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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
JOURNAL; PORTLAND' THURSDAY.. EVENING, JUNS 1. 1EC3. IS TV0 KILLED DY -- AW RELATIVE Enraged Brother Shoots tiis Sis Vj ter and Her Hus- V Band. . Cold, Sore Throat Trou , ble. if nearleoted, will, In time TIC you Down LANC COUNTY SCENE , t " OFTERRIBLE CRIME Daughter of Murdered Couple Seeks Safety Jn.l TV -.Flight.. 1 ' ! - r: -. - - " to" a tlekbed. from whlon Ton 1 ! ' may nerer rise, unless you bejln, In time, to take that certain remedy , .'vmvivM 'fit THE-OREGON DAItY CARNIVAL OF VENICE : XT'' iSL ' ' ' v ,,-. ':x:c.. ,-;-" .' Greatest Attraction on The k Other '-- Th Biot Important mument fe 1 tur of the anttr zpoaldon 1 Kiralf y'i . rotoaMl pctcl, "Th Carnival of Vnic," wWct ! dekttned to raak tta ' Trail famous. It Is ths lrt, produc tion Tr attempted In this country. 00 . artists aelactK from tba bast theaters of ths world appealing at each perform unce. It 1 presented omblntlon MAYOR DEFENDS, . AND ABUSES ALSO Mingle Praiss of . HltRecor T With Denunclati6n"of Those - Opposing Him. :V ' Mayer "Wllliama apoke Ust ssnlng la Burkhard hall to about J Of persons. ' Iait Saturday evening Dr. Harry Lans spoke in the asms hall to (00 people. - A lyini newspsper nuw am ing Journal" received a largo part of - 4 h-mayor's -ttentlouJand ho queru lously complained that "ths lies and malicious falsehoods manufactured for ' polltleal affect have doubtless preju diced some Republicans aralnst .me, so. rihaf 1 shall loss their votes."" -Ths "mayor ' denounced the "slsm- : whanging about grafting" and declared that there was no occaalon tomake such "hollsbaloo" on this score. Ho was particularly aggrlered that so msny Rs- ' publicans are "whining and . sniveling that I am too old to ba mayor." -a A large part of the mayor's speech was devoted, to an appeal to the party loyalty of Republicans, whoso duty he ' declared It Jo be to vote for him. He in sisted that tho campaign for the election of Dr. Lane was but part of a hugs ..schema, to reelect-Governor . Chamber lain next year. "- ' , One of the sors spots la Chief Hunt sJtd slcnlf leant . utterance was ths The Best A Sconrina; Soap .' 'AiMetal Polisft 7 A Gum Cleaner - The Kind Ton Have Always In use for orcr SO years, and All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are but " Experimentc that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Eznerfence against Experiment What !s4CASTORIA jCastorla is a harmless, substitute for Castor OUt Pare Sorlc,' Drops and Soothing' Syraps It is Pleasant." Is contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, jiving healthy and natural sleep. . The Children's Fanacea The Mother's Friend, - - yCENUI U E CASTO R A ALVAYO Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bouglit In'Uso-For Over 30 Yearc, . .Trafl Now Open Kiralfs American Amusement Enterprises. atace and: -water area,'" the'seenerjr fcar ln been painted by ths forsmoat soenls artlata, in Europe, accurately , reproduc ing the famous localities In the far famed City of 'Romance. , . ' ' An army of beautiful dancing (iris, magnificent choruses, troops of specialty performers, -world-famed soloists, u ac-tors-and "actresses 'appear in the per ITALIAN CRUISER ON . . , HER WAY TO-THEFAIR 1 A report to the merehante' ex change atatea that ths Italian warship TJmbrla aallsd from Ban Francleeo yestsrday for Port- land.- The -United - Btatea - crnlsera Marblehead. Chicago and Boeton , 4 are expected . to arrive' early . 4 . next week. . It la also atated that er-iarrangemeBtliiavs "rT)een com- . pleted - for ."sending a Oerman e 4 cruiser hero next month. - 4 statement that "I don't say that Hunt will be chief of police If I am re eleoted." Tho ma yor declared-that-isi would "sUnd by Hunt," but woMld say nothing about retaining him la office. "There has been no grafting, in, ths po lice department since Hunt -became thief," hr continued. XfTot; a dollar has been taken 'by . tilnr or - by any- of his men. If Hunt were paaslng out ISO pieces aa uaed to be doe, there wouldn't be any howl .