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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALi Portland; Wednesday EVENING, MAY - 91. mi. kill SINGLE MEN IIITOEYIOf If There Art Clara Haalay and , ,, . HflrehC-KO$SWant .Their Pictures.. INTENTIONS APPEAR TO -T BE QUITE HONORABLE InThefrAnxIetytoWetf-SUg-x gested Themselves ioMtfr , Already Martfe&'Z-r Into the hearts of Clsra Healey end . rioranco Roes; maidens of Portland, nas tolen a longing Xor Klondike esbus ' jbands. A communication ini which ths ' 'Webfoot riHmarlnipniir ffrth ttln yfrn- rTnf'oflfielr sentimental bosoms wss fcant the editor at the News at lewson April I. It appears that somebody haa been talking to them taboot residents ef-Dwwsoiv for the-manly mlneraon whom they hsveTtxed thelrjialden af- ieetiona ara already entsngltd In Wi web of matrimony, w :.. . -;. Tha wording- of the petition, however, ' shows that other Klondlkers . have- a 'eleer field. The letter speaks for Haelf: PoaJanA Or APtfl . My Dear Sir: We are about to aak you kindly to favor a :wlth tha services of your -valuable . aewapaper; and trust on may consent to favor two. youhr ladlea who will al ways appreciate It. . ." .. i. "Two young' ladlea of - respectable famlllea. etc;, age between 1 and 1 yeara, are desirous of correapondenca i with bualneaa men, with. matrimonial in- tentlona. . - i 1 i -: - 1 "A gentleman who hss been In Dawson - "suggests that before publishing this " letter It be read to Mr. Chsrles Settle mler-and Mr. "Casey' Moran. If they ; ara favorably Inclined . toward . matri mony wa would like to have them send : ua their picture and will In turn aend ours.- Otherwise please do ua the favor inow? --r or puDlltning me letter, nespeciiuuy, uin AlirH'i'W DADO -CIARA HKALEY address; Portland, ganeral dalivsry.' Of Workmen Buried In Gunnison T Tunnel, Two Die and Four .. - - - Are Injured. , '-; . '' i. .. - : "(Joeraal Special Srtica.) ; Montrose, Cot.." May SI. The" rescue "party at noon. reached tha il entombed workmen rv the -. Gunnison tunnel. " Two" workmen who are caught In tha t Imbera were Jhesrd calling for help. -The entomhed-men ara 330 -feet from . the mouth of the tunnel and directly un . 4ir-th- bed -of-eder ores." "-M .:. "Twenty one of the burled" menwere - hntsted out alive.- r;awero ncnuier ana .V.Flnyd Woodruff wre. found deaifcFeur. - others lire atlll In tha tunnel Injured, but probably noffatally.' ; - Tha man -wore- replacing TOtten': llm- . bare Irt tha-Ounnlson-. trtlgaf lnn canal '-tnnneT-ondur-Cedar creek -when the rcava-lBAaceurcaL.-All' night jnorathao "100 men worked in an effort to rsscue the entombed men. The Ounnleon proj- : act la the rtrst of tha government Irri gation enterprrses In Colorado. - LIES DEAD TEN 1 days in shack Body of John Miller , Discovered In First . Street Shanty. ENTOMBED HEN RESClIEOnVI ' The body of John C. Miller, an agid saddlemaker, was found at 20 First ' street this morning. From all indica tions the' man had been dead about ten . - days. , . Deceased was about ? t years bid. Ha had been working at odd jobs In this city for aevsral years, , but waa too fev '' fcle to do regular work. Ho resided in an abandoned wood yard office at First and Caruthera streets. The neighbors missed the man for several days, but -they thought he waa at work. : Thla morning Mra.JsjC, Blgger-Who "reatded near the place, looked through the cabtn window and aaw the man ly ing on the -bed In such -a position that ' her. suspicions were aroused. She hast ened borne and telephoned for .the po--'- lice. i . Before the officers arrived from the station John Baker paaaed the cabin, aaw. the old man lying. on the bed and '.began an . lnveatlgatlon. Police Officer . ...'White arrived later and the door waa J- broken open. Miller, had apparently died while . aaleep, as he was disrobed and In bed. . with the 'drawn covers 'over him. The . sum of ft wss found in his pockets. Nothing - was found whloh would Indl , cate where his relatives lived. 