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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
THE . OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE - 2. 190 5. 13 SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE, . WANTED km by cap bio, nerve tie young married nan; an experleBced elac i trl.-lan; ran Install electric-light plaaia trad .'. ; dynamo, ran electric; far, eteaui en lo or an. thing In thl line, or any ether woek; ref- rrni-e i require, aaores S- P, g.,1 West' - -part, WssB. . . - : -- wmmiow wamwi in jiiunf iniB iwwnT . yesi ef ga to work ra ator. deliver or : eon kind of hseebl work j win out work nuuueye. u oe, car journal,- . , , ' WANTED Br yoeng ... Bau mplorment, perms nent or temrsry a. clerk, bookkeeper i position. Addrees U 48. cara JouraaL t SITUATION wanted Sret-elasa, sober man: ' , ereni-vs, . Anawar (i ST, cara Journal. r VIOLINIST Younc msn. desire sltuBtlos dur ing (air or permanent; can furalsk planlaU r aanreea -..-si., am Blxta St.. BY -man 'of general business sioerlenee: whole sale preferrrd; married aad steady. AddraM H 43, car Journal.' ' . ' ' VOUNO, man attending bualneaa collega waata ; plae to work ' for board aad room. - Addrees u OH, car Journal. SOBER, exBerlanced baker wanta Steady lob. B . Jim Second At-l'ortWod. " Phone Clay "i- i ads. Boom S3. EXPERT soleler. epea time, anr subject. Ad dreaa Q 6ft, cara Journal. , SITUATIONS WANTED TOi AXE. BE8PECTARLR, reined, matuas woman wanta . poaltloa of trpat or car af. Vurnlehed bnuaa 1 ,1 or cwmpanlon u mm or Binei aiepositina, where the comforts of home prlrllefe are more be- considered than .ware. Addreaa Mr. 1'yao. urcgoa city, or. 7- '-, "' . . - . XOl'NQ lady deetrea poaltloa aa atenofranberi can operate four af the slsndard typewriter) remuneratloa reasonable. Mala 40i. ' PtMHTIOM to rare for rmmlni honse br com. patent woman. or chamber -work. ; Call at ' - room 43, Alaltnomsh. WOMAN can' Uka eaaipleta rara of child, will , travel.- call at room 40, MUiiDoman, as) RRRVICF.R of MmrlftHMfl naraa mar ha bad . .In confinement. Pbon laat S8D8 or Eaat 4X7. - ' .- wabtedmirceliabeoua. WANTED Mora sorsrtne- and wh I taw akin I tba only gasoline compressed air spraying outot on the cos at. M. U. Morn-en Co., Sit lj amweuxie aa. raon aai wi?. r r -jBHORT ORDER Printing Boot ( aecond and Waahlagtoa ata. r. J. Brdar. Mala asaa. TOK UXX KOVUXXEriVw - BOOMS. - Ca fauarttoa ta thla tlaaaHeaHai. rata waroa for U aaatar" TENTS, furnlabed or anfuralahedi arotrad reat ; to pltcb your owa tent, $3 per montb; fine ' prleato froanda. Lawla aad Clark camplag (rouiyla, Mt. Tabor. Phone Scott STB. J'OR SALO-Nira alt a for ramp rrounda; water and aoar car line; take Mt. Tenor and R ereolr car; Merrill' roTfc- tall or addraa .' 1. Merrill. FIBNISHED bouMkeeplnr aultaa; reaaonahla, llcbt and laundry; brick balldlng; block from f L. car, a4ft Ruaaell ac, Alblna. " ri'BNIBHED and Bouarkeaplnf room, at 4AB nnriD xwenty-inira at., near . eipoaiuoa croanda. Pbono Weat Zoed. WANTED t farnlabed rooma for llcbt boaa. - keeping; Al reference, m au,-eare Journal. . . THR LINDA TISTA. Blealf rvrnfaaed "boaeakeea 1 tag aad alngla rooma raeeooabl. 147 Sa rifth. rom REWT rtrxiriiHZD soovs. DUR1NO THE PAIR. 1 Elegant aunny furnlabed rooma are daalrabla. aaay from rltjr nolaa; all- out aid rooma, plenty of freab air. building fireproof; ear -at door for all polnta; 00 raise during fair: rata II day; free phone, batb and gaa. Call or phone j, " '"ir''ii "1014 Pi " TBSn EaetJlSdT THE GARLAND . . . tun Washington, bat Nlneteentb aad Twa . lletb; new, modern, all ontalde rooma. elec tric Ugbta, pbooa, free bathe: aOr. Tbc. II par tj.. da; rata by aoekl raataaran ta baaaaiaot. . STO SEVENTH ST, Bear Montgomery Well - furnlabed rooma. ia Drl'ate fauilljr. desirably located la nice realdroc dletrtct. conrenlent to rarllnea and- aar renter of ettr: batbroom and all borne eotieenlanaaai rate-ftto -er-day."- Tbona SftS. ' . 'ICB large Wont rooma, central location, 11.50 Kr day; cannot be appreciated antll aeea; k room. II per day and there are no dark rooma; on block from Portland hotel.. . 113 . ( PORTLAND Mineral Spring Hotel SO rooma, , o0 feet from Fair ground gate) aew and ' rleau; ratea reaaonable. Write and re- eerre rooma. . 0. . W. McCoy, Twaty-UU M and Saeler. THE HEILER Hawthorn and Grand .; - fire proof brick, elegantly furnlabed rooma, batb, phone, b-mlnute ear on both a Tenure.: . ratea reasonable by week or month; traoaleat room. ' LA ROE front room, private family; elderly ronple preferred; all modern eoBTealeacea. walking distance, on two carllnee: rent reaaoaabl.- tuft-Beat Ankeny. - Kast ilia. 1'HB HAM ANN, lift N. IStb.. cor Hoyt -Newly furnished rooma, 11:50 ap; conrenlent location. : 1ft m Inn tee' walk to fair ground: MorrlsoQ car it union depot direct t boo. I'bon S47U. - '0R BKNT Two large f Ornish ed rooma; batb nd pboner contract daring fair: one blork v from restaurant, one block Third and rlftb -" car Ilnei VISITORS dealrlng aewly furnlabed rooma la , lrlrltti family In fine residence location oa weat side, two blocks from Washington at., call oD.Mala. BT83. FURNISHED rooma, centrally located: pless t. nt nrrun11ngs; price reaaonable; gae, pbona and bath. SBO Jaffarsou at., opposite city fcalL . -KKI.I.fMltl HOI BE. 184 Sherman; take 8 car south; clean lodging, 25c; meala, 2Ar; fur rlhed housekeeping rwaata -wltb-batb-aad "laundry. THE OA B1.E furnished rooms, light, airy and reaannshlc. with breakfaat; two carllnee. Eaet Twenty-aeTPbtb and Taggart t. Pbona Eaat 8908. rREWLY-fnrnUhed rooBi In r cotUg three block from fair grounds: gaa aad electric light, hot and cold water bath. Co Tburman. , aH WASHINGTON Furnished rooma en , suite and alngla. 