dolores. : Three bridges are destroyed sad irtfflo .ll " . 1 .i 1 Another. Pitched Battle Takes Place at Picnic in Breathitt , ' - 51 County. COCKRELLS' AND HARGIS'- ':. - FRIEN.DS FIGHT IT OUT ; ; w: ; ' -' ' ...... Leaders of Both Sides Slain Early 1Z In Fracas but . Followers . . -; Continue . It. --: (Joumil Special Bervice.) Lexington, - Ky.. June-B.There was another pitched battle In the Breathitt county. feud; yeaterday .and alter a run half hour of shooting three men lay dead and- seven badly wounded.' - One side the Devises, who 'are' relattvee of the COCkrellshad -tne-aavamage-or - irm - house rortress, annouan mii r nm gunplay was In the open road, dher ents of the Hargls faction wera handi capped by being forced to move forward Into tha open to-fight, but they did It without an Instanfa hesitation.'" Leaders of both sides were killed early In the Oght, but their followers fought on with. rifles and revolvers until all ammunition waa expended. The rlarglaea themselves, who are under ar rest .for .the. murder or two.oi ineir feudal enemlca. Marcum and Cockrell. could not . have a part in today's en counter, but . thelr-relatives and f rtends fully sustained" the famttyir-n?putatlMi? Sunday, five miles from Lee City, on the edge of Morgan and Breathitt coun ties, a negro named Grant Reed, a blind tiger operator gave a plenlc. The trouble started between Andrew Mel son, a farmer, and Harlan Dykes;" Mel--aon waa an. enemy of tha Hargls faction, while Dykes was closely connected with the family. Both had many friends. When tha smoke cleared away. It was found that both Mel son and Dykes had been killed within 10 feet of one an other, and Henry. Freeman waa lying dead near Dykes. All wera pierced with many bullets, "being shot rfonr botTTlfl front and behind. James Wilson was shot in his breaat and seven. others were wounded. - , - ... , ; - - - AMERICAN BARK APACHE CROSSES FINISH LINE fJoernat SpecUl ServiM.) The Llsard. June B. Tha American auxiliary bark.- last of tha trans-At-lantlo racers fer . the kaiser's cup. eroasad the Jlnlsh-line at. 10:10 o'clock this morning, a week behind the . At lantic, Winner-of the cup. Fears have been entertained th, tha .Vessel had encountered disaster among - the - Ice- bergs. ... The boat s delay, however., waa due to. having been caught in a tefrlflc gala which carried her far out or. her course. , .i. . DELCASSE MAY, RETIRE y . ;.r IF NOT SUPPORTED - . N 1 (Joarstl Special Settle ) ' Par la, June 8. A report IS In circula tion that Foreign Minister Delcaaae will retired In hla Moroccan policy falls (o secure the united suppl.-t of ths minis ters. The aultsn s pmpoaal jo refer tha question of reform to an Interna tlonat conference will be submitted to lb council el ministers tomorrow, w. MAGNIFrCENT WEDDINGS GIFTS FROWJ ALL EUROPE Silver Service of Several Hundred .. Pieces Given by Cities of , , - Fatherland - Cold and : Jewels From Kings. ' (Joeraal - Bperl.l BttI(. t r: Berlin,. June 8. Gray-haired cltlxens of Berlin declare that tomorrow will add to their stock of recollections the mem- ' ory of the greatest acenea of popular en- -thualasm they have ever known. Crown Prince Frederick William will" be mar- , rled shortly after 12 o'olock to Duchess Cecllle of Mecklenburg-Schwerln,- and It la expected that after the "ceremony the , royal couple will pass before the people In open -carrlagea accompanied by the. usual accessories of military and of- . flcial 'pomp. .- i. , '.,L ' ' ',, ., The German law . requires -that . the ', -Hre I eltfgs 1 sliwuht be wuleiiiiilwd lij civic authorities, and therefore tba Duchess eiUeiwidJ2ie -crown prince -will, be married by HoussTMlhlaTer vuw Wedet and" later at a religious service under the eyes of a large assemblage of privileged persona from many "parts ot the world. The floral and other dec orations of the chapel In tha gchloes, where the . religious ceremony will be performed, era extremely rich. - The wldding gifts to the bridal couple were presented In the white room of the palace thla morning, when deputations - , with congratulatory addresses wera alsoc receIvedv.The-vedding presents were1 numerous and on a scale of great mag nificence. They came from the varloue rulers of Europe, from relative of ths contracted partlee and from the chief municipalities of the empire. They In eluded splendid Sevres . vases and ', Gobelin tapestries from President Lou- , bet of France, magnificent tapestries and rugs from the. ,Bultan of Turkey and varioua articles of gold and -silver from ".""" the king of Italy, tha Csar, King Edward VIIand other sovereigns of Europe. The most magnificent gift of all how-, ever, wjll be the silver service of sev eral hundred pieces subscribed for by the chief cities of Germany. Plaster casts of the service are on exhibition aa the set is not finished. .1 The visiting princes end envoys wera . entertafr)ed a elate arnner at tha The guests Included cabinet minis ters, generals and admirals. The Duchess Cecelia made a very favorable impres sion' upon the guests. Tonight' there Is a gala performance" at the opera.. GERMAN GARRISON IN AFRICA REPORTED SEIZED (Joernal Special Srtee. i .CapeTown. June S.Rs port r-ttava-reached here that Warnbad, the German headquarters in southwest Africa, haa been seised by natives and that the en tire garrison has perlahed. The rumor is not confirmed. - - - - ' - bio MziiWAtncBa. nii-( i ' IJoarnal Special Service.) Milwaukee. June 6. The Milwaukee) Expoattlon building, 'occupying 'a city square, was destroyed by firs last night. Loss, 8100.000. Daily Journal Tw o Gen t s Copy ontne StreeF .M 'ayno ore Tll DAILY JOURNAL Is the only 8-cent- paper on the North - Paclflo coast. . There la only one , other, and that In Los Angeles. -But there will be more and mora of them as the country develops and population Increases. Sln e THE JOURNAL reduced ' the price of single copies on the streets from 8 to S cents street sales of the paper hve Increased .several hundred per rent, and Still the growth continues. B buy THK DAILY JOI RNAL at TWO C'ENTb) A CuPlf on tlta . Streets and , ( Pay No More l.t000,000 In small sum . . ., . . -V'.''" ' ' ' v. . -. -