7 ;H IT. .j ... : , r r THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE. ... 1SC5, 3 r - - v :'-.. : ' WV- r POSCd to collect the, heavy Band. fJ .u iT9VrrA?K f j. - . '. .'.. '-- - V""' -:.' J Building Barkentinet, 8verkl tive-mafted bjirkcntln ar ""."""to t built Id tt vast, probably t th 6wlt 7rd at Bath, who hara built : " " all tha fall-rlcited ahlpa in thla coun .' try In race nt yaara. Tha delna for -tharaaaala cair lor oonatrnctlon ozateal . tit fet la langth, 47 feet beam and 17 . fat lnche- moulded depth, with a ' capacity of 4,400 tone deadwalffht on extreme draught . of feet. Water - ' ballast tanka of 1,100 tons capacity will ""WtnataUed, giTint: a draught of IS feet In baJlaat trim. The vaanela. can ba JiandJe with -trvw of "16 men. whereaa ' full-rlfged ahlp would require at leaat Cat From Cocoanuts. ' r,7-""7 1 :..A Pil'floulty r haa . beea- axparlaiicad -la " ehtalnlag Illuminating; ga from the coal ' obtainable In tha Philippine aland, and after elaborate experiments the govern- . ment laborajtortea . bare found that -a ' much better quality of gaa la obtainable . .. , 'from tba oU of eoooanuta, ... , Filipinos to "Hello. -' J, r xlelephene- company with an au thorlsed oaplut atock of IB0O.00O. 1 now being organised for the purpose, of - Installing an up-to-date telephone plant t Manila, Philippine Ialanda. .-. . r . lfade Much' StceL' ! . .:.'' Tha United fltatea Steel corporation -" (made ver 700,000 toha of pig Iron In .April, thla-production-being on the basis of 1.400.000 tons a year, or more than '.. . 000.000 tons abova the record produc tion of 7.S7I.SI0 tons in 1801. On-May 1 17 per cent of Its furnace capacity was In blast . Flatinum In Demand. Owing to the Increased demand for platinum, especially In the electrical ln .duatryv tba- geologleat survey is about to ' make an exurmlnatlon of the platinum re- T . , - .. . - j BATTLKFLACS SENT .", TO FORMER FOES - -. ' : . - . ... T" Of the, 1I4L flags,-Unli-nd e . T Confederate-whlnh were In t liere r poaaesaloa of the war : depart; 1 e ; ment -when "congress authorised ' their return to their owners,. lw Thava . been " Identified' by Vnlon e veterans and 121. Confederate en- - jlgna Jav beea returnedThara are- now 462 unidentified . flags , at the war department. Of theaa e Jj.J4reyn1on and 288. Confeder- : e ate. The .flags which were re- d 4 turned went to the various states e as follows: '' e Union Illlnola, 10; Indiana, I; e . Kentucky.. 1; Maine, 4; Mary. 4 e ' land. 1; Maaaachuaetta, I; Mis-. , sourt. 1; Nw York. S; Ohio, 1; A r Pwieylranl, 12;- Tenneasee, I; - 4 Wisconsin. 4." ' ' - e v Confederate Alabama. It; e Arkanaaa; : norlda. It; P"-g'-i f (entucKy, 1; Loulalana. 9: .MlsstaslppU 10;. Missouri. 2; .North Carolina, 12; South Caro . Una, 14; Tennessee, 8; Texas, 4; Virginia, 74. - . " " ' IIS DEAD NEIGHBORS Women of Woodcraft and Wood - men Of World Are to Hold .,.1 Memorial Services. - 4 FLOWERS FOR GRAVES- "OFDEPARTED MEMBERS Programs of Exercises to Be Held at Marcjuam Grand The- ' . - - Memorial -day services of the "Wood men of the World and tha Women of . Woodcraft wlll. ba held In the Marquam ' Orand theatre this afternoon, be- Innin A VIA ..tn.tr In .fc. M..4.. ORDER MOURNS - V- the craves of Woodman will ba daeoratari by a committee. Flowers for this pur- pose will be received at Woodmen hall, corner .of Tenth and Washington streets, , until o'clock. The program of exer cises of tha Woodmen at ' tha opera liouae will be aa follows: "Nearer, My God, to Thee." chorus, tinder direction of Miss Ella Frances j . Jloberg; soprano aolo. "Resignation" (Cars Roma), Mies Kathleen . Lawler; ,.1.!.- tribute to departed Woodmen, Consul- . Commanders addreea Hon. Neighbor ; Oeorga-SV-Chamberlirrn; quartet, "My Fa 1th .Looks Up to Thee" (Bchnecker), ,aMUa,Lawlcr. Mrs. Bead, UtrneU ...:,Mr.. Dom Zan; violin obligate by Mine Cornelia Barker; removal of the veil, . . ffloers of the company; Hhrltone solo, ' "'The Heavenly Gold" (Lloyd)rMr. Dom Kan; dedication ceremony, officers of the day; memorial. Rev. Neighbor F. Bur ; gette Short; lessons of woodcraft. Con- cul-Commander. Curtajn. Miss Grace Kemp, organist. i - The exercises of tli .Women of Wood- . ' craft -will ba as follows:. , , "Rock of, As chorus, under dlrec- 'l ' tton of Miss Klla Frances Hoberg; con ' , traltO solo, "Face to Face"- (J.Qhnaon). Mrs. Walter Reed; tribute to our dead, .'Ouardlaa- Neighbor! poem, Mrs. tteutl koffer'qunrtet, "When Power Divine" tHhelley), Miss Lawler, Mrs. Iteed. Mr. Belcher.. Mr. Dont Zan; unveiling cere mony, officer ef '.the day;. .tnr solo, . " " "The Boft Southern Breexe," J. W. Belcher; closing ceremony. Guardian Neighbor. ....