'It is . thought he came to this state from Cal , ifornla. . ., Coroner Flnley summoned Df.JWrl. . Cottell. who examined the body "and the conclusion waa reached that death re sulted from old age. The body waa burled Immediately, v . ".' CORVALLIS CADETS ; ; " - 1 ARRIVE TDWORROW : '"" " The 'cadet regiment from the Oregon ' Agricultural college will arrive tomor row morning at :30 on a special train - from Corvallla. The train arlll stop at Tamhlll street and the cadeta will lm- - mediately fornj for the parade on Sixth " '.. street. The'. cadets have been doing splendid work during the' past week. ,- For- eeverel -years there has been felt . - by- the etadente f the srtiool the need of -V building where the -cadeta and other organisation of the college could me, ' However, state funda cannot be appro priated for any equipment not distinctly colleglste, and so the task was under- taken by the students themselves, and In a week's time they raised among "their, own number' about IS.SftO. Many ' boys who are working their way through the Institution gave It and 1 100, nine students together giving 11.000. This . amount haa been raised to. tl 0.000 and , a determined - effort I being made to Increase the amount to til. see, aa that amount! la needed to erect and equip the : building. ' - - "-' Monarch over pain. Burna outs, eprelna. stings. Inataat relief. , Vr. Thomas' Eclectlie OIL At any drug iefetied eeoek Oaaaed leelgb Allen Lewis' .Beat Brand. . ,,. i 1 .. . .... SAY SPEN CER TRI ED V A , ' Concerning tha steamboat ' collision near Llnnton this morrilng, the pasaMf gera on tha ateamer nallea fllv hava prepared the following etatement, which will, bt-forwarded to J'nlted Btatea In- SBMlori i-Jwarda and Fuller: . "We, ipaaaengera on the ateame Dallea City, en. rout to The DalUe on llky tl, wlah to proteat against the high-banded action of the ateamer Charlea R. Spen cer which deliberately. wilfaHy n pur- poaely crippled by collision- at thejwneel the ateamerriJaUee" City, making every effort even after the danger waa plainly evident, te elnk the ateamer referred to, which .was loaded with many helpless woman and chlldran. whoee Uvea .were greatly endangered; In-fact. It waa by DIRECTORS DISCUSS Frick 9ommittee ofjnvestigation Censures Society for Mis- .. .; ; management. . ' ' Jwaal gpseia gervloa.). New York. May II. The directors of the - Eoultable : I.lfe AaauranOe aoclety met at 11 o'clock to consider the -report of the Frlok committee. IL-im learned from a reliable source that the report cenaurea the aoclety for mismanage ment. Thla strlkea Alexander tne nara- eat, aa .Hyde- had little mo eay m tne nuninmmL ; Itt la not expected that any Jiigh -officials wUl. be ; removed, though changes may ? be recommended. Considerations f 4h repots will ot- be finished today. Tha meetlne- adlourned at :3e ocioca until ! o'clock, Hone of the directors wlll"talkv- i.-.-i' l,- It ! cnrrinllr renorted -that a a Te- sult of the Investigation both Hyde and Alexander will resign togetner wun other lesdlng offlctala and .that a com plete" new aeC ofornceMrTmcoiniecTea In eny way with the . preeent trouble, will be choaen. -' -' rr l roDOed to force a compromise of the contending factlona and end the disastrous fight whjch is having a most damaging -effect-upoittne--company s business. . -. - GRATiD JURY AFTER T THREElCOUNQLMEN Wishes ..Them to. Explain :lncl; "Tdents Connected With Sewer ' . - - Contracts. . tv. iH.iiniiii-Al ell fraud! waa continued - by the county grand Jury whea It resumeOU sitting tttlgjnorn lng. and among the