The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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    k r--
V - 1
Congressmen Praise the Exposition
We carry the largest and most complete stock in the city, our.
Hospital Ambulances Have Dull
r Day and Hurry-Up Wagons
:: ' Are Not Needed. -;,...
prices are by far the lowest, W simply Wy rnmptitinti With J
every Diamond we sell we give a certificate absolutely guaran
teeing the guality and value of your purchase, and further agree; to buy back anyv. diamond
within one year at 10 per cent less the cish purchasing price...' . V- . '
i :;
: a--' x:;x -a-' - .
V . .
C,; ' ' i, ' H. C Loudeniliger.;' ' , ." ' ' 1 N. Littauer. J.;'7J Vf. A. Rodenberf.
--' .-. ' ' 1 .... w -
.J. Sibley.
:Th mala body of ,tb-oonrioBal
delecation leave tonight for Tacoma,
rout lo Alaska. --Tbaorth bound
excursionist jrlll be Speaker Joseph O.
Cannop, CoriKressmen and Mrs.- Jamel
Tawncy and daughter Joaephlnof
. Minnesota, IL C. and Hn. Laadenalarer
: of New Jersey. H. C. and Mrs. Adams
: of Wisconsin, J. C. McAndretra and H.
and Hra.- Rodenberg and wife yf
V Illinois, 1. A. Beldler of Ohjp; O. R.
Patterson and J. C. Sibley of Pennsyl-
tvanla anTtWrBthiby of Illinois, aeo-
. retary- to tha speaker;- Bergesnt at
Arms of the House Henry Kasson, Alex
ander McDowell of Pensytvonla, clerk
ff the house, ' and Frank B. Lyon of
New -Tork, doorkeeper- of. the house,
and Senator i.- A. Hemingway, son and
daughter, of Infllanajrhfl-waa-aiipolnti I
ed on the house oommjltee and suose
quently elected to the senate.
Congressmen R. L. Henry -of Texas,
-2MianN. X,lttauer of New York and
J. 8. -Small f Nrth"Cafollna -wllHeaal
inv noui oeiegaituit nerv ana sccom
peny the senalorlal party southward
. Into California,
t ' Trip of XayastlgBttoa,
' -Mr. Tawney, tha" man who secured
; the exposition appropriation from con
ygress, as chairman of the house eom
, mlttee on expositions. Is In charge of
. the movements of the Alaska-bound
' legislators, and says tha Journey north
'. tu to acquaint tha members of congress
with tiha needs of tha immense region
there, which la not represented In the
national lawmaking body.
' "We feel that It is our duty to take
. advantage at tha presence of tha ln
luntlal congressmen that compose this
. party, and sea that -they learn some
thing about tha needs of the Alaakan
1 country, with respect to legislation,"
. said Mr. Tawney.,. "Alaska occupies tha
samerelalionshtir tO!hs -country at
large aa does the IMstrict of Columbia.
All laws for Its benefit must be enacted
. by congresa, Tha territory has no dele
gate In congress, and therefore has no
means of communication with that body,
excepting through interested persons
'who often unconsciously color their
' statements, or through the departments.
Tha.-territory-4a growing atsurh- a
"rata that theTg '1 a FOTigtant demand
for legislation, and the members . of
, " f,
Qualities that are dependable. Prices that have no competition
383483 East Morrison -Street " "
J. A. Beidler.
congress feel that it Is a duty to them
selves and to the resident of Alaska
that they go on. tha ground at every
opportunity and gain auch information
as may be obtained, that they may tha
more intelligently vote on questions that
arise from time to time. .
Gratified at Splendid masnlts,
"I believe that I can speak for; the
other members at the congressional
commltt -here to attend 4he eapooltlen
opening ceremonies In aaylng that they
feel not only satisfaction, but gratifica
tion at the splendid results achieved by
Portland, Oregon and the Pacific north
west in building thia exposition. Now
that the great enterprise has -been
launched, I may perhaps appropriately
relate the history of the movement that
fwaarnaugurated f or securlng-thgrgQE-:
ernment appropriation. The members
of congress generally -felt that there
that will appeal to
your taste and purse
make vou. throueh its service-piv
ing qualities, a permanent customer of
this store, is the only sort of clothing
you jiyiU find here. Comparison is a
sure-test and ;-one:that:alwaysproves"
our clothing price for price far supe
rior in style, quality, workmanship and
Men's Sack Suits
at $10 to $20
In single and. double breasted-modelsv
r r mm m . ...
we oner you a wiae cnoice ot tabrics in
all the newest colorings and patterns.
