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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
.THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .WEDNESDAY, V EVENING, . , MAY.: 31, 1905. TODAY'S MARKETS Striwbrrfeif Com 4n FtwiJhan Evet-indlll Everything ln-th Prices Are Seeking the Bottom- Quality of the Fruit Could Not Be Better Than Now? Ai Entered at the nostofflra of Pvtlui. Or. (or transportation - - .n. -- --' 1'oatag. fug glaal. mhWi goe u I. M II. I page paper, 1 mi; 4 to AO pagss, it nlttj e yasve. CSBia. ,; Kdltorltl Rooms 4 ..Malm too mim uiace... . .v... ...... T rowdy ADTrirmwo ixriz sot atttx. .VreelaBd-B.ugamla Npeclal Advertlalag Agency, tUU Itaasaa bear Xurkt 'i'UxtM """ : IVBIOXiraoK SATIS. Term by Caxrtor, The bally Journal, with Sunday, 1 Ike latly Journal, I IT.BO oe tany jaiirnatwlta Sunday, e TO lull Juurual. month....'.. 1 bo lally Juurual, with Suuday, I OMKUlB. I T ,.8.00 inonLhe. 1.8B She ball Juurual, 8 moutba. The Iially Jimrael, wtth liuudar. I BsoBlh.. , M ae uauy. delivered. i i . . .i . j - - . . .la Xhs Dally. "'wV "oauiirai"".'"" ' .' : SXCeuUd a JO '. ...... .Imi'to. I The Dally lonrael, with Bunder, 1 year.. '..7.00 . The l)aliy Juurual, t year JOO i 'Too ball Juurual, with Sunday, asoathe. J The ball Journal, mouths..... - - Tha bail Juurual, with Suuday, Bxonths.. ) W lba ball Journal, I months....... .The ball Juurual, with SuudaX, 1 sheath..-. , Iba ball Juuraal, 1 oanatb. ........... ; The Suodaf Juurual. t r.. Sua Sunday Journal. months the Semi-Weekly Jouraal. ;.; . . She leal-Weekly Jouraal, a to IS pages . ..k iu.. ii i ...... .i anil Market raw purX rviar.vrr::.Tr...w. .f. -., ' - baoUttaocM ahoold b Bia4 br. drafts, puatal aoua, oxoraaa ardors and aniall aniouoU axa ' P. O. Boa ai. Portland. Or. -. ,viuii iKi logixu nil u toovd. . ' Tbo Joorual caa bo (auod CS sal t tt ToiiowiDaT placaorr: r . - UolBie. IDa.HO H. bUir a 00.1 W. M. lit. . lutvra. . . n - CHICAGO Poatofflct Kawa aompaa. IT! oar- ' born atraot. - .'. ' -.itoENVKH. COLO. KonflrlraTook BUUooor - torn far, BIS Honutmtli - at root I v ; Billroth and Curtla atroota. KA.NHA8 riTV V No, Naara aomoau. - IdJNNKAPOUS ai. J. KaTanaugb, W ioaitt Tblrd atrcot. ' NEW TOHU" rifVa.iiiiM TTnlna aaaara. OMAHA Millard Hotal Nowa stand atc(oaU " Rtm tl-inaaa-a l fJafaal i.ouaa atfoaamaad A1T IAKbT'CIT T kanj-oh HoleTHowa stsirdr "arrow nrpa-, a-woat mwm wrui. an. j.uui Pbiiip Roodi-r. Ud aosust airooi B. T. Jatt aval rma v . --- rBANCluCO W. II. Ardln. Palaes Botol Kowa ataud. . and lOOd atarkot atfooti Oold- ' amllk Bros., 230 duttof atraot, aad Saint i r" Fraattla botol; iuatrr dr Oioar,Patisolld ." "dl N. Wboatlc, moooabla bows staad, our- aiaraoi ana KHmr airoon. . SJtATTLK Ralnlor Grand Nrwa atand; W. to r nninai, not,i soattla Hcwa ilana. . SPOKANB. WASH John W. Orabam ft Co. I 'TACOMA. WASH Central Nowa , compan! Hotol Tinnu Nm atan. VICTORIA, B. fc Victoria Book .tatSosorf oompany. 1XHU ZT0HT- .Tnaattlod, thrratonlnr weather proTalla thl - ' morning in woatorn vrofon ana woororn waan . - Inarton. In eaatora Waaulnatou,. uilera Ore o and Idaho tho wratnor la aenrrallr olrar. . hbow,ca and ' tbundoMtorms haa orrurrod at - wlarl ecattered placm In -the nnrtb Paclfle . atatre In tho laat 2 hoore. while olsowhere In . the itatra .wast Tof tba allaalaalppl-rlraa lair ' wmitbrr baa prorailrd.' Tho jDdlcattne are for nnarrtledV ahowrr - 'the i a .carta mountalna the rain vil) probably - DO aceonipaaira oy tnunaor, XAimiAox ucnrszr , William Blataop, 24 Bra UcBoa, ST. Woddlnd Card a. W. o. Bmltb Co.. Waaa- ' lot ton Wd., cor. rouru and waauluftOA ats. . UROST VaK Bl.' -to -alr snd- Mrsv' oa . I, Droat, Ki( TweutrCTcntli and Knott a treats. 3 WUNH May 24, to Mn snd Mr. Parld mint, KTH Victoria etroetv-a dauchter.' ; SMITH May 21, to Mr'." and' Mm." XlmVa - - Ktnlth. IrtflB Kaot Thlrteanlk otrt. a aon. Isrur, lw- tthorfaan street, a eon. Krnapr. 1M RhMHtin atroot. a bob. COLLI May 10, to Mr. and Mr a. Kdjcar M. uiii.i aiay w Mr. an Collla, 1U4 rirat' atroot,. ot,- a aau(Dier. ' .. V CPyTAQIOPd DIBEAgla. WTLLR May 28, Rolls Wrlla, 460 Darts street, .llplnhcrla. , . ' L Jl'AKMBWOOI May IRMra. P. Qnannbwnod, Huaaall and (lami-nhcln atroota. diphtheria. WOKOAM May iH. Data Morraa, 384 Ererett am-rt, ararlet ter. , BTKNMCK May 2T. rioronce Btenntrk, Kalmoa and Eaat Thlrty-nrtb atroota. acarlct Tow DMBKHKIMKB May 20. Sjlran PtorUielBer, ZU , Xwenty-iourtn atrrot. meaaiea, ' "... ' ' DEATHS. : ,' BERGMAN May 28. Babrtto Borffmaa. ad 41 . yaara. at Portland eanltarlnm: csuae, heart dlaeaae. Burial at terematorlua). LACAKJC8E May 2T. Mary. La.