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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
V ' . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 1. 1903. 1 I) Tovri topics " TOMIOnr AMTS-ltTS. fr. tiniUln i Hull -Neriiuaia. ."A Romance of Aluloue" ."Tbe Heart at Maryland" li.l.acw "Lyric . . timplr. Maker , Bta ... iraad , , .i laaoo - 'A ttti-k Wuiiian ,.. .. Vauantlll ..........Vauderlll ....VaudeTllI iL A MMpHnn ... given hj ttlt V?Omenl Foreign Missionary society of Centenary Methodist Episcopal church yesterday sf temoon, la honor of Mla Malva Ldver- xnortjLJ!ji"nrjr teacher of Meerut. inaraMiaJyerpjortlgi Jot JUlt iMt ""seven year' served aa..teacher and preacher In the arlrla" school and haa . obtained soma remarkable re sult! She -la Dow enjoying a brief va cation In the United States, and has been addressing audiences, esplalnlng - the educational and -evangelical work in India. - , There Was a targe crowd In attendance last night at the May Musio Festival In 8t. " James" English Lutheran church, , West Park and Jefferson streets. . Bolos -were rendered -by. Mr. and,- Mrs. Max 'ShHIockTMrl. Oiaus OHbsrtr Miss Msnrl Dtsbrow and Henry O. Betlow; rsadlnga by Mrs. Bessls Kvans Petttnger and a violin solo by Miss CornellaBarker. - Suit has been begun in the state circuit -court by the Korthweat Eleetrlp En gineering company against It- B. Ward. a contractor on the Lewie and Clark fair grounds for 1334 balance due for materials supplied. Acting under Instructions Bhtr. Iff Ward has garnllhren QergeJarbour and George James, who are supposedfo be. indebted to Ward, and has attached ; money, in bank; - 7:r. - The following have been selected as delegates to represent the Portland Com mercial club at the. National Good Roads association, wnicn convenes in m tivj una il gntl luiiUuu'jb tin June 7t: . joan. 8. Beall. E. M. Brannlck. H. W. Ood dard. A. I Cralr. E. I Thonfpaon, W. M. Cake. O. "WV Evans. W. B. Coman. A. I. eharItorrnd Tom Richardson. Ou BunaayTJuhe 4, thrTCorthtnr.Tai crflcwnlHnaugTirate .additional train service to the sound; 'Tha -new train to be. known ae the "Puget Bound -.lim 1ted will leave PoitlanA-at 4:10 and reach Taooma at :I5 p. m. and Seattle at 1:6 p: m. This will be dally after June 4. and will make the fourth daily- train to these points. ... - , The" Puget Sound Limited1 train, is I!"t:bs plaeed on the run between Portland and Taeom'e - and - 8eatUe on - Sunday. June 4.' will be "placed on exhibition at the l,nlon depot Saturday sventng from i S to :30 o clook, and you are cordially invited to visit the. Union depot be- ' tween 4ha hourg named and Inspect " the train. " . -' - ". ..'-; . '-.-.v. River excursion of the Oregon Cam- era, clue leaves) for Bonneville nn the "" att,3gtltld" '" Ob(a 1191 ' 8 Pt ftC P I. ?tsWt VVaahinaTton etreet, Sunday. June 4r;S0 3 a. jn. Ticket It. for lata tiy TVoodara, " Clarke eV Co.Y Skid more company, BIu- mauer-Frank company, Oregon Photo - Stock company. Meals on board. irr! Pallr river " exearelona Oregon City and return. In three hoursc A most i delightful river, trip, or loop, the loop; w go one way toy boat "and : return-by v trolley. Boat leaves Taylor - street and ll:t a, m. and 1:10 p. m Leave . Oregon City 1 a. m. and 1:34 and. ;30 :;;.p. m. Round trip 4S0. ' - The special cars bearing the II east !t7era delegate -to the convention of the Preabrterlan Women' Board er Mla a Ions. ,10 be Tield l!rAnanyv"willrc- " cording, to