2 week up; suitable for ' two; rooma per nlgbt, 50e. Phone Hood 44. M:EI.Y furnished room In prleate residence; -breakfaat If desired; anltable for two; eery reaaonable; batb and pbona. Eaat 8530. KEATI.Y furnished rooma S blork east steel ' bridge; free phone; gsa and batb; call ereu- In or Sunday. MB Hassslo-st. Eaat 8S4. MARQtlAM HOUSE, 14H tb Roema en suite -7 or elngle; bonarbeeplng rooms; gaa storsa, ' batb, electrle lights: trsnsleuts solicited. - KKW furnished rooma, ererytblng ' first-class; electric lights, gaa and bath; near hotel; per manent and transient. - 884 Fourth at- TENT -mom East Portland, central, location: housekeeping: sire bedroom and bed, 50c . per aigbU 'JnqulreB3Se Unloa ST. THE MAVrAlB Rlrgantly furnished rooms: new building; roodera conTentenee. SMtf Stark, cor. Flftb. Mala nflT. ' KEA furnished rooma, reaaonable price, for ..real by day. week or amutlu Mrs. Jssa. Hi Water, cor. Clay. , riRNISHED room 'suitable for lady or maa ; 1 ana Wife; refereacea required.;. 804 Jackson, Tenth. 19H TENTH, Bear Morrison Randeome front . rooma, day or week: can accommodate all or eight. THE OLAPBTONB 6I3H Ssrler t., furalahad rooms; aader aear maaagemeati prlcaa rea aonable, MCFLT furnished room 50c, Too per day) ale aafurnlsbed rooma. 10d North Seventeenth. . THR irTL Newly furnished rooms, rent rea eonablei transient. VM't HottIsob t. K'EATI.y furnished rooma. v reaaonsbla rate. 120, irnd are., near Eaat Morrison. TWO nicely fnrnlehed rooms, hot bath. fS, Id week, fair rial tor. JtM front. , KRWLY fnrnlshed rooms, surrounding pleasant. 450 Magnolia at., Wondlawa, ' I ROOMS with rlonbl bed at SIS Bentoa t. Phono Scott S0.1B. Mr'lT fnrnlshed front room, reaaonsble. 110 Sherman at. ROOMS ARD BOARD. YK8. we can- acoommodste a few mors tsbls. boarder; home eoufclua and erery thing Brat else. Aster house, bereotb and Madison. - rboa Msia Btl. - ELEGANT accommodation, rate by day, week 1 or eneatn; gining room price right. The .LjlTUsV fir la'h sail ssaler- TTtK HELENA dining room, board by Abe day. ;"eek or'lnonth: reasousbl rate: strictly -1 - . ATI -.!. . -1 . - " . ..-v',Mi - -,m "v. , Hrrmn 1 r nail. THR LINDELL New famtly hotel. Market, bet. Third and Fourth; (team beat, electric light, porcelain baths; eicyealngly low rate. HHybU. eVboa Uiln 4277, Take H-UtjU car , ..... ROOM and board mt CUf and WtUr THR PORTLAND AUCTION RO0VS eells'yonf . furniture fur yea et year residence or til First SU For beat resulta phone Mala S6& FOR SALK Furniture ef 13-room honae, bouse for rent: sickness; snap. .535 Flandera st. FOR RIRT HOITSIS. KADDRRLY. TslANSFER-COMMISSION CO. Planoa and furniture moeed prooirtly hy s perUaced men. 110 Third St. Main 1585. - FOR RENT S modern 7-room bans en Eaat Thirty-fourth st. rent 20;. W. O. .Seek : room rVT .Tui FalUng- bidg. -C ' FOR RUNT CBtll KoTember I. S room well - furnished, modern, with oaaement and yard. SB Lewis bldg., .city. FOR RRNT Larga, baadom hone aad grenad on top of ML Tabor. Apply tiyaaoa, Jouraal mea. 112 5-ROOM bouse; basement, large yard. Key O Nell' grocery, eor. Hood sad Grant. T-ROOM bouse, east end steel bridge, 825, Beattie A Hofmann, 00 Fifth at. rom Rln-T HOTILS. FOR RENT Store and hotel containing 114 outside rooms, on Twenty .!i tb t., facing mala entrance and exit of Lewis and Clark fair. Apply t B. M. Lombard, 514 Chamber of commerce, or 402H Twenty-alatb at. TOR RMRT-FLATS. UNKI KMSMKO 5 nd room flit on. Orerton. near, Twentietn, single or aa whoie; aewly painted aad papered Inside nd out, gas piped, all la Srst-clasa condition, good yard and basement. tilarrlngtoa. v Tint, near FURNISHED ' 4-roomed modern flat in finest residence portloa on at slds. at- reaaonable . rates, inquire room . z, - c nemoer et com merce. ' . - F0R RENT Lower furnished flat. 8 rooms and - alcore, gaa range and water-beater adulta; eaat aids; 130. Addreaa -0- 0; care Journal. FOR RENT S new modern 5-mora gate for I1S.5. Including water; no children desired. 525 Will st. ' FOR RENT OFFICE-ROOM. FOR RENT Law office, "prirate and entrance rooma. earpete and chelra. typewriter, etc.. ressonsbie. - Addreaa H 42, care Journal. .-. ' :.t0 REMT FARMS. -,- - - -. FOR RRNT 5 acres of land, all ta cultlra . tloo. East Forty-tblrd and Beetles Line Mad. W. 0. Back. 807 The Fsllina. BUIIREflS CHAMCES. . BARGAINS IN ROOMINO-HOl'SES. " S rooma, . si location, pood furniture, I, hi, , II I m i. i i II. v,iif, Flat. 6 rooms, cloaa Inr new and modern. fine furnltarr. chean rent. 842A.. ' Biroom house near Washington at.;' attic and basement. No. 1-lnrstloa. rent l-fc, lease; front room will pay the rent during fair, ssflo. . OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHAN0R. . .. . anSVa Waablngtoa at. FRER LANDS IN OREtiON. nwstr si ii . jii w.... t . Miitun ""Hi, fnsv " w'iiiiiiajciiuHi, Isnd of IfaUaaste aad- rlorer. For full I Information addreaa the Columbia Southern Irrigation Co,, tm Worcester block, Portlaed. A LADY or gentleman who baa a email amount of money- to Invent ee a partner to attend ' to office bualneaa netting from 1500 to 11.500 and upward per month. Ceil XM North Sixth St. Phone Msleu 2620; . THR RATIONAL FINANCING CO., SOS Ms quam bldg., Portland, Or., baadlee bonds, stocks, mines, flnsnce legitimate enterprises, furnlsnea eat IkTsatmenta aad aacurea loans. THE