wltnesaea-examlned were A. L MJlla.wliowanairma& of the old board of public worka and until hie resignation t Herefrom- a mem i . . k. k,Miiiv, hoard: William MacmasterFwho 'waa'a' member of the board Of public works, sna James rai nAU T ii (H,mmnui. atreet and aearer . contractors who . had hild . con-. ti sets under the two noeroa.: tmnni the. sessions subpoenas were'Jssued for Councllmen Sharkey, Merrill' and Zim merman. Sharkey responded and -service wss had upon Merrill. ' Zimmerman was out of the city. Why the members of the old execu tive board 'were eubpoetiaed Is., not known. When Mr. Mills left the grand Jury room he answereda;tinettonai to the reason for hlspreence thereJn by simply ralslng hls right band. The extension of his arm meant that he had been pledged to secrecy. Ir. Mac masters refused to speak about - bis testimony. ' The testimony of the councilman re lsted to the sewer.contraots. " Mr. Fral ney and Mr. Slemmons, it la under stood, were called ss experts on sewer work,, and to tell how the work per formed by theni compared with the work under lnveatlgatlon. , OFFICIAL NOTICE - . . SENT MR. O'BRIEN General Orders From Kruttschnitt Nartvas HimCeneral Man agrof Oregon Lines. rin. tiniifinllhn nf tha annolnt- W . L ,V H . , . . . ---- -- ' " . . t x rrRrlen tn auceeed B. A. Worthlngton was received todsy in the ii. AtmiiUr fmm Chlraao: ivimwiii, v . . - - - ui,iirnH a Navlaatlon Com pany and Southern Pacific Linee in Ore rtrrirs nf Director of Maintenance and Operation Chicago, III., May tl. Effective June l, iuo: j. tr. v oikb appointed general manager Oregon Rail road Navigation company and South ern Pacific llnea In Oregon, with head quarters at Portland, Oregon. ' "J. KKUTlW-HBHli mhuiA. f Maintenance and ODCratton. "Approved;,. E. H. Harrtman, Presi dent. " u. rvn.Un .rutil the dav In tha of- . th. Mfl m,nif,r aolna over 111.0 i-nw m - " matters of official Importance with Mr. Worthlngton, wno leaves uramm ir Chicago. Mr., worthlngton s ismny win mm.-iim h.M Anrinm June and aee the ex position, after whloh they will leave for Pittsburg, tneir ruiure reiucm:v. Mr.- Worthlngton said; r- - ..t . tn Pnrtlflnd eanerlallv at this time, when the exposition la Just resdy to open and many Interest ing evente about to nappen. out am ,.bin ii, w nrk thn.t' Aemanda mv Inatant and entire attention, and I find It. abaoluteiyneceaaary w go;eaav a once." ' ' :' . WORK MUST STOP TjI OPEMNG DAY At 'daybreak tomorrow all workmen will be called from the varloua worka thay are completing at the exposition grounds, and It Is a source of congratu lation that comparatively little remains to be done. !'' -- Oolng through the rarloug - exhibit palaeea laat night, a epeclal committee of inspectors, headed by H. B. Hardt, aselstant to Director' jloeeh, found it necessary to disbar ilne flrme, the ma jority Portland concerna, from compet ing for awards, while II exhibitors wilt be Included in the report to the Jury of awarda, urging demerits for tardi ness. Mr. Hardt remarked that In his experience, covering It years, he has never seen aa exposition so near com pletion on cpenlngdey. , The fish" hatchery was Installed in the Forestry building this morning. . - EQUITABLE AFFAIRS O SINK STEAMER the merest chance that a great calam ity was averted. We were!" Indeed, astonished' t me heartless manner In which the ateamer Charlea R. Spenoer continued ua jour- m niinu his ail i in g wiismvei' iu uu K.riBi.iivii - aider such action described above-a, dis grace to humanity and wormy or your prompt 'attention. It ia stated tha't'tbe owner of the ateamer CJiarieiiU gpenear wa r aTlli e Vf Itll1' " Miia-Bttati tt Hherefuraagema . rruiaonablfe. tQ . con. clude that tb: Intent and purpose waa to damage and Bin the ateamor. Jjaiuw City. Su h action aa this, should cer tainly-' be "-condemned ; and ' the guilty punished to the full extent of the law." Signed by 43 passengers. SJIEA-E-FAVOR-OE- COfiTINUING FIGHT Powerful Peace Forces,. How Zrri- ever,Oppose Hi? - r; '." Views. "'. -.,-Z ' - Journal 'Special keretca.) - .