an aimouneeiiient maae oy th Oregon Railroad at Navigation com pany. reach - Portlapd tomorrow mom- ing. , . , ' ' ' - The fellovrlng were named . delegates to the meeting of the National Aseocla. tlon of Ietterearrlen hy the local branch ' laat night. II. E. Coleman A. U. KllnR, J- O. Francla, T. V - Davis and J. 8. ' Roarlu The meeting - will b -held ' in " Portland during ' September. , . i v The second of a series of farmer' Institutes will be Riven by Mllwaukle Orange. Patron of Ifubandry. In it hall tomorrow afternoon. . Tha hall wai -tastefully decorated today by. apeclal committee composed of th school teach er of Mllwaukle. , - - The Northern Paclfio" extend yo'tt an invitation "to -visit the Union depot Saturday evening, June t, between the -hours of land :I0 o'clock, for the pur- pose of inspecting the new train to be known aa. tne - rugei eouna umiuo. v Two tonibf -f reeh fruTtiwere re-' "Tetvedliy-J. H.' Wlll,commIsaloner of th Sacramento Valley exhibit of the Cal- ifomla commission today; The shipment -Included apples, peaches, plums, apri cots and several varieties of amall fruits, Steamship Roanoke, J. 400 tons, sails for San Francisco and Los Angeles, call ing -at Kureka, en route. Saturday, June I, at 8 P m. . licaei uiiice, ia& vvBir liigton atreet. .Harry Toung, agent. Phone Main IM.- On and after June 4Ue Northern Tacifio "North Coast Limited" will leave Portland at 1 p. m. for the aotind. Spokane, Butte, Helena, Livingston. Bil lings, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dulutn and th east. Commencing1 Sunday. ' June 4. the Mlm ot departure of th Northern Pa clflo' . electrlo lighted "North COtst Limited" train will be changed to t p. m. instead of Jeavlng at p. m. a at present, I '" At T o'clock, last night east side car resumed traffic on the Burnsld Prldge. " passing "Ihrough Second atreet. It Is likely that team trafflo will, not be re- 'timed for ft week. " t -v--f Harry M. Adam, assistant general "freight agent of th Oregon Railroad 4b Navigation company, left last rtlght for nKcszzzssmuttxiuiB wayaiaaiaavaw aa negligeeI - , . . aa - --:;;,!- romfortabl. alghfly, tyllsh." "W hav a An Ilne'of -erepes, madras, mesh, pongee alike, China silks In fact, anythlni" you may want. 1 Mm $1.00 to $5.00 Htwett, Crtdley 0 Co. . '. . ;." VASStSAIRXK. : ' 34$ Wathlngton Stiwtr ; vxas osaxo xxtftTxa. CAPTAIN SPEKCER -TELLS DIS SIDE Collision of Spencer arid Dalles City to Be Investigated J 1 by: Government. - -n- V"! :. . . ... , r;",. CHARG.JHAfj5ESiQfli - - WAS CAUSE OF WRECK Spencen Says That Lffortrtfave BeenMade to Cripple '.. His Boat. ; . ; V To determine who w totlam for the steamboat collision sbov -Ltnnton yesterdsy an invef tlgation will b held tomorrow morning by United State In spectors Kdwards and Fuller. Captain Bpencer and the Regulator people have tiled complaint with th .inspectors. Relative to the charge jnade by, the np.r. nn th. iimi.. i.tij t.apisin Uiuin... thlM mnrnlnv BtiLtefl There was absolutely no -danger- of the loss of apy lives or the injury of any one. . I stopped the spencer as quickly as I could, and aa lar a could saved- th other . steamer from damage. I aaw. that her hull was not Injured and that consequently, she would not leak. Had there been any danger to the passengers I would have atond by. : The Dalles City did not ask for hlp. IUdshea&ne s(l I would -have quickly responded. - I have been team boating since lilt, and this is the first time