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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING,' v MAY ' 31. T 1SSX .1 1 ' SEATTLE HICHERS frfr Tnn ftsd n ' VarietVL-pl Curves That ; Visitors ' CouloWt SolvfW " ' " -"SEVENTH STRAIGHT : M C-TO P-PQ R TLA N D Large Crowaxesinthusiastio Over Snappy Playing of . "v- Mr rrWe Man."- snd Batter and Frary, fni 7m"iu nnd V-1-"", Boyle l..ucVirga- Oarxlo waa -Just-about the whule show at Rerreatton park yeater- day afternoon. That Ianky-Jndvtdual -T"--had"theentlre Seattle utbe on hla staff '. r . '('' during the matinee, and Although the ''T visitors-managed to score the first run. i thfy Wf" ri.irnr rtaeaareus OUItlWIBU. I "T .u .-. - - .11 ,,- thiiv auld - mm urn .17 w " r".' muster. , ;' 7.7 " .. , "i : ' If was in Ideal tlay tor baseball, and . the crowd. numbering 8.Q00 aoule, made the. air- fairly ring wlthtnelr shouts -. aa the hatlie progressed.- Yesterday's victory wis the- sevenm. airajgnt ior PorUaadi end McCredie and his team got a rousing reception. The boys played a snappy tame, and though the locale got fl-tmt six hits." their (work was Of a sd perwr order aiuOrlctory -could not be 7 .dented them. : - ",. - v .. Detail of Oame. Marae Oarvln held the Blwashes "w-Uh-4 hJt 01- a -rim-for -three innings. and In the fourth T'MldgetKane beat out a bunt and tot aa far as second, ;1 -t Sarrtn-held ""them af. Hal ph ' Frary. who la playing better ball than ;.' ever before, opened the fifth with a ; safe hit to left. Jimmy McHale! breeaed out, but pot ao Rushtbfecapa, Tor thla i nmber . of the Hall family aoaked tiuc two aaoka, advaitolng Frary) who! ,. waa prevented from acorlng by MeCre dle e faat jreturn of the nu. loung - renejyynQ- jutBB- plsndidlleldlng "game, snored Frary with a neat bunt r- toward" first.' Vint Oarvln broke Into Uie hit columa-for the- second -time - during the game tn Portlanda- half of the fifth, but there waa nothing -doing, as Young Boyle jefusedjtoblowupat ' """' that -momer.fa " '' "T5r'r The sixth saw Boyle's finish, fof after .' "eattle had been closed, out. and the i first man had gone -ot ln Portland's tialf." Larry 8tlafly -waited nd Twalked. McCredle followed autt and ambled on '"--'.tour wide one. Tbung Blashaway" McLean strolled to the plate in an on " cencemed mannef, which evidently i rlghlened -th- Santa XUara Jad,-r f ot- he walked the' big fellow, and the bases "T7 were filled. . Mike Mitchell timed one xorrettly and planted It lh right field' . for - two aacka, acorlng Bchlaf ly -and -""-r-McCredie. "Lou Runkl pasted a neatiitt - to ccnterrteorlng McLean an Mitchert; and that ended . the run-getting -for the day. The official score follows: ' - PORTLAND. " : " ' . t i-. -;- - .: .. AB. R. H. pa AT E. . Ats. aa. I , e i. u i o v -ii w 1 - V - f i 0 0.1 0 "Bchlany. i t a - J a a McCridie. rt ....... J J ? ? - .v Me Lm n, Mitchell, lb. Runkle, 3b. . Oarvln," p- . . Totala .tl -SBATTLBf ..... AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Kane;: b. ..,..-.... 4 0 1 1 0 D. Miller.- rf.-.,.. 0 0 0 0 Houta If. 4 - 0 -'0 . 4 . 0 0 -Kmmrr lti. l, ...... 4 0 0 0 0 . Fraf yr eiiv;. ...,.41 1 I I 0 McHale. cf, . .Tit . 0 1 1 0 0 R. Hall, aa. 4 0 1110 Fteney, 2b. ...w. . . . . tioyie, p. t 0 , ToUls . tl . 1 4 24 12 . .. .ji . SCORE BT INNINGS. -j -l rn SITSI Seattle Hlta ......, V V U V V V 1 ........0 0 0 12 0 10 Portland T ,-.....0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 Hits'. .........00111110 " . SUMMARY. - Struck out '."'fBy- Oarvln, I (Miller, r Kemmer I. Frary, McHale. Boyle, Houtz. Hall 1; - by Boyle. 