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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
vi:- f ,'. g.TIlS QREGOTl ""DAILY - JOUTJlAt. rQSTLAWD.v THURSDAY 'XVEKINO, JUNE 1, 1901 f'- 13 ' v aw , , . .,; l-ir. . - .-!" . - I.. fob, rT veutrTcrrn boov. .. ... f if1". .ta sUaattaatle sat "il rds Isr II asats." ,' .- TENTS. furnished or Unfurnished: around Mn , to ptch Tour wa tent, i per month: tin . private grounds. Lewis and Clerk t-amplug Ml,t ""'-" iiw auati mm. f OR SALS NIc ait for ramp grounds; wsler and Bear cir tin; take Mt. Tabor and Res uerrolr car; Merrill's grove. - Call a addras ITRNIBHBD housekeeping suites: resaonable, V I U. csxv.Vs-Jluaasll stV-Alblua, iu aav isunary Dries nuiiaing; paocg worn ' ftTf-NISHED and housekeeping rooms at 488 awauty-aiira at . Dear sxposiiKia , inwmn, mens w ssi sraw. .. f WO eomnletely tarnished rooms l (at, laundry, ' Pooi rsasonabls. Phono East TV, MB LINDA TUT A. Bleely furalshsd imrtHti - log and slngl rawo reasonable. Be?! Fifth, - t " ; :- rr, , v s r bob bistt nrEisHT.D books. ., . DURING THE FAIR. -: Blegont sunny furnished rooms ara daatraMa, away from city soles: sll outelde rooms, plenty ot fresh air, building fireproof; car -.At duor (or all polntsn sal durlag fair; rats $1 day; free phone, batb and gee. Call or phone J. H. Palmar, 230 V, ttuaeell at. i none iuihw, THB. OAKLAND-. r- ditl Waabiug ton. bat Nineteenth aad IW tteth: new, modern, all outside rooms, sloe- fin, phono, fraa hatha: 50c. T6c. II Per osy rstes or war ;. restaurant la basement. 7 SEVENTH ST., nesr' Montgomery Well .... furnished rooms In nrtrate famTlr. deetrably ..rlocatad la ale reetdenes district, convenient , la ceruses and a ear center of city; eainroome - and all bonia conveniences; ratal . II to 14 r o.oyej-Bone pw. KICK large front noma, central location, II. M per aay; cannot be a p preen tea until seen; back rooma. fl par day and there are no dark rooma: one block from i'ortlaad hotel. IV and IDS seventh at. PORTLAND lllneral Bprlnra Hotel 0 rooma. 4"0 f evt from r'alr (rounds (ate; aew aad ''. clean: rataa reaaonable. Write and re- , sere rooaia. . 0. W. McCoy, Twenty lxla) ana oaner. 'LARUE troot room, prWate family; elderly pw preierrra; ail uoaera cooTenieocee, .- lkln dlatanc. on two carilnea;' real reaauaabla. top Eaat Ankeny. Eaat XIZL HH HAMANN, 185 N. J8th., ear Hoyt Newly tfuralabed rooma, 11.60 up; ebsTealent location, 16 minutes' walk to fair, croanda; Morrleoa L . . . m . , i . . I r.L a i i mr m niiioai ovpos aifeci to aouee.jruuoe eeivi 10 R RENT Two laree furniahed noma: bath and phono; contract. durln fair; ooe bkx-k - nw reetanrani, on oioca 'iniro an nun f car Unas. Faoaa Weat Md. 410 fourth at. 1, THE kJONNASTBS. MBV4 rirat st.j ainrl rooaw- rrom a : te a.; rarntanea noneeseepina; suites from fl.TB to fa per week; roona par ulcbt. Due and 2Sc tourists solicited. . LRN18HED toome, centrally located; pleaa ant aurroundtnasf prlcea reaaoaablai (aa, phone and batb. . 290 Jefferson aU, oppoalts fllf Mil... - .-. r :f. - ; HSU.OUO HOL'BB. 18d fthenaaai take S csr south: clean lodKlna, 8Se: meala, SSc; fur : nlabed bousekeeplos rooma wth. batb and k BWI.Y -furniahed roomi In aew cotun tkre '.. blocks .from fair around: tss .and eleetrle - , iisoi, aoi aaa coia wares nam. ana xnuruiaa. (0H WASHINriTON Koralahed , suite snd alaH.--daV''week up: suitable, for iwo; rooma per nifnt, ouc . rnono nooa eo. fclfELY furniahed room In nrlrtte realdence , brwkfaat If dVetred: sultabls for !: er reasonable; bath and phone. Bast MM. IIARQI'AM BOt'lB, J4S( ethRosms la suite or aincie; aonarieepinc reome; aaa atovea, minr eieoino Uinta: transients aoiiciira. . klKW furnished enoma. -eeervtblfur flretlaaa: electric ll(hte. (aa aiid hath; near hotel; per - maneni aaa transient. aa four in at. TKNT room East Portland, central . location: .- feouaekeeplna; airy hedrooma and beds, 60s nr nl(bt. Inoulr MVk I nlon ere. i- MATTATR Elrrantly furniahed -rooma new building; aradera ..coarrenleacsa.. 294 Vfc nrsra, cor. iiiid.. ataia nuot. . k'EAT furniahed moans, reasonable pMces, fnr rent by day. week or month.' Mrs. Jsna, 123 water, cor. Clay. . -.- -'- JTRNINHKD room sulfabls for lady er msa ana wire; rererences rsquirea. awe dacaaon. eor. Tsutn. 1SH TENTH, near Meri1sea-Haaooai front rooms, day ar week; caa accesBawdata st or Mint. 7- TWO nicely furalshed frost rooms Id blocks from (air; reasonable. Address 0 sa, tars - ' journal. i THE 0I.ADST0NE aim Saeter at., furnished rooma; under aew management; prlcea rea- ' soaani. ' t'l-KAV. cheap fnrnlabed rooms and lodgings, , S4S Eighteenth St., blocks from fair grounds. htirfXY furniahed rooms 60c, Toe per dsy; sleo nnrurnisnoa rooms, ioo norm awTenteents. . CHEAPEST ssd bast located rooms la PortUad. t ( $1 weak sad an. Oilman, First sad Alder eta. EIRHT-CLA.IS fnreltbed rooms la prteat res- laence, v Or- atfo-norin Derentsenia si, THR inVb Newly farnlebed rsonta, feat rea eonable; tranalrnt. 234H Morrlsoa si TWO aleelr furniahed rooma, hot hatha. It, IS week, fair rlaltors. 