- f - , 'The officers-of the day of tlie Wood . men will be: A. U. Barbour, master of n reremonlea; A." W. BchmaUj 1L A. Fred j ' .rich, M. T. Woodward, T. J. Hammer, J. W. Booths, H. F. Clark. George W. i, -;' Tabler, G. A. Rodgera, George Funk, F. A. Snow, H. J. Scott, aaalated by com- - vany of uniform rank of Portland camp, " - No.i l 7, Captain A. VL Brown, com- ' , mentdlng. -t i : The officers of tha day of the Women , of Woodcraft will be: t Mrs. M. Randall, ..... master of ceremonies I Mr J f. Hsree. Mrs. D. If Van Horn. Miss Kmma GIN . r'q, Mrs. Nora A. Card. Mrs. J. B. Roth, -Mrs. Helen Vllaa, Mrs. Iena Schults. . . Mrs. J. K. radrlrk, Mr. Alice Rathbun. tin. atelan Oregory, asslttd b guards roe ei n united states. It Is ro- poaed to collect 4ho heavy sands from? all placer mince lit the Cnlted Btatea where evidences or platinum - have been bb ec,ved. : . r Linemen Mutt' Not Drink. ' V" Whim' the Jinemea li tha mpToy of the Wyoming Light company of Wllkae barre, Pennsylvania, raoeived their pay recently they aleo received a printed circular, wnion tney were asked to sign, agreeing to abstain from the use, of In toxicating llquora. The company pays good wages and all the employes will sign,. -.-.- - trrr-;-.--' r": Diamond 6 tone Saw. - ., A large saw containing 200 teeth, with a Brasillan diamond Imbedded in each tooth, haa Just been completed by a saw plant in Indianapolis? The saw la to be -used ,foe sawing stone and wilt ba placed in one or tne nig quarries at Bedford, Indiana., It la eight feet In diameter and five-sixteenths of an tnch thick.- Each atpna ia set In a different poaltlon. - :f. Coat Clear Land. Raising of Anaora goata In Virginia -for profit Is a new industry, now In tts infancy, but with promise or unlimited extension when the waste of brush. weeds and undergrowth la the state will be turned to account by that valuable little animal. .... - . ; Great Farmer's Truat"".,, -!-Th Tmeteurof-a-nnrori "'of farmers' to eorabat- the trusts haa been formed In Minnesota. - This 'society Is known as tha .American. Society of Equliy of North America, or tha National Farmers' union." " "'" , -: . -rr FOREIGN. No Berlin Skyicrtpcra. ; V Bkyscrapers are forbidden In Be.rlfn. but an architect, - Professor- Blegmund Muller. after his recent trip to America, dttvered"BrTecture. In Berlin In which he apoke strongly' In their favor, de claring that . they offered great . busi ness advantacea antf were aaf er la case cjLU than any Athar huUdlnga. . Holy Water In Mine. diapatch from - Cultaoan. Mexico. says that, because a woman entered the Jesus- Maria, y Anexae mines, several hundred miners went on sst like and re fused to return to work until tha parish prleet went Into the mtnea and sprinkled all shafta and tunnels with holy water. It is an old superstition among Mexican miners that if woman enters a mine a catastrophe will follow. . Locomotives Fog Makers. J.LLl'- An engineer assarts that the London fogaara caused largely by the diachargg f- steam Into the air from" the 100 or more locomotive operating In London area. One steam plant of 1,00 charge into the air 20 tons Of steam pef hour, or sufficient to produce a fog 10 feet thick and on mile 'square; and what plants with a capacity of (30,000 horsepower can do In tha way of fog production may. therefore. b easily ea tlmated. Tha proposed remedxJa to of Oregon circle. U JL Caldwenreaptaln. i "'"Tha roll of honor of tha Women of Woodcraft, the data of death and the .camps and circles with which' tha de ceased were affiliated are aa follows: Aetra circle, No. lit-Eleanor Z. Davis, September , 1904; Anns, E. Senner, De cember 14, 1904;. Margaret Runyan, uarcn , io. Portland circle. No. t& Dolly Cheadle. June IT. 1B04: Edtth A. Pepper, October It. 1104; Edgar B. Van Avery, jjecemDer 14, 104. Woodmen ef tha World Webfoot camp, No. ft F.-H. Gran, March 7, 10&; Edga M. Watson, December IS, 104; Charles. Fransen, December' S(, 1004; Everett Bilyeu. November I. 1004; D. L. White. November t, 104; Paul S. KlBBlam, eetoben t. 1904; Herman Norby. October 12, 1904; I. D. Peters. June tt, 1904. George Washington camp. No. 21 James Robertson, Oc tober 1, 1904; George L. Honeyroan, July SO, 1904. , Alblna camp. No. 191 George Schlelger, January i, 1906; John PFarr. April -Jr-l05; K. Q. Nordstrom. Oc tober IT, 1904.' Sunnyslde camp, No. 119 hThad-Fr FisheTrJulrr2tl9D44Edga fl. Van "Avery, December 14, 1904. Port Isnd camp. No. 107 G. H. Wemple, June S, 1904; C. M. Smith, October 1. 1904; U W. WUllams, October , 1904; J. W. Hunsaker, November 12, 1904; C. E, Carlson. March 9. 1905; M. D. Roche. January 4, 190S; P.' tL. Schalk, May 7, mien nrsvsrsT of ni south. From" the New Orleana Times-Democrat In' 1904 tha United States changed from a rice Importing to a rice export ing country. In 1891 wa Imported 178,- 000.000 pounds of rice and exported 92,000,000. In 104 our exports of rice Increased B0 per cent, our imports de clined 20 percent, and the figures werai Exports. 