2 (Ata. Mitchell), r Bases mi balls Off Oarvln, If McHale); . off Boyle, (Ats, Mitchell, Schlafly 2, -McCredle. McLean). Two-bane hits i McLean. -Cchlafly. Mitchell. Hall. First ; baae on errors Seattle. 2. Left on baaes Portland, 7: Seattle. . Sacrl- m i ii o i ......... 4 0 ,1 1 0 ..... i. '3 o i '0 . ,11 14 t .flce hlta Van Buren, McCredle. Miller, r r eeney. cioin . oaa nucneu, jvane. Time of game One hour and ti mln ; utee, Umpire Klopf. . AllHeealtnjir.-alsaml-virtuer-of the Norway pine are -concentrated In Dr. wood s Norway Pine -Syrup, . na- iwn remeay ror cougns ana coia. THEY SAY All men are coming to the Ex position, which opensltomor row. .Whcn you arrive if yoi are shy of -Anything Jn the clothing. linei remember- that the LION CLOTHING CO. the headquarters, for practi calbusiness men. -See the Windowr DisplavTof- splendid: SUITS The r $15L$ij.50 and $18 Kinds Special-at $12.00 r. " i : IflOrtCixOfHinGQ i &us yCum-fVoA .... Everything for Men and Boys 160 and 168 Third Street, '. -1 Near Morrison." i". U4 ' iroTzoa o akat. 4 J N , . . . " All notices' of amateur base . TttweC'channgesJia ath?-e a letie events mast be sent to this 4 offlce before.! wclock a. m. oa the , day Zor puDiicaiien. - ma- e teur managers -should pay at- - tantlon to this rule, as the keep ma ei win inawr . report - of their doing. The journal. MAROON NINE WlNJ - r FROM HOP GOLD TEAM - -Pharlla L Mn"rt' rporslatent. twirling and the -bunchlpgor hlta- -ay t na. ,m a ronna wera the mearra of putting the fctbuah nnTtharmclt:Stin""06ia: Stars at Vancouver yesterday, afternoon. The I aama waa Diayed at Soldlera' field, and I a. big crowd filled the grandstand and bleachers. The Hop Golds had Imported a husky t wirier named 8hay but gave him poor support at times wneo it was moat needed, while on the uther hand Moore was backed up with Superb team- II ink an n'-fTr he Brainaras win nlaVTthe ake. consideKId Uliej" ol th fastest aggregations in Oregon next Bundaylil TUllOTC The "bcotb follow; BRAINERD8. -' " - .7-"-- AB. B. It Pa A. E. r.alnes. rf 5 1 1 t Grav. aa. 4 11 3 Trowbridge, lb. ..... 6 1 Moore, id. ........... 4 I 1 J t CampbelV'fb, ....... -6 Parrott,- If. J J J Smith, cf. ........... b 0 0- 0 0, 1- s. -i 0 Totals . . ' . ... ...... 0112711 HOP OOLD 8TARS. - AB.R.H.rOLA.S Bentlerr'b. 7m,..77 10 1 2 1 Neubalr,-2b.-.;....,. 101 2-0 0 McKee. lb. 4 0 lit 0 1 FarrelU-e. 4 0 1 I 0 0 Shaw, rf. 0 0 1 1 0- 0 Wilder, iss. .......... 10 0 .0 2 3 Vair Riper. It 0 " ? ! 9 DodiLC.... e e - W V i - hear.- p.- tn t . -l 0 i -0 -Tetale n.ii ; . 2 J JT 1 4 ,7 SCORE BY INNINOS. II M I IJ I I Bralnerda ...... ..I 0 0 0 2 0-1M-I Hop Oold -,0 I f 1 0 0 0 0 01 . - SCMMABT. Earned runa-Bratn iacrlflce hlta Gray. "Parrott, Neubalr, Shear. Baaea on balls Off Moore, 1; off Shear, 2. Struck out By Moore, 4; by Shear, 8. Two-base lilt-rarreltThree-bsae1ilt Trowbridge. Bauble play- Parrott-4o Brock. Left -on baaea Bralnerda. T; Hop -Gold, -g, Hit by pitched - ball Moore. Pasaed ball-Dcdd. Time of game One hour and JO minutes. Bcoref Aomo coast xaAOtra. I OLCBaV- Taroma . . . . 0sklnd-rr.-i a 71 111 41 Tl 6 Y .Mm Ijtm Anyelrs PortliDd . .41"! .4X1 .423 e licattla v' 4 4 -M-l LMlriTV777.- 27;2 Oray Blanks the Seals. -v ' Los-Angeles. May '21..