that my conduct haa ever been in vestigated by the inspector.. - But Cap tain Scammon of the Dalles City baa bean before the inspeotors a number of times, and haa even had hla license re- I..A u.,1 h. ant beyeed Ori a com- nlalnt would have been een filed against nim- a short time ago. He .deliberately ran Into-the-Speneer'a-bow -near 4ba"llght Uouss at the mtUth of th 'Willametta river. On nnother-occaalon, -in; ua ney near Washougal and left u nerpiess. but she never gtopped ;br inquired into our condition. .: . v "I could enumerate a number of7tn atance :;of-thiort which will prov that the opposition has repeatedly 'Titt lated the law. If the passengers ori the Dalle City understood the situa tion they would-modifyrtheir statement very materially.'!- -- eatU- to r-- become assistant trafflo manager of the Great Northern,- suc ceeding J. C Eden, who goes to Minne sota' to sngage in tne . ooai ousiness. Friends OfMr, Adam in the partmenJLof the O. R. & N. yesterday arternoon presemea nira wnu a suver loving cup. - i . - ' -the Oerman Trea- i r6yT r lanTch u rcB-ftt Bethany," 10 1T11 west of-Portland wa Jaid witn appro Drlate ceremonies this" afternoon. The paetorr RevrWilHam -C. - Laube, - of flclatcd, assisted iby Rev. - A. J. Mont rnmerv. "clerk of -the Portland presby tery. The church will be on of the moat ooaU v- structures of th jflenom- lnatlon In Oregon outold of Portland and wlltu when completed, cps nearly - - : - Sunday trip up th Columbia. Enjoy Sunday by making a trip to Cascade Locka and return, on board the palatial steamer Bailey Gatiert. A mor mag nificent ,rlde 1 not potbl lou nee thrTicenery to perfection from the ob servation deck of steamer.': Finest meal served,- Musis all day. Round . trip 11.69. , Steamer leaves - foot of Alder Returning arriv ( p. m. Phone MalrTm: SeasM. Excursion Sunday. -Th. A. i C R. R. beg to announc they will run another popular f I SO Beaald excursion Sunday. June 4. Take advantage of the low rate and see the sea. A seat for everybody; ticket sales limited to seat ing capacity of train. Buy your ticket t Hi Alder street any day during th week and avoid the, rush-a,t the Union depot Sunday mornln- ; , Tha Mlnneaota society of Portland will hold a reception at the' Chamber of Commerce tomorrow night and th lnvl tatlon committee urge that all native on and daughter, whether member of the society, or not, attend this re union. The Manhattan Catering company "ha been Incorporated by A. B. Keaton, W, O. Madison and H. P. Lee. Th object ialtqcondurt restaurant. - The capital stock is 12,600. ' Reliable place to borrow money on diamond and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. f9 Washington street Estab Untied 15 yeara. Lowest rates of inter est. , Economicsl-marketer will do well to read our market page Friday evening, a 4f here they will find the represen tative, grocers and market of our city. ' Steamer Redondo sail direct for San Francisco and Los Angeles Friday, p. m. ' Meals and berth included. C. H. Thompson, agent. Ill Third street; Th new Hotel Oregon, corner Sev enth and Stark atreefa, has hot and oold running water and long distance tele phones in every room. : . . Any watches, cleaned. fl.OO; main spring, $1.00; all work" guaranteed one year. , MeUger aV Co., Ill Sixth street. M " - !" - ' - "' The Oregon. Portland' new and mod ern hotel, is receiving guests. , Corner Seventh and Stark streets. ; .Anley Printing Co, 180 Oak. WHERE TO DINE. 