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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
: -V- ..." i ... -r- ... , v - .. .- . " -. ' t THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.- (THURSDAY EVENING,-, JUNE; U ' IW VLADIVOSTOK SHIPS mum i V Russian Losses, In Battle Are iPJaceOtlFromfyen.jtQi . v Nine Thousand Men. ; rWOTOREXRUlSER 777CAPTORED, BY JAPANESE Admiral. Togo Gives Detailed Ac count of Great Naval Battl ; in Korean Sjtraits... . (Jniul Spaelal - Nagasaki. ,Juns: 1. (Bulletln)-It U rumored - that -th Russian . armored crulsere Rossi and Gromboi ba v - bO sunk by torpedo boat. ; . ! " (Journal Special Servtos Washington. Jun l.J (Bulletin)- Minister Ortseom reporta from. Toklo: "Additional to the main force, lour bub lani second-class .cruiser and subBl ltai r vessels ew destroyed. ". It la of tclallr announced that Admiral Volker ami waa killed, not captured, aa re- orted May to.' -. ' ' ; ' '" (Journal Bparlal Sarvlee.) Toklo,' June l.iBuUetlnX Later re rt plare thRusalan loswea tsfrAn 000 to t,ov, exclusive -oi ine .,vuu iptured. It Is (eared that maJortty t these perished. Calculating the com lements of the sunken and--captured hrps there- , wer upward of 10.000 .board. This leaves an even thousand accounted for.' Many bodies, have ten.waahed eahore in the vicinity of he battle. i- -.JourBal Special garle.l I London, June 1. Baron Hayashl haa eeelvd ' Admiral. Togo' seventh report the- battle, which place the total apanese losses at 600.- Torpedo-boats nlrty-fourt Twenty-flv and 8ixty-nln. hlcfi were 'sunkT were the only vessels at by Janan. the admiral saya: "The Osllabla was seriously damaged ariy in h i.iu-w-m1r-tt-intmt he line and sank at S o'clock. At noon. .he-Blssot-Toilkyr Ih Admiral Nakht- Bioff. the Vladimir and the Monomakli ad suffered heavily and were so badly amaged by the torpedo boat flotilla that hey were put completely out of action. "They were discovered next morning: wftlng-nearTshumla' by the converted rulsers Bhlnanomaru. Taramaru and sintamaru, but went down before they kiuld be captured, our ships -rescuing it survivors, "The Navartn was struck br four tor edoesrandsanK. - Threg japannaa tor edoboais sanJrTroru'ring the night, at Wck on May-47, but-most of the rews rere jesctsea. - r - It "The damage to other vessela, includ es- -t ha destroyers, Is very slight. None incapacitated for action,- As nearly whole Japanese and Russian fleets are engaged, the field of battle was eatly extended. The weather being laty. It. waa Impossible to see mora tan five miles. I was therefore unable r me. even In daytim I'The battle occupied two - days and o nights The enemy scattered In fry direction. Some of our vessels are raged in duties subsequent to the ttle,-delaying complete report for verst.aays. The cruisers Nytaka and Otawa dls vercd the-Russian crulaef Bvletlana o'clock Sunday morning in-the nlnlty of Chapplan bay and - ImiM- ktely attacked her. It -la., suspected at ' the Russian cruisers Almas and irora were sunk by torpedoes on the eht Of May 27. 