- .' Chicago, May Il.In addition to the grand Jury and the master In chancery ioveatlfations of the teamatera'- atrlke today, a conference- of iaborleadera la scheduled at which peace plana will probably be discussed. It la reported that the -executive - committee . of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters may-decide to take a referendum vote on a continuance of 'the strike. Presi dent 8he expresses himself In favor of continuing the struggle, but said that powerful peace forces oppoae him. - Jamea - Spencer, a- strikebreaker, was kidnaped early thla morning 'and taken to- the south aide and aerloualy wounded. Two thousand policemen were, detailed it!'!LJQralflg---gud-.wagQnsi leaving oiiiy. sou to proteat the city. Two hun dred were sent to. the lumber diatrici4 The employers announce that they sent out 1,009 wagons today.. ' Tha teamsters of the weaver Coal company refused to "deliver to boycotted concerns today and were discharged. - President-Cohen of the BtateFfidexaJ tlon of Labor today Intimated that un Jess the atrlke -waa apeedtly eettled It would result , Jn a , general, walkout .'fft teamsters. . . FOUR LOSE LIVES . IN -HEPPNER CLOUDBURST Mrs. J. R. Nunemaker and Child and A." P." Cox's Chil- - ri?ri dren- Perish - . v - --'-:-JrBar"8pWervlea.Tt ' '- Pendleton. Or.. May ytl. Telephone messages" from TIeppner state that aa a result-of a cloudburst yesterday on Rhea, creek, seven' miles above Heppner, Mra-J.- R -Nunemaker and' child and two children o( JU P.Cox were drowned In the 'rushing watera. The bodies have been recovered. . . -hr'cloudburstr'caused "no ' "serious damage to Heppner, whose people are giving aid to the atrtoken district. Con siderable livestock Is reported to have perished, though the carrying away of telephone"wlree renders Complete reports unavailable,: Rhea creek runs parallel to Willow creek, which runar through Heppner. PALOUSL PLEADS FOR BUSINESS MEN'S AID - r- . " ' , Extending 18 miles along" the Colum bia and. seven miles along the Snake rivers lies a tract. of 101.400 acres of land known .as the Palouse Irrigation project, whloh the government proposes to reclaim by establishing a reservoir , in the Wsshtucna coulee, but which has received a temporary setback because of a controversy between - Chief En gineer Newell and the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company. " - ' . C. Eugene Bortle of Spokane, secretary- of the northwest section Of the National Irrigation association, la; In Portland -today to aak the Commercial club, the Chamber of Commerce and tha Board of Trade to take up the matter and to paas resolutions urging upon the Washington authorities the Import ance of Immediate action inaugurating the Patouse--rr1gtiow project. r 'The Pslouse country Is tributary to Port land. RIO GRANDE FLOODS CAUSE HEAVY-DAMAGE ' " " " tJoaraal gpeelal Berries.) ' " El Paso, .Tex., May tl. The Rio Grande river is higher In El Psao today than for several yeara. Railroad traffic la badly demoralised and the town of Anthony, New Mexico, la practically submerged. Crops throughout the Mes- sllla valley are ruined. Property dam' age. Including the valley cropa. Is eat! mated at t500,0u0. The city of El Paso is in no immediate danger. . MINERS REPUDIATE ' G0MPER$ AND MITCHELL i " "; (Journal gptetal terries.),, ' Bait Lake, May tl. By ah 1 over whelming vote today- the Western T4 eratlon -of Miners Indorsed the-Indus trial union and will aend delegates to the convention at Chicago' June. 17. Thla repudiates dompers and Mitchell, making a complete, break- with"- the executive council of , the American Federation of Labor. "" WEAK HEART AND----WHISKEY-KlLlrPIANIST Roy Van Buren, -who wss employed as pianist at tho Echo saloon In , the north end. waa found dead In his room, at.'ttto 'North Sixth street, about 4 O'clock yefttrday afternoon1; An autopsy today determiner! thst the cause of death was heart dlseaae, aggra vated by-the excessive use of. liquor. . TO QUIT CABINET FOR . -SUBWAY PRESIDENCY ' J . (Journal tpeclal lerrics.