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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
rr7" THE. OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL: PORTLAND, l THURSDAY - EVENING. JUNE 1. 1905. r Foremost T" -39 4ft m.H'ktUtitm Sts Portland's Greatest , Store! $toreMvt..e- AT r. 1a Pacific Slope! t - ' ' ' -' 1 f: .WATTTTTT rT PAMffn gftp . r iVrrork- warranted for one year;' Main LARGEST- STOCK OF UNIQUE EXPOSITION sndJPiBTXANn SOUVE- springs, 75c. Jewtlry Repair department V U'!l PJUUT. LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE. GAS RANGES AND OIL STOVES at 1 y ' :-': y , special low prices Third Floor. . ' tADMISSION-TO THE FREEXPOSITION of txpert cake-balcinfr on Third1 Correctly- gowned :.womenWe-."country over, wear ROYAL WORCESTER COR- SETS-Second Floor Salons PprtlandJJistributing Depot Annex. ' . J3ASEBALLSt BATS, GLOVES' AND lCATCHERS'1 MITTSJHAMMOCKS,! HAMMOCK-SUPPORTERS -AND-CROQUET" GAMES1 -at r sjxal -priccs , " ' '-'.N- . Fourth Flyor. : : . . '.. 1 . 1 . floor is from 10 amao l'i ;tn-.-mi to 4 p. Wtta-XiiSSUNS KEEEVERY ONE. WELCOME to attend the -school. -AW i.l .1 I . EffiBglESSSSi Here's- An ' Inter national Merchandise Exposition1 Oregon Is Proud of I Portland's Greatest and Best Store Offers a Composite of thq World's Best Productions at Prices That. Prove lOSIhSl SumAmary l09thS! I "ECONOMY SALE" . "ECONOMY SALE" ' y ;,; ;y yM;:yy.; of ..'Sl y; ... y ; . I Uncommon Values for Friday REMARKABLE BARGAINS THAT DEMONSTRATE THE UNMiTATramrh LEADERSHIP OF THIS WONDERFUL-WESTERN HOUSEA FULL MIL-1 LION-DOLLAR 'STOCK to choose fronw-of all that's newest and most sought for per sonal wear or household use? We've beert preparing -months ahead for this time and of three continents and every class of goods that- best-pTcuceshemr cmaintampennafl conducted 7 by- skilled buyers at 438 Broadway,: New YorklThe only! Portland house of consequence' having - aoch connections. - From there, an d here, we reach around the world. r Such m: business as this is more. than a mere store benefaction, in the opportunity -if- gives to Its vast and 'continuing-growth is the pride appreciative co-operation has made it all p uon . to visit, me vase, nomeiiice -ana comiortaoie, sate ana convenient store, bright in its exposition togs.- Welcome all: " Free telephones, rest rooms, writing rooms, information and checking bureau,' pure v"BuU Ruh-wa ter fountains, three great passenger eleva- torsin snort all modern conveniences 01 a Result-.of-Pupils. Exposition Contest Standing" of Twenty XaAr at S p. m. Wedneeday. Lllllaa Rwlnr. HIGH SCHOOL- Motta Bgiatar.TAILiNd schooC. . . . . .... . m MBf Wellington. Gilbert. LJLDD SCHOOL,, ....... , WllHa Stepp. ATKINSON SCHOOUVv.i ; t.Oil Fred fitavana, ATKINSON SCHOOL m S.S14 Ruth Mul-pby. ST. MXBY'B ACABEMT., 1,4(1 Adrian Smith.. SOUTH PORTLAND SCHOOL;.. 4.6f Dorothy Allen. LADD SCHOOL 4.SII Lala. Smith,, WILLlAStS AVENUlS SCHOOL.. 4, HI Maud Thayar. THOMPSON SCHOOL S.V9I MUlan Brown.' THOMPSON. SCHOOL. I.I5J Ida ntnirla. HAWTHORNH SCHOOL.......... 1.1(1. Lao BMra. HIGH SCHOOL . S.47S Lynn Coavart. PORTLAND ACADEMY. S.44I Myrtla Harmon. NORTH CENTRAL J!CHOOI, J, 101 Hattla Hoban. HIGH SCHOOLS ..T.T-i. 1,1(0 Trenton Job na ton. HAWTHORNS SCHOOL. . S.10 Beatrice McLean, LADD SCHOOL. . r...i.... - t.bti Oladra Crockatt, ATKINSON SCHOOL........ -1.1(0 Flrat twenty ............ ... .... ......... ti.lit Soatterlnc .,....,...... .m.. M.0l. TOTAL . 141.464 Two Days' Strenuous Shoe Selling nixno roa rmzsAT awd satttboa'ts sz rosrrxo orzvrsa liui. MXjrS S3.S0. JBOXS TOM 9AM. A aeleet lot of Mn' 8hoea: velour calf with kanitaroo - tope laee atylai rood, medium toe. . - Theae ahoea were ordered apeclally for aummer and early fall wear and the nppera are JJaht weight and cool. We Hav6eiaed lo irirtiwn NOWand wiah to eloae thera out In two daya If poaatble Friday and Satur-" day. They are our regular 11.10 value. Special for two data at. the pair.... ..-92.50 aassWAJn orn.nm.xn smogs. .. .. Theae Bhoea are of rlcl kid, plump, and soft, with potent tlpa; lace atria; atyllghly ahaped laat ood 'aolld -wear In each pair . Slaee- to I, our tl.tS raluo Spacdat pair... 05 Slate H to 11. our tl-IO YeJue Special, pair.fl.20 Stsea 11H to t, our fl.7t value Special, palr.f 1.30 niDATS aaajro azrosmoaT iui or . Clt GLASS ',. .. . J". ".' TnlrA . Floor. - '.-'.. : .. swoxax. "aooiroisT iau' TAxtras. Buiare and Creama, ree value $4. Spee'L pr t3.13 Oil Crueto, regular value 13.60 Special. eacH..Sl.T3 4-Inch Nappera. ref. value t ? Special, each 112. 60 -Inch Bowl. ra value 150 Special H4.40 Water Bottlea. reg. value f 3.10 Special, eedh.l I2.ef Tumblera. re. ralue 114.00 doa. Special, doi.f 11.00 Finger Bowie, regular value U7-00 dosen Special.- doien TfTTTwr. f 13.3S Handle Iemonadea, regular value 114.00 ', doaen Special, doaen fll.00 l-Inclr PlateTegular-vahiO71$U.00 doaen Special, doaen $14.25 Claret Juga. tegular value $7.00 each Spe- clal. each ' k f5.35 Wine Olaaaea, regular value $14.00 doaen Special. doien. . ....y.. ........ ..... : . -f 11.00 Champagne Tumblera, reguTartaTue'imKT dosen Special, doaen .......... ... ...... . .$9.90 Whtakey Tumblera, rfular valua $. doaen - ' Special,' doaen ....$7.3S ' Largeat aaaortment of 'Cut Olaaa In the northweat choice Ilnee of Vaiee; 'Bon-Bone, Bowla, Decanters, Napnera.. Water ' Bottlea and Tumblera Portland agents Llbbey'a Cut glaas. ) , ; , raisA-rs "xpo" orxwrsa spsciaxs nupni Leather Goods Shops fl.Tt for Leather Xaadkags worth ta.SO Ladles! Fine Leather HandtMce, In black, brown, tan, ete.,',lh the .neweat atrie, with gilt or frunmetal frames, atyllah handle and complete Inalrte flttlnga. All are aub ' atantlally and well made from good quality leather, and are excellent values at $140. Special ... Koonomy Sale price, each .... f. ... .t ....... .91.7B loo fo htoaey Penekee worth lSe A lot of Men's Soft Leather Money Pouches, with draw string; ' 110 value. Specie! Economy Pair price, eeh.lO Her a Mistress of the Markets ! has, been gathered direct tn the country it's a public institution; in fact, a public hundreds- for-earntng-aliberariivelihood. of Portlanders, and good neighbors, whose ossible. Wc extend : a country-wide invita greatjvongress Store rmrDATS. xzroimov epsazaTw spbozaxs H TO -- WomanFiirnishing Baro bargains In Dainty Tterchlefs, Pretty Embroid eries and. Trimming Laces and' Radiant' Summer Rlbbona. i --4--,:.--- ; SSo Eastead ar Sl-00 for Uaea XaaAkarahiafa Ledlea . Pur Irian Linen Handkerchief a, band-embroidered aome wlthacroll edge others with hemstitched edge and embroidered Inside hem," Beautiful Hand kereblefa; our. regular $1.00 ralue.. Special at, each ................634 SSeT f or Xmbrolderlea Worth I Bo and 40er-Cambrlc Embrolderlea, extra wWa.