beet location In Oregon for a good hotel msa with from 85.000 to llO.ono. Is ths eea- ' ter af the goeeru-roent Irrlgatloa works, Ad dreaa A. F. Clublne, Merrill, Oregon. FOR SALE Photograph ' gallery: change In bualneaa reason for sellings- a bargain; muat be sold at once. Call on or addreaa 0. M. . . Harris, Dayton, Or. - . CONFECTIONERY n erar store stock: flr- tures st InTolce: low rent; UTHig-rnoma; sick rooms; slck-l 58. Jouroatrt Bess ana otner Dusinesa cause, FOR SALE Cheep, light Diaonfarrurtng buat. beaa; no competition; can he worked at home. ' Address H 41, care journal. A SNAP Reetanrant and Ice cream parlor; brat location; cheap-font, Phono Mala 47M, GOOD bargain, boarding, rooming. house. If (old t once; no agenta. rnone aiain Boi. BONANZA aide line for lire traveling man. . George M. Col Co.. Xottb-TamhUH-Oty- FOR SALE Bnttermtlk rout and tig; price 1200. Ill . Cook are., Portland. S-ROOM rooming-house for sale, - Madison at. $400. 80t -Fob sals faxi PARTIES , contemplating the purchase of farming lande la Oregon will do well before so doing ta call upon me: also those looking for buslnes opening and those Interested In miners! or timber, aa I bare had 20 years' erperlence In thla stst and know t large list to slect from and at tempting price. : SAMPLR. -TrW)fl acres 50 miles from Portland, aplen . did grass land and 700 seeded to grass last season, vail covered with pea vine and retches; no Improvements; 10 mllea from rail mad ; price 15 per acre. Term, H cash, - balance to ult at S per cent. , H. W. MILLER, - lOOV, Slltbv8treet. Portland. Or. S4H ACRSS. 84 In cultivation, H acre good timber, g30a sou, an roca. rin location, good road, nearby all kind of fruit. S barns, good 8 -room bona, good water and wind mill. 6 mllea, southeast from city limit of ' Portland; will make terms. Address H. Loo a; coy, Mllwiukl, Or., owner. 1V) ACRES B9 In cultivation. 18 acres winter wnesi, gooa gsrnen, peering orrnsra. nil kinds of berrlea, plenty wood, good rail fence. Irrigating ditch, 3-room houas, harn. and otltbutldlnga, rmatnfflce half mile, good school, l'rlce $2,000. 8. A. Klatner, Smock, Or. FRER LARD IN OREGON ander the "Carey Irrigation Act." Peed direct n-om state. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S. Cook. Co., 351 Aider St., Portland. Or. MAUI El' R COUNTY latprwred aedunlmprnred anna, acreage property, tnwa lota, residences, buslneae wcsMona, etc. Don Carlo Boyd, the real estate maa. Ontario, Or. HOMESTEADERS Wa locate yoa aa wheat or Irrlgatloa lends; real estate for sal., rail or write Vaa Cleave A ScholL Echo, Umatilla Co. FRER landa Id Oregon ; eicuretons every day. For Information Inquire Mortbwsatera Becurl tied Co., 115 Orgonla bldg. , 40 ACRES Ins grsss, land; $40 cask, bal. $m. long time low Interest. Call t aaea Sut Allaky bldg. FOB BALK OR SXOBABDB. , FOR SALB or exchsnge,ilO seres of-N. I sou, one aiiie north or vencvmvwrr-bowssj, barn, chlcken-nouee and water piped on place; must sell at once. . laqulr D. Vaa Kaate. tbl Larrabca, Portland. A OOOD farm for aale, term to enlt: will trad for city property at acreage, close la. Apply 814 Brmklya at. . ARCHITECTS. I. P. BOFFMAN,. rehlteet and aaperlateadeat, I 1811 first at., roruaad. or. " 'I HOPIIS FOR miRTlRHITirRl FOEIALI. FOB. SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALEs-Elcgant suburban bom constating -o S arrea highly linuroeed ground, 8 -room bouae and other, buildings; also -room cot tage, abundant- of trult and berrtea; - go ailnntra' ride to rlty. Address r call ea - O. II. Bcnwerdtmano, .ear of SUr Bo. Co. Phoue Main 8- ' " FOR SALE A modern corner brttk. block. 8 . . .. a tiHmoma. 40 rooms .furnished ;i will ir' aB or AaatJa rock peUe alio 1 xsodwa iurn rawi, - close to RusseU at. on Wllllame .; good . Income properly. Inquire at We .0. The tailing bldg. J " - THRRB aew modern house ell eo rap let and ready to move In: porcelala bath, toilet, full . basement, .-picket fence, ehsd treesi , 1750 wp; easy terms. See Jo Nsh, the owner, at Nashville addition. Take the Mt. Scott rsr, get (t at Naahvtli sistlon; JO mtnutee' ride.- ' . " " FOR SALE 10 seres choice land, it miles from Portland, sultsbl for a bom; easily Im proved, bandy ta R. R. atatlon, boailandlng and good road: good SOIL .For particular address A. K. Folkeoberg. Bolbrook, Or. Fi V B new modern boutea In Bollisar Park addition; also A4 chore Iota; tret Im- - proved, remrnt walks, sewer, or will build kens to suit customers; oa easy tarma, - W. O. Beck. SOT The Felling; bMg. . - FOR SALE S modern up-to -oat a new bowoe. 1 7-room and i l gaa and electric; furnace - pipe; full basement; fin location; view of city; bet. t ear linear a bargain. Sea owar, 647 Kerby' st, - . ' . - " SNAP T -room house In a beautiful location t n ni. ' 4 on up win oe soio a i i taken, at -once. -. For nirtber particular ad dress P. O. Hoi 181, St. Johns, Or. 8EB, for c'eip borne la- city and country, large and small farms In ell parte of tbe 'stale, lioban Taggart, 107 SUth at. - WHY net bay borne when I have eo many . fine coltagea and bouse, of all descriptions which can b bought oa eeay term! Inqulr -N. Sprsgae, Zt Oraad are..' room 12. FOR BALE 8-room modera houa. with or without furniture; first elaaa; cement bae ment, porcelain bath. etc. H. E. Martin A Co.. I3U Tiamhev at Com met FOR BALE llottse-. T room. " BslL pantry. batS, closets, - full basement, one lot, east side, I2.T50. Call' Mala 818S , bfor S a. m., after S p. m. LOTS Iff Vernon ,r se them sure before buying; tske Vernon rsr to Blxternth St.. In on I re tot Ogden. one blork aouth.. who will abow you lot and furnish prices. ' - SNAP 3 acre la fruit and vegetable; good house, elatcra and ootbulHlnge; 8- blocks from ear Una. William Abbott. MoBtavlll . a vena. - - ' - -r 1175 2flv DOWXr-85- per-- mettth. -bay - alee . building sit; equal-to three Iota. Phone - Rest 83.14. . Address 411 East Tblrty-foartb. FOR BAIJS -room cottage, modern, lot reared, fruit trees, t blocks from ear; csh or terms. F. J. Ryder, Mviitsrllla. Pbon Mala 5Vtd. . FORSALE Horn of 8 rooma. lot, 2Sx 100. Highland, eaay terma. Inquire Holme Canning Co.. Eaat Klghth and Dlvlawn su. A NEAT, rlcsp. furnished houa with all con veniences: batb. gas, phone, etc.; oa thorough fare. Addreee Q 41. care Journal. FOR SALB or exchange. 