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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
.f I! 13 -4llflSIDE GIVESii XJOUTBYXTRACKS TlIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL' . PORTLAND. THURSDAY "EVENING, JUNE : 1. 1905. THE NATURAL FOOD eOrOF NIAQAPA-PALtS. N; Y. -tj.f: frrtTir: j . . ' . i! .- St. . -r- y !!.'" 1 1 "'"'".., 3 Prosperous ' Suburb Favors An. n i iTrrt Ar4 -f r!lu! ' r,MVww ' -" "'..."' ."'"'' Mil and ft isteenth Oarsman wen. I With Crime and Vict. V- PLEDGE OF C AN D I D ATE8 T r Senator Nottingham Urges Elec tlon of Counciljo Hold Up :' " ' Hand of Mayor, r " Bunnyside'i Intereat In th candidacy of Dr. Harry Lane (or mayor and of lha othar nominee on th cltlxan'a ticket ' wa la cvldenca laat nlcht - wfcan th I.ane metln wn railed to erdjr 7 8. Cf ier. In Boy Brlsade hall. Dr. Lane, Senator Charles M. Nat Unchain, W. A. .14 unly, A. 9, Tier! and V Vr. 8, A. Brown were tha peakar laat "" nirlit. rT -. : ", ... . vit la' not i Inniir natwttn tha -rt lamllJ.ilei," aald lr. Ian, "but a cpn- -.teat. between two element to different In nature that' a distinct Una separates them. It is a matter of common aoto rlrty that my opponent .has th' suit? -support of those who hav profited, by -thrlteenBTnif6fvlc In "thl city for three yeara past. Thee, people opnl . Jiav Indorsed Judg William and will be xlos to th mayor' a office If ha ' be" elected. ' The men to Into poltlu - for business reasons and don car 'through what party they aecur thl .' ends. . . - "I am rather proud they are' mot aup . porting m and that I am appealing ' those who ar diametrically opposed to the vica-licenslng policy. I would b proud to ba elected by th latter elasa nd would devote my best effort U to -worthy their conf ldenc.'' -1 1 rr8nator Nottingham, who brok th . slate laat year that waa road, by th Republican .machine, mad a vigorous rSpeech forTDrUin and th-rthr elti ena' candidates, He mphaalaed th need otlectlng a council- to aupport "Lane. -- - "- ' ' Mr, Munly apoke in favor of th eltl , sens ticket. Jlr. Fleael urged the alae. Jtlon-of a-eouncll in harmony with th -ynayor. The Elko tjuartet sanv iiaoxnil gpeclfl JUrrlce.X- .1: Naw YurH, Jon l-Jravsnd race rasuiu;-j . 1v furlong. Oreen Room won, Caa, Ipl ecoad, Jdontantea third; time, J: I. --AJSBHlJIt uron f.dy Amelia) won, Toavaa seeoad, , BigBnthtrd; limey Ts t rant &&..... Pa Fascae second. Canteen third) tlmo, t:T M. ; -. - f -,' Th Carlton stakes, mil Calrnform wen. Marry Lark seeood, gparlUlna? lur tpir; ttma, ll-. ; . ytvt 1 uf longr-01dney ' A. won. Con federate aecond, Belden third; - time. 1:01 4,1. -....! . About als furlong -w Colossal won. Maaancl second, Mr Buel third; time, Kanaaa pity, un 1-Blm Ittdf rae rfsuin; .. ..... , - Mile rlowa - won,.