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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
- r . i . -. , - - . , . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 1. -1905. r -ft i .- . ths vast empire of Oregon east of tht Cascsds mountain, and wbleh, although now largely undeveloped because' not supplied, with transportation facilities juc.u.aa tha ..natural rssourcea :usrtfr, wlll 1r tlma pour into ths lap of Port land sach year a vpluma of waalth that mill multiply br an hundred tlroaa that ' which now cornea from that source; and these western Oregon counties, where ' lieavy rwlnfall'f and Irrigation problems do not-.vex as they do In the eaatarn anllnn i Wailaii. Wasningum, Lilnwi C'si lumbta, Lincoln. Jackson. Clackamas, Polk, Yamhill, "Josephine, Douglas Ben- ' ton and Lane. . . . . , Bo varied ara thess exhlbita that vls ltora ..will have to look' twloa not to Ciln the Impression that they ara Bas ing 'dlaplaya assembled by a dosen states. Tba products aet forth the sf- J forts of the husbandman An localities that differ aa widely aa though they were a thousand jnlles apart, Instead ' of being aeparated by only a few snllss, per ha pa only by a range ef mountain, on one aide of which la the semi-arid region and on the other the region In . which la verdure rlvajlng the tropica for profuslpn. " , . .. - -There are gralna that 'corns from land thought a few yeara ago. to be ' good for only livestock range, that now yield million of buihela of grain an nually, and are Increasing each ysr tn the quantity contributed to feed the ' world. There ara forage graaaea that : would win ptisea In any country In the world, fruits that woald put to ahame . the aunny alopeji of Franos, with flow era euch as would tpaplre .the poet to I write sonnets and -cansonettaa and " lyrics to describe their beauty. The building Is 0 by tlO feet in . dimensions and has a great dome' sur mounting the, center, rlalng to a. height , that makes it vlalble from all parts, pf the exposition grounds, and when 11- -Jumlnated sands Its slow far across the city. This dome Is covered with green translucent flber, the - greet rlba and flnlal that crown It are thickly atudded "with electrics globes' and the Illumina tion makes It a thing ef rare beauty when, the lights sre turned on at night. In the center of the building Is a "lofty pavilion, rising fsr above the floor and earrylng the figure of Ceres. On either side ara niches between pairs of " richly ornamented pilasters, sheltered . by broad cornices.- Statues occupy these niches. On aachaldeof the pavilion Is a small turret with a single clssslo ' arch on each side of its four sides sur- - mounted by the dome.. - Kach eornetofjth bull(llnBt fcss S Tesser pavilion of the same design, with a star window In the middle of the wall and terminating in plllara Joined by a rlasalo arch, which la surmounted by an obelisk. - The leaser wlndowa of . the 1 structure are flanked by columns and are richly decorated In-a -deeign which comes to a point above them. The cost of the building was - . When the agricultural -- palace - rae - planned It was intended that .within It -should be a display of preduota that " would excel anything aver assembled In thle western,eotrntTy"r-nt' from here to other expositions. The Idea baa been -carried .-out.-Neverbefors has such a fins demonstration been , given . of the - ppportunttlea afforded her ror Tne per son ilvlna" In . the east - who wanta cheaper lands' coupled with abundant yielding potentiality. It la net extrava gant to atate that In no corner ot the world haa there been a better exhibition the fruits of husbandry. " The other western ststes," too, have here adequate proof of the richness of their farm, dairy and orchard product. Wide space war reserved for them and they have been filled with compre hensive exhibits of the products. To attempt a detailed description would' be ta - em. to write a ' half hundred volumea on the varied Industries of ths farnwto. -compile- a -whole) -library of books which would take Justus wide Get Green Trading Stamps with these bargains. ' They cost you, nothing and are a part of every purchase. a rang aa that covered by au tne authors of husbandry ta all Its branches.. It Is snough .to say that If one imagine .