-- DOtly Oray held the Seals down to two hits, while Oeorwe Wheeler,- the ex-Loo Loo, waa bit all over the lot. The 'Score : R. H. R Loa Angeles ...SI 10 0001 7 IS 4 San Jranclaco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 - 2 1 Battenea uray and epies: wheeler ana enea. umpire uavis. - - - Tig-era Take rtrst Oame. San Francisco,- May Oakland Tost yesterdays game through Graham's wlldness In the third Inning,, when two bases on balls were turned Into two runs' by a hit. . The score: ' R. H.B. 1 aroma T.rfre-e mrni Oakland 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 01 S.S - Batteries Keefe and Oraham: Gra ham and Byrne. Umpires Bray and nrrun. PACITIO VATIOVAX UAOVS. AO Salt Iiake. - r R H. E. Spokane . ......20000400 0 0 0 Salt Lake . .....000000000 0 S i Batterlea Ollnatrlrk and-Htnlv r...u. . . ,r i . . . . -.-'- At Boise. " -- '' ' - - ' R. H. E. Boise . . o o-i o o e ii i a Ogden . v ... . . .1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 11 4 Batteries Hodson and Hanson; Hoon ana hhuhil i . . i OAMABAjrA BIMlt WOOOZAWsT. The Carsbana team defeated the Woodlawn team by a score of IS to 7. Both teams were out to win, but the Carabanaa were, thsra with the gwids, Vern Walker pitched a good game. A. Gllner pitcher the last, three Innings, also striking out the laat three -men. Roy Lancaster played a good game' at first bag. T. Thompson also played a gogJganre-Srt- second JThe Carabana team Is open-for-aU -amateur, games. I xesteraay s lineup: Carabana. : .Woodlawn. V.Walker ........ .p. M(ith Bur rough ..c... Kelt Lancaster ........ lb. Foster T: Thompson .....2b... McCollum McHolland ....... 2b, .. Wiley K. Thompson Griffith P.Walker If... ...... Ambrose Gllner ' Simple Wiser ............rf ......... Douglas WOOSBTXBXS DirElT XUOXS. The Woodmeres defeated the Murks of Portland yesterday In a hard-fought 12-lnntng game by the score of S to 1. The line-up: Wood meres. ' 1 , Mucks. Bishop TlbbettsC. .p. .... ... ..Robertson Bchuld c Chapln McBlston ....... ,1b. ........ M. Helser Anderson ........ ,2b. J. Helser Foley, Batton ...;..2b. Ripple Sater ......aa.. .......... Klaer Healy ... ......r.ltf Lllll Baker ...... cf.. CrsU Web w ......... , .rf . , ,". . , , , Land wick . OBBSXAK 9XTXATS TAimTIIW - - ..: at Dtaptcfc t ne- Joeraat. Fairvlew, Or, May Sl TheFalrtlew1 baseball nine played the Greeham nine yesterday oa the tatter's grounds with a score of 10 to IS In favor of Greeham. Both sides put tip good ball, and up t the last two Innings Fairvlew held the lead. Both pltchere were hit freely, with -the-exception of the first two innings. The features of the gams were the hitting of C. Stone and the base running of R- Bramhall for Fair view and the hitting of Cleveland for qreaham. ? . r '. .. '' dbxjutoa basxbau oamzs.' At New Haven Yale $, Andover 1. - At Jrlneeton Pennsylvania State col lege S". Princeton S.. At Crawfordsvllle Wabash college S. Indiana I. -i , ; At Ithaca Corney 1,. ; Unlrersltyof Pennsylvania S. " ' ' i At Champaign Michigan t, Illinois 1. SPORT AT TIIEAUTO RACES bile Club Attracts Crowd . to Irvington. J- OLDS AND CADILLAC CARRVOFf HONORS la-T8t-Agahstime?Kehyon Drova Pope Toledo Three '; Miles iri '3:40. ' : The first automobile races ever held In Portland were run at Jrvtngton raoe track yesterday afternoon, and while no remarkable speed was made, the speo- tators we"re"glV0n tsstg tf what autos can do when given, a- full rein. The day was perfect for the- events and the 1,200 persona present thoroughly enjoy- thi r"rJ- The -committee in charge had the lkr band on nana ana the muslo filled in the Interval between the races. Scattered throughout the infield were- 100 automobiles decorated for the occasion. . A large number roae and drove to the track, and taking Into consideration that it was the debut of the auto races In Portland, a thoroughly representative gathering was present. The track was in perfect conaition ior raring, - although