( -Washington, - May tlj Secretary ' of the Navy -Paul Morton, whoee intention td- resign from the cabinet waa an nounced recently, will become praaldent of the New Tork Subway system at e salary qu4 to the; $t the president of. the United 8tVtar Strange . Wo man of a Secret - From Mine. Von Heck;-the Famous chol6glit READS HUMAN THOUGHT Does Such Singular Things That -CaneTaTtook Upon Her as V Visitor l-'rom an - OndUcovered World-Qreat Human Puzzle." -KBCTw Heefe" the worM's .marrel ous clairvoyant, Jias astonished . Port- Tills celebrated "' German. lady has emaaed the people, Shejloea auch things aa- werenaver. done before. She can read the human inougni reads a book. - There Is nothing In the breast of a man that can be kept from her. .Think what you will and Mme. Von n-k will Instantly tell you what It la about. She la . a new kind of - . i.J ' . What ooea ane a, . '".z hat doea ehe do an ywey r in m i r ia prepared to asaVfWhafdoean t j iV Is about the beat reaponae that I reader aha do can db mw. , . , . . Without asking questions, she tells the csller all about hlmaelf or herself, MAlhm.TVho"yw not permit the Ua. of. hla name, lost some vslusble papera. The great clairvoyant, or astrologer, was sent for to come to Portland. - She- ar rived the other day and the lost papers were soon located. The owner haa them now. and the madam is a great deal richer' than she was. v A husband ana wire nta.Mram. es tranged. -There waa bo real rason ror A friend told him of Mme. Von Heck. re there seldom t, but sttrt Jhere was a separation. One of them laid the case peroro. ami. on n.eca . am nmi snd wife have had a glorious reunion. The clouds of discord have been dis pelled. There is sunshine In thst home today. - Heppy-trancoilllty-hae taken the place of turbulence. This Is worth a ? rood deal to that once dlacordant habl ation. The tranaformattoii could --not be rewarded " In -coin. Heartfelt grati tude alone can settle ..that account. An engagement or marriage naa own broken.- There. waa -a . verv . unhappy young woman on the one band, and a not too dellgntea oung- man on me oinr, Rrh hjtd a. hand-In that breach- aud both 1-ought-to - have " .been . ..aoundy ananked. But the infllCtlonOf ment did not-come. Mme. Von-HjAck hrnuvht theae aeDarated ones toaether. The aacred contract has been ' renewed and a home la being prepared ro: bride and groom. Each- haa seen the error that" caused them "to drift apart Their eyes are opened now, and who was It that caused them, to sesT This lately arrived wizard, who appears to be able to do all things. - " And this aaaertton sets one tlo -cogitating."; If there were 1.000 Mme. Von Hecks in the land and the whole huinber could be-brought -together in one-great companvf-hy - eouldthey - not - brihg tneir auieo powera to oear upon ine csar of Ruasla.,and the -mikado at japan- a nd thua quickly end that wicked war? The writer believes a combination So grand and atrbng could accomplish this right-eaualy-humane result. Mm Ton hwi claims tne power to peer Into the future, too. 1 . And there seems no doubt but that she can. Why should It .not be iust as easy to read coming eventa aa to describe those that had paaaed Into eternity, of which the lady had no knowledge. -Many