- from . the - newspapers. That's what's the matter with the news papers, thsy'don't get any money at the police station." r Mayor Williams said nothing of his persistent attempts -to prevsnt tho in vestigation of tho Tannsr Cresk sewer scandal. ,, ,. " " or youoa sJWAtwrnrATwo. Vienna, June 1. A dispatch from Csenatochau, Poland, says that Chief of Polio Ronekl , waa I aasasslnatsd this morning. The-assaUantieacaped.' Scotrring Soap Maie Hongbt and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per- ' sonal supervision since Its Infancy Allow no one to deceive you In this. Signature of i Master: Work Surpasses All formances.'' Tt II I dream- of romantlo plendor- and a rlaton of fairyland. Leraer than 'Amertca'' or "Ixjulslana," It surpasses sny:' spectacle ever pro duced by ths ffresteet of all amuse ment orlglns'tors, Bolossy Klralfy, whose efforts have , amaxed and ,de llghted ths;amusemeot-loverof Jtht world. .- . , . - PRESIDENT. C00DE TO THE JOURNAL V . - ' v- e rortlind. June 1. To tho edi-. 4 ; tor of The Journal The favor4 4' able condttlona attendant upon tho opening aurpaased our htgh -et eapectaWona. It Is -ungues- O- tloned that thla . exposition Is d nearer completion than any .other ' e In history. ... e e Perhaps' It Is difficult for tho - e S - lay cltisen to comprehend with - 4 what abundant gratitude ths of- clsls-tf tlclals of -ths1 sxposltlon. wit 4 4 . heeeed the breaking of the clouds . and the bursting. of. ths , sun 4 shortly before tho oeremonleee 1 commenced. Aqd rwith th at- e 47"n(1nc 1 am personally . de.- 'lighted. . ' " ' '-. " - . 4 J - There may have been aome 4 j slight hitches, but they ware not e of eonsequenoa and all la all the , good omens of. this day augur 4 for tho sueceaa of the Lewis and .. , Clark exposition. Let ma pub- llcly ozpress my thanks to every a , human being who : has . taken a , hand in that happy conaumma- 4,tlon, . H. W. OOODE. . , - -, , Proaldent - w FAIRBANKS ILLS "DRIVtLAST SPIKE " At a meeting of tho open rivsr com mittee of tho chamber 'of commerce to day final arrangements were completed for . next Saturday's celebration, when tho laat splko of ths Celllo portage road Is to bo driven by- Vice-President Fair banks. In tho presence of United States aenatora and congressman.' governors ox four statss and a throng of people from Portland, tha Lowlston - country and intermediate points. Tho official pro gram followa: - - " Tho special train will leave Portland at I a. m.. Hood River at 10 a. m., Tho Pal lee at 1:4 a. m., and arrive at Celllo at .11 a. m. The axerclaes at Ce lllo will begin immediately on arrival of the train. W. D. Wheelwright, presi dent of the Portland-chamber of COnr- morco. will introduce tha speakers. There will be addresses by Vice-President Fairbanks, Governor Chamberlain for Oregon. Congressman' W. M. Jonea for tho state of Washington, and L N. Smith of Lewlston, representing the stats of Idaho. , . At tho conclusion' of these speeches ths last spike will be driven by, Vice President Fairbanks, asalsted by Gov ernor chamberlain, J. A. Smith, presi dent 'of thojOpen-JUverassoclatlonj -W, 3r Mariner, secretary -of tho associa tion, and Mr. - Wheelwright It Is -ar ranged that theao ceremonlea will be over at 11:10 o'clock, at which hour the Oregon stats portage train will leave Celllo and- runJABlg Kddy, carrying guests ' and passengers who desire to ride over tho road. The Portland special, returning, will leave Celllo at 1 p. m.. arrive at Big Eddy, at' 1:10. and leave Big Eddy at 1:10 p. m. At Big Eddy the passengers who went over the portage road to that point will board tha special and go to Ths Dalles, "where tho steamer Charles R. Spencer will be In waiting. ' The boat will" leave' The Dalles at 1 p. m. and arrive at Portland at 7:10 p. m. The, special train, returning to Portland, will leave Ths Dalles at 1:30 p. m.and wlUarrlvo .atPorUand.t p. m, OFFERED MONEY TO . . BRING ABOUT STRIKE (Joeraal Special service.) Chicago, Juno 1. Levy Mayer, attor ney for tho em ploy era, told tho grand Jury thla morning that atate c-f an archy exists.