when theblgPope Toledo ' and White cars swept- around into the home stretch, nothing remained In their wske but a cloud of dust .The one thing that thrilled the crowd was experienced when either of these two machines passed' the grahdatend. The whlr'of the Pope and the sort hiss -oi the Whitteamer-aa -they passed un der lull, apeed -never alll to rouee-the grandstand. . When it came to the races it was a great day for the ' Oldsmoblle, but It waa not alone . In the honors, for "the Cadlllao also had a tHrge share. An other feature was the speed against time of the Pope Toledo. After two un aunraaaful attemota the big car was finally put Into successful running and it made three miies in ins nf h Jhrta belna ln.l:lZtt. wnicn is conslderfid. reTn8rkab.le for the Xrvington track, The first race .was for. cars -costing less than 7 SO and 4t waa the irat event in Which the .Olds - runabout aisun- itlf. Urtven bvwu.wei- luca-the Olda-ren away f rom the-fleld. Owing to a misunderstanding., Wallace thnuaht it was only, a two rmie event and at the finish of the second mile left the ; tracteHe wa7"soon - Informed - of , Ma error, went upon tne traca again and1 heat "our the field by about a quar ter -cf a mile. .Thla was truly running ptrrW-acound the field. The second in this race was the Pope xripune, oriven by "Jack" Riddle. - - The second. race was peculiar In some respects.' It was for-tourlng cars costing leaa than 12.600, ana wnne tne rninea called for large cars,JL M. Covey en tered his 7 Cadillac tourabout. This event was also captured py .ma uma. Wi D. Wallace winning In a. touring car, with the Cadlllao runabout a close second.' , ' i.- .. , , H7 - Pnnular Interest centered Intne run about class, but soon after It started it -centered down to a contest oeiween I Walle-e " nAr and "Jack" Riddle It) a Cadillac, and the latter unauy wuu after a very pretty race. This was the event In which the sklllpf the driver told. Covey had raced the same Cadlllao In the previous event, but In.drlvlng It had held. close to the pole, got oh the woftrtnetraclr and did TWt get out all the speed possible. Riddle In driving the same car took the outside, where, the track was firm and hard. During the first mile the Olds and Cad lllao held close together with the Olds cheer In the grand stand tola tnat me Cadlllao had overhauled the Olds snd the" two cars came down the stretch abreast. Around on the back-atretch hfHddle gained a lead and won Dy a short margln.u .Iter tne eveni waa discovered that oneot the. wires In the Olds had burned out- during the last mile and the, driver claimed this made hla car a bad actor, but anyway there waa enough room for both the' Olds and the Cadlllao to share honors. J. B. Kelly'ln his White steamer made two unsuccessful attempts against time, but did not get his big car In good op-eratloi-ntH -after-all -the eventa: had been decided and the timers had left the stand. He reeled off three miles, however, that were very fast and greatly pleased the crowd. The test against time of the Pope Toledo demonstrated the- power and speed of thatbigjma chlne. . L The summary follows: . . Cars cpsting less than $750, three miles Won byTW. TJT" WaUoOias runabout; second, "Jack" Riddle, Pope Tribune; third, Harvey O'Bryan, 01de runabout;' time t:31K. -Cars costing less than ti.BOO, three miles Won by W. 1. Wallace, Olds touring car; second, H. M. Covey. -Cadillac runabout; third, W. A. Gill. Frank Hn: time. 4:104. Runabouts, three t miles Won by "Jack" Riddle. Cadillac touring car; sec ond, W.' D. Wsllace, Olds runabout; third, Thomas