- Helferson - aecond, Hubh and Tumble third:- tlme,l:4JH yur furlongs Balver won. Matht acond. r Laita - OjAdston : third; time, :4. Hpppy Ld finished aecond, but waa disqualified. , iUv and a hall furlong Clorer- hampuja won, Malodloua .aecond, 8t' penla thirl; time, 1:0 . . Bl furlopga Tha Ladr Bnhlir' iHiirWaler au,d, - ttusa -Reufcen third) Mm. VWA. : . Ftr .furlong Clifton FoYg won. Pan Doea)' tecend, Ed Bail third; iiooH. . : . '.. ::'.rr:;: time, Bt Lou la, Jun 1. Fair ground race results: Flv furlongw-Mr. raleoner won. Netting aeconu. s Balance third; . time. 1 :0I. ' , . . Flv and half furtong Dr. Beharff won, Echodal second. Kiiao tnira; time, l:0 ' .- - . ' Flv and a half furldngr-8llrr Bu won. Dr. Gardner- eecond,- Oaea third; Vmr-l :Ot l-ev- -- Mile and a aliteenth Hlrh Chan eeUowonjGrego.Kcond, Taby To third; tim. 1: - Six furlong Howling Drvth won. Olen Oallan con. Luclan third; time, i At x-t. ;. ' . .... fandryr New. TorW,; Philadelphia Kittsnurar . Cincinnati Chicago . ..10 St. Louia . ii Boston . ,'..........,.14 Brooklyn . . ........ AN ARTISTIC BOOTHS IThe SHarpless: Ram. jepantSfJPio 7..--. Wy1 in (the Af ricultural , ,..S. ''""rnSBnildin:7i. v- On - entering - h-iLw1g aWClark Agricultural building from the aouth- east the beautifully artistlo oOt -of th Sharpleaa Cream Separator company la tha flrat thing that attract th y. ' Oreat rare Kss been taken to make It a - gem among ita neighbor and It com plete line .of- aeparatora will doubtless t greatly 4n'treat . farmer t4 rona 'engaged in ' th dairy .business, Th - booth, --in-bax Of W. A, Hudalaon, Paclfio coast repreaentatlT. with head - 4uartrs In Portland. , - oorrza club suon. ..,-.; t . r. (Special Olspetch t Ike JnraL ' rorvRllls, June 1-At a meeting la Ita hall Monday afternoon th Ladies' Cof - fe club elected th following of floors: XjgJdent, Mr. M. S. Woodcock; eecre- tar-, MraTTTAHelmr aaltaat a sore. . tary. Mra. Oeorg Irvine; treasurer. Mrs. F. Berchtold. THE MONEY yiu pay for a huslneaa education I - small compared to th amount of profit It will realise in after life. A thorough commercial training la th beat capital m business man can hav.- Our BVistness and Shorthand curtl, - ar thorough and up-to-date. Behnke-Walker Business-College - Sixth and Morrison. rortlaad. Or, Open all th yea. Day and night 1 or send, for catalogue. "Cal BLOOD POISONIs , Is the went atseee ea earth, ret tbe easteet rare WH8N KttU I KNOW "WHAT TO HO. Mr a4a eert la tbe alcet. falllaa bone Mia, ea- ' tarrh. an4 aua't know It Is BLOOD POISON. Send to ptt. BROW", W Arrfc St.. Philadelphia. Pens., lot BROWN'I BLOOD CUBE, li.00 per settle: lots ea ooDth. Sold ia Portued ealy bf fssak ptt, Portleed Hotel Pbarauer. xoiarrlUa. 7 . - : -LoutsvUl. - Ky.runl:lChurehlll Down race reaultf: e-. . Hlf mile Sterling won. Antllla 0- end, Alnclta third; time, ;41 l-l. Blx furlongsJaine Vrwon Colum WSidirt -swofid, BuUlntkl third; tlm. .u -6T , MU Princess Oma won. Th Pet sec ond. Nejva Welch third; tlmo. lt4-. . Four land a half furlong Helena, C won MTrinlS Adamg second, Annie Stone Taylor third; tim. : -. - Six - furtong-Dpend-'-.wtJi MA, Powell acond, Kat Zltt third; tlm. 1:11 -.- .. :.. ' . - s. . .-.At SaWa-lsaow.--rr3.