11 Vi sera Improved. - IVs mllee I rom Moots villa ca Uae, iaaulr Owaer, 414 Belmont, . .. . ; -t - IL630 liew-8-rooaix)tUg-ad lrg-lo; ob cor. Grand ava. and Sharer L See owner, I 84 Shsrsr .i. FOR SALR 8-room boo en ear line with acre fruit tree, etc I squire 881 East - Btita au . ..-- WOODLAWN. Highland Park; choice lota on In - atallmenta. B. C. Matthew. 804 Fenton bldg. 88.500 GOOD corner lot. cm In. on weat aide; good buildings. Address 0 67. Journal. LOT 60x100 feet on Twenty-eecond and Clin - ton sts.. eaat side; 100. Addrees B 49, Jour. -FOR SALR Cheap.- sightly ta. Lower Alblna. Call owner, phone Main 2777. ' FOB SALE MISCELtAMEOUS. TYPEWRITERS Over 60 maehlnee to select from, new snd slightly used msrblne of nlmost anr make to select from, with term ' to eult purchaeer: price guaranteed lower than-elsewhere. cu ana examine our aiocf before purchasing and save money. PORTLAND TYPEWRITER KXCHANGBW Ol narquam omg , -a-wnamo, ur. ICR CREAM, fruit tee, made quickly without Ice, trifling cost; keeps mux. nutter, etc., sweet la -hot weather; full directions, 10c. Phillips Specialty Co.. Box 184. Portland. BILLIARD AND POOL table for- reat or for - eals ob essy payments. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALER COLLENDER CO. , 48 Third at., Portland. WR print your name oa 80 calling rarda. proper alae and etrle. 25c, 250 buslorse cards, 1. Brows A Schmale, 128 First. Portland. Or. IS-FOOT aaa launch. 24 horsepower, com . pletely equipped. In good condition; pries 5300. W. J. Clemen, ins Blark sc FOR SALE S cow snd small milk route; established. Apply 4ns Ebey at., Mootavllla, any nlgbt after 7 o'clock. SCOW, new, 12x24 feet; also boat 17 feet log. new, fitted fur gasolloe engine. Mrs. Now- Und, foot of Mill st , TELEPHONE brackets and pins. Pioneer Wood Mfe-. Co..- E. Seventh. - Phone East 2106. - MBW-aaby-eerrlsge for ash-; Room 401 Tuurny bldg.. Second and Taylor. FERSOBAL. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month' treatment, 2; 8 monlha, 15;- aent securely aealed by mall. ' Agent. Woodsrd. Clarke A Co., Portland, Or. BOOK SI Here they are: "Decameron." "Hep tsmeron," "A Hot Tsmale," "Fanny Hill," "Twenty Yeare a Faker," "Forbidden FrulC" SOc each; llata free. A. Schmale, 228 First st FRER sample copy af "Mattimoalal Register" . for June to those calling .for asm st our office: br msll. 1V. Interstate Introdnrlng Welety, suot 24.. Kuasrl bldg., 165 iiourtt. LOST powers restored by - tb great Dr. Lorens's Nerve Toole Tableta: 25c per box. ' 8 boaee for It. 15. - Write or cell at Rraaell' Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet lat and Id. BALM Or FIOB for all female disease. - Alder fc Phone' Main- 4832, -- OCCULT end New Thought book. Jo Store, 101 Alder at. as. i i - i i i cass i a n mi mrr TO rZCKAXOE. WILL exchange '. business, well good drnratore doing nice well located. In Portland. dwelling In Pnrtlsnd: must be good. Whet bare -you -Mr definite tncatlnn ' of" prop erty; principals only. Addrees U- 61, Jour net EMPLOYMENT A0ENCE8. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BMP. OFFICE . Real eatate. roomlng-housea and -bualneea ehascee epeclalty. 278 Burnalde. Main SUBS. PACIFO COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Removed to X2k North Second sC Pbon Ksd 161. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMRNT OFFICE." i FOB MEN. IS N-. Secanel SC Pbon Mala 182S. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contrae- tors; help free to employers. 215 Morrison, HKbP-wsnted and supplied, -aaal er female, 4 - It. O. DRAKE, 2U5 Waablagtoa et.lsy 44. ALPINR EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help for . alah ad free... 152 First sC . I'bon Msln 1817. 185 MORRISON Colnmbls River Km p. sgency; skilled labor furnished, -rtion Msln 8263. ART EMFORITTlx.' FBOr. RICHARD UAX MEYER Portrait aad . la an acae artist; inatructloa la oil palatla. . water color, tc, and drawing: art gallerr connected with atndlo; pMure for eele and . framing to order. 848 Alder st. Pbon IMP. l I 1 'rrtrf A6SATERS.- THE J. H. Fish Assaying office Orosnley A Crawford, analytical chemist lad .metal- Turgista. to VI Washtngtoa aC BARD' IRTnmiEBTS. CHAS. B. YORK A CO, repairer and platers, removed to 87 First, t blocks north. . BICYCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA. TRIBUNR AND CRESCENT. SPORTING GOODS. RSPERT REPAIRIHA, F. P. KESHAN, SOS aUlHIJ. ST. . BATHS MA88A0E. MISS LKK, expert -nssseuse, gives steam bath with salt glows for rheumatism. Marqusrn roomlug-biu.e,' 14S' blitu, rouia 24. . Hours from' Mr to 8. VAI'OH and sponge tall, with massage and -.