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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
V .7: : the" dregon:; daily journal. Portland. Thursday evening June i. : iso5. :nv 15 1 tattered at th Mloti far treaaporuUja through toflce ef Portias. Of - roataga tor ditto eopteet Fs ea 8. M ; peg paper, 1 eeat; 1 to SO peg.. ! te 44 peg, I cents. i.-,-. rn.tnoiRl TSiorUJ ImM "'main VI DO. . ....eene.eee - C.,' sATHXB BITOBiy.. ... " aTaoerees end thunderstorm occurred during th UU 2 hour. In north. eater. rego ..4 VilblMtM. Light ""r,r.L-JUtl1U 1" Southwestern Oregon , sad ,'"?rt:"i elsewhere la the elates west of the Missis sippi river fair westbec baa pr- . ' Tl to wsriuer.tbis morning In the mlddl waters T"t- and I. "J-J1 Nevada, tub, Montana and British Colombia. UM Padtle northweat tb. temperature hs "oW'-ral'T with in toUdiatrict rn-jr. l,!lH.uSouTnJ2 wwat of tbe IWkW. - K be- cooler te ulskt In eouth wearer and nlna eeetors Ore gon. trs Waahlngton and .Idaho. WeddTas Card. W. O. Smith Co., Fonrtb and Washington ata. tafia bid-, ear. BITZB TWW CXKXTIXT. ' - Ilrt r.anfl Wa Bra fa, 10. fl OUO. Tba only cemetery la Portland watch ernetuslly malutaine ana. ram tor win. ror : luTrinformaUo. apply to W. V sisttteaslc. - VYeroeelaf block, ally. W. M. Ladd, president. Crematorium aa Orego City car Baa. hu Bellwoed; modem, cleutlfle, complete. Charg Adults. $S; children, fat. Vtoltor 9 s. m. to p. ; at. Pact la ad Cnaatla aaaodattoa, lectland. Oregon. ... Tb Edward . Holmes Undertaking mptir, funeral dlreetore aa4 asUMUnera. Xao Third . street. . Phone 607. ; .. . I. P. rtalry Boa., funeral dlreetere aal 'mbalseera. eoraor Tbtr4 and Madlaoa atraata. Oltte at aaaaty caroaar. Talaptiaaa bUla a. raaaral wroatba aad eat flowara aaodaMy - at aoaa City Oroaaboaaa. Tw.aty-aacoad aa fcaat atariiaaa opp. eaaatry. . . CUrk Brot. par flowara. fm Morrlaaa vtraat. Oat raar laaaraaca aa abatracta ta roal aauta noai tba Tltla Ooaraato Troat aav aaay, 'Caaaftbor ef Coaaiore balldlag. ' .. . r,1. J. BUCKLEY TAKES J.P. O'BRIEN'S PLACE General " "Z Superintendent - of 'Southern Pacific and Oregon iJ Railroad A Navigation. : -" tA; J." Buckley ' auccesda J. P; O'Brien as general superintendent of the Oreg6n ' natlroad Navigation company and Southern Faciflo lines Jn Oregon, with lieadquarters at Portland.' Official no .tics of his appointment waa lasued to day. . . - - Mr. Buckley waa in 1184 a telegraph operator tn the service of the Chicago, Milwaukee aY St. Paul lines, and for three yeara served in like capacity with the Chicago. Burlington at North' era, the Northern Paclflo snd the Ore gon Railroad ft Navigation company. In 1888 be resigned and worked aa brakemaii Ion sn 0."R. at N. freight train. T(is company, offered him M. dis-"patcber's-position In 188. and. he arvd that capacity two xaara. wnan its was made chief dispatcher, which place he held' five yeara. Then he became aa-: latent aupeilnt undent; first of the Washington, division,-and later of the Oregon division, and last July ns. was made a division supertntenaent. MORE NEARLY READY - . THAN ANY OTHER FAIR . ' The exposition Is practically com plete today," said Henry B, Doseh, di rector of exhibits, "and ws may claim to have excelled all records made by previous great fairs. Omaha held the fl rat place In thla reapect up to-, this ' time, but the Lewis and Clark expoal " t ion has, beaten them . sJL Only two ' foreign sxhlbita Francs and Russia era delayed, and thess becauae the New York custom house held them up. How- errer,- ws hare arranged the matter by - trleirrapn.-aad th exblbits will arrive Y early next week. .. "It Is the home exhibitors who are behind in their work, snd there seems :. to be no excuse for this. But. even . with, the delay by thenv only a small part of the exposition is not ready to day, and the fair may be said to bs complete." ..- The Installation of exhibits went on until t o'clock this morning. . - - WERE DROWNED WHILE DRIVING ACROSS BRIDGE (Special Dispatch t Tb JoaruL) lone. Or June 1. Further details of Wednesday's cloudburst show that a ' " very heavy thunderatorm crossed Wll r low and Rhea creeks'; sending a vast amount, of. water down those creeks. Mrs. J. R. Nunemaker, ons of her chil dren and tho two children of A. P. Cox - were drowned while creasing a bridge In a rig near their home on Rhea creek, about it miles above here. The train re . malned here yesterday, being unable to . proceed to Heppner because the track was waahed out between Lexington and Heppner. -L00MIS-W1NSJN- X.. QUARREL WITH BOWEN (Joaraal Sporlal B-rrlca.1 . . Wash Inn tori. June 1. It is announced '" with authority that the Investigation of ,the Loomls-Bowen controversy has failed to establah a case against As- alstant Eecretary Loomla. Minister Bowen will probably be retired from . the diplomatic service. :.'