-ai.ya-. aged 27 yrara. at sv-viami t nnoniiau cause, atari dlaeaae. Burial at Mti Calrary eemetery. . UAHKRV May 20. Mikel Markey.. aedB4 . Tpr. at, ML Juaepn'a bnme; cauae compound fracture of the skull. Burial at Mt..'alrary. AIiLKR May 2s.. Victoria Adler. aaed 2 days, TT ('ariiOnter atreeti rauao. wuouplag couf n. lone nr eemetery. -CRAY Mn 2X, Oordoa R. Uray. aged 24 days, INT t'ntnn aiaj.uc: cause, organic heart ,dle raae. Burial at Lone- Fir remetary. BfMKORD May 26. Oor JlaariecdV-ared - T years. -4t4f 'WaahtttKton street ; eauae, Inan ition Burial at JlouxClty. Iowa COOPER May 2H. Gorge A. Cooper, aaed AT , yeare, 34ft Clay atreet; caaae. Bright a dl- hu. Bunai at une rir remoTer. . HAROREVEa Mar 20. - Edward , Harare, aaed 40 yeare. at Bt. Vincent's . hospital) causa, esngreoe of leg. - TAN BKIKEV May 2. Aril Tan Bklke, aged 29 rears, at Unod Mamaritaa hospital; eauae, " aeptlremis. Bnrlal at Lone Fir cemetery. Mar 80. Vucn Gins, eaed 80 years. 1S1 . Becnnd atreet; cause, Bright a dlaeaae. Burial - at Lone Fir cemetery. .. . . . . . , t iTtrrrj' trrta-raw cimxtxat.'.:.; "-..j: Single gi-ar ea lo. remlly lots ITS to ' Sl.ono. Tba only cemetery In Portland which perpetually malntalna and cares for lota. For full Information apply to W. R. Markenate, " Worceater bkyk. city. W. M. Ladd. orfaldant. Crematorium on Oregon City ear line. Bear Bell wood; modern, scientific, complete. Charges ' Adults, $30; children, 128. Vial tore a. m, to I p. o. Portland UreouUoa assoctstlo. : rortUud. Oregon.! , The Edward Holmaa Undertaking company, fanoral directors and embaloiera, Utf Third . street. Phone 607. - ' I. P. Plnlry i Bon., funeral directors and emhslmers, orns Third and Madlaon atrseta. ' 4fflcs of eoonty eoroner. TelepbeBs Mala B. Puneral wreathe and cut flowers a specialty at Rose. City. .Greenhouse, Twenty-second, and least, Morrison, epp. eemeiary. ',' - j lr ,- 1 ' -r--TTT . ' ! BUILDIBO) XIBM1T8. - - BCftTT May '. IT. W. Bcott, dwelling.' corner Berententh and Oregon atrenfa; coat. Ilo.otai. IIALMAN-tMay 2n. M. llalman, re pa Ira to ' nntiee, Alblua areuue sear Cook arenue; coat, lino. - . AXKI.SOS May 20, A. It. Azelann. addition to dwelling, Onion arenue near Alberta atrrel; . -, .j eoat,- 1,000. ; ,. .... ., ,. . ., PETKR80N May 2, Mr. Peterson, cottage, ' Twenty-el'ta near Going etrset; eoat, IIMiO. CHt KCH May tu, Swedish Baptlat church, - '." onrner Flf tenth and IJot atrcats; eoat. H.onn. , Bl.At'KBTTRH May Sft. Maltle Blackhwra, cot. lage, Kaat Twentieth between Alder and Morrison atreeta: coat, 11,000. i Jl'MONIBeV Mar JB.":'-. McMoslee,. cpUare, . Kaat Tnlrty-ttfth Baal Clinton atrreta; eoat, Oet year trurarance an a ha tracts ts real estate rrom tbe Title lOnarantee dt 1 pan. Chamber of Commerce building m tba Title guarantee Troit eoaa. .1 . SAX TEAM CISCO OlAIaT. K AJ1XZT. ' Bad PVanelsco, May SI Homing sessloal - ' WHEAT. . - t . Onn. HlsK, - Low. CVse. May .,...(1 tn 1 l w . l. Aft 1. IS A DecBibe. l.H4-, 1 M4 1.844 1.84 BARLEY. 1 December t - .88 .88. .89 IXVIlPOOt OR AIM JLaJlXXT. ' , , ., Liverpool, May HI CVe: Ba vd, ld downt Brpumber, Wheat. July, Cora Jul, da 84, i lower than Mooda, lNTSTff AW0ERRIE3 Best White . SaIrponor ;Hood " RiVer Stocks Sell Around v v Six Cents a -Pound. ? CAR FLORIDA TOMATOES jZ 'S DUETDURING THE DAY Asparagus Is - Very Plentiful rrrGreen Corn Lower Small " Receipts In ; Poultry. Front 8tret, May 81. The principal features i iwnana wnoteaaie markets today are , Rtrawuerrlee atltl go lower.. ... . tireen corn aj quoted down. " '. " . Asparagus now-rery plentiful. -rrz ' Tir Florida tomatoes la due. - . ; ' . Potatoea are quoted firmer, ;--.-,, Kgga are firm but unchanged. - . Poultry 'market bae small receipts. . .. vlteoelptsed eesl esormoua'. ;. Butter market Is rather uneteady. - r Mckinley Mitchell aeea tho hopyarda. 2asr.ouioaa are showing decline. . - BtrawVerries Still tts LawrT" 'ZZ.". ' Receipts of, strswherrtea are rery hesTy to dayand the -market la rather -glutted. The public baa not yet become ueed to eatloa bar- rlea thla aeaaon on account of the -farmer-high prices. Brrasberrlee- ee bow getting dowa to im wram price, ana aa quality la better at thla. time than a month later tbe demand abould how g great Improrement. ' Along tbe atreet today rery good berries were sold as low aa 8 per one-pound box. wbtls the rery Ineat of Hood Rlrara or White Salmons could be pur chased fractionally his her. Borne people hare slreedy begun canning', berries on account . of ue good quant, and aa aoon aa thla morement becomes general tbe market will -cletnp Ores Cera Is Quoted Sewn, Supplies of asw corn from : California are somewhat larger, and tbe pries baa now dropped to sue per aoaen. yuaiiiy la quite good ana the trade la ImnroTlna. Asparagus Te abowlnav--rery- hearr arrlrala-' looay ana the market la dragging. somewnat with prices unchanged. ' . , ' reaches are coming to market mora frequently and the price baa dropped to 11.80 per- box. -New onions sre In liberal euonlr and prices are lower at lN'ac. wltn the demand muca improTtd, yuallty bow Brat class. - - Oar rlorlds, Tematoea Due. A"ear"of Florida tomatoes the first full ear from that- section for thla city la due to day. The car la aald to he In rery good ahape. having made the - f aatest running lime from Florida, to- the PaclBe coast. It. came la Bt. Louis Instead of New- Orleans. The prices are frictltmallyl down. . " ". .