J. H. Small.
wera Insuperable' obstacles, and that tha
peoaile .here bad undertaken a task fat
beyond tha limit of their- possible ao
compllshment. They thought it was too
near in time to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition to be a financial success, and
that it would be impossible to build, tha
fair-In the time set. . - .
'But, with -the exposition an actuality.
inaugurated fn ao auspicious a manner.
and obviously on the road, to . success
both aa to Its character aa a great ex
position and its financial management.
all the members of congresa who are
here and those who learn of these, facta
will be glad that there was' insistent ef
fort to obtain government recognition.
WU1 TaU tha yaopls to Coxae. N '
"Aside from what men have done, rm.
ture has endowed fhe typnultlnn with
such marvelous beauties of location and
environa that these alone will te a sali
ent element In the brilliant success that
will be achieved." .
"And you are going to have an at
tendance that will exceed that . which
you estimated." aaid Congressman Ad
ams of -t h? ttss standing.
near by. "I have heard mora people say
they were going to the Lewie and Clark
fair than I heard declare they were go
ing to St. Louis last year. I believe
that success has been demonstrated al
ready, and that the exposition here will
be - unique. In that it will have no
"That was one thing that made mem
bers of congress hesitate to vote for
the 'federal appropriation," added Mr.
Tawney. . ."They feared yourv people
would Ae coming to Waahlngton asking
for money to make up a deficit. Wa aeo
now that all fears were unfounded, and,
therefore, wa congratulate the people of
Portland and this region on the sub
stantial results thst have been achieved.
We leave for our homea to scatter the
werd that whoevef wants to see an" ex
position worth aeelng and a country un
equaled In attractiveness should board
the train en.' routs to the Lewis and
Clark fair in this city."
' -A -
President of Concessionaires
Says It Compares Favorably -With
Midway and Pike.
Ed M. Bayllss, whose long experience
In expositions Jed to his recognition by
tha other concessionaries aa the man
best fitted for the presidency of their
association, was more than pleased with
tha events of tha opening day and the
appearance of tha Trail. - '- -
"While the Portland midway Is not
to large as those--of- soma other -expo
sltions," said Mr. Bayllss, 'In proportion
to the territory, covered by -tha .various
expositions, the Trail ranks vary favor
"I have noticed for soma years paat
a tendency on the part of tha publlo to
get away from the old class -of show
and to give their attention to attrac
tions which appeal actually and intel
lectually through beauty and art and
Interest. 'Tha - concessionaries ' have
learned this, and - from what I have
heard, the Trail will, when complete,
present a larger proportion of meritori
ous, beautiful, mechanical, electrical and
scenlo productions than have ever be
fore .been seen proportionately speak
ing, of courae. -...
"It is my best Judgment '" that two
weeks hence .will, find the -Trail -complete
in every detail, while at Bt. Louis
two months . were necessary -after- tha
opening to produce this result"'
Mr. Bayllsa expresses keen satisfac
tion at the location. of the Trail. Tha
Pike at Bt. Louis was off to one side
of the grounds, far removed from tha
exhibit buildings, necessitating a special
Journey to visit It, while the Trail la
the connecting link between the exposi
tion snd government exhibits end neces
sarily one of the busiest thoroughfares.
"Since the publlo demands something
worth while, and -tha -public has 'been
catered .- hero'i. he- eoncludedr-'!1 csn
but believe thst the Trail and Its at
tractions will be successful. Individually
and collectively." .,''' f- ,"
. . Aa Zaqury. .
She But I couldn't make her listen
TO me. v '
Her Husband Really T - How did she
. . i
get WW. Dl lli , . ..
Stranger Demands Interview
With Fairbanks on Aerial Su- -
premacy of Nation.
