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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
' ;. v- ' : : 3 : T ' -A .. - - t - ,' - . THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTTArtlV FRIDAY EVENING,1 -JUNE i 2,lSC5.- - - r" - J' MAYOR ONGE MORE ODGES CHARGES it Wheii Confronted With ths Proofs and thw,Records, His Only1 - Reply W to 'Pwrennw'.TtiBrii ts Ljiiijg and , ' ' v; , Slanderous. "... ' 1:1.2112 2J:-Z CITIZENS COMMITTEE DEMANDS - SPECIFIC ANSWER . Tacts' Are Too Clearly established to Be Syvept Aside by Mere Assertions That. They Are Untrue-Text of ' the Circulars. ' - Circulars embodying the chief erltl ; clems on Mayor WUUama' admlnlelra i. Won hava bean mailed to the voters by i a committee ot cltisens, and are re printed herewith. These elreulara are a t ,- plain, ' (air. stralghtf orward statement of facta. The only- reply Mayor Wil liams has made is to denounce the elr- -Oculars as -"lying and slanderous.-rThe mayor bas made this tine of defense fa ! miliar to the voters of Portland by many repetitions sine the ., campaign 'opeqed, but he has not yet replied ape ' elflcallr to any' oft the charges., made. ' He has nnlformly dodged the Issue. - In the effort to obtain, If possible, a Xspeciflo- answer- from- Mayor Williams. " the committee which formulated the circulars nas addressed the following ' - open letter to hira: ' Portland, Oregon, June t; 105. Hon. George H. Williams. Candidate - for f-rs-'ayor."CnSiri With an intemper ance of language which has ever marked your defense In this campaign you de nounce as lying and slanderous certain circulars discussing your administra tion which are now being distributed to ere of tha crty. Wr shall make .; " reference, lo the. arguments and 11 ; lustrations contained in these circulars . . .apart from the speclflo statements and ) facta tharatn, alnra aa-Xka laava tn say that your defense of your admlnls- " tratlon appears to us to .be marked also --'--by evasion .of responsibility for your- sets, and by denial of the obvious and - necessary consequences ;of , .these acts, f so that we should probably be unable to come to a definite, issue with you upon "' these points. t The faeta referred to Im these elreu-r-yy lars are few, and of record, and alt- well known, and we submit tliat It would be cr'comi you to point, out.; herein they da. part from the truth. . : , . Come ruin Questions; ' (----litt ns ask you, therefore: 'L. Did you -not say Immediately after - your election:- "I will do all I can to T make open gambling Impossible In Port land during my term of nice"? 'JJ t. Was not open gambling soon there '.after permitted by the officials under i your direction and control, and did-not such open-gambling -continue until It y was . stopped . by 6heriS Thomas M. L . ' vvora i ' ''z ut. Was . this gambling not permitted ' by reason of the payment by these gam- biers -of certain sums Into the city trees "jury, twice each month In the form of , '. forfeiture of bail put UP by them to ee ' v cure their appearance in answer : to J charges of crime for which they were . arrested T - . ' 1 If hi ii us ii sr nt la the fnragnlng voter " in Portland. ' They are accom panied by the following letter from the Cltisens' committee which issued them: "City campaign of 105,' Cltisens' movement. Committee: C. W. Notting ham, J A Martin, 8. J. Barber. N. H. Bird, E. Martin. J.-T. Wilson. George I. .KowellTD. D. Warner, M. E. Thomp son. r-;-; . ' Portland. May II, 105. Dear Sir: We earnestly Invite your attention to the enclosed circulars. . Every citizen who has the Interests of decent, honest and '. efficient government . at heart should consider carefully, the facts and arguments set forth therein before Cast ing Jtls vole, snd not be misled by -appeal! .to personal feeling and party prej udice into supporting an administration the effect of which has been, and must continue to be, hsrmful . to the welfare of -th city to which we ewe our best loyalty and service. . "C. W. NOTTINGHAM. Chairman. " "GEO. H. 1I0WELI Secertsry.". , Tanner Creek Sewer. The firet of the accompanying eircu. lars deals with the Tenner creek sewer and In as follows: 'Jobbery In public 'work? "The