Sulllvsn. Ford: fourth, George McCartney, Ford; withdrawn. L Starr, Stevens Duryea; time. 6:86V. Stop and start, two miles Won by "Jack" Riddle, Cadillac, touring car; sec ond, Dr. I. M. Yates. Rambler; third, W. J. Porter, Ford; time,' 7:S6V. Match race, three miles Won by Dr. CJ. . Brown, . Whit , steamer; aecond. Davld7H9neymtln,Whlte steamer;time, 7 '21 ' Free for alU two mlles-Worr by W. D Wallace, Olds ' runabout; second. Thomas BuUlvan, Ford: third, George McCartney, Ford; time, S:40. . . Three miles against time 8. J. Ken yon In Pope Toledo:-First mile, 1:14H; second. 1:12m third. 1:1; total for three miles, S:40. , ,7 WILUMETTElIsS NEWBERG TRACK MEET (Special Dispatch to The Jobrnal)' -.Willamette -l,nlversltyrJjSlemrOr.i May SO. Willamette university won the field meetTin the Willamette' field from Pacific college of Newberg . yesterday by a score of 7mto 48tt. The summary: 60-yard dash-W. Pemberton (Paclflo college), first; R. Matthews (Willamette university) and . 8. Pearson (Paotflc college ! tied for second; R. . James (Willamette university third. Time, 0:84. , , 100-yard dash-tw. Pemberton (P. C ). first; H Miller (W. U ). second; James (W.U.). third. .Time. 0:10 4-S.---'- - Broad Jump s Lounsberry (W. U.), first; James (W. IT.), , second; Ken werthy (P. C.),. third. .. DUtance, It feet 7 Inches.- y ' ' ' : " Mile run Johnson P. C), Ylrst;' Colbert (W. U.), second; Coulson (P. O. third. - Time, 4i:42, j Shotput-Ixunsbrry (W. U.K first; Xnruh (Wtr.). second; E. Whipple (W. Pole vault Hodsort (P. C). first; It, Pemberton .(P. C. second; Lounsberry GOOD rbent emeiTii ' of eleeant brass'' A M I iOiionm nnoJ Jh-niimi r 1 " -' T PRICE $1.00 EACH PRICE $2.00 EACH PRICE $100 EACH Just he thing for home, of fice and 'club " 1 THE I J. K. GILL CO. 1 - -.' Booksellers and- 1 t- Statidnera, THIRD AND-ALDER " i and Jorstel (W. U ) tied tot thirl. Dis tance. S feet S inches. Coach Heater of Paclf lo college gave an exhibition vaultofll feet. ," tlO-yard-dash W. Pemberton (P. c. first', K. Miller (W. U.). aecond; Pear- son (P. C), third. Time. 0:t4V. 820-ysrd hi"-die-.W. Pemberton P C4r t Ir8t Rader-(WrU.) second; Coul son P. Or third. Time. 0: it H. ztr"-irr High-jump Lbunsberry (W,-Ui first; U. Whipple (W. U.), second; C. Hosklrivthlrd. Height, - feet chOs. i -x . . - j- - -- - - lia-wmer throw JameaXW. Mi, t lrat; ti. Belknap (W. U.), second; Louns- berry (W. U.), third.Dlstance, OSjeet S Inches. "T u.if inlla Ford (W. U.l. first: Macy (P. C), seconds Forbes (W, U.), third. Tlmi :T.- " ----- 120-yard hurdle Matthews W. U.), first; Hoeklns IF. C), second; Rader (W. U.), third. , - - . , 440-yard dash Miller' JW. U ). flrt; Forbes (W. U.), second; FordJW, U.), third. Time, 0:6414. , 7" -aTATXOVAXr UAOUS. Won. .Lost P.C. New York ........ ..2 2JJ Philadelphia.. ....... 20 1 . :. . HI It .Kiir r . ..21 - 18 ' .6.4 Chkeaor r.'w20r lJ--13 Cincinnati . .N..i 17 1? .472 St.' Boston . . ....... .4... 14. .43i I' : .STU ,5J Brooklyn ....IS- - i r At Mttabnre;. ' Morning game - - ; . B. H. K Pittsburg . I 2 St.-Louls . ................... -0 8 3 Batteries Case and Carlach; Egan, Nichols 4.warR- Ift.rnnnii .am. ' rt- H. E. Pittsburg.. ......0 11 2 St. Louts ...... . . .8 10 - Batteries Leever and Pelts; Taylor. Warner and Zearfosa. Umpire John stone. . -.- -. --. As. ciiusiaaatL ..i. R, JH. C Cincinnati. -.-J "J Chicago . . t 1 7 1 Batteries Walker and Bchlel; Ruehl bach and O'NellL Umpire Emslle. , 'A sTew.Tor. Morning game '. R. H.E. New York . 7 11 S Brooklyn ..ij.J 0 Batteries McOlnnlty and Bowerman; Scanlon and Bitter. .. Afternoon game . .'; . '. R. H. E. New York 3 11 2 Brooklyn .. 