-". " Eggs Are Firm but Tnchangad. T. The egg market-was steady today with prices Unchanged. Hecslpts st this time srs jpot bary and demand la folly np 4o the supply. ' The poultry market la rery firm with auppllea Bet as heavy. - Demand from all sources - ts greater. - rotatoes "Ar - tjuotaa - rirmar. TfieVe Ik a riiinna that the rate nf K.o frnm Colorado, and due per 100 ponnda on potatoes from Minnesota will be revoked today. Tula would have a fndciicyotfirmlng up (lie market hers and eauae tnoae. few-remaining Oregona to advance - In value. Reports from Colorado say auppllea there are getting down to bedrock and future orders will be hard to fill. Mitt- eeole, boweaeat allll retain ; good. . supplicd. Another effect rhs withdrawlug of . the ratee would have would be to haste the eeaeoa for new- rnjtat'iesr'OsrnjBi are -nnw-In good piy rrom the south and are quotea at, xc. Mestmle Mitch all Beet -ths Hopjards.- McKlnle. Mitchell . ha a returned from ' kn- otner trip to Hoe nop mum ui u nm.wpu. vallev. He aere: .''Tie reptvla of the had condition of the yarda are not so greatly exaggerated- aa some would believe. I found . a large number of "yards that loikrdr filorahle condition, many of them not ebow. ng more than half a crop, while others were not even Bt to string.-' 'ine vronnie are ma to that many oc me Tinea roue aunug ue sypt . weather. " Beporn lecelved today from California and New York Indicate that the crop there will be no larsar. If aa large, aa during the prevloua aeaaon. Thla, coupled with tha-reporta from local yards, would Indicate that the nop crop of the United States during me coming seaaoa will be no heavier than during 10O4. The hop market at the moment le very quiet, oeaiers showing no activity la trying to secure aup- " . . jteeoipis ui v Mumwi " . Reeelnta of dressed veal today were enormous, Every dealer dkmg the atreet waa full-up. and buyers are not so. firm In their views of the market. prices . remsiuea unensngea. idi rnrmer mad demand f or dreeeed hoga ts stUI on. Today'e wbolessle quoJstWoei aa rerUed. are as uuww ...... ' ' - Brain, Flour and ' Teed, WRRAT Nomtaal: club' and red. 84 a 15c: tlueatem, VUVVIC vaiwy, oic. , BARLKV Feed. 128.801 rolled. 124-00; brew. '"c'OBN Whole, 24.60i cracked, 23.9 per ton. f-RTW8t.nJf ewt, " ' . - OATS no. I wnite, szn.uo; grey, FLOCR Eastern Oregoo-c-Hatents, 84.u6a4.8S; etralghta. 88.761 ea porta. 83 6J3 6S; valley, 84.10: graham. Vs- W 00i . 4 ' hoe. SS.Ao: bales, II TS. MILLflTUFFS Bran, aie w per tout mla- dllnga, 823.00; aborts,, ceunuy, 623.00; chop, 818 00. -. j . , HAT Timothy, Wlllamtta) - va.iey, fancy, 118.00; ordinary, 112.00; eastern Oregon, 118 00; mixed, 112.001 clover, 111.00; grain, 111. 00; cheat, U.0O. ... i J- - - Butter, Xrrs aad Poultry, BTTTEtt FAT Sweat, 20c; aour. 18e. BI'TTElt City creamery, beat, 21 Me; second grade, II HQ; outalde fancy, aoezmc; ordinary, - iiMUsoc. ,siiiuTnia 3)e; stce, lone. , . KUUB no. l irean Oregon, candled. 18Uc: nnrandlrd. 17UB1HC. CHEENr-New Full cream, twin, 14Q14Hc; xoung America, lomioo; raaiern.. itavisac; California. 14yl4i,c; Cheddar, I4HC . I'ODLTRT Chickens, mixed. 13c ner lbl bene. WaioHc per lb; rooetera, old, 104c per lh; voting, lftnme per lh; broilers. fl22c lh; fryers, 22a per lb; ducks, '64.00lw.oo per doa: geese.' Sftwe per lb; ittirkeys, 17slle per lb: dressed, 20lllee Par.Ui; auaba, t2.60aS.00 per dos. . . . , nope, wool and Hides. . i HOPBWCoutraet. 1106. : 16c: . 180 eron. 24c for choice j 23Q 240 ' for primes and mediums,. -i . j. - WOOLc 1B00 clip, valley, coarse to meduira. 24S.tioHe; fine. 26VkU38c eaitere Oregon, MOHAI R wotninal. nnajgi e. SHBBP8K1NB Bbearlna. lBAtriei abork enL IOO.kic; medium, wool, 80J5uc; long, 'weeL BOrl.00 eecb. . . 1 TALLOW Prime, pet Sb. dOoti He. 1 aad grease. tetlHe. CHITTIM BARK 441o ' per-TIb; baying price. Portland.. HinESe-Drv hides. No. 1. 18 tba and aa 1fJlHe per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 0 to 18 lbs, 14c; dry calf. No. a. nnaer 8 lbs. lciI8c:-" 6ry salted hides, ateera, aoand. 0 rne or ever. SHej ei 60 to 60 Ins, StfflVte; under SV Iba and cows, 6flHci stags and balls, Sound, 6r)Trj to. is to go His, B! sound. 10 ro is ids. srj Wet calf, annnd. under 10 I he. Bttellle! greea unaaltedl. le ner lh leas: culls, le per lh leea: bores hides, saltsd. each. 61.2801.76; dry. each. 11.004)160; eolt hldsa. each. 26e80e; gnat skins, commen. eaen, lOOUet Angora. with wool en. earn. SBcetgl.on. - Xralts and. Tegstahlea. POTATOES Heat Oregon. . 8l.lnclt.S0l ear lots, t.o.b. country. 81.00; aweeta, crated, 61.75; new California,. la 1 C per. lb; gaxorts, 2c per lb. ' O.MO.NB New calirornm. gl.T3eg.oor- Trias n. .. -. . an R. .11m adi.u -ii. rBermticlsaj, ' JBH.JEO; garlic, HflU per Ih. FREKII rat'lTS Applee. extra fancy. 1180: fancy Oregon. 2.00 , por boa) cheap grades, ll.fVO per box; oranges, navel. f2.00W8.O6 box; hanaaaa. 4H8TV per lb; lemoua. choice.. I860 box; fancy, 6.100 boti limes, Meilraa.1 6oe per 100) pineapples, 4.0niuA.00; erannee. rtee. eaaters. aiiou per poi; atrawimrriee. Willamette valley, f; Hood River. BmMe per hot; eherrlea. $1.00 per box; apricots, $1.00; per h 11 80. acnea. ai.oo: oiurus. VEOETABLE8 Turnips. Tamil. bsw. . 