--In- a nice aaaortment of patterns: our 16o and 40o valuea. Special at, the yard , 25e too maadkerchlefa for 'UHeLadW-Plain-Hem stitched Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with Initial, " laundered, - ready - for - use; our regular 20o - value.-Special at, ech.....r 12 H Speolal Sal of Trimming tapes All of .our Swellest ' Trimmings and Trimming Laces are oh sale tomor--eow en . uneaueled ahowlng Handaoma Colored Chiffons ourfSso value. Special at, the J""1 754 JHquleite ZrfMea, values from $8.00 to IS 09 Special at, the yaxd. ..................... ..f 4.25 PRETTY RIBBONS SOo, 88a Ml S0o mibbona for I So A new. and very handaoma lot of Rlbbona in all the prettleat colore - and ahades. FINE) TAFFETA RIBBONS, our tOo and tSo valuea; SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS, our Stc value; DAINTY CREPE RIBBONS, our tOo value all are Included la. this aal at. the yard.25t loo. and ISo raaey Slbboaa for So A lot of Narrow Fancy Rlbbona, H4 to 1H lnehea wide; our regu lar JOc and 16c values. Special at, the yard.... ,5a raU3)ATrX00H01IMBTTTOZSrSCTAX.S; - EST TKI . ' Notion Aisle 7 Special Demonstration Sale Capaheaf Safety Pins, nickel-plated the only pin without eoll prevents catching' on the clothing, all alaea. Special at, card ....54 So Card White Pearl Button BoTint White Pearl Buttons, I pr 4 holes, extra quality, all sixes, 1 dozen on. card; regular value 9a Special, eard,;.54r IBs Trousers' Xaagera lOo Patent Trouaera Hanger; regular value 15a. Special, each 104) SOS SOarOwalat 9reaa Shield SOo Light, AdJuaUbl Shirtwalat Dreaa Shlelda, medium alze, can be worn in walata without sewing; regular value SOo. Special, pair .... j .t ........ .30$ Bottle SSo Florida Water 9So Large l-Ounce Bottle Florida Water; regular value l(c. - Special ..... ..!.. .....25 SO Ohaaaol Skin SOo Large Size Oil-Tanned Chamois : Sldn, extra qualltyr regular value 10c.. . -Special, each ............ ... . . . . . . : . . . . .20 SM Malf " Brashes - SSo Largs aaaortment of Fine All-Brletle Hair Bruahea, extra quality: regular value ltd. Spec lei, each., . miihiih,, 224 lOe CastU Soap To Imported White Spanish Caatil Soap, pureat quality, large aquare cake; regular valu 10c Special, cake. . ......... ,T Bottle lOo ink Se Bottle David' Magt Black-Writing Ink. 4-ounce else; regular value 10C. Special, bottle 5 Bottle SSo Indelible Ink 17 Bottle Indelible Mark ink Ink, for marking linens; regular value. 25c. Special rrV T i "jTiTjTrViV5 3i VT..'i","iTi-. SSo Writing Papa IT Extra Quality Fin Writing ..Paper, .with near, "square-flap envelope, in white, gray and blue, cloth ftnlah; regular velue 25& Special, bo 1.17 TWO htaBSABt.Bt',BXPO' OPXSXITa BAmOAXBS TU TBZSAT BOOBOKT SPBOXAU UT - House Furnishings :4th Floor ? iTAPABSBS JtVdS IliM ABB (1A0. ' Japaneae Ruga. elae t4x feet Regularl Valu 11.74 Special, 'each .S1.00 Regular value $1.10 Special, each 11.60 ' ST AS VOBTZBBBS SSAS, Sltk-Flnlehed Portiere, in plain colors with fringe top and bottom; regular valu $7.60. Special, pair ... . . j . '.y .....''