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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
I . . YttE ' OREGOK-flXltV-jQXmNAi; ORTrANb. THURSDAY" EVENING, JUNE V, IfiCX- J- $30 Book Case Thrice Welcome and Desk for - ' ' 7 ' ' ' - ', ' 1 ' , ' " " ' ' ' ', ... . ..,. r , of"Roses iind Great Cen- peSposifib FREE MAPS OF FAIR GROUNDS Beautiful L i thograph i c Sou veni rs Showing the Great Buildings, Free Irfetri S3 S.OO Parldr Suits : - - :. u ear rr. .... .. vi yuu,vu 4 -to-Ajho:Call:ati7 175 First Street To- Visiting Friends : All Portland extendi to you the manifold greet- Imm t ..jWiM -. VSBnfta1?W . a-tni..a an J it1 .1. 1.1 .a J 1 1 ! a.t a. ' are born of this day the greatest day in her history. May your stay with jas be one of greatest pleasure and profit to you, and 'may you carry away .with you only; the happiest remembrances.-- We are "at home" to all who call, and shall be pleased to supply, freely without charge whatever' beautiful lithographic view of the,fair grounds and buildings a fitting souvenir of your. ManyTrvUIrwr trusty find It-l a pleasure as well as profitable to visit our salesrobmaTand Inspect the splendid -fines olJurniture there exhibited. "To the end that they may profit by so doing, we shall quote special prices for the next 10 days. Note the reductions shown today. ' Many visitors will supply a furnt Jturjejjieigdjhefen .J, ' ' ;. 'L,r:Ll!l.:lZ Yours for Portland and the Fair, I. GEVURTZ & : SONS," 173-175 First Street. " 7 $35.00 Buffet for" $30.00 No. 41!JA"spidid .little Buffet, made of auarter-sawed eolden oak. hand oolished. has French plate mirror . W35 inches, two drawers with swell fronts, well polished doors hung with strong brass hinges, top is "20x42 inches; regular price $35. 3f Packed ahd shipped for. v.. v.. PjU S20.00 CHIN A, CLOSETS .for No. 695. ' This is very handsome, three-piece parlor" suit, upholstered in red Windsor Yelditr. f: Frames of ma- $18.00 hegany finish and cut on very graceful lines? No. 568 An exquisite 'shipped for oaic piano Uijin, with heavy- glass door - and thick beftt elassendsTad- justable shelves y always : 'y sells- tot S-jLgfftiHy ' . packed and fc1Q shipped for...... 7. vlO , The regular price is $35.00, carefully wrapped and Refrigerators 1 Mana h-J ; cabinet in m i 11 n m ii i m i i i "THH ' r. 7 Ad5 ,1M Za eUbtt4 BAk U grow 1 poptiUiMr wll fmt uuuijr bum U vtock. 4 $4.00 Saved on a Dresser OfSTvcrjr , pretty ' little Princess Dresser, in -birdseye-mapienwlished until it is as smooth as glass, has two .swell f,ront , drawerslwjth anisomt brasstrimmings, large idoval- French- plate -mirror - 38xl7j irtChesr: top"r20x27 - inches; regular price A$25. Mo. OlM tm na4 ef hard wood In roldan ok flnlihr autald dtmanslona II lnohea wld b; II dp. and to Inohea bleb; waif ha about 1M peunda and - ha catlmated lea capacity f 40 pounds; provlalon ehan bar maaaurea 17x11x10 lnchea, and la auppliad with two adjuitabla ahelvaaandta flnlshad labaau- .fc tlful whlta anamaL , An At rafrlfefator and Cy CaVM Carefully packed and r shipped for ; j a apendld buy at $2 1. 00 mm $25.00 No.r240-This handsome Com-" inatidn Book Case ancTWrit inDskJngcJdeivakP- ways sells for $30. It is strong and durable, beautifully pol-;; ished . and highly -ornanierited,, as well as serviceable. Packed - ' . and ' shipped for T : T $25.00 n $5.00 Parlor hand polished,-16x16 inches," very" neat "indesign; ""regular !.$.....r....:-.$4.00 87tJbMadeLwWiMk4 ornament,of handpolished mahogahy,TrenchpIattrbeveI $14 now-only.,, d mirror ; regular price $lty $48.00r PRINCESS DRESSERS For $40.00 No. 205 Hand ' carved golden oak, 5 feet 5 inches high base 444nheswidep:40-drawersr lined -- with polishedlniapiei. Jieavy 'French plate oval mir-. ror 48-inchehighTand 2CT inches wide,, solid brass trira- l i , f. n r..n i.J il put abbardtrain at .Portland lor only - $40 .00 IH.1: 7L .GEVURTZ , .- 173-175 First Street 219-22P Yamhill Street STATE BUILDINGS EXCITE PRAISE ... . 1-- . - Fair, Homes of California and Washlngtorrlftf ormallyJ'Dperi ! to Admiring Crods."""