121,000.000 -pounds; Imports, 13 Z.000,000-For-I90 tba figures-will be even better. Th n?,ur"f,n ftufe Lh,f,Pl:iiLdaens-Ua-ba-ha ins ui a iureiin mirnn lur uur rice. There is no limit to the amount we can raise if there is a market for it. but the price is unsatisfactory If wa over produce, for tha home market is very limited. ' If wa can arrange to ship any considerable portion of our crop abroad the rice growers of Louisiana and Texaa will have nothing to fear In tha way of low prices. ; . r - . Kxtlsg-nishlng Bamlaf Oaa Wen. ' From the Bartlesvllle Examiner. The careless striking of a match al a blg gas well on the Johnstone leass near Bartleavllle ignited tbs gas, which burned a week before-It could be extln-ruished."-"-ri r - Four large ' boilers - were -: grouped around tha fiercely biasing torch, which deafened all) noises by the reverbera tions of tha escaping gas.'- One. kept a stream of water playing on the ground where the rasing entered the earth, and from the others three-Inch streams were directed at tha top of the tubing with the end In view f breaking the flow, thus killing the blase, above. " This methodi failed but Sn6ther at tempt with one end of tha pipes turned directly up with the flow of gaa suc ceeded and -tha blass was smothered. However, the victory was short lived, for- within 20 minutes ths . gaa - had eaught again from the overheated tub ing and ground and was tramtng fiercely-.- A dam, Waa constructed about the well so aa to hold water, and a heavy atream was turned Jnto It. Tha steam sgsln extinguished the flamee and thla time tha accumulated water kept them down. ', i ' '. , . : COv? 'VST??). . ia-! -. ... ipgg.xi v - - - ,.' . . .. --""l '- V-k.: y .:: ' ''- . "''. - ill Tha Cheat," Hon. John Collier't picture In the "Royal spring exhibition' in sation .among society players of bridge whist. The artist settled the $echeatthuatuThUady-atangr to Play longer with person who 11KS II. .. convert Ahis waaU jteanj Into electrio power. - -- .t . Few Russian Schools. ' he stste of education in Russia may ba- Judged from the fact that-there-la only one village school for every 12,000 persons. .. '- - Csar'a Rich Palace. On room at Taarakoe, the cxar's palace near Bt. Petersburg, haa walls of lapis laiull and a floor of ebony inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Another has walla of carved amber, and the walls of a -third are laid tfetcaly with-beaten gold. . . LEGAL AN D Ckl M IN ALT "Mothers-ln-law causa nine tenths of tha divorce proceedings in tha courts shouted Judge U. 8. Kendall In a Fair mount. West Virginia, court Bartholo mew Long sued his wife, 'who had left him, for possession of thelr.infant dahtec-. Durlnjrihe trial the Judge LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE raget Oppose to wUUtma. Port-land, Or., June . To the Editor of Tha Journal Statementa credited to me In thla .morning's Oregonlan, may possibly bo willfully construed aa re flecting sympathy with the candidacy of Mayor Williama for - reelection. Al though It is manifestly superfluous, I take this last opportunity before election to say that It has appeared to me, in view of hla record, so impossible that ha could receive the aupport of a single votsr who is In favor -of the moral up lift of our city, that my unceasing aim has been 4porntttrfto hli righteously indignant opponenta tha manifest incon sistencies Involved in the support of his Democratlo opponent. Dr. Harry Lane, or any candidate other than tha nominee of the Prohibition party, and although aoma voters may net yield to their con viction, t believe that I have succeeded. Tours respectfully. - - T ttpih T..nmm Open tha Fair Evenings. Portland, June I. To the Editor of Tha Journal It appears that the expo sition management require . that all buildings containing exhibits be closed each day at o'clock in tha afternoon. That being the case, when are the clerks, mechanics and laboring men to have an opportunity of attending the exposition and enjoying tha splendid dis play in the various buildings? A large majority of the above-mentioned cltlxena will be deprived of the benefits of ths fair, unless the build ings ars opened evenings, for ths reaeon that they cannot afford to lose tha time during the day for the purpose of attending.--" , It la presumed that the management haa atudled the question of opening the exhibits evenings' and has adopted what How-4 ever, ths half dollar of the clerk, me chanic and laborer Is aa valuable to the exposition as that of tha more fortunate person, and they will no doubt give the fair a generous patronage if they are afforded an opportunity rfo 'see the ex hibit evenings. 