--: Seattle. Jun 1. Th following or th result gt thjaeadow ona heavy trark Six furlong Lady Klshpar won, Pro Wood second. Foxy Grandpa third; time, 1:1114,". ' ' " Five rurtongoQypo wonDorlc c- ond, SUlcaU tU.rd; tm, 1:01. j- - -: Flv and a halt furlonga Light of Day won. Lillian Ayres-seoopd, .Rubin third; tlm. 1:0154. - Flv and a half furlong Dundraary won. St. Wlnntfrld second. Billy Taylor third; time, l:0IVk. ' Mile Gladys Bell won. Llberto aeo ond, Oront third; time, 1:41. " Mil Step Around won. Gentle Barry second. .Marello third; time. 1:41. SEVENTH JjAMILT.O BE PLAYED TOMORROW The seventh gam f th lnterscholaa tio btaeball league will b played- on Multnomah field tomorrow afternoon at S o'clock between Hill Military acad emy and Portland academy teams. . Th lineup: ... , ' P. A. H.M.A. T.' Myer . , .......p:i. . .Clifford, Capt. Higgln ...... T. ..6 . f ". i McCoy Moreland ....... , Stackpole M. Myar. ,.. . lb, ....... . . . . .Smith Rogers s.. . . . . . . .". .Holman Houston, Capt.....Sb.,.,.., ....Stsnton McPheraon lf. .Moor Reed ....iTmWf t.,.. Fulton Maradeh rf L3e''Voiiilts 1 Besttle ........... Let IT .X . , ' f .J?. i J' V1. V.: --' ',- V- V ,'. V.x:'l..,.- " I" y ' ' ' Im'IV - . t . " , J I ' Won. Lost. F.C.I K "l , ' - l-l , . I S ?: lit. . r-:4ff.. j -v I. ;PfUCrll 'Ij-itt v-- -r.if . ... -f - - I ------r t Hj I T - Ill I II II III BBBIBBBBMBJIIM ' ' ' ' jf A " f , JT - , T1 . - v. . mHj, I I ' l - . '- I I" SB 1 S BB -" .. ..-.,,.. ' 1 . . PhlUipp , and - aaxTi Warner. 1 Sld Baanx Los Angelea, June 1-Tha Saala fall upon Raum In the eighth inning yaaUr day afternoon and drov out flv slngl. coring- tsr run rand taw ttotory. y yor; . Los Angale ".V.d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1 San Francisco ..00000000 01 0 0 Batterlea Baum and Spl; Whalen nd Wilson. - Kema Boa Ba Trick, San Franolaco. Jun 1. Dun)avy drov the ball for a horn run In th eleventh Inning yesterday and won the game for Oakland - Hogan and Fits Patrick twirled brilliant ball. Th cor: i - ... v. . . R. H. Tacoma , ..0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 Oakland .....0 10 0000 Batter ea i llseell I 11 sml ura nam: Jloiiui and Luhman, t Umpires Perrln r". ""At BttooklTa. New Tork 10 Brooklyn ........ , , . . . 0 71 Batteries Taylor and Breahahan; Me Intyr and Rllter., tUmplraa IClam and Bauawln. t . " AO CsnatsnaB Cincinnati , , ........ .IHVIRD . ........(.. ...,4V AV Batteries Kwina. Harper ana f mips; origgs, Draws ana n.ung. - Second gam -R.HB. , ...I 0 Cincinnati Batterle-r-Ovrall and Schll and CTKelll. Umpire lmll. Pittsburg bi. ixtuia .....i.., Batteries - Flaherty. Car lech; Xellum, Egaa Umpire Johnstone. At FhUadarpWa. thlljtlBht;,!; " ' ' .T7 a - , e fBoaton . . .... . .0 - 5 i Batterlea Duaaiehv " and Kahaa; Willis and Moran. Umpire 0Day. . lAJaXBXOAaT XdlAOTa. Cleveland Chicago . . Philadelphia - t- ...Won. Lost. 11 ... ....... .21 j H a aaaaaslaT IS Ietrolt . .v.. 11"1T Washington . ....10 .- 10 Boston . . 15 . 10 St. Ix)uia . ....,,..,..,11 it new i ore, . zi - SI.AOXBIKBS f tT XZQ1 t The Blackblrda defated the Dunns team yesterday by tha scor of t to 0. Th lineup will Blackbird. ' Dunn. ...... Stovall J. Courtney WrWUHsm J. Williams.; Barnesc . .... Fargeson McCllntock ... Waller Storrhoff Manning ...n rsrT--H.