81.00 sack; ee-rote, tl.onal.10 per sack: beets. 61.29 per sack) Oregon rad- lehee, 20c er doa: esbbege, ' Ore gon, per ewt; ( slirnrnla, . iHQIUci green pepnera, 7c lb; CMU peppers. l(t17e lh; celery, e -per - crate; Tomatoes, r mrMe; California. 82.60: Peranlrs. It.fmfil.Ai sUlDg betas, 7 10c, . caaUflewer. Xslifonua. MDSJDAY-BlCESiP( THEIVHEAT MARKET e ' . -oitosfo .v.;.:tt.oi-4 - r.ieT,B-a 4 Liverpool .,.,.6b 7H1 6b ti 4 : st. .iB-ui..iA!-.a,8o 4 Kanaaa City... .89 76 9 d MInneapoltg-nv-t.TH -1.04 Vh -4 e Duluth ........ 1.25 B 1.08 B 4 d New York.,... .11 , .8814 d. Mllwenkew . 10.1- rlT --sarrTrrnclBCO. t.tS !A : 1.J4H 4 ' 8ptemljr. .--:::i-L.-L.' 4d4444444444 It.TBQlOO exare. rhobarb. lOlHe par Tb boravrKdlsh. 7JS0 per 11; . aprouta, ; artl cnokee, eo5 per dus: - hothouse lettuce. 6ou7.Vl head lettuce. lOe per dos; greea onions, 10o' pet dos;. saparacua, TBWuOc doe Dunenes; walla Walla. tier pox: spinach. 8e per lb; green corn, doe per doe; IK-as. orcgon; tc: California, Be per ibi- cu cumbers. &"cyl,25 per dos. bHIKO FRUITS Apples, evaporated. TOV per lb; apricots. -Bteitlae per- Ibt -eaeka, Vte par lb leae; peaches. S Jlilc per lb pears, per . lbj pruuas, - Italian. 8VtQ4He par Ihi French. 8Vt14He per. lb; figs. California Mark, ItidVsO r-r lb; California white, i per lb, plums, pitted, ' par Ibt-. dates, gsldea.- Be pr IB; farde. 11.80 perJS. lb box. : Oroeerlea, Huts. Xia. . RITOAR Back baais Cube, 88.10; powdered. . oxx grauulalad. I5H3; fruit graouUtad, eJ-fcit dry .granulated, t8; beet graBulated,- 3.18; exlrs C, 84jia; goldaa 0, ta.Jt,; bbla, 10c; H bbla, 2oe( boxes, 8co sdvance ou sack baals, leea SBo per cwl fur caab. IS days; maple, 1401oe peg lb. JlONIiV 14Wloe. , ' . COFFEB fatkage brands, 1 14.78. -" - fiAXT-Ftn Bales,' 3m. Ba. ea, Be.' 10s. lt.8O; tsble. dairy, 6ua, U.oo: luva, 110.78; lm Purted Urerpuol, Bus. 817.00; lous,; 224a. 116.00: extra Una. bbla. xa.' Ss. hs. 10a. 84.ovti3.oO; hulk. 82U lbs. 4.uuOo.U0; aacka. 60s, aoosoe, - ' ' i SALT (.'oars Half" ground, looa, per toa, 17.00 : 80s, per ton. 87.50; Liverpool lamp rock, 116.60 per ton; 601b rock, 11.00; 100a, 86.78. (Above - prieee apply ' to salea of leas thaa car lota. Car Iota at special prices aubject to fluctuations.) ' ' : UUAIM BAGS Calcutta, 8B.75O6.00 per 100. KICK Imperial Japan. No. 1. 61ac; Ne. '2, 4Hc; New Orleaul head. 6c AJax. 4c; Creole. 4ic. ' . - UKANB Amall white K T4 ti er laiws whtte. NUT8 Paanots, TUet inmbea, IWe per th raw, dl0c per. lb; roaated. ; coeoaasta. 8690c per doa; walnuts. 14016e per lb; pla nuu. 10Q12WC per lb; hickory nuta. 10c per lb; chastnuts, eastern. ISO 16c per lb; Brasll Bute, l&e per lb; filberts, 18Q16e per lb; - fancy peca&a, 24QI8c per lot almuada,- IxQloo par Uv Paints, Coal Oils. Eta. -""17' r ROPE Pure Manila. 14c: aundard. 12.., alassl. 10.c: latle braud elasL Bke. -VUAi. UlU i-eau or Astral caaae, 80g perl Sal, wi irt wuiie, uun uuia luc per gal, wooden 1M per gal; hesdllgbt, " 17r-deg.j cases 8kHe per gat- - ' - - ----- GASOUMe-M-deg. eases ,82a per gal, Iroa Oh la. 26c per gal: etovea. caacs 24 lac ner .L Iron fchla isc, per gaL - . . ji r. 1. 1 t. .... urn. , cave auo par gal. .jroa TLBl'ENTIMt In cases. 81 per sal: wood. bbla, t7c per-gal; Iron l)bla.4e pcrgaj. bbla I8V1C per gal. , WH1TB LBAI. Ton lota. TVS DOT Ih: 800-lh lou. 7V per lb I leas lota. So per lb. Hllin ireaani oaae at 8Z.T0. Ll.NSKED OIL Pure raw; In bbla. 83c ner ral;-.caes 88 ner aral. genuine kettle asllert cases 70c per gal, bbla 66c per gal; ground ceke, ear Iota I2K.0U par too. leas thaa car lots I3U.VV per: toau- .. ' Keats. Xish. sad JTrevlaleaa. rpnn UIITX Front atreet Re 5itoc per U) pork. block,JWc pee lb; packers. TVe per lb; bulls, 4iSe per lb; cows. I8e per Ihr mutton, Hun4ewt lh; Is ml-with " peltt.-8H6c -WbYeaL extra, 66Vics ordinary, 6aa per lb; poor. HAMS." BACON.' ETC. Portland Back 1oeait heme, ll te 44. Ilja.. 2e per lb; U to 16 Die. lima ner lh: 16 to 20 Iba. 12.h ur lh. 1 ie per lbl breakfast bacon, 13&18a par u,: Dlcnlc. 8c per lb; regular abort clear. . amoacrivnc yr vi ".v4. jumc im to; -?a& frw Uir pr lb: Union butts. 10 to 1 ins. aaamokea. ss see Ibi sBoked. Be per- Ibi clear belllet n. smoaeau lie . hhwio, sag peff lh ahouldera. 8c. LOCAL I.ARD Kettle leaf. 10a. loai. Ih; Be, lOtto per lb; 60-lb Una. 10jc per lb: ateam rendered, 10s. c per lb; Be, pkc ner lb! tube, 6e per lb; 6oe. 6e per lb. uinniu BAi-auFci voiumoia nver l ib tails 61.86; t-lb telle. 82.SO; faacy, l ib Bats. 62.0oi Vi-lb fancy BaU $1.26: fancy l ib ovale, $2.76 Alaaka talis, plsk. 6fit0c; red. 81.BO: 8a, tall, $200. riBH Ruck cod. Te pet lb: flonaderV Be per tbr baHbut.-BHe per tb; waba, $1 Bo per doi strlped baaa 12o per lb; catfish, fe nea lb: blueback. 8c; herring. Be per lb: soles Ac U., 1 II , mir-inmmn. ju iu, auriuiiw, juc ymr tu, yrrru. pur la; abad, 80 per lb; roe ah ad. Ac per lh; abad roe, 80S per :b; black cod. To per lb; allvrr amelt, Be t .w. , im. nacaervi. Be par lb; crawfish, 29c per doa; floundera. So per Ibi aturgeon. Tc per lb. OV8TBP..H Hboalwater bay, per gaL $1.28: per aack, 68.75. - CLAMS Hard shell, per box. $2.00; rasor 6aleJlas, SBAV. V V 1PL A, RECEIPTS HEAVY IN LOCAL YARDS Livestock- Comes in Very Liberal Supply Cattle Market . , -la. Very Quiet. , , - Portland union Stockyards, May 81. -Live. aiocs receipts; . Hoga Cattle Sheep Today .J. p-J . 