4 I S Batteries Wlltse and Bresnahan; Strlcklett and Bergeivi-U mBlres Bauswlne and Klem. At Soston. - ' ' Mnrnlns aama' R. M. E; Philadelphia.. .15 11 8 Boston . . .. ...i ' -Batteries fittmger sno mum; f ra se r, Moran and Needham. Afternoon game , ' R. H. E. Philadelphia ........2 -8 Boston' . . ttttt; . . ; . . rrt s Batteries Corrldon and Doaln; Young and Moran- Umpire O'Day . . . . . AKXmiOAJT LiAara. Won. Lost ' PC. Cleveland . ......... 21 . 11 .656 Chicago ... .......... .20 : 4..D88 Fhtiadeipnia . ... i 14 674 Detroit . . ...... ...... IS Washington . . ........IS Boston . ............. 1 5 St. Louis 15 Now York IS IS 20 It 21 22 .830 .444 .411 .417 .371 At Washington. Morning game ; H.E. 6 0 Washington Boston . . . 4 12 6 Batteries Jacobaen and Heyden; Young. Winter, Crlger and McGovern. Afternoon- game ' r ' R. H. E. Washington . . f tu-06l Boston . 2 6 1 Batteries Townaend and Kittredge; Young and Crlgen , , . , 'At Setrelt. ' -" Morning game - ' ; : R. H. E. Chicago , . ................. ..0 8 2 Detroit . . .........1 -6 2 Batteries Altrock and McFarland; KUIan and Drill. Afternoon game ' R. H. B. Chicago--.- .............2 6 0 Detroit . . '....t.".l'"-a 12 S Batteries White and Sullivan; Mullen and- boran, 1 . ' ; ' ' "7 . At Clerelaad.----- Moralnf Aame :R. H.E. Cleveland ........... 12 1 8t. Louis . . ..... ntil 8 2 Batteries Hess and Bemls; SudhoR and Weaver. ' .-... Afternoon game " R, H. E. Cleveland . .1 4 1 St. Louis-. 0 4 t Batteries Joss and Bemis; Howell and Wsaver. - - At Philadelphia, . '. .. .1 . : 1-:. R. H. E. New York .. ...... .......... .8 - 8 3 Philadelphia .4 ii) 1 Batteries Powell, - Griffith and Kleinow; Coakley and flchreck. ... . . ii m . XJ.OIM WZVI TWZOa. ;;-- --; ; it f - Crut TUngs at Little Prices ..... 1 (Rpeelal' Dlipatrk te The Journal, t - Elgin Or., May 11. Elgin and Joseph baseball teams crossed bats at Elgin Saturday and Sunday, Elgin winning both games. Saturday's score'was S-7, Sunday's game, 1S-S. Batteries First game, Joseph, Hayes and Potter; Elgm, Christiansen, Hug and Mastersori '- Sec ond game, Joseph, Winston and Potter; Elgin, Huf and Masterson, . ' v .,, ......... : S v.. :..jrJ' , IIULTROMAII DOVHS ,PAIFIC ATHLETES CtntrMen and Forest Crova Boya -,, 4!dr Close, and Inter ; ..; i ?- . - eating Meet. KELLEY OF COLUMBIA - - MAKES "COOD TIME MrATArCScorea-BPointa : , While .Colleglana" Run -"-One Behind, .7 -Nj - (Special Dispatch " The Joornal) U - Foreat Grove, Or., May SI. The most Interesting track meet of ths season took place on the local field yesterday the M. A. A. C. delegation. The closest events of the meet were the S20 hur dles, when Kelley ieat Prldeaux, of P. U. s few-Inches... and 'the- high - lump, when Phllbrook. P. U won. over Kelley, it A. A. .C -The final score waa S9 "to SS In favor of Multnomah. The results! 100-yard daah Kelley (M. A. A. C.) first, Peterson (P. U.) seoond, Huston (P. U.) third; ,10 1-S seconds. Shot put James (M. A. A. C) first, Phllbrook (P. U.) second, Kerrigan (M. A. A. C.) third; 40 feet. S rnehes. ',. 440-yard run Peterson (P. U.) first. Iuston, tP, .UJ seoondVXlamtnia-(M. A. A. cx ttiirdL-Bl -s seconas. . 1J0 Jiigh hurdles Kerrigan (M. A. A. C) and O. Phllbrook (P. U.) tied, for ftrst place, Prldeaux (P. V.) third; 1 4-B aeconda. . - ' ! . . -.