6M Front.. HCWLY furniahed rooms, surmnndtags pleaaant. eou siagnoiia ai.. oooiawn. . . f ROOMH with donbls bed at 29S Benton at. '4 Pbone llcott " JKirri,Y fnrnlsbrd front room.Tessonablalp BOOMS AVO B0A1S. TEA. we can aeeommodeta a few mora taMs. 1 boarders; boms rooking and everything (rat riaaa. Aster noose, seven la aaa Alsdlson. I'hons Main 2S1. SLKBANT accommodations, rates h das, arset or month; dining room; prlcea iisik, ioa Vala B424. irang, eor. jaia ana imng. THE HEt.INA dining rooms, board by the day, week or month; reasonable rates; strictly r first-lass. 1T1 Fifth St., opposite city hall. f Hf3 MNDEIXr-New family hotel. Market, bet. Third ssd Fourth; steam heat, eleetrle light, . poreelala Baths: axcsadlngly low rata. FI RNISHID rooms with , breakfast; trsnslent : only. tM Eleeenth. between Msla aad Jef r feraon. , . i : dgd NINETEENTH St., eor. Clifton, Portland Heignta, inone ataia un, ,fsas cteigBu csr. ROOM and board at Clay and Water sts.. Ha. l-- f"1, 1 "1 1 n 1' ' HOUSE! FOB BEKT FtniriTTrBE FOB SALS. J THB PORTLAND APCTIOM BOOMS asHs rent T furniture for yon at yonr reeldescs er 211 First st. For best results phona Mala Bafta, COTTAOB to rent, cheap; furniture for sales heady to fair. Call 244 North t'tftseata at. OR SALE Pnrnltnra of 13 -room honss, house - tot rent: sickness; snap. - add Flanders at. I ROOM aottags, slersat furnttnrs, rent 2s, close In. Pries 1460. -Call 10! Third. , S-Roosi flat, m Ioth Third faralturs, rant I3T I0. Call J -" . ' fob Birr HOtirs. FOR RENT Coa eotuge, two block! from Mnntsrllla llns. West se. Inqulrs of Bleb srdsoa at Osbora hotal. Orshd a- aad Ak. ALL or pert of 6 -room sottsga fnraiabed: yard, phons. eenarsllf located. - within one halt " block tar- car lines. Ph bona Msla H71. KAnpEBLT THANirlrJOMMISSIOM fJO Plsaos an fnrnfrnT moeed promptly nr es- perlenesd men. . 110 Third at, ktala IBM. FOR REtT Modern f roonv bonaa, fornlehed complete, with gee, be to, fboa 1 to October 1. phona C'nloo Sonne, Trom 4 ana SOnx FOR RENT S awdecn T room honaea aa Bast . Thirty-fourth st, ran I'JO W. 0. Beck, . room mil Tks Filling bidg. fOR RENTLsrg, ksadsoms hn aad groonds en top of UU Tsber, Apply Hyaaoa, Joorsal sfflca. , . . ' h b- -1 Ie yard. 1 Sua Orsnt. -BirtTrRi c5AitcEr- BPlWthpdnhn,, n TO tht Iwl and dark fair Tliitot anS tb aoB and women whA roiu bora with tba tDtPutloii e nittkliif Ihoif futura bomt, w lake graai pidaaur In inTltlhc yo to ur fra. atata and bvautllNil Uy' of 1 'or Hand -wttfe tta romfortahlf bomea sifMl - riaaaat "nuT-ittls--Willi" in 'Sirai in. riNrtunitiea, , ita people Far their Boapitallty. la business men aa a rnla fur their square dealing. We went - yon to feel at ssae whea yon step upon Portlands soil; that you are not surrounded by s grsaplng aud 'dlahonnrsbls people, You era awars that It Is acceeesry to watch out- for confidences -men and pickpockets; their eleee -will antes upon any Jlela -where- a -grost mass ot people 1U gather, but such citiaens srs not claimed br any" oommuhliy. ' In order to be con vinced of this statement we respectfully lu elts yon to call st our office, wher wa offer for aale nlc city homea. farms sll along the Willamette rsltry, suburban homea, e ' cent- Ms gnd bualnees chnncea ef all de. eerlptleas, ; Moping la ha sble Ml meef you, Rejueatfully Toura for bualnees, , r ' TT A pB(H)Kl'l-T..--" -t-. JMH WlnM- l-asnt Black (in, ... h VHRTKlAfS aest, then hap a block ad Velless ''L I" u will aTr regret doing so. Call snd ses map. samplea. reports from mlaa regsrdlng ths work being dons now, then decide,- For particular!. H. W. Miller, - 109 H tllsth at.. ... i. FBKB LANDS- IN OREOON. FERTILE soli, purs water, dellghtfol cllmaee: land of alfalfa, apples aad eloeer. For full Information address ths Columbia Bouthera Irrigation Co., 639 Woreester block, Portland. A LADT or gentleman who has a smsll amount ot money to.lneeat as a partner to sttesd to ofBce bnslness aettlng from 6500 to 11.600 and upward per month. Call ti North Wxth ' at. .- Phona Mala 2d20V ' . THB NATIONAL FIMANCINO CO., SOS Mar quam bldg., Portland, Or., handles baoda, stocks, mines, Mnsnees legitimate snterprlaes, furnishes, safs Isfestmsnt and secures (uans. THE best location In Orsgan for a (d betel . msa .with from 16.000 ts 110. 000, la ths ca . ter of the gorerameut Inrlaatloa workg, At drees A. F. Club! as, Merrill, Oregon. f.850 BUYS dairy, 20 sows, hors and wagon, cans, etc; 6-year lease; Isrga -kensa and barn, 60 acres good aaatnta, sta Wilaa ttam town. Phona roat 2041. . - -. ATTENTION, es'rlsge-pslnters Wanted, part ner, at aace; doing rushing business. F. C. Mossmsn. Sid Flrat snd East Wsshlngtoa. CONFECTION ERT and cigar etore stock; fll tursa at In roles; low rant; llTlog-reoms ; sick ness snd other business cauae. B 69, iouroaL FOR SALE Nest stark st grocerlea, for6M In good : aeUlng. i. iecatkoa, real li ga Bond reason to4 at. i. Adarsaa 9 as. ears Jeurasl. . . ASNAI ' beat location; cheap rent. Phona Math 4781. 00OD bargain, boarding1, rooming-bouse. If sold at ones; so agents. Phona Mala goal. BONANZA fids Una for Ilea traveling ansa, George M. Cole Co., North Yamhill. Or. FOR SALR Buttermilk HBt and fill flea 1200. Ill Cook ss., Portland. ' FOR "flXLF! Extra. good reatsnrsnt with leas, flue location. 412 Morrlsoa st. ROOM roomtng house for ssls, f 400, Msdlson st. . . ' - '602 BOB SAXB FARMS, -i" -C'--"' laaw .s"i e mip . p ioi'e adcrCBiL1tHKon'f ,F acres aeeded. grouse sll fenced, aew cedar posts, board and , wire fence, Isrgs t-room Bouse, good barn, gratasry. mllkhonas, Isrgs woodhouss ssd ether buildings, - tins water at the bona. Sue stream throngs, ths plaes. S goad taana Tf aorsrs. I salt, 116 (oats, at kssd at sat is, 86 besd of hogs, dosen chickens, IS turksrs, S new wagons, 1 selfWnder. ) asw ' mower, 1 aew 'heyrsks, 1 spring-tooth drsg, 1 plows and all kinds of garden tools, forks, shoTsla, wedgee, aiea and everything ' com plete. Price IT. 600; 12.200 caa stand at per cent, M miles trom city, next to last farm St foothills; Sneet rsngs on ttva PsctBo - coast; g miles from R. B. W. , W. Espsy. Room 1, Usmlltoa kids. . V . ' 140 set aa aa Columbia road. aod soil, bo level, balance rollloa, r Borne line atnibev. sunning water.' . nlanf at range; only 13 KO ' - , 146 a.