1,62 l.ea vteeg ago 177 . 74 8.8H4 Prevlmis week...., 62 23 ' 1.114 -we were never so busy since the establish ment of the yenl-i," aara Secretary Plummer. "aa we were yesterday." The recelnta tnrfev were heavy In all lines, the arrivals In rattle being considerable. Thla left "that market quiet. Hogs are good., but sheep ere dull and wist. 1 'uiing tae day in norses arrived. ' Official prices for livestock: Hogs Best eastern Oregon. 6o.00r Hi blockers and China fats, 85.265.80;. atockera aon leeoers, Cattle Beat eastern Oregon ateera, $4.00: light and mrdlnra steers, $3.60ifi3.7A.- "old and ngnt cowa. 2.ii6f2.T; atockera and feeders, $X00; bulls, $1.60. Sheep Best fancy abeep. $3.S0 ewes, 83.2B' spring lemha. 4ta4Wc. x I 4'elvee Oaod veal, 128 to 178 pounds' 4c.' rough and heavy, Hi34c ... ' W VHHMWM ' '.,- ' .X ABTEBBT H00 tOWIX. ' , . ' Cbicsgo, May 81. Livestock recelpta: ... -,' - a Hiiga Cattle Sheer. Chicago l.ono 28.000 Kansas-. CltrrrvL..;....inhOn . T.ono 8.000 Omaha. .11.000 6.000 6.O0O li vgs opened steady to 60 .lower. . Receipts a yesr sgo were S0.000. Piles: Mixed, 8.ol J.42H; good. ISBniJTi,; rough, $4.80 ttA.1i: light, $6.10)35.42. Cattle 10c higher. ' . Bbeep Steady. ... COTTON IS FOURTEEN - , TO TWENTY-FIVE UP (Far nl. hod he Overbeck, Starr A Cooks Ce.) New York. May 81. Reuorta of damage to rot ton heliied tiie. f tiftiree todar aud . urlcoa rloeed 14 to 28 polnta higher: 'loaayat orncial cotton market: " . Olieu. lllah. Low. Close. Jannary ...:..S..... 864 8S6 8.VI STH7B FetM-nsry S2fN6 juarcn .,...... eitM wi. urn hxuiiiui Km 2iv ! s:k'iti;t4 41 c'-'.'l 84.'l'il4B layt....jttt.. K21 uue 4t uly , R21 12 K26 R.V14164 Attgnst 826 . 810 Sd'l M24 T.l6 812 82H 86H lit rtO N7 8:fl ', S6A'utl6 SAS, '. S.'n) Mil n 72 847 876(76 September Octotier .1 , 816 . : .84T Noremlier Loniher Liverpool Oottoa. Market, tlvernool. M.iy 81. Cotton futures closed I to 4 points np. . oiaixt TisiBLX Burrtr. ' . rhlenayi.' May SI. Brsdstreet's report et grata ylsihUr supply: . Wheat East of Rockies, deeresae nf'l.nOB.. OOf) hnaheU; tirnpi snd tfloat. decreaae ef &t..nn henheVai ktal deereaae, 8 (Vat Ouo buehele. torn increase I 121.0110 pasheia. . Oats Increase at H4Z,JjQ tiushela,, . V i HELPED li BY PEACE RUHOfiS Various ; StbnesiCome JpJUght 7 Among-therNew York r:--:'-y- :: Traders: I -r-" JAPANESE VICTORY HELPS INSTEAD OF DEPRESSES Reading Gains Most With a Rise 1: of. Three and a Half X'.- XAXM Z n Points 'Today.-' :. i... X ADVXNrca ' Anaconda ......... tkil.ulavlile 24 30k Amalgamated .... 1 I Metropolitan. A tchlaua . ... . . r. . U i Mes Icei Central . Alihlaon. nfd Uik.i. : 6melter .......... i """Iter, ;' V, N. V. central .. nr...i.Tn ; j u u enusrlraula . . . oniiiuture sfc liaa ' . . tiw- Fnet .-.-.-.rrrTafReadlni V". p,"rrtj',evV.reA.ta4 U.k JaUnd i OM-"-' ib 2y"u lH?e. ? "...t Inemu-aaee (oal... 1 :.' ii 2; i l" SS? 'iX'l" .,!2l2lvJft:"3 Cbesa. 'anadian Colo. . Houth Colo, houth. Id p. -iUfluIBer Hy rrrie Krle. 2d pfd..(, S HI. L. A B. W.. n. It. 1 (Toledo .n U tallnlon Paclfle ij, alNorth. BecurlUes.,. I r.rie. lat pfd ,. Greet Western . Illinois Central. Ont West i Nurf. A WeaTT Furnished by-rrrbeckr 8tsrr XonTV).t nail pireet, an lork. xUy 31. Th Japauass declslvs victory over th Htisslan bear had not the bearish effect upon financial eerurltlee that had been anticipated. - It was generally believed that - s -'severe defeat of the Russians would 'cast gloom upon the market. neeauee inai country la. so heavily In debt. 1 be. market today waa full of peace - rumors net ebowe but few looses, end these ere-fol amau smounui. ins gaina showa ware heavy. Todsy's ofllclal stork market: 0 0.9 DESCRIPTION. Anaconda-Mining C....Tl lortvj rfTS 80 106 '4 A ma I. Conner Ca...... aiu K2 ' 81 " Bl V Ateblaos, cam. ........ A Sxi'f 8014' do 'Drefeered . lirtyL. 1ii2l4 '. - b eeuuarr. c. t a 84S, ?4 oo preferred.. .l bn m. - rWar. wnr. rrr. .mst tout -0741 i.m 112 flXIt, 133T4 Anr. Btucit.. com..;,.,. rill v 1IOH 1 IH 112 11N'4 108 C uv uiniri reti ..... 1 1. Baltimore - A Oblo, com. 108 1 e ioo; do preferred. .1. Brooklyn Kantd Transit 81H 82V '80 V 62k ..iiauiaa racinc, oorn,iiieT Chicago Jt Alton, com: 146 147 H o.. 1 7 'do preferred i....t 10 &.. eom..... 18. 7i 78 1N 70 18 -IBleJ .m., 'in. as ok- ram. its 1- S. M Ur n.m 176 17 174 " CIH ., .ID 21N Z1B 21 Chesapeake A Ohio. .. . ..I 4eH4 4lL4ttLl41 -.iw. tan m. irou, com. I d 42' 41 . 42 Colo. Buuthera. nam 87, !-- Stt' 27 X uv socona- prarerreu.,1 i da first nrefereed I RT 84 60 66 I!ls ware A Budon. Mljljai4. OS B i'. m a. u., preierrea.i Erie. com... 404 ) On 78.. 41 0l do aecnnd Preferred.. I HU 67 1 TDK Illinois Central. . .. . .. ..TTl.Mi - w iirai ureierreu. . .-.I th W1), 146 II 160 1M. 146 1nulsvllle - Nashvllls.tl44 ?2S Met. Ry. H8U 116tUl Mexican t.cntrai trr aa 20 H i Allan-, t, i Oe . prefe 7W Mlaaourl Paclfle...: 87 S 7 7. M.