.. ajm rom BTAmnn.'f (Joaraal Special Brlc. ' Washington, D. C, June 1. The con . troller f ths ourrency has mads a call on the national banks-for s, statement ' of their condition at the close of busi ness on Monday, May 21. , Sound bejsmess practice is ! as important, here, as the wealth of nature. Schilling's Beat is thej bfls of it in at your grqper's and money, back. ' SCARED TO DEATH BY-THUNDERSTORM Twelve-Year-Old Media Bohrer Overtaken by Gale on Port- ' , , land Heights and Die. . -''.. Tha body of Madia, Bohrer n found by liar relatlvaa at o'clock this morn lntrmtt 'nlfht of aaarch, far- op anions' tha Portland Ualfbta hllla, Th 11-year-old girl lft hom -yeaterday morning tor aeek a atray cow balongtng to bar father, John Bohrer. The laat Been f the jOhllda.Uv waa at noon yeaterda. Juat before - the terrlflo thunderatorm that swept the hllla. Mrs. R T. Dlck- eraon aaw the child laave the road after the cowa Juat before the storm broke. i When the child did not return a aearchlng party, conalatlng .of Mlaa Klla Talbot. C T. Tbompaon, Mr. Heraey and John Btearall, scoured the hills and, after an all-night hunt, a. dog belonging to Thempaon dlacovered the body , two miles or mors from the Bohrer home, an the Pattoa road. Coroner- Klnley mads en examination of the body, and found no sign of an Injury. The eyre and mouth were open wide aa If In fright, and It Is suppoaed that the child waa overtaken by-the atorm and so. terrified by the unuaaal fury tf the thunder that ahe dled.-Th girl waa of a nervous temperament and especially fearful -at lightning.' The mother of the girl la In a hos pital and her "father has for soms months been laid up with a broken leg. the family carea being to' a great extent borne by the glrL; RECEIPTS TO DATE AMOUNT TO $128,518 .... 1 7- 7 Rguret That Give the Fair Di rector a Great Deal of t Pleasure. 1: ;j " tTpto ths doss of ths gates on May II the total of paid admlaaloas to the exposition grounds was 127,17. and free admlasions 111,711,' mostly worklngmen employed In the preparatlona, or 409. lis In au. - Kevenues from admlasions were, from general tickets, I27.J21.60; from the 2 commutation -tickets. $1,823; from ths $11.80 - commutation - tickets, $17,010; from photo passes, $$,$21,. and front badges, $2,MV or a total of $5!. 104,. In addition to which waa received from concession contract $78,414, ths grand total- of revenues In thr. pre exposition period. being $12$,Jls. - In his report transmitting these facts to President H. W. Good a. Director of Kxhlblts Wakefield ssys: r 'Thla Is a record unparalleled and un-. equaled in expoaltlon history, when Is taken into -account the comparative magnitude of tho various sxposltlons that have been held." " HERE IS ATTENDANCE ' TO ONE O'CLOCK TODAY - F. -BsJlDftVlaon,- Chief, of admlselens, stated al l o'clock' that the admlealona up to tbst hour numbered 19,800. - There srs msy thousands coming and sn enormous crowd waiting outaide the gates, Every car to-the fair- grounde is crowded ... LIFE OF-THE-TRAIL- THE ANIMAlTSHOW labour's Trained Wild Animal Arena Ij8 the Great Reigning Sen- - gation. - ' - Jabour's -Trsined Wild Animal Arena Is the feature of the Trail.' Mr. Jabour has spent a small fortune to assemble the strongest animal circus snd me nagerie ever seen in America and hs has certainly mads good. His Trained Wild Animal Arena la greater then Hagen back's snd In many features excels the world-renowned hippodromes of Paris, London and Vienna. ...And, by thaJ way, several of the stronger acta of his wonderful show srs from those famous menageries. Mr. Jabour la a -unique character."" He was born at Beirut, Syria.- He came to America 1n 1893 a commissioner of the Turkish government to the Colum bian expoaltlon.- 1 He Introduced the Streets of Cairo st Chicago on .the Mid way Flalaance - and was decorated by the sultan for services id' this country that were of great Importance to the Ottoman empire. Mr.- Janour is "a born showman. He haa delighted hundreds of thousand from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Ha Is ths proud possessor of Innumerable costly and bejeweled badges, tokens of appreciation and es teem pressnted by the various social .and fraternal organisations - under whose auspices he has given majrnlflcent enter tainment He waa most highly honored by the Elks, with whom he played te their betterment -for- several seasons, He holds them in grateful remembrance and never loses aa opportunity to re ciprocate past favors. . t Xr. Jabour's Concessions. Mr. Jkbour Is manager of tbres of ths largest concessions onthe Trail th Trained Wild Animal Arena, Uay Paree and the Cafe de lavpalx, so called in honor of the most famous cafe in Paris. MTr"Jabour-hsalso an Interest In Klralfy'a' Carnival of Venice and .other first class attractions. He has -demonstrated his faith in the success of this fair and deserves wall of the public fof hla nterprls and good example. He was ths Hrat conceaslonalre to sign for space on ths Trail and hs hss never tired In speaking favorably of Portland and the crowning glory that will ..come In the denouement of the great Lewis Snd Clark -Centennial Exposition and World's Fair. Mr.