- magnetic rrcaiiuente by experienced youoT kill. , atfia JlnrUajin l ,i nsiiii in St'ftTCir1 lady; formerly of Third t fleea baUl aud maaaaa-tiNHHment at SuiU I list - at.; cof. "Taylor, roum I. Kw algn. " , " PA LACK Massage Parlors give vapor, spong snd alcohol balb. i-Li Morrison, rooma 8-4. XODNO lady give maaaage. vapor aad tab bathe. - nov 4th. corner Washington. j ' BLABK BOOR MAxTTjrTACTPRElS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAMT, 108-111 Seeoad an. Bank book maanfactnrera: ageata tor Jobs Improved Looa-Lf ledgers) see the. aW Eureka leaf, the beat en the market. CEMEVT CONTRACTORS. CEMENT WORK L'P TO DATE, with mea. elbowgress snd straight business. K. 0. Luadstrom., 803 Commercikl blk. CHAR. Ft. CARTER A CO,. 88 East Twentieth aC AU work guaranteed. cement aoatraesnra, fboue Kaat J87S.' OOMXISUOV MERCHANTS. DAVENPORT BROS Oeoeral commlssloa mv rhanta; trait and produce; eonalgoment s - lleited; prompt return. ISO groat C , BVRRDING A FARRELL. produo and commis sion merchants. 140 Front SC. Fortlaad. OS. - Pboa Mala IT. r-- CIGARS ABB TOBACCO. ESBERO-OCNgT CIGAR CO. I . uuulbatora of r-' rinia rinana IR. Portland. Oregoa. OABFET-CLEABTBO. STANDARD Steam Carpet-Cleaning 0. Carpeta cleaned, refltted. sewed and laldmattranee. teathera-reBOTatsd." Bast Third, north, aad - Pacific its. Kaat 200. Mrrrlman A North. HAVE your walla cleaned: we clean papered and painted wall; satisfaction guaranteed; ---prase reasonable; reference. Red Svot. J. HUNTER Steam' v carpet nd mattreaa eleaner. 550 Jefferson. I'bon Main 214. CXEABLBO ARD DYEIRO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A 3YEINS Works; practical hstter la connection; feather boss and plnmee cleaned and curled by aa ea- - part. Sit Foartb. Phone Clay 70.-" U.OTHKS cleaned and preeeed II per asoatau Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Washlngtoa sC H. -W. TURNER, professional dyer and Cliaasr. -bob gerreraoa at, rnoae Main aoia. I - 1 ' " g COAX ABD WOOD. CllVBCHLK- BHOH.'bava removed from foot ,ut Davia sc to a Hesrney st., near aievenin. ' It as now tbs largest woodysrd In Ue city, .earrylug all kinds of wood aud coal. Phone Main 831. WESTERN FEUD A FUEL CO., eor. Front aad - Hoyt ata.. dealers In domestic, snd steam . coal, blacksmith aoai. charcoal aaa . ouxe. Pbon Msia 1018. . . -trEt' civ ;BiN ..a a, l&KZ SbloVi I Dealer la eordwood.' COS dry elebwood. . R. R. and Al- brack east -af ferry.- Eaat B74, RUPERT FUEL CO. Tb beet dry wood la town. Don't forget ta phone Eaat 1485. SM Eaat Eighth aC, oar. Madison, STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO.. dealer ta cael. cord wood and dry alab wood, rnoa, OREGON FUEL CO.; all kind of coal and 844 Morrison, Pbqne Mala SB. " KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at. , wood aad aaaL Pbon Mala 45BB. CLAIRTOTAWTANBPALinSTj viniut JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, aalmlst, card reader: I give facta reliable sad las. portent oa all affair of real lift. Beading .' aoc. ee) aevenin sr.. near vaa. TBOCXEKT ABD OLASIWABB. WHOLESALE crockery-end glassware. Pre el . Ha-el A Co.. 10O tb 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. CABFEBTERS AMD BUILDERS. A, J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, eerpeatera and bnllderai repairing and jobbing; atore - and offlce Sxtare builC Shop 808 Columbia. Main 628T. ' CAFES, ERlCKSON'S RESTAURANT Merchant's lunch 11 a. m. ta It p. m. ander new mansgemenC O. B. Evans, prop. Second snd Burnalde. THB OFFICE 15 Waablngtoa, at. , Pbona Mala 771. Samuel Vlgneaux. - . DENTISTS. NET CHURCHMAN, dentlat,, 824 Marqnam, Sixth and Morrison. . Pbona Main 17AU. BOO) ABB HORSE HOSPITAL. DR.C.E BROWN. D.V.S..D. CM Dog. bore boe. pltal.887 Bnmslde. Phones: Maln408:Esat 1685. SRE88MAKIBO. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, mad for 1.85; shirtwaist suits, 4.bu. m waat ater- KEISTER'R Ladle Tailoring college; patterns cut to meaaure. Allaky hall 400. 1MB Morrlsoa. MRS. McKlBBEN.. artlstl dreea aad cloak- making. 651 Morrison at,- DREBBMAKING Btrtctlv Bp to date; latent deelgne. 488 Clay st "EUCCTRICAI, WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Compsny. 808 Stark St.. Portland. O. K. for - everything la tb " electrical Una. " Phone - Msia' IBbi. v: ., .7- PACIFIC Electric Co. Rnglneere. conrractora, repairer, electric wiring, supplies. 84 First, cor. Stark. Mala A8. R. H. Tate. mgr. -nrSNITTXRI FACTORIES. OPEGON Furniture Mannfaetarlng Company Manufsctorers of furniture fur tbe trad. Portland. Or. FCRNITCRR manafarturtag and epeetat order, U Ravenaky'a furniture factory. 870 Front at FTBKACEB, BOTNTON warm -air furnace save faL J. C, Bayer Farnece Co., 158 Second. Msia 481. FOREST BESERTB SCI IF. FOREST r.ESERVR SCRIP FOR SALB ap proved, anreatrlctea-reaay tor immediate asei lowest price. w. e. si s. 0. auivr. mm Chamber of Com FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS. Jl'BT opened to settlement: 8a. level, valley lands; no stone or timber; water and anil 5 rat claas. Com la and let. us locate you. Room 84 I, abbe bldg.. Rewind and Waablngtoa. -BBOCEBS.- WADHAMS A CO., whole) grocer. msn lecturers and commission mercbaata, FeartA ' and Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission and prxdnee mer chants. Front aad Davia eta.. Port la sd. Or. HOTELS. THR BELLE VUE 50 newly furnished room, en suite or nngie. lil.iy, Fourth, cor. Salmon. Terms reaaonsble. "' Mala 1U45.- TUB LINDEIA. HOTKI Market, ber. Third and Fourth, Portland; entirely new; European and - Anwrtoxn plan; 8n to 2 per dsy. . .. Hotel PeadletoB, Pendleton. W. A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland, American plan; 88. 