-the-"AneeS -prod act ever tufiH4u-ly-firm ere and ssohsrrtlsls In the temperate sone he will find in this agricultural palace tha realisation of all he haa conceived,' and In somsttr- stancea,. probably, will see things thai surpass his dreams. ' I Many of tlie ex hrbttwjwerw brought practically Intact from ot. wra t, ti irtn c 1 1 in ii ajul lis l f il xrl h exceeding care and placed by expef CrnTTnwre gslni1,.aim it a dossn expositions. ' Designs that weave common products ' Into pretty shapes, combinations that . turn the sombre- Into the beautiful, everything known to decorative art has been done to tasks the palace of Ceres a fit place for her to hold, court and receive her subjects .flow ..acknowledging . her rule and those who, coming from . Other provinces,' wish' hers . to (, enjoy her beneficent reign st her very. lest. , "; W, - JH.. Wehrung la superintendent ef the building snd -Charles Galloway 'haa charge of all Oregon exhibits . In. this snd two -other ''buildings. It Is gen erally conceded that they have done their duty and that Oogonwill properly be . represented by Its agricultural, horticultural and dairy exhibits. Good taste' has been ehosta In the arrange ments, and all In all. the palace of Ceres will contribute Its ahare to the glory of th exposition. " " Life-Savcrs ?On of the most Interesting'attreo. tions at the exposition will be the. exhi bitions ta be given by and at the life saving station, situated on the bank of the lake directly west of the government building. Beginning n:30 o'clock evtry after noon jthe manner of saving snipwrecxea crews along the coasts -will be demon strated by the 10 picked men sent her for. the' purpose from the various sta tions along the raclflo coast. A monster- pile to represent the mast of a ship has been driven la the lake about 600 yards from fhs shors. ' - --Bailors1 supposed to bs drowning will be out there every afterneetat-and-wtl! wave elgnala ef distress on the Imagin ary wreck. The flags, will be observed byths keeper snd surfmenrwhcrwtlt hastily launch ' a boat and go to the rescue of endangered martnere. Huge wive will be rolling, and the boat will rottrgldaily on the ereat. ot the watery mountains, and will probably toppia over a number of times. But the craft Is self-righting snd self-bailing, and the rescuer will bend to the oars, snd fight every Inch of the wsy through the'terrl bio breakers-to-the-struggllnt sailors who are on the point of giving up all hope. It will tke what seems an eter nity, but what In reality is only a few minutes to reach the presumably half famished and almost lifeless tare. One at a time theywUl be lowered Into, the boat,, until It can carry ho mors. : To those who -must wait wilt be . spoken words .of cheer, and then the life-saving crew mrsTsrt on ths return trip, which la no lees-perilous than the on de scribed In the foregoing. - - , ' After hard 'work the ahor Is reached., snd ths heroes stain fsoe the raging billows for the remaining members ot the crew. When the taak Is finally completed,-ths saviors are ready to fall from sheer exhaustion; . ot-course hey". sre drenched to the Skin. But they pay no attention to thee trivial matters, . and begin the work of resuscitating the hair drowned wretches whom they have snatched from watery graves. In mat tare of thleaort the aurfrosa are trained experts. . " '. ' .' It may be an ocean liner., carrying msny passengers, which hss been wrecked, and ths howling storm may be so tsrrlble that a email eurt boat cannot venture out inlt. Inithat svent the beach- apparatus, cart and wreck gun are brought Into pley A shot Is tired jtmldHhl iadj(lirlehlna-croa ths tossing dn flies a email line. This is seised bj( the despairing sailors on the doomed vessel and Is drawn toward them. Fastened to It Is a hawser, about two Inches In diameter, which is towed taJChe atilB. Suspending A rom ; It, Js s breeches buoy.