'Judglnjg from this and former reports IDA rnemx a main Bmniini vigrnv u&i" ships were destroyed or cuptured. Iree armored cruisers and three coast fense ships destroyed or captured. th the second-class cruleers and other sels destroyed and the enemy's fight wer la thus annihilated." . ADMIRAL ON BORODINO,. Jestvensky Kolsted ' 71 ag on Xnlas bnyoToff but Waa on Another TesseL Iroklo. June 1. An officer of the Rua- o battleship Borodino, now a prisoner Malzera, says that while Rojestven- ralsed his flag on the Knlas Souvo- f. he was In reality on board the odtno during the action. - When the rodlno sank the admiral boarded the troyer Bedovl. on which he was ntuatly captured. KAISER URGES PEACE. tPeterabuTg.-Junel.-AdvrcesTrorii lln say that lh kaiser., fewterrtnv karded an urgent dispatch to the I- urging him to make peace. The sage-was followed by a long auto- bh letter pointing out the . reasons Russia ahould give Up' the- present ggl. - ..... . ; :. erlln military experts declare that It osslble and probable hat If Russia aed to conoluda an early peace pn will compel It by threatening 8t. raburg with a great - army. Not this, but It wilt be possible for n to attack St Petersburg by water kussia is practically powerless upon seas, her remaining vessels being biatch for Togo's combined fleets. AIlARCIIISriIORLS ; DVflAfJITE AT KING Alfonso and President Uoubet ' LJ 11. 1 ' e-.l ' r-l'l'" iv .Pa9 ii arrow tauapa rrom V 1 inrernai Macnine. bomb:8Arely-Jv1isses . HEADS OF THE RULERS Officers of the Royal Escort Are injured- by-rragments; ""of Missile. X . '.(Journal Special Berrlce.) , Paris, June 1. King JUfoneo went to Chalona today to witness the army man euvers, accompanied by President lou-. bet. 4. Before starting the young mon arch-attended services at the Catholic church of Saint Clothilda, where he of fsred thanks for eeoape from death at the hands of the bombthrower laat night Th police made 1 additional arrests this morning of suspected an- arcnlstsT1)uTsTe feitalu that the wtan rettable ptepa wno. tnrew in pomo naa aui.pma cap tured. The ' bomb was thrown at midnight as Ms maj'sty with President (.Loubet mas driving In tafrlage from gala nerformanro at the Grand (opera nouse. It exploded with- deadly- effect and flv ueraon were Injured by the rragments of the missile. Only the 'bad aim -of the . -bomb thro weravedj: the. live-of the monarch and the president. It-waa near the arohed gateway 'of the Ixuvre Uadlng to the Palace Car rousel that a man sprang out from th ri "h hli itnn. r,l"l.'!.11" and before th police could prevenTTilm, threw a projectile In th direction of the royal : carriage. The - bomb had been thrown with too great force'atid paased over those whom It waa Intended for and striking the shoulder of a soldier, falllngto the ' ground.wher It ex ploded. , OfficerS riding atthe"ld of the royal carriage were ooin wounaea. A sergeant, two policemen and a woman were Injured and a child lost ItB eye. - Many arrests were Immediately mad of suspected pertong. , ; CROWD AT GATES . . IContlnord .from Pag Ona." hlle th number of admissions : on pasaes had numbered many,- hundreds. - Everywhere within th grouiMs was bustl and hurry, although ther was eryllttleconfuslonr So thoroughly had-arrangeraente been consummated that every employe knew his duty, and so perfect waa th discipline that each oroceeded like a veteran-soldier, to the performance of hla task Steam, rollers were in operation pumni uii iinnmm touches on the graveled plaaa. During the forenoon was . heard the sound of saw and hammer.' as workman, finished the booths and stalls. Excellent police and detective servia Is maintained