-R. aY T . . we New York Central M41 5TJ. 141 U4..14 Norfolk A Western. ' com; TH?, wo M41 rai 1H 61 ivortn American. ....... N. Y.; Ont. dt Wcetern 0 Bit, ri 14 renneiranla Ry.. P. Oj L. A C. Co. 11.1614 10'4 184! J30 101 10144 8844 4 li.' 714 iw" 80 'x'v '94 I'rrsaed Steel Car, com. lui a 37 an preierreu. ...... .1. Pacific Mall B. 8. 0... Reading. com'T. do first preferred. Rer.-Iron at Steel, com . do preferred.."...,.... Rock - Island, com...... do preferred Rubber tlooda., do preferred , ,'. . Southern Hjr..' com do preferred Southern I'aHOc. ....... do preferred.. . L. Jt 8. P., ti pf4.. St. L. A g. W., pfd... Texas Jt Pacific Tenii. Coal A Iron.... T.. Bt, l A -W.r Am. . ' 02 MS 1 0 k 7.1 27 'si" 72 84 104V 104 im ltVl 2 V 62' SO. 8 88 61T4 n.i UUJ4 lmlllillPT, 80' o.f 61 824 77 89 60 60 82 4J 82 70 88 It 76 77 8S 4.1 nlou Paclfle,. com..:: 12214 124 1141X1 11' U v. o. irfatner. cum - do preferred . V. TT. . . . v IJ. 8. Unhber. com do preferred I'. 8. Steel Co., com.... do preferred Wheel. A I. K , 2d pfd. 11 " 88 asrwv!!! loa io6'I(i6!iomJ 27 :ol 27. 00 ii nrrrrrrrfl, r Wlaconal tyntral, com. 22S 22 I 22 I in4 00 prererred. Weae rn 1' uhin Waheah. com.. -.1 4T w--a,t.i" 18 18 88! 88 do preferred .American Sugar exjdlvluenil l:- .Total sales for dsy, 742.600 aharea. laii money, 1 per cent. SAX FBAKCISCO LOO At BTOCXB.- Sah Pranclaeei, May 31. Local storks doting, Bid. 87 . Ask. . . . 12 tprlng iValley Water...., Mutual Klectrle H. F. Oaa A Electric... B6' 1 18 87 .17 22 84 76 H illent Powder 01 Hswallan Commercial.... Ifnnokea Sugar. Makawell Sugar Onomea Sfigar .rr... I'aauhau Sugar Alaaka Pecker. . . 77T. i California Wlije Aaa'p.,.. PaclBe Stater-Tel Hutchinson Sugar...' A. ...108 108 .r..... 16 17 Oceanic Steamship : tx-dlvldend. bobtok corn STOCKS.- Boaton, May 31. Official copper close Bid. Bid. Cal. 4V Arlsnnal 00.00 Cal. I'll la.. 80'0 Pitta A Duluth IS .VIA Paly West it. I Franklin ..... 80.60 Orsnhy ...... 6.6214 lske 8 .A r. "8.1 00 Klrene r.i 14. 80 Brltlah Cut .. 8.87 nreea Oold .. 4.78 Roral ....... SO.nTVaMaaa .l.W- I'ntted States.r-8ri.T8 IMIchlgan 12.60 A I tones 21 2 Old Horn til 8714 Arcadian . ja.iwi I'hdMiix . .. , no Atlantic .. 18.60 Rhode In rand.. ' 1.62 Bingham 28.28 . 10.76 ' 8.00 Tamarack , lio i.i , Calumet '. . Centennial Trinity ... Victoria , 8 00 ' BT 00 T26. 44,oi , , 10.00 iQtilnry I Santa F ll tah 'Winona: Copper Mt 40.00 Copper Itaage. 71.50 TOlf 0PA1T MlWIlf 0 BTOCKS, San Francisco. May 81. Tonopah atonkt, "ef. Octal (lose, Jorenooa toa, IHO. Montana ...... $3 00: Midway Jo Bid. -.20 ...07 . . -.21 ..... .18 Cash Bor Adanie Mohawk . IHxIe .... McNemara '. i.. .44 Belmont 1.22 K.Tib Star .... .61 Kendall .1KB Rescue .07 A Colnmbla Mt ... Jumlio Black Butte Silver lick (lolden Anchor., ophlr Ton ...... O. Bull Frog..., IMaroMidflelU ... f . .78 80. .16 M .88 .20 44 .04 -r- Cold. Mount.... .14 Jim Butler .... ' ,86c Nevada . 14 Ton. Fx (At... S.00 Red Trip .18 (loldnel.l ...'.,.. .60 Sandatorni ..... ..SS) Sandstorm Kx.. .12 A Home Lose Btar .15 A I Kay O'Brien Jflw TO IK COFFEE MABTCIT. New Xork. May 31 Official coffee eload: -Bid. Aak.l ttlH a.a. Inne $6 40 $ffl4B reemher, .r..86 03 $7.00 fnly ....... 6 Ml 66'Jannsry .... T.00 '7 1 Auguat .... 6 60 BTiVFehrtiar ...Ton tM September .6 61 6. TO' March T 08 7 10 October ... 6 76 6 SO May T.10 Tlx Kevemhev .'. B.80 1861 . . . Total sales. 15,761 bags. ' , , , ' Hew Torh-CsSh Ceffaer -New Tork May 81. Cash coffee: ks Tb, Jio. d SaaUM, 8e. MIMETIC lAUULlTla MfHIISES- K1HE CENTS TODAY mW fflMf Thertatter. Part of the Session ShowecTRunaway-Prices i; ?. , In That Option.. SQUEEZE IN MAY WHEAT AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS Market Goes Two and a Quarter Up While Others Show Decline. -. : . r -T--WPXEBDAY -WHEAT MARkET. . Open . Close, ... C1ee : txisa "' - Today ' Todsy Mon. '.- Today Meyierar-.T-.i.s) .tn 1.W B .bt $ .ov- July eT -- iH6B--..M.H L. ,01 Sept... 81V1A .MB. .'.tsHi lc ,' V!m .l' - .I4a ' rnfuTBlktaat'tir fWeTeeh.-ars 4-lX- 1 rhlcago. May 81. Logan at Bryan till Mnag things contributed to an eaa(er feeling . '" YBt BiBrkst locally today, becldedly lmioved weather, sharply, tower cables, coupled enu prospects or peace, in tne--ras. eaat, gave the market an easier atart frnm which ana little rally developed. Liquidation late In the vceemn . was uulte urgent and tbe growing bearish - feelins - litdaceil some- short - aelllns. Thtjjisrket had s pretty sharp decline from tne nign point. Much - mni thrown overboard aud a r.ictU.arv aitod ataed short Inteieat created. The attuatlon la aot all bearish, the market la at 111 broad, . . , Heavy Xlta la. Oera. . ' The atart In the com market . wait onlte atroqjt, which later In the ee.ston dendoped lute 1. runaway sriair 111 ue May. the sharp ad vance repreeeiitlng the belated short envertne. The futures closed fanchsnged. Though Jbnldlng. Iirttl Ihroliglroiit lh aeaaliin. the actiun or'the market while ajlghtly strung, shewed no great Bap,; .. Bogs Close Lower. The hog market eloaed Be lower. Thla ha a en a oulat. market, the ealv feature helna support by pack era on . t moderate, uscllne at lhe - opening. - It atlll looks like - a - scalping market. . .... ., . ..... - Today's official 'markets! - WHEAT. ' 3K.'