- Jabour 1a entitled to his name of Barnum of ths street fair and carnival and the king of trained wild animal ex hibitors. , . ' FEATURES OF PROGRAM T ; : FOR THIS EVENING eeeeeeee ... .... e The program at the exposition e "grounds this evening wiU bs ss e e follow!: v.- n , . 7 p. m., dinner st the 'New e e York building In Honor of Vice- e 4 President ialrbanka and con- e gresalonal. committee by expoal- - e s tlon directorate; T:$0 p. m, eon- e cert by Innes'. band In grand e e bandstsndi p. m., grand sleo- e e trlcal Illumination; :$ p. m.. fireworks onpontoonsln thse e lake; -li p. m.. Invitation r- - e ceptlos follows In pavilion sn- e e oex to New Yors building; 11 p. ' m., gates close; . 11:10, grounds e dark; Trail closes. . ' e ' - - ' ' TRADE I LEWIS-AKD-CLARK I . ' . ... ' i ' t-'. " ' Front Street Produce Houses Close at Ten o'Cfock--Gro- ,. ' r ceries Shut Tirhf rront Btrrat, Jaoa 1. TD priaclpal featnral, ef the Portland whoivaal nurkat tuday.,ar: . Wbelaaal bouaea eluaa early. . " Glut ot strawbarrlea coatlnaos. Chlckrna hltir with ararclty. ' K market bald vary flraa. " r- Aiaraaua receipt rary larf . 1 ' IMayed rars arrtT la today. ' ' . Veal plentiful but eric ' kalda. , ..-. lreaia bogs sr Ik good saaiaaa. , ,. . , -- - Xnd Saaor iewia aad Olaxa, ' "'.'.-- front latrrat was loyal today to Lewis aad Clark aad th xposltton la their ho dot. Th produce boas wor eumpallwl to reoula epee nstll about 10 o'clock thla aMrsiai foe th purpose, of (attluf prlahabl articles out ot tb way. All wboltaala gmcarles were closed durlnf tba entire day. Tb delayed ear ef bananas which was due yaatsrday aftaa aooa is said be du again today. Tb ear r riorida tomatoes v waa alae delay .ant 11 today. .'- : , . ' . eiat la SttWarrtarXatIaus. ' Tb strswbarry. market Is still glutted- on aeeoaot ef tb much hMTlar. receipts. Uamahd tar canuias purpoaas has Dot yat sprung up but ta xprtd to beets either . tomorrow or Saturday. Today-eholee berries-were being offered at 81 par ert of 24 1-pound boxes. tbls being 1ms tbaa be per pound. Home ex-J tra fancy goods brought-a fractionally aigaer value. ' . .Chlckans kigker Vlth Soerctty. The pmttrrrwi'ark ts-ery ftrm es sreount ef the extra damasd brought about b; the larra-aumber of vtaltor In the city. The artcea are practically H par pound advaaerd. gbe est market la beuig bald firm at IS aa 18 He per doeaa, both prices ruling. Receipts ar light tbaa th daman. . , . . ' Pruned Teal to rale Bamaaa. " There is a fair demaad-(or dreaeed veal, sotwltbataadlng that receipts 'are quite heaTy. Pricea remala aachaagad from tboae ef yea tarday. Dread boga ar ahowtnf bat allgkt reeeipta but demand to good at the very top prlcea. -JL par ague la abowlng eery liberal arrival aa th price to slightly weaker and tower today., - .J ALL IS QUIET W LIYESTOCK-MARKET Receipts Are Small but TheTe 7" Was No Demand for Any- "th1ngDuiTngthe pay. ' Portland Caloa Btockrarda. June 1. Un- xacaipta -.Bogs Cattle- gheap Tooay .titituMiW! Week aao. .. 60 PrsTlous week.V.V.r,.....,; ... '" ........ Month egc... IS5. "A" There waa nothing ef Interest doing to the local ileeatork aiarket. All the butcher shops are eloeed. so there was no demand from any aonrce. The too of the market ebowe a good demand for boga,. but duuoesa la cattle and severe weakness In sheep. - Official prlw Cor. livestock r Mora Boat eaatern Oregon. d.OOAa.xB; blockers snd Ohlna fata. $o.2ftQ3.b0; stbckeraJ and feeders. I4.SS08.oo. Cattle Beat eaatara Oregon eteera, $4.00: tight and medium steers, $3.oO$8.T6: eld snd tight cows. $2.0022. 76; stoekers and feeders, $Z00; bulls. $1,60., - Bheep Beat tow eheesv- 83.60; ewaa, $3,23; spring Ismbe. 44He. - - - . ; -i'alna -Qood veal. 128 te 1TB poands, c; rough aad heavy, aV4C4c - , r' " EIAYT CATTIt SKmrKXTS. 