'The Empire Is the place to gq for your flrr meal. Iseetk na clean. -.. PAPER COMPANIES , i ARE, CONSOLIDATED . , . , , . .- -.. . 7 Conaolldatlon of the Crown Paper oompany of San Frnnclaoo arid 6regon City with th Columbia Paper company at La Camas ha been completed. Th capital stock I 11,000,000. Th presi dent la H. n. Roaanbaum of New Tork land Ban Francisco, and th general manager I w. P. Ilawlay of Oregon City, both- having occupied almllar pe tition in the Crown company. F. W. Leadbetter of Portland la -vice-president. U Schwabaeher t-'ecrtary NAN PATTERSON'S SHOW." IS BARRED FROM TOWN ' ConnellsvUl, Pa.r JuneN 1. District Attorney Thorns ; It. Hudson, remem bering ' th trouble occasioned by the Proposed appearance of Mrs. Kate Soffet in Fayett county theatr mor1 then year ago, refused to allow the onnUtvlU. and Unlontowo mgnager SUMMER'S TO THE. - , FORE -- f-'' In Summer ' Furnishings "for-Mcn - Balbriggan -Untlcrweaf, 80c 80c to t.ou. - . . . - -T Mercerized Underwear, $1.501; Ramie Underwear,. $3.00. -; Madras : Shirts, $1.00, $1.50. Silk Shirts, $2.50, $3.00. "" " WANTED- Good Location for : BRANCH STORE 4t r- zzzz: LRobinson CB Co. . Hotel . Perkins Bldg. " ,r bat. - If jjroiir, have ... aom friend ot relative that graduates, and you want to setect a suitable - reraerabranoe for them, w offer : v - fw suggestions. - - - Tor Ladies tr 1: -"WATCHIS, rCHAINB, BACK COMBS, " For Gentlemen : , : CUFF 'LINKB,'"7'V'"k'V 4 " ' POBS; ! , , WATCHES. . . - -... v CHAINS, . . , SCARF PINS. , . , POCKETBOOKS. FOVNTAIN-yjCNgr-ETO- A. N.Wright miowtmrtm, 'r . 293 MORRISON STREET ' - Stelnwayt Estey A. B. Chase .Emerson Starr "Heller C&Co. Etc . Etc. Etc .. - It doe not take th publlo long lo find the -home nf the Stelnway and other hlgh-grad piano i , numerated above, from th fact that we hav had but on ad. in th paper and already are mak- ' "V lng aalea to people who will hav ' nothing but th beat. W hav th piano at th right price.-...-.. Dundore Piano Co ' TZXITWAT BliUII. StS WASHINGTON STREET. to bill Nan Patterson. - The manager' of the, Colonial theatre received a request from HarrlBr manager for Nan, Patter son, who Is opn to open a season In musical comedy, for a data in th week of June ft. . Robert W. Singer, acting for th theatre . company, telephoned District- Attorney. Hudson -asking whether the show would be molested. Hudson decided it could not be. put on. Bo far a he is concerned he had no ob jection to the play nor the woman. but eh would in all probability be an noyed and perhaps would hav 'to take action- against persons whose ideas of morals would not. permit of having her brought to the community. L Producer to Consumer t ' y--' ""'Per Ton. : ROLLED BARLBT . . . . . 923.BO Choice Feed Oat 29.BO Rolled Oat S30.00 Whole Corn f 2 fl.OO Cracked Corn ...... ....fXft.OO Middling ..1 S28.00. -Shorts..,.., .....S21.BO fBran .... 19.BO -Wheat -HwW...f 2S.BO - Dairy Chop flT.OO ' Timothy .Hay ;..flT.OO Idaho Timothy JUy..r. f 1B.OO , Alfalfa Hay ........... H.OO For delivery add 10. per Ion. Above Price. Are "lfonr-eave." PACIFICGRAIN CO, Telephone Main BIOT. .. . " Co. Thirteenth Mat ears ay at. Graduation Days . w. To commemorate (the and Clark fair in a way live lonrest in the mind of every- Portland house- v. wife. jr-rf,----.-r .'''J ,r. .v- j ir " V ,: : ' f ' .- : i h ;; '.-4 I kliktiL r r-r ' i r . u -. . FOR Z VewiIIIeliver and set - , th&e fine; $27.60 Steel.