1A. N. -OAMBELL. Tie Konat Tebov Annexation. - Portland.1 June 1. To the Editor of The Journal: Answering tha letter of H. W. Pretty man In the Oregonlan of June 2, I whth to call attention to hla mistaken Ideas ajfcreo the merits-of an nexation of the territory between Mount Tnbon and Sunnyslde. Ninety per tent of thir resirtents -of rtnat-district" htiVe signed a petition asking, for .annexation. This Met Includes such men aa E. K. Lytle. L. O. Clarke. Philip Buehner. Louis E. Swetland. George K. Clark, W. O. Oberteuffer, Willis K. Potter, David R. Toting, W. a. Howell, B. A. Thrall, not wild speculators - and office-seekers, such aa Mr. Prettyman described. The health of ths dlatrlct and that part of tha city adjoining la at stake, for the need of a sewer Is great. Mr. Pretty man hHnself will reap-at benefit from annexation, but like a few who have stood In ths wsy of -all progress does not realise it. Pr'P. DABNKT. Exhibits on the Fair Grounds. Witt -'show"Jlp 10(-; pef "crif hetfer If shown tip on. one of our, parquet or hardwood floora. Call at 280 Tamhlll street and lavestlgate. Hardwood floor ing for sale. Portland Hardwood Floor company. , v. (''" has such extraordinary luck at cards, - said ,th--troubla"was ' caused by 'the mother of JLheLplalntJffw The court or dered the couple to. ga---lnto his room snd see if they could not agree' to live together. Fifteen minute, later they returaed with amlUng fanea. which- told that their differences;, had been adjusted. ". ' : ' Law's Nice Distinction, -ttv: ' After serving four months In . th Ohlo penltenilaryfoxrobblng--Joorn crib. Stanton Randies, a young farmer from Coshocton county, has been re leased from prison on an order of "the circuit court. The ground on. which the man was released, waa that he made no entrance into the crib to get the corn. but had prted off a board and letthe corn roll out. and therefore not gunty of a tnltentJrjJdffenae. 1 He had been ssnlenseaV to five years." Murderer Wants to Hang. " Governor Johnson and the -.- pardon board of Minnesota will ba called upon to determine whether -an application for m reduction of a death aentence can be considered against the wishes of CH URCH SERVICES- 2CXTX0OIST, Taylor Street Dr. rtanrta Bnrsette Abort, paator. 1:10 i. m., elaaaaa: lose a. m., "DMna Rpoaltlna ef indlrlduala"; 12:15 p. m., Sonday arbool: 8:80 p. at.. Kp worth basue; T: p.-m., ' "Ootng Where I" Note uri cnorua ctoir led bj Dr. Cnmmlnc. Central Rnaatll and Kerbr atreeta. F. 8 TeaDS. nantor. Berrleea at 10-AO a. m. anit f , -L..VI ,u ml liv. I V. III. Oraea . Corner Twelfth aad Tarler etreeta uiareace True Wllaoa. D. D., paatnr. 10 so a. , n., "The Senmd Adrant ef CTirlat"! T:80 . m.. "Tbe Battle Or of Reform": rlaai neeiing at :mt a. sr.; Sunday eeboot at 13 S5 p. m.; Epworth veapera at 90 p. B. the mmnuij raoaical acrTira et nlebt. rtunnrwd Tamhlll betweea Thlrtv.flftk jairir-aixiB airaeis. i. u, rera. paator 10 a., id., Btwdajt-aolMal: It a. m.. preaching vj iiuimw imih efea-w Teralte- of Balem: 6:45 D. m.. Enworth lnma i iii HiT-ni , a p. n. . Mrreo eonpert. - rre Corner Eat Ninth and Mill atreeta. I. Glen, paator. Preaching at 11 a. m., fol lowed by old-faahloned MetnodUt love feast. .wworin -corner Twentr-thlrd and atreeta. Henry T. Atkinson, paator. M a. a.. Sunday erbool; It a. m.. "blrlne Oenipan ooahlp"; : p. m.. p worth lea rat; 1.4& If. hi., iin iujwriiaoi m atofiTS." Trinity Baat Tenth and Orant atreeta. lUv. Harold Oherjjpantor. Serrleea fender the aua- picea m ine w. r. m. B. at 11 a. a I aarmon by Rev. A. N. Flaher. D. D.i S p. m... "The Perfect Vlalon": Mundar aehaol ai in a . Epworth league at T p. m. ivnienary umer Kaat Plna and irintl atreeta. William. H. Heppe. D. P.. paator. 10:110 a. n.. "Three Daora for Nin a Tntr. -.'- T:ft p. with anns aerrlre hy larae ehoroa and aermon. "Chrlat the Great Modem Manhood Bullnee"! IS:1S D. m.. Hnndar mrhml- A m.t Janlori; S:30 p. Epworth devotional. XYISO0VA1V Good Shepherd Vaneonrar arann and Hall. wood atreet; Ber. John Dawson, rector. Sun day srhool J9 a. m.t holy, commanloe a4 aer mon. 11 a. m. : erealnc prayer and aermon. S a., :''- St. Andrews. I'enlnanla Her. Joha Dawnon. Is rhars.- Afternoon aerrlre, I a, a. t. John'i Memorial Be wood: Kev. W. n Powell la eharca. Sunday arhooL It a. aa.t eranlng aerTloe and aermon. 7:46 p. n. Charrh aerrlce at tbe Marquam Grand theatre at 11 a. to.. Rev. W. R. Powell. In charge. Ooed naie. seats tree, t Trinity tha Del Nineteenth atreet near Waah. Inaton: Ray. Dr. A. A. Morrlaoa. rector. Holy communion. 8 a. m : aerrloea 10:30 a. m. and So. m. ; Sunday arbool, IS m. Dr. Morrlaoa will preaeh the Aarralanreate aermon to . tbe students of 8t. Tl'lea's ball In tha evening. i. niennen a t napei -inirxeenia aoa (;iay treeta; Re. II, M. Ramaey. prleat In charge. Il.ilr eommnnlaia. 