In every parfo the keepln touch wtth H diyjalnnq un. grourt!l-,RetdeaTtha-UPirormed expor . - I ... i . . .V TT1 Dlaln -clothes -under command of M. F. Donohoe. and every precaution possible has beea taken: agelnat pickpooketa and crlminala of all kinds. Expert crime de tectors from all over the United states who are acquainted with noted criminals are on Chief Donohoe's istaff, and the public will rest under, the assurance mat tbty will nave vigilant -guaroa -against those who desire "something for noth ing." ' As th time approached for th parade to reach the grounds the people waiting outside had grown in numbers . until they covered the open space before the gates - and - extended - for blocks -down f the street " All the morning the sunshln alter nated with the-shadows cast by lower Ing clouds, and every one momentarily cast upward anxious glances In vain attempts to forecast the weather. Myriad flags (Continued from Pag One.) ' gaily . decorated In honor of th day. Flags with the' atars and., stripes and banner with th crimson sunset emblem float from every mast and spar. Busy tiny launches carry flags aa big as they, while great steamers and sailing vessels re gorgeous masses of color, , In the residence, district decorations are equally profuse. The homes of th poor are decorated as faithfully, though not so lavishly, as the dwelling of th rich. At the fair grounds Innumerable ban ners wave a brilliant display of color from veryburidlng, and from a myriad ef poles Treamthe flags of all the nations. JTAICXD OUZT JOTTXCX. (Journal Special Service.) Panama, . June l.--Oovrnof Magoon haa appointed ex-Governor Duran chief Justice of th supreme court urthe ca nal xon4 , , . . , . Read All This! YotTNever Know the Mo ment When This In- formation May Prove of Infinite Value. X ' ...It -Is ".worth' considerable to any cttl en ef Portlaud Jo know how to be cured of painful. annojlngnOtchinKjiie Know. then, that poan', poeltlve rerwedy-for all Hehlwes ef' the akin, for pllee,.eemr ete.---One.eppll-catlon relieves and soothes. Read this testimony of Its merit; ' . ..... i. -rrMrs.. Br Sthleyrwh6"resldeBatTII8J Ivon street, says: "I waa annoyed with chafing and salt rheum,'. or tetter, on my bands for some time.-, The akin was sore and tender, .and. at .times Itched terribly , I tried .to cure, it byj using horn remedies, ' but waa : unsuccessful until I' procured Doan'a Ointment. " It cured m anneft tTjeSriPwhlfe and soft, besides being not at all, unpleasant to use. I am glad to recommend this acquaintance at every opportunity." i For ' sale 'bjr1 wrl-dealertfrncvTBO cents. . Foster-Mllburn Co,, Buffalo, N. T.. sol agent for the United State. .Remember, . POAN'8 and take ThS btner. J L JZZZ' FINDS EQUITABLE . ; OFFICIALSCUILTY Frlck Report Demands theRe- ovarot-"AfexafidePrHyde, 7 Tarbell and Others. ' ( Jooraal gpeelal Nw rTork, June I. The World says the report of the Frlck committee on Equitable Assurance Society affair Is full of sensational " charge, -- It practl-csJJx-demarl8--tha-Tem9val orPresldent Alexander, First Vice-President Hyde and Second Vice-President Tarbell. It declare -that every off leer and - direc tor of th Equitable who profited as a member . of . the "Jamea - H. - Hyde - and aeapclale ayndlcate must pay back to' the society, every -dollar made at the expena of the policy holder. It de