.i Olten.-- High,-- - Low. Close. -: May.....$ . f 1.08J j .w $ 1.01B .wik .iwi -1 .m .82 ' .81 .81A 1 -.oe -,oB CORN. - --- May... . . .82 . . . .B2 .80 . o. July. N. July. N. Sent. ?-.Bept;,.48V n.. nee... .. O. Sept. - ,., .. May, 'OB .40 May .80-T4 .SOB .8SB June.... ....... July .-80 .80 BepfcTiV .2H -.2h a4i - MES PORK. I Msy. 12 2T4i 122T ' 72 27' WV 17 t ...I- -July, Ji m i.i -jx. 00 u izun -43.66 LARD 7.66 " T 26 T 46 : May., T.68 VOL. T1T T.22 7.40 T 1T T.2BB - T.42. 7.4T.U July.. BepU. get., SHORT BIB.. T OT T.lf - - T.0714 Mar., TITtt Jnlv. 11 . " 7-11 -Z-22WBL orut. T.BO T.50 7.50 T.BOB PBIMABT, 8HIltEJfT8 AKD CIJCABJUfCII. J r3acs4to.jUaX81 Primary recelpu: voeatg xeer Ago 1. , Bueh. Buah. , . . v.. . . . 770.000 860.000 , e.l,2WO,0O0 1.1N2.0O0 y-heatf ........ Corn 1 ......... Shipments: Wheat 1 206.000 828.000 Corn 612.000 6.14. 000 Clcarsnrea: Wheat and flour. 24.600 bushels: core, u7,0t0- bushels: oata, 24,000 buahels. A J CHICAGO CASH WHEAT. " Chlcngo, "Msy 81. Cash wbest: ., Today Mon. Bid Ask. ' Bid. No. 3 red No. 3 red No. 2 hard...... No. 8 bard No. northern. No. 2 northern. ...$1.03 ... $1.07J1.06 . . . .w.i ... .87 .84 ... l.T ... 1.06 fo. 3 sprlug 1.0U : . CHICAOd 0AI CAE LOTS. Chicago, May St. Grain car lots: Cart Grade , Est. 1, ,TtT. ... 1? 0 28 Oata 240 87 261 AMEEJCAB BTOCXS 19 LOJfDOM. London. May 31. 2 p. m. Anaconda declined . Atrblacn advanced . Baltimore advanced , .Chesapeake advanced a, Denver advanced 34 xJ-ia-.aarancsa J4iuiooie savaaeed -7. Iulavllle advanced t 44, Katy advanced V. . Ontario declined j Northern Pscl8e declined . Southern racISc declined , tlnloo PtelBe aavanceo mi. ateei prererren advanced consols advanced rest unchanged. POKTlAaTO BANK STATEMXKT, Clearings , , ."..$700. 771 4 ... 441, 063.82 Balances ........ HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Portland r. A. Mattes. Bt fymlat 1. Q. Megler-sird wlfe. Brook lie W; E. B. Wlae, si. ixnns; iirure sonny and wire, nan Fran cisco: J. J. Smith. Eunmrlsw, WaeMuxton; C. U Stewart. Hurallup. Waabtngton: A. 8. Cong- don and wife. North Yetjlma; w. A. Morrta, San Frandaco; A. L. Havla. Chicago; 11. 8. iioaaton and wire. New York: T. Werkler. Ban rrancisco; 1. ait, mv inrk; E. M. l-anpaaan, Harry Btrnge. New York: H. Tillman. La Croaae. Wisconsin: H. A. McCoy and family. Camhrtdge, Massachusetts; T-- J. Finch. San rrnclao: Mrs. T. B. Blgekiw. T. M. Blao. low. inicsgoj, Antonio Apache, Fort Apache, Arianna; C. A. Eh ore. Boise; A. C. (lark, W. It. Spencer, Henry Bppel, Kmll Punch, New York; B. T. Wbltei Monland: (lordon Hall. Mlse Edna Hall. San Francisco: I). II. Child. L. A. Blacklutoa. New .York: W. K. Walton, Rudolph Ksschler. Met llreen. C. If. Waltonr-Mlee 4rth. Ml Mack - Mlee Madeeu. Bait Lake; J. A. Mycknff, Haatlnga. Nebraska; i. i. ivann, new jora; Mrs. K. X. steever, Mrs, r.-T. -Arnold. Mrs. S. kfePi Hntberforri. Miss Cresge, Fort Walla Walla; W. W. Case, Jr.. Denver; S. O. Blythe, Washington. Die trlrt of Colnmbla; 8., II. Pi lea. Seattle; Thomas Hedge. Tturllngton. Iowa: W. X. Humphrey and wife, Seattle; A. (!. Churchill. Newliergi Charles Stewart. Kanaaa fltr: Sam Cohen, Saa Fran daco; Mrs. A. D. Bcbench, Mlaa Van Dke, Fort Slovene; W. T. Punter,' Chicago. - At tbe Imperial F. W. Beaeun. O. P. Coaauw. Roaelurg: Ji). . Olw.lL- Medford; IK H. Jackson. Ashland; Frank Kennan. Joaeph; If. U. Moulton. Eugene: A. F. Ilelde. K. . MclVogaU, II. T. Dlnham. Seattle; E. J. Sormmlll. Pendleton: Mra. Everett Xllngua. Marahueld: .Milton Iioollttle and eon, North Platte. Nebniake; t. H. lAirrh, Cottage drove; Mra. F. J. Bailey, lllllahoro; F. J. Hn.llh. laid- ell. Idaho; Mrs.-T. W. Fulton. Astoria. At the PerkineR. . R. Klmmla anil wife. Centralis. Washington: J. C. Buah. CHehtlla; 8. V. Wilson. Han Francisco; R. E. lllhler, B.-ettle; Peter Bnctgahtpt. Ssn Francisco; Mrs. 4. 11. w at ere and Hilidren, cnimi't, iiano;.T. K. Iloag and Wife, I nlted States error; II. J. Miles, Sna- Franclaco; fei- V. Oaborn and wife," Or'anil Itaplda;.!'. T. Hales and wife. Adaraa; P. J. Iaae and wife, Ldl; II. J. Bran. I'endle. ton; . oeorge Wood worth. Wisdom, Montana; E. K. Oregg, La Orande; J. B. Tamea. Tacoma; Oeerge K.lgbtlry. Bt. 1wila: Mlaa Laura Mulr, Pendleton: A. 1. Henderson. Walla Walla; T. J. Mcllngh. Wardner. Idaho; R. A. Wsit. Salem, Csnada; Miss Helen peMarr, Blanch La Mont,. Boise. . mrK0xUAX,.j)AT . at, cOaxTSTeiua . Memrtrlal 'day was observed at Cor neltua with appropriate rxerclses. In the afternoon a parade to th comotery waa made up. of the following order e Woodmen of th World. Grand Army of July..,., ,nik Sept..:, .61 Uec..--J(0Tl 48 60 U 4044 .4H 02 : .4 .-. ,4W ,. n4H .4mW.4iT . " .4HZ ajiT . --axai axi .46 , .4o .4Sb .46 .43 .66 ' OATS. .81 .81 SfJtA -. .28- I'J i t - ------ . . .