7:80 D. to.: Hnndar aebooL :4S a. u.; morning aerrlre, 11 o'clock; eras ing aerrlre, 7:50 p.. m. ' - Aaoenainn thapcl Portland heiahta: Rev.. n. M. Haaiaey In charge.. Erasing prayar, . 4 nora; sanaay aonooi. s p. an. Church ef Our Sarlor Waodatorh. Sei iloaa at :30 p. m.j Sonday arbool, S SO p. m. nr. Hattnaw a corner rirai ana rarntnr traeta: Re. W. A. M. Rrerfc In charge. At" 11 a. m.. aervlce aad aermon i S:45 a., a.. Sun day arhool. St. Mark'a Corner ef Nineteenth and Onlmby mete. - Rev. J. K. H. Blmnaon. rector.- I a. at., Holy communion: 10 a. rn.( Suaday erboel; 11 a. Biornlog prayer, litany and-eermon; 8 P. m., evening prayer and address. At tha evening aerrlre Geaeral CerJI Clay ef Waah. Infton, p. C , s memhar of the national eoonrll ot the Brotherhood o( St. Andrew, wilt make i ." ' 1 - VIISBTTUlaJr.' '.. '. '' - 1 rirst Tomer Alder and Twelfth atreeta. Rer. . P. Mill, pastor, who will preach mora-. lew -and -ewntnf . In the erenlna an orsaa proarram hy Profeaaor FMrar R. . (Vtrrraes will Brifxte' the aerrlre. orettpylnr 20 minutes. Third Beat Pine and Thirteenth atreeta. Rt. Aadrew J. Montgomery, pastor. 10 en . n.. "Irritation tltrhes"; 1 m . . home Sonday arhoolj I2rtfr A. m., ' Twenty-elghth auaet. loaday schooli I a., m Juaiot Ba ' : ' r ' ; .. r., . ...... ..s- . r . HsV' London, which has created sen eontroversjasuio-whicrt-woman is that she reallr must decline and the lady sitting down doesn't the. condemned man. This question has arlsetLln nha case of William William, condemned "to hang for tha .murder of John Kelleri Governor! Johnson aet.the date tor the hanging as Auguet 8, end tha man attorneyvjrrancla H. Clarke and Jamea Corralcan, called at the gov ernor'sjjff ice to have the case taken up bytne'pardon board. jflOur. elient 'la opposed to life Imprisonment and prefers to hang aald Attorney Cor m lean. The question is, can w disregard his wishes and try to get a reduction of the sen tence?" ... ... - - -.j- - EDUCATIONAL. ;. Profesora Soorl PaiH s 1. Ifarvnrd nilleae pVoper." aa dlatlEwi guisned rrora tha university, has 7 teachers on Its faculty, to whom it .pay a In salaries $411,21. or an Average sal ary of $1,570. When It Is considered that every teacher la an expert, the-inry Is certainly-smair "And no inducement' te jnra to. make teaching a Ufa bustneaa, whatever their tastes and ability In that line. There' ia now a movement among deavor; 8:40 p. m.. Intermediate Endelrer d:4S p. m., Chrutlan Endearor; 7:46 p. m. 'Tba Glaan on the Klower ef tbe Buttercup.' Large chorua eholr SMrnUig and evening. .. Sellwood Sereateenth and ftpokane atreeta. Rer. Ii.. A. TTionuiaaa, paator. lo a. -av. Bible school, W. B, Moore, auperlatendeBtt It a. m.. "Chrlat Preeminent": 7 D. m.. Chrtatlas Eadeavori 7:46 p. m., special psalm "., o hi., A l.ltra u i-iiy. - Piedmont Corner Cleveland arenna aad Jar- rerr airaea. er. l. Myron Booaer. paator Serrleea at It a. as. and 7:45, p .m.: Sab- oata arnaoi at io a. m., Charles .vosper, su porlntsadtnt. Arbor Lodge Chapel -m Corner BrrsBt and uariia arraeis. naDDats acnool at I p. m,; sermon fey Rae. L. M. Booaer at 4 P. BJ. Marshall Street Corner Marshall, and Ninth Barani ai an 1 1 is. ner. i.. w . ticra, paster. 10 a. m., ajunday arbool; preaching sT 11 and 8 p. m.; X. P. 8. C. E. meeting at 7:1S p. . . Calrary Corner Elerenth and Clay atreeta. Rev. w. 8. Ollbert, paator. 10:80 a. m.. "Tbe anna or unit , i:o p. m., "Hroad rounds, tlons for the rnrors "; choir andev leadership , i r i . . , v ..in, . w ' irimusa, . atiiiigao. organiaT.- Foarth Klrat and Glbhe atreeta. lo:0 a. m., Bar. Herbert M. Andrewa of Woodatork. India, on "Mlaalona In ljdUVi e-4ft n m uu. . iv. niuoa; e:o p. n., j. r. B. c. K. ORmiSTIAaT. - ' Caatral Eaat Twastleth and Salmon atreeta Bar. J. r. Ubormley, D. O.. pastor. At 11 a. m., "Ia the Beginning. Ood"; 1 blldrea a day day exercises la tha erenlug: Sundsy school. 1U a. m. j jnnior Eadearnr. 4 30 p. m. ; Senior bnaearor. o:so d. m. Boecial mnalc. u McHheraoa dale, chorister: Mlsa Era Rraa. erganlst. Rodney Arenne Corner Rodnev aretino mr, Knott streeA. Albyn Kaaoa. minister. Berries with aermoD on tha "Price of rear," 11 a. m. ; Sunday arbool at 8:48 a. m. : Young- Peonle'a wn-1,1 vg iiiriHcian BBiwaTnr K o:sd p. m. , chlldren'a day exercises at 7:48 p. m. First Corner Psrk and Columbia atreeta; "E. S. Murkier, minister. 10:80 a. m., "A New View of hlf"i 7:48 n. m.. "The Ttata of Cbrlatlanlty round In the rsct of Christ. 'i the rirat or a serins on "The Deity of Jesas"; Bible school at 13:15 p. m.; C I.. 8:45 " ' . BAPTIST, .4 " 'v.