-rea. go - miles - from Portland." I0Q Seres rich bottom land oa river and county Mfvaa. vanais Learn, ins am eaj sen; - 70 acres near Troutdsle, 1 mils to rail road. 80 caltlvatsd. balanc aaally cleared: this la one of ths best farms la Multnomah county; 676 per acre. la arrea near lnte,. part near:' nonaa ana stb. Ns. 1 soil, wl auks I geod fruit or hlckea rsnehes; 1,100, (600 dowa, balance ham. chlckea L 4Msr4rrromTf1rJTtXCHANaB. fgllht Washington Street. PARTIES sontemplatlng th parchsss at farming la ode la Osegoa will a well before so doing to call upon ans; also those looking for business openlugi gad thesa Interested ' In mineral or timber, as I havs had 20 years' 1 eiperlence la this ststa and know a larg 1 list to select from snd st tempting price. - SAMPLE, r 1,000 seres 50 miles from Portland, splen. ; did grass land and 700 seeded to (rase last aesaoa. all covered with pe vine ad vetcUee; n Improve meats; 19 miles f rose, rsil- roa 4; pries 61. per sere. larws, sa caan. balance to ault at S per cent. uix ar a per H. W. Mil ILLKR. 109 H Blxtk Street. Portland. Or. 280 ACRES 80 acres la growing crop, 100 -w arm m arrowing crop, sw mber, bat. pasturs, running atresia see," spring water for honss a, wvements. near puallo aceool. seres nr tunnel throush bike gooo mprseeflseoTa, rural mail and telepbons, a Sua home, sala- shls far dslry a stack ranch, grain, fri hops ,er vegetables. Pries HXJ; II. frult 600 Sows), baL oa Has. . Address 0 41, fourngL 24U ACRES, 24 In .cultivation, H sere good timir, gooa sou, bo roras, net mestton, good road, nearby all kind ef fruit, S barns, seed 8 ruoia huusr.good "water nnfF wind mill, 6 miles southeast from city limits of I Porllsnd Wfll make tsrms. .idrH . ajuus(.-u7, siiinsusi,, www 26 ACRES on Bssa Llns road, near ear; all la crops, a-roora noaas. new aaa snorter barn, ether autbulldlaaa. fruit and berrlee. Sna water, no gravel, sll farm machinery, teem ana toes, r.ssy terms: wouia) rasa nouse fa trad. Owner, room 21, 48-A First St. FREB LAND IN OREGON ander the 'Carey . Irritation Act- Ieed direct rrom state. -' Wrll today. Booklet snd mP free? B. B. . Cook A Co., S61 Alder at.. Portland. Or. - MALHEUR COUNTY Improved aadnnlmprovod laoda. acreage property, towa lota, residence, boalnee locations, etc. Don Carlos Boyd, th reel oststo msa. Ontario, Or. . , S.W. U see, 82. twp. S, r. 8 w.. two miles trsn flttslinrg, Columbia county, or.: will cut ,000.000 feat. R. Goodrich, Taesma, Wash. Timber-lands for sale. ... HOME8TKADER5 We locete yos oa wheat or Irrigation landa; real estate for sal. Call er writ Yaa Cleave Scboll, Bene. Umatilla Oa, FREB lands tn Oregon; ficuratoae every dsy. ror information iamr eor tan esters sseursv tie Co., 614 Oregoulaa bidg. f OB eonthera Oregon real aetata, larg at assail www. -. sJiiiens as visrsoa, wweewurg, we, . , ' s i ii i ii i ,i . Bir-r-w 'MPLtTIBBT BBBCBS. SCANPINAT1AN-AMRRICAN BMP. 0 TP I OB lisal aetata, reomlng-housea aad bnainess chances apeclalty.-. 27ft Burosld. Mala 8oaa. PAOiP"'esOT- EMPLOYMENT AQENCV uemaveaii norm seaus si, ("Bung Bed 161. . ' , . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB, FOB MEN. M N. Second St. Phon Msla 152S. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor contract tors; help fro to employers. 246 Morrison, HELP wanted snd supplied, msla or female. it. u. uiiabib, aualh. washlagtoafLClay 4A A If 1KB RM PLOT Mr NT BUREAU Help fus niesea irse. ioa sirst er. rnaas stsia iBir. 186 MORRISON Columbia River Bmp. sgeacfl -ssiiien iBoor niraisoea. rnens msia szuo. FOB BIBT EOTTXS. FOB RENT Star and hotel containing 114 oatsids rooms, oa TweatytsUi at., facing msla entrance and eilt of Lewis and Clark fair. - Apply to B. M. Lombard. 614 Cham bet ef Cemateree, ar doati Tweaty-alath at. rOB. BEBT TI.ATS. ' ' '. ' FURNISHED - 4-roomed modera Sat la Sneet resiaencs norttoa saai sins, st reaeonable rstes. inquire room a. Chamber of sere. FOR BENT Lower' famished Set. S rooms snd slcovs. gss rang and watee-basleae, sdnns; ssst slds; 80. Address O go, rare Jeurna I. FOR RENT I new modern 6-room Seta fea (eiwi. including water; so children desired. li Mill St. f . FOB SAt'sWPAt rt; FOR SAIJE Elegant snburban borne consisting el 6 seres highly . Improesd ground. 9-rouia m..A .,hu hallrflnea: also 6-room sot- -' tage, abundance of trult and perries; 20 eilnntea rlile to eltr. AOaress oe eii ew . 11. gchwerdtmsnn, are of Star Boa Cax I'heue Mala S. UB aalnk, hlnrk.,, Jr. story snd basemeut. d storerooms, so fuosns furnished;- will Seidell or separata at bod , rock prices; also 1 modern t-rooot rssioeaca. doss to It usee U at, oa WUHams av.igood Income ftroperty. , laautra at W. O. Bock, 'lb railing ldg. ' THHKB- new- modern kooses sll complete snd resoy to snors in; porceisia eu, ' ' fitii SMMMnr : tiij-kat . fene. obads trses, '6760, up; easy terms. He Jo Nssh, ths owner, at Nashville sddlUon Tshs lbs Mt. goott car, est eft at NasfavUla sUtlgDl iO , minutes' ride. I leV ? roa ait rx-tn ma rhia lakA 12 miles fro , proved, kgady t B. B- f4l'"". sVSlUadlng nd good ross good soil, For aartlculsr soareaa .- a. gnisfaofrg, aa"" , riVI! nsw modern houeea la Bolladay Park sddllloar sto 14 ehele Ms eieeels Isa- pisi, VemcBt walks, sswtf, tf wt build nouse to suit customers; on r s. W.