Only -three arrests, were made by the
exposition guards yesterday and not one
by the police at the sals.; a more or
derly and good-natured crowd was, neyer
seen at an xpoaitlon.-
Two men laden with spirituous and
mental - enthusiasm became boisterous
on the Trait about It o clock last night
and were taken In charge by the guards
and escorted to the outer darkness,. ,
The third man arrested is John Con-
rAll.-who-inslsted-on-enterlng tha New
Tork building at Z o clock In tne aner
noon and having An audience with Vice
President Fairbanks. The guards told
Connell that It would be impossible to
see the vice-president, and when he be'
came insistent, arrested him, - Connell
protested vehemently against thla, say
ing that he desired to outline a plan- to
the vice-president by which the. govern
meni" could gain control of the naviga
tion of tha air. He declared that the
people should rlda free when they de
sired and that money for maintenance
of airships and balloons should be de
rived from a tax on foreign Immigrants
and by taking a portion of tha wealth
of the rich. He deplored tne recxiess
extravagance of President 'Roosevelt,
who had spent $4,000 on his Colorado
hunting trip, and. said this sum could
have been uaed 'for erecting mile, posts
snd signboards for the aarlat navigators.
He waa neia in cusioay uniu o"k
laet night,- when ha-was -taken-outside
the gatea and released.
The entire exDoeition guard, consisting
of aentrlea and three noncommissioned
b fficersaia 10 hours' duty yesierasyr
Tha absence" of accidents and disturb
ances was largely-due- to the excellent
management of the crowda by the guard
nder Commander C.E. Mcuonau.- Lap
tain T. N. Dunbar was officer or tne
day. - This morning st J0 o'clockhe
waarlleved by Captain Charles , A.
Murphy. 'These men will alternate as
officers of the day every 1 hours.
Many of tha men who were on auiy
for-10-hours.yssterday, after lht
hours' rest last night, reported this
morning for 19 IwUrC detail.
Une or tna onicers biicu iiih.
lng that the number of guards la en
tirely too- small and there should, be at
least 175 additional men.
Acting Captain Blover, In charge of
tha- polices. substation-ouUlde tha fair
gates, -had ill men on duty yesterday.-
"A more orderly crowd I hava never
seen,"1 said Captain Blover thla morning.
Grand Banquet and Reception to
' Mr. Fairbanks ClimajL
Opening Exercises.
'. ' i
trhe culminating feature of the great
nn.nin. riv tha dinner In the New
'York building In honor of Vice-President
Fairbanks and tne aisunguisBco.
Twlio accompany him
There were 140 eTUestS at ainner
probably 1. 000 at tha reception. The
banquet hall, the big reception hatl and
the verandaa all were utilised. The
entire building was beautifully decor
ated. The favors -were birch-bark - ca
noes filled -with- flowers.--
The guests at dinner:
- Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbenka.
Governor and Mrs. George E. Chamber
lain. President' and Mrs. H." W. Goods,
Speaker Joseph O. Cannon, Mayor and
Mrs. Williams, H. W. Scott, ex-Benator
and Mrs.. George W. McBride, Congress
man and Mrs. Blnger Herman, Colonel
Henry-E.-Dosch, director of exhibits,
and Miss Camilla Dosch, Senator Samuel
H.- Pllea of Washington, General and
Mra-Beebe, ex Senator Thomas Carter;
of Montana, Representative Tawney of
Minnesota, ex-Senator Thurston of Ne
braska, Senator Clark of Wyoming. Mrs.
C. K 8. Wood. Miss Nan Wood, James
McL Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Ayer,
Mr, and Mrs. 8. M. Mears. President of
the North Pacifio Baengerbund Paul
Weaalnser. Mr. and Mrs, W. Mr Ladd.
Mr. and Mrs.- J;JVsleyLadd, Charles
Ladd. Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. i.. Mra.