--. The- White- Teniule. warner-TWel TfW an "Ta . lor atreeta; Rer. t. Whltcomh Brongber. D. I)., pastor. At, 10:80 a. m.. "A Worthy Ambition"; ths Lord's supper will he obsorred 'and the new Indtrldtial com man Ion aerrlce will he need foryihs Srst time) Bible school, -12:10 p. m.. footle hy orchestra, classes for all; B. Y. P. J. meeting. 8:30 p. m.. leaders. Pr. C. E. Walker, Hanson Hhsw; popular evening aerrlre, 7!4B p. m.. "Chrlat or Barahhaal How People Vote." with a prelude on "Prrarhera In Poll. tics." Musical program,: " Morning Organ voluntary, "Pastorsle" (Thorne); anthem, "Nearer My Ood to Thee" (NchrUlng). Creo lng Voluntary, "Offertory" (Read);, chorua, "Bend Out Thy Light" (Oonnod). The Olnry rhnrua, under the direction of Professor . w. Hek'her. - will lead In tha eonaree-atioaal anna aerrlce. Central Eaat Twentieth and Eaat Ankenv atreeta; William 10. Handall, minister. At lOiSO - i-,r""WiTT! Worry - About ttT""12 Bible school: 7 n. fn.. Chrlatlan Endearoai 7:48 p.- m;r--"A - Twentieth-Century City.' Prorsasor W. F. Wersrhktil. mualcal dlractort Miss Huth Hhogrea, organist. Beeond Kaat Berenth and Aakeny atreeta. Rer. A. V. Lapbata, pastor. 10:80 a. m.. Rounds In tba Ladder t Hope'') 18 m.. Bible arbool; 8:48 p. m lonng Prople'a fnlon; 7:48 p. m., rWko and What ta the Ood of the Bible?''. Music arranged by 1. T. Bam ford, orgsnlet and director. LnlversitT Psrk 10 a. m.. Snnday achool: II a. m., prearhln hy Rer. John Bentsteni 8 p. m , anion gospel eerrtre la teats, led hy Erangellat MrComb. 1 - Bethany Bellwood. 11 a. m., Snadiy arbool; serrlres at 13 m. aad T:30 p. m., Mrs. r. J. Adams will preach. " ' First nermsa Corner Poarth end Mlltetnasfs. r. Kratr. pastor, :4 a. m.. Bible srhool, James PWleler, aaperlntendant; 11 a. m., "The Holy Spirit aa a witness ; T:an p. m., Toting people's aocieryr'S ?. .," -"After Coererslon, Whstr' A... COKOEEOATIOlfAL. rirst Malison and Park atreeta; Rev, I. L. Hoase, D. D.. psstor. At 10:80 a. m. end T:4B p. a., . vesper err1rs with eermoa oa "Leeaoas greai tha ExposlUoa") Suaday school. th alumni to raia by oommanoement thla year $2,600,000 endowment, the In come to go to. salaries. The endowment jwtir raise the average salary paid at Harvard, tha oldest and richest Amerl can college, to 12.04, still a email turn compared with' aalartea paid the same talent in other lines of business. liREUGlOUS.: Amaginf Memory. Miles. Michigan, has a memory prodigy 1 the. person -of William "F. Putnam, a mall carrier. The Methodlat Episcopal Sunday ' school In 1I8 jlreaented blm with a Bible for recltlng the golden text and titles of Sunday, school lessons for five yesrs. : Tha school presented him In lsS with a book and a map of tha journeys -of Chrlat-for commuting , to memory t.000 verses of Scripture., Since then ha. haa learned and now can repeat 6,000 verses from memory. : ' ;' MISCELLANEOUS. A Handcuffed Honeymoon. . Bound together : by , pair i of -atael handcuffs, Mr. snd Mrs. H. O. Savery, a newly married couple of Guthrie Centra, l0war-wereempelled to ride across tha atata. unable to help themselves or to accept asslstsnce from amused but syra- pathetlo paasengeraonnaceeaHn. ir. and Mrs: Savery were lust starting upon their wedding trip when -friends con ceived the Idea of solidifying the union by the-adjustment of steel wristbands, Tbe train had reached Harlan, a distance of ZOO miles, whsn the service' or a blacksmith were procured and tha hand: cuffs were filed off. ' ; 1 .- Hypnotbed ty Light- : XnardlirTitonrTnawnrntr71 City, Pennsylvania, who has been study ing hypnotism, has been sent to a sani tarium, aa tha result of peculiar hallu- olnatlons- that have puasled physicians. Weldle waa arrested at an electric .light plant,' where his Sudden appearance sur prised the employes.. He stood rigid, gastng at an aro light above hla head. and tha plant had to ba shut down be fore he could be removed II appears tar be hypnotised -by-rtlnctattlght.-but is rational during tha dayvW-; - ---- -'.,.,:,' Bird Carries A lafge bird flying" high! In the- air. with a good-slsed American flag atream tng out behind it, haa attracted a great deal of- attention and curiosity In tha Burnt Hill - neighborhood Of - Sullivan county. New York, for eeveral days. The bird was continually on tha - wing and proudly carried the Amet lean emblem over bill and dale.' I til a exempt from all danger, aa no biftiwllt fire n the stars and atrtpea. Took; Child's. Mite.- Three-yea r-ld Rhody CMarra ' of Ltewlsluii, reiinajlvanla. slipped arwery- frora horn "nd, walking two blocks to the .home of Miss Belle Rita,- tendered two cents toward the Lewlaton hospital fund. Miss Rlts, chairman of tha ladles' auxlllryaccepted the (rift Three Generations Buried. . The unusual spectacle of three gener ations of one family being laid In on IS: at a.