clares that If any. of tha guilty of fleers refuse io refundthe money the-4 Kqnltablo-polley- holder Tnay compel by restitution - suits. It declares that the office of President Alexander haa been managed 1n laxity and negligence and should be thoroughly reorganised. It Is charged' that Vice-President Tar bell conducted hla office with wast and extravaxaac and It should-also b re- organised. -. It . condemns . th - payment of aalerlea of $111,600 a year to James H. Hyde by the Equitable Life and sub sidiary oompanles. It find that waste Land extravagance, it .not peculation. have xttedaractlcally . In every de Dartment of the Equitable society. - It la declare ihat between 110.604.000 and $12,000,000 la deposited lav different institutions foe the personal use of or tain offloer of th society. It And extravagant charge for trav eling expenses have been mad by Hyde and Third Vice-President Dfinrr. T. Wilson, the former putting in bills for $40,000 and th latter $60,000. While part of thereporf-wabelnf read dealing with the sales of th Equit able securities In which the directors were Interested, there waa a painful acene. In which Jacob Schlff, Cornelius N. Bliss and Henry C Frlck wer the chief actors. Schlff deniedthat he had been guilty of any Illegal act, but Frlck and Bliss contradicted him. and . It seemed as If the men would come to blow. "" " . , HOTEL ARRIVALS. (Jourail Special Service.) Llsard. June 1. The Thistle crossed the line at 11:44 o'clock thl afternoon- ine Apache alone haa been unsighted. JEWBllO HERPICiDE II . ' The OBXanTAX MxMdy that "kUla tke BaaarmsT The Herpicide Habit.": refal saeel sew eonatdar It a tfat to aae calp prophylatle, as It Isanua rUaaltiian a irwaoai rroat eaaarmrr ark-ronea. Tke foeh a pleasure that tb "Berptelde BaMf is .nr hnal. A aalf-aanr that srvwe a popsi.ritj. UvUckts tha kadtas ky ls frashtnf qua lit ase esaalsfle mmm Kewbre's Barplelde makes tills ''eatr" Ing the kalr II n a ani.a aicws. CutM asatfraff. stana " .0lTaa aattafaetlea aa axel US uania., BVa KCBlBf iMtaBtly. Ifat aa luffy aad t Mf'l dlTaa aa Xaee W GONE!!! pryloU WIU S4t It, Xsreielae Will Save It, ; a Late fa sUrpteMe, I SWft.HH. it4 Mr. Stamp. I BHPICIDE CI., St I, Ntrtit.MICB:. tr a tantf. AjrruoATxoars a ntmzjrur bbm gxovs. - -iAi 1 It " - " n I 111 I lln.APriin n m itin 'Aluj mm vmit. mum -""w-t- i Barbed WirtTVir and LawrrFenctnf, . " ,1 J-; j- ' Pouiuy Netting. Etc PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS , a0 FLANDERS ST., Near Third nt Main aooo- At tke Portland: B. Coha. Ran Praneiam: D. Rlddell. New York: G. H. Bowman, Cleve land; Morris Ansell. London, Knsland; I. Bis er. New Tork: D. Clark." Spokane; VC. L. Wsshhoro, Ran rranelaeo; Radle R. Carr, rlty; O. Clark snd H. Clark. Ralrm; Thomas God win. Ran Franrtara; C.. Fee and R. A. Don aldson, Rsn Franctsps: (1. A. Parkyns and N. R. Martin. Los Anceles: X. Bhllllnsanarg. Rsnts Barbara; f. ' fl. Judah. Ban Franrlaeo; . T. Forarth. Oaklsnd; A. H. Rising, Reno; W. 8. I'ladwell and K. E. Wade. San Fran- elaeo; J. D. Flan. Rtorkton; J. O'flara. Raers- nwnter-H.