be lieve that ehe can do thla. and sciwes sre the callers at her residence, 25 S. Fifth St., seeking information concerning what the future has In store for them. This they are told without the slightest hesitation, and all doubt absolutely sat isfied, though mTBtlflart at what they have seen andheard. Mme. Von Heck belones to a new rlaaa of clairvoyants, or astrofogera, aa ehe prefers to be known." She la proud of her profeaslon and guards Its sacred ness with Jealous care. , She Is per fectly cognisant, too, that In her exalted calling there are many impostors by the snore, ana ims seems to annoy ner most of all. Her one great 'desire and ambi tion is to elevate her profeaslon so that there may be attracted to It the "hon orablea" of the world, and In this she hss most admirably succeeded with her self. Her life Is one of purity and her habits above reproach. Advice given on all points of Interest; such as love, courtship, or marriage, di vorce, business transactions, stocks, grain, health, etc. She recovers losses, wills or mislaid deeds; 'reunites the sep arated, cauaea speedy and happy mar riagea. ... MME. VON HECK IS PERMANENTLY tOCATfcn AVT1 CAN BE CONSCLTEB-AT-HER PHi vitr T3TraiT,tr vOf 225 South Fifth Street Hours 1:10 i. m. to S p. m. IDAHO REJOICES OVER NEW ROAD . , ; . Arrangements for the exercises at the formal opening to traffic of the portage road have almoat been complet ed. Word came today from Lewlaton that the delegation from that city wlU number 160. and that I. N. Smith has been selected to make the' address for the state of Idaho. The party will go to Gelllo In a boat, attend the exercises, snd most of them will come to Port land, taking another boat at the lower end of the portage and arriving here at 7:10 o'clock In the evening. - Some of the party doubtless will come from The Dalle by, traliv. reaching .Portland at t o'clock. SAYS ROCKEFELLER IS- ' CHRISTIAN GENTLEMAN . . - r" (Joarsal Special Rervtce.) ' ", New Tork, May tl. Dr. Robert Mac Arthur, pastor of the Calvary Baptist churchy In the Baptist Examiner pub lished tomorrowdefendg --Rockefeller and says thst "coarse, cruel criticisms of Rockefeller malign the entire Bap tist denomination." -lie proteats against what he -calls the -"cowardly and unjust attacks" and states he haa Investigated the alleged "illegal ' transactions" ' and finds them in accordance with the high est' standards of business morality and that Rockefeller Is a "Christian gentle man." - FIRST THUNDER IN -THREE YEARS HEARD 1 Brilliant sunshine with: which the day begun . wss followed this afternoon by a storm during which . were heard crashes ef thunder and flashes of light ning. This is the third time In three weeks' thst thunder hss 6een heard In Portland. Previously no thunder had been heard for' three lyeara. STOLE LETTERS OF, UOAAlSISTERS Ypung Society Man Suspected cf "Taking Epistles to Raise TVToTe Uasr7 PUBLICATION TO RESULT-, IN TREMENDOUS SCANDAL Youth Would Maintain Appear. - ances Durfng theJPerlod "T-'yTof Hi Courtship,". 1 TA....I itskawelsil sUrWlM.1 T 1 slVWtaaaig sjaewfcawe , -Aew ieih, Msji tl - nr Ihs return ot . 1... e lettjirM tha nubllcatlon of which would disrupt wealthy and aoj Ciauy .promineni nv-w hmiiiu tit anual atand- Ing In acandal. a reward of 110.000 lg offered by a detective agency of thla city In behalf of the. wife and daughs. ters from whom the letters were stolen. Incidentally - It -Is -hoped to recover WO.0OO worth of Jewels and many thou- j jn .,ih nfStnnk certificates MirHi 9viwii " ... -- which were stolen at the same the letters, out in comnwn i-,tr. the loaa of the-lewelryle con sidered inslgnifieant. r "r . A son of the household la suspected of the thefC He la It years old. a grad uate of one of the leading unlversltlee and a well-known figure In, the social functions or tne youngwr . n-i.. ... tn, theft Is believed 1 nr .... - - tir- tha necessity of maintaining tne appearance ot having" aUrge-lneeme during his engagement to a wealthy young woman of society. His m opposed the match and have limited hla allownnee..bence-ble -deelre -be-ble n ha -mnn -mflMY- THUD lse would be available In order to keep up florists' and tailors li.