-BrrC. O. Mister superintendent; T, r. B. u, E., an p. sr." unireratty Park Artlasa Tsmsle. Porte mouth: Rer. X. B. Gray, paster. At It a. m.. - ins Hasing el a variauaa' ( Banaay acaool, 10 a. bk- - - Hlghland-Cornse - Preaentt - and - East - Sixth atreeta. north; Rer. A. at. Borkamod. nsator, At 10 a. m.. Suaday srhool; 11 a. m "The Things That Are Caaaar'a"; S p. m.. Junior Endeavov. 7:48 p. m., "Being Better Thaa Our gurroundlngs." Mlaalsslppl A renne Corner Mississippi aresea ana rremont atreet. 10 a. m.. Bunds r achool; 8:48 p. m.. young peonle'a meeting. Mrs. Carrie Snraadborough. trader; 7:48 p. m., "Tem peranre'': no prearhlng service la the morning. Bunnralde Corner East Taylor aad - Eaat Thu-U-fuurtlL-straeta Her, I- eV Btssh, lor. 11 a. aa., "The Bweeta of the Chrtatlaa Life"; 8 p. m.. "The Coming Election, Where Religion and Polltice Meet": 10 e. Saaday school. S. C. Pier, eanertntendent: p. m.. Junior Christian Endearor. Mlaa Edith Roe, superintendent; 8:48 p. m.. Senior Cbrle- iiaa aoearor. . . mriTED IVAEOIUCAL. ' SecondCorner Fargo aad Kerhy streets Rer. J. - Bower sot-j saater. , .11 a. . m..-"The Llaht of Jila Coufitenance' 1- 78 n. 1st Ion aa,- Jod aa Personal"; Snnday achool, 10 a. m. ; Junior society, 8 p. m. ; K. L. O. E., I p. m. ' Flratforner Eaat Tenth and Sherman atreeta Rer. A. A. Winter, psstor. 10 B. m., Sunday arbool; 11 a. m., "Armor-riateo Boya," apec lallr erroared for the children; at a p. m. a flna children s nsy program will be re dered by the nsbbatb srhool, consisting of recitations, eterrlses. ehonisea and solos - by the children: special selections morning snd erening ay tng Choir. ' LUTHERAN Mr. lames ItnallaB t'ornee Weat Park and Jeffersoa atreeta. J. A. Leas, pastor, rices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; untner league at 7 p. m. norrreglsn 48 North fourteenth street. Rev, J, M. Nerrlg, psstor. Berrlcee st 11 e. a. and 8 . aa.i Sunday srhool st 8:48 a. a. Nor wear tan Synod Corner Eaat - Tenth and Orant streets. O. Ha goes, psstor. Services at 11 e. m. and 8 p. m.i Sunday school ! at .IIV M". A a - mk ' i. ' CHRIBTIAJf SCimCI. . T-Scotttah Rite cathedral. Morrison US Lownadale streets. Serrleea 11 a. si. and 8 m. suhjert, "Ood the Preaerver of Man") idar achool at close of morning aerrlce. Hecoad Auditorium hnlldln. Third betwaa Taylor and Bslmon atreeta, Snnday aerrlcea, ji a. m. ana s P. ra.: snnjeci. uoa. us Preaerver of Man"; Sonday school, 11 a. a. In tbe reading rooma. - ', 1 ' ETAJrOIIJCAL ASSOOIATIOir. rirst Kngllah-J-Corner Eaat Sixth and Mir. ket streets: S. A. Hlewert. pastor. At 11 a. a., "'The Blossoming Desert' 1 10 a. m., Snn day school. A. Blttner, aaperlntendant; 7 p. a., meeting of the Senior and Junior Young Peo ple's Alliances. C. S. Bradford, leader; S p. ., "The king a Highway." ETAsTOEXIOAt, ASSOCIATtO,.! . first frman Corner Tenth .and (.las atrseti. Rev: Then. 'haiaer. nastofM.,- asrrtcea ta tba basement of Caleary Presbytsrlsn ehtirrh, cor ner Elerenth aad Clay streets, st 10:48 a. a. and S p. m. ; Sunday achool, 8:80 a. a.) X. P. A., f 48 B.B. TJVnrZlSALIST. rtraf Eaat Conch aad East Eighth atreeta. W. P. Small., nsator. 11 a. a.. "Ths Au dacity of Jeans Christ": T:48 e. a., "Ood In the I Blrerssllat Thought"; Sunday achool, 13:18 p. bt. - , . . X. X. OKTniOX, S0VTS. rirst 171 4 Second street, Voreater'S hall. It: H. Mowrs. psstor. Sermon, 11 a. m. ; Dr. O. H. Stored: a P. B.. M. V. Howard: Sunday achool( - lO a. a. Epworth league, I '... .... lx.. m. tv.A. .. - Aasoclattn Auditorium let Fourth street 8:80 p. a., address by Dr. J. Whltcomh Rrntigher an "How a City Official Woe snd 1mI''i musla by Mrs, Susie nsmbell White. burst, soprano, and J. Rosa Fargo, tenor. - ' MISCILLAltXCmS. ''' ' AdreU QuHUaa Chsrcb-4M aUrrlsoa atreet grave waa witnessed at New Phlladel-: phla.,' Pennaylvsola." -tha bodlea beig those of Enoch Balults. hie son and grandchild. Enoch waa killed by an ex-. ? plosion of dynamite, and. hla suddon -death hastened that ef tba others, who., were 111 ' " ' .:. ::; Hasting a St- - Hastings, one of the most remarkable settlements in Maine, if not in the' United States, Is dropping out of , exist ence, j A village that contains the only ' wood -alcohol mill In New England, eev-, oral sawmllla. a public school, electric -lights, . store.- postpfflce, sewera and other conveniences, yet never paid a penny for taxes or government, is on tho verge of dissolution. .-. . . .:.'-". ;' : ...:..x:r-.-T.: Bites Pont Hurt Him. --, ; Frits Meyer, the podndkeeper ot Vnlon . Hill. New York City, says he ha been -bitten 28 tlmea by dogs sine he began his duties aa dogestcher two years ago. '. H saya he is immune to hydrophobia. : Insects Destroy Forests. 7 t ir- ; Pr. Ai S. Hopkins, forest -Insect Inves- ' tigator,, department of agriculture, eays the annual loss from Hneects which prey on forest trees and their crude and fin ished products Is $100,000,000. Ic Cream Eater. ..