- Xnto this ens or two of l he wrecked paesengars dlmb. The breeches buoy rides on a pulley, and Is hniUeJ lanil T the surf men with all noealbla heats. The SttlX turned , again ana again unm m. - galoot's aahore. Again, an excursion steamer may be wrecked Women and children ars In linmrnent peril,- The ship Is sinking, snd quick action is necessary. - A life car ," will be aent to them, suspended from the trolley line. - It is egg-ahapel, and haa a hull similar to a host, and rides on the surface ot the water. The car la managed in the earns manner as the breeches buoy, .and csn hold five or six people. 8ome water la shipped, the clinging people, ars overwhelmed again and again, but with a ringing ehser the life-savers drag In ths car, and help ths occupants to dry land. ' I An-old car at the station for exhibi tion -purposes wss used In . I860..: Ths first tims it was tn service on the New Jersey-coast it was the meant of ssvlng JOl Uvea from ths British ship Ayrshire. It is Similar -In construction to those which srs in use by ths service today, but the old. gun-which goes with ths car- is very much out of date. Besides It could only throw a line a distance f ISO yards, while the one now used can fire a rope-Just twloe that far. ' " , "The equipment, is thS same as that uaed at all it the Ufe-savlng stations on ths coasts. 'Ths surf boats contain a number of -valves "so 'arranged that ttheyerewaterourBarfaBt"is It enters the crnTt. Ths nigner tne ooai Is lifted br the swells Trom the sea ths more quickly ths wster escapes. There are 2(0 boats In the service, but they are only used when the sea Is not too rough. The beach apparatus cart is employed for transporting the equip ment to the shore Una The breeches buoy is made up of a large ordinary life preserver, to which- la attached a pair of baggy "pantaloons, hence tba name.. : Temporarily the station at ths fair grounds-will bs -ln-ohargs- pf-Captatn Charles Hugh McClellan f the United fitatea revenue cutter service snd in spector -of- the various life-saving sta- e united mates, we na auDerlntended the Installation . ef the Dlant. and when everything seta In proper working order he will return to his headquarters at new xora im local station wllL-then be In charge of vnr Jnhn Merk f Fort Point. California. . The surf men who will as sist htm are John Kelly. Point Bonus. near San Francisco; Hans C Olsen. Point Reyes, California; John A. Thorn p son. Coos Bay; Thomas L StltV Ya qulna bay; William Pottar and George Prescott, Point Adams ; can. jj. HtragTen. Ilwsco beach, and Gilbert TV. tean. Gray's harbor. v" .' ... Captain McClellan has' represented ths Service at every world's exposition-given in ths United Btatee.alnce 1I7. He has -made a life study of the work, and is ths author or a number ot interest ing books on subjects' relating ta ths saving of llyes from wrecks, Ons is made up of Instructions to these who ar accustomed-. to-travel much on the sea showing lust how to behave and what take when Surf men are trying to savs them. This book haa been widely circulated, and nearly every big steamer In ' th world fs supplied with -oplesv - - Tk. eervlea ta smduellv ' heine- - in. ereaeed, statistics showing that ISO gta- tlons sre now in commission. The ap- proprlstlon for carrying on ths work In ths United States lsst year 'was ll.tOO.OOO..' A big poster at the building announces that tn 10 there- werer aJ disaster on the eoaata, ot -ths -United Plate. lnvpl5Oag4,-tJ0,000;. of this sum 17.000,600 of propeHPtywaa-aaved: t,43 I tlv necesilty at ere lives were In dsnger, but only Ci were Toneqancf. -The