- Qovernor Pardea and party ef Califor nia arrived. In Portland on a apaolal train thta tn'ornlnf and war. driven lm- , io tha California atata build ing at tha expoaltlon arounda, whera apeclal apartroanta had bean llttd up for accommodation. Tha Califor nia building- waa Informally opaned for vlattora at, II o'clock today. Tha ex hibit, are all In place on tha around ; floor, but the tnatallatlona are Incom plete hr tha balconlee. Tha wonderful display of'frulta, (lower, and mineral exhibit- from California were artlrttc ally arranged, and together with tha elaborate decoration! of flaga and bunt' lng make a vary beautiful aight. The building waa crowded with vl.ltore all afternoon. Governor Pardee and party.' received gueata during tha afternoon In their headquarter in the building. - The formal, PPnlnc-Of tha-building win not tana place until after tha ex hlblt la all in. tailed, and may b de ferred -until -California-day,-September The Waahlngton atata building- waa Informally opened at- II 'o'clock today with every Installation complete. Tha Interior of the structure-la a woAd of beauty. Governor Albert & Meade and party received gueata during' the after noonr. . Tha formal openlnr will take place tomorrow, v Vlca-Prealdent Falrbanka and Oovernos Meade and United State Senator Pile will deliver addraaaea from the balcony.-. Other preaent will W.H. Markell&Co. 12M2S GRAND AVENUE S OU VENIR CHINA o f Exposition and Oregon Free on Friday and Saturday -With every purchase of $1.00 or over ;- Dozens Bf different 1 T styles to choose from, including platess-cups and fancy styles T ' with pictures of buildings or famous Oregon sceneryTSeel rr:3ZZZ-' ". window," ""'"T. ""v""r - " ;. Specials for FRIDA Y and SA TURD A Y COMFORTS WORTH $155 AT 9c Good size Comforts," , siiKonne- covered, -pretty .patterns,:; . - rr ! 16 by 36-INCH RUCS WORTH 75c AT 37c-p7etty inott - .tied patterns, with fringe. ....r --.-V-;- " $1.50 HAMMOCKS AT $U5-iGood' Hammocks with - pillows. ' - -;ti'vr-; -- - - j ; :v . INFANTS' STRAP SAND ALS Red, black, tan sizes Z to' '" fi'i5 at SPecia1' 490 ,ize 5 to 7lc at Special, 59c be the' member of the governor staff and prominent citizen of the state. In tli evening there will b. a reception In honor of the governor. Every week tha Washington building will be In' charge of hoateaae from the different cltlea of tha atate. This week the women of Belllnxham, the home of the governor, will act aa hoit esaea. They are Mra. . Olive Leonard, Mra. C. I. Rath. Mr. C. X. Larrabea, Mm.-C.-WrHowHlr-MrtBc.A. Sliver, Mra. N. D. Cheattam. Mra. F. .Llewellyn, Mra. W, Col and Mr. S. A. PoaC tho wives of prominent Belllngham mem The plan of change of hoateaae will mean one round of receptions ' In the Waahlngton building. .. At tha New Tork atata building every thing waa in readlneaa for the reception of th vtce-prealdentlal party and tha fair oommlealonera at 11 o'clock. Th exhibit had all been Inatalled and th elaborate , furnishing.' placed. Many prominent New Tork people vlalted the building during the afternoon. Commit loner Clarence Lewi, and Prat Brow and their- wive acted a ho.ta and hoateaae. Th balconle and terraces of tha building were a maaa of bloom and the view of the lake front waa greatly ad mired. . The vice-preatdenttal party, th offi cer of th expoaltlon company and tha .tate -eommlealoit MnaireA t th- Nn, York building Immediately kfter tha parade. After the opening ceremonies luncheon waa served for the party. Thla evening dinner will be served for 141 people, followed by a reception in tn , pariora. , J . Idaho BaUdtnf Opened. . lit Informal recentlon wa. held in th. Idaho building thta afternoon. Governor Frank R. Gooding, wife and daughter DR. HARRY LANE'S - . : PLAZA MEETING iiousiiuSS . jwvt T-iwmv i w vwimi aqa ... 