Tanner creek sewer la ' nerhans I Ihi rottenest pleci f publlo work that I was ever Jjullt in this city. The bot torn was left out in several places, ths side -walls- being laid on a mud founda tion; brick were laid. without cement, and sometimes, two rings put In Instead of three; loose sand and gravel were put under the stones lying In the bot torn Instesd of concrete; and the whole leit without support byDack filling.' so that the brick shell must Inevitably have fallen sooner or later. Mayor Williams opposed the Investigation tnis. colossal fraud at every step, and at every, etep belittled the results and shielded the perpetrators. - question, will you add to It some explo it nation which will commend Itself t . : reasonable men as to why payment of ' thls bsu went step by 'step with pra i.tlce by these men of their unlawful .'..calling, with the knowledge . of and . without Interference by the police, when . other gambling houses -than those in cluded In this arrangement were -promptly suppressed by the police T ' B. Can you account! for the eztraor ... - binary coincidence of, payments of money to .the city by a class ot -gam- ' biers concurrently with the permitted , -breaking of the law by them,, while your . police department apparently round no dlfTlculty In keeping out all others, even those who were willing to buy licenses , to commit- cr.lpie on the same terms? C Can you, aaths executive offlcer of Portland, Justify deliberate and ad vised refusal on your part, even to at. ' tempt to enforce -ordinances which you swore to execute! ! ; , , , 7. Do , you deny the speclflo facts mentioned as to the condition of the Tenner creek sewert - i .K Did you not oppose granting time . for an Investigation of the sewer on . petition of a property owner himself offering to beer the cost of the investi gation, and did riot the executive board, with your approval, accept, the sewer after it had refused at the same meet- rlng to' let the' Irvlngton sewer to the same contractor on tha declared ground of the scandals which had arisen about the: construction of the -Tanner creek Sewert I. Did you not then appoint an addi tional commission, decline to remove El liott, wrlt-the letter which was, pub . llshed scceptlng his voluntary resigns- 'tlon and approve tils reappointment to , - the position of bridge Inspector! ; 10. Did ytwi not v favor the- aNowanee of tha full bill for extras on the Morrt - son street bridge; the return to Msney of his check; the garbage franchise T. If you do not anawer theee Questions negatively you owe us an apology, which we waive. . and the publlo an explana tion which we apprehend, you cannot evade without dishonor nor make with out disaster.,- . - ' : 11. It is not a sufficient answer ' to these questions merely' for you to re peat xour statement thst they are "ly ing a ad slanderous," and that they are "a piece of political trickery to which , no honorable man would resort." . 12. Is it not true that you are angry not so . muolt becguse.we make these charges ss because we prove them? C. W. NOTTINGHAM, Chairman. ; GEO. H. HOWELL, Secretary. - The Otronlars. u The - circntars which -the mayor de- nounces havs been mailed to -every At a meeting of the executive board Mayor Williams sngrily objected to al towing time for Investigation,' and- bis board deliberately acoepted the sewer in all- Its rottenness. In the face of a responsible protest and after taklnar of flnlal notice oftha scandals about the Job, . . .. Ths Tsrdlet of ths Courts. The council ordered an investigation and tha report of its examiners showed the frightful condition that-existed In the sewer. TXty Engineer Elliott re. fused to contradict a single word of this report, though all along ha had insisted that or his own personal knowl edge It -waa well and thoroughly built x aim astonishing admission - of In com patency snd dlshonssty ought to have p r-u rro ilia . iiihuutc uismisssi.' WlUlms msrely ordered another Inves tigation ; at an added expense to the taxpayers. This confirmed the results or the first, and still ths mayor, with all tha facts before hira on which a Jury in a court of Justice found the contractor-guilty of felony for his part inme