Infant Inoubatora, lost; II vessels were loot and, 1H warned oq or aanger, showing human weaklings, born prema turely, excite the Intereet ot the scien tifically Inclined and prove fascinating to the layman! as -well. - The Haunted Csstls snd A TJrlp to Venus are Illusions of nstlonsl fame. At this Juncture the spectator will be 'While It will be severs days before Sid to take snother rest. SaT-irmtstycalTedHTraUT " any .one or a nan uoiou TheTrail to the orient Is presented for ths benefit of the spectstor. The dancing girls are there, snd while one thesv wers a sen sation amounting almost to a scandal. ths world secepts them now ss a posl- ery .exposition or will be in a finished condition, . and before all of the great cluster of shows begin To'-raka In ths shekels, there was enough diversion in ths noisy prsclnct today ts' more then.-satisfy ths most sxsctlng. The 'bally-ho6s" on the out- Bids , snd ths oaxlnsrf tbe -."barker" are Something new sTid startling to Portland, while- there Isn't a. show on ths list of those -completed ' that will not please Investora ', . Beginning at ths St Helens rosd en trance to the Trail, ths visitor may find sny kind of an entertainment on earth, from brass band musio to ths cackling of Homer Davenport's geese. The Dav enport show is ths first to catch ths eye., with Us unique sign In electric globes mounted on letters of- oak. Go ing down Into ths farm it Is below ths level of the , road the artist will be heard describing the fine points of the greatest- collection of feathered beauties ever corraled by ons' mah.-Ths birds sre rare from first to lsst and are cared for by the distinguished fancier as tenderly ss though they were so many children. The same is true of the fine Arabian steeds, of which Mr.' Dav enport Is wo prou4 Immediately across ths rosd from ths farm there Is an- Immense building oc cupted by "The Klondike.'' a - feat ire which-ls-es!culated-toastonlsh" every beholder1, and especially easterners, who ars, ns a rule, unfamiliar with gold mining. In this show, a $10,000 clesnup of placer gold is ahown,' the various processes being clearly demonstrated. .It Is an attraction that will prove bewilder ing even to : the oldest - prospector be cause of the Ingenuousness of Its" con st motion. .-- - - . . --' ; '- . - - Pssslng on, ths - remarkable ' presen tation of the Gilveston Flood will oo eupy a half hour, and It will take that long to aee the diving elks perform across ths wsy and witness .ths tricks of Trixie, the horse ."not trained but-educated.'Th-TmpTeorHirlh, con taining all sorts of mechanical devices, f rem "bumping the -bumps- to laughing mirrors, to make of a man. a fool boy again, ts. next-ln Jlne,.,and then comes ons of - the-mammoth Illusions, ."Ths LsnA at the Midnight Bun." - Any one who starts with ths-Idea of finishing ths Trail In an afternoon will bo weir satisfied to rest st this, point, having had about three hours of unceas ing amusement But he csn still push on. - his " Journey" scarcely" -begun. -" Kir alfys Venice affords a spectacle "in which aeveral hundred people psrtlcl pats, most pf them ballet girls, enacting a water festival In yenloe. ' The show hss been rehearsed for several' weeks by Bolossy KJralfy himself, , and the great ballet master,- too, engaged tR performers 1n tne oast. '.''.' - A - group-of threw attractions that prove - exceptionally Interesting "ars re productions of the Csscsds Gardens-at Jhe-at'.loule fair, the BalUmors firs snd ths Wnite Swsn, ths. last ' named navlng been among the sensations at St. Louis. Ths trio Is under ons roof and owned by the ssms concessionaire. Ths Strsets of Cslro. a festurs of evsry fair sines ths Chicago exposition, oc- cupy a large-apaca. and within the gates every custom, faahlon and tTtesj-Biiesji cafea in ths-neighborhood before od talnlng a view of the radium at a Csll fornls booth. Ths anlmsl show, with a full menagerie and daring feats with