. ? ... S5.SS European Exhibits Palace Exposition Grounds. STORE DIRECTORY: - wr - oerwear, v omen ijoflicry, .cay. ana uim Children's, Umbrellas,-Qlovs, UeMr Rib- bona, Embroideries, Neckwear, Drea Trimmings, No tion, Toilet Sundries,- Stationery, - pomestlca, wim Fabric," Bunting. Souvenirs, ate. r&ooB south axux BaUdl&S Sllka, rrJUIT ILOOB r? Weet Aaaex Bonding Shoes, Afen's-OntflMmgaT-lea-elrjr. Leather Qouda. Tiateleia' andTTourlsts'-Suppllaa DreasSutt Cssesr"Bag f very wanted ortJ Belta.. Purees, Parasols, ate: . ' SXCObTB PLOOB Orand, Salon Largeat Suit and Wrap Store weat of Chloago the etyle center of the Western Faahlon World Mlaaaa' and Infants' Wear Rooms. - - , ". ,. ,:tLivb ..: Undermuallna, Royaf Worceeter , Ooraata Art Needlework Oood, Sourenlra, seminary. PLOOB Main and Anmax Sourenrrs. China, and Qlaasirare.- Llbbey Cut Olaaa. JBUvtrware, Clocks,-Kitchen - Furniahlnge,-Stoves, Tin, Iron and Grantteware, houaehold Hardware, Statuary, and Brtc-a-Brao. "The Crystal Nook" and buslnest offloea, POTTBTX rMOB BTaU aad Aaaea Carpeta, CurV talna. Ruga and Draperies. Souvenirs. Baby Go-Carta, Beda and Bedding. Toy a andTGamas, v Hanunooka, Croquet and Baaeball Good a. . , , . TBXD ATS BXPOSmOW OPIBTBO SPZCZAUl JnztheEJewelryStore Xandaom Baaooek-By Jewelry A splendid aaaort ment or peaoock-Ey jewelry ticn plna, nat pins, cuff links, euff pins, etc faahlonabl and pretty; value up to 460. Special Economy Bajla prloa each ..,..... .... .... ... . y ..'. 1S4 ISo Beauty pin for lOo Beauty pina of good quality. our iso value, ttpeciat economy eaie price, , - the pair .lOg) few StarUnr SUver Stick Plna Pretty Sterling - Sliver Stick Plna, In a great variety of pleasing de- - sign; values up. to 46c Special jcconomy sale price, each ...29t A Sale of Millinery Sur passing All Precedent! New $3.00 Summer Hats . . 89c New $2.00 Summer Hats . . 69c Dollar Bunches of Flowers . 29c Sf.OO Veils for. . . . ... 49c - - , " .. . 1 - . STSa PTrmCBAaTB OP AST BASTSBB - BfAXXB'S BWT1BB IAXIL1 UVB ' SXAVOBTXBSB A Splendid Peator ' f Piiday Bxpoaltlom Openlag Sal. Another demonatratlon of1 thla ator' "watch .fulnea and abaolute mastery of lh.jnarketa- When manufacturer have big lot to el at sacrlflce--which many do have at the doe of their aeaaon they.. turn to hoyaea of thla class, known to. have enormoua . outlet and -plentiful eaeh -reaoureeev A leading ..stern liat manufacturer orfored ourTNew "fork buyer Ma entire aample lln. (hat had served Ita pur pose, and aerved It well, at a tremendoua.dla count from, actual coat of production.', The. ' deal waa cloeed ell In our favor and another - opportunity la handed ua to hand In' turn to our pa'trona In The form of a multitude: of rare and splendid. millinery -valuea THE SUM- MART on bat-of a kind only no two alike: 100 lint for Ladles end Misses' wesr. Ready. ta-wear. Turban and Sailor atylea, all neweat creations, value to 11.04; on Frldey Of only at a jsholce for..... .. .. . . . .. . . . OMC 100 Vntrlmmed Shapes, Including every popu lar, wanted atyla and braid for young and old, . no tw alike, value to $1.00; - rrt choice for........... ............. vH.YJcIC 100 Bunches Flowers of aTlk, velvet linen, olton, ete., every variety and coloring valuea tqSl.OO choice Friday at, bunch. . ... . . ... . . ... .xy c CHIC. AND CHARMING' FACE. VEILS for use hat drapes. Immense variety, handsome, charming styles and all colors, regular Tlo and $1.00 values special on Friday at Afl a ehole f or .. i ...... i A . Q L L. ' . A Grand triday Bargain test in Authoritative 5tyle Derivation Tailored Suits, Shirtwaist Suits and Raincoats $14.85 AGRAND - BARGAIN - TRIOLOGY - IN - GARMENTS ALL-AT-A CHOICE'FOR $14.85 $22.30 and $25 Tailored Street I Every correct style, including Jacket, Blbtlse overy-wanted material