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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
I - "1 'J Z"jL . "' , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, I FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 2. 1905. n i ii .a, ii i iii ,i i m.Wkfitm;3tM. THE FASHION CENTER CF TKE WESTERN . STYLE WOKLO "Portland's : Greatest Store ' 7l'DJtrerr3tTf , .1 v It 1 .. I . . 1 . . . Mf I - ll II .. - I - . - - " . . - - I . - - . -- . - I - . , . V . 1 7'DJftort Stv " FREE ADMISSIQNtnhAExotln - of - rCakinz on Third Floor is from 10 a. m. to 12 4 p. m. daily. Lessons Free-Every One - attenq the, school. njteeping .....-! . R bWers. fTwill be a scene daring and oTlginalpossible only in Oregon a great store transformed into a vast Fairyland of roSes. AT THE END OFJTHEDAY THE THOU- 'SANDS Of ROSESrWILL BE-DISTRIBUTED AMONG THE HOSPITALS OF PORTLAND. Saturday will be a SPECIAL SALES DAY at the STORE, WITH .MUL TITUDESQFB ARGAINS TQ . GREET . ALLVISITORS Tourists . and-lHome-f oik -alike. Bargains everywhereronevenr handTsVTtd "bargains pFthe, jeasohahleM stylish, wanted QUALITY sort. The strongest array of values ever offered .at this season by any west-. ern store will be presented as a "curtain jraiser'Lto theJGREAT JUNE SALES, aU ready forentreeTaturdayROSEvTJAY-"'Our home-folk are familiar "witli our custom of early closing for the benefit of visitors we will's ay--THIS IS THE. ONE PORTLAND BIG STORE ITS GREATEST-f HAT CLOSES'AT 6 P.) M. EVERY BUSINESS DAY. Get Saturday shopping wTHRO' BY DAYLIGHT at "THE DIFFERENT STORE." "Roses of Ribbons Amid- a Garden of v Beauty and a Broad Field of - , : ' Bargain Blossoms in the - Wqmen4 "Fixins" Shops JLJ1 -O-..-. It,-... Resd the - uii nue uayLiit . 170 XMBBOIDIBYJC Embroideries In 4H ysrd strips; regular value, - 17c yard; special for the strip ... . . ..".t..45e3 TSe XafBBOXDEBY SSo. j .--- k 1. r.f p Hy n,..ti -n,-,.- ITmhlJ..II II. III. hIiim- 7,6c; special, yard .. .v ....... .J ......... . 3Se We will plnce on our center counter a splendid lot of ' 'Chiffon Veiling , satiable for- hat-drapes; regular value $1.00; special at, yard .484 Also. a lot of Veiling in colors, black and white, green, brown and French blue --Rfcmtlar-tBejrhjersnecJait-"S'ard . . . ! l5e - . negulnr gSCTaTue; special at, yard.... 17 , Regular 60c value; special at, yard.... XOC Regular 75c value; special at, yard.... 38e voitsri s tvbkotxb ooz.lam sse. ' Lines turnover washable Collars, embroidered In fancy colors, with eyelet fronts; regular value 65o; special, each ". v . . . . . .35 . . ' WOKXI'I 8TOOX COLL1U lOo. ' A lot of Stock Collars, slightly muesed; peclrf, each, . i,.... 104 WOHiri 850 TVSKOTXB COX.LAJIS 100. Embroidered turnover Collars. In white and colors regutar value 26ci epeclal, each ase xirriTi kibbox iso. A lot of Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Ribbons, i Inches, all colors; regular vsfcue 25c; special yard.... .15 ' . - LACES. Valenciennes Laces, worth to 40c doxen; special, dosen . 