-' .....I . The champion Ice cream eater of Chesspeak City, Maryland,' ia Captain Bert Grant, on a-wager he ata half a . gallon of ther-'froaeh delicacy in flva . mlnutea. a,nd!now contends ha is able to eat ice cream against any one In the county.. Hu"ons Home Burns. r ; . lr was once a guest and where Robert Ful ton lived while the engine for hla pio neer stesmboat, the Claremont, was be ing built in a shop near bivwa recently destroyed by .Are. 1 ,- - , SHARKS IN-ADRIATIC" " ..TX)JBEaESTROYEDr" :'.:- . ' .. . - - - - e - Extraordinary efforts to ken -e- 4 down the number -.of - shade -In 4 the Adriatic are being made by ', 4 e the' marine board of Trieste 4.'Ausfrlav according - to - a report - e e sent-by Consul-General Guenther e d at Frankfort-Germany, - Th-e e board issued a circular. Instruct- Ing all -Austrian marina officers e 4 to- stimulate the killing of sharks 4 and -Offering htgh --premiums. . e . rangTnaT up toII, for each flah e captured;-- The bounties to be e paid are: . . . .. -" For each- shark of whatever . species (the. edible variety tex- e cepted) up to five feet in length," d e 11.su; ror larger ones, 84.80. 'and e for vrry large specimens of- thA d "e species 'uxyrrhlnna palaoxaut e t and Odontaspls ferot, 111.60. For' 'the capture of man-eating shark"d the premiums range f rom... 1 ajft-eV- 44--to!S,-ncT!ord1ng to else. Flaher- men making application for. pay- a 4 ment of bounties are required - e e only to exhibit the apeclmena to e the nearest harbor officer. . e . .: Charlee Baffendea, pastor. 10 a. a., Sunday achool; 11 a. a., Dr. Chapman ef Seattle will preach; T p.'-a,,-prehe aeetlngjjCaU p. a., preaching. : ; Tharirat Spiritual Society Artisans' ball,' AMagtasv bel Ming,- Third street ne,ar Wsshln. tos. , Conference, 11 a. m.; W.; J. Col ill Is wlllr lecrnre at S p. a. oa "A Rational Con ception ef Ood and the Phenomenal r-sHrerae." and at 7:48 p. a. on "Hplrltuallam la all Agea aad Among all People." ' '- Ministers' and Mediums' Protect Irs Spirit nallst assorlatlon Beets at 8 p. m. at Wll lamette ball, 170t4 Second atreet. Mrs.- Lade Plnnlcaa and Mrs. jMsbel Wllaoa. test Ue aiuma.--, "' ..- .. ... , .! -- - , - Lni tad -Brethren In Clirlit Cnrnss of Eaa - rifteentk snd Morrison streets. H. C. Khffr. psstor. 10 a. m.. Bible school: sermon by Elder r. H. Neff st 11 a. m. aad 7:i 0. m.j C. R. at 8 48 p. m. L ,1 The Bible Spiritual Society A. 0. V. W. hall, SeUlng-Hlrsch building, -corner' Wnshing. ton and West Psrk atreeta. II a. a., tests and aplrlttial demonstrations; 7:43 p. m., lee tnra by Dr. (ieorge Wlgg, "The Mlssioa of Jesus t'poa This Earth." Rev, Dr. R. E. Conn and wife, anlrttaal eran- -gellstfli ef See yrsiirlscn, tsrlfornlat it 111 hntd aerrtres at SnU -Morrlaon atreet between Third and k"oorth. Allaky building, hsll No. 0. third floor, at 11 a. a. and 7:30 p. m. Take slerstor. X. W. C. A. -Regular vesper service at , 8:48 p. a. Mra. S. Toshioks. wife of ths minister at the Japanese mission, will apeak. There will ha special niualr. - - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Pit "sluts . Allaky building, hall No. 4. corner Third and Morrlaon atreeta. at 11 a. a, aad 7 P. m. Buanyslde Qusker Charrh Corner of Thirty fifth and Eaat Main atreeta. Edward U. Smith, psstor. Sunder achool. 10 a. m.t Srssrhlni by paator. II a. a.; Chrlstlsa En earor, I p. m. erangrllatle aerrlce. 8 p. m. ; all day meeting la tent st Lents on Sundsy. Tha Chrlstlsa and Missionary Alliance Second and Jeffersoa streets. Rer. C. T. Saw telle, superintendent. Preaching, 10:80 a. I Sunday school. 12:10 D. . an: ma air - meeting at 718 p. a. In park near Third and Madlsoa atrteta; erangellatlc aerrlcea at t FAT FOLKS ..'. 26T lbs. ISO lbs.- MRS. . WILLIAMS, BM Elllcott S.r Buffalo, ntw loni tost in weight .............. ST pouada - Lost la bust ..a lacks JVost In waist ...... .si..... ..10 taone sVowt la htp ........ i .80 baches Thla picture sires yos an Idea ef ay appear tare be tore and after my reduction, by Dr.., Snrdsr. Mr Sealth la perfect. I aerer enjoyed , i better beslth la my life, not a wrinkle to he i aesn. rvny carry raw oarass loogar whaa esllst is st nsnn t m mm. immmm arwaxva, -bertdaa. Or. ZKWt go pounds. ' KM. t. . bbowv, - r. Dallas, Or. aVort 8 pmad. - r n Bnrrtee arnaraatesa hla trestmene . . psrfectlf harmlses is srery nartlculat', R, " eBeraiaa, so atarrlng. ae detenlloa from knal- a, no wnnsies or oiaciniaris. it. Bnydee . hoes a sosctalUtt ta the sate ee aw til tt- , -r - - anaat of eoealtv for the east 18 yesrs. and h.. - the anqoallSed endorsement of tba medical frs. - -ternlty. A booklet telllng all about It frsa. Write tooay. '.,'.-. O. W. Fa SNYDER, AJ. D. It Karqnam ldgSJUth aad Morrlaoa I ueeis, sToruaao, Oregon,