4 K' i- r T I'fc. will h. ahAtift VULiriK Vi.1 uu- a. - ... - - 8.000 head of cattle shipped- from Ontario during the month of June. General Know baa arrlred -from Welear, Idaho, - wltk about-600 bead, which will be receireo ner oy ramna Hanlry. T. t. tockett-la on the road from Burnt river and lower Willow creek with about the same number for the eame partlee. E. Deffebock will receive 1.000 heed of one snd two-rear -old steers during the first of the month from the Agency. Valley and Willow creek sections. Then rattle will be shipped to Dk-kliwon, North Dakota. amea ford ef Caldwell le ea his -way from Jordan valley with 1.000 bead of atork eattle, rows snd eslves, which will be ehlpped from here te the Montana range by Mr. Dodd ef Butte. Th Valh-Mrentll ,-,eenipsny h so re ceived 67.l'W pounds of wool st their ware houses to date 'and have nipped. 16 cars ef wool to tke eaatern markete. - Nevada is receiving 1,600 head ef young steers la Jordan valley. ' " ZAgTIkV HOOg iTIADT. chi I . ., T,. . . f , ,,f Ira-lnrfc unuiii miMm - - - - --Hogs Cattle Sheep Chicago W.ono 17.000 Kanaaa " Citv.... 10.000 j 4.600 3.000 Omaha IS.000 ,.0o0 8.000 Hogs opened steady. Receipts a year ago wrr. M.OGuw Price.:, Mixed. 8.VO0Q5 :jn: ood and seavy. n, r.wMi light. $6.not5.6. , ' ' Cattle strong. . ), 8hp jjleailr- -. : THOUSANDS UNABLE- TO-GAIfTENTRANCE People Stand In Line for an Hour at Gates, and Then Leave -. for Home. ' A the e-atea to ths fair thers was a crush and Jam, from which several thou sand people are conservatively esti mated to have turned away. gale of tickets was alow, and after people' waited an hour or more in line and . were unable to gain Ingress, they took the next car for town. Each, ar riving car ' was packed, keeping the crowaPl humanity., practically unui mlnlshed, aa admissions were so slow that thers was no appreciable diminu tion from 11 o'clock until far past noon, when -ths rush was greatest. Therswere - but two -ticket-selling booths, each with four windows. Lines half a block long formed for each win dow. Between ths heads of thess lines thers wss a jam. By standing for an hour or ao and observing those In line. It would be found that an individual in several Instancea did ' not move mors than $0 or 40 feet In that time. FLAGS UNFURLED AS THE CHIMES RING OUT A thrilling feature that was not sn. pounced beforehand waa ths msgnifl cent exhibition' of 'American flags to ward the close of the ceremonies. The telegraph Instrument over which' the signal from President Roosevelt was re ceived wss located "on a tsbls .near the speaker's stand. At tbs Instant, ths click was heard ths rhlmef pealed out, and at the first stroke every flag on the Government building and the other exhibit palacea was unfurled. The band played "The Star Spangled Banner.' snd simulta neously the artillery belched forth the centennial salute ef 109 guns. - - tA roiIJBTTT8 BTU PAStai. ' (Journal Special srvtc.. 'Madison, Wis., Jun L Ths assembly today concurred . In . the Wisconsin freight rsts commission bill, with. minor amendments, Ths measure now goes, to the govdfnor. ( , THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET Tl - S ffhfeago .......$ .88 s-New. York .. jr. .98 e Minneapolis 1.19)4 Duluth ......... l.U Bt. Louis....,, Milwaukee .... .88 Ak Han Francisco.. ... - 'HU e . LlvrpooL..$s $nJl s $d d Winnipeg.'..... .$$ I . -;, i .. gl ii "' . -' .-.V- -r- j 'Decemberer eentax V - 1 - ee STOCK MARKET : DULL, NOT WEAK Less Support From . Harriman Interests - Steel a Fea-: ture of Trading. (PitfsiahHI be Oeetbafb. State 'Cooke , Ca, 1 n-.n x; v., Mr Jhm 1 I n . A llryaa say: , The market lb alnggish but not weak.' The nreaaure of the atc'l abarve are a special featnre, also relaxed effort and.kae aupport of Uarrlmaa line. The, auggeatlon of a report by the Frlck company may uirreaae the teuaion In the Kqultable matter. Thee are imai toriav'a Influencea. though most-oplnr tonr sre--tnrttndrr th bellrf that -eanafae. tory eettlrmeDt will be arranged, in uiapon. altlon Is to await tomorrow' a cotton report. -. 'today's official atock market': 1 ft DtiCBTPTlOlt. Aaaronda Mining Co.. loj mai. tapper Atchison, common,., -.Z. do preferred Am. Car a Foundry, .. do preferred .,. Am. rtugar, common... , gm. Bmelt., common .,, do preferred - Bait. A Ohio, common.. Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Can, Pacific, comnwa. . CM. Oreat-'Wrat. , . 80 eiv 81 w 79 70 71lC ll24 loaib 1021b lt.1 s a OS BZ 97 182H 112, 118 10 K 2 1SS ' 132U 118 107 H 2 144 132 110 11814 107 V, 113 11HH 03 ta 6214 1484 14NS IS mi TJ. W Chi., M. A Bt P..Jtx4lT4 OI4a72wU 72 .neeapease m unto Colo. Fuel a Iron, com 4H iMl' 1 ATI I : 474 4H 41 84 57 V. 424 87.J 68 14 411 87 i 84' 67 K Boln Bout hern, common. a?V 85, 68 i4 a" -do secoud preferred. .. da first preferred.,. J Delaware m Aiuaaoo.. D. A B. O., eommua do preferred Erie, common ' ..... . . do -second preferred do flrat oreferred.. 182 4114 7ii exj 7St4 7t4 T llllnola Central -.mwi 1604 IKWrniB Iouiavllla a Nsabvllle. MetropollUn Bt. Hy... Manhattan Railway .... Mexican Central Ry. . . . Minn., Bt. rY A BW. M. : d. preterrad .. ....... Missouri Padfle .. M. . 