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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
ir V-.' - I . i (THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 1. 1905. cnnnnznniniiniita kzz 1 " THE lIGHTY HERO OF A FIVE YEARS' WAR has sunken to the bottom of tfo every torpedo-boat and every craft of every kind m service and launched and ; rHEPESSIVEt-CRASPINOriTREMENtjOUSLY SELFISH CLOTHING COMBINATION of the towiwNo more 100 per cent profits here. No more shall the men of Oregon be skinned by clothing , 1 "combinations. ' No more shall other than faif and decent profitfr obtain in Portland. ADMIRAL TOGO-STRAI it MUST BE RECKONED WITH FROM THIS TIME ON. And there is not Influence enodgh, there is not . o. . - , - ' . - .. - . ..." - I j' . f i Tl t. t - .l. ..Li.'.i . t - t-!c v!"- t. t:- ..... i.i:.t... j ....... . ' ' money enougn; mere is not strengtn cnougn.tnerc is not persuasive power enougn, mere is non gipry enougn m u uic uuimng caauuaimcnw oi mc raum; t,gai, w muuw myi w ucyn, mwh ua cbkumwch vuwm, w tc -down from his exalted platform to that plane of deception representative of the class that filches from the 'pockets of the every-day citizen that which makes the merchant rich lathe treasures of the earth. . . . i t 1 I j : , We have an elaborately precious array of men's fashionable clothing. J: We have everything that's, timely in furnishing goods." We seU'the latest and swellest things In hats.. If you wear a shirt you-should see our, stock. People of -the Pacific GbastStraneersWithi Is your' friend. It has cost it money and a-plenty, too," to earn the "title- It has -unwillingly been compelled to administer some seyereTashings to its several opponents in trade.TIt has taught them new lessons. It has demonstrated that THE PLAIN CITIZENS OF;AMERlCA HAVE RIGHTS THAT ARB. WORTHY. OF RESPECT, "and just how we are giving the boys a touch of lofty life by dealing out to our friends of this broad region J- Our shoes are the personification. of the excellence of the maker s slqll and- THAT WE ARE - SELLING lEVERYTHING-WOfcN ) WILL WORN HERE 4 ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD WILL 'BE PAID '-TO ANY REPUTABLE CLOTHING MERCHANT IN PORTLAND fVHO CAN SUCCESSFULLY COMBAT OUR CLAIM 0BY;;MEN -AT PRECISELY" HALF PRICE HALF ORIGINAL VALUE 1 There is sincerity in this statement.- There is a ring of honesty about it, jThe words re not evasive. They cannot be misconstrued. HERE-ARE THE FIGURES TO WHICH WE INVITE ATTENTION; - k, i . H6V CTffist orFashioiiable rAttire? $7.50 Suits a a mm If S17S For men's all wool $7.50 Suits, in black, Thibet, wor steds, serges and , "tweeds.' Strong, serv iceable serge used in Ej ielinings, well tail , oredand guaranteed by The, Hub to be the II ht $7.KO unit in Port land.--- i $10 SUITS M $5 - n mi 1 I I, ' J .00 It 5.00 For scores of styles in jOur famous . $10 Hub Special Suit, in - single and - double breasted, tweeds, serges, black finished and 'unfinished -wor steds, handsomely tailored, well lined. B eld- - J n. i.. -x - tt . i r : - . : i ingbjuouuie iwisi buk usca in ire sewing. PositWely the best $10 Suit sold or shown in this citv : now $5. . ' . w $20.00 SUITS $10.0 910.00 For a magnificent showing of Men's Finest Imported All Wool Worsted Suits, r- in: excrasive-shades"f champagneriah7 brow'rt;'gtay;;-bluet mixed :arid black,' all "tailored - by hand,; patent" self-retaining - front, concave shoulders.- A- suit that'is perfect in every particular and without an equal in Portland for $JZ0." ; ... $15.00 SUITS 97.50 For . hundreds of styles in Men's ; finest $15 ;HandrTaiioredJSpring -Suits,- In beautiful shades of. brown and gunmetal - gray, also duck nmsned and unfinished "worsteds, royal bluej serges, Thibets'and wool worsteds, complete assortments of sizes in single and double breasted; with out an equal in this town for $15.- Only $7.50 now. 1 .. ? . $25.00 (tt n 11 SJJITS, 912.50 For the choicest of. Kurchbaum's custom-made $25 Suits." We have con ,i plete. lines and assortments this splen did'line of suits from" this, the world's greatest clothing house. A. B. Kurch baum advertises these suits in every mag azine and, newspaper in the country as a leader at $25. You buy. fern at The Hub for $1250. -::T ---f-- $30.00 SUITS $15. 915.00 Takes pick and choice of any suit of clothes in The Hub. Hundreds of styles ; f rom the ' world's - most famous makes-ara-here for youriapproval,at 4ialM regular prices; in all the latest stylespf jsinle and double breasted, Our- regular price, on , this line , has always-be wi $30. "During this unloading sale, just One Half. $20 Topcoats and Cravenettes, $10 910.00 For all of A.