-In Chicago owing to tha atrike, and that the law waa openly violated, i- He requested " Indictments agalpst the-unlon. leaders and strikers. Albert Young., president of the local teametera--union told the jury that him. self end two companions were offered 110,000 two years ago by certain promi nent .- bualneea - man to can a- strike against certain firm '"and announoed that he waa prepared to give tho Jury full details. This testimony, following similar tes timony on ths part, of President Shea, has created consternation in buslnsss clrclsa. Tha teamatera In joint council voted to -have . tho peace committee meet the managers of department etoree In an effort to effect a sotnsmnt TRIP OF PRESIDENT..,: - WILL POSTPONE SESSION ; Washington, June !. It la officially announced that tho president s sooth orn trip will begin October IT snd oc cupy.-It days. The extra , session of congress will therefrtra" tot be . called October 10 as expected, - ;.. (Ipeelal DUpetek U The Jearaat Eugene, Or.. Juno 1. Sanford Skinner, a prominent farmer and his wife, resid ing on Mohawk -river. It miles North east of Eusene. were shot and killed .thla morning at 1 f -o'clock by J ohn Richards, a brpther ' or mrs. eainner, Rlcharda at once aUrted for Bugsna to give himself up to Sheriff risk, when he wss met by Frank Stafford and ha told Stafford what -ho had dona. . .Tho latter advised him to wait until the aharlf f arrived. Tho aherlff waa tele phoned for and he and Deputy Harry Brown arrived there about o'clock and placed Rlcharda tinder arrest . . Coroner F. U. Day left for ths scene of tho murder as soon aa word, waa received here, and is holding an Inquest thla afternoon. '-' L- flklnnarhio-wlfa, anft-Rtcharaaaa been having trouble for aomo time, said by soma to bo -over property matters, by others over domestle affairs. . Rich ards waa at tha Skinner residence laat night and hot words ensued." Ho left in - a rage and. cams back early thla mornrngwitlt-ev-Winchester : rifle, -and without warning commenced shooting at Skinner, ooo abot striking htm tn ths back, the bullet coming out through his breast, and ha died almost Instantly. Mrs. Skinner waa shot tn tha head and lived two hours. , Bklnner was aged 4, and his wife 46. They were well-to-do and among tho best known families of Lane county. Lena, their daughter, ran while Richards was shooting or she t no aoubt would liavs also beeir killed. Rlcharda is aged It. and Is divorced from his wlfe. He lived soar tho Skliv nera. " - - lbs Portland . ' '.'. PORTLAND, ORXOOIC Y AsBaHcaa PUa $3.00 Day " ttaS npwarS. . TRATELERfl. Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. A modern Turkish bath establishment In tho -aeteL a OTrms, 8PECIALATES BY THE DAY OR WEEK ' Beached by ths , Oragoa Watot - -rows Sly. Os. TroUey Uaa. Write or Phone. "L. k MABTinx. iaBa4ro.;'T' wstaoada, Oregoa. - PAUACB'OTEL I I n 13" 3 0 a r- Whether he goes by lend or sea, the traveler will find it a delightful -trip to San Francisco, where he should stop at tho. world-famed Palace Hotel and snjoy Its many attrac tive features. For fuller Information write to the Palaoe, or aeo T ...'. w. a. smesxiT at tha Portland Informa tion and Booking Agency, Hotel Portland. P 0 X o naioH . aovnvd Hotel" Eaton Oeraer Keniaea aaa Vest Fark atreeta. NEW Randionely" mnilibedrelegeatly eastpseaT flrapreof. tve mlaatee" , welk from heart ef sbopplag and bulaea sletrlet. all Urce, airy, eutetde room., steam seated, eleetrte Ughts, telephone Is each SBartmest. .ta. Lars efoeee. loeaglng, SBtoklBg, writing. UdlM' neeptlee parlers. Keoaos Hemes by stall ef telephone.. ... j .-. Frivate eaUikes SMets tiama ss4 sieepsn. - Uoom $I.OO to fS.OO a Day , pedal Bates te. CoksmtcUI kUa. . :.'