-Ran give, you apsoiutciy-aree, hown herewitru aV . " i..' !' .9.:"f-r'mn - - "77. 1'; ..",.".' '" "", ,' ,T ; Jlie$iLgOIaH apply on purchase price of the m m Aw ' f range, balance payable $1 f This offer can dnly be extended over Friday and SatuxdaV. June 2 and 3, it being one. of ou ways of helping our patrons to remember the " -openings days of Portland's -greatrf air. --4 We venture to suggest you will not be able to get such a bargain every day. Formerly New YorK Furniture Co. " 184-186 First SL. 0 Elastic Pulp THE BEST WALU PIASTER Contractors and builders, in Lwi th .plaster, . should It Is Beit For It Will loot crack. It "will not crumble. T. 1- J V.I.. -- It is fire and water L' It is a non-conductor of sound. . i - .' -tt-lt has perfect acoustic properties. vVelghJr much less than ordinary plaster. i J Requires little labor to put on,nd' possesses many other advantages over! ordinary plaster. - -" , We challenge lan y other plaster on these points.""-'----It is best for schools, tchurches, residences,, lodgerooma and hop-driers : in tact, xor any ' See the WrQ. McPherson Co. booths at the exposition for Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. ) .- .h. Phone Mala 3361 5 1 7?5 2 1 Cha mber of torn merce Portland, Ore. opening of the Lewis that will make th? event r $5.00 DOWN up in-your home one of 7 gesr and in" addition, - one QfrUieKomans OTTOMAN .of weathered oak upholstered In Spanish leath er or fancy ve Ipur, worth 54.75 per week. frr-i 0 order to secure the be?t results "use Elastic Fuip Many Reasons -. proof. ; , i. l:S''i interior or exterior piastenng. Co. and pacific-Mail Order"., samples of work. - - Plaster Aja-TjsuriaarTtw Free Lectures on Cooking ,AJD. :l DEMONSTRATIONS-. Of sjjrarieas ,. far TCalBary paryaeee' CHOCOLATE --andCOCOA ': MaBBfaetttrad y.t'f , 1., ILWalter Baljpl 3 CS, Co.rLtd D0RCHK8TEB, Mag8. ,;",; (BUbUa)ed ITdO. 4 , ... Will be give t7 ' Miss Elizabeth Biirr, Doaastle Setenc Dept. Boatoa T, W. C. A.) ' ..-"': vL-ATlviJi::,-;; "! Parson's Hall th and "Waahlngtoa . 8ti.,' rertliad.-. Or. Daily, for One Week Commencing Friday, June 2,-05 At 10 e'rhtrk. la , the ttmntu- and . ( ' , e'clock In taa Tln. t- Samples of MIh Burr'a preparation, aaefc aa - Cakaa, ,rodlli, aUrlosuM, - sds. Honfflra, Ice Cream. BaTarlaa Creama. etc., wttf -txr- aerrmt -ar aacB -loriu-. and ab will be pltaar toaoawrr all Inquiries rf afainff th aame. A different menu will be prepared and aereed at earn lector. Rample cakra t tba Walter Baker Pre mium No, 1 Chocolate, th Vanlla Swet Chooolate and little aampl eaiia of th Breakfaat Ccna. alao a book of "Choir Chocolate Recipes" will be presented to all peraooa attrnitlne tbnw lerturee. and all -who are Intrreeted - la ertentlfle cooking abould not tall to com, aa tber are TIT Tf ITT. BASEBALL;!! June 1, 2 and 3 PORTLAND " vs. SEATTLE 1 ari";iH. - - toanl A-mlssioa, SSa. . O-U-xea, XBo. Orandatanit- for- ladles -free - every dar but Sundays and holidays) msn 16a, Ladiea aa riaajr. . . . BelascQ Theatre :5m. (Feraerl CommMa Tbaatre) Mtk sad Wasa. , iTaax-ei-UMi Betnlar kfatlnees Satarday and aada, -Price BTln. lTt TBei matinee. ! to BOe. BTln. IS te TBei autln, IS IDaTld. Bt--oa' Orat Wat rUj-, "Tb Belaaee opening was eporb-maklag is but i theatrical btetorr. ' Oresonlaa. Next The Climbers C ' . : By Clyde Fltr. r fltarrlaoa at., net. eta and its) Toelrbt and Ttommie- Klgbt Tb Dlatlagnlabed Singing Co media a -rr CBltrOITXCOTT ---A EO-Uuroa of .txoh.h Prtrea tl.M, $1. Tie. 80. Me ssd IBe. Saturday Matinee and Night. Jane S, IMS, f- xb. xat a' oooownr. ; " ' .'"' "Tb- TJenrper" at the MeMaee.' "A Gilded roal" la th Xnalag. Adranee Sale Tomorrow (Thnraday), a. m. PRICB" Parquet, U: parquet ' circle, tl SO. rows, tl: laat . TSe and Baleoer, 8 rat . e toe. TNIl-bt, abt. sail allary SOo; matinee, gallery ISc and 2Sc Boa and logas, tlAoO. 