-r; Tiboett. aaB rrtneisro: n. o. nawpurrj.. a i, t a. , 1 m r r ran' rlaon; Paul Sboup, Ran Joae; F. U Champlla, Oold Bill; C. C. Erts, Ann Frsnclseo; M. J, Khea. at. lunula: M. i . isomer, nan rran. eo: B. D. Vincent, rblcsco; F. T. Handrrx, Rnmnter: R. M. - Reellaaobn. San Franeiaen: BV- F. Walling. Bolaa;- B. . H. Dowsett. .. Baa Frsnrtsea: H. U Pino and wife. Chleaso: F. M. lHinn. oskisna. (ai. ; B. v. uneaair, neat- tie: J. H. Brown, ' Vt'lnnlpea: A. I. Barmoa and wife. Wallace. Idaho: John Griffin. Los Anseles; W. D. Forbes. Ran Charles lasses sna J. V. namnercer, new lori: J. e. Ketty, Ran Franelaeo U L. Ieadhetter, Camaa. Waah.: A. M. C'leland and wife. St. Panl; Miss Blanch K. Wle. St. I'anl; Mr.. M. A. Gott and danahrer. Dearer : E. M. o Brian, rnieaae. ' At the Perkins: '1 A. Mwhesd. Ooldendale: H. T. MeClsllen.' F.. X. Asee. O. W. Rtsley. A. N. Banders snd lisle ssnaers. Koaenurs; Mrs. D. C. Deoker. Ls Porfe. Ind. ; W. C, Wrlsht and wife. Ran Francises: U. C. Cols tenth and family. Winnipeg; T. F. Wood and family. Pacific Ornre, ar.s U I. Williams and wife. New Tork: Alexander rornron. Cot. taae Orore: H. C. Rrerens. Erbo; E. C. Cslley. Taeoma; J. I Henderson " snd 1 wife. Hood River: F. R. Thomss. Salinas. Cal.: M. N. ftnatner. MeMlnnrllle: W. A. Conchanoitr. Pay. ett;-J. O. Elrod. Morn: H. P. ook. Ft. Rip ley, Minn.; C. K. oenran. More; nsries bal llher. Waaen: A. R. Thomson. Re bo: W. 8. Brara. Pendleton; Wr- C- Cork end -wife. Mr. Mlnnvllle:' J. T. Kelso, nan Franeiaro: r. 1). Carter. Roath Rend. Wash.; A. Dlllos, Seattle; J, Noiee, MrMlnnrnie. - - - ' At the Imperial: John Adair. Riinnrmesd Fsrm: I. K. Feransrm. Aarnrla: . T. Bndae. Rosehunt: 1. T: Taylor. Ban Frsnclseo; John Rsnse sndwlfe. Grant Pass; E. W. liar- hansk. Beattlkf. Mrs.- R. P. Fstrweather, Wallace.- Idahr-C Ht Finer. - I-a -Grande C 4, Rroith. Pendleton: C. W. Sherre. Medford: W. W. Boneow. Hlllsnom; t; W. Hsltiea. ForMl Oroya; Mra. D. P. Qulnlan sad Tom Nolan, (or rallla; Mrs. Grrtta Rtowell, Arllnaton x;rr: A. C Henry. Mlnneanolla: - A. W. Rtowell. Ar. llocton Oakir Tbeo. Jotinsoa, Rkafwsyr "Walter Lros, .Independency. - r j - - t. OMTXB DBOWalD, -! I i ' silm;!;- - 4 aw. , y.ArrT'' ' la lfcated t ouratortiiccauBB the FaJr could i 3"fiT0 o sufficient space lor which wi had pplle3 BIG STOCK OF ALHUNPS OF I Fine Selection of Runabouts and Buggies which are the' Greatest Sellers this Year Each Line of Our Goods Stands Foremost of Its . Kind in the Country Henney Buggiesr Bain Wagons, Molirie P.ows , 4 Remember we are the store that had an incriase last year in retail sales of 300 per : cent oyer the sales for the year before. Our motto: "Bargains in what you want" 3ve r -":zr T.rjr.Vi 320325rErCST - MORRISON STREET ON TH E-TRAI Lf "MEET ME - IN VENICE" UlfW IBM .rrtar " - - . .. - - " THE WORLD'S GREATEST-MASTER OF SPECTACLE-HAS EXCELLED ALL FORMER EFFORTS IN THE SUBLIME. lEWILDERINO, COLOSSAL FAIRYLAND , SPECTACLE II M II II al - - VaTI II II 1 II I I W M 111 WaT II u I 1 JU B-ll II XaaV I 1 ssai as . -sar uu Positively the Grandest Production Ever Seen on the American Continent TROOPS OF BEAUTIFUL DANCING GIRLS-STUNNINOTBALXETS. I MAGNIFICENTCHORUSESrFAMOUS ACTORS AND ACTRESSES, ACROBATS. JUGGLERS AND OTHER SPECIALTY PERFORMERS OPERA, 8PBCTACLG, DRAMA AND CIRCUS COMBINED ' .. . a - . . UAROBST 8TAQQ EVER ERGCTCD-jVAST WATGR-ARBA - . .... - ' -'. . . . SCENERY ORSURPA8SINQ QRANDCUR Selected Cast of 500 REAL. GONDOLAS AND REAL. QONDOLICRS PAUCES OF THE DOGES ANCIENT CATHEDRALS THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS GRAND CANAL ROMANTIC VENICE ACCURATELY REPRODUCED OPEN DAY AND