-...-' Ut KAI XAT0. (reraaerly et BoUl Badpath. -pnkaae.) Located In the fashionable residence district. Ave minutes' walk from bual neea center. Large porches and beau tiful around s. spacious rooms. - Excel lent meals, well served. On atreetcsr lines direct to the depots and exposition grounds. AjcraoA Ajro BvmormAjr flajt. Prices from 11.00 per day and -up. We have room a to" accommodate and comfortably care for ail desiring good homo privileges. , , ;z:vTr hi. Thlrtsamtk SiroaOv . Phone Main 1101. Klan.atH Hot Sprlnrts mxroir oomrrr,' eAUFOaaiX Elevation, 1,700 feet. Twenty miles from Asr, on the California -A Oregon route. Hunting, fishing and acenery tin aurpaaaed. Hot, awtmming, steam, aul phur and mud batha. Open all the year. Further particulars upon application, etiBA naa ' eMAMiM. A Beawlck, Siskiyou County, California. HOTEL, :.i .... The Manitou Soft, esfitoff, qulok and pleasant to take. - The only gtnufnt r ocrs for all Lung Dheans. ,7., v Pbyalclans Pronounced Ilia Trouble Consumption LIL, Vjj -"I had a constant eoksrh," writes W.I Nelms,of Temple, Teiandphysielans pro- : notmeed my trouble Consumption. I ran down In weight to 122 lbs. After taking Dr. King's New Discovery, I gained 22 lbs., lost my cough, and feel betterthan for, : 10 -years past." ''ttfr--'-n ;r.;"T"::- . r -. 't moia, boo and SlX RED -CROSS We wish g - to - that For .w Mall orders for Fireworks Oiled pr 50c PER FIREWORKS I - - In ' ( r DAY THE PULLMAN PALACE Tweaty Sixth stnd Oma Blook sTorth of Kate A clean and quiet place for a nlghfa reat. A new building with- new furnish ings throughout Ths only place in the city of Portland Insuring FIRST. CLASS service during tho "Fair" at 60d par day. Make your reeervatlona oarly. Addrosa -. .- . ,. . PULLMAN: PAUACE INN A. I. BAXB. Mgr. B'ote 36th and Upshur Strmmtm NOW OREN " Opposite Main Entrance to Lewis and Clark Exposition Only absolutely fireproof hotel adjoining grounds,, equipped . with electrto eallbella and special telephonic eotnmunlcationa for patrona. Uni formed porters and bellboys at all hours at guests' eenrtoe. V Rates $1 a Day and Up ! "T: -, . ; ; ;:"... ! " v ; , W. H. LATTIN, Qeneral Manager ,.. 150 Elegant Rootna Open for Guests ,V , . " loth and Upshur Streata Hotel Detroit "OPENED MAY15 this elegantly equipped hotel, newly -and completely fur nished throughout, is now open to the public. ONE BLOCK from jmaln entrance to Fair. Rate? Reasonable. Special Rates to Permanent Guests . ... Magnificent free observatory foe guests, overlooking Fair Urounds and city. Take "M" strsetcar from Union depot direct to Hotel De troit. - , - - --' : ' ' J. C QRIFFIN, Froprletor. i 1 ' ii A POSITIVE CURE Tm InflamsMtioa erOstarrt of th. Bl.HH.nd MmHd Kia- vi. oovainsrar. Came quickly s.rnnnllr ! worrt raws et 0.a.rri n4 filMl aa of bow Vr joagataadlos. Akaolatelf jT-e fcarnlMa. ioMtr onigfla. ""Y" j'-y-l T" " r: . paid., s sesas, sa-ie. JYf T1ITII JTrT J r!L Vsedars. Clarke S Ce, "TTV For COnSOTIDi'l, COUGHS o TRIAL DOTTLES FCEE asJE?OMMl?IDEI, eVASUsJTBKI PHARMACY. SIXTH AND to call your 'attention to our immense Una of Fourth of July good a. which la now opened for inspection, and la by all odd tho largeet, best brand and moat complete that over wag In tha city. In anticipation of tho Lewis and. Clark. ralr, wo have laid la auch a large etock aa wss never be fore oven contemplated by any xf tho Brme deal- - olaaa of merchandise -are fresh and celebration fetes. ' - , " ' -: sracxaik- saub . naTnarev-Xii- Beat Linen Warp Matting, value 10c eale, yard Xoa Beat Linen. Warp Matting; value foe sale, yard Xt We carry the largest llns of Japanese' and Chin as curios In the Northwest, and our. prices are tha Owesfc-T '. ' ''"..; The Western Importing Cd. Yag-iTO rarrn st, off, yotTomoi .soTaaa ompny. , - , INN, 50 c Wilson Streets Zntraneo o tho Fate. FOBTtAWB, OBBwOB." Cor. Twenty-seventh and Thurtnaa Sta.' Every I7cr.c.i sisssresiea ana anmiie seow .. . Sn the wealwral MAtVtt whirfansj Spray The saw VarM SttSm Jmfff HMSMdvlmh Uaat-Saf. eev iHooi (', KL. aw.DC BO eth.r. hnt .ana tut kid iat Willi PlCTilr end iinmiei pooe- a B. ass bt . ion. 0 lALC BT.W00PASO, 0XJJUU FaonnmoiLiiinit vt.y - v taySilrtSJTnT'roV (hrannolaalyhe HlSCIkunMI. IIVNHstl ssBSSasSSeW lv "n.,m.'M 00. COLDS. ONI DOSS GIVES RSLItP f OAK STREETS. O. QEE WO -- Ths Qrtat Qhlness Doctor - Is called rreat be- - cause bis wonderful , , euros are- so well- k nown throu ghous . the United Slate v : and because so many ' people are thankful to him for saving thelr lives from z. OPERATIONS Ua treats any and all dlseaaes with powerful C h I n o so herbs, - roots, buds, -barks and vegetables -that are entirely un known to medical science m tnia coun try, and through the use of thaae harm less remedies. This f amons doctor koows ths action of over tOO different remedies that he has successfully used in different -dlseasoav He guarantees to cureTstarrli, asthma. Inng troubles, rheumatism, ner. vousnessr- stomach,- liver.- kidney, fe male .trouble and alt private dleesaea. Hundreda of testlmonlsls. Charges moderate. Tail snd see him."" . OOaTSUXTATIOaT FBXB. Pstlente out of tho otty writs for blsnk and circular." -Inclose stamp. Ad dreaa . : i-. THfi C" OEE- WO CHINESE' ' , MEDICINE CO. ; til Alder atreet Fortlend. Or. Stair way ef 161 H Alder street leads to of fice. Mention this paper. ihsr .nsslTkTBFai". " OONORRHOEA, GLEET, - STPinLIS" AND HyUROORLE. VARICOCELE, LOPS OF MANHOOD. RHEUMATISM. ECZFTMAI"A8THMA : AND BKITJ DTS--EA8EB. ' We went every mart afTllcted with tho above dlsesses to honestly In vestigate our special system of treat ment. We Invite In particular all who. have treated elsewhere without - cue cess, ' sll whose esses hsvs bsen sbondoned by family physicians and so called "SPECIALISTS''; all whoss trou- ; bles have been aggravated and made worse by . the use- of BELTS, FRKld SAMPLES. TRIAL TREATMENTS end so-cslled SPECIFICS. Ws will explain to you why such trestment has failed to cure you, and will demonstrate to' your entire satisfaction that ws csn . cure you safely, quickly and prma- nently Our counsel will cost nnthlss;, and wo will do by you aa we would wlsn you to do by us If our casea were re vereed. Write for our. home treatment If you cannot call. - -- The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms and T Winchester Bongo, Third and Barns Ids sta Fortland. Or. BBTABUSBBB 18TS. - . Painted Shingles Advantages gained by " -using our .... machine.' Shingles are painted all over when dry, thus forcing paint Into all the pores, - render ing them wa terproof. This prevents, ths nails from rusting, or ths shingle from wsrrilng, or rotting off under tho lap. They con be lald 14 to U Inch nearer to the weather than other shingles snd still give bsttsr satisfaction. The paint used Is man ufactured solely by us and la espe cially adapted to protect roofs from moss and fire. It contalna no creo aote or other Ingredients Injurious to tin gutters. Our modern process snsbles us tb paint tsm sll over ss cheaply as you can paint a fsw Inches en the roof. t We Invite you to call at tour faa tory and see for yourself the merits of our 'process, or phone your sd dress and our rpraentstlvs will call and give you full pertlculara. , Black Diamond Paint Co. . Office and Factory, E. th and Main. . Fhone Bast 7i en. Gu::n's - 1 IMPROVED V LIVER PILLS ONLY ONS rOH A DOSS ' , . eURINBAOAOHl " by removing the c&um euNBBiLiouaNtaa,, i - by aiding digestion . BEST PILL ON EARTH " , r SOLB ST AI.I. DnfVISTS OB ST Wall, OK anonirr or nion. so, ran ffoi DR. BOSANKO CO, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. f. A. sur.s ccr.E Foa-piles KtCHINI niaa praS.aaaMI.tmra ead oana. IMhms I Ula torm. a wdl aa nil ad. UiAiat or rraWBdlnl 'imnnn or. oosanxo's P ia J LarMdrulaoraaS k; toa IMkIng sue hlMdiiig. Abfnrhatuuiora. haaBout roar Bi-hoaaji IO, r kUadas .-,et Se'.ty .' ... i j,' . . t