J. B. Montgomery, W. Di Wheelwright,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mackenxle. Fred V.
Holman, Dr. and Mra K. A. J. Mackensle,
A. A. Bchell, Thomas Kaiey, Mr. ana
Mrs. Warren B. Thomas, 'Mr. and Mrs,
T. B. Wilcox. Clifton N. McArthur,
Iwls A. McArthur, Mr. and Mra. Henry
E. Reed, Adolph Wolfe, T. Bcott Brooke,
Mr. and Mra. C. F. Adams, Mr. and Mra.
Whitney L. Boise, Joaepn Dotph. Mr. and
Mrs. "Walter Smith, .Major Clarkson.
George W.-Bates, Henry Ladd Corbett,
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. H. W.
Corbett, W. HWarrena. Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Ayer. Mr. and Mra George pood,
Mr. and .Mrs. Van Dueen, A..L. Mills.
Mr. and Mra. W. D. Fenton, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman-WlttenbexaV Mr. and Mrs.
L. Allen Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. '..David
Raffety, Miss Raf fety. Harry Mont
gomery, Cyrus A. Dolph, Mr... and Mrs.
Bamuel Connell, Director of Works Oa
kar Huber and Mrs. Huber, H. R. Button,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carey, Mr.
and Mra p. C Freeman, Mr. and Mra.
Robert Lewis, Mr.and Mra -1. N.
Flelschnef, Mr.' and Mra. A. H. Devers,
Mr. and Mra Frederick It 'Hopkins,
Colonel Steever, Mra. Walter F. Burrell,
Major 8cofleld, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Atns
worth. Miss Laurie King, Mrs. Hanna
Robinson, Mrs. Roy .C Norton. William
Moore. W. Glfford Nash, Frank Dreaaer,
Colonel Clay and Miss Clay. -
i -
Twenty - thousand people-gathered on
tha Lake view terrace last-night to hear
tha band concert, and tendered Innea
an ovation such as he has never been
sccorded before. Again and again he
was cheered. . The unanimous approval
of Inries' program ia convincing 'that
Portland people cars more for classical
selections thsn 'for tha popular rag
time. CASTOR I A
- Tor IMslhU and Children. "
Tbi KlniYoa Hau Alvajs Esht
Be art the
Signature of
' S7
The Portland Loan Office
MARX & BLOCH, , Proprietors.
We de crewa.sad bridge work erltheat aala
Our IS yi' ezperleBee ta plate werk ea
ablee tm to fit roar nwatb eomfortsbly.
Dr. W. A. WIm 1ms foand s safe way te
estraet teeth', abaolatelr without pala Dr.
X, P.WelS saaseert-eV-fta--lllo ss
crows, and biidse work. 1 xtrtctlag - free
whea plates er bridges are erdertd. -
WISE BROS.T Dentists"
radius Bnndtss. ese. TW.s4 Weak Sta -Opea
alno till t .- m- Csaeaya from
- u-tela. Or. afalsaow.
Inl'otel f afcmoiiiiinit'
I: Gtti ..nd.-UpHur-StPt-V-t
- Opposite Main Entrance to Lewis and Clark Exposition
- Only absolutely fireproof-hotel adjoining grounds, -equipped . wtth
electiie eallbella and special telephonic communications for patrons. Uni
formed porters and bellboys at all hours at gutm' pac.-
Rates $1 a Day and Up' 4
- Wr-H-LAlINcneraianagcjb--
130 Elegant Rooms Open for Guest ' , ; 26tband Upehur Streets
Hotel Detroit
CorTwenty-seTenth and Thurman
This elegantly equipped hotel,
newly and completely fur
nished throughout, is now
open to the public. ONE' BLOCK from main entrance to Fair.-
Rates Reasonable Special Rates to Permanent Guests
baths tij a-t jnr. . 1 book wttk batk, sa.oo to 'va.oo.
Magnificent free obserratory for guests, overlooklnr Fair Grounds
nd lty.i.Tak "M" streetcar fifm Union depot direct to Hotel Detroit.
Wo treat successfully all private nor
vous snd chronlo diseases of men; alen
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and
throat troubles. Wa cure STPHILIS
(without mercury) to stay cured for-
ever, In 10 to 6 ' days. Wa remove
STRICTURE without operation or pain,
in It days. . , '
'We stop drains, the result, of self
abuse. Immediately. - We can restore tha
sexual vigor of any man under by
means of . local treatment . peculiar ts
We Cure Gonorrhoea'
- In a Week ...... .