Ilonsisnd tiger in a caged stage; is hound to bs a thriller and very popular. Fair Japan, Kuahibikt'a concession. Is abaorhlna: and as characteristic ot ths flowery kingdom ss money snd tims could msks lt. It. Is rsached through a lnrgs gateway of Japaneae style, com. msnding ths sttention of all who hit Hi Trail. A vaudevllls theatre on. the in side Is not dissimilar to- a Psrlslan ths stre serosa ths wsy. slthough. of coursa eseh has ths distinguishing feat urea ot the nation. The Haunted Swing 1 a laugh-provoking illusion snd, ths Mirror Mass Is one which will defy all comers. Finally thers sro ths Chutes to shoot and so located that thousands may mtrh the snort from the board walk There srs other attractions, but nardl In - a- state- of construction whleh-' wlll afford tn Idea as to thejr character. . - Up snd down the glittering way thou sands tramped this afternoon, but not until tonight will the T keen lr Its glory. It will bs a mass of white lights. In keeping. with ths general plan of ' electrical decoration snd thst lfs Biyaterleswlll be pstronlsed ss liber ally. proportionately speaking, as- ChP cago'a f amousTMld wayla forsf one conclusion. . ' ' . I DISTANCES AND POPULATION -- .s . . I8TANCES thst will havs. fo bs covered by the visiting throng -are- greater-then -st sny-pre-, vlous exposition, and the auo- eess already attained indicates ths strength- ef in attraction that will bring people so far. Secretary Henry E. Reed, In charge of exploitation wore, preparea some, time hgo a map showing ths popu- latlonTaccbrdlng'lo census report!, with in given bounds. Portland will heva. when ths sates of the. exposition open.-approximately a population of It 0.000 people.' In the stats of Oregon the population Jilne 1 will be above 460.000. Within a radius of 100 miles from Portland It is found that 400,000 people reSlds. Within ZOO miles, ths population Is 100.000. Three hundred miles will bring In a total of 1,100.000 parsons. lAt-a-dletanesrJof 100 miles ths population Is swelled to 1,100,. 000, acd'wlthln a radius wf 1,000 miles of Portland . 000, 000 people are to be found. - '- ' . Ths rim of a circle drawn by a -1.600-mlls compass, with, Portland as ths center,- would embrace British Columbia and Washington on the north. Idaho, Montana, Oregon and parts of Wyoming, Nevada and -California on the eaat and south. Portions of this territory may reach this city by steamers and steam boats, bufr most of ths travel will bs by rail wire, there being three transcon tinental lines entering us city, irora ths north, east snd south, respectively Ths) motor Oonanblal. ' Husband- Ths doctor told ma X must go to a'.'rsst curs." , Wife Did he look at your tongusT LHuaband No. I told him about youra. JN this famous story of Mrs. Dye's there is itiore about Lewis and Clark told in a thrilling, absorb-; uig way than in any other one bobke ver published ; In no other novel and in few httorical wotlu can be found - . . - tuch vivid picture of the- Indiaa Wart preceding the . ... -'- Lusana ptgehase. of the-eroasmg of the two-great r pioneos. and of events following the occupation of Oregoo- ntorrnspiECE in color, ii jo A. C McCLURG ct CO PUBLISHERS - kFO R S f L E AT A L L BOO KSTOR E S MMMMMMIMitMMM IMMiM PRICES REDUCED,; Peacock Rock Springs The Following Price are Retail, Delivered to Consumer .Balk ; 7.50 Kemmcrer . . . .-. . . 7.50 other coals proportionately low no not pay' mora than 1 10 9 lor th iiheJcific Coast Co.: ! 