jog.netaHltott-nnrrice until he voluntarily resigned, snd then ac cepted hla resignation with a letter of fulsome praise for him and contempt for . the. clttxena who had sought -to pro tect themselves from robbery; and even arter this was In favor of an ordinance appropriating money from. the general iuna to repair the aewer. Instead of requiring It to be done Jn the first in stance by he bondsmen:. "Throughout the entire matter Mayor Wllllama acted as the friend arid sup porter, of ths knavish contractor and the dishonest and incompetent - official. ' and aa the determined and bitter enemy of ine taxpayers and cttlseng whom they were seeking to plunder. , The Morrison Street Grab. "Mayor Wllllama also favored the al lowance of the enormoua bill for extras on ths Morrison street bridge. He also favored the relesee of Maney from his oia on the south Front street bridge and the return to him of the money he had put up for the very purpose of securlns his "performance of " the contract, and wiucn was legally and morally the city's monpyr ne-aise-i avored -and advocated the Infamous garbage franchise, which granted to a private corporation, whose very owners were .unknown, en exclu sive rrancnise lor handling the city's garbage for a long term of years, mak ing compulsory on the part, of all clti sens the employment of such corpora tion at maximum rates. ., . j, . "Ths mayor is ths head of a municipal corporation which ' expends yearly half a million aonars or your money. . This Is his way of spending It. . Do you JiK it? Do you want more of It? Or do you prefer a young, dean, fearless. snergetio man who cannot be bullied and will, not be fooled, and .who, so far as human vigilance and energy can do It, will see that the money la spent right, that good results are brought for It. and that the , horde of grafters and other buxsarda who sre always seekfhg to profit by the weakness of publlo of flclals shall be. forced to take their beaks and talons out of the people's ax falrsr. -; ,. - ,- il Oompaoi With gamblers. ., . The second of ths circulars is as fol lows: "Shall vice be made lawful? J "Five days sfter he waa Inaugurated mayor of Portland George It. Wllllama said (Oregonlan, July , UOJ): '1 will do, an I can to mako open gambling 1m posslbls la Portland during my term of office. I will not countenance publlo- gambling-houses where young people are taken and robbed.' . "How has he kept his pledge? Within a few weeks thereafter open, gambling was permitted by the mayor. In elf act partnership wss formsd between the city of Portland and s. few gsmblers whereby the latter were granted the right to practice crime la consideration of paying a small monthly fin Into ths city trsaaury. That is to ssy. ths Wil liams administration sold to rertln gamuleis tlis UglU tU mem lll:iiiw. Not to all gamblersr however, for part of the infamous compact was that pub llo gambling was limited to certain favored persona, persons whti hsd been strong partisans of George H. Wllllama In the election of 10S. and who .are his strongest supporters now.: Ths po lice found no -difficulty In preventing open gambling by all others. The Wil liams administration granted a monop oly In crime to the Portland Club (Jack' Grant, pete Grant and Larry Bulllvan) the Blasters snd ' Erlckson. . The city was made a party to this shameful eon. tract by George H. -Williams, who hsd said. If . anything Is . declared Illegal by the ordinances It will be declared II legal by me. , The oath of office re. quires that much.' (oregonlan. May t7, 102.) But thgt which the ordinances bad declared illegal - Mayor -Wllllama used his official power as an officer of the law to make legal. - This is . ths es sence of anarchy. How can , we -make the low respect the lew when the high trample It under foot? Justifies Oath-Breaking. 