88 per day. HOTEL SC Oeorg. FsadleAaa; leadlBR botal. BELVRDRRB. Ljropesa plea 1 4 tb and A Mar ata. HOTEL, RESTAURANT AMD CAMF BANOIS. HOTEL RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Olbbeu A Sextoa A Co.." Baveateeoth and Upshur ata, largest stock hotel. reatanraaC ramp rangea gasolln atovs ad retrsra tor la tb Jtyr . ....... 0ARDENSR8. . QABDKNS msde and kept, la order, hedge trimmed,' Pbon order Jo Noble, Mala ABDWABE. SatliuA qV- ;U , llirdwira Cn mllrltl nrmnrtaaUy 18. price. 48 tat, eor. Aldr. Mala 1834. 'iTBUB-'" A1B KOIXf J, J, BORQ. Banufsetorer ef kumaa hair rails, U.&JLjKtu. I' bone East taiLJ XBSVRABCB. a- , " m aanejanb,,.! LAMBERT.. WHITMER A CO. Fare tnanraae -ad real estate, euceeeeore to Arthur WIsk - A Co.; ofbeea. Weat eld. 101-Jua Shwlock - bldg.. Mala ludSt eaat aide depC U4 Eaat Alder iUtlaen' benkl East 4K1. ISA AO U WHITR. Are .taarBra. 800 Dsk JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and Inr dividual surety bonds ef all klada . I'bon 47. 80t McKay bldg. H. F. BARTELS-COMPANT Mr Insurance, 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbona Clay 688. 7 LOCKSMITH. KEY fitting, cast-tron braving snd general re- Pilrlng. J. II. Rkhsrdsfo, tod Fourth at, hone Hood 17S2. MONEY - TO X.0AB. THE STAR LOA CO." Any salaried employe, wage-ear BSC, can gel sa nut note, wiinout morigsgs m. Month. M Mi Montb. Week. ! 30.00 Repay 25.00 Repay 15.00 lunar to as 818 83 r 8S or 6.1.KI to a i 8.65 er Al SB or il.08 ta as I 4 00 or 2 00 ar I1.U0 . - 310- McKay bldg. FIVE ne rest money? we bnlld vo bom or msa row moper on yvur , 7 . wamtoir paymenta; lnreatlgats; open Sstnrrisy eren - , Ing. Hooma la-ll Jeanne -etflg.; zzi H wasa. MONEY TO LOAN oa real, personal aad col lateral security; special sttsotlon to ensttel mnrtgsgaa; ante bonght, C. Wa-sllet, 804-8 Fsnto bldg., 84 Sltfb st HIGHLY reepertehle plsce where ladles end ! rents can borrow money on diamonds and ewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, to8 Waab ngtoa at I'bon Black 71. 15 LOANS and upward oa all kind ef aeew ' rlty or to salaried people on their note: lowest . ratea; no publicity, no deUy.8.ll Ablngloa bldg. Phone Red 172- MONEY ADVANCED aalarled people, teamsters, ate.; without eecnrlty: essy psyments; isrg " eat bualnese In 48 principal cltlea. Tolman, 128; Abtngtou bldg.T CHATTEL losna In a mounts ranging from 128 - to 85, 000; roomlng-honses a apectslty. New Era Loan A Trust Co.. 208 Abingtoa bldg. LOANS at lowest rate on turnltue, -wtanoei any security note purchased. Eastern Loea -C(Bcer 44 Sherlock bldg. e-- MONBY TO LOAN In Isrge or small amounts on good security; lowest rates. William 0. - Beck. 807 railing b'.dg. ,v '- MONEY to loan In -strrmr tn aDlt at 5 and S -per cent. W. j J. Clelfceos, X78.8Urk.aL, Chamber of CofnmeKe. - , - LOANS oa' furniture, planoa. -other ascurltl, lowest rates. . 8. W. .King, room 45, Wssb, bkHh-Mafa-8100. ; . - ; . . - THBV CRESCENT LOAN eftaiPANY Salary loan, from tbr to alt mouirnr? eonadear'. 217 6r-gonlao. MONHY TO LOAN en Clackamaa eouaty land. B. F. nd F. B. Rller. 808 Chamber at Com- mere. .. .. PORTLAND REAL ESTATR LOANSS AND I per cent. Wm. Deflbolm. 125 Falling bldg. MONEI-TO-LeN,-e rent. Northrop King. 210-211 Commercial block. MUSICAL. nin ir... 7Pie.oi.v. I n a nlanoe Dronounced tbe beet br leading - tmialctanrc-Ylio Cacljlan plano-playera, B. U. W11IS MUSIC UDISt, AiW SIIMr V. SECOND-HAND musical Inatrumenta of all kinds at loweat price, cash) or installments. Fisher Music Co.. ISO Tblr at. - - MRr ANt? MRS. H. A. WEBBER, banjo, mando lin, guitar laatractloa.Mala loss. 178 w.parx. LESHONS 5W piano, guitar, banjo; mandolin, violin. -241 4 Flrat St. Mra. Martin. MAGNETIC HEALTHS. MRS. L. H. HART treat a n dlaeaaee, atnmach , trouble, nerrouanes end functional weakness, Conaultatloa frea. til Tourney building. HOT ART PUBLIC. PREPARATION of deed and mortgagee a - speclslty; price reduced. - B. A. Fraase, BIB, the Msrqnsm. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing: anion mad. Neustsdtar Bros., manufacturer, rortland, or. FH0T00BAFKI0 MOUNTS. B. U WOODWORTH. Mfg.. 1 (Wit,; Fourth St. Ihe lateat atyica or atount rtoarq. FLUKBERST DONNERBERG A R ADEMACHER. ' sanitary plumber. 84 Fourth at. Both pboaas. FOE A CO.. sanitary plumber. 231 Second beC Main sad Salmon. Oregoa Phone Main Sool. FIAMO TUBIBO. ttKORUH ANDERSON Expert piano tuner and repairing. Inquire Flsbsr Music Co. KeO. awi. FLATIMO. EASTERN PLATING CO.. - 828 First Gold, sliver, copper, nickel aad brass plating. Jewelry work speclslty. THR OREGON rLATTNT WORKS -48r- Wssb. iBgton st. Phons 2575. Pollablng, plaUng aad lacquering. - ' T FAIBTS. OIL ABD OLAS8. F.-R. -BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window-glass nd Jlaalcf. 135- rixst sC Phone 1834. . . ' RA8MUBBEN A CO Jobbers, prints, ell, glass, saab aad doors. Second and Taylor. BOOFIBO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing, i. coatn. zjg jeirarsoa ex. PRINTING. BU8110NO A CO. Front aad Stark ata... print. Ing, lltbograpblng, bunk . books and otnc supplies; work don on time; most complst printing offlce In tbe west. Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUN1WAY COMPANY, printing lltbograpblng, blank books. 1'boss Mala 11. KW Alder at. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. B. H. 8. MULDER, expest seeoantant. room 441 Sherlock bldg. ; booka "openrd, adjusted and SBdlted; Books kept tor smsll concerns; mine rate cbsrges: Bret-clsss references. Msia 8U08. ROPE-. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Foarteeatk aed Bortnrup eta., Portland Or. RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder St.. phons If . I M VIO MMua mtm . n gage, trade checks; send for rsuiogae. SHOWCASES '.AMD-FIXTURES. BHOWfASES at every deaciiptloal bank, aad twe Sxtnrea msde to order. Ibe La Msnnfsctnrlng Co., Portland. STORAGE ABD TRANSFER. SAFES. 'plaaos aud fnrnltur moved, lacked resay- tor enippiiuf sna enippea; all Work gusrsateed; Isrge. 1-story, brick, flre-peuof wsrehouse for storage, tirnee 18 lint sc C. M.-Oisea. Phone. Mala 547. - ' a O. PICK, offlc 88 First St.. between Stark nd Oak ata., pbona 66; pisBoa aad furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodlooa Sre-proof, brick . wareboaee. Front und Clsy sts. STORAOR spsc to let In an new balMlng. are water st, aigier Bulling vommiaswa fcmpany. .... . , - STREET AVIKO. WAKKKN Construction Co. Street Paving, side walk and crtwawalta. T18 Uregonlaa Blag. THR TrlnMsd Asphalt Paring Ca. of Portia Bd. Ofnt-a 855 Worcester blk. BAFES.- FOR opening lockouts and bat bargain ga to - J.-B.. Davis. 8 Third t. SOUVENIRS. Tna MORGAN CO. 108 to-'lia Second St., 8d floor. ' t , Mannfseturer and jobber of Lewi and Clark ouvtntra; booth and strmt Und fitted out complct. TIMBER. WK bsv fur sale Banta Fe, Ban Fraorlaea hlnuntatn force! roeervet thle will nter- - timber lead; also Itto Bloux scrip-, which will enter Unsurveyed Isnd. Maglunla A Boll, 127 Falling bldg. HOMKSTEAD RELINQiriSHMF.NTS 8,ono,000 feet Br, nesr coaat, iniirovciuenra. reaeonani feet; Investigste quick. Its) Allaky bldg- FDR SALE Two aomeetead retlnqalssment clslms; second growth: will ell bp. M. . P. Klelson, HoUl Bhrlnpfabu, 1 , FOR HOMRBTE ADS. timber claims (ad arrlp apply t 806 Commercial Clock. TTFATWBTTIBS. TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTER -- dl Foartb Street. . W rant, repair.- sell, exehsnge typewriters, all euppiiee ror en msenin. ' Standard machine 125 and pv t 116. ' Da vou went a stenographer or trnkitt W hsve list ot good snpUcaata. . Pbon Black 2871. BTENOORAPHEBS " rrprtrr.iTitR ratiihottsb I . L - , win calf snd get any machine -and thoroughly clean with Dentine ror u Muresa Ji-initl C ' Pbon Main 2045. . BMCKRNSDORFRR typewriters. npnNs. re- oalrliiB. . Roes A Ross. 868 Stsrk. Main 1ST", TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, so, . 11 per Bxmth. Lawrence Re,' Towel Sapply Co.. Fourth snd Conch. Pboa 4SB. TRANSFER ABO HAUXIBO. OREGON TRANSFER-CO..--184 North Sixth, . Pbon MsU V Heavy kaallng aad storage. FOBT-S PltCt AT, DEL I V R T . -B ov B06H W - Inrtoa st. Pbon Msln 881. . TURKISH BATHS. DBV MOORRFIRLDof Stoeferon. Cel.. be Turkish and eteam batb'at 80S Fifth St. TIOLTIIS. J. A. WESCO. violin-maker and repairer: work - Sret claw. 15 Raaaell bldg. 4tb and Morrison. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 Beosad St.. bet. Yamhill and Taylor, Portland. rrvAjrciAL. DlRTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, I : ... NO. 108 THIRD ST. T ' The Oldest Trust Compsny In Oaegon, -RESOURCES -OVfcK WO General Banking Bualne Conducted. Havinra llenoalta Received. Tim certificates leaned; also certificates of denoalt navahfe nnnn 10 dare' call. 80 dare' call-or day' call With Uitereat at 8, 814 and 4 per cent per annum, reaneetlvely. Call or send for bonk of illustrations. BE.SJ. I, COHKN.., President II. L. PITTOCK Vlce-rresldent B. LEE PA'IKT, i Secretary J. 0. OOLTBA Aaalstsnt Secretary 1 r IR ST-S At 10 N A LB AN kT 1 f OF PORTLAND. ORESOB. Designated Depository snd Financial Agent af - ' ue cniiea Biaiee. Preeldent..... A. L. MtLI4 Cashier J. W. NEWK1BK Aealataot Cssbler .........W. a ALVORD Second Asslatsnt Chler...,..B, F. STEVENS Lslters of Credit leaned Avallsbl . In Enrop ana tne csatern state. " Sight Exchahg ' snd Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, 8C Louie. SC PsuL Omshs. Saa Franclaco aad tb principal points In the BorthwesC Sight and time bills drawn In sum to enlt on London, I'ana, Berlin, a rank rort -on-1 he al I n , Hung Kong, Yokohama, Copeobegsa, ChrUtlanla, Stockholm, SC Petersburg, Mos cow, Eurirn. . ttonoiuin. OoUaotlon Made ea Favorable Term. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, OF PORTLAND, OREGON'. BORTHWEST COR. THIRD ARB OAK STB. Transact a Oeneral Bsnking Business. - - -' " DRAFTS I8HUKD Avsllsbls In All Cities of tbe United Bute nd Europe., Uong Kbbf aad Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OH FAVORABLE TERMS President , ,...J. C. AIN8 WORTH VU-e-l'resldent. W. B. AYER Cashier B. W. 8CHMEEK Aesistsnt Cashier.. ....A. M. WUIUUT LADD A IILTOW, BANKERS. (Esublisbed In 1UI.) Transact a Ojnsral Banklne Buafnsaa- Collectloos msde st all polnta oa favorable terma. Letter of credit Issued available la En rope and all polnta In tbe United State. Sight Fichsng aud Telegraphic Transfers sold oa lNow lorx. waablngtoa. Chicago, BC Loots. Denver. Omaha. San Franclaco asd Montsna and-Hrltlab Columbia. Exehsnge aoin oa London, Paris. Berlin, g..nHprt, Hong Bang, V.A.A...., XI. .11. Honolulu. SECURITY SATINOS A TBU8T COMPANY. S88 Morrison St., Portland. Or. Transacts a Oeneral Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.- - tntsreat Allowed on Tim and Baring Deposits. Acts ss Trust for Eatsts. Drifts and. Letter of Credit Avsllsbi ta AR parte of the world. C. F. ADAMS President L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. .Second Vice-President tc u. jLBiii ....secretary MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. . POKIXABIL. 