- a. Beck. SOT Tks falling ..Mdg. POST A I K a seoderai UB-tA-datS BSW ' Bona, 1 T-room gnd 1 ; gaa and eleetrlet furnac pip; full bgaemeBtT flse loosHoBI ' glw o( ht. I o )ues pargain, peg owe., W Sb . - - 8ESJ ' foe ekea' kosaea le etrr Bad aoaatrT, - large snd smsll farms In sll psrts t the - atata.. Jiubaa T8art. 10T .glith. at, WHY not buy a heme when I have a assay fine cottage and bouses of sll descriptions . which caa M bought on esy terms! lnqulr W. guragu. 122 Vk firsnd av rooat I. FOB HALE 8-roem meoera aoaa . bona, with ' ar without furniture; first alsssj ejment pse- maut, porcelain oath, ate, . a. m. asaftta La,, T30 cuamoer or Co earner c. rost Rate nnnu t rooans. kalL saatry. beta, closets, full basement, Bos lot, sss -side, ga.ioti. Call.Msin Si so vstors a a. i nv, srter a p. m. LOTS ! Varasnr aa thesa ansa belsee kaylagl . s rvrnu car so siiwrvis - Dauaa, aaa kloek aouth. wha wlU ghaw. fan lota aaa rurniaa prices, . aa,.rn--i 1 SNAP S scree U frnlt snd veawtablaa: good honaa, . cistern . and outbuildings: 6 - blocks from car Una. William-Abbott, Moatavllla svsaaa. -. . iw w uunfl) fu r iiihw, building sits: equal to thraa lots. Phons Kaal SUM. Aaoraaa ill Ull srunyuourin. FOR 8AL4C 4joom enttsgs, modern, lot fenced, - fruit tree, f blocks from ear; caah or terms, r. 4, Ryder, Montsvllla. mona Main owo. FOR BALE House of 6 Highland, eaay terms. . lot 261100, Inquire . Holmes ---Ceuslog Co., east Klflith and id irtrlstoa sts. A BEAT, clean, furniahed houae with all con sentences; bats, gas, phone, etc.; oa thorough . far. - A4daass 41. eare JoornaL j 64 LOTS, aloaa In, aast aide; any or sll for sal. JL luatallmeuta; a rare epportunlry l. get a . horn, call .lOTtt l nira st. FOR 8ALB or sxrhaug. mi-aersa" IMprovad, - m tulle Irees Mostsvllls. car Una, , laoulr Owner, did BelBvoat. 11,610 Mew S-roosg eottsge and S larg lots . as aov. Orsad as, and Shaves stv Se awaar. W hava gs, " ' FOR SA LB 6-room hooaa aa ear aer fruit trees, . sto. . Icgnlra Sal Bast - SUM ii' i WOODLiWN,Hllhlnd Park; choice lots on la . atsumenta, h, l,. msiu, bus rsausa aiog. LOT- 60s)0S last as Twenty-second and Clin ton ate., ease sussi f sow. . Aourva m ea, soar. A ROOM honss. lot 60x100; smsll caah' payment, . remainder Instsllmsnts. Call 1074 Third. 13.250 NEW 8 -room house on Williams ara.; lot ooxioo. call ions inira. FOB SALE Cheap, sightly lota. Lower Alois. mi owner, pnono wain iff if. . ' t ' L BOB SALE MISCELIAHBOUS. " TTPBWBITERS Over 60 machines ' to eeaact from, aew and allghtly' aeed anacblaea of slaaeet any make to select from, wlth-Aarma to suit purchsser;. prices guaranteed lower - than else wo ere. can sna exsmms oar stock before' purchasing and save money. PORTLAND TYPEWRITER EXCHANGB, i 614 Msrqusm bldg.,- PorUand, Or. CB CRSAM, fruit oulrktr without see, uuhub sws, sweet la Sot weather; full directions. 10a, keeps ml la, Duttar, ate., rhiiiipa Bpaciaiiy co,, uax an, roruano. BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa for rent a for tub "rl"Sw'"k-'balkb COLLBNDBB CO. 49 Third at., PortUad. WE print your nam aa SO calling earda, nrsper slss snd styls. 26c. 290 bustnees earda, 61. ' Browa A Schmale, 229 First, Portlsnd. Or. FOR BALE ' Benond-band boiler snd engine, IS horsepower) sagm lathe, root; steem pump. a.uurBB e sveuiiL-e, awviaw, nsis. . 16-roOP gas launch, korsepower, soas- pletely g.olpped, In good condition; Jjo). W. f. Clemens, 278 Surk at. ariea FOR' SALE 8 cows snd smsll milk route; established. Apply 403 Ebey st, Mootarllla, an sight aftei I p'cioeh. Ol U orw, lull wimv wm si ,wi tun, aew, Sited tor gasslla anglnev Mrs. Now- und, root or Mill at. THOBOUOHBSItUieocker-speBlel puppies, sirs Hlack Victor. 880 William are. They era beauties, FOR SALE No. S Remington typewriter, good ss new; a pargaia. Adurses u a. jonrnafc TBLEPHONB torsrkets and Ptns. PloneeWood Mfg. Co., . Seventh. Phone seat 1100. COLLECTION ladltn. baskets r change. f. 0. Bo S4S. for sals ar ( PIBS0BA1, WILL ths psrtles wha asw A. 8. McCormlck fn on steer--bridge oa algbt of February th. whea hs fell from said brldgs snd wss drowned, alees sommualcata st one -with his wife. Mrs. A. S. McCormlck, 204 VI Stark street. , MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. Ons month's tree t men t, 2; S months. III; sent securely sssled fly mail, Ifruls, Wood.rd, CUrks A Co., Partlsad. (it. BOOKS! ' Hers they srs: "Decameron," "Hep. tameroa." "A Hot Tamala," "Fanny Hill," "Twenty Teers s Fsker," "PorblddeB FnHt,M 60s each; Hats free, A. Sen male, 229 First st FBEB ssmpls ropy at "Matrimonial Register" foe Jane te thus aslllna am at our . efles; bp saall, 10c. Interstate Introducing . SocUty, fkela 84 Buaasl bldg.. 186 Ve Fourth. LOST powers restored by th great Df, ? Locena's Nerve Tonle Tshlstst to pes box, f beira for 11.28. VVrli a ll BysaU' rssrmscy, m morTiaoa. nei. let sna aa. . BALM OP Fins far all fesnal dlasseea, 44 Alow ft Phons Mala S3X - r OCCULT and New Thought hooka. Jo Store. 291 Alder at. Book FOB BrST FA1KA FOR BENT "W, Baal W. . Ba -8 gcrei res, of lead, all la ealtlva thlraT snd Beet log Ua sol rertr-' Reek. SOT ths FslUna. TO ' EXCHANOE. EICHANOE - 160-scrs fsrm for city proprty vain ; S2 800; would Ilk eve a trade. ' , Eoulty la ale kome for personal proPtrtf ' on Alnsworth re.. Highland Park) bal. at IIS per month, per sent nre. ioog BR, 109H Sllth t MSATZBaV THB J. H. Flak Assaying of flea Orson ley A ivawford. analytical ebomlata Mrglsts. S0A Waahlngtoa st. aad asstaV -AR0H1TKCTS."- . P. HOFFMAN, sretitteet snd supeetatendeat Flrat at., Portlaad. Or. BAND TJISTBTJMIBTsX CHAR. B.'YOKK A CO. repairer and plataew, removed to 87 First- t blocks aorta. BICYCLB pBAXIBS. COI.CMBIA, TRIRVNB AND CRESCBNT. PORTINt) 0OOK8, EXPERT RKPAIRINO, a a. r, r, 6U,ian, aua aniaiu St. ABB BMPOSITTM, PROF. BICBARD MAX METER Portrait aad Isadacsps ertist; Instmctlon la oil painting, water color, eta., ssd drawing; art gallery connected with studio; pictures for asks snd lrael a ( te order. 848 Alder at. Phono- 1 81, BATHS MAJSAQR. Ml SN LB E.Wpe-frnnasaeu hatha with salt glows for rheumaUem, '. Mar quam roemlng-houa, laOVi SJitb, room xe. Hours iroia la to a. TAPOR and sponge baths-with maaaage and magnetic treatmenta by expert raced young lady. SS1H Morrlsoa St., room Id. PALACB Mswsgs Parlors glvea vapor, aponge - aad alcohol baths, 8431 Vlucrlaou. rooms 8-4. YOUNO. lady (Ire maaaage. vapor and tab baths. 110H 4th. corner Wsahlngtoa. BLANK BOO MAjf VFACTVBBBS. BOWS, DAVIS A BII.HAM,, 09 111 Second , BaBg book msnnfseturerei ageat for Jose Improved Loose-Lea f ledgers; see tks asw Eureka leaf, the beet oa the market CEBEMT OABTBAOTOBB. ' CEMENT-WOBK UP TO BATB, with aaen, slbowgr sad straight business. - EL. ii. LundstromP.8u2 Commercial blk. CRAB, p. CARTER A CO.. cement sostrscSore, , svao west a weniieie eyfpu.. - an work guaranteed. COMMISSION- MXBOsLUrTS, DAVENPORT BROS. Ceeeral eommlaaao asee. ehaBta; fruits and produce: eonelgnmenta a Belted; prompt' retnrne. . 150 Front at. BVERDINO A FARRELL, produce and commle. oa merchants' 140 front St., Portlaad, Or. oae Mala ITS, - " ' 0X0419 AVX TOBACCO. BBE1G-3UNT CIOAR CO,. -7 j yCabpct-cijaibo. '., jTAOARD StuaCsrpet-ClesBiBa Ca.tirvita leaned, reltted. aswsd sad tetdj-mattresses, feathers rsnoTBted. East Tblrd. north, asd - Psclde sts. Esst 280. Merrlmsa A North. BAVB yonr walla elaaaeil: ws alasa -paphrsd nd painted walls; eatlsfactlon guaranteed; prices reasonable; raferances. Bed Soaa. J, HUNTER Steam carpet and ' mattress cleaoer. 680 Jsfferaoa. Phona Msla 214. - . PORTLAND STBAM CLBANINd 3YBIN4 Worka; practical hatter la connection: feather aoaa aad plumes cleaned aad curled by aa - pert. - 2U feoxth. phone CUy TO. HOTHBS rise Bed aaa prssasd II per aaonth. Unique Tallorlag Co., 64T Washington nt - B, W. Tt'BNEB, professional dyer snd slosasr. SOS Jafferaoa at Phon Main 2818. COAL ABB WOOD. CBURCHLBX BROS. Mrs removed from foot of Dsvls st to 429 Kearney St., aaar BlsvsnU. 'It Is aow ths largest woody srd la the city, carrying all kinds of wood aad aoaL Pbom -Mala all. : - ;. - a.. .. , .. WESTEBN FEED A FUEL CO., ear. Front aad Hoyt ate,. Sealer la domeetlo aad' steam , coaV klacksmith ,ol, BbxcceU ssd aoaa, Pboaa Mala 101S. . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers lav Wdwood. one! sad greea and dry sUbwood. B. B. sad AU bin are., a blocks aast sf tarry. Bast BTa, BCPKHT FUEL CO. The best dry wood Is - town. Don't forget to phono Bast 148. BU Kaat Eighth at. as. Madtsoa. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL OO., dealers la aoL cord wood snd dry Bisk wood. Phono Bast 424, OR BOON FUEL CO.; all kinds ot 844 Morrison. Fboae siaia an. KIRK HOOVER. 818 Wstsr at,. - tba Msla 469S. i at i i maBBBBsagagi CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant,.- pelaalet, sard reader: I gtvs facta rellabla Asd Isa. portaat os sit affairs of reel Ufa. Beadlaga aoe. sej aevenrn at., seer use. 7B0CZXBT ABD BLASSWABB. I WHOLESALE atwkeiy sad (lsaewmrs. Praat, I Hegele A Co.. 100 to 10 Fifth, see. Btsrk St. CABPXBTZmS AND BinXDEBS. A. f. AUTHORS asd H. B. WOOD, earpesteee sad bonders; repairing ana jootnngi star snd office Sitare aaUt, Shop SOS CoismbU. Msla 629T. CATZB. E1MCK. SON'S RESTAURANT Merehsafa laweh 11 s. m. ts 12 s. m. ; ander new mansgement. 0. B. Bvsns, prop. Second aad Barnalda. THB OFFICE 2eB Wsshlngtoa St. Pboaa Mala hi. as must vignssua. DEBTISTS. MKT CHURCHMAN. - dentist 824 Msrgnsm, Btath and Morrison. rnono Mam ntw. SOO AND BOBSB BOSPTTAI. DR.C.E BROWN.D.V.S..D.C.M Io, hen boo pltsl.sST Bornald. Phonest Msln408d:Esst 2838. .DBZSSMAKTBO, SHIRTWAISTS, wool er 'wash alls-, aaa da for S1.26; shirtwaist salts, 6XOU, 408 Boat Mae L fcst... I' bone Bast a2L 1 KEI8TER'S Ladles Tailoring college; pattern eat to measure. Aiisay sail uu. ana aaorrtaoa. MRS. McKIRREN, arttstls dress snd slosh. making. 681 Mornsoa at DRESSMAKING BtrlctlV BP designs. - 488 CUy st to date; latent XLECTBICAX WO BBS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN0INEER1N0 Company. 809 Stsrk st. Portlaad. O. K. for everything la the aloetrlcal Una. Psoas Msin lltsi. PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineers, eon tractors. as. Stark. Msla fU. k. H. Tat, mgr. FTJBBTTTJRK FACTORIES. OPEOON Fnrnltara Mssufsetaiing Company, Mannfsctnrerf tX rural tur lor toe tradA, ForUana. Or.. , FCBN1TURB mssufactorlng and speela I rdn. 1 Bavsaaky's furniture faotory. 870 Front st r . 11,1 "'-V l-VBBACZB. BOYNTON warm-err rnrwaeea roel. J. O. Bare Farnass 0o.r SS Beaood- Mela SL "nl r 1 . ' ' ' 1 1 r FOBEBT BESERVB SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE An, Kvsd. nnreatrlcted, ready for Immediate nee; set prices B F. A F. ft Bly. SOS Chsmko of Oemaseee. TRUE OOTBIBXIBT LANDS, 5?Shd "tor Mttlsment; Sns. Ievsl) valley anas; no-ston ec umber: wster sna. sou trtt eise. Com la and let ns locate yoa. Room 69 Lsbbs bldg.. Second Bnd Wsablngton. 1 ' 1 f ' i "i OBOCXBS. BJAPHAMS A BO., Wholesale grseer,, msssj. factarer and commission mereheets, ffeuxth and Oak sts. . ALLEN A LEWIS, eommtaalos sad Prtdnc ate, rnssTs. yroni ana fans ats.. roriiana. us. HABDWABB. Portlsnd Hardware Co. aollcTla budoi tsnity gsot prlcea. 188 let. cor. Alder. Mala 181 s-w -L-urn KOIXXA. THB BELLE VUB 60 Mwly furniahed rooms. en suits or single. zisft Fourth, cor, Salmon, .. Terms reaeonable. Msla 1046, THB LINPELI, HOTEL Market, bet. Third aad rourta, t'ortiana; entirely new; Eurapesatand 'America plaa; 60s to 1 2 per dayi Hotel Pendleton, Paalmto. W. A. Brows, mgr. HOTEL Portia ad. Aaserlcea plsa; 18.88 par stay. HOTEL fit Oeorge, Peodletoa: leadlsg botes. -4- BILTIDEBB, Lareneaa plaa; 4th. gad Alder tft BABBBBTBS, 6AR0BNS' sna 4 and kept In order, kedgea tnnuaeo. toons orasra ,eoa A obis. Mala 6239. HOTIL, BXSTAT7BABT AND CAMP BABOIS, HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP BANOBS Trlhnen A Rrxtua A, Co.. sUeenteanth aad :TVsstei'MrrTrriahuf' hnrTTa-rfef-staik hetst, sot, csmp ranges, gssoun. stoves sad rerrlgers. tor la th dty. 1. 1. BORO, maaafaetarer ef humaa hair voile, ete. 428 B. Ninth. Phono East 2311. UfSTJBANCt..- LAMBERT. WBITMEB A CO. r Ire lasuraae aad real aetata, eucceesora to Arthur Wtkson f--A 45. ofSees. West slds. 107-KB) Sherlock ciog., main uoa; osas siaa oept. sua mm , Alder (CltlaeM' be us) Best awi. T I I SIIW ISA AO ts WBlTB, tasersaae. 00 Pskam hldg. . ... 4 8. McL WOOD, tBiRloysrs' liability-sd ( - dividual kaciflrnt surety nonaa SI 80 kiada Phone 47. 802 McKay bldg. H. P. BARTELS COMPANT Firs Insurance. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phows CUy 68. KST fitting, essl-lron- braflni snd as Islriag. . If. 4tlehsrdsua; SOS V Pbone Rood 1T82. eneral ro- oarth at MOKZT TO LOAN. THB STAR LOAN CO, aalarled smploya. wa(s-earssr, fsa gat SB H not, witawut inongag Month. a Miraa. Wse. : 80.60 Bepsy t aa 119 8 oe 6d.8 or' 68.88 il OO Repay ' to aa ( 6 88 or 88 81 or 81.88 li.0O-BpF to a I tM Au ar I,a , . . . 810 McKay Aldg. FIVB per cent money we kalld yoa a hem ee loas yoa money oa pwa property;, axmtkly payments: Investigate; opes Satnrdsy evea fnga. Booms 18-if Lsbh bldg., 227 Vk Wash. MONBT TO LOAN' aa real, lateral eeejrlty; speela sttntlat enattel mortgage; note bought. 0. W. Pallet 804-6 Fenton bldg., 84 Sixth at HIGHLT reepsctabla, pis where tarrtec and nts Can borrow money on diamonds snd wslry. CollstersI Loan Bsak, 209 Waafe gtoa St. Phone Black Tl. S8 LOANS snd npwsrd oa all kiada of aeaw rlty or to salaried people oa their note: low eel rates;--s publicity, no dehiy. 218 AMagte uiag. rnon uea im MONET ADVANCED alsrted people, testasters. etc., without eecntity; eaay psymeatst larg eat bnainess In 49 principal cities. - Tolmaa. 223 Ablngtoo bldg. . CHATTEL tosmv Is gntennta ranging from S3S to $5,000; rooming-houses a sperlslty. New Bra Losa A Trust Co., 20S Ablngtoa bldg. . LOANS at lowest rstes oa furnlrors, alsaoa: any secorlty note" poecbssed, Bsatars Less tfdee, 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN In larg or assail amount on good security: loweet rates. . William U. . Beck. MOT Falling bldg. MONEY to loan In soma to suit st S and - per cent W, -J. Clemens, STS Btsrk ttl :. Chamber at Commero. - DANS an furnltdfe, planoa, athe soeurltlaa, THB xCRKSCENT LOAN COMPART Salary . kians, trom three to six montha; conJ dent's'.. 21T uregonlsnv MONRT TO LOAN on Ctscksmas county Isada, B. F. aad F. B. Bllsy, 80S Xksmber af Com- PORTLAND RRAL ESTATB LOANS, S AND S par cent Was. Denholm. 228 Felling bids. MONBT TO IX) AN. S per eent Bosthraw King. 210-211 Commercial block. - MUSICAL. 6 ELF-PLATINO PIANOS Ceclllaa- aelf-plsy. . log plsnos pronounced th beat by las ding morldsns: also Ceclllaa plano-playsra. ' B. U. Wills Mosle House. KO Aldsr st SECOND-HAND me steal lnetrn meats ef sB kinds at ' loeaet prices, caah or InatallaMmt. Fisher Mnsl Co.. 190 Third st MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, banjo, mando lin, guitar )nmuttlou-Ula. 9UM. 178 W.Park. LESSONS 60c Piano, guitar, bsnlo. mandolin, violin.' 84114 First t. Mrs. Martin, MAONtTJO HIAUBO, MRS. L. H. HART treats an dlseaass, stesnseb trouble, nervousness 84 functloasl weshnass. Consultation free. Sll Tourney balldlag. BOTABT PtTBUa PREPARATION of deede and mertgagea a specialty; prlcea reduced. B A. Frame. SIS, - tbs MsrqnBsn. . : . 1 11 '' OVXBAIXS.' BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERALLS aad aaechea- tea' clothing; anion mads. Nsustsdtar Broa manafneturera. Portland, Or. PH0T00EAPHK5 MOUlftl. B. L. WOODWORTH. Mfg.. 180V, Ponrth st Ths Istest styles of Mount Board. PLUMBEBB. DONNERBERO) A BADEMACHEB. sanitary 1 plumbera, 64 . Fourth t. Both phone. FOX A CO., ssnltary plnmbers. S81 Second bet Mala aad Bel moo. Omasa Phsa Mala Sum. PLABO TUNTBO. BEOROB ANDERBON 45pert plaa to Be snd repairing. Inquire Fwbs Musle Co. ked 9tUL PLATIBt. EASTERN PLATING CO., 829 First Oo 14. silver, copper, slckel sraaf tUtla(. Jswslrp work apoclslty. THB OREGON PLATINO W0RKSY 4S1 Wash lngton at Phono 28TS. Pollening, pletlug snd IsnioeHng. PAINTS, OIL ABD OLASS, P. B. BBACH A OO Ths Pioneer Paint Co. I wlndow-giasa aad JieslDg. )u First - st Phono 1834. - - BASMUSSEN A CO Jobber, paint, oil. glass. sssa aaa aoora. second ana Tsyior. , kooitbb. TIN ROOFINQ, gntterlng. repelling snd gsnsrsl Jobblog. 1. Lostll. SltiJaffsrsoa at. P RIB TIBS. BUSKONU A CO. Front aes) Stark sts.. prlnV log, lllBogrspning, mass oooas aoe oinee Bauplleei work' dona aa time; meet eemplaU printing sfnea la the weat Mala 104. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANT, printing. Iitnogrepntng, oiana books, t'aoas mib ii. MS Alder st ' i- ' PUBLIO A0C0UBTABT. , v, - - , H. 8. MULDER, sxpert aeeountsnt, room 441 Bherlock blda.i books opened, sdlnstsd ssd audited: books kept tor small concerns; mods. rata enargsai Bret-class receraneea. msin zvoa. BOPB. PORTLAND CORD AOS CO. Oorser FtmHsstk ana nertarup at., partlaad. uv. KTJBBIB STAMPS. f. 0. STAMP WORKS. 248 Aldsr at, phooe maw xiu; ranner atampa, seals, steseiia. auy gege. trede checks; send far cstslog. BOWIBIBB. 7 THB MOBOAN CO. 'x . 100 td 111 Second at, Sd floor. Mennfactnrers snd yobbera of lewle aad Clark onvenm; Booths saa street staaae niiea attt coBiplrta. ' STBXEt f ATrBtr. ) WARREN Conatraerloa Co. Street Psvtag. side walk aad rosswika 'Tl urrrooias Biag. THB Trln'dsd Asphalt Paving Co, sf Pertlasd. BSWSASIS. ABO FTXTTTBXS, SHOWCASES sf evere deeeliotloai beak. I aad store Sstare made to order. The LtA , MaBufsetartng Co., Portland. ' BATES. FOB opsnlng lockouts and ssf bargatsa g 8 J. a. Davis. So inira n. , STOBAOB ABB TBABSFBB. SAFES, plssos sad farnUBra nteved. Lacked ready lor (hipping snd shipped;. sB work . gueraateed; Isrga, S-atosy, brtck. Srs swot warehouse tor storage. - OfSre 128 First St a M. Oisea. Pboa Msla 84T. C. 0. PICK, at&ca 8S First at., be twees Star aad Oak sts., phons 698; plsnos snd farnltnrs moved and packed for shipping; commodious nre-proot, juicg werenoneo. - erase saw Clay sts. -- . STORAOB spse to let In ear now banning, ST4 Water ft lglsr MHUag t5salsli Cempasy, - . - ;, -"K - ' BTMBXB. WB have tar sals Santa Fa. Sa Menntala rarrat reserve t fhl will safer , timber land; also 10 Skmr scrip, which will enter nnsurveyed . land. .' MsglanlA Bon, 227 Falling bldg. 1 FOB BALE Two ho meet red reltnquishutsnl claims;- seosnd growth 7 will Bell ebssp. a, ' P. Nlslson, Hotel Rbelnpfahsn. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claims aaA aerlp apply te ata) commercial block. TTPZWBITIR8. ZOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS. - 82 Fourth Street . Ws reat, repelr, sell, exchange typewriters. aeppHee for- all machines. Sard maeblnea BZS sna aa to Bino. - yoa want s stenagvaoher or typist I i ws ksve Hat of goad applicants. none vises ni. STENOGRAPHERS. . ,i arvPaiwniTicB. rathhoTtS - arlTI rail snd get sny mscklns end thnrowifhly elsaa with kenaln- fnr II, Address 84 Third sSKa i naBB BBsalU sTeVBO. , - BLirKBNSDORFPR typewriters. nppl1ee, re pairing. . ateas a Mess, saa tar.- msia ioto. TOWTL tTPPXT. CI.BAN . TOWEUI DAILY Omh, brash, boss, 81 per month. Lawrence Brns.' Towel Sapply Co., Fourth and Coach. Pboaa (29, TBAKSFXB AND HAUTJBO. OBBOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 forth Birth. Faoaa Mala 88., Bears bsallss stoeage. POT--SPraAb--Dsn,TVERT-Nnv-B00H-s-Inrtnn st. Phexis Main aaj. i ' ft' tTJBKISR BATHS. BR. MOORBFIELD of Stock to. Cel.. hat opened a Turkish snd t earn kstb st 108 Fifth st rtotnm. J, A. WBSCO. vtolta-meker nad rspatreri work I ret class. 28 Rosssll bldg. 4th sad Mania oa. WALLPAPIB. MORGAN WALLPAPER- CO... 184-18 st-, aes. - gsmsui saa asywr. rortiaaa. riVABCIAL. PIKTLAND TRUST COMPANV OF ORBaON, NO. 109 THIRD ST. The OldestTrnat Company tn Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 81,000.000. .. . Oenerat Banking Buaineaa Conducted. Savins Denoelt Received. Tim certificate Issued, sis ear ti flea tea of deposit payable nana 10 days ealt 80 dare1 call or 90 days' call with Interest at , l4 sad 4 pee nt per annum, reepectively. . Call or sead lor book ef illustrations. BENJ. I. COHEN AAA. , President H. L. PITTOCK..,.... B. LEE PAGET.. ........ J. O. OOLTRA ...... Vlcs-Preeldent Secretary .AsaUtent Secretary riBS BATIONAL BAVbT, T OF POBTLAND. 0BKO6RV Preeldent. ......... l.... A. L. MILLS Cashier...,. ..TTT ...J. W. NyWKIRK Aselatant Cashier ..,.W. fl ALVORD Second Aastataat Cashier ...... 8. F. STEVENS Lattars sf Credit issued Avsllshla la Sarops sna tns asetern eta tee. , Bight Xxchsngs snd Tslegrsphl Traasfsrs sold on New Xork12otoa. Chlcsgi-4H--Louis. IC rsui. umsos, nan rranctaco aaa ortnclD! Points Is tbs Northwest. Sight snd time bills drswa la en ma to anil on London, Paris, Berlin. F rapkfort-oa-ther Stain, neaf "o. xesoasma, oonsnMiea, lansnsma. Btocssnim, at, rstersDurg, Sow, Eurlch, Uonolnlu. , OeUeetiens aUds sa FsvarsUa Tarma. U BITES STATES NATIONAL OF POBTIAVD. BOBTrTWZST COR. TKJKD AN Xiaasasta 8 (1 eneral Banking . DRAFTS ISSL'KD Arallsbls 1a All Cities of th United Btatsa aad Europe, Hong Kong aad Manila. COLLICTIOBI MADX OX TAVOEABLI TERMS President i 1. C. AINHWORTII Viae- resldsut., i.W, B, AYEB Cashlsr. ...B. W, acHMEKi A as is last Csshlsg A. M. WUIuu) LADD nXfOM, BANKERS. (Eatabliahsd la 1889.) -Trsnaaete a General Banking Binlssss Collectlnne msds st sll points on fsvorsbla Terms. Letters: at credit Issued a vails Me la Cu roes snd sll aolata In ths United Stataa. Sight Eacbangs and - Telegraphic Tranafera noa new ore, wgeaingiou. cnicago, Bt Is, Deave. Omaha. Saa Fraselaoe aa4 Montana and British Colombia. Exchaags told an London. Paris, Bsrlla, Frankfurt, Bong Kong, Yokohama. Manila aad avibvihism - r CtCTBnnrsAVTKOB a tbtjst compabt. w aan memaon at., roruana, ur. TrahMcts a General Banking Biiilaass. BAVJBOS JlfiFAATMSBT. later est Allowed on Time end Savlncs Danoalta. Acta as Trustee fnr Eetetes. Drafts sad Letters of Credit A salients la AD , ..,Ins s thf WUL - - 0. P. ADAMS-', .....Prseldrnt L. A. I. KWI8. ..First Vlco-Preeldent A. L. MII-IS Second Vlco-Preoldeai . . euatira...... , ....secretary M1 EBCKABT8' NATIONAL BANK. ' PORTLAND. OREOOW. J. FRANK WATSON...,.;....... ,....Presideit R, u. Pt'Hrl AM.....,...........Tlce-Frealdat R. W. HOYT Cashier GEOROB W. HOYT Aeslstsnt Csahlar Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters "of Credit leaned Arallahla to All Part of the World. .. . - ,..t Collection a Specialty. ' " M ORRIS BROS. A CHKISTENSEN, Miih " street, Fertiaad. Or, Offer Ollt-Edr lareatment tn Monlclpal and , ,, Ballroad Boada. Write or CalL , - -MORTQAOB LOANS Oa Portland Beal Estate at Lowest Beta, -'Titles Insured. Abstracts Furs lakes, TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO.; Rosas 4. Chamber ef Commero. -LBA.AIULJ il-ISW ... S8 .MJPll JtA-B S1 I COLUMBIA RIVPR , .SCENERY Spencer Line '. Fast-Steamer ' ChasiR. Spencer palJr pound trio to Th Dalles ' front Washington at reat dock at a. qu, axorpt FfldsF nd at . 4ST. ' ... Tfct f wteBBw sf ruJI ' KOAl iUtlBlSOMt lOBBtir IS) tUS WovUL ... ,.--,, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to th four-million dollar 'Cascade Locks and Return- Laavlna; foot af Washington a treat - at I a.. at, arrlvlns homa at - w - - .. ' , Round Trip TicUts 11.C0 t Trlephona V.aln 1411. r. r. r ' v BAILBOAB TtvTTTAnFe. mm. ilk -sw-,J,-,M'i Mia umUH PAUHU , 3-fraIns to the Eait Daily4 vThrsagh Pollatsa standard sad ssailat eases. ' Ing ears daily to Omaha, Chicago, gpotaeef " snarle alanine earn dal IV to KaBssa Cites throagh Pallioaa t'ohrtst aleeplsg aaepersaa any aonoacteoi Zz Shalr eare J seats free) to the East dally. UNION DEPOT. I : CHICAOO-PORTLANB SPECIAL, For ths Esst via Haat- . lngton. 6:18 a. aa. 8 SB p. I Dally., Dally. SPOKANB FLYER, 1 For. Rsatsrn Wsshlag ton. Walla .Walls. Lew tatoa, Coeur d'Alone and Sreat .Norther nolnta... .. 618 p. i Delly. , SMaaSss Dally. , , ft- c 1 !18 a. aW. ' Daily, r- ATLANTin rtpina Far the Eaat via Uaat- 8-18 p. i Dallf. ,:. - laatoa. Oolunibia River Division. FOR ASTORIA aad way points, esaaectlng with 6 00 p. as. Dsllr. Abasia 60 pw I atmr. roe 1 1 w. a as. Snnday North 'Beech, str. Hss-j saturaay. eeio. Asn-ei. oooB. lUIIBI Tam h 111 Elver Route. POB DATTON. oregont v.,ir mna xamnill Hirer Points, atmra. Rnth aad Modo., Asb-ct. -dock. tWater perm 1 1 ting.) V-M mm Dally., - Dalty.v ex. Snnday ex. Saaday, Tiiak Rl Bents). FOB LKW18TON, (j,.; n uy polata from Rlperln. Wash.. Basra. Spokane snd Lewtstoa. a m ar se. About i y W" Monday ' Wednesdsy Tneedey Tharedae I Sunday iFrldsy r TICKBT OFFICE. Third aad Wssalagtoa. Teee. j phoweMslaTlA . . 0. W. BTINOBB, City Tlctet Acewt, J ' A. Te, CBAIO. Oenaral Passenger AgeotT ' ONION DB Arrive, OVERLAND BZPBBSS trains, for Balstn. Bass Bento, Ogden, Baa Frasr clsco. Stockton, Los Aa- TJS a. C'leo, El Pssa, New Or ana and the Bast, Morning train eoav sects st Woodbnrs dally eacept Bandey with trale, 8s ML flMa.l AngeL Sllverte. Rmvnnlll. I,,l,,. field, wtaajlag nnd natroa. - Kngen psaasager cos sects st Woodbura wita Mt. Angel aad Sllrer toa local. . Corvallls pesaisgsr. Shecldan paeesnger. 8O0. a. 10:88 a.m. StiSn. tn," 8-SS a. ai. eT:S0 4:60 ODslly. r ..... 7eils-0wg SuVerVaa arrlaa aad TaaiklW Dleislsei. of Jeff - - Bm,IJ A11 tn fl,.,,, 9 BA as B 8:10 . 8. 1160, S:0S. 8:69. 6:10, 6 t9, T.4S, 10:10 p. am. Dally (except Snnday), 6:80. 8:80, 6:88. 10:88 a. sa. 4:10. UiSO p. 8b Sandap snly, 8:08 a. sa. ' . - Rstumjng tram Oswego, aretes eportlssd dstle , S SO s. m.I 1:B6,( 8:08. 6 18. T:8 S 6S. IMil, m. Dally (except Bondsy) B BS. :BV , 8:80. 10:10. 11:48 a. ai.- Except Itoadap. IBjlaV' p. en. Sunday only. 10 KM n. m. Leavas from asms depot for Dallas sad inter, mediate polo's-dally 6:00 p. as.f Arrlvs Port- bna0:indps'dsBearoBtdoatk MoW Una ' ana rataa dally to Monmouth aad Air US, aras. aeetlng with Bonthera Partna aompany a trseSt at Dalta gnd iBdepeadenc, . First-class fsrs from Portlaad to SaHaaeent and San Francisco 1 20. berths 88 : aaaond-CasaA tare-618. aecord-olsss berths fl .80. . Ticket to Esst era points ssd Knrtnsa, SJaa la pa a. China, Hnnoluln nnd Anatralla. City Ticket OfBce sorrier Third aa WaaBs ; log t Ml eee-te. Phon Mata.VIJ a W. STINOBB, gM?' City iicaex avgeas. - . r TIME-CARD TRAINS Portland t HON DEPOTS. Departs. Paget Sound Limited. SUa - .. ! Olympla. South Bred and Grays Harbor :80 a. I iB.88,; r:8 at, T:0a a. at, Tas.a points. Worth Pass Limited. .for Tscoms. Seattle. Rati. H. rssl. Mla nea nolle. ' Chicago, New York, Boston end potatsj IMP. 88. Beat snd Bontbeee. 1 Twin-City Exnrass, for Tseoms. Seattle, Spe aae. Bale. St. Psal. Mlaasspulla ChlesaTa. New York. Bostoa ssd sll points , Bast aad Southeast. - 1 Puget Sound - Kb nasa Clty-St. Loala Special, for Tseomn, . Sesttla, Snoksna. Rntte nilllnn 11:48 B.ts.1 Denver. Omaha, Kansas 86 8.8. city. Bt. Louis snd sll points Esst sad Boatk east. . . I All trains - aUlls hnwk. a rt eeisivne iaslstsnt Oaswral Paeeenger Ageat, SSS Morrlsoa at- eor. Third, Partlaad. 08. Astoria & Columbia ' : RiverJRailroad Got VCeo , ij. Lea rae. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. : ... m 8 00 a as. For Maygers, Ratals. 11, 1 (V a. as, " Dally. CTamhanlo, Westpwt, Dslly. Cllftos; Aetorla. War , reatoa, Ftsed, Hess oad. Fort Stevens, J , Oeerhsrt Park, Beastd. Astoria sad Sisshsra, rSP" -sze: VmU' Artoris Bisrsaa, 1, . A MA TO, O. P. sd P. aU Aeeevie, Oa. a A. BTBW START, romajeeretal Ageat, 88 Aktsg Phon Mai BOS N ... TlokH Offlaa IBB TBU4 ft. nsM saa.' j rnnsBesonrinaBi-iBtBi TrtalriAB OfUly ; FAST TIT. m e s TO SPOVAV -, BtiaN.N ;U" JlA a . r- t t'"- ' F- . OfBca f.-9 Pjsrctf !,