25 Cotton Torrhnn TiH-tt, - .ig y", ii'it; yard . S4 wide white Nottingham Lace, with Insertions to match; regular value 25c; special; yard 8. ' AS 9AXXTTT Al TKB TKXAJ.B OT A KOSB. The Btoet of Pretty Bargalas la the ' Jewelry and Leather Goods" Shops , . west AAlr floor. " - I ' wovxri ese baox ookbs ie, A.lotof fancy .Jeweled Back Combs;' our regular So ...hi.' Knilikl. ench ........ .... ...... .. ...30e) . - - - bur-rcgulat,llJ!a-Va'uei. Ppc'aUeach. 894- 850 COUU BUTTOH RTI 170. A lot of rolled gold plated Collsr Button' Sets, good , nuallty, t on card, for front, back arid sleeves; regu lar value 25c; special, card ...... .t. . ... . 1T WOKETI 91-3 X.BATKXB VOCZBT BOOKS Me. One lot of combination Leather Pocket" Books," good quality, well made, black, brown, tan and gray; regu lar value -special, w ii" ;- ..... WOK1I1 l-00 CABD CASTS S0. I iTIn of Leather Csrd Cases in seal snd walrus ieather, fine qusHty.llregular value $1.00; Pclal each .....We? Sir Arthur Richardson : OB ABT OTXXB BOSB CUiTTTBIST WOTTI.D BB XBTBBISTBD IB THBSB "BOSB AT - Specials in the Men's Shopis ' BEHril S0O HBTUBWBAB SSe. A line sf Men's Ecru Balbrlggan Underwear in open . mesh, well made and finished; our best lOo r- . , ments, Special at, each. ..v ..... r. B " taw tso ooir xbt 480. ; Men's White Golf . Shirts, with fancy plnu bosom, tstyllsh and ..neat; regular To value. Special, each '- lCZIf'S ZJtBM B AMD KXBOB3B TU WALT 'BXCB, A line of Men's ture'Whlte Unn Handkerchiefs, with . 4 and H-lnch hems; regular value a for oo. v special, at tor 25f o AF FBIOB He "tTWarctigi iXBIKcTTor 75s.All. Jn and 1 to work warranted for one year. Welcome to Mainsprings,- ? jewelry Re pair Department First Floor. xi5Tt - cal if The Store's First Annual Rose Day--Jahe 3rd - with the sentiment of the day at the great ex position, . this store will hold itsnrsriANNUAL;ROSE DAY ON SATURDAY-- feature to be perpetuated, each succeeding year at this time. .We believe the idea will prove at once popular and attractive. -Tomorrow the store will be a perfect garden of OREGON ROSESROSES EVERYWHERE in every aisle,. nook and corner;" the air will be filled with their fragrance and store avenues lined with their beauty. Visitors are particularly urged to come and revel in the beauteous scene.and walk thro the rose" Ijl. ourui or STiBBrjra baboaibS at- Silks arid Dress Goods fOR "ROSE DAY9' r - . . . ' ' .- - Are you- InterestedT Ever going to need the makings of a pretty frock or gown? or course you are, so better buy whtle we're In -this reduction mood. . Special : offerings for'Saturday only .- .SZZ.KS.- Great-sale-of - Dependable Black Taffetas,u4tt- best values offered inthe city- at -eur-Tegular- prices "?TTrirlies wide, reg. 11.00 value Snec'lal, yard. V. 994 2J Inches wide, reg, 11.10 value Special, yardr..72e 27 Inches wide. reg. 11.15 valuers-Special, yard. . .88?-. , Iiiflns wide, ivg. H.5IJ Valil Special, yard. Bl. 19 8 Inchea-w4de, reg. $1.10 value Special, yard.S1.2B IS Inches wide, reg., $1.75 value-especial, yard. 1. 43 '. 'i ' WBTTB i JAPAJTZSB ULII. ; " ; . ,. In either glace or chiffon, finish, and are all war ranted fast black. . t ...... 27-Inch, regular , tie value Special, yard ...... .