-r-- The suspected man has left -the eity, but tt-ls believed he will , J . .Knt - h - tlO.OOO.The letters compromise not only the mot ner .traiw wj. . . - -.tarts Thotisrht . kavA t,ln . them. butjnembra.!!0f4 ,Aliu,--- -- - 1..,.,. th nrnmlnent lamuiea. to are aatea irom - - about five monthe ago. ' . . . . i . , aan FOUR MEET: SUDDEN DEATH AT ASTORIA Two Drown," One Killed by Fall ing Tree and One Co -rmits Suicide T(8peclar DUpetcb" te"TheJearnal. ) i l i. n. m v it. Four young persons met death In s:nd about this city ......w.w ,rt,mnnn.. Two were drowned. one waa killed by a falling tree end the fourth ewaliowea caroouc.-iu. bodies of the drowned JisJftJiMb.'LlSl covered. -..- , .-.4 . A pleaamre boat containing nine per ... - ui.Lrnin, frnm Oreenwood ceme tery,' where grave had been decorated, waa atruek br heavy swell In Young's bay.Miea Ann Beaborg, aged xi.-ws thrown - overboard, ana noowr room, aged 2. plunged afterher. oitb were drowned. J Frank Clapshaw, aged 15, wag killed at Cole'g logging camp, on Deep river. He was- a tree-faller and about 2 o'clock ..4 a I,., wrupa i The tree col lided with a hemlock and wasthrown out of position, a nmrj stnaing viap shaw on the head, cruahlng the skull. Mrs. Clapshavraod jcjiild-eurvtve blm. Tne lourtn victim was m roriiaira a-lrl Pearl North, aged 10. who swal lowed earboilo acid. -s-, '' OUTSIDE CAPITAL BUYS REAL ESTATE The southeast corner of ' First and Mill streets, owned by August Wemme, haa been sold to W. Mackintosh of the Bank of California for tt.130. Thla sale, made by E. J. Daly and W. B. Streeter, la one of a number of recent deals by which outside capital has been Inveated In Portland real estate, and dealers say they are forerunners of millions that will be -Invested -here "within the Tiext year. . . Mrs. josepnine Hirecn. wno ownea a half interest in a lot at the corner of Third and Flanders streets, has pur chased the' other half from P. Selling for tl 2,600. David Stearns made th BAPTIST-ASSOCIATION , MEETS AT EUGENE (Special Dlapatca te Tae Journal) i'.i rtr 'Mi, 11. .The Corvallla Baptist association la In annual conven tion in Eugene this afternoon and will be in session till Friday noon. Rev. O. n 1 will 4,I1vm lha annual Mr. tnon. Those who will lake" a prominent part are: fiev. J. w. bhichou, nor. j. C. Wright, Rev. J. l. tticnmona, wt. v. Tami, Rv and Mrs. E. H. Hicks. Rev. H. A. Oreen. Rev. L. W. Riley, Rev. J. C. Richardson, Mrs. j. sa. now,, oars. M. E. Bollmam, Mrs. W. A. Warns, C P. Devereaux. xtn Mom BanrasBs At the meeting: ef the county cour thle morning an order was raiat to re fund to Captain' HermaH Schneider, pro prietor of a roadhouse at Montavllla. the sum of, the unearned por tion" of his liquor license, which wss repealed by the vote of Montavllla Iq favor - t- local-option- -laat - November. After the local option law had been carried Captsln Schneider continued to conduct his ssloon," but when-the law was held to be constitutional he closed his doors. ' , t , X-UsTOXS IOOHTT tiTTiro. AH women- members of the Illinois society or the i auxiliary are urgently requested to -he" present at the opening of thrflr"Tnufsdiy-Tft''noon Between the hours of 1 and t o'clock. -Kindly meet at the Illinois building and wear a badge. . Badges msy be obtained of W. T. Vaughn In the Chamber of Commerce. Ida Ay ere Worrell, president; Ida M. Hard