Tha doctor of this' Institute ara alt
reaular - graduates, hava had many
: years' experience, have been known In
Portland for IB years, nn-rm m rtpuaurai
to maintain, and will undertake no caaet
, ..Wain Miir fmn K atTAAtSA. l
W guarantee a cure In every case we
flnderteke or charge no fee. Consulta-
nva uuua r vn mac,, mi.... ,
W euro the worst eases of piles la two or three treatments, without' opera
tion Cur guaranteed.
If you cannot sail at odlce, writ for question blank. - Horn treatment sua-
'"omcs hours. to and J to I. Sundays and holidays, 1 to it
' Oinces In Van Noy Hotel, lift Thlrf Street, Corner ria. Portlan Or. .
Watches and Jewelry
Only the Taest known and most reliable makes 'can be found in
our establishment. ' WE DIFFER from the' exclusive jewelers
only in the matter of selling. We gather In the same markets,
of the same manulacturers travel together up to the selling
point there we part. ; Theirs must be a long profit, to cover the
short seasonsours the usual small profit.
na. w. a, wigs.
- t tM'lM man who gets his supply
of paints In this" store. Wa ara Juat as
anxious to please him as ha Is 'to be
pleased, .snd that's tna reaaon we noia
our trade so long. - It isn't only paint
quality, or prlcea."' of" even" courteous
. treatment or patrons 11 s - an inree.
Henca wo -solicit with confidence, a
. large slice of your paint supplying.
Fishqr,Thbrsen & Ca
. Cor. lront and Korrtao Sts. "
' .
rr. i
V J W ml
Solid footing and-gafe ground '
when your inquiries for hardware -of-
any -description- - ahelf or
heavy, builders . supplies or tools .
are made here. Don't take long
to- satisfy tha knowing- .man's
wants heref because the stock'a
. varied and tha-4)uallty top notch
. at - wlaelymade prices. t-
mm ureat vaincso uoctor i .
-. Is called great be.
; cause hie wonderful
cures are ao well ..
-. known throughout
the United States,
and because ao many
people are thankful
I to klm for savins
their live from
. fie treats any anT
all - diseases with
i powerful C h I n e se
herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vegetable - .
thst si's entirely un
known to medical sclenoe in tnis coun
try, and through the use of these harm- .
less remedies. This famous doctor know
the action of over tOO different remedlea
that he has successfully used In different -dlseaaea.
- Ha guarantees to our catarrh.
asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner
vousness, stomach, liver, kidney, fe
male trouble -and all pHvat-dlseaee
Hundreds . of testimonials. Charges
moderate. Call and see htm.
: oonnunos wn ;
Patients - out of ' tha city writ Tor
blank and elroular. Inclose stamp. Ad- i
dreaa . . . .. - . . .
lEDiciNEcor -r
. Its Alder street, Portland. Or. Stair
way of tftlH Alder Street leads to of
Sea. - Mention this paper.
- aohed rf--tha Oraaroa - Water
Power a By. Oo. Trolley Una.
Writ or Phon.
'. Xh S. HAJtnsTH, Manager.
; Bstaoada, Qregoa. ,
EA8S.,. Wa. want every- man afTllctol
with tha above diseases to honestly In-'
vestigate our special system of treat
ment. We invite In particular all who
have treated elsewhere l without mo
oes e, all ' whose i cases hava been
abondoned hy family physicians snd so
called -SPECIALISTS"; a)l whos trou
bles have been aggravated and made
worse by the use of BELTS. FREL1
ao-called SPKCIFICRi We will explain
to you why auch treatment has failed
to cure you, and will demonstrate to
your entire satisfaction that we can
cure you safety, quickly and pernW
nently. Our counsel will eost nothing
snd w will do by vou as we would wlali
you to doby us If our cssea were re
versed. Writ for our horn treatment
If you cannot call. .-
Booms aad f Winchester Bouse, Thirl
and Burftsld Sts.. Portland, Or.
- imiUIDS 1S7S. '
l v si
I 1