-.J-Inch, regular $6value Speclatrfd .... '."76 4 -tT-fncnr regular $1.25 value Special, yard. . . . . .87 - K-IncH, regular Jl.ZSalue Special, yard. .. . . .87 ' BATVBSAT atrZCZAXa ZB Colored Dress'' Goods Beg-nla $8.00 Talues for $1.6 Yard New Novelty - .Suitings, in a large assortment of colors and effects, all new 1905 styles; regular $2.00 values for.j ' the- yard ,. ,.uumr.i r . ; ...... 1)1.59 Begnlar $1.85 Talaee' for tae New Novelty Suitings. Novelty Panamas, Voile. Panamas,' Mohair and Wool Voiles. Fine Covert Cloths. Illuminated Panamas, In a great color -assortment; regular $1.25 values for, the yard t .82 Black Dress Goods TOB SATTTBSAT. Be'raiar ' $1.88 Talues of Armnree, Oranlte Cloths, Wnlpoords, Berges, Cheviots, prepe Clot lis, rtc all warranted fast blacks; regular $1.25 values. Special only, the yard...; ...(..87e? .Begntot-SUO Talnes ef Berelty fanamas.- Serges," Armor Baitings. Oranlte-Cloths, Benrlettas, rise Tenetlaas, etOL-All-warranted-fast-blacker-T Regular $1.50; special. Jhe yard $1.19 "American Beauty" "Will b,elh evidence at the ROSE SHOW here tomor row and will share in these Saturday bargains. Annex Second Floor; VBBOBBBTB TOB WOICXB OB OBZZABXB ltO. wonavB $300 bzIaoz batbbb fbtticoats ... .. . ' $l.$t. Ladles' and Children's Sunbonnets, In plain and fancy striped or figured percale, calico and CHambray or checked gingham. Special at..i. .19 Ladles(.piack Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, cut close -.fitting at the hips, from a 7 -gored pattern which In- sures the earns aceuracy-of fit as a dfess skirt. Deep flounce 'with 5 half-Inch tucks and ruffla with I rows hemstitching. Regular price $3.00. Special at - 91.99 Little Rose and Other Girls VTU WABT OBB OT TBBSB OB "BOSB BAT." For Children Who Embroider A Com plete Outfit for 10c. v AST RtDUWOBK IIOH. i. . i Another great special In Embroidery Outfits for chll " dren. consisting of 12 embroidery skeins in aaaorted colors, sis dollies stamped with designs of "Happy Hooligan." "Bunny," "Foxy Orandpa." "Old Woman In the Shoe' and various floral designs and three embroidery needles. . Special, the complete outfit, . ,"lVse Day". for , 10 J- J' Rose Day" Specials in Housefurnishings ' ' r. JTortli Tloor. - - - ' JAPABXSB BVOS 1.00 ABD $1 50, ' . - , Japanese Rugs, else lUil feet-- ' Regular value $1.75 Special, each ,. .'.fl.OO Regular value $1.50 Special, each, '. .. -.91.50 $780 rOBTTEBBS IJI. , . Bilk-Finished Portieres. In plain colors With fringed top and bottom; regular value $7.50, special. 4alr 95.85 5 TORE DIRECTOKV i T. IT TXQOB Mafn BnUdlnar Women's Knit Un derwear. Women's Hosiery, Boys' Waists snd Caps, Children's Underwear, Umbrellas Gloves; Lacesr Rib bons, Embroideries. Neckwear, Dress Trimmings. No tions, Tpllet Sundries, Stationery, Domestics, Wash Fabrics,-Bunting, Souvenirs, etc., ' riXJIT PLOOB South Annex Building- Bilks. - J)rssXWodST-Paem."""7". , . rZBST PtOOB West Annas Building Shoes Men's Outfitting, Jewelry. Leather Goods. Travelers' and Tourists' Supplies, Dress Suit Cases, BHgs of -every wanted sort Belts, Pursear-Parasols, tie. to " BZCOin PX.OOB Oread Salons Lsrgest Suit and Wrap Stores west of Chicago the etyle center of the Western Fashion World Misses' and .Infanta'-Wear Tea Rooms. . ' ABBBX Undermuallns. Royal Worcester, Corsets, "Art Needlework Goods'." Souvenirs,' Millinery. . ., PX.OOB Main And "Annea Sou ven Irs, China and Glassware, Llbhey- Cut Glass. Silverware. Clocks, -Kitchen Furnishings, Stoves, Tin. Iron and Granlteware, Household Hardware, Statuary, and. Brc-a-Brae., Ths -CryitaJ Nook" and business offices. POUBTB PLOOB Main sad Annem Carpete, Cur tains, Rugs' and Draperies. Souvenirs, Baby Oo-Carts, Beds snd Bedding, Toys andGames, Hammocks, -Croquet and Baseball Goods.' . - -BOSB BJfr SXPOSITIOW SPZCZAXS XB TKB . . Shoe Store on the Fair-Way - . . ' -. .. ... i '- Pint rioor West Annex. - 2 WOBDBB'S $4.00 OXPOBSS $3.35. Women's Tan Russia Leather OxfordTles. fh famous "Duttenhofer ft Sons."; Cincinnati, Ohio, mske,-the yery'best $4. 00 shoe made; pair, , .$3.35 ; nsf SSABB O'BH.DBBB'S BAXP sbobb.. Misses' and Children's Tsn Half Shoes', best' stock - Misses' sites, 11 to Irregular value $2.00; spec pair Sl.BO Children' aires, 8 H to 11; regular value $1.60: spe cial, pair .. ......$1.25 JTJST ABB2TEB, WOK8I1 OABDBB TIBS. In white Sea Island Duck and Patent Ideal Kid; good fitting; will not slip at Ihe heel. We are exclu sive agents for these high grade shoes. Amid Fitting'Surround - ings and Hosts of "Bargains" Art Will Battle With Nature on the Grounds of . . . . M i I lineryBeauty Saturday Annas Second PlocrtjL TBB BATTZ.B OP BOSZS XB BSAUTTI The natural blooms for which Oregon - is. famous must look to their laurels "here where artists have strewn their handiwork. Natural, "roses will blend with artificial Saturday In this charming nook the "BIJOU" MILLINER SALONS, snd special prices will make the latter more attractlverthsn -ever" "f omorrowr Resd the list of wonderful epeclal values. THE SALE 6r MANUFACTURERS' SAM PLES but, for the day only. ' """ . . , Jievv $3.00 Summer Hats 9c New $2 Summer Hat Shapes 69c Dollar Bunches of flowers . 29c $1.00 Veils for . . . .J. 49c AB XBTJCBBra PVBOKASB Of AS BASTBBB -3- KiXISI IVTtll A K T B WBB BX,AUOBTXBZO A Splendid reeture of THE SUMMARY one hat. of a kind only-r no two allk?: ' . ' ' i ' Hats for-Xsdles' an Mlsees wear. Ready-to-wear, Turban and Sailor styles, all newest creations .values to $3.00; .on, Haturdsy nn only at a choice for. . -O" C' ' Untrlmmed Shapes. . including every popu lar, wanted style snd braid for young and od,. no two allke.values to $2.00; . , lf. -choice, for., . . . . . ; . ; . . . . H . . .TJiOy C Bunchee Flowere . of . allk. velvet, - linen,, - cotton, etc.,1 every variety and coloring values to $1.00 choice Saturday, at - 'JQ' bunch . ji ................. .i. ...... . .jCzJC 'CHIC AN'D CirAftMINO FACE' VEILS for use as hat drapes, ' Immense variety, handsome, charming styles and all colors, regular 7(0 and-. I $1.00 valuee; epecug on Hsfnrday at . a choice for, , . .'. 49c Largest stock of unique Expo-r -sition ahd Portland Souvenirs in the city at prices you'll like to pay.'