man, .aecretary. " ..... .. . STO XXTBTTBra TOXOKBOW. ' The Home Training association will nave no meeting tomorrow, June 1, be cause of the city's holiday. The follow. i - lima I . Irm A. Iflnar Wilson will read a paper en "Methods of Punlsnment. . ". - x,tct Waurrs mr rmiAX. ' (Ipeejal Dlapetek te The teersaL) Canyon City, Or.. May tl. -A motion , . . . amaav trial fkt W tl l.llfV vlt A of manslaughter for the killing of Ern est HicKmsn, was nieo inai, i wui oe argued Saturday morning. WHEN YOU PAY $3.50 FOfijLPAIR OF-OUR - SUPERB OXFORDS You are getting stylish shoe sold f inn many - stores at as high as $5.00 the paif."7I7 1" OUR TANS AflD.OXFORDS ARE.THEil. "BBUTIES-OFTIIirMARKETW"?' . They: are extolled by the most'fashionable dressers, many of whom wonder r that men ; will pay : ahighexcejf made. We sell the great.. NETTLETON SHOES AT " $5.00 AND $6.00 THE PAIR And they are sold by as $6.00and $7,00, and them..OurJP0 "shoe at a small price pearance to any foot ' THIY ARE THE CREAM OF, THE MODERATE PRICED . HQEJDE - THE Men's Shoes Only- s ; 270 Washington' St, Awful skin disease' of this -woman cured In a ferf 't weeks after fifteen years terrible affliction. -. Koto the fhastly tjetpair ia the 10 f Jfes. JT. JT. ttmMlt mf mneXnUt. 4 :X - fr-- asptweneat, BA4 am xyres ytara. i . See the tas featnree bnt kele hew different whea brightened with hope gad luppiaess. after her freedom from it all. -- - . RaadeaJ Thla is mmi than medldae talk. It b hoaaslry U eallghtea luf-: farars akont this.' 1 '""- Tha mast virnlstitskig disessee ara conquered every time la all cssee without aay exception -1T cleared away ia a few weeks by the hrilllaatly clever aew skia prescription, "D. O. D." Ita wark ia hardly equaled by gay Other, ejroadgra ot oiodera aadical practica. t . ' . ; . ' LVoTtUQTGnfca .iiijj .0 boMb - ' ''..' . Enough k bten frovtn rtfnriing th boyti mnd hundrti$f Hhfrsto dtmonttrtU heyond mil qu$ti whtUevtr thmt any f th4 kntuM . frm fthiH disat any truftion rbrtakinf vutmutt quickly givt vm4 nd disafear tinder th infiutnc of this fretcriptiw (known mr "JKD.."Ji Cms of Eetttna, SaJt Rhtum, King Worm, Ptorionit, Bmrbtr'i Itch, Acnt, torn of twenty ytmrm' otmnding hov h clear td off mnd fermmntfy onrod in - m ftw UMth. - In ttvtrmlcmtto from on to fiv ytmrm hmvt tlafttd mnd thtro hat kttn mo rttuming tt'gn oft h dittmse llundrtdt of eatt tmrtd tine tho ' frtfmration hot keen flactd on aU ohoto no sign at oMofth froviomo mfflic tiontmndMHfmaykelivthymrftTmmnntur,:lr. Have yon Uea er da yea haow aayena wha haa beea 4a a living bell el tat - ana with a skia disease 1 Dispair osaaily aeiiea those so afflicted. Many imagine1 - ft ia ia tha bleod and too enbtla ta care. Doctors hava stood baffled aad helpless1 - agaiast Ecsaaia. Half of them think ita worse forma ara blood poison. Niaety aiae eases oat of a hondred of, maaifeetatieas oa tha skia ara purely local.? Kit? disease a ot BLOOD disease. ' Healthy blooded people break out aa ef tea assay taaa, tha blood baa aothlag to do with it ia most cases, t It ia a parasite ia tho skia . that spreads. Thla preseriptioa ia today eompletoly clearing away qnickJy too and permaaoatly caring, every trace of each parasitiq trouble aad laavee tho skia 4 oft, healthy aad perfect Call oa tha above 4raggisti aad iayestigata tho aoqaee. tionahU praola ia their posaessiea. , ; , y . 1 . ..- Wa hot only soil at retail, but also aupply drugglsta at wholaaala pricet. . D. D. D. coeu but $1.00 a bottle and ia guaranUod .: i ' to euro or money raftm-oa. - ..,ir WOODARD, CLARKE &IPO. -V-i soniedealeraaslh3 the nobbiesr people TI however" ia-lk that gives a dressy ap-'y .1 ;: ' . ; :f; u - WORLD - bet Third - and 'Fourth" ... ' - pfceto takaa baton treataent XV - es - sylt.ry eared y D.D.D.Url '.,:'.'-