'The mayor has attempted to Justify his conduot by tha statement that the city bas collected about 180,000 from the-, gamblers, which has been used to Improve and beautify tha city.' It ia not true that the 180,000 came' out of the gamblers. . Tht sum Is only a fractton of ths money filched by the beneficiaries of Mayor Williams' policy from the men. young and old, wjio had earned it by Aoneet'work only to aquander it In le galised vice. Every dollar of the money nad been diverted from wives and chll dren and aged parents, from the welfare of manhood and the decency of woman hood to the pockets of these harpies, the professional gamblers,-before the city was allowed Its paltry share.. Is it fit ting - that tha city of Portland should be . beautified r with. . the - prloe'--of - Its "Dsy by day, all ths time, openlr and publicly.. Mayor JWUltama Indorsees!? ry. one or the official acts of the police department as It is manured br Chief 1-Huntr-thoagtr-thtg management brings a blush of shame to every honest officer under Aim. and is a stench in the nos trlls of every decent and law-abiding cttH sen. as long ss Williams Is mayor. Chief Hunt will be the chief of the police department and -the mayor's evil genluS u whereas. if Lane le , elected mayor. Hunt 'will be replaced by -an honest, efficient and decent man, who will see to it that that department la conducted for the aafeguarding ef the- interests or the people. Two yeers mors of Williams means two years more of Hunt, two years more of tolerated vice, with. lQXsloons.-those deadly dens of menses tothe virtue of women, running in tun piaat au over. town. Blra Versus Son The conflict is between the ssntity of your- horns snd all you hold dear and the Interests of the dlvekeeper, the thug and the Infamous wretches who fatten upon the shams of women. ' For the sake of honor and decency; for the aake. of all yon may hope for, here and hereafter; for the save even of Mayor Wllllama,'' whose good name- Is being dragged in the mire by advisers from whom be seems unable to free himself. vote ror Lane and decent government. JThere Is no . Issue of ' party politics. If IS simply and iMHh en Issws , STATEMENT 6F-THE .CONDITION!: OF- The United States National Bank OF PORTLAND, OREGON. AT.,TH CLOSE OF B.USINES8 MAT J, 10J. r ' ASSETS. . .. . Loans and discounts. . .1,1S,S44.IT ..U. a bonds to secure - : . " . ' - clrculstlolrT.......... 100,004. IT. 8. -and other bonds " and premiums S7f. 151.07 Heat estate ........... 1S.S1 Furniture and fixtures.." .00.0 - Bank building. . . ..... " 12S.000.00 Cssh and due from - bsnkg ......... M j... 1.4.0I0.4I ''t IJ.2l.9f.70 . LIABILITIES. . , Capttak . . . .I . .... ,... 100.000.00 Surplug and profits...., lfS;Tf.ll ! Circulation 100,000.00 Dividends vnnjftid. .,.., 12S.00 Ilepeeit- ; jj.'ii, . ; a 1,171.190.4? I tl.l.4.70 Attest eorreet: - ,- ' ' j- ; ;" JC ATNSWORTH. President. V law, good home, government on one Side and anarchy and crime on, the other. Decent, law-abiding cltisens and ' tax payers are arrayed against the solid sun- port of gamblers, dlvekeepers and law breakers, jrou know whst the Wllllama administration ha-done-for Portland in-ths past three years. Do you want two years mora of it? If you do not then vote with the forces of law and order opposed to- Kr' Vote for Harrv Lane and the opposition candidates for councllmen. .: DEATH'S SUMMONS TO ANOTHER PIONEER SBSMeSSlWaBBBSBBBWaWBHBW Thomas Stephens, One- of the 'First Settlers Here, Dies of Old Age. . Thomas Stephens, sn Oregon pioneer or 1147, died, this morning at his home at tii Johnson,,atreet of old age. Born in New York City on October. B. lll, Thomas Stephens wss one of the Brat of the hardy pioneers of the Em pire state to settle In the then almost unknown Oregon country. With many of-tthr-netghborsrBtephens left this state when the news of the gold finds In California was wafted-north. - and sought fame and .fortune along the Sac. ramento. - . ' ' Soon learning by unrequited toll and pain that all Callfornlan sanda were not golden, Stephens returned to Ore gon. He' took .'. up ' a clstm In the Umpqua country, purchased other lands In his neighborhood snd for many years farmed on an extensive scale, , Moving - to - Portland he engaged la many business ventures., Ha wss hapa best known here as a contractor, he having erected many of the large wholesale business blocks on Front street. A daughter and two sons sur vive him. The -funeral services -Will be held at the residence Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock and the exerrlsea at, Riverview cemetery will be private.'