- '' Foremost Congress Store West of Chicago THE QUACITY SHOP" A modern m zation- of - modern methods and down-todate business ethics. The stpre closes at 6 p. m. daily. "Sat qrday s ? " T Ycs7;the weekT isldone at 6 p. niT It means a Roses -Vie With Bargams Saturdayin the - -Ready-to-DdrT Raiment Salons A GRAND BOUQUET OF VALUES IN AUTHORITATIVE DRESS STYLES GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. J Largest Suit and Vnp Establishment West' of Marshall. Field's "7 ' :" Chicago Store. Tailed-Sui jmtSsWalking SkirtsSilk PetticoatshiteShirtWaists, Children -s Goats A BUNCH OF SPECIAL SALES :OF r:r; cr: i f . any tailored street LAll a OpCCiai 4 SUIT IN ONE-POURTH. OFF FOR. THE DAY 100 Silk Shirtwaist and Tailored Jacket Suits,, and $3 values, for $4.50 Pedestrian Skirts .$2.49-Kr Trim andrtrig Walkfng", Skirts, of - a neat melton) pplcnaid' lor wear on- suiuiiicr tramps or for. shopping, in the. store, fac tory or office. Gray and brown mixtures. Cut in -seven-gored "flare, full, round lenirths. that sweep the instep. ...Seams Are-doublet4tehdTesr'regulaf7;r$4.50 values. Special baturday only, at. ANOTrfER GREAT SALE OF SILK - PETTICOATS $10 Silk Petticoats $4.95 AH newest styles and popular fancies. Four, -" .of the extreme late styles in the . choos ing, and all the wanted shades and col orings. The- best bargain, in Silk Petti coats ever offered by a Portland house ; regularly sold for $10. , Special Sat u rday," at . . . . .it -.-urm ... . . rrr. r. $4.95 SPECIAL FOR 'SATURDAY ONLY Ladies' $5.00 White Lawn Waists $2.98 f-i rafrdsomrAVhite Lawn Waists, beautifully Here's a Wild Irish Rose .4 X rVU'laMAOr BLOOM TOMOKBOW. T Xa th. Linen Store rirsjk rioor "Beauty mid h field f of fla." ' ' tOe BLBACXXS TAB LB BAKASX 780. Pure linen full blachel Table Damask. J ysrde wide; an assortment or, pretty patterns; our om o vi, special at, yard .TS . . . . . " a BosAaxim or baboaxbb. - Specials in the Women's . Knitwear and Hosiery Aisles Oreat Talnes, too, for Baddlnf Ilea sad Womsn. :" '-' WOaTII SSo TBS IB ISO. - Women's fln ribbed white eleeveless Vests, neat, plain 'trimming-, silk, tape; regular value 2io; spe cial, each ....i .-..,........ .18 - WOICBM'S SSo TEWMWt BjtBBBO rABTS SSo. Women's white Jersey ribbed Knee Pants, with wide lace trimming at knee; regular value 6a; epeclal, - pair . . 23 CBILOBgsrB COTTOSr TBSTB An FABTSS. -7 Children's-fine-white efHton Vests and Pants-vests-wlth long and short sleeves, pants knee length Regular lc value; special each.'.'... lle Regular 20c value; epeclsl. each. ; . . . 15e Regular 25c value: special, each i&4 I ' , . 1 BOTS' 3So SKIBT WAISTS lis, Boys' blouses and Shirtwaists, light and medium shsde, well made, , with neat, pretty stripes;' regular value J5c; special, each , , ,'. ................ 19 1 WOsfBB'B 350 BOSB S3. , . . ' Woman's Wlck medium weight lisle Hoee, spliced heel. double sole, French toe; regulsr valus 6c; special, . pair . $".. .....).... 234 . WOMBWSSSe OOTTOB KOSB S5S. , Women's black ' cotton Hose, embroidered boots, fin ished foot, double sole; regulsr value lit; special. pair . ........... ............ ....... ,.25 ZBf AWTS' tfre SOX ISO. Infants' pink. blue, blacky white, mercertd. plain and lare Sox; regular value 2Sc; special, pair ...... 