-"a .lb. , Dunn , .O. Jasman .. .. , . .. .Brown .Mitchell . . . .If . , . ."T. . . . . ." .Collin .. .cf-. ....... . . . .MUler -.V.rf.. Suckoo JVC. .074 .400 .650 .114 .444 .lit ; ' A rnUadatohla, ' ' New Tork .".7nt7rrT. 77.771?$' 'f 4 PhlladelphU , J - t " 1 uaiteriea jnogg ana jucuuire; Bander, Henley and Bclreok. , . . ' ' 'At drland, Mornlnar aame . W TT w Cleveland . . . j : .0 fl 1 8L Louis . .....1 I t Batteries Hess and Bemls; Sudhoft and Weaver. t ,,. . ' Afternoon arama " ' n irr Cleveland . . .......... ..t..13 11 1 fit Louis . . . 4 4 Batterle-iTOop and Bueiowr-fflade, Morgan and Weaver. At Cnloago. 1 'WW V Chicago .......1 4 i Detroit . .0 4 2 Batteries Owen and Sullivan; Kltson nd Drill. - J; . .... -Rain yesterday Interfered with th scheduled gam between th Portland High school nine and Hill Military team. The match will be played early next week. -oxemo wurfj stas3S, - jjottrB, gpcal Serrle.) - -London, - Jun 1. Cicero, wn4 hy Lord Roseberry. ' yesterday won . the Derby atakes Of 0.(00 .sovereigns for colts and fillies foaled In 1001. WASHINGTON GOVERNORS-HERE-FOrTOPENING A delegation headed by Governor Al bert E. Mead -arrived laat evening t represent th atate of Waahlngton at tha opening exercises of th exposition, A reception commute of eipoeltlon ef- Hav on of th most attragtlv booths la th Agricultural building. - It la lo cated In the southeast part of th build ing, covering a.apao of 10 by 19 ft. ontainlng a ; lecture . auditorium whr thot ladlea-canb erred with-dainty diah, - prepared - hr Z Mls Caxollco Jenkins, a' graduat of 'th Oread Insti tute, who will glv a short talk on health foods and to preparation of am. Com In and rest a whll and accept our hospitality.-- Tbr will h found ' In addition a demonstration Booth, wher Shredded Wheat arid-Trlacult-wUTh aenred f ree in: various ways ::tr courtou ldy demonstratora - - - By all means do not' forget th m- chanlcal exhibit ' khewTEgthTTnaiiufau' pleased tu f U! nish all th partteulan tura of . Shredded Whol Wheat and Trlscult. It la an lnt(aating sight and thl particular feature 'haa made- many converts to th ua f Shredded Wheat anil-TrlscultThla partleujr. exhibit to- in charge of MK Campbell, direct from tha Natural Food "conserva tory of Niagara, assisted by Messrs. L'lllry and Van Antwerp, who will b pertaining to th process of manufao turlna. the goods. . Souvenirs of soma deacriptlon will to given away at. tha - exhibit during th entire fair.- Mr." W. 8. McGuIre 1 .therepreaentatlve of th PacI0 northwest with ofacaa -at ' 10 7L' Commercial, block. Portland, -who' wilt be pleased to, meet the trad and all people. Interested In Shredded Wheat. - Ptdela eannrtad tha rartv from ' tha Union etatlon to Waahlngthn headquar ters la th Hotel Oreaon. In tbe gov ernor's party are: Governor Mead. Lieu tenant "Governor C K. coon, senator K. M. Rands, J. ft. 0"Donnell. W. Ii. Moor, C. F. Clapp,, C.