embracing-cheviotS "mas, imported '-materials "and "fancy mannish- mixed suitings. -Plain colors and fancy mixtures. Black, "browns, blues, ;etc. (All shading 4ieht to dark.' Plain tailored and fancy effects. including Jtnmming Jdeas too many - and - :r description; reguiarlU)CLaJHL$23 .Valuet l-rhniri-FriHay nr. . . . . : . . y. : ; : . . f . fectsr?.S6me In ITS A SILK SHIRTWAIST SUIT SEASON. Friday We Offer Grand Choosing of $22.56; $25 Silk Shirtvvaist and Tailored Jacket Suits $14.85 . . . . t . . Evtrv woman should be interested, iot this Is a season when silk predominates, and no wardrobe id- complete without a Shirtwaist -at-a-fraction- of their- worth, " their lowest stageanda9sortmeritsit-4heirbest. The-stiitsoffiprisingFriday s" dffer-" grTirriirtlhdsome taffetas, browns and greens, in changeable effects and-plain blacks. Waists have 6hirred yokes and are box-pleated, with leg-o'-mutton sleeves, in fancy effects, and fancy-stitch trimmings,. . Skirts are m the popular round lengths with stitch- Ungs, shirrings and plaitings to match; $22.60 and $25 values. frf A OF Friday only, at. i PI400 "xxro" OFzroro BAJUiAXjrs os tbxdat xsr Women's and Children's Knit Underwear and- - - Hosiery Shops : ; Womaa'a SI 00 Snt SSo Women' Fin WliH Lisle Fanta or Tlghta.; with top lace trimmed knee; our bestjtl. 00 value. -Special at. pair 69 ) Woaaaa' BO Valoa Salt no Women' Whit Union Suit, low neck, no aleevea, knee lengta ana -lace trimmed, regular value 40c. Special, ult.38t Woman's SSo Xos lao Women' Fin Oaug Black Cotton Hoee, i ull -ahaped and lnlabed -with w'attey- double aolej regular value zso. epeciai at. nalr .!l8 Wraui'i tfie Sto 18o Wom.n'a Fin Ribbed Black Ho,, double aole; regular valu XSa SDeclal. pair -18e Soref ValoB Suit BO Bor' 'eraey Bibbed Union Bulla.-in long sleeves, ankie lenpn ana anon eleev.a and knae length Bpeolal at, eult.... .SOd Soj' Drawer SSo Boys Knee Drawera. Jera.r ribbed, cotton .with ahort-aieeve anirta to matcn. -Special at, each 35 For Children Who Embroider A Com plete Outfit Friday for 10c. axt insiiwon imors a omajn xxro- sxnoar orxararo srzoxAb . Another great apeclal In Embroidery Outfit tor chil dren, conalating ol 11 embroidery akelna in assorted color, alx dnlllee stamped with deelgna of "Happy Hooligan." "Bunny," "Fojy Orandpa," "Old Woman In the Shoe' and vartoua floral design and three embroidery needle. Special, th complete outfit, Friday .,'xt......... .... 10- TWO BATS' MtVVOBTUMlTI -T1BAT i SATvmoAT "ixro" oraamro sfb- . CIAXS I TU : AWD MEN'S SHOP ' sen's so vniswus sso. A Una of JJ.o'e ia lilhrif an-.L'rulerwr 45P.n mesh, well made and rlnlahedj, our best 60c gar ment. Special at. tcti-u.u, .3541 TEri T4 SOU SSmiTS 4B.r-- Men' Whit Golf Shirt, with fancy pique bosom. atyllah and neat; regular TSo value. Special, each . .... ... 45e amrn xjsxsr atAjroartJaCarrsrs atAU rmicm. A line of Mrfi Pur Whit Ijmen Handkerchief, wtth H and H-lnch heme; regular valu S fr o. apeclal at... ......... .1 for 25 or XAX.r. FBlCa suoimos oraraa sfsciaxs nr Domestic Aisles ' . - Tot ta Friday a0Mtay Sal." -' aCTMSTITtoaVsU IHITI BAmwAXsTS. . Sktra Z.ona Sematltok4i Sheets. Blse S4t24-yards, regular valu ec 'nlal.T4 Biiea H1 yard, regular alu 11.40 k perlel T f the woman's Redyto-Don-Raiment-tf Grand Salons of Dress, Second Floor. FASHIONABLE Suits at $14.85 and Eton modris broadcloths Pa variediordetailed at. aM A QC .Dl