18t "asefiailsBats, Clove and Catchers' Mitts, lUmmocki. Hammock Supporters and: Crpquet v Games at Special . ' Prices Fourth Floor, y - , - ThisStore : Closesi Saturdays-as on All Business: Days---at ; 6 P.M. better Sabbath observance THE HOUSE AT, - ONLY. regular $22.50 .'...... . ... , . JJ14.98 trimmed, in: . embroidery and tucks, some are trimmed and "tucked fronts, pothers; all over trimmed in pretty cm . broideries, narrow, and wide effects ;"reg ular $5 values. Speciat SatiirHay, -for ..... . . ... .v-.;: . .$2.98 SPECIAL SATURDAY IN THE GRAND SALONS OF DRESS V : f . ; 7 Children's Coats for Half . , Second Floor. Irt accordance with: our usual custom of planning a special saving for buyers of chil dren's apparel on Saturday, we shall offer a very exceptional opportunity tomorrow for : selecting. ' "" . v , - CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS. AT ONE HALF PRICE . The offering' comprises the largest assort ment and most elegantly appointed stock of zchildren's-coats - in - the city,- a line unsur passed on the coast ; every material and color approved by Fashion, plain tailored and trimmed, ranging in a price, scale start- ing-at-$3.50 -and -running np to the little aristocrats at $25. Tomorrow's buyers may ..pick their choice ' - "STTIALF PRICE $1.75 TO $12.50 - BVT BOSB TASBS TOMOBBOW. t -l Special "Rose Day" Sale of Magnificent Cut Glass TBIXD TLOOB CBTSTAL BOOX." June Is the month of weddings. Cut glass is a most suitable gift. We carry the largest assortment in the city, over 1,200 srtlcles.and cuttings, flower vases, rose bowls, water bottles, pitchers, sugars, creams, bowls, nappers, spoor, celery and Ice cream trays, claret Juge, decanters. Whiskey Jugs, wine, claret and champagne stem glasses. . whiskey, champagne and water tumblers, olives, bon-bons, nut bowls, etc, . TOBTLAVB AOXHTB LIBBBT CUT GLASS SAT VmOAT SFBCXALB. Kapprrs (LIbbey'sj; special from. each. up.1.0O 'Olives (Llbbey'sk: special from. each. up. . . . .JI2.2S ,Ppoon Trays (LJbbey's); special from. each. "P v.,......-. ..-.... .92.95 "Sugars and Creams (Llbbey's); special from, pair, 'P - - .14.45 .Watet Bottles (Libbey's); special from, each, ap . ....... 94.90 t-lnci Berry Bowls (Llbbey's); special I from, each, up . . S4.2S Tumblers (Llbbey's); speclnl-from. doseiw up.9il.8ft Punch Bowls (Llbbey's); special, from.; each, up . ..:.rf. 4....927.00 Bargain Buds on the Small --rnWares Bush - - - . . - rirst Floor giardsas. , - - - - ; box XAxm rara so. ' H- Hair Pin Cabinets, containing 109 assorted h'svy and Invisible wire Hair Pins; regular value tr; epeclal, ach .i.:'..Z4 . S TXBBAS SS. Spool black linen Thread (100 yarde). for heavy sew ing; VegMlar-vaiue te; special .............. ....S ' Be TOILBT VAPBB . '; ' Soft tlssu. Toilet Paper in flat packets to hang up." regular varus Sc; special package ,,.....34 . rrrrxsa toxlbt oa sev ' . Bos fancy perfumed Toilet Soap, containing I eakes hard milled; regular valus lie; special. ........ - XOo PLAT1H OAB9S Ts. Playing Cards, medium quality; regular valus 1; special, package ............... .7 4 VAOXAOB e BTTBLOPBa SHs. ,' Plain whits wove Envelopes, long or ssuars shape, tl In asckM; rgular value c; special, psckss -9H - 7 mm