4 tk.ia for Kb. (la. tar la.lM.tls. .a. ill loas.M. .ad mm .aw r.aisl.t.lT nnl K. th.m to .T.rr.a.. Oa. tri.c. Taa wUl B.T.t k. wlthoat Ui.oi I. tk. faall.." atdwara A. Man, Albaay, V. " Beat for II ArThe Dowel j4 Dr. Harry Lane, th cltlsena' ' candidate for mayor, will dlacu.e tha lsauea of the campaign at tha groat open air, nonpartlaan -. maaa meeting whloh 1 to b held tomorrow evening at tha plaza. Ladl.a are Invited to he preaent, -Btat- senator- c. w; Notting- . ham and other will addre.a th ' meeting and mu.lo wUl be a fea- ture of the program. "Meet me at the plasa Friday night" la 4 the watchword heard on every e . band. : 1 ; " i, . war th of honor. R. W. Mo Bride and wife, M. J. Weaael and wlf. and Fred C Bradley, members ot . th Idaho stat commission, received ' th visitor. Mualo wa rendered by an orchestra.1 Th exhibits were nearly all In plaoa and war arranged o a to be very at tractive. Tha formal opening of th building will hot be held until a later dat.- : -., auisoarl Also Sntertaln. Mls.ourl'a atata building waa in formally opened this morning: and vis itors were received during tha . . day, Commla.lonera B. E. E. McJImpaey and B. b. Oarver and wlvea and R. U. Kara ana - Buperinienaent B. r from ban rn acted aa a reception commltteav-The exhlblta, con. 1. ting ' chiefly of cereal product, of th atate, are arranged In unique dealgna. Th Turnlahlnga ef tha building are-elaborate. Tha dedication of the building ha been deferred until a , later data, . at which tlm Governor Joseph W. Folk and prominent stat official will be present. m m PloMaat. F.latabla. PnSanl, TUM nod . n. 4, Vror SI'S.., W.aa.a or QWb. M, lag. Mo. Mrru il. la S.Ik. Th. f.n.lao tablet ttaataa-t OOO. JtOTOI sol. 1 ttaaraataee as tar. or joar Boa.r back. . Surllag Remedy Co., Chicafe er N.T. toe AXX9AL SALE, TEN fLLICJ E3IES Mss.s nanaetta ' Woatsat maaatva. Tha MaaaLnhu.ot ta af.t. hulMlna- area uiiiauvu nn. ma . ..nioiii were SUA in plaoa at 11 o'clock laat right.' A dele gation or jnaaaacnusejie women wno re aid In Portland brotiarht o. arraaft a11a tlon jat beautiful flowers with which the rooms war decorated today. Early thla morning th rooma; were Informally thrown onen for the reran. tlon of visitors. I . . . - June 17 Is the day set by the Massa chusetts state leglalatura for the formal oeaication- of tha structure. Ills excel lency, Governor W. L. Douglas,' has ap pointed II prominent citlsens of tha stat who will attend tha ciwrhonle. Tha party will con.lst (of at .least 100 and will leave Boston June , and ar rive In Portland June 1. Theodore B. Wilcox, a native of Massachusetts and prominent cltlaen of Portland, has been appointed by Oovernof 'Douglaa to act aa president of .the oay. Th ceremonies will take place la the ... ... .r ........ v. ;:. - r -T-)a. 71 r Arm m ' m m m W-l 7 . .!-' .. L . J' - . ; V- The Title Guarantee and Trust Company :PAr54 PER CENT. ON CCQTiriCATCd OP DEPOSIT- ACCEPTS YOUR-DEPOSIT ACXOUNT SUBJECT TO CHECK - AND ALT LOWS YOU 3 PR CENT INTEREST ON DAILY BALANCES DIRECTORS. .. ' ,W. M. Udd, T. T. Burkbart, 7 J. Thorburn Roa Frank M Warren, 1 :i:rf Oee-rf e H. HiO." : Banking Hours, 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturday, 10 A. M. to 12 Noon. , Saturday Kvenlnn, 3 to I o'clock." 7 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Or; afternoon. 8pclat Invitation have been sont t Governor Chamberlain and state and city officials and frlefhds to be pres ent Prominent cltltxens of Maa.achu atts will apeak. Tha orator "of the day will be ex-Qov.rnor John- R. Thayer of Worceater. '. Th program will b followed by reception and collation at which Mra, Theodora B. Wilcox and Mra. ' W. H Falrbanka, th,-w4fe of the exeoutlve commissioner, wll preside as boatessea ENTOMBED MAN SLOWLY. 7 s " CftUSHED TO DEATH j ." . (Jearaat BpteUI Itotti.) ' Montro.e, ,Col., Jun 1. The- body of -Herman O'Kerman of Denver waa re covered In th Ounnlaon tunnel thla morning, making alx dead. Benjamin Taylor and Kred? Green are aim burled, but alive. The latter ra being slowly crushed to death. A rubber tub was forced to th entombed men thla morn ing, and thy ar being supplied wltn" milk. ., ,' ' i.'.' at T.tmicB nr rn. abttt. Jamea. Ruasejl. a farm laborer, who was arrested at Junction City on a charge of raising a 11 silver certificate and pasalng It for J0. was brought to Portland and lodged In th county Jail thla morning. ., .-. - II -.r. ........... -.