. " i Missouri at he Fair.1 MlssourlanS minst 'be shown, Tester day as the Lewis and Clark exposition wss opened to the world it was plain to be seen that .Missouri ' was much In evidence and the Mlssourlan was read ily dletlngulshed-xrom-thtr-otnef Visit ors Hla first question was. -"Where Is the . Missouri building? and without delay the questioner proceeded to the headquarters or grand old Mlssonrl, whose every son lsready-lo sing pr praises. " -r 1 : 111 ' - 'I l tell you what's a racv said ut. ML Hamby, one of Portland's promi nent dentists i"I'ra from Missouri, and those big red ears of corn remind me of many a buskin bee when the fellow who found the red ear got to kiss Any girl-at the bee." "Tea, Indeed," said Dr. J. M. Tales. Many a time I had it a buskin' down In Oaage county; and boys, let me tell you all right now, Missouri don't tske a back Seat for any man's state. She is an empire within herself' ,- Boys, let me ten you about Flke county,'.' said Dr.C 8. Irwin, who la a member of the Washington stats dental board. ''When we went to ther huskJn' bee I nsed to buy a dosen o them red esra of corn 'and take m along: and gee, but the fellows used" to get Jealous' when I began to do the Hobaon act the second time around." And the three Mlseourlana, - who stsnd high In their profession: in ' this .community, . walked leisurelydown to hear Oevernor Chsm- isiav welcome ths visitors to the V V irikhJJ liii- hat & i ju. tjr CHILDREN Sensible Garments for the Fair and Beach; SailorWash i - . 'i 1 i ' From 3 to 12 years.- Tans, whites,' blues, , reds, pearls and striped combinations ; .: 50c65c75c$l.00.$L25to$5 Buster Brow Wash 2 Years to 8 years.- Piques, ducks and Uneni 40 styles to choose from . - $1.25, $2.50 to $4.50 Broad Brim Duclr Hats. . . . "rr; . 80c and 75c: T- Tarns and Auto Duck-Caps, all colors, 25c and 60c. BoyV Washable Knee PantS77T.25c and 50c The Greatest Qothfajj House in the Northwest CHAMPION ENEMIES OF ; RACE SUICIDE THE0R! (Joernsl Special Service.) Owlngsvllle, Ky.. .June I. Marlon K. Vanderpool and his wife, who live Is the mountains of . Whitley sounty,. cer tainly have a strong claim on any medal offered by President Roosevelt for-ex-smples ef enemies of race suicide. Mr. Vanderpool and bis wife are the parents of. 2 children. Zl of whom ars living. Mr. Vanderpool la how IS years old snd his wife only a few years younger. Both are In excellent health.- - Mrs. Vanderpool, the mother of this phenomenal family, la small of stature and weights only ti pounds. The couple were married when Vanderpool was 1 (, and a year later a child was born. Every year afterward for it years the stork visited the home of the moun taineer until now the family descend- anta number among the hundreds, being Park afld Wsthlptton, Portland, Orejoo Tho School of Quality""; MODERN, PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Open sM the year. Catalogue free A. P. ARMSTRONG LL. B.. PRINCIPAL one of tha largest in ths United States. Each year, the Vanderpool hold a fam ily reunion when children and grand children come from all parte of the mountains to attend. -Dr.-BrEr" WRIGHT Ths CxMTXriO BBVTUT that relieves all pain In dental opera f4av,J- Washington St cox. Seven tii. PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO. it iromrx nut st. Bet. Bursites Oeue. Awnings for stores and resi dences. Tsnts snd ramping outfits. Get our prices. Phone Main 181.. M I f I IV A. I II VVAi ror modern 'dental work.- ..World-rs nowned epedallsts. Lowest prices consistent with flrat-olass ; work. ; ;, - Go to tha ' ' ' NEW YORK: DENTISTS - rotran ajtd icommiaoaT sjts. Open. day and night, from :! a. m. until 10 p. m. ' esieHttTtS'S tsaues arK. i ... ieta-.MtDtwiitr i a rniCHKMTKR'8 KNOUn-g n KCB h4 I4 tMunu Wit XU fM Hw-ma SaSaUtaU. Ummmm Bf 0f -mi SranM. . MMfl II mui a- Ps-e 'nni Kr i tan Mall. IS. ! CaiajUl r eaaan, rsttLa, ra a sag IaUla- taattaa. hna.fc-ra. ittav SaKtar Remington Typ ewnter lit - I- 1 rrl V- .:a,.' m . -V 7 I aW . ' .T .sK Jl-Lar- -4 . , f 4v..-"'jf Ik i Shoyrind N6w; Addition by which- the Capacity of ;''tHevPlanl''-Has:b 1 1 TheItemington Sales Organization Encircles t!io G!-f: . 249 STARK STREET. -f: I -