5S Q R A N D , a nonisoirs xnrrn-U, mms nrE ABDEXSOV TKIO t - " LETJEg ABD KAKB . TEX , OAHOINO DUYKTS IDIOSAM ABD THOBNTOV KABIX BFABBOW "" " " . '. JOB BOVBEB aaAroucroi S4CAJAWEA MATIINEE . SATTRPAT AIT BKOOS. JUNS S. .. To ralaa fond to pay indebtedneae on a Urn. Any neat 30 eenta.'Xet all kelp th noble rant. StAR.ThE ATRE ; 5. A. ND . 8 X8. EXP08ITI0! HITS. John LT Sullivan MEtaOT TKIO 7 MACK AVO , ILUOTT MSB. JITttl LETT A CO. BE-IOCAll XOS1JEE ART) CHAP lit XICHAXD BTXTOX . ESIOSXAFK, J,0rk-rt-MeOer Fltat." Dally Bietlns. t 9 te :0 p. bl erenlsgs, 1:15 to 11 p. m. ..... ' Admtalon Matinee. 10c, He. 60ei ertnlnt, lOr, a&e, Oei- empirEl'V; - t Mlltea W. Br aa, Ro. Manager. . Daily IUtlne, t:ll, levnlaf st 1 11. , ABMIB8I0W lO CIXTS Empire Stock Company' 4a tba, soworfol. art -melodrama, : A WICKED WOMAN AH tbla week. A eomplat produrtlon. BAKER. THEATRE ftSiff4 gBAHO- g GREATEST BIXL. KIATINO A 'lMn, Managm. , DEL ADELPH1A XIOE AND WALTE AVIl, AND OEIM KOLMEa AB . l -AkKEOO-APH BAJa B VUIUIIU I Performance. s:nn, 13" aa . m. Admlaaloe, a. xa vnu ie jus LrYRrIC THEATRE " Keating A flood. Manager?. VTU gTAXTTlfO M01tATr MAT To Ureat Comedy-Urama, "IDAHO" 'A WTITERM IfJTX." ; , '( TO-LOW THE CROWD. ' 10-ADIS1IO TO ART SEAT lOe ILAIISS IXOS, CONCEIT RTSf RMHT. fetssa suRRSiba. . - The Heart ot fJarvland Strange Woman cf Utterly Impossible to Keep a-SecrettfonTZIme.. - Von Heck, the Famous Clairvoyant and JBsy--chologiat. 1 , READS HUMAN-THOUGHT- Does Such Slagular Things That Callers Look Upon Mar as Visitor From an Undiscovered World Qreat Human Puzzle. J Mm. Ton Heck, the world's raarvel- nus uimrvuyani, amonuuua i'bti- lann. . . . . ... This celebrated German Udy has amaicd the people. She drws such things--aa were never .done before. She can read the human thought aa - teacher reads a book. There, is nothing in t he breast of a man that can be kept from i T-- V vl3 ; ,--s 54 . - ' v. .. ,'.' j. i-tX I . Jv.v'.' , her. Think what you will - and Mma. Von Heck will Instantly tell yon what It la about She la a new kind et a -creature, indeed. , . . What doee she do. 77rr1T th? reader is prepared to ask. "What doean t -she doT ls about tha best response that -an- be maJa - - Wlthout esklng queatlons, ah lelW the caller all about himself. Or herself,, as the case mart " - : -i" A man. who wilt not permit tha use . et his name, lost some valuable papers. A friend told him of Mmav Von Heclu The great clairvoyant.or astrologer, was sent for to come to Portland. Bhe ar- .. -, rived the other day and the lost papers jrere soon located. The owner haa them now. and the madam la a great deal -: richer than she was. .-.-" husband - and wire naq paconr cn tranged. There was no real Teason for It, as there seldom is, but still there was a separation. One of them laid the eaae . before. Mine.-Viro-Hec-The husband and wife have had a glorious reunion. The clouds iof discord have been i die pelted. Theterta sunshtrns-trr-that Inori ier--- .. today. Happy tranquility a taken the plarn or turcrarence; -j mr-n -wmin fatlon.- The transformation could not be rewarded In coin. Heartfelt grati tude alone can settle that account.