-X. .Hutaon, O. A- Kennedy, J. T. Walsh," J. W. Lysona, Representative J. A. Falconer, J esse Huxtable, R. S. Lambert, W. R. Wil liams, Dr. H. C. Fulton; O. T. Reld. Cr E. Vilas, M.-J.- Maloney and J. .O. Meglec; Hon. IL A. Falrcfilld and wife, Jean McLaod. Oeneral J. A. . Drain. Colonel John Klnile, Colonel E. R- Erwln and wife. Colonel A." U Cogwln, wife and daughter, Colonel C. C, Darrow,- Colon! M. PJ'Hurd. Colonel E. P. Gilbert, Llcntenant Colonel Jt M. Fish. A. J. Weisbach, D. D. Egan, Major and Mra A. M: Brown.- ' Hoa many weeks or "months more Is Somebody going to ba allowed to fence" up th sidewalk on the south sld of Morrison street. Just above th8cottlah Rite temple,, white no work of excava tion, or building 4s being prosecuted! Who owns that sidewalk, anywayf - The Mazeis of Japan Will Be on Vievv Tonight ! .we ii i i an iii inn i s THE EYES WILL BE DAZZLED WITH lilE iSPLENDOR OP THE WONDERFUL' ORIENTAL ENTERTAIN- -MENTon tbe TRAIL., Everything that is beautiful and enchanting will be seen precisely as if the visiter were in Japan itself.- The-Grand Opening Will Take Place Tonight ! The Eyes of the World are on Fair Japan, and that Interest will be intensified In those who attend this evening, when RE--FRESHMENTS. BY REAI GEISHA-BEAUTIES, WILL BE SERVED to all invited guests. i . : : ; . '. . ..." : i ; " " " n ' i - WILL CONTAIN'the Japanese theatre where real oriental plays will be produced, where the sports and pastimes of the . 1 tl 1 . J . 1 FT.. r.M mwA . V. m11 V . s,ene1 .Uaiuii t4tSe m mwA lil...(M.. ' A t . I pcOpie WUl DC CXIUDllCUI 1 vai JL watuvui auu m" fc' v vwusiauujr puvnu ut uawiu, kusunua suiu uiuuouin ut vuai remarKaDie ana piciurcsquw-ircvj. : : 1 - - - - : ., -, , Thie Japanoscope An Ingenious electrician of Tokio has invented a moving picture machine as perfect in many respects as the Edison, and each week during the exposition there will,be,.exhibited moving pictures that trea"pf alTthlngspertainingcj the lifer habits, toms ana sports -ot-ina peopieotj apan. - -. - - DON'T FAIL TO VISIT FAIR JAPAN. OH THE TRAIL MQlISWITHOUT DEEDS ARE BOGUS if - But we can deliver the. goods and so make bur word good. We will ship you four: (4 1 big full quarts of six ( 6 ) year old STUBBLE RYE for $3.25, and prepay all express charges on same : and if you tfdn'Pnn STUBBIE value you ever had for the money, re turn it to your express, agent, who is au thorized to refund your, money. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT As matter of business advertising, we arc QIVINQ AWAY A $250 CHINA CABINET 'and SILVER SET . Qpe coupon with each BOo purchase (coupons sent with; all orders). The Cabinet without the Silver Set can be exchanged at I. GEVURTZ 4 SONS, the big house-furnishing store, for $175 worth of house furniture. This makes the handsomest gift ever given away bj any Portland business house, SEND US A TRIAL ORDER. " : 'J;..;' JREFERENCJti MtrchaBis', National Bank, of , i Portias V.c:!s,rsrfO Esprsss cswpsnr THE BIG. FAMILY LIQUOR. STORE 195 THIRD -STHTT, . . , ... 1