jQtJ WOMEN'S $22.50 AND $25.00 incoats $14.85 A garment Indispensable; to any woman's wardroDe, equally. useful and dressy Adaptable in all"Weathefs, smart, trig "and trim garments stylish to adegre.eJust the needcd.wrap; lor cool evenings, for trolley or boat riding, for shopping iri town or vacation wear at mountain or shore; resorts For travelers '. andtayf-tiornes. Rain 'or suri wfaps"fhese. Aladbynex pert niCn tailors, all -newest models and latest 6fyles. ' Crave ":.nettes .and waterproofed. Jiiaterials,4ff-stunnmg-mixtures of light and dark grays tans and blues. Backs in loose or' beltedeffectsr1eg-oJ-muttohr sleevesiand -shirred girdle" ef-" &eveily tailored styles. othrs-smaTtly-trimJ med in braids and buttons ; regular $22.60 and $25 . i OP ;;yalues,;1.Fridayly or Jacket SuiJ of silk. And here they are. Hrnrlpnt women will buv tomorrow, while nrire. ari For Folks Who Waited Till June to Buy SI I ks or Dress Goods Folks too buay to think of aelf In thinking of the com forts of our Exposition visitor we've planned a reat two daya' Ezpoaltlon - Opening; Sal. Friday and Saturday of Splendid Summer Silk and Dree Fabrics. The valuea special for Friday and Satur day only. ' . SXbXS. Great aal of -Dependable Black Taffetaa. the beat valuea offered In the city at our regular price- tUnchea-wtd. reg. llujjsiua-Speclalyard.T.8g4r 21 Inche wide, reg. 11.10 value Special, yard. ..72g 27 Inche wide, reg. 1 14 value Special, yard... 89 4 Inche wide. reg. 11.40 value Special, yard. 81. 19 44 Inchea wide, reg. 11.40 value Special, yard. 81.29 14 Inche wide, reg. 11.74 value Special, yard. 81.43 Thee Om In either Glace' or Chiffon finish, and are all warranted faat black. ... p. . .r- . '" warm jATAjrasa stlxs. - tf-Ineh, regular S4o rvalue Special, yard... ..944 14-Inch, regular 46o valua Special, yard.,.,..4e 27-Inch, regular 11.15 value Special, yard...... 87) ti-lnch, regular $1.14 valu Special, yard..... .87) -FXXDAT Ajrs liTDSOAT SOTCXAXJI ZST Colored Dress ; Goods Becnla ta.OO Talne for 91M Tar New Novelty Suiting a. In a large aaaortment of oolora and affect, -all new ltOS style; regulsr 12.09 valuea for, th yard '......'.' ....81.59 aaralav 4M4 Talmea gov Ho New Novelty Suitings. Novelty Panamas. Voile Panamas,- Mohair and Wool Voiles, Fin Covert Cloth. Illuminated Panama. In a tgreat color aaaortment; regular 11.14 valuea for, the yard .'. . ......... ,. . -... 824) Black Dress Goods 4 roa tbxdat xm satttbsat sfsoxau g-nlar Sl-SS Talma of ' Arm urea, raal Oloths, Whlpoordav Sarga. Okrloa, tTraat Cloths, all warranted fast blacks; regular 41.24 value, i - Special, only, th yard -. 87a Beralar $1A0 Talaea of STovelty Paaaasaa, Serges, - Arnraro Salttao, aranlte caataey.- STeeirlevta, Fin Tatiaa, ate. All warranted faat black. ' i Regular $1.60; apeclal, the, yard 91.19 Sunbonnets and Sateen Pet ticoats, Special for Friday Xxospttoaal Talae as Sxpoattloai thlng Bargaia Tomorrow la th Aaaes Secosd Floor. stTssoassrs" obi wo laT OS VMXLtMMW It. TO STS ) SS.0S BIACX SATBSaT i PXTTXCOATS ' ' i -; ' " Ladle.' and Children SunbottrrM. In plain and fanfy ' striped or figured percale, calico and Cham bray .or checked "grlnghaat. Speolal at.. 104 Ladle' Blank Mercerised Sateen rettlroata. eut 'l fitting at th nop, from a T-gored r'trn ' ' sure th am amuracy of fit a a rt r -flounce with I halMnoh t'icVs sr. I r row hemstitchl' j. I, . :'t i.'.: I Pperlnl at . . I A