'K. A T-.. common."., do preferred ......... New York Central.:... 144 US 144 U14 143 148H 118 111 lot 1914 tot 1 luH 115 llliUlllS 114 4 16S- 167 -)166S 7V 91 M., 26 68 68 V 6U U41- 141 13' ;i:i Norfolk Weatern, com J54 79 78 ii" 1 92 49 -oo prererraa . . . North - American. 99 1, 61 8S14 K. Y., Ont. a Western 4U Pennsylvania R.v p. a. l. a c. Co Pressed Steal Car, coot. do preferred. Pacific Mall S. ft. Co.... Reading, com..: do second preferred... do flrat preferred...'. Rep. Iron A Bteel. com. do preferred.... Dork laland, 'com....... do preterrad... .... Southern By., com,..-. do preferred. , Sontbera Pacl(lc..A..... do nreferred.......... 1S614 lot 1H4 i:4 100 1U1 ST 92 8714 9214 84 8S 89 4 93 92 9014 1 71 28 fiota' 'iov, T2lJ 9 17'A Ti'i ie UlJ 2d 72 2M zr -.24 'aJ 96 , Sl 119 1 St. L.aS. '., 2d pfd. do 4lrat prererred. . . . Bt. L a 8.' W., com.. 74 Hi'ia. 69 S3 Texas A Pacloc Tenneesee Coal A Iroa. Toledo, Bt. L A W., e. - do- preferred . ...... Cntoa Peelfle, com...... do preferred..... U. 8. leather, com.-.. do preferred U. S. Rubber; eom. do preferred.......... TJ.S. Steel Co., com.. do oreferred. 529, 82 8 81 la ass Mi sa 101 67 tzs fiiti 121 11 10714 88 'A 2Tti 88 27 88 25 10614 88(4 93 92 92 Jo 22 Wheel, a Leke Rrle, com do eecond preferred. . 'do flrat preferred... Wtawonaln Centrol, com. do preferred.... W. O. Telegraph. Wabaab. com -do preferred ... Rubber' Gooda.'... do preferred..... 18 89 H 84 89 i 84 10314 8 88 1(12 102 Call money, 1 per cent. Tout Bile for day.. 6H4.200 ahares. CHICAGO WHEAT. Chicago. June 1. Todav's official markets: WHEAT. . Open July $ .87' Sent. "I IV..--: .0 May, 1908 .82 High.', Low. ... ea $ ,e $ .87 $ .KS .2S .82 V .82" I CORN. - , .61 .61 t-4 .60 .80 .81 N ' .83B M New Jnly old Julv. .6" .4 .49 .41 .601. - .01 .49 New Sept (Id Sept. New fxe. Old lec. May. liW . .49 .47 .48 .4. .44 .flA .47 A .4. ,47 - OATS. Julyt .80 .'34 ,80 0B .81 .29B Kept 2S .81 May, 190S .si a MESS PORK Juty.... set.M.. (2 4r 12411 12 5T 12.83 T 82 -t.M T 63 .7.25 , T 80 168 - T.6T , 12.70 12.82 MRS 1Z9T July:..., T2TB T82 Sept.....' T.4B 7 60 Oct. T.46 - T62- m on M t .27 7.4T T.47 T.2S u. ...... - ' SHORT RIBS. July t. , 7.80 T 21 Sept T 63 . T.BT T RO Oct...... I.T T.6T $.6T SAjr riAJfciaco oRAnr xAJtxrr. Baa Franc laoe, , Jan 1. Official forenoon market'. - - - - . WHKAT. - . Open. High. Lew. Clneo. December .v$1.83 $1 m f 186 $186 December..89 . .89 .,80 $9 CHICAGO ORAIlf CAB LOTS. ChicagoJune 1 Grain car lots! . Cars Grade Bat. .1904 Wheat rrTTirrrr.TTTT 40 " 9 " 17 Corn ........1 127 499 24 Onto 149 40 lta V90 Toraig Coffee Steady. New Tnrk. June 1- Havre aad Hamburg eorfe steady Today. Kio receipts, .oou Daga; market 26 potato down. Santo.. 8,000 saga; market qnle. erlree unchanged. SUCCESSFUL j; - Sept. t .$$44 ) .$$.' : : T. ' . I''- .' .8Jti Ae Baking Ponder Bocsoes !t is mads right, la Its rnsjnd faCtnrs srs used ont ths parett and besi that money can buy.Ths iop-sdients are combined with scientific accuracy and skill, which insure a perfect baking powder. N 26Qur.C3sfcr 25 Cents SPECIAeU k.Sxtractlng. cleaning snd examination FBKE during all. this wsk1TTis Bos ton Painless Dentists will glvsy ths lowest prloes sver. known la Portland for strcUy. high-class' Cental --work. I Tlnii't gut l ill I 'n't In at ones, flood work st low prloes. guaranteed for 1 Tears,' bas mads a' world-wide reputation for .1 the Boatoa Dentists. t114 Morrison street-; ' ' T TEETH "Ii -. rrfH0UTruua Bxtraotlng ant TTmTnatlo .rmza SILVER FILLING 8 ........ .ooer- GOLD FILLINGS. 7f OOLD CROWNS S3.O0 ......3.00 ..93.00 FULL SET .... BRIDQS2 WORK Other dentists -come and go, but th Boston DentisU : remain the same, re liable, up-to-date -dentists.; - -.- . - 7- BmtonrPeainless Dentists tlH Morrison at, Opp. Btsle ft Vraajl aad Old yostonios. HOUReW$:$0 a. m. to p. ta. . SuAf day; $:$0 a. m. to 11:$0 p. m. . Do. Yoa Patronize the New York Dentists If You Don't, Yoa Should Ooo teeth are essential to proper KASTIOATZOaT . Without good teeth thers cannot b MASTJOATXOsT Without thorough mastication thers cannot be perf eot .- ... - DioEBTioar : -Without- perfect dlgeeUoat there oannot be proper - . ASSIAaXLATIOsT Without proper asalmllation thers can- .. not be , - - . BTDTaUTZOsT ' Without -'nutrition thers oannot bs -XEAX.TBI'.' . .-r-i'.?is-j Without hsalth what la ' ; . . , zaTBt - . - rratrnddnauirArellable and com petent specialist In Dentlatry. XT TZBTnT. ..; f ; . . . . ... f R.OO QOU OaUWnTS ... y... ....... .SS.OO oox.D TOLinau . . ... .9 1.00 BU.YKB rZLLTsTOB T... ........ ..60 New York Dental Parlors ' Fourth and Morrison Sts. v ' "Over Sealey-Masoo'J rmfiflay andTnTglit, from i:t$ a. m. to 10 p. m. - , , Headquarteri for Elastic Stockings tnT$l4- Trusses LAUE-DAVIS DRUQ CO. JThlrilLimdjy'amhilLStii HOOD RIVER BERRIES IN THE BEST SHAPE . (Sporlal Dispatch te The Journal., Rood River, Or., June 1. Tbe ehlpplng as soclstions . are guotlng berries today at $2.2K. Sales are being made en tbe etreet at $1.8.1. Tha aeaaon la now at Its- height, and 7.000 to 8.000 esses are tearing bar dally. Although there has been a decrease of. nseeew-rt-n-f ths-acreage from that of laat rear, berrie are coming in tnan at to aeignt or laat eeaaon. Thla te atmouiea n a oeiter yieia and larger berrlee. - - - " 1 Bo far climatic conditions have been mors favorable than for yeara. Better prlcee have been maintained than to previous years, not withstanding price cutting among new shipper. It Is eipected thst th crop will fully reach th eetlmate of 75 000 eaaeo, snd perhaps will exceed this somswhat. The grower ere doub ling their orders for eratee. ana tw rarinna box factories are buay aarlatlnc the local fac tory to ennply the demand. The berrie war never et finer uallty, and ar reaching eaetern market. In excellent condition.. Tbe aeaaoa Is closing for eerly patches. . is s- Sl aTT ST nTsk 1 T'AhiiTI OVERBECIC; STARR & COOKE CO. Members Chicago Board of Trade, r . - BAZBT, VBOTZBIOsTB, COTT QW,, BTOOX AATD BOaTDB. ? 10$ Third Street, McKay WB SO A BTaUCTtT OOalBnBBZOaT aOBUtnlBB. Continuous MarkaU by Private Wire. Quick Berries. REFERENCES -Lsdd ft Tuton. bankers, and United BUtss National Bank of PorUand.: IN A" WE Ws treat succesafully all private ner voua and chronlo .dlaeaaes of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and ftroarfOUbleg.Je-;tTurs BTPHlLInV (without mercury to stay eursd for-. over. In $0 to $0 days. Ws remove STRICTURE, without operation or pain. -la It days.-- - -. .:. " Ws stop" drains, ths result of self .abuse. Immediately.' We can reatore ths sexual vigor of any man under $8 by". - means - of - local ' treatment peculiar te ourselves. We CUre Qonorrhoea . , in a Wetc -,,- : Ths doctors of this Institute' are all regular graduates, have had many & . ' ..n.,Unr. novo, rteen knaen In Portland for 1$ yeara, have a-t-epntatlontfK .to maintain, and will undertake no caanej Unlraa certain cure can oe enectao. T We auarantu a cure In every case we f - - undertake or charge no -fee. Consulta tion free. Letters confidential, inatruo ttve BOOK FOR MEN mallsd free . in dnlnkln exyrSBl nnF. ' ' ' mK , We cure the wnret cases of piles ta two er three treatments, without opera tlon. Cure guarsnteed. If vou oannot call at omce, write for question blank, Homs treatment eue- . omoe hours. to $ and T to $. - Sundays and holidays, 1 to It. ' ' " v DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. ' Officss la .Van No Hour, I Hi Third BtreV Corner ripe., Portland Or. branch Offices ASTZaniXnTXlfrS will be received at reguUr main ofSee rate at the followlug place, and sent to Tb Joaraal an urn sec puoiioatioa in iroBl B. A Preston, druggist, tad asd Tsar man streets. . $fb Hill Pbaraucy. 980 OUaaa atreaC serser 21st, . AW. Alien, p karma eiat. Iftk asd ala- sball atreeta. . rrT -B. Bl - lacks, eeafeetioaer.- SOO Wsake - . , iagtea iSUat earner Mtb. : -.- -, -. . . . .- - SOUTX. -- B. P. 7ones te.' dmgftst, Vrest sna uino streets. it streets. 1 - XAJt SIDK. Tuttle's Pbarmiry, 863 as. -earner Shaver etreet. Klcbol Tbompeon. 128 ItusssU street, - earner Albln s faneke Drug Compeny, eeme Hew- thorn and Grand avene. . i. A. Dick, tobaccos. 224 Crosby (east end steel bridge). V .' . B. r.-. rultea, confectionery. S74- st ; Bumstde. corner Union avenue. -Ingram A Bosh, tobacconleta, UX Grand BUSBISLUS. j I. B. Worth, pharmacist. 999 B latent street. . . , - BgOOSXXST, , Milwaokie streets. ILLUBTBATION OJ. 1 TB0. OLSZfT TBTST OOMPAJIT tV ;' . ..'.; OBiaox" .": . Resources; Over $1,000,000 Ma ay people have moaay "lying Idle await. lag Investment. Uny bsnks and trnst eompsnles leaue time certificates of deposit, ea which they pay interact. . Paopl a not taie race necaaa im want leek -. - sp- tbetr -fund -foe - k MlMrfa. . ' - --- - - We laane aartlflaaten aad nay tntereat there- ea without this objectlenabut feeture. we ahsil be giaa te explain er sera ye S,e : XXlTrtTBATIOBs." PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street ' Phone Main 438. SEJ, I, mmat. r--P.... Pre Went . L r ITTOC K . ..... V lee-Presl dent a LSI PAGET.. Secretary J, O. GOLTBA... e.Aselatant Becretary JIOTIOX. IN the county court of the staU ef Oregon for uitnomaa eouniy. u. ui " o aetata ot garth L. Bealop, decaeard-AOtloe la harebr given that Emily LcMolne love- rldge, admlnutratrix wits tns wui ipaura, " of the aatate of Sarah L. HesloD. deeenaed. r has Sled in the eoeutyeourt of the state ef Oregon, for Multnomah