0BJ.O0B. J. FRANK WATSON President K. U I'l HitAU viee-I'resldent R. W. HOYT ........Csahler UEOKGR W. HOYT Assistant Casblsr Transact a Oeneral Banking Bualneaa. Draft and Letters of Credit lasued Available - to.-A 11 Parta -of . the- Worlds Collection a Speclslty. - ' MORRIS BROS. A CHRI8TENSEN, , Vi First Street, Pertland. Or. Ofter CIH-Edg Investments la Monlrlpsl and - Railroad Bonds. Writs orTlL ' 7 MORTOAGU LOANS Oa Portland Reel Eifate at Lowest Rata. Titles Insured, - Abstract Furnished. " TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO. Room 4. Chamber ef Com mar os. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Spencer Line FastJSteamer i- Chas.R. Spencer 'Daily round trip to The Dalles from Washington irtrret dock at 7 s. tri., except Friday and Sun day. - - - . Tb sTiritirlaiid ef AmarloA; , 'Toa JKacnlScent Bonr la tb . World. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to tbe four-million dollar -Cascade Locks and Rctunt Leaving; foot of AVaahlngtori strtet at t a.-m., arrlvlnf born st , I p. m, . - ," ,, Round Trip Tickets $1.00 1 Tclcphon Alain 1423. JB.'W. BFT-,"' Ctneral JJaung . -nd. Or. RAILROAD TIBET ABLER, MS - AnclViw 'liOIIiINB and UNION PACIFIC 3 trains to the East Daily J Tbroagb Fallmaa standard asd toorlvt aleea. ' In ears Sella L Ouiaha. Chicago. Bnokaosg toarbit sleeping r dally to , Ksaaa Cltyg inrouga ruiimsa iui ,ua e tpvrw, ally con doc ted I weekly to Cbicsge, BecUnta4 L'KlO.t DEPOT. t Leave. Arrive. CBICAOO-PORTLABD . '' SPECIAL. - 8 a. ax. For tba Eaat via Bus'. ' " ; ' In ton. . j . - SPOKANB FI.TRR. l ' - For Esatern Washing - mlmm-' Mn. Wslls Wills. Lew SrtS f. m. SBajBse Isto. Coeat d' A Uae Dally. Dally.., y and r Kottban ' ' ...:': points. i ;. '; . . ; ' .. ATLAMTIO ' REPRESS. m Celnmbla Rlvsr Division. FOR ASTORIA snd way point, connecting .with 810 p. . Dsllr. About 8:00 p. as., sx. Suaday. Stmr. fa IIWBM an ex. Bnndsy. Baturaay. : North Rascb,. str. Els. -. anm doe. I0:nn p. m. . Taaahlll River Beat. 2tt "iTJON, Oeeswal City asd Tamhlll River m. points, stmr. Bulb aadl lll!t afodoe Asbt. dock. ex, Sunday -iWstcr nermlttlng.l J - -Snake Rive . Tflflf, m. Dlly. . . sx. SaadAy, FOR LRWI8TON, Ida., nd wsy point from Rlparla. Wssb.. amr. 4:00 a. SB. About 8 pm ' Monday Wednesday Friday , . Tuesday Tharsday . Sunday Spoksae and Lewlatos- TICKET OFFICB. Third and Waablngtoa. Tel. paea Msia 71 A. ta CRAIQ. eeaarat Pssssogar Ageat. EASR SOUTH Leavea. CNION DEPOT. OVERLAND REPRESS train, for Salem.' Ross burg. Ashland, Sacra mento. Ocde. Baa s'raa- SJ0B.D, TiJS a. a Cisco, Storktoo. Ls Aa- Klee, Rl raao, Mv or ins and tb East, -al or nine traia eoa- Bct ' at Woodburs dally . except Sunday 8:80 a, Bk with tram Tor alt. Angel. 8 1 1 v r t e a, Brownsville. (Drill. :10M field. Weadllog aad Kstroa. Eugene peasenger con-f 8:00 p. m. nects at woodnura wits Mt. Angel and Silver-; 10:88 8.BV 'Ton wicai. T:n a. a ft nq p Cores ills pasaeoser. S:Wp. m. eDstly. Fanlsad-Oswege uburbea Sarvlo sad TasakBt , . Drrlalea. , OetMvt toot of Jetfersoa street. tjT Portland dslly for Oeweew T:8S a. m. ItSd, StOS. 8:88. 8:20, 8 SS, T.4S. 10:18 B. m. Dally (except Sunday), 8.80. 8:80. 8:88. 18:8S . m.i 8:10. 11:80 p. ss. .. Baaday aal.:M a. m. Returning from Oeerege. arrive Portland daily 8:80 a. m.l 16.' 8:(IS. 8:18. T IW. S:M. 11-10 P. m. Dally (except Bnndsy) 8:30, T:Sn, 8:80. 10-10. 11:48 a. m. Except Monday. U:S9 . p. m. Bnndsy only. 10:00 a. m. tjeaeed from same depot for Dallas snd Intel, mediate points dally 8:00 p. m. Arrlv Fort land 10:11 a. m. , , - Tba IndependearcMoamoafk Metes' - Lisa operate dslly to Monmouth and Alrlle, ens aecttng with Southern Partne ompaay' track r Dallae and Independence. . Flrst-claaa far from Portland Bser smear Bd Baa FrsBdaeo 120. berths fl; SMoad-aa fare 818. second -el a a berths H.BO. T1cks to Fastem polnta and Fm up. aaw Japs a. Cbtnn, Honomra and Aswrralis. City Ticket Offlc corner Third aad WsxaV. Ingf-r, efer.. Fboaej MaiB.rH. t W.-STINOEB, . 01iA?r. City Tick AgL fla. Fas. Af. , TIME CARD rains; Portland: UNION BRPOT.- Departs. Pagvt Bound Limited. for Tscoma, Beat tie- Olympla. Soalb Bend and Gray' Harbor 1:80 a. ax. :ap.i nolnt. . Norfb Coast Limited, for Taeoma. ' Seattle, Butt. St. Panl. Min neapolis. Chicago, Raw Tork, Boston snd points I.OOp. T:00.DV Esst and Southeast. Twin-City Kinross, for, Tscoms. Sesttle. Spo- snsv- Heia, t. Peal, New Tork. Roetoa and all points Eaat sad 11:- l p. a. tMbll, aonrnesst. - Puget Sound RTsnsas Dty-St. Louis Special, fnr "Taeoma, 'Seattle, Spokane, Rutte Billings. i Denver, umsns. Kansas City, St. Louis and all s. ax. f lOS p. tB points and bo nib esst. All trains dalle aen snn n. brsnca. . a. D. rniti.Tnii Asslatsnt Oeneral Paseengsr Ageat, - 8X8 Morrlsoa st. eor. Third, fortlaad. 0. Astoria & Columbia : - River Railroad Co. MM I Q (ocfttN. stAsaJ I af f t Aa?A raV- OF ; Leave. UNION DEPOT. Arrires. 8:00 8.8. For Mayrir; Ralalet; rtS . 1 Dally. . Clatskaal. Weatnoet. Dsllr. . , , Cllftoe, . Astoria. Wsr- v . reatoa. Flavel. Has. a. , ... mood. Fort Stevens. - i Oearksrt Psrk. Sesslde, i , , . Astoria sad BassSore.- .. - . .. T ort p. m. faprea. 4fly.-.' .! -Dally. " S:d8 p. sa, -.. .Aterls Exsrsss, S. o. warn ,-F. d r. A., Assorl, Oe. C. A. STEWART, rommerelal Agana,.li Asia Tlek8 Offloa in VUU BV hw BBS i rrttiMcontinBritat W Trains! Dully. a J FAST TIMU TO CPOKANE T. VkVU DUIUT, allNNKAPOT I', C 'A'0 AiU ALL, 1..:. k,A r. Iiarl'-bj tr'i t .-s i - r - -