- An eogagement of marriage; had TJeerr broken. .There was a very unhappy - roung weman on the one hand, and a not oo delighted young man on the bther. -Each had a hand in that breach and oiut to . have been sound y epanked. But the Inmrtlorr of punlsh-ment-dtd not eonVer lima Von. llec brought these separated onea together. Th. rjMl Mniru-t has been renewed and a home is being prepared for the . bride and groom. Bach has seen the error thai causea inem w rai p-r-Th.t. .v.. r- ananed now. and who was it that caused them to eee? This lately arrived wlsard, who Appears to be able to do all things. . . Ana tnis assertion sexe -n w "ai- tatlng. If there were 1,000 Mme. von Hecks in the land and the whole number - -could be brought together in one great company, why could they not bring -their allied powers to bear upon tha csar of Russia and the mikado ot Japan and thus quickly end that wicked warT The - -writer believes a combination so grand and strong could accomplish this right- eoualy humane result. . - .. Mme. von Hoc- claims ins power o -, peer into the future, too. And there -seems no doubt but that she can. Why should It not be lust as easy t rad coming events as to describe thoaa - -that had passed into eternity, of which . the lady had no knowledge. Many be lieve thct she can do this, and scores srs the eallera at her residence, 125 8. -Fifth st-seeklng information concarning . what the future has in store for them. .. This they are told without the slightest hesitation, and all doubt absolutely sat. tailed, though mystified at what they have aeen and heard. Mma. - Vw. Hack belonsa to a new claaa of clairvoyants, or astrologer, as she prefers to be known. She is proud . -of her profession and guards its Bacred nesa with Jealous car. - Khe is per fectly coanlaant. too. that In her exalted calling there are many impostors by the score, and this see ma to annoy her moat of all. Her one great dealre and ambi tion is to elevate her profession so that there may be attracted to it the "hon- orables" of the world, and in thts Bhe i haa most admirably succeeded with her- v" self. Her life in one of purity and her habits above reproach. r- Advice given on all points of Interact, such as lovs, courtship, of marriage, di vorce, business transaction, stocks, ' grain, health, etc. Bhe recovers losses, wills or mislaid deeds; reunites the sep arated, causes speedy and hsppy mar- r rtagea. - ; ... MME, VON HECK IS r PKRMANENTLT ' 6CATEf) ANT CAN' BK CONSCLTED AT HER FRI-' VATS! RESIDENCE. 225 South Fifth Street Hours 1:10 a..m. to I p. m. .' ..... TaKe Your time ...... .. '' Tou And legitimate and illegitimate business houses in every city as wsll as Portland. Investigate several stores . before' you convince jroureelf pf quality style and prices. , ' . Tou are welcome at either mm et our two stores, en established for It yeara... oh First and Yamhill, and a newly Axed up store, corner Third and Davis. Our stock consists of Men's and Roys' Suits, Hats, Pants, Shirts and Under wear, with a TUlt line of lAdles', Men s. Mleaes' and Boys' - flhees and Oaford. Ywt will sava money by trading with a a. x JOHN DELLAR, Prop aarassiM-m.. itvs 11 (U51 mmmi JIAWTHORWE TMACS- POITLASO B1IJT . '" Kew epen. Ta Pwtieod lltsn ear a4 fat ft al Hawthorn Terr.r. dim If m Un. - tie elimhins- si-ifi t Mt ebew Is A."l'-a. keaatlfll effert f noeerfol aafil'at turn at Ww .'OS.JS t-Etfc 1 I.- ' I