-, ... . A,-. - - --. y-rh -s-t. ' -. ; I V ... . MaI st elBssv-ahs-V .': W W - N. t3.' Corner W traxt gucceasf ulljr all prlvata ner vous and chronlo dlsesaea of man; also blood, Btomach, heart, liver, kidney anil rrihrbaCtf oUlllea. r W6 wra STPHItf 8- (without mercury) to stay cured .for ever, lit 30 to 60 days. . We remove """""BaawXxaBaaaxax UeA1- '' 1 ." 'WSJ- V r"j-vr v ;',Vf ' j . -mr hzA) Wi, ,,.,1. 1.. ,".. g-..,-;;l,...,.4..-. - V,., -,''5 S A -.. ' " , , , ' , "".; - ' BTHICTL'KE. without upeTBtlon or pain. . - -In 1$ days. - , . i . . -L; H'-'W;--- we stop qrxinR, inertsuit 01 sen. abuse. Immediately. 'Wa'can rtestora thB sexual vigor xif any man under 60. by "rneana"of local" treatment peculiar to ' auiraelves.. : , .... ,. - -....t.- - t We Ciifr nnnnrrhrtA" In a . Week Tha doctors of this Inat.'tuto gr all regular grraduatea. have) had many years" experience, havs been known In 1 Portland for li years, have a reputation 'to maintain, and will undertake no caa -unlcaa fertaln cure can ba affected. Wb narait.e a cure In avtry caaa we undertake or chara;eno f.., JConaulta- rrthra:-frw."-L,ett5i'i( co'indontlBjJInatruCi- tlve HOOK FOB MPN malle4 free lain wrapper. - We cure th"WB1f sf "chiea" rjf tinea rrTTvsonie fV,"e. r,u'im..i. .in,nui " tlon. Cure guaranteed. If eou cannot call at ofTVca, writs for V vy.Brv T llle f tf ' " - a j' ' , " - ,- tries noura. tr ana 1 to g. Sundays and hfrildaya, 10 to 11 DR. W. NORTON DAVIS Soes lw-an N'oy Hotel. 61 Third Ctreel. Cm ner Plfla. j. tlf. TU CHASE & SANBORN'S Prove to be the mosgrpopulir nbYeUid"wtr5the-people; Ve-4iol4-th-exclusivc,sVgency for these Coffees in this city. If you appreciate good Coffee we would be pleased to have your orders for it. ' r. . Seal Brand, 1-lb. tins .,40c Seal. Brand, 2-lb. tins........ 80c Special Blend Java ,and Mocha, ; 35c lb.; 3 lbs.......:.... $1.00 Have our wagons stop at your door next month. They jrarry the best-and furnish unequalcd service. 'U' ' ;v F. -! , Portland's Greatest: Grocery -SEVENTH & WASHINGTON East Fifteenth & Broadway , Seaside, Oregon OOWMTBTO, KOPaTtlrS Bl OO, .tEataailahadl 1888.- Boon 4, Orcmnd Bnoor." cngAMBKm or ooBSarsmcii. th Republic. Women of Woodcraft ani Knights of Pythias. At the) cemetery an address was delivered by Mayor Tal- bott.- followed by n number of tnuslral selections. Addresses were alao given by- rJeaktor E. wr ilalnea of Forest Oro've) and Ur. Everest of Cornelius. Tha Woodmen band of. Forest Grove waa In attendance. At the conclusion of tho program graves were, decorated with floral offerings. ; 1804 ' f . anasgaaaaaaaajaajgggggjjaa I A .6 Dresscr&Co OVERBECK, STARR S?COOKB CO. t MsmberB Chicago Bocrd of Tfide. aAXsT, mOTTaZOaTS, COT-a' Oat, STOCKS AJfD OtlS. 102 Thirst Street. McKaf Building. Portland. Or. "T'"wTB DO A STBICTXT OOlitI8:;jf ttV" X Contlnuntia Markets by Private Wire. Quirk; f I "" . TUtoo, bwktjav avej j.a'; J t ;it-t , i. ,t.. Second arid Taylor Streets 3-'.'v ' -:s " 10 ' . - question Wank. Homa treatment guo- , . m f . 1 ' . . tn lit if aiiafjag 11 r,, ... 11 1 SPRING and ELASTIC. TRUSSES GuarantdrPrlciSL&a Ila. Com and Consult Our Expert. Laue - Davis Drug Co. c. a EE WO ; Th Qrcat Chlneso Doctor v" . Is called great hex cans his wonderful . cures aro ao welt known throughout tha United 6tates,: end because) so many people ar thankful to him for saving their lives from ' OPERATIONS ' : ' He treats any and, all diseases with) powerful Chins so hatba. roots, buds. 4 -barks and vegetable uiauxut4 that srs entirely un. known to medical science In this coun try, and through th use of these harm- , . less remedies. ' This famous doctor knows tbs sctlon of over 600 different remedies that hs has succeesfully used In different dlseaaes. He guarantees to cure catarrh.1 asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner- - . vouanena, stomach, liver, kidney, fe male trouble and all private dlseses. Hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Cat! and see Mm. OOaTSTJXTATXOsT rES. " Patients out of , tha elty writ 'for " blank and circular. ' Inclose stamp. Ad drees THE C. GEE WO CHINESE' r MEDICINE CO. . ..a I 161 Alder street. Portland. Or. Stair way of XS1H Aider atreet leads to of. flee. Mention this paper. k noNOBRHns:. m.mcT gypmi.tq' XNH - HYItKOCELK, vARICCK KI-B. -U1S9 OF MANHOOD, HHKITMATTSM. .. fX'ZEMA, ASTHMA AND SKIN LlU- , KASrJH. Wo want every man afflicted with tha above diseases' to honestly n- veatlgate our special system of treat ment. We invite In particular all who have ' treated elsewhere without iuii cees, all ' whose cases havs been ahoodoned by fiirnllytihyglclang and s"Ji-. called ''SPHTALIST; all whosa trou-. . bles have oesn aggravated and mails worse br the una of BRT.TH. rn.Il BAMPLKS. TRIAL TBRATMKNTM an so-called SPECIFICS. We will explain to yon why such treatment has - fl".l to cure you, and will demonatrals. lo your entire satisfaction that we can -cure yen -safely, quickly and, perma nently: Our counsel will cost nothing, and we will do by you aa we would wlart you to do by us If our raaea were (re versed. Writ, for our home treatment U you rapnot call. The DR. LIEOIG STAFF Booms and T Winches lev Hons. Third - and Burnslde Btav. rortlaad. Or. IlTlSUIXn 18TS.