-t- Half mile Gates - (P. U.) . first. Fletcher P U.) second. Mays (M. A. A. C) third; time. S:04. - Hammer- throw JamesTHTXrA. C.) first, Dlmlck (P. IT.) second, Lawrence (P. U.) third; distance, 121 feet. J Inches. High JumpKerrigan (M. A. A. C) first, O. Phllbrook (P. U.) second, Kel ley M. A-ithJra UMaghVJUteata o a inuuea. - 220-yard dash Kelley (M. A. A, C.) first,' Peterson (P. U.) second. Huston I XP U- third ;-Ii aeconas. X)lseus James tM. "A." A.' U.) rirst. Phllbrook (P. U.) second, Lawrence CP U.) third; dlsUnce, 10 feet. S inches. Low hurdles Kelley (M. A. A. C.) first, Prldeaux (P. U.) second, Mason (P. XT.) third; 2? ft seconds. Pole vault Kerrigan-M3 A. AtCJ flratrBardtPU.) second, Turney (M. A. A. C) third; height, 10 feet. - Mile Gates . (P. U.) - first. Hanson (M. A. A. C.) second. Mays 1M, A. A, C.) third; time. 4:S4. -i Broad Jump Kelley - M. - A.--A. C) first, Peterson (P.- U.) second, Kerrigan M. A. A. C.) third; 21 feet,. SH Inches. Judges Turney, M. A. A. C.J Fletcher, Peters, Belknap and McNamer all of P. U. Timekeepers Moulten, John son and Tongue.- Starter Hanson, At A. A. C. 7717 PENDLETON CUE MEN rRYTHELRSKILL (gpeolal Plspatsh -te ghe Joaraal.r . Pendleton, May 31. A billiard and pool tournament arranged a short time ago took place In the Merchants'' cafe on Saturday and closed Monday evening. Those entered In the tournament were Chris Lunge, William A. Dart, Ed Hays, 'Jack Hamilton of Pendleton. Harry Shaw of Cleveland. Ohio, at present in this city. The first ecore decided' gave a match to be played between Lunge and Hamil ton, and this ended In Lunge's- favor. The , final game was played between Shaw and Lunge. The flrat game waa won -by Lunge with a long lead, the second - by .Shaw-wlth two points and the third by Shaw by a score of nearly two to one. Lunge was the choice of many here and was In sight of his op ponent at all times. ' WrLIAXXTTX DZTXATS UUK... (Special Dispatch te The JearaaL) , Willamette University. Salem, Or., May 11. Willamette's baseball team took an easy victory from the Salem high school team, winning by a score of 14 to 4. Willamette ' put up a good game throughout, but -it . waa their . sticking that, won the -game. Batteries Jerman and Rader for Willamette university, J. King and F. Rodes for the high school team. COLUMBIA BEFZATS BllUI, The Columbia university team de rfc. fcated The Dalles Commercial club team yesterday by the score of . 8 to 1. Co lumbia held a batting rally In the ninth and scored four runs. The batteries were: Fagan and Sav age for The Dalles, Wilkinson and Mo- Inerny for Columbia, CAUTOBBTA WBB BOAT BAOB, (Journal Special Service.) Seattle. Wash., May 31. The Inter collegiate two-mile boat race between the Universities of Washington, Callfor hla and Stanford was won by the. Call- fornla'crew, which finished eight lengths ahead of Washington. Stanford . was third. Time, 13:60, 1 ; ; PENDLETON MAY.HAVE - r WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE CLUB (Special Dispatch te The JoaraaL) Pendleton, Of., May 31. Miss Mary N. Chase, organiser- of Woman's. Suffrage clubs, Is here for a few days In the Interest , of - the National--Woman's Suffrage association. She la president of .the New Hampshire organisation and during the laat few months hss been making a tour for the purpose of interesting- the' public .at large In the movement. .During her trip Miss Chsse has visited some 38 - towns, In which 82 clubs havs been organised. . There Will be a public meeting held here Monday evening in tne M. K. church at 8 o'clock when Judge Lowell will preside. The matter of organising a. Woman's Suffrage association will be taken up at that time and the -necessary plans fully discussed. Judge Lowell and Miss Chase will speak during the evening. , " " AJTXB snnr. TBiAX . (Special rrtspatcs The Jearaatf 'C Olympioi Wash., May 81. I L. Lusher, convicted of assault upon Mrs. Northeroft, at Bucoda, has asked for a new trial. ' He .was brought Into court today te receive sentence;, but the. ap plication for a new trial stopped, pro ceedings. No time hss been set fQJLihe argument. -i - For Cram-ig, Clarrhoom PLalKTf TatnKitler i ... . .. .... i i ' : - u m, t ... . SHOES, IIATS Qualities that are dependable. T. Be MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER . 383-389., East Morrison' Street. " We do erawa asd bridge werk wttheet pals. Oar IS yMrs ezperleaae la plate werk ea ablee es te fit toot SMnfh eomfortably. Dr. W. A. wise has toond a safe way-Jf rxtrict teeth,' absolsUly wltheet psta. Dr. T. P. Wise 71s aa. expert at gold fllllag aad erewa aa4 arMee wwk. - kxtraeUag- tne waee platae et bridges are ataw.e. - WISE BROS., Dentists. Ttttlag BDiirrer."Thlr aad Waal Sts, Opea erealass till . sv . giiBeare treai ''. lelS. Or. Mala S03S. . - on. . . wm, SaUBXS OABBOUO AOXD. (SaeelariMspatch , t The JoerSalir Plympla, Wash., May SI. May Law- rencepa domestic .employed In the fam Uy of Judge T. J. Anders, formerly of the supreme bench, committed suicide yesterday at the family residence by swallowing carbollo add. The girl waa alone at the time and no reason Is known for tho act. ' She haa two sisters living in Olympla. . OAS. FLABT SXTLODIS, tRpeclil Dispatch te The Journal )' "Pendleton." Or.. May 81. An acetyllne gas plant operated by one of the bust- This Store Closes ; Tomorrow TO ADD ITS MITE THE ATTENDANCE AX THE Opening nercises - ' ,' a MsMsjswssssSgeBSSSsaaas-S . -mmm iBsMsssagas saaaaasasaj V WE WILL REOPEN ING, FULLY PREPARED TO DISPENSE THE , NEWEST OE EVERYTHING IN . . Mes and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings i , ,. . ',' " -7 , 7.-.7;7v 1 '7V ' ' " " : : '"' ffO "ALL" CbMERS, AT VERY-MODEST l i v. ' prices-. .. 7-4-r OS- OT TtinI St. & your tcsto cna purco And nuke you, tJitougH Its service-giving qualities, a permanent customer of this store U tho only1 sort 'of clothing yoi Jsvill "find tiere. Comparison is a sure test andntii$jl5?ayi, prove bur ciothfng price for price iar supe rior la style, quality, .workmanship and MehV Saclr Sints single and -double breasted rnor!Tii yre offer you a wride choice of fabrics in all the newest colorings and patterns. AND FURNISHINGS that have no competition JilEUAH.WHOuGtTS. WHAT HE WATJTS .: . f- ts the wis man wh- gets his wtrpply of palnta In thla store. We are Just as .. anxious to please him aa he Is to be - pleased, and that's the reason we hold . our trade ao long, It Isn't only paint duality, or. prices, or even courteous T treatment of patrons It's -: all . three. 73 Hence we ' solicit, with confldenoe,- s iarge slice of your paint supply log. ... RsherfThorst3n& CaS v - Oor. rront and acorrlaos Sta. '' piTtr. a. wisb, PcrcIannorvoEcscnco aZSTOBZS MABHOOD Baa eared tbaeaases e( eases of Heme Debility, lasoBala aa4 tra phr. They cUas the brain, strangth.s the elreeUtlaa, stake dltesrloa perfKt aad iaipart BisgDsrlc visor te the whole being. . AU aralas and loaaM stopped perBtaDently. 31.00 pc; seat bona guaraatMd to cue er refnad Bwnsy, 86.00. Mall.d sealed. Book free. Psrslas Med. Oe.. Arch St., pblUdelDbla. Pa. Sold is Portl.nd only by (tan a. Pertlaad Hotel rbaratacy. . nsss men, on Main street exploded last evening, . doing considerable . damage. The feed bad not been fully closed prior to lighting of the lamp. The dam age will soon be repaired and electrla light will take the place of gas. TOWARD SWELLINQ AT TOO FRIDAW MORN'i: etmen Stark Oak . ... ' t