NIGHT GENERAL ADMISSION 25c:-?STKr (learaal Special Berrlre.) Cinrnn CAtr. Or.. June 1. Tha 1-vssr. old dauchtar of Countr iudire McHaley wks drowned tn panyoirereek last even ln. -Tha child waa gone one hour be fore ah waa found. It la supposed 'she fell from a footbrlflt. Doctor wer unabl to restore llfy. I il i m i I T (Bpeetal Dlaea toasts Th Joeraal.) ' Vale. Or., Jun 1. Mr. Jennie Curtis, wlfa of Jalrr Van Curtis, a prominent eltltsen of this place, died suddenly of heart failure. - Beside her husband h leaves three children to . mourn her un timely death: two flrla and on, boy. Th funeral -will be held today.. t- IwtaiM Baoek oaaae Oooda. Allen Lwl' Beat Brand. , . , . - .-' '-L- Bortland Implement Co Corner Front and Taylor Streets J If you want strictly-first class are sole goods you must go where they d. ..... We are general agents for the following manufacturers : ' ? iTolumbus Buetrv . Co. B6ggies Moon Bros. Carriage Co -(Sundard Vehicle" Co. , i ... i Milburn Wagon. Co.. agonsBirdsell Mfg. Co.' .,".. 1 ;. (Fish Bros. Mfg." Co.'u; . so. Piano Harvesting Machinery Blrdsell Clov er Hollers, tlay Presses, Manure Spreaders, Grain Drills Potato Diggers , ClderMllls,rcedXut-1 tcrs, Etc : ; When You Visit Machinery Hall Don't Fat! to See Our Exhibit TO MAKE BONAPARTE..- -SECRETARY OF NAVY v--t- (Joarnal Bpeelal Service.) ' Wa.kl.niL n f Jtin a 1 Prtiilften . n n i .' v , . - - -l haa authArlaawf he' a.nrMtiinoe ment that Charles J. Bonaparte of Baltl- mma will ha aniwilntad arMtarv-Af tha Navy-te auoossd J"aul Morton, who oflV- clally announcea inai.n wou.ia reiir July 1. . . " -. . " . . Bonaparte I an Intlmat friend of Rqoseveit. and, waa government counsel In th prosecution of postal ' frauds. VJa. la a'mmlvin' nt Jmma Rnn. rm rt M king of Westphalia, and brother tq Na- poleon. .During- visit to -the United Stat in 110 Jerome Bonaparte mar ried Elisabeth Patterson of Baltimore. Th church recognised th marriage, but Napoleon refused to. BODY OF PATIENT- FOUND NEAR TURNER (SpeHsl Mapatrh to Th Jnoraal.) . fialem. Or.. Jun 1. Th body of John Terry, an .escape from th Insane asy lum, was found beald th railroad track near Turner yesterday morning. ' It waa at first thought to be th body of ah unknown tramp, but whn brought to Salem by Coroner Clou'gh it waa recog nised by asylum official a that of patient who recently escaped from that Institution. -Terry waa a ' morphine eater and died from an overdo of the drug.. Thl waa hi third commitment to th asylum, and his home was not known. " " II . '. i.' SB A rrfnl Tata It Is a fearful Tat to have to endure the terrible torture Of Pile. "I can truthfully Bay." write Harry Colson, of Maneonvllle, la., "that for Hllrid, Bleed ing. Itching and Protruding Piles, Buck len'e Amlra.Ralv le the best cure made," - Also" best for. cuts, burns and Injuries, ;'6o at RM Cross Thermacy, Sixth and Oak trra. METHODIST CONFERENCE MEETS AT ROSEBURQ ' Roseburgr Ot., Jan Soatherrt Methodist - conference for -thl district, 1 which tt'eomprtsed of outhra Oregon, opened her yesterday... Most of th delegates ar here, though a fw from more distant point bar not yet ar rived. Th convention laa,tav.uattl Sun- ' day, when It will close by minister ef th denomination, holding service In alt th different" church. Preferred Soek Oasmaa . ' Alien Lewis' Best Brand. . I.. 4. I - ' ; "",r :'-v