8.00 t. . - 8.00 I CHAS. H. OLUM. Agent 14 wsshlngto-a ark. Z1 Telephones tat and BT 14 4 s Pa. t. x Sntrt. We S. crews sad brlAte wert erltaset sals. Our IS years exserteiK ta piste werk es able e Ot not axierh eesiferttibly. Dr. W. A. win .. feasd s ssfe way ta extract teetk. sbaslstely without eels. Dr. T. P. Wise le .a expert st gold fllllsg eed erewa eed arias work.' Kxtractlsg tree whM platee er hrldces sre erderea. WISE BROS., Dentists rnb wefldlma. en. Talid asd Via Sta, Opes eveataas till S p. Boedays pea. t IX Or. Mela toae. .. . nm. w. a win. WrKKeO, , tna OOWllHI lUim mm.J I t .,,. - w V - . - l.M-sMMaaaasnann.ssaBaasaaiSss.iaSsssssss.eM.e.sMM ALE To jrrtiertharnave not rtT-ceived-bne of our great an nual Summer Sale Circulars, end us your address; and we will mail one free. Come take a pi McCall's Bazaar Free - Coma ta aaa get a Baaaar 'if raskloa free. We also Saks sns Bortptloas f o JCoCaU's Magaslaal too a yeas. r Children's Muslin Drawers, with Tucks. Each. . . .10e Folding Stand-Miri'dis; ierni-r lar 15c. lSale pricfj. . , , Children's Colored Border Handkerchiefs. Each..l Hat Drapes, with fancy and lace' border, 75c. Spl..49 . Ladies' Initial Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 10c.,. .. .5 Assorted Toilet Soaps. Cake -.77.;.. ...... .yr.l' Smalt Black PursesrEach 2) t Black Toilet Pins. -Box.M f Children's Cloth Tarns. . 10s Ung Black Hat Pins. Za Jach -....If)' Commercial Note Paper. ; -Quire White Cotton Taper-Earlier Whalebone Casing. Yd - Good Xead Pencils; 'Eu. .l!f Sewing Cotton. Spool. .lJ4t Cottori Huck Towels.. :.4yt Ecru Curtain"Scrim., Yd.5t All-over Lace, black and " . Crearrii: Yard ....... 23a . 4 A-rxoars. .,-.'. Ladles Good Bite Gingham Aprons with sncy border, faat colors; good valus for I6c. Sals pries ...J lOr -- -10o-rtjTAnr moaa s. Brass Intension Rods, for long curtains. ex tend from 17 Inches to (4 Inches, brass -. ! ' sndsr"hv ess thsn JpcJJala. pries .'. ... . B XAdzs motx.- Extra valus In Ladles' 1ns Hose, Uce strips. In tan. black snd colors. " I.lsls flnlsJjiaV good stocking for ?0S Bale price, pslr .lo . ero BLiirnn sto. i Cotton Blsnket In vhlts and gray, good sum mer blanket; ths price wss 5o. Sals price, pair - 394 1.80 COaOTOSTS tso. Purs white cotton filled, cambric covered, fulf slss. stitched; regular price S1.I0. Bale price, each 98 400 TABU BAVAIX lto. Bleached Table Damask. M inchea wide, nice Ilns- of. patturna; .rfguiar price toe Male pries, yard. .190 . ess TABX.X ooTSTanro sta. On-Botled Turkey Red Table Covering; regular price 65c. . Sale price, yard. . . .39 " ..'" : ts .WZSt) YHe. - - Whits Dress Swiss, woven figure; they psk at the mill Jo for the same, Bsls . price, yard ....... ...'i.J., .....THf Best American Prints, yard.. .5- TwUled Cotton Crash, yard.. 4 Hat Black and Whits Bilk chiffon Rummrr 11.00. - Sals prtcsr.v.Trr. 50 , yard .... ..-..4Hsy Apron Olnghama, --Tnrltey Rsd Table Covers. 43t Taney" 611k Ribbon, J5c quality ya . .15 Linnv imnrri. A , Oood. Wesrlng . Umbrella covered - with : - ui-i ... - prm y v u ii n neiraie, - vnro- you- palA, (e .for them you were pleased. V - ' Pri ,.,,,..... . i SOeV How Is This for a Starter? All of our Percale Wash Waists In dark and medium colora. warranted fast; they ara as good at-valua ahown this season at 4ia and S0o. Your cholcs 274' --r---' The Price Will Move Themr- Ite and TBe valuea In Chambry Percale Wash Wslstsa lsrge aasortment of. colors snd patterna to choossjfroinalLtbll season's goods; they will havs to move at ths pries marked. Choice. .42 The, Leader of Leaders r Ask to aee thla lot of Wash Waists in c Me snd i.ooslnBT-tbyH-4nwhltS.-.lln'n with blsck dot, colored chsmbrys with embroidered, front India llnon In plain whits and black snd plsln whits Oxford; Just for a loader. Tour choice ; ...69? This Is a Hummer Hers Is a lot of Wssh Waists that ths fsctory can't best In price, -ws havs them In tan. whits snd black, in lawn, embroidered or laca trimmed; at the prlcea they were Bold 11.15. 11.25 and , 1.S they were a bargain. Tour choice...... ,..l.,H.... ...... ......-.87 I r Don't Wait Too Long There is not a-grest many In thla lot and. they will move rapidly, they are here in tan, black . and white lawn, embroidered or lace trimmed, white or tan batiste with black dot; regular pries wae $1.41, tl.sO and tl.. Tour choloe ....:...f 1.12 Another Three Lot Leader We' have an elegant assortment In these three lots of Shirt wsists, tney come m colored maarsa whits lawns nnd llnon Smbroldered or lace Irlmmerhey hevrsold"less "Than II.IJ, and 11.00. -Tour choice. .......,-... ...;......... .