-Bv'KurchbaumV$20 and $25 Cravenettes and TopXoataA-ThU includes '-Kurchbaum's famous Ballybo HjOmespunsj sold all over for $30. $15 Topcoats & Cravenettes, $7.50 97.50 For 20 styles of the Sterling famous $r5guafanteed Trlestly : Cravenettes' and swell English Top Coats, jri tan and gray. HABITS Our Pants stock is without, a peer In Port land. We show everything from the $L Work Pants to the swellest thing in pants making, and every pair in stck cut square in two. ' - . . -. " . ;i 50 For Men's Strong Work Pants ; regu- : lar $1 value. -:"7r 75 - For - Men's Durable - Worsted - Pants ; regular $1.60 value. 91.00 For Men's All Wool Hairline 'Pants; regular $2 Value. 4 :z - 91.25 For Men's Whipcord Pants ; regular $2.50. value. ' 91.50 For Men's Dress Pants ; regular $3 value.: ZZZ-zzz-' . .: . 92.00 For Men's All Wool Dress Pants; rcnilar 4wl valtio . r-. vjl... M . '- 92.50ForIenV-Alf-VoorDress Pants ; regular $5 value. H ' ' 93.00 For Men's All Wool Dress Pants; regular $6 value. . K -A.ndjway up just as high ayou want to go, at exactly-ONE-HALF, - At exactly One' Half our. usual low prices, and every Shoe, sold by us is guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new pair Free. ,Men?s---Fiirnishincs- AT EXACTLY HALF-PRICE IClean, nice, up-to-the-second; kind-: Cut In Half. Just think of til $1.00 Kegllgee - NEGLIGEE 3HIRT5-- 37yxt For Men's Finest 75c NeffHgee bhirts; 20 styles. - 20 ' For: Men's Madras T Shirts ; 50 styles. 75 For Men's Silk Finish $1.50 Negligee j5hirtaf50 styles., J. . . . .. . - ' 9i For Men's Imported $2.00 Negligee Shirts ; 60 styles." . : . 1 ' 1 1 WORK SHIRTS . 25 For Men's Strong 60c Work Shirts. . 37y2t For MeAsateenj:5cAyprlcShlrts.. 50-ForlalI kindsjof $1.00 , Work Shirts. '75" For-all kinds- ol$1.50 -Work Shirts. 91.00 For all kinds of $2.00;Worlu5hirts. 91.25 For all kinds of $2.50 Work Shirts? 91.50 J-pralltkindsloL$3.50JVVorkShirta.- 75 For 500 pairs of Men's solid leather Calf Shoesy in lace "and' congress. The best $1.50 shoe sold in this city. . 91.00 For,l,00O pairs, of -Cromo Calf $2 shoes, in all eiaes. ;.ri-T"I . 91.25 : For. 1,000 pairs" of $2.50 : Vicl and Colt medium weight Dress" Shoes. i 91.50rJor 50 eases Vf Men VDress Shoes, fn regular $3 values.- r V ' 1 1 " r 91.75 For !6 75 pairs of Packard Shoes,' in , spring lasts ; $3.50 everywhere. -j ; 92.25 For all styles 'in- our ' great $4.60 . Custom-Made Shoe. ' w- - - - - - - - - 93.00 For all' styles in our great $6 Custom-Made Shoe. ! . . .. ... . r Every Shoe value on this jpage Is pre cisely as advertised. , . , " UNDERWEAR . , 17J For Men's 85c Balbriggan Under wear. 25e For Men's 50c Balbriggan Underwear. 37yf For Men's 75c Balbriggan Under wear. , ', . 50 For Men's $1 Mercerized Underwear. 75 For Men's $1.50 Medium Weight Un derwear. f ' -; ; 91.00 For'Men's $2 Silk Mixed Underwear. SOX - 5 For Men's Fast Black and Tan, 10c Sox. IO4 For Men's Fancy Embroidered 20c Sox 15 For Men's Fast Black and Tan 25c Sox 20 For AU Kinds of .Men's 40c Sox. 25t For Alf Kinds of Men's 50c Sox. : , SUSPENDERS 10$ For' 6 styles of Men's 20c Suspenders. 15 For 10 styles of Men's 25c Suspenders. 25For 50.tyles of,MenV50c-' Suspenders 35 For" 5 styles 6f Meh's"50C Suspenders. 50 For 10 styles.pffen's $2 Suspenders. Closing Out Boys Suits For 'w pood at Way Less Than Half Price.- 05 For Boys' Two-Piece Durable School Suits, ages 5 to 12 years, Sold always at ;$2.60 and $3. -- - ' 25 For Boys Cord Tweed ; Knee' Pans ; worth 50c. ' ' j . 1 . HATS In .all j the new spring .and sum- mer blocks ' and ', shape, in all col ors,: and at Half' c. and Less. Sl.OO For Men's $2.50 and! $3 Pearl Gray, Soft Hats, ' an . " accumulation ; of about 75 dozen light colored pearl soft hats, odds and . ends left from our immense . Easter ' trade, ' pearl or : black bands. -K&sSS --, H 9150 For free choice of one, of our regu lar $2 arid $3 Hats, in black, brown and all the other colors,1 all shapes, in '.isoft and stiffs, v- ., ' 92.00 For. your choice of all our $4 Hats, In King,' Kingsbury, Langley, in Dunlap and ! Knox shapes; unequaled selections. '92.50 For free choice of our $5 Hats In all "shapes and blocks ; 20 styles to select f romT 1 Every Hat Sold by us is under a strict "Sat-Hsfaction-or-Your-Money-Backw ; Guarantee. STORE OPEN- ALL DAY AND NIGHT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. MAIL ORDERS FILLED 11 11 :r:sssssz;;acr: t .