count y. her Snal - aceoant and report ss such sdmlnlatrstrlx, anA aald court haa by order duly made and eiutaed. anpolnted Monday, ta 28tb day of ' m.. and the courtroom of. aald eoartT June iwib. be in. mnmr aw mMU o ar-i ' In th city of Portland, aald county end atat. - tlm aad nlaca roe bearing objections to said aooount, and far the settlement .ef. ' the Same. KtrtT.W I.'UniVI T)VERirOa. - Admtnlatratrls With the Will Annexed of the xatat ox saraa ai. neaiop. aeacemo. Dated May IT. 19US. BOTICB OP SALS The undersigned, trustee la bankruptcy ot tne estate 01 a., j. uuviiu, will eel) te the hlgbeat bidder for esab en the sd day er Jane, lwuo, nu or tne peraouai nrooerty of said bankrupt, eenalatlng ef atock ef Jewelry and fancy goods, aiekel-in-tbe-lot macblnes and alas nyturee. Seeled bids ac- eomnanled be a certified check for-10 per e ef the amount of the bid to be presented to the undersigned St the office of Baser A Greene, 2T Chamber el Commerce, Portland. Oreaun. before noon ef aald Sd day ef June, , Ittuft. Said sale te be sobleet to eonflrmn tlan tie tba court. Bids will be received fur the-stork snd fixtures aeoart telT or jointly. -In.enlmy my b eiamined et ornc ot a deralgned. 1. L WU1TB. Trustee Is Bang ruptcy, Dekunt bldg. - KOTICB ef Btocknotdera Meeting The sn- susl - meeting of the stockholder 4 th ' Oregon Iron A Steel Compeny will be held st the office of tne company, room SMS Sber- lock building, Portland. Oregon, June 20, 1906, st 11 o'clock a. hi., for the Pnrpoae net- electing board ef director for tb nsutng year, and tbe trsneectton ef barb '-ether tntnas as may legally come before the meeting. A. g. FATTTTLTA Beerotary. Portland. Or., May 3X 190B. , KOTICB OF TBVSTZZ'B BALI OP TZkSOBAL .' BOPrBTT... - Notice 1s hereby given that ta pursusnc of th order of tbe court aad direction of the eredltors made and bed In tbe matter ef tbe bankruptcy of Hpeer Bros., tbs anderslgned irn.tM in oanarnnicv will eii bt dodi . auo- tkn. for csah, subject to eooflrmstiba and re Vlaloa of in court, on tne jum oav i aune. 1906, st th hour of 1 o'clock' p. m. of said day, at th town of Aumsvlll. Marlon county, Oregon.-the following described personal prop erty, to-wlt: All tbst certain atock and stocks ef goods, ware, merchandlae end fixtures owned snd belonging to Speer Bros, located at their store st Mebama and at Aumavllle Is said Marlon eonnty, Oregon. . . . ., rated at Salem, Oregon, this Slst day ef . r. w. Dnssm. Closing-Out Sale! Wt - are rettrlns in-fi frtrm-'b-arlrievig- snfl close out 'all of our Ladlea' and Children s rsncy ury uocwi at--. rr- - ZJJSB TXA3T COB. r Don't miss It. - Corns now while lines , srs unbroken. L. MINQ BROS., 88 Sixth St. SOWITTVO, XOPatZsTS) ft OOw CKsUbllshsd !$. I AJT9 BTOOX BBOXZBB. Boom 4, Sivraad lewti, OaTAXCBBK O COHaTISOa. Building. PorUand. Or.- ml a v $ asT'J I sUSTlBO) BOTtCB. TarBFOOT CAMP. Ho. anl Wooduun of tb - World.!" "btcet. every Friday eventual et W. O. W. bail. Tenth end -Waehlugton.'ete. All members er requeated to . be preeent, Rtreehmet will ba rrved. A royal ' Welcome extended all visiting neighbors. jos. mm tu c. c. . A. le. BAkBUB. Clerk. JW1 Thjrfl, stTNNEHAHA THIBB. Me. X, Imsroved Order Bed Men. The re (tilar meeting will be held - In tbe new wigwam. Willamette kalL Kq, 1 TO Second street, st S o'clock S. m. sack' Thursday -vulag. 177. . O B. THOMAS Bacham. . I. OABSTBNSRN. CbUf f Rda. . ' LOST ABB fOUBOT HaAee Leas er Pound ageerthiemsnta, sat "SI vrards far IS eanta," ana. LOST -or - atraTed ' near Bock wood, i bay borrn about 12 yeara old, 1. too lba. finder -notify suplts, the jeweler. 162 Pint et. 'Mwre.--- - - -- . , LOST Black cocker Denial, ana were in tha , name of Bennle. Uberal reward If re. , turned te Til Water at., bet, Hooker aad Mead.' LOST gmill black mongrel dog; asm Mike; .llcene 678., Hrturat e40 AlMna ave. He ward, ho questions aaksd. Tel. Kaat 1267. rOUND A place to have hair m vated and returned same dsy. Phone Mala' . 474. Portland Curled Hair factory. - XZLP WAMTID MALE. MANAGERS wanted for ear office ta all Urge cities thivugbout Oregon; we pay rent, liberal alary And commlaaloni essh deposit sad rsf. " erentes required. Addreee "Manager." Hl$ Grant Bldg., SaS Pranclace. - ' ." ANT - person . Interested In fraternal life la- auranca. oa tbe legal reeerva eaata, 'can seeunr - e paying position by calling at 42S Ckambet ef Commerce, . S to 9 s. m. WANTED Good, eober ' snd rellabl msa te work around mllkheussi nag psr month. . Phone. Main 628,.,. : - School telegraphy A alectriHty! snpus wanted! also sosltlons wanted for graduates. S06H tat. DsTKCTIVKS Mes to aura; we guarantee work to our pupils. B sul. 286 Morrison at. WANTBD-Woven -wire mattreaa weevei perm, nant poaltlon. Oregon rurnltore On. B33.P Vtumb-XXIUAX. WANTED A young or middle-aged woman t do dlabwblng for on week, afternoon snd . . eesulogs, st ths coealng lectures to be glvea i at Parsons' hall. Nineteenth aad Washing ' toa sts., commencing Prlday (see larger sd.' : Is thla paper); light work and good par.