$ 1.3S , ; What Do You Think of It? J j " India 'Linen Wash Walsli madrfrom thsbest quality white linon, handsomMy trimmed with aro- broidery or lace, open back tronti they were considered great values at f tf and ft.lS. Tour cholcs .............,, ............. ....... .91.73 ;;' Ask to See Them : Zir All our White Llnon. White jspsnes-Silk and Black JapsnetteJWaah- BWrt Wstlts have been d for 13.95, jlS.10 and -will be soa during this sais su lor ons price, jour choice ........ ......$2.28 Make:No Complaint Blame yourself If you do not secure one of thoss beautiful tailor-made Japanese Silk Bhlrt - wslsls; they were, sold for IMS and ti t they are in whits only. Tour cholcs.., $2.67 . too COTTiU MUI ISO. Cottage Poles of whits with silver ends, trlm- snhigs complete; always I0 - Sals - pries .IBs) ' "- is cxrBTAnr moss 100. . Silver - Ends Extension - Rods- for - long cur- . tains, extend from IT to 14 inchest never sold less than 150.' Sals price.... lOtt fc-. X00 coves coffe ns. Full Una of color in Couch Covers, good quality tapestry, fringed all around; . worths $1.00. Bala price. .......... .$1.26 - Oray or white., nlcs-alse-. double -blanket! ' never sold less, thsn 11.00. Bale price. pair ... 994 $3.SO BldUrXET X38. A I -Pound White Blanket, extra large slss; one of ths best values for 11.50 In - ths state. Sals pries, pair ....$2.38 -..-...'600 tabu una tso. ... German Linen Table Dsmask, -4 bleached. 64 Inches wide; cheap at !o. Sals pries, yard 38s ' 150 TAB IS OOTBXZaT(X IBs.. ., Turkey Red Tsble -Covering, 64-Inches wlds; Tegnlsr-prlca- Ko, Bale price,,- .1 ' yard IS 4 too awns los. Dress Swiss. In whits woven dot. sssorted , sises, ths swellest goods In ths market for 10c Bale price, yard ...,10t Scotch Lawn, all colors, yard. . 3 4 Bmyrna Rugs, 17x64 ... 75t Chtldrsn's Hoss Bup porters. with ,d 1 safety p!ns...lOr Bleached Bed . ; Sheets 39t Brown Turkish Towels ...j,...9d- Appltqne Lsee, Whits snd cresm, 15o ; quality. yard...6t ' rAsxzs xnsiamauAaV -Th"T la a sood Umbrella . covered . Srtth Eng- llh Gloria, very pretty handles; a styll? ;srtiole; the price wss 11.11. Bsls - pries v. ' . V - , . - - ..... 7S4) Mail Orders . ' Baring this sale we Will promptly fell au saaU era era. - Whoa aaffloisat ansa Is seas eever ezpreea charges both ways roods wtU bs seat ea ap. prove!, payaaeat e he Beads afte goods ars examined, if they as sat isfactory aad aa represented ta ear advertisements,. . :. . . . z IIaIaw1a an LnJ x NoteEntire Stock Is being sold - not sals sf only sneh articles as ' appear la this aeV ' vertlsssussit, fas ths prises peas rate every department, Thssa few items ars foersly sxamplss, 'aad ars bat ths smallest fraction sf ths tsar. -galas involved. vi;' . McCall's Pattern We are brass aaoOaU aad. IBs aaoh scents fog the cl. nttsrna. The rat- aUowaaeaa aad sad awwtng- lln 100 Fancy Embroidered " Turno f '' over Collars. Each .. .5a Clark,rOrN. Tr Luster Cot- toiv all coIors.S pool .2j4a White Feather-Stitched Braid. Piece ....... 2 Bone Hair Fins. Dozen.. 5a Fancy Embroidered Hand kerchiefs. Each 3V Ladies Kid Gloves, sligtitly soiled. Pair ......... 50s Kantopeti Hooks and Eyes, 2 'dozen on card. 2 cards. la "Walcf Sets, in pearL" Set 5a White Marking Cotton. Spool . ; , . . . .1 Duplex - Corset -Hose Sup--portera .10a All Silk Hair Ribbon. Yard ............... Jit English Torchon Lace. Yard .....v.. ...... .5V White Envelopes.- Pkg;-.3tf Fringed Wash Rags. Each iytt Ball Pearl Buttons. Doz.l Linet,te Crash Toweling. Yard ...4 Striped Curtain Swiss. Yard .0 .Mice quality WlmXotton. I - yard wide. - Yard. ... . . B A-t te rH Bl(BIifBoH Ip Hj l-oHl LlH Lftlil U?H I B OH 1 1 ! i K 1 1 i i c i -k t &: 3TW rgf vsrasw torgsri hrSTi rrir-HL . J. V- it V-