--Arolvst th kaU' Friday nvorning bet, 10 snd 19 o'clock. LAMBS' DEPARTMENT. . .( Betal, restaurant, office, etora. bakery, laaadrf ead family patronage solicited. HANSEN'S BM PLOT MEN T OPTTOB. tSVs Wasningtoa at., room T, cor. Seventh si, ----- - rnone Main 2r2. WAVtED Oood cook and dlnjngroem girl for private boardlaghouae Immediately t parma - seat pealu.n.- Address O 6S, Journal. BBLIABLB girl for general bonsewetk and . cooking, permanently; wages $2(i e. adults. 681 Marahall t.. cor. Eighteenth." LADY bonsekeepTs. waltrassss. diahwashsra, houeemelds end csanrbermalds;'' Alpine Co. Phone Mala S917- 162 First. - tXPBRIBNCBD todies clot bee Iron era. - elao . sealatant stsreber. - Paclfis Laundry Co. First and Arthur ate. - - - WANTED A girl for general heneewerk. Ap ply TaT tfulmby st.. near Twenty-third. WANTED Skirt sad wslst hands. L Mollar, 843 Wssblngten at. room 1. JAPANK8B gtrt wanted foy light housework. Jnqulre 202 Eleventh st, . WANTED Lady aeslstsnt for ' efflee work.' : Union Laundry Co. WANTED Ladles' r, dothes lronrv - TJloa .- -Urandry eo. - WAXTTBD MALB ABT AMERICAN Employment, and Beet Estate Co. nave poaittoa lor male ana temais neip;,nia havev, Inald price on bualneae chances snd rest estate; bo meat ead location mad. Writ a before buying, at 184 Rnrnaldr-et. Pert la ad. Or. Phone Black SMI.. . MEN aad women te Wars barber trade Is S weeks; bslrdrr sting, manicuring! graduates , earn $18 to 123 weekly. Seattle Barbae Col lege, ill - Washington St., Seattle. . WANTED At ence, a bright, aergefle. nr- " sentabl mag or woman, a good talker, to taka up an attractive proposlttoa. laqolrs 78 Chamber ef Cemmeree. (lb. CALiYnO and bnalnese earda. 60 100; 8228 000. SSi Blxtb st. - Automatic card Free. BITTJATI0B8 WABTIle TflTt, WANTED By a young ' man, employment, permanent or temporary, aa clerk,, bookkeeper " or any position. Address Q 48. car JouraaL. SOBER, experienced baker want steady ton. B.. 211 H Second St, Portland. Phone Clay 1608. Room 82. - . SITTJATIOkS WAJTTXtt JE11ALB. A BRIQHT young bmlness woman, college du. cation, wlahaa poaltlon In n f6c er at fair f rounds, or would car tor rooralng-houo. hone Msla 1169. TOTJNO lady dealrea poaltlod stenographeri can operate four of the standard typewriters; remuneration reasonable. Mala 4020. POSITION te car for rooming house b com petent women, er chamber work. Call at room 48, Multnomah. ' LI "i i TO clerk , la bakery, confectionery or grocery . store by very trnety Isdy qf some iperlenee. Box 80, LenU. Or. ' A MIDni.E-AOED woman wants a poaittoa tn a small family or boardlng-aosse. . Pbrae Main 662B. WOMAN can take complete ears of child, will - travel. Call at room 48. Multnomah. - Bef- BERTICES ef experienced mrree may be bad ' In conflnemrat. Phone Beat 2989 er Bast 487. WAVTnV-TO BEST. BOOMS la all parts of tbe city, furnished. Apply 220 Ooodnough bldg. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BtJBIAU. -TJndrr dlreetioa of tbe Lewis aad CUrk Fair . Corporation. Phene Main 2d. WB hsv wille -rrdy-fc"Vcat'keuae" auu lurnirae. .v. . . . rwii -in ua; we will Co the rest. Hobea A Taggart, . 107 Sixth at. , WANTED to leeae for tbe aessoa for camping In Merrill's grove. Take Mount Tabor tn& , reservoir esr. Inquire tot 0. -Merrill. , - TOt'NO mas attending business college wants 8 lace to work for board aad room. Addre 68, esr Journal. WANTED-i-Te' rent bom or flat not le than . M rooms. ..awn csrs Journal. WOMAN,' employed, wants room with' ass ef netn. Aoareeu u eo. care Journ. 1, . .. WANTED AOENTS. AGENTS WANTED Te ll eur enperlor high rade nnraery eiers; new ana complete out. '(t furnlahed true: esah weeklr: write tn. day tor choice of. territory. Capltsl City Nnraery Co.. Salem, Oregon. WANTED MISOXLLAJTEOUS. WANTED More spraying and whltewsshlagi tbe only gaaoltoe .compreaaed sir spraying ' sntflt on tb eoeet. ' M. O. Morgan ft Co.. 979 - Mliwankl at. Thou East 291T. WA NTIO-Whcvwcaaea, wax flgnres, dremforme. vie, lair.iiii vr orvaeinaBing UTnt, Tb Spencer Co., 126 Tenth St. Mala Be,'-- - SHORT ORDER Printing Hnass ' T. J. Ryes. ... pie. aiu OOBn. FOB SALE OB EXOBABOB. FOR SALE er ichange, Id icrea et No. . mi. on. Blirw anrin or VIWMnai A GOOD farm for sal, terma'te snlt; will .r .... "7 propen y t acrsag, eloH In, . Apply 814 Brortla